City of Brotherly Love

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Nov 2, 2014


CITY OF BROTHERLY LOVE-24 Anal Negotiations

Written by

Eugene Marvin

-aka- ___________________



Police, fire, and rescue escorted everyone out of The Church Of Families Of Christianity, then went back inside the smoke filled building to check for any injured survivors! News crews stationed outside reported live, replaying the explosion over and over from cameras that were rolling inside the church at the time, calling it a `terroristic threat...!'

Mayhem erupted after the explosion [which was centered just under the stage, near the podium]! People could be seen running and dodging on film! Reverend Atkins [who was introducing the first speaker: DeWayne Wright] was blown upwards towards the ceiling! Governor Murphy, Mayor McConnell, Reverend Atkins, Julio Espisedo, Brian Dunn, and Columbus Maximilian were all removed from the site on stretchers and taken to the nearest area hospitals [along with some people in the first row, and some camera men]! The media was beside itself trying to get close-ups of the injured being carried out on stretchers with neck braces, being loaded onto the back of ambulances and ushered away...!



A dirty white van with tented windows drove through Fairmount Park and pulled off on an old dirt road leading across a set of train tracks...! It drove down towards the waters of the Schuylkill River where it came to a stop! The driver got out and gave a quick but thorough look around to make sure they were alone in the unpopulated area, before opening the back doors...!

4 hooded black men jumped out the back of the van, dragging a handcuffed 24 year old Jake Valentine out by his hair and throwing him to the ground...! "Grab the motherfucka...!" yelled the gunman, holding a weapon on Jake as 2 of the guys grabbed Jake's arms on either side and hoisted him up onto his knees...!

"No! Don't! Please...! I'm a COP! I'm a COP! Please, don't DO this...! I have a family! Why'r you doing this...? What've I done to YOU...? Please...?" pleaded Jake, hoping for sympathy...!

"I don't like this..." said one of the men standing nearby [Lloyd]...! "...I don't like killin' cops...!"

"This mofo ain't no cop...!" argued the gunman, believing Jake would say anything to stay alive...!

"He IS a cop..." said one of the hooded men holding Jake's arms, letting him go as he walked over to the gunman and pulled off his hoodie...! "...I KNOW him..." he identified, turning around to reveal his face...! "...we belong to the same Substance Abuse Center...! He's a former me...!"

"Jedi...?" called Jake, blinking back the tears in his eyes to see correctly...! "Jedi..." he called desperately, trying to get to his feet, before being shoved back down by the man still holding his right arm...! "...Jedi...what's going on...? What's happening...? Please..., tell me...!"

Jedi took sympathy on his therapy buddy...

"Someone's payin' us 50G to kill you for some reason..." he informed...!

"WHO...?" asked Jake, "WHY...??"

"I dunno...maybe you arrested the wrong person...? Maybe an old foe getting' revenge...? Or maybe you rubbed somebody the wrong way...? I dunno...but 50G's alotta money..."

"10 grand apiece...!" said the driver...!

Jake's mind wandered...

"It HAS to do with those guys that broke into my house and gang raped me the other week...!" he said aloud [talking more to himself than the killers]...!

"You got gang raped recently...?" asked Jedi, rubbing his crotch at the idea of Jake taking multiple dick...! "Why did'n you bring it up in the session...?"

Jake looked up at Jedi...

"Yes..." he answered, his mind reeling...! "...but they weren't black...they were Puerto-Rican...or Mexican...!"

"Yo...Caesar's Mexican..." said Lloyd...!

"YO, ASSHOLE..." yelled Jedi, looking back at the guy...! "...don't say any NAMES...!"

"What's the problem...? He's about to DIE anyway...?" asked the guy...?

"Caesar Sanchez...?" asked Jake, curiously...! "Why would Caesar Sanchez want ME dead...?" he asked, before connecting it to the break-in and gang-rape...!

"Who gives a fuck...?" asked the gunman, stepping in closer and aiming the gun down at Jake's head...! "50G's 50G' matter WHO'S payin' it or why...! Sorry cop..." he said, with his finger ON the trigger...!

Jake closed his eyes, his last thoughts of his family and Maleece...

"WAIT...!" called Jedi, stopping the execution...!

"For WHAT...?" asked the gunman, eager to get it over with...! "The longer we stand here arguing about it, the better the chance somebody's gonna wander by and SEE us...!"

"50 grand's 50 grand...rather it's today, tomorrow, or 2 days from now...right...?" reasoned Jedi...!


"SO...I say we take him someplace and HIDE him out...let Caesar know WE know he's a cop, and UP the money some more...!" reasoned Jedi...! "50 grand was cool for some regular Joe-smoe on the street...but a COP...? That's why HE ain't doin' it himself...! He knows what kinda hell storm the cop'll rain down on him if he killed one'a their own...!"

The gunman thought...

"How much you think we can get...?" he asked curiously, thinking of all the shit he could DO with MORE money...!"

"I dunno...60, 80...100 grand maybe...?" answered Jedi.

"You think Caesar's got money like that...?" asked one of the other men, wondering if they should just take the money and run...?

"If he wants this COP killed bad enough he will...!" answered Jedi...! "It's RISKY killing a cop...! If Caesar wants to keep his hands clean...? The risk goes up, so does the money...!"

"I'm down with more money...!" said the gunman, lowering his weapon...!

"Me too...!" said the driver!

"WHERE the fuck we gonna HIDE him for 2 or 3 days...?" asked the man still holding Jake's arm...!

"My spot...!" said Jedi, rubbing the bulge starting to form in his pants...!

"What you gonna do...RAPE him...?" laughed the gunman, watching Jedi grope himself...!

"Ain't no rape gonna be involved..." assured Jedi, " I said, I KNOW this cop from my abuse center meetings...and drugs ain't the only thing Officer Valentine's addicted to, is it Jake...?" he asked, as Jake's gaze traveled from Jedi's eyes, down to the lengthy bulge in his crotch...! Jedi noticed Jake licking his lips [instinctively], even in the face of danger he still found time to think of what's hidden behind the zipper...!

"He's a total HOE...! Me and some of the guys at The Center gangbanged him a couple of times in the men's room after our sessions...! He's a hot fuck if any of yall'r lookin' to get off before we kill him...?"

"Fuck a cop...?" asked the gunman, pulling his hood back off his head to show his young face for the first time [no older than 19]...! "I'm definitely down with that shit...!" he said, staring down at Jake lustfully...!

"Let's get him back in the van...!" suggested Jedi, before leaving the would-be crime scene...!



A major raid was being ran down by the waterfront on Pier-31, police cars, patty-wagons, helicopters and the coast guard zeroed in on the docks, detaining and arresting everyone within sight! Fortunately a few of Caesar Sanchez's men [Caesar, Vito Vinchelli, Javier, ROC, Carlito, and Diablo] were able to escape through an underground corridor Vito's mob family had built under their pier warehouse for just such occasions...!

Climbing out of the dimly lit corridor about a 1/2 mile away from the raid [in a wooded area], Caesar pulled out his cell phone and called for someone to come pick them up, as Vito Vinchelli wondered... "What the fuck happened...??! watching all of his precious cargo get snatched up by police right in front of his face...! "How the fuck did the cops find out about this shipment...? Someone in your gang is a MOLE...!" he said to Caesar, as Caesar's biological brother Javier chimed in...

"And I know WHO it is...!" he implicated, looking at 35 y/o undercover police detective Maleece Cortez [aka: ROC], causing everyone else to look over at the newest gang member in wonder...?

"ROC...?" questioned Carlito [skeptically], as Caesar pulled his gun, an angry [evil] snarl on his face...!

Maleece raised his hands [nervously], contemplating telling them that he's a cop in case they were planning on killing him...

"Of course...! WHO else...?" asked Javier, pointing fingers...! "He's the newest guy here..., the most untrustworthy...! He HAD to tell the cops about the shipment...he wanted to get back at us for raping his boyfriend...!"

"Make perfect sense..." said Caesar, staring Maleece straight in the eye...! "...except for ONE thing..." added the older brother, turning towards Javier... "...ROC ain't know about the shipment...! I never told him...! I just called him this mornin' and told him to meet me here...! He ain't know the shipment was comin' in today! And for the cops to have THIS size of a raid...all coordinated with The Coast Guard n'shit...they'd have to had KNOWN about it for a minute...! No...?"

Javier started to sweat...

" he found out somehow...! How bout that...?" asked the younger brother [grasping at straws]...! "Somebody at the shop might've told him...! Hell...he could've overheard any one of us talkin' about it...!"

"There's a even more logical reason..." suggested Caesar, still holding the gun...! "...someone else...somebody jealous of ROC's position in the gang could've tipped off the cops, tryin' to frame ROC...! Now WHO might that be...?" asked the older brother, suspiciously...!

Javier's eyes shifted, looking for a quick exit...

"What a minute, wait a minute..." said Vito, trying to wrap his head around it all...! "...MY drug shipment's being carted off by police because of a FAMILY squabble...?!" he asked in amazement...! "Fuckin' JEALOUSY...?? What kinda shit it that...??! Somebody OWES me a shitload of money!"

"You heard `em, Javier..." said Caesar, "...where's his money...?!"

"Caesar..." begged Javier, stepping forward [prompting Caesar to draw his gun on him]...! Javier looked shocked! "CAESAR..." he shouted, louder...! "...we're brothers...! You're gonna take HIS word over mine...?!?"

"He hasn't said a WORD..." reminded Caesar, "...he ain't gotta CLUE what's goin' on...! You fucked up, brother...YOU fucked up our deal with Vito...YOU caused us A LOT of money...YOU ratted on your own gang....and that's unforgivable...!"

"Caesar..." said Javier, pleading...!

"Yur outta the BLUDS, Javier..." said Caesar, "...yur outta the FAMILY...!"

Javier looked shocked, surprised that Caesar would take it that far...! Caesar was just about to banish his brother when Javier pulled out his own gun...aiming it at Caesar...!

Shots were fired, splattering blood as a body fell to the weeds...!

"The TRUCK'S here...!" informed someone, as the rest of the men took off running...! Caesar hesitated, watching his brother wither about on the ground, holding his bleeding stomach with both hands...!

"You brought this on yurself...!" said the older brother, joining his criminal family, leaving the body behind...!

The BLUDS all climbed into the back of the truck as the driver slammed the door shut and rushed back to his driver's seat before police could notice he stopped to pick up passengers...! Everyone was [especially Vito] was complaining about what happened, about the loss of loot, manpower, drugs, and a fellow BLUD! Maleece noticed Caesar sitting quietly, and knew it was tearing him up inside to have to side against his biological brother!

Maleece walked up and touched Caesar sympathetically on the shoulder, letting him know he wasn't alone! Caesar didn't even have to turn around to see WHO it was comforting him, as he reached up towards his own shoulder and grasped Mal's hand, squeezing it, letting him IN...



The white van pulled in back of an apartment complex, then backed up to one of the buildings back exits! The back door opened and officer Jake Valentine was roughly escorted inside, a bag over his head so he couldn't know where he was, and so no unfortunate eyewitnesses would recognize him if his face appeared on television!

Jedi and his buddies took the backstairs up to his 5th floor apartment! Jake was roughly shoved into the apt, and immediately stripped of his clothing...! When the hood came off, he found himself staring at Animal [the gunmen]! Animal was only 19, but already had a body count of 8 people he'd robbed and stole from! He was short tempered and angry, having come from a rough background!

He gripped a fistful of Jake's dark hair, placing the barrel of his gun directly under his chin...!

"Make ANY noises or try to escape or alert any mofos that yur here...and the only thing left of yur face'll be drippin' off the ceilings...! Understand, bitch...?" he asked with authority!

Jake shook his head `yes'! Animal smirked, mugging Jake in the face and shoving him back on his ass on the floor...! "This piss-ass panty-waste ain't gonna get us no extra money...! He's a straight up bitch!"

"Won't hurt to ask..." said Jedi, picking Jake up off the floor... "...and he's an amazingly good fuck...take my WORD for it...!"

"Whateva..." said Animal, flagging Jedi on...! "...ain't everybody into butt fuckin' faggots like YOU are...!"

"Wait til yur ass's been in jail for a stretch longer than a weekend..." assured Jedi, taking Jake into the bedroom...! "'ll be fuckin' any hole you can squeeze yur dick into, buddy...believe me...!"

"Jedi..." whispered Jake as soon as they were alone...! "...please...why'r you doing this...?"

"Shh..." shushed Jedi, as another guy walked in behind them...!

"So what'r we gonna DO with him...? How we gonna keep him from tryin' to escape...?"

Jedi shoved Jake onto the bed...

"Tie him up...!" he said, simply!

Jake's hands were cuffed together and tied overhead to the bedrail, then each ankle was lifted and tied overhead as well, exposing his vulnerable ass [which Jedi couldn't stop slapping, causing the cheeks to redden crimson], allowing Jake to see up over his bare chest and in-between his spread legs...!

"Damn..." said the man, staring at Jake's asshole...

"Looks GOOD, don't it...?" smiled Jedi, knowing they would have Jake to themselves whenever they wanted for the next couple of days...!

"Still..." said Lloyd, skeptically... "...what's gonna keep him from screamin' out every chance he gets...? Somebody's BOUND to hear him eventually and call police...!"

"Not if we pump him full of drugs...!" reasoned Jedi, getting a devious grin from his partner...! Jedi walked over to where he keeps his stash, then returned to the bed where he prepared to inject Jake with a shot of liquid heroine...!

And just to let you nigga's know..." said Jedi, as he was filling the syringe...! "...I'm fuckin' him first...!"

"I'm good with that..." said Lloyd, watching as Jedi prepared to stick Jake's arm...! "...but I can't watch this shit...I hate needles...! Call me when it's over...!" he said, leaving the bedroom...!

"Jedi...please don't..." begged Jake, as Jedi searched for a vein...!

"Sorry Jake, its out of my hands now...I did'n know it was YOU we were bein' hired to kill...! I was'n the original guy they contacted...!"

"Don't pump me full of drugs...please..." pleaded Jake, frighten...! "...I...I've fought to stay clean all this time...I don't want to die with drugs in my body...! Please...I want my parents to know I was successful at kicking the habit...! Please...? I'm not asking for freedom...just let me stay sober...!"

"But the guys won't feel comfortable knowing you ain't high...!" reasoned Jedi, understanding Jake's dilemma! He thought about it for a moment... "Can you PRETEND to be high...?" he asked! "Can you keep quiet, not make any noise to bring any unwanted attention to us...? Can you just lay here and get fucked until the time comes for you to be killed...?" he asked, morbidly...!

"Yes...yes I can...!" reasoned Jake!

Jedi had his doubts, but put the syringe in the draw beside the bed just in case...!

"Okay..." he said, pulling off his hoodie and t-shirt... "...but you betta be a damn good actor...or Animal might not wait til we hear from Caesar to blow yur brains out...!"

Jake watched Jedi undress, and despite the danger, despite being tied to a strange bed helpless, and despite the treat put on his life, Jake's cock couldn't help hardening at the idea that he was about to get fucked again...! Jedi totally ignored Jake's erection as he stripped completely naked, then climbed onto his own bed...!

"Damn that's a pretty ass..." he said aloud to himself, before leaning down and pressing his face between Jake's cheeks...!

"Uhhh..." moaned Jake [instinctively], feeling Jedi's warm wet tongue washing over his anus...! With his arms and legs tired overhead, he couldn't DO anything but lay there and let Jedi eat him alive, squirming with growing excitement as the black man licked and cleaned his asshole with his tongue, lavishing the rosebud with a generous amount of spit before darting his pointed tongue in and out!

Jedi liked eating pussy, and was known to eat women for close to an hour before finally sticking them with his 10" dong! He attached his mouth to Jake's man-cunt and started sucking, staring up at Jake's facial expressions through his parted legs! Like any bitch Jake's eyes rolled and fluttered from the sensation, tossing his head back and forth [as if possessed] when he had an anal orgasm, his rectal muscles spasming about Jedi's long slithering tongue as they clamped and released over a dozen times...!

"DAMN you one sexy bitch...!" said Jedi, pulling his face [and wet goatee] up from Jake's ass as he slapped his enormous erection against the manhole and pressed inward...! Jake looked down at the big black cock about to wreck his hole, and braced himself just as Jedi started to push in...!

"Arrhhhh...!!" grunted Jake as Jedi's dickhead penetrated his rectal ring, then started to slide inside...!

Jedi didn't bother with a whole lot of prep work, he knew Jake was a whore at heart, and knew the quicker you penetrated him the faster his hoeness would kick in, making for a fantastic fuck!

Jedi bottomed out rather quickly in Jake's ass, grinding his coarse pubes against Jake's smooth cheeks [churning his meat about in his gut] before fucking...! Jake kept his eyes open through the entire penetration, alternating watching his asshole get stretched wide by Jedi's big black prick, and staring up into the former drug dealer's eyes as they connected...! He watched Jedi watching his dick sink into his ass, then saw Jedi's facial expression soften as he closed his eyes and basked in the warmth of his depths...! "Ohhh fuck...that's sweet..." moaned Jedi, grinding against Jake's ass...! "...nothin' but SPIT between us...! Yur ass's amazin', man...!"

Jake didn't say anything as he watched Jedi start to fuck him, pulling back with his hips until over half of his dark dick excreted from the pink manhole before changing directions and shoving back inside...! With only spit as lube, Jake could feel every stroke of Jedi's big dick as it sawed its way through him, dragging his rectum ring with it! Biting his bottom lip, he fought to stay calm and not cry out, knowing it would only result in him getting forced stoned, and he really didn't want his boyfriend to think he fell back off the wagon during his autopsy...!

Maleece was everything to Jake [his lover, his rock, his confidence, his priest, his happiness...], he didn't want Mal thinking he was a loser because he couldn't keep himself off drugs during his final state! It was important that Mal knew he was sober throughout his ordeal, that he faced it head-on and of sound mind, that his brain wasn't compromised with drugs and delusion!

Jedi had no idea what thoughts were going through Jake's head as he fucked, taking longer, deeper, stronger strokes as Jake's anus started to get used to the big cock pummeling its anal walls...! Soon Jedi was pounding Jake's hole, feeding it what it really needed as he withdraw his dick all the way to the head, then body slammed his entire rod back up the hot cop's ass with a mighty plunge as he fucked him hard and deep in pushup position!

"Damn...get a LOOK at this shit...!" yelled one of the kidnappers, standing in the doorway watching Jedi plow the cop mercilessly! The other men joined him in the room as they watched Jake get fucked, his pink hole reddening around Jedi's dark thrusting shaft as the anal lips started to fatten and swell from the constant in/out friction...!

"Yo, I got tabs on that ass next...!" said Animal, rubbing his dick bulge...!

"Naw man...I called it before Jedi even started fuckin'...!" said the man that helped Jed tie Jake up [the one that refused to kill a cop]: Lloyd...!

"You slow, you blow...I'm fuckin' him next...!" insisted Animal, making Lloyd back down...!

Jake and Jedi knew they weren't the only ones in the room anymore, but neither of them acknowledged the men behind them as they continued to fuck and get fucked, trapped in their own little world of perverted sex!

Jedi had been wanting to get Jake back in BED ever-since he realized Jake was the cop he gangbanged a few years ago as one of Tempest Williams' men...! It was Jedi's first time participating in the group gangbang of an officer [a WHITE cop in particular], and he couldn't help feeling some superiority over authority at the time, ramming his dick in and out of the cop's helpless cum-hole and dumping his own load among the dozens already lining his innards was priceless...! Jedi never knew what became of the officer after the gangbang [he always assumed Tempest killed him], but was elated when he realized it was JAKE in his Center meetings...!

Jedi plowed Jake wild and rough, giving him the fucking he wanted to give him [but couldn't] in the restroom of The Center, pulling his dick completely FREE of Jake's hole before ramming the entire length back inside with one stroke! "URRHHHH...!!" grunted Jake after the big cock plunged him deep! Jedi pulled back again, loving the feel and reaction as he rammed himself forth again, getting another meaningful grunt "URRHHH...!!" from Jake! Jedi repeated this move again and again, watching his meat disappear completely from sight as it rammed back and forth up Jake's ass like some wild erotic magic show...!

"Damn..." said Lloyd, standing behind Animal, helplessly rubbing his own dick bulge... " can someone take so much DICK without screaming...?" he wondered aloud...?

"You'd be amazed how much dick WHORES can take...!" said the van's driver, pulling his own hard-on from his zipper as he openly stroked himself while watching...!

Jedi plowed his way through Jake's ass a while longer, making sure the hole was good and open for his friends once their turns came...! He was in the midst of ramming his dick up Jake's ass [full length] when Jake's glossy eyes started to widen and bulge...! The officer opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out as his dick pulsated and throbbed, then started spitting hot cum all over his own face and chest...!

Jedi watched Jake giving himself a facial [as he had the bulk of Jake's body turned up and resting on Jake's shoulders while he plowed him overhead]...and couldn't resist keeping his dick lodged inside as he eased himself back down on his knees and resumed fucking, feeling Jake's rectal muscles tighten and spasm around him [milking him]!

Jedi placed his arms on either side of Jake's body and started to pound him with every intention on seeding his ass! Uncaring whether or not it hurt, Jedi continued pounding Jake straight through his orgasm, battering through what was left of the sphincter muscles as they tried to clinch tight to protect the rectum...!

Jedi plowed hard and strong for 5 more rock-solid minutes before suddenly ramming in one last time and holding himself balls deep [10 inches]...!

"ARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as he came, exploding a geyser of hot creamy ball milk straight into Jake's gut! Jake could FEEL the big dick pulsating inside him, pumping him full of fresh cream! It made his own dick throb wantonly as his anal muscles continued to massage Jedi's prick, draining him of his juice...!

Jedi stayed planted in Jake's ass for a few minutes while his balls emptied their cargo in his storage hole! Once finished he slowly withdrew, then climbed clear of the bed, leaving Jake tied up and exposed to the others...!

Jedi noticed all 4 men standing in the room, masturbating...! He reached over and playfully rubbed his fingers along Jake's just cummed in hole [smearing his sperm around], enticing the guys to fuck the police officer...! "You may never get another chance like this again in lifetime, fellas...!" he encouraged, as Animal stepped up to the plate...!

__________________________________ This story writing by EUGENE MARVIN aka __________________________________________ To leave comments, questions, and/or suggests, write me at address above, or hit me up on Facebook for updates on what I'm currently working on.


Next: Chapter 25

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