Colin on the Train

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 16, 2022


This has happened to you, hasn't it? You're on some type of public transportation: a bus, a railroad, a subway (in my case: I'm a city boy), and you see someone whom you just. can't. stop. starting at. You know what I'm talking about? It's sort of the equivalent of seeing someone on a slow moving line in a grocery story, or a box store, or something like that. It happened to me much more often when I was younger (I'm 54), but it still happens. If it happens to you, it's a pleasant diversion if you don't get "caught" and get called some foul name or something like that. Although, that can be fun too. And sometimes... that little moment of stolen pleasure can turn into something bigger. It did for me, and if you stick around, you'll hear about how I saw, met, took, and broke (with a small "b"), this hot guy named Colin. It shouldn't have happened, but it did. And here's a spoiler alert: Colin submitted to me, insisted he was my property, and to be honest, he's lived up to what he said . I've enforced his surrender somewhat aggressively, but to be honest, I'm not sure he means it, so... after I get to where we are, I may have to come back in the future and update you on our tale.

So here's how it began. I pick up a particular subway fairly late in its run. I think it's the 21st stop on a 26 stop line or something like that. I don't ride it during rush hour - no need. Taking the subway under these conditions, I almost always get a seat. I just grab the first seat I see, not thinking about what or who is around me. As I sunk down in my seat that day, I looked up and. HOLY GEEZUS I thought to myself. There's this guy sitting on the opposite side of the train who is pushing ALL of my buttons: dark brown, disheveled hair, just a bit too long. Blue eyes. A nose that some would say was just a bit too broad. Pink lips that held the promise of... heh heh. Strong looking neck and a solid body all around. He had on a white dress shirt, one button opened. He looked like the "type" to me that had a closet filled with white shirts, and only white shirts. He was wearing a t shirt, and little tufts of hair poked out of the top of it. They complimented his unshaven face. He was sitting back and I could see that the button over his navel was puckering: the shirt was just a bit too tight to be called a "proper fit," but it was a look that drove me crazy. I immediately began imagining getting my fingers on the button, opening it up, and tearing a hole in it so I could work his navel into a frenzy. He wore jeans. Faded, but not in a way that said "designer jeans," and tennis shoes. He had his nose in one of those electronic book things, and he didn't pay a second's worth of attention to me. That was fine. I pulled out my own, paper book, and discreetly kept my eye on him through the four stops before he got off. I was sitting next to the door, and he walked through it, again not looking at me at all. When I was younger, my friends and I would laugh and tease each other about a situation like that: "he MUST want you. I mean, NO ONE could ignore you that thoroughly unless he were interested." I mean, it COULD be true. It wasn't here. Well, I rode the train to the end of the line and proceeded to my meeting. I had to change my focus to what the meeting was about, and I was trying but... train man was in my mind and I couldn't get him out of it. He looked to be about 6'1" when he left, and probably about 180. Not a gym build, but I couldn't imagine a guy of "his type" didn't work out. I'd estimate 35, maybe 40 years old. "SIGH. Today is the day I should buy a lottery ticket" I thought. "And also, since the real thing hadn't come along in a while, train man was providing me a whole lot of possibilities for a nice masturbation fantasy that night. I DID buy the lottery ticket and won 2 bucks for the buck I spent. The jerk off session thinking about that guy was MUCH more rewarding. I especially enjoyed the part of the fantasy when I had him pinned under me and I was working on his neck and ear. He was squirming and struggling because he was "straight and didn't do stuff like that." But in my fantasy I kept at it. And at it. And finally, he stopped squirming and muttered "I give. You win."

I tried to hold back until I got inside him in the fantasy, but I was too far gone. Too many hot guys on the train that day and of course, my pretty new fantasy boy.

The thing about transportation fantasies, is that this is all they are. Especially in a big city like NY, you can ride the same train every day at exactly the same time, and NEVER see the same person twice. Just gotta accept that. Yeah, you'll read stories about people putting up ads in columns like "parting glances" or "passing in the night," some stuff like that. I've never seen any human interest story about how someone read one of those ads and thought "HEY! I remember that guy (or gal). Let me get in touch," and them riding off, living happily after, being profiled in the wedding section of the paper of record, and so on and so forth. But an ordinary Tuesday became a "special" Tuesday, and I didn't think about it again.

Until three weeks later, when, as the song goes "I saw him again." Yes, I did. Same train, same time. He still hadn't cut his hair, but it was clear that he trimmed his beard to keep that look. This time, another white shirt, but a different fabric, straight colored instead of the button down he wore the first time, and untucked, so that puckered button didn't show that well. He wore black jeans this time: I think they're the type they call boot jeans or stove pipe jeans or something like that. Same tennis shoes he was wearing three weeks ago. "DAMN I WANT HIM SO BAD," I thought. And I realized : ya know, what could it hurt? I was going downtown without a particular appointment, just to shop, maybe meet a friend for lunch, so.... Yeah, you figured it out. This time I got out of the train at his stop. And I accidentally started following him. I was glad that I did keep a fairly regular gym regimen, because my boy was moving at a good clip. He had extremely long legs, and he covered a lot of ground. "Next fantasy: keep his ankles tied," I told myself, as I wondered if his feet were ticklish. He took the stairs at the station two at a time, which tested me, since I'm pretty clumsy and there was no way I could do two at a time. "Please don't let me lose him," I thought and while I almost did, I didn't. The whiteness of his shirt gave him a way in that drab station and I just started off, keeping a respectable distance (we're supposed to keep a social distance anyway, right?). Well, I don't know what gave me away, but after about three blocks he stopped, turned around and when I tried to discretely walk by, he spoke. "Dude, you're following me, aren't you?" I looked at him puzzled, and he laughed. "Don't try to bullshit me dude. You're the guy who fucking cruised me a few weeks ago and now.. " I smiled. "Yeah, I cruised you. I like looking at handsome men." He didn't seem too impressed. "You're a FAG aren't you?" Well, I wasn't gonna deny it. I mean, we were on a busy city street, he wasn't gonna do something stupid like hit me (and if he tried, well, I wasn't going down without a fight), so. "Yeah, I am. What of it?" "Well, I'm not" he answered. I shrugged my shoulders. "Gay or straight, you're still hot." NOW he laughed. "You sound a little pathetic dude to be honest. What the fuck did you want to accomplish by following me?" "Oh, just put some happiness in my day. I don't see too many guys who catch my fantasy and you did . I knew nothing was gonna happen, but... I wanted to look at you as long as I could." "DUDE, you're fucking WEIRD!" he laughed again. I was starting to get a little angry, so I just said "Look, I'm sorry I was so obvious and I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. I don't believe for one minute I'm the first guy who's ever followed you in your life, and I think I was more than discreet, but if you're uncomfortable, again, my apologies. Take care. I'll walk up this side street. If I see you on the train again, I'll get on another car." I smiled, a little surprised I had gotten caught so easily, and turned to move. "DUDE WAIT." I stopped. Now, in my experience, when someone asks you to wait, a power dynamic has shifted so... I took a power stance. I spread my legs and folded my arms. "Ok, I'm waiting." He shook his head. "I can't believe I'm doing this but... you good at giving head?" I tried not to smile. He misread me, but as a matter of fact, I AM good at giving head. I gave it for a good 20 years before one day, one of my "dates" asked me if I would fuck him. I was nervous as can be, but he led me through it and, well, I became a top man that day. The DOM part came later, but ... it's like riding a bicycle. You don't forget your skills. "I've had no complaints and I've gotten call backs if you must know." He looked nervous, even embarrassed as he went on. "Well, it's been a while since I've gotten ANY head, let alone GOOD head. If you're good at it, how about...." He pulled out a card. It was his business card. "Colin Murphy. Construction Manager. Ajax Hotel." "Ajax? Isn't that the one going up two blocks from here?" "The very same. Part of it's completed, and the offices are in that section, but there are other sections that are off limits to everyone but staff." He smiled. "Some of the rooms are pretty swank. If you wanna come by at, say two, maybe we can both get what we want. " I considered it. When was the last time I had sucked dick? I remembered, but it wasn't that year (and it was April). "I got two rules, Colin. One, I don't swallow. Try to force me to swallow and you may find yourself missing a part of yourself. " "UGH. That's scary. But that's fair. Ok, what's your second rule?" "I get to pleasure myself when I'm done taking care of you." (Pay attention to what I asked, and what I didn't ask. My mind is ALWAYS working). Now, Colin shrugged his shoulders. "Of course. Just two guys taking care of each other. I'll see you at two. " "Hey. My name is... " I started to tell him, but he was hurrying off. "No need for me to know. Wham bam, no going out for beers after." I swear, sometimes straight people are their own worst enemies. Yeah, I could suck his cock as part of a bigger plan. How big that plan would be, depended on what happened that afternoon.

So I had lunch with my friend, didn't tell him about my "rendezvous," and went off to the Ajax. "The pinnacle of luxury accommodations in NYC. COMING SOON!!!!" was plastered all over the front. The place had been an office building that really had been losing its tenants, one after the other. It would eventually have exactly 99 rooms, and the starting price per night would be 600.00 for a 240 square foot studio. The "prince suite," already finished, would go for 25k a night.

The front of the hotel WAS in very good shape, and I went to the receptionist, a beautiful red haired lady whom I assumed (correctly), had spent some time under Colin. I introduced myself and told her I had a 2pm appointment. "Oh, of course, let me call him." She got on the phone and I learned his inside voice was as loud as his outside voice. Gags would be necessary. "He'll meet you in a minute. "DUDE! Good to see you!" He was smiling, looking every bit as beautiful as he did that morning on the train. "Nice to see you Colin" I answered. "Hey, Chery, you think it'd be okay to show this gent the Prince Suite?" "SURE. They haven't installed the locks yet, so the door is opened. " I made a mental note of that. As we walked to the elevator, I felt his hand on my shoulder. "I really, REALLY thought you'd chicken out." "I think you may be surprised how little scares me." "Yeah, I guess you're right. You just planted your feet and told me the truth. 8th floor: Prince Suite. For a princely blow job." He laughed. "Ok, you want it fast, or slow?" I asked as I stared around this gorgeous four room suite. "Slooooooooooooooooooow" . Martin" he pointed to his cock. Too cute. He named it Martin. "Martin, not Marty, likes to take his time. "Ok, Colin and Martin. Tell me where. " "Edge of the bed. Let me get my shoes off, and drop my jeans." I pretended to cough when I saw his blue Calvins. PLEASE. But the rod inside them was... substantial. I'd had bigger but... this was a good size. "Ok, let's get to work." I got on my knees and picked up his balls, very gently. "Oh FUCK" he moaned as I lifted them. "Calvin. If that's all it takes, it's not gonna be long." "DUDE, sorry but.. you've got the touch. Those hands. THOSE HANDS!" "Now, how about this tongue?" I smiled, pushed out my tongue and circled his cock head with it. "OH SHIT. THAT FEELS FUCKING AWESOME." I felt him lean back a little, and I braced myself as I began to lower my mouth on his cock. "DAMN. FUCK. Does anyone give better head than a fag?" I just listened. I probably wasn't going to need to pleasure myself given his attitude, and I would wait for that. I dropped my mouth completely down his shaft, and began deep throating him. "SHIT. OH SHIT. DUDE you should be teaching Chery and the other chicks. FUCK." AHA. So Chery HAD blown him. I began slowly pulling my mouth back and then I looked up at him. He seemed puzzled. "Hey WAIT. I'm not.. OH SHIT." I guess he had never had a blow job where the cocksucker took him this way. He stopped talking . All I heard were groans for the next ten minutes. To his credit, he grabbed my hair. "Dude, we have a deal and.... STEP BACK!" His cock exploded and he had kept his promise. Not a drop went down my throat. He smiled, and began gathering his clothes. "Dude, that was AMAZING. Hey, I gotta get back to work. Feel free to take as much time as you need. Just let Chery know when you're gone. DUDE, thanks. Hey, don't avoid me on the train. You never know." And then he left. He wasn't sticking around to watch me pleasure myself. He didn't know my name. And he wanted more. Of the same. "Arrogant straight prick!" I smiled. "My favorite kind of sub." I waited a discrete amount of time, so that he would think, mistakenly, that I had jerked in the room myself. (Later, I found out that he came to that suite and jerked frequently, or had one of the "gals" take care of him, so staff were used to him coming and going). I smiled at Chery as I left. "You have a beautiful hotel. Congratulations, Chery." She smiled. "THANKS. How'd you know my name?" You told me when I came in. She smiled more broadly. "People usually forget. " "Well, you're a beautiful woman. Maybe they're intimidated." She giggled. "You flatterer. Colin told me you were gay so..." "Oh, I'm not trying to tease you, I'm just telling the truth. " So he was even more arrogant than your average arrogant prick. He had told Chery what was happening. Good to know. "You have a good day Chery. I'll see you soon."

And I did. Chery didn't know it, because she was leaving for the day when I came back. That was the day I took Colin. AH, that glorious day. When was it? Three days ago? I think so. I waited, but I came back. And when I left, I left with a very helpless Colin: not as helpless as he is now: I wish you could see him: he's sitting in a chair in a corner of my apartment. He's naked, with a ball gag in his mouth. That cock of his? Locked up. Some serious nipple clamps are hanging on his nipples. And the hitachi has just recharged and I'm getting up to use it.. where? Let's see. Colin's not a virgin anymore. Like most arrogant straight boys who are used to getting everything, he was easy prey. Easy to capture, not so easy to break. And I'll tell you all about it, but only if you want to know....

Next: Chapter 2

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