Clay Honeycutt

By Jake S

Published on Jun 24, 2015


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrity mentioned or any personal knowledge about his private life.

I decided to publish this story since America is about to discover my bro-crush on Big Brother. His name is Clay Honeycutt and he played football for Texas A&M. If you haven't seen him yet, google him since that will help you enjoy the story better.

It was Memorial Day weekend and I was with my wife, Claire, on a vacation in Colorado without the kids, just time for the two of us to spend time alone without having to worry about the little ones. Their grandparents can worry about them for the weekend. We had decided that Friday we would go rafting down the Arkansas River. We arrived after lunch and got instructions and changed into rafting clothes (non-cotton clothing so that they would dry quickly and not just hold onto the 48 degree water that we would be rafting in). We then waited for a while for our group to go. Our group ended up being about 30 people and we were divided into 5 boats. There was a family of 4 that looked very fragile and had never been rafting before; there were 2 small family groups, maybe 7 or 8 people each, then my wife and another couple. They divided us up and put us with the other couple. To my suprise I knew who the guy was! It was an Aggie football player that had, over the last few years, gotten more and more in my head. By that I mean this. I'm a straight guy with a wife and kids. Well maybe 95% straight. Over my life there have been a handful of guys who I admired and developed a bro-crush on, but nothing I've ever acted on.

His name is Clay Honeycutt and other than Aggie Football fans, I doubt anyone else knew who he was at this point in time.

Before we got a chance to introduced ourselves, I jumped in and asked if his name was Clay and he was a bit suprised and taken back, but felt more at ease once I told him that I was an Aggie, had graduated a few years before him and was a fan of his. I introduced my wife and then and he introduced his friend Ann. I would later find out that Ann was strictly a close friend and not one of his friends with benefits (and he apparently has a lot of those). I don't know why he told me that but I immediately wondered if I came on too strong and gave him a vibe that I was interested. My wife cannot find out that my current bro-crush, the only guy that could get me to do things I consider gay was standing 2 feet from us talking to us, and yet I was a little giddy and Clay was apparently feeling me out a bit also with our initial chit chat.

Let me say here that I've tried to stay in shape since college and over the years have run across a guy at the gym who had the kind of build and looks that I wish I had, but it was always just admiration - I never really wanted to do anything more with anyone. BUt this time felt a bit different. Maybe because I knew he had a reputation for being a player and him stating that his friend Ann was just a friend, seemed to imply that he wouldn't be getting any on his CO trip and I began to think, maybe he's seeing if I'd be up to helping a fellow Ag out? I think he might have seen that wondering in my eye and so began his torture of me for the next couple of hours. We had a 15-minute wait and we broke up into our rafting groups. Turned out Clay was moving back to Texas after spending time in California on an internship and decided to visit Ann on his drive back. She was a long-time friend that had a vacation home nearby and had grown up in the area. There were also here for the long weekend and they had decided to come out rafting too that afternoon. My wife grew up in the area also and she and Ann ended up hitting it off and were off chatting in their own little world. That left Clay all to me. And boy did he have fun with me. He's great looking, has a great smile, and has that Texas country boy thing down. He's very likable and sounds like enjoys the ladies.

It was getting hot in the afternoon sun not being in the water yet, so he took off his life jacket and removed his shirt until it was time for us to go. I don't think I've seen a better-looking chest and stomach in all my years at the gym. He was perfect and hadn't shaved his chest or abs in a while so they had a light dusting of hairs that made him look very much like he could be a model(which he would later tell me that he just started modeling. He was slightly taller than me but I couldn't help but compare my body to his. I thought I was in good shape when I was in college, but there is definitely a huge jump to get the college athlete body. I guess deep down I knew that, but seeing him 2 feet in front of me brought it into stark reality. What had begun my bro-crush on him was the fact that his dad had played for Texas A&M too and they had interviewed him before a game and he just seemed like a good guy trying to contribute to the team in the best way he could. (Too bad he wasn't really good enough to be a true SEC type player, but that could have had to do with his coaching and not for his heart of trying. But I won't address that now.)

Then during the next game, I ended up paying a lot more attention to him that I had before. Partly because of the interview but partly because whatever it was that day, his uniform looked painted on other than his shoulder pads. It was oddly arousing, especially while watching the game. But you could see he had tight abs and a great build and his bulge filled out nicely as well. So I was like, what the heck is going through my head? Am I lusting after this guy - I figured it was just that I'd really like to have a body like that. Well the following weeks I paid more and more attention to him and even did a few websearches to see if I could find a shirtless pic. I found a few of him on a boat, by the pool and then a mirror shot showing an injury on his thigh. I had felt like I had crossed over to stalk-ville, but the worst part was that once I saw his face, it was as perfect as the rest of his body and I think that it where is became a real crush. I had even told myself that if I ever happened to be in a sexual situation with this guy, I'd do it. I wouldn't do it for anyone else, but this guy hit all the right things with me.

Well anyway, since he had his shirt off now, I figured I'd play along and not let him think he was getting the better of me so I took off my life jacket and long sleeve shirt also saying that he was right, it was getting hot. There were lots of guys without shirts including most of the guides at this point, so it wasn't out of the norm. He commented on me being in pretty good shape and I told him I tried and that's when he told they had great staff that helped them get in great shape. So I asked him how I could cut the last couple of pounds off that were showing up around my love handles and stomach. He said it didn't look like I had much to lose as he reached over to squeeze my love handle and then slid his hand around to the front to see how tight my abs were. As he did so, his pinky and next finger slid under the waistband of my shorts a little. I was in complete shock and was hoping no one saw that - I wasn't even sure if I saw that right. Did he just do that or did I drift off and daydream that?

Just then our guide called us and said it was time to go so suit up. The ladies were already near the boat and still had their jackets on so Clay and I helped each other get ours on and tightened up. When Clay checked the back of mine he pulled up on it to make sure that it would stay on if I fell in and I had to be pulled out of the water by it, and it did. But then he pulled it back down to a comfortable height by pulling the bottom back down and I swear he let his hand linger a few seconds too long on my upper butt, then gave me a football butt slap. He had my mind going crazy and I had to get focused so I wouldn't be discovered by my wife and so I wouldn't do something stupid on the river and fall out!

So now we are in the boat, the ladies are sitting in the front of the raft on the edge, like you sit on rafts, and Clay and I are in the middle of the boat behind our respective ladies, and the guide is in the very back. The guide was also a good-looking young college guy who probably had fun with many of guests over the course of the summer. We had all been rafting before but we practiced paddling forward and back in rhythm with each other, we practiced going opposite directions so that we spun around and we learned how to secure our legs into the boat so that we wouldn't go flying out as we went through the rapids. We had learned on shore how to get someone out of the water if they did fall in, but we didn't expect that to happen.

In between sets of rapids we'd have a few minutes to rest so I'd kick my legs out to the middle of the boat to un-knot them since they've been wedged very uncomfortably into the side of the boat to keep me in it through the rapids. Almost without fail, Clay would put his legs out there too, always managing to touch my legs. Once he even stood up and leaned forward to look over the front of the boat and steadied himself by putting his hand on my leg, just above my knee and when he began to come back to the middle, he let his hand drift up my leg toward my thigh. After he was seated again and after he was sure no one else could see his face, he got my attention and gave me smirk and a wink. So here I was with my wife, on a river, with the beginnings of a hard on and it just kept getting harder and harder. Luckily, the guide said that this was an area where you can jump in the river if you wanted to but beware; it's in the upper 40's. Well it was either get caught with a hard on or jump in. I jumped. Only then did I think about how to get back in the boat.

Of course my tormentor Clay came to my assistance and did exactly as we were instructed. Lean against the side of the raft, grab the upper part of my like jacket, count to 3 and on 3 dip me down in the water and when my life jacket started to bring me back up, just hold on and fall back into the boat. If you did it right, the person in the river will be laying on top of you, and that's just where I was, laying on top of Clay with our eyes inches apart. But we quickly laughed it off and got up in position for the last set of rapids. We made it through them fine and got out of the river and onto the bus to get back to where we started. I felt like I hadn't seen my wife in hours and we cuddled on the bus during the drive back. Clay and Ann sat in front of us several rows and my wife mentioned that they had really gotten along and that we might have to meet them again sometime when we were all in Colorado again. That sounded good to me but I didn't think Clay would be visiting her much since he was in grad school, had a modeling gig, and had some job that would keep him out of town all summer (turned out that was Big Brother) and I'm sure had a busy schedule. We zoned out for a few minutes on the bus and my mind replayed some of the events of my day with the one guy who could turn me gay for a few minutes!

Well we got back to the launch site and told Clay bye and my wife and Ann started talking again about keeping in touch. I grabbed our stuff and told her I was going to change out of my clothes since I was still a bit wet. So I got my dry bag out our car and then returned the borrowed gear and headed over to a big tent where you could change, no showers, no toilet, just a little privacy and not much of that - it was literally just a large tent. But it was the one of the last trips of the day so there weren't many people around. Even where you return the gear was empty so I had just put my shirt in a big trash can and headed to the tent. I was inside going through my bag getting my dry clothes out when I heard the zipper opening. I didn't pay much attention until a shirtless Clay asked if I had fun. I told him yes I did and then I just kept talking.

I told him please not to say anything to anyone about what I am going to tell you. And I probably shouldn't tell you anyway because I think my wife and Ann are new best friends so I bet we'll be seeing her some more in the future. But I am more than a fan, I've had a huge ro-crush on you and honestly you are the only one that could make me do things that straight guys don't do. I have admired your physique in those tight white football uniforms and even found some shirtless pics of you on boat - partially because I desire to look like you. But somewhere along the way, I wanted you-not to just look like you, but you. at the beginning of this season, I heard your interview on the radio and that gave me an insight into you as a person too. So, I don't know what your game was today, playing with me, flirting with me, but it got me very hot, but also very nervous because my wife has no idea. I had to jump in the river back there because I was rock hard.

Clay jumped in saying I know, I felt you when I pulled you back in the boat and you were laying on me. I could explain everything I did, but we may not have much time here so is this what you want? As he said that he loosened his shorts and dropped them to the floor. There was the dick of my bro-crush waiting for me. He was semi hard by this point and all I could do was stand there and look while my mind took 10 million pictures to store for future reference. Once again he said that this is wasn't really a secure place and walked closer to me, grabbed my hand and led it to his dick, so if you want to play or suck on this, you better get to it.

So I did. I examined my first dick besides my own. It was, like the rest of his body, athlete worthy. He kept his pubes trimmed and his balls were smooth. After letting me play with him for a few seconds he stepped out of his pants all together, pushed me down to where I was sitting on the bench and then walked over and stuck himself into my mouth. I was now sucking my first cock and I guess I was doing it well because he stiffened up very quickly. I reached around to feel the butt that I had seen through tight white football jerseys. It was smooth and soft but firm under the skin. I dared to turn the table a bit and put me in charge for at least a minute of the day and found his asshole and slammed my finger in it. He jerked and moaned but let me keep it in there. I found his prostrate and began to massage it and almost instantaneously he came in my mouth. I know that isn't safe, but my mouth didn't listen to my mind. After 4 distinct shots of cum, I pulled out of his ass and turned him around so I could see his butt in person. I touched it a little and kissed it once and then he turned back around, lifted me up, kissed me gently on the lips while switching positions with me and said now it's your turn.

He sat down on the bench and began undoing my shorts but we heard a group of kids coming to the tent so we quickly separated and he pulled his shorts back on. He left as the kids were coming in and I don't think any of them thought anything was going on. I still had a hard on so I had to change clothes with my back to the kids. I regained my composure and headed out to find my wife.

When I got to the car, she was at the car still talking to Ann, who ended up being parked right beside us. They said their goodbyes and Clay gave me a man's handshake and a "nice to meet you" all very normal so as to not tip off what had happened minutes before. As we were driving away my wife proceeded to tell me that Ann and Clay were also in town through Monday and she asked what I thought about she and Ann going to Denver to go shopping one day and maybe, if I didn't mind, hanging out with Clay or taking him 4-wheeling or something since he didn't know anyone else in town. I told her that I was glad she made a new friend and I'm sure Clay and I could find something to do if they wanted to go shopping, he seemed like a nice enough guy.

I have part 2 of this in the works if enough people liked this, so let me know. Also, at the end of part 2, I'll include an additional disclaimer about the story, just to be transparent (I just don't want to include it unless you've read part 2 as well.) . Hope you enjoyed it.

Next: Chapter 2

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