Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 1, 2023


So, you're probably wondering what happened and what didn't. And Doug/Leo here is gonna try to let you know as much as is ... decent and mildly indecent. Don't think for a minute that I'm not gonna tell you the stories, because I am, even if I have to tie you down as tightly as I tie down billy and tickle you twice as hard.

First: yes, we DID get married. Tied the knot matrimonially and in other ways (and you'll hear all about it).

Second: nope, we have NOT moved upstate. Again, you're gonna hear about that as we go along here and finally:

nope, we haven't had the big wedding... YET. Right now, 3 years into being husband and husband, we're looking at doing it for a fifth anniversary present to ourselves and our friends.

And here we go. You'll remember that last time around, I told you that we were planning to go back upstate soon - as soon as possible, maybe in a week, and get M&M together as witnesses, the local justice of the peace and then start thinking about moving up there to the cabin. In a way, I liked the idea of billy "trapped" up there and at my mercy. Well, sometimes, you have to think outside of yourself. You'll see.

I knew church was important to billy. I even WENT that one time. I guess I will never want to be a part of something the way he wants to be part of that church. One night, as we were sitting around NOT having sex (it DID happen you know), he put down a paper, got out of his seat and came over to where I was sitting. He sat down right next to me, almost on my lap. He wrapped my arm around him and then he planted a big one on my lips, but he didn't open his. No, this was a LOVE kiss not a SEX kiss (his distinction). It didn't stop my cock from feeling "enriched," but whatever. He looked at me. "Sir Leo my Love, I have to talk about something with you. No, more than one thing. Can ya listen? Can ya listen without speaking?" He smiled at me. I know I'm a chatterbox, a big one. billy didn't have the option of gagging me to keep me quiet the way I did with him, so I smiled. "Ok, I'll be quiet, and I'm gonna get you quiet this week too." He laughed as if I had just tickled his pit, so I did. "No, seriously Sir, these are important things to me. "Sure billy, go ahead. " "Remember Mother Miller?" "How could I forget her billy? Watching her hat made that service less deadly for me." "Sir, you do NOT go to church to look at women's hats." "Well, then why do they wear them and wear them that big?" He smiled. I knew I had fallen into a trap. "You can ask her next week, because we're going to dinner at her house." I looked at him. "Hold on. I gotta basically tie you down and pry open your lips to get you to eat my meatloaf, but you took an invitation to her house for DINNER?" "Boss, this is important. Please. " He sighed. "If you knew how many committees there are at that church. GEEZ. I think some of those folks are there every night, from 6-9, minimum. Mom Miller is one of them, and.. well, she's the chair of the matrimonial committee." I was confused. "I don't understand billy. We're not getting married in that church are we?" "No no no. It's not like that. The matrimonial committee meets with any member who is getting ready to tie the knot, and..." "They approve you or disapprove you?" "Well... sorta." billy saw me starting to get a little angry and I pulled away from him. "BOSS BOSS. I'm not being clear. I don't speak as well as you do. Show some patience Leo man, okay?" I sighed "Ok, I'm trying to listen. I really am." (The idea that a church had to approve my marriage, was really pissing me off). "Sir, I'm marrying you come hell or high water. If I gotta take multi vitamins by the fistful so I can tie you down and force that ring on your finger, it's happening. The committee hasn't said no to anyone since I've been attending that church, but... if you don't talk to them... the shunning is awfully painful. They take it as a sign of disrespect."

I was still trying to assimilate the idea of billy taking multi vitamins and tying me down to force a ring on my finger, but my lover was concerned. "Ok, I get it. I'll be on my best behavior. I promise. " He smiled. "Thank you Sir. Thank you." He put his hand on my crotch, where my cock was getting longer and harder the longer he sat next to me. Any minute now... he was gonna get thrown on his back and fucked on that sofa - something we hadn't done since our first month together. I moved my fingers to his earlobe. I whispered. "This is ALWAYS gonna be my way to put you in your place, which is underneath me. " He began to moan. "OH. SIR. I wish... I wish you wouldn't do that right now. Please.. Please. Pretty please. Put me in the chastity cage if you want, tickle me for two hours, whatever, but please, let me finish what I got to say. Please." DAMN all I wanted was to split that boy like a hot dog roll, but I DID promise. So I put my hand down. "billy, if you want me to behave, you gotta take your hand off my crotch. Come on. Fair is fair." "Boss, I'm doing what I need to to keep you interested. " "Want me interested, take off your shirt," I teased him. "Later Boss." Now, the fact that he was using "boss," and he didn't rip off his shirt, were signs I needed to pay attention. I've gotten better at that, but, that night... it was hard. "Sir... we talked about moving upstate to the cabin."' "Yeah, exciting isn't it?" "Well, not for me Sir. It's not. I'm sorry. I just can't move up there." Now THIS was a biggie. "billy, we talked about this. Why not?" "I saw the tears in his eyes. Because Sir... you gotta realize something. I need to work, and you know... the minute the gyms see my face, I'm gonna get a no. And you know why that is." As soon as billy said it, I realized he was right. Going up on weekends to the cabin, seeing M&M, and my friends from my family days, yeah, that was all cool. But the town where the cabin was had a population of about 2000. It was smaller than the university. There wasn't a gym to be found. In fact, I didn't know where the nearest one was. billy told me that night it was 60 miles away, and ... well, you can see what's coming. I COULD have worked from home, and I guess billy COULD have trained people on line, but to tell the truth, in that part of the state, there was no guarantee someone would have a cell phone, let alone a computer. There were five of them at the local library and I think the librarian (a lovely old queen named Percy: why are so many librarians named Percy? Is it genetically determined?), told me that there were times he had to brush the dust from them. I understood. "Well, damn, the idea of seeing you in flannel shirts every day and faded jeans is something I'm not gonna give up easily. "You forgot the long underwear Sir, with the opening at the back." "Oh, no I didn't stud. I got you two pair and you're gonna wear them. Trust me." I smiled but then I paused. "It's ok. I'll tell my folks that we're not gonna move up after all. I think they probably expected me to change my mind." I will admit, I got lost in the romance of it. I've mentioned, more than once, the little metabolic hot box I had in billy, so cold had not been a problem for me lately but the fact was, once winter started, I was always cold. ALWAYS. "You know something billy? Moving upstate was a BAD idea. A really, really BAD idea. It's up there with you saying anything about tying ME up. " He smiled. "No, I am NOT gonna forget that, but you better. Just like I'm gonna forget moving up there. So, this is what we're gonna do. We are gonna go to Mother Miller's for dinner, and if you eat more of her food than you eat of mine, believe me young fella, you're gonna be in trouble. And the weekend after, we'll go upstate, get ourselves hitched, and bring home a trunkload of cinnamon buns - that is, if I don't have you tied up in the trunk. " I smiled at him. "And now, you sitting next to me has gotten me so riled up, that we are gonna finish this conversation with you on your belly and my cock up your ass. " "Best conversation stopper I've heard in a long time Sir." He moved to get up and I pulled him right back down. "Nope. Not yet. I gotta get you... prepared...." My fingers went back to his earlobe, and I pushed his legs slightly apart, so I could get a finger underneath his cock and tease his ass through his shorts. "OH DAMN SIR. OH DAMN. Now, why you gotta pick on TWO spots instead of just one." "You want me to tickle you instead?" "Shit Sir.. You know you're gonna do that too. You been looking at my pits since I sat down." "Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Nothing gets by you does it. But you don't have the strength left to struggle do you." I knew he didn't. I could feel his muscles relaxing as I worked on his ear. He whispered "no sir," as I stuck my tongue into that ear. "Let's go sluggo," I put my hand on the back of his neck. "Just one thing Sir. Just one more thing." He had a little strength left, and he used it to push his tongue into my mouth. We tongue wrestled for a bit, but when I got my fingers into his unprotected pit, he lost it. My tongue had won, and off to the bedroom we went. I loved seeing billy's face when I fucked him, but he had gotten to like doggie style. A lot. I think it's because when I saw his ass up like that, I couldn't help myself. I buried my face into his cheeks and started eating him, deep. I loved doing that, because I'd hear his voice go from slow, deep breaths and deep, bass moans to higher, faster, squeakier ones. I loved seeing how high I could get his voice before he yelled "SIR I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE . TAKE MY ASS." He held out longer than usual that night. I think his mind was processing the whole talk, but when I heard him yelling "PLEASE. I NEED COCK. I NEED YOUR COCK" I stabbed in . Another thing I loved about taking him that way, was how he tried - Oh LORD he tried - to keep in a plank position when I fucked him. If I got deep enough though, and hit "the spot, he was done. He was done that night. I was on top of him, my cock buried in his ass, my sloppy tongue in his ear . "I am gonna fuck you like this every day for the rest of your life, billy bitch." I've tried to keep my promise over the last three years. I've come close. When we were done, and I had a big handful of his jizz , he said "Sir, one more request. Just came up." "Let's see. What can Leo the lion do for you?" "Can Leo the lion let me sleep on his furry chest instead of as his spoon tonight Sir?" I don't say this at work often, but "requests like that can always be granted." billy almost always fell asleep before I did. He did that night, and I got to see the smile on his face as he began snoring. I had to start thinking of another method to shut him up too. Handling his balls quieted him down, but not completely. He was becoming immune.....

billy dressed me before we went to Mother Miller's. "Fancy, but not too. You CAN'T upstage Mother Miller, especially when she's chairing the committee." "Uh, billy, how many people are on the committee?" "Well, if they all come, 17." "SEVENFucKinGTEEN?" He began laughing. "Relax Sir, relax. It's seven. It's the senior mothers of the church. Between them, they've had 26 marriages." "WHAT? How many times has Mother Miller been married?" billy smiled. "THAT is a secret that will go with her to her grave. She's not married now. At least we don't think so." billy put me in one of my button down shirts. "You can wear jeans, Sir, but you gotta wear a tie. Take it off during dinner, but she regards it as a sign of respect. " He was pulling out what we called his "peacock shirt" : it was stripes, and about eleven colors. Of couse, it fit him better than mine did. He was wearing it with black jeans, and a thin string tie. "THAT ASS." I was thinking "THAT FUCKING ASS. I could cancel the dinner right now, bring him to the bedroom, and fuck him all night." And we could have because, well, that was the other part of this dinner that was sort of foreign to me. "Mom usually has dinner at 4:30, but she's waiting an extra hour so we can finish work and still get there. Ten minutes early is ok, ten minutes late is not, Sir. "WE'RE EATING DINNER AT FIVE FUCKING THIRTY? WE'RE NOT IN FLORIDA BILLY." He looked at me. "Mom is from Florida Sir. Maybe that's why... Now we better get going. NICE. I polished those shoes last night. " They were my dress lace ups. They hurt like hell. "I hope I don't have to run from this place, billy." "It'll be fine Sir. I can tell you right now what we're eating." "Ok, what?" "It'll be fried chicken, collards she cooked all afternoon, sweet potatoes, mac and cheese and then peach cobbler." "YOU EAT THIS STUFF AND I CAN'T GET YOU TO EAT WHITE BREAD TOAST?" "Small portions Sir, small portions." Small portions my foot. I saw him put away four piece of chicken that night, and then complain he "wasn't in the mood" for sex. Tough luck I said. But I'm jumping ahead of the story. Yes, she wore her hat in her apartment. I met the seven church ladies. They ALL wore their hats. And I met... Mother Williams. Mother Miller's "roommate." "Was that a moustache?" I asked billy as we staggered home at about 10pm. "Ha ha. We've all been wondering about that since she came north. " "I don't remember her from church. I woulda remembered a solid black lady with a moustache." "Mom Williams doesn't attend our church, Sir. She feels that the two of them carrying on during the sermon might be a bit much." "I think she's right. Speaking of a bit much, how much chicken DID you eat?" "More than I shoulda Sir. Can we skip..." "NO" I said. "You played footsie with me under the table all night long." He looked at me. "That wasn't me Sir. That was Mother Richards. The one in red." "AH. I THOUGHT your foot felt bigger than usual. But NO, we are NOT skipping sex." "I may puke, Sir. " "Then I won't tickle you, but tomorrow... And maybe you should lay on your back instead of your belly." Have I told you I'm a giver? Yeah, I gave it to my man that night.


Well, the day came. Two Sundays later, we began loading up the car for the weekend. A fancy outfit for each of us, a corsage for each of the M's, the rings securely put in billy's pocket. "Sir, you been crying?" He asked when I came out of the bedroom. "No, billy. Just had some trouble with my lenses. Nothing serious. "Well I... I..." He came over and hugged me and then he bawled. "I cannot believe this is happening. This isn't supposed to happen for people like me. I'm not supposed to be so happy." What could I say? I even forgot for a minute, the wedding gift I had bought us. It was in the corner, still wrapped i the brown paper. For those of you who visit tickling sites on the web, you'll know there's one guy who has this miraculous chair for his "victims." He designed it himself. Well, when billy said yes, I thought.. hmmmm. The only contact information I had was the email for problem solving so I wrote. Within half an hour, I got an answer. "Sounds terribly romantic, Doug. Send me a photo of the two of you and I'll figure out what I want to charge." Hmm. That was an interesting approach, but his answer was. "DAMN. If you guys are ever in the vicinity, let me know. I wanna do scenes with BOTH of you." Then he gave me a price that was about 30% less than I thought it would be. It arrived three days before we were going upstate. I didn't tell billy what it was. "If there ever comes a time I don't make you happy billy, you tell me RIGHT AWAY. I want you to be happy - as opposed to laughing - every single day of your life. " I grinned. "And if I can get you laughing, well, that's a bonus."

We were both kind of emotional about what we were about to do on the way up to the cabin. I'm not sure who cried more. What I DO know is that there was a long box at the front door with the words "congratulations" written on it, with the florid signatures "Mabel" "Myrtle" . "Wonder what it is?" I asked and billy smiled. "You'll find out tomorrow Sir." And I think for the first time since that day... we were too nervous, too stressed, to fuck. And it was ok. There was lots to come. The ceremony was Saturday. I couldn't decide who looked more like a wedding cake: Mabel or Myrtle, but they drove up with a handsome young man in the backseat. "Douglas, William, this is our nephew Silas. He came all the way up from Pennsylvania to play his fiddle for you. "Congratulations guys." He smiled. "My husband Charlie couldn't get off work, but he sends his regards too. " "We thought you boys could use some music, so... " Silas smiled. "I play bluegrass. I'll play for your first dance and as long as you like." We looked at each other "First dance?" We hadn't planned one. Mabel saw it. "It's ok boys. Just bump and grind on the floor. No one's here but us muffins. OH, speaking of..." She went out to help Myrtle. There were ten boxes of their cinnamon rolls. billy sucked in his gut. He knew how much I liked the black striped shirt he wore. He had been stress eating lately, so it fit even tighter, and I was thrilled. Anytime his shirts puckered and I could find a way in with my finger... I had on a white shirt. I had been stress eating too, but my "friends" in "the pack" said that I wore shirts that had removable wings like dinner tables. Note to self: get new friends. So, we sat down next to each other, as Parson Carson (I SWEAR that was his name, may he rest in peace), came in, put on his glasses, adjusted his lanyard, and said the words he needed to say. Mabel and Myrtle were holding each other like they were waiting to go on a lifeboat. billy and I were holding hands too: up until the moment we put the rings on each other's finger, and then... "I SEE TONGUE I SEE TONGUE... " Mabel started cackling. She probably did, because there was plenty. I smiled so hard I think my face cracked. billy said that it did, and he paid for it (more on that below). I was set for the dance, but billy got up. "Nope. We ain't done till we jump the broom." He told me it was a custom from when he was growing up. No one understood it, but the marriage wasn't complete until the married couple held hands and jumped over a broom. I could do that. I wasn't wearing those awful shoes I wore to the dinner with Mom Miller. When we did that, billy WHOOPED. Silas started playing and then we sort of danced with each other. "Let's bring the girls to the floor." We both took one of the M's, and whirled away. Then we switched. Then we made Silas put down his violin and join us in a big "we are family" dance." We teased Charlie by sending him a photo of the three of us, with Silas in the middle. "HEY CHARLIE. SILAS SANDWICH IS ON THE BUFFET TONIGHT." billy yelled. Charlie laughed and yelled back. "Silas, you may be pretty (he was), but you're a fucking cocktease. Don't worry. The cobra is waiting." "OH my. To think we had a part in SO MUCH DIRTY TALK" Myrtle giggled. "You love it don't you darling?" Mabel said and then they laughed some more. billy and I had crushed their corsages something awful, but they still packed them up and took them with them when they, Silas and Parson Carson left. Before he did, Silas whispered "I'll stay and play with you. I MEAN FOR YOU" if you want. He turned bright red, and we all had a laugh. But no, the only playing that night was gonna be between billy and I. When everyone was gone, I looked at him. "For the second time... I...... GOT YA." "Yeah, boss, but this time. I GOT YOU TOO" "Bed?" "Yes sir. Is that the first time this married couple read each other's mind?" I laughed. "I think anyone could've read our mind there. Belly and back tonight. " "YES SIR" he said. We started with billy on his back. I think I fucked him for a hard fifteen minutes before I rolled him around and took him from behind. Only ten more minutes. I was too hard and eager. A few hours later, we did it again. And when we woke up on Sunday morning , in the middle of packing the car, we looked at each other, and did it again....


So when we were on the road, billy asked "Sir, what's that package." I laughed. "You're gonna find out when we get home. After you get into your flex tank top" "OOOOH. I ain't worn that for a while. "Well, no time like the present to start again." billy had never seen the website I saw the chair on before, so he was totally surprised. He had on the tank top, and shorts. "SIT. Get in the chair. NOW" "Uh, yes sir" he said. I locked his ankles in the foot stocks at the base, and then after I got his shoes off, I tied his big toes to the restraints for that. Then I pulled each of his wrists up and locked it to the side of the chair. There was NO WAY he could keep my fingers out of his pits now, and as for his feet.... There were optional restraints at the side for his thighs and knees. I didn't use them, THAT day. All I used were my fingers and my imagination. It had been a while since the neighbors banged on the walls, but I guess it was understandable after I had worked billy's pits for fifteen minutes and he was hysterical. I put on the velcro glove that we had gotten as a gift at our bachelor party, and ran it over his torso. "YOU FUCK. YOU... YOU COULDA BOUGHT A FUCKING JUICER BUT.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA." I had moved down to his feet. I pulled out the toothbrush I used just for that purpose and I got to work. "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "What's my name, billy bitch? " I had pulled up the tank top and I was at his ribs. "It's Sir... It's SIr." "What follows Sir?" "Doug?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I was back up to his pits. "LEO LEO. SIR LEO. SIR LEO THE LION WHO CAPTURED BILLY THE LAMB. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "We're gonna use this chair every day. One hour. ONE FULL HOUR. " "OH GOD. I can't take it. " "You'll have to. Just like you'll have to take my cock. Drain me dry before I leave for work. "OH SHIT. YES SIR. YES SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " I was back at his belly. The chair reclined so he was fully horizontal. He couldn't see when I was attacking his feet. And he couldn't see anything the next day, when I put on the blindfold. But what he DID see that night, was my cock. Fully engorged. Making up for Friday night. And every night one of us was too tired. I think I made billy gag for the first time since the first week we were together, but like the competitor he is, he adjusted. He got me GOOD and lubricated, and that was a good thing, because, well. I FUCKED him like you see those lions fuck the lionesses. And I had my teeth on his neck. billy my lamb. And Leo the Lion. We actually got t shirts that had those animals on them. billy's looked better on him, but I'm used to that because I always remember: I'M the one who's fucking him later on.


And there we are folks. I guess we got boring after we got married, so there's not much to tell. We're both at our jobs, still. billy is training for his first marathon. I'm now a supervisor. The pack is still together, but we're "getting picked off like flies" as Jerry put it. Five of us are either engaged, married, or have boyfriends. The "five old crones" as we call ourselves, are actively looking for matches for our friends, so WATCH OUT. One thing you should know, because some of you are curious. Two months into the marriage I asked billy two questions. "Have you ever wanted to step out? Sleep with someone else? " He smiled. "I think about it Sir, but I know I'd be disappointed." Then I asked "Have you ever wanted to switch positions ?" He smiled even more. "I think about it Sir, but I know you'd be disappointed."

So there we are. Say hello if you see the tall, slightly pudgy guy with the graying sideburns and the squint walking with the hot as hell man of color who has a smile that'll blind you if you look too long: if I don't do it first.

Thanks for reading. Be good guys.

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