College Cocks

By Fritz

Published on Sep 1, 2000


College Cocks, part 5 of 8 (M/T, T/T, w/s)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- This is a story which involves sex between young males. If that is not your thing, what are you doing here? If you are under 18 in most jurisdictions, you should not be reading this, but I take no responsibility for your actions. It takes place in an unspecified time and place and the characters do not worry about HIV or AIDS. If you are sexually active in today's world, you should be aware of the risks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------

Authors note: Thanks to all who have written me about this story. I have tried to reply to everyone, if I missed you, sorry.Yes, I have other stories, yes, I will post them. The fan mail has been great. and there is one man out there who knows how much his response meant to me. This is part 5 of an 8-part story. There will be a pause here while your author goes on vacation, but parts 6-8 will be posted next week. Stand by, the story of BC and Bill does have an ending. Love you all, keep those cards and letters coming.

Fritz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------


After we showered and sort of half-dressed, Larry went down to the lobby and brought up the Sunday paper. While we leafed through it, I looked up to find him grinning at me. It was the grin full of mischief. "Okay, what's on your mind, stud?"

"Well, I was just wondering about those 'categories' you were talking about last night. Do fuck-buddies share tricks with each other? Like if one of them had a trick who was already hot for the other, say? I seem to remember you saying something about a plan?"

"Uh-huh. Okay, stud. I had a tentative date with my hot young friend for tonight anyway. I was thinking of calling him yesterday to ask him if he'd mind if I brought my roomie along. But then I decided I'd rather see the look on his face when he finds out it's you. I thought we'd just both show up. How's that grab you?"

"Sounds good, and I figure if you think he's hot and cute, I probably will, too. Who is this guy?"

"Another junior. Name's Tim Pollard."

"Pollard ... oh wait, I know! Trim little body, bright red hair?"

"That's our Timmy. You know him?"

"Barely. We've met but that's about it. Bowler's not that big, after all. But I've noticed him, and he is cute as hell. You got yourself a double date, 'Buddy'!"

I was amused. "So, the self-deception wasn't complete enough to keep you from looking, anyway."

"Oh, I've looked, all right. How do you think I fueled all those 'wet dreams' of mine?" We laughed together.

I had my own plans for this little surprise evening, and since Tim was only expecting me, I wasn't sure how much beer he'd have. Madison County, where Bowler was located was ridiculously dry on Sundays, but right across the county line was a grocery store in Dalton county that looked like the Bowler Student Union on Sunday afternoon. It wasn't hard to find someone in the dorm with a car who was planning a brew run, and so Larry Joe and I headed for Tim's studio that evening with a six-pack in hand as a house gift.

I rang the bell, having positioned Larry Joe so Tim wouldn't see him immediately when he opened the door. In a moment, the door opened onto Tim's sunny smile. "Hiya, sex fiend. Right on time. Come on in."

"Hi, Tim. Uh, listen, I brought a buddy along, hope you don't mind." On cue, Larry Joe stepped into the open door, and I wished I had brought a camera. As I'd figured, Tim's eyes became twin saucers and his lower jaw literally dropped open. He actually stuttered a minute before he got his voice.

"I. Uh, ... Well, hi, B... I mean Larry! Uh, come in, come in!"

"Hi, Tim. Nice place you got here. Have to get off campus myself one of these years."

Timmy was still having trouble putting words together into complete sentences, so I took over, taking the beer from Larry's hands. "Brought you some extra brews, but it isn't that cold. I assume you've already got some on ice?"

"Uh, sure, sure. In the fridge. Here, let me take that and chill it and you come help me get some cold ones. Uh, Larry, look around; make yourself comfortable." I knew Tim was dying to get me apart and ask what the hell was going on, and sure enough, as soon as we were in the small kitchen, he half- whispered, "What's with bringing B.C.? I thought we were gonna..."

I played innocent. "Gee, Tim, I thought you wanted to meet Larry Joe. You said you'd..."

Larry laughed from the doorway, having followed us. As I opened the refrigerator, he said, "Oh, Tim and I have met. We just haven't had a chance to really get to know each other. Like this." He grabbed the smaller redhead, pulling him into his arms, and for a while neither of them said a word. I had experienced enough of Larry's deep-tongue kisses to understand why Tim was soon squirming in his hug. Larry's hands slid down the hot little redhead's back to grip his extremely grippable butt, and Tim just melted against him. When I figured they'd had enough time to let Tim know exactly why Larry Joe had come with me, I loudly popped open the three cold beers I'd taken out.

"Ahem, as the man said. If you two would rather be alone for a few minutes..."

Larry pulled his mouth off Tim's, grinning, and reached out to pull me close to both of them. "Uhn-uhn. Ain't nobody going nowhere tonight, unless it's to bed. But I already know how much fun it is kissing you. Wanted to see if Tim here liked it too."

"Kissing? Was that what you were doing? Jesus, honey, I feel like I've been molested!" Tim took the beer I offered, I think partly to steady himself. "That was not, by the way, a complaint!" He looked back and forth between our grinning faces. "Okay! I have no intention at all of looking a gift horse in the mouth. Hmmm, 'gift horse' might just be appropriate. But you two know what's going on here, and it's my house, so it's only fair that you let me in on it. You have five minutes to explain why this fabulous hunk of man is in my kitchen with his tongue wrapped around my tonsils before I strip everybody naked and rape you both."

I chuckled when we headed into the main room. "You can't rape the willing."

"Watch me. So, what gives? I can't believe it! Every guy who knows the score at Bowler has been hot for you since you hit campus, Weaver. And you've been holding out until this oversexed transfer hit town?"

Larry grinned, flattered and amused at the same time. "Worse than that. Until your pal there threatened to beat me up, I'd been holding out on myself, too."

"I did not threaten..."

"Oh, yes you did. And you'd have been justified, too. No, Tim, I am gay, and I have been for a while, only I wouldn't or couldn't let myself admit it. I didn't count on this hunk's stubborn honesty, though."

"I think I just happened to hit you at the right time. You were ready to come out of that closet anyway, all you needed was somebody to knock on the door."

"Probably right. But, I could have gotten a straight roommate from the housing office, and stayed in a whole lot longer."

I laughed. "I'd love to have been a fly on the wall if you got drunk and waved that huge hardon in a straight roommate's face."

Timmy stood up at that, grinning from ear to ear. "Speaking of which. My clock, like me, is fast, and the five minutes is up. I'll get the rest of the story in the wonderful afterglow of sex, but right now, if huge hardons are going to be waved in anybody's face, it had better be mine. You two wanna strip, or shall I rip your clothes off your bodies?"

I winked at Larry Joe. "You can dress him up, but keeping him dressed is a whole 'nother problem." And then Tim was all over me, grabbing at my buttons. In a very short time, we were all three totally naked, and Tim whistled in awe when the Boa, revealed, began to pump out to full size. He sank to his knees in front of Larry's crotch, reaching up to cradle the huge ball sack under that rapidly rising pole.

"This is one gift horse I intend to take in the mouth, not look!" And Larry Joe growled in passion when the horny redhead's mouth engulfed half of his mammoth prick in one gulp.

In seconds, Timmy was working that jawbreaker cock in earnest, and Larry reached out, grabbing my arm and pulling me to him. We kissed hotly and passionately, playing with each other's tits until they stood up, miniature erections on out chests. Before us, Timmy alternated between our twin boners, sucking first one, then the other to the very base in his hungry and very talented throat. It didn't take long to get all three of us hot and ready for some heavy sex.

"Bedtime, Buddy," Larry Joe growled in my ear, and I just nodded. Together we hauled Tim out of our groins and toward the bed. Larry tossed the covers off with one sweep of his big arm, and in a minute, we had Tim flat on his back between us. I knelt above his head, feeding my stiff meat back down his throat, and getting no protest at all, while Larry grabbed Tim's already rising ankles, holding them up and apart while he lunged into his groin and swallowed Tim's hot hard dick to the red bush at its base. Tim groaned around my throbbing shaft when Larry Joe began to show him just how well he could suck a cock. "Don't forget his balls, Babe. He goes wild if you chew on his nuts," I told my avidly sucking roommate. I think the muffled growl around my pistoning organ translated as "Oh, yes!" but it's hard to say. It wasn't easy for Tim to talk with eight inches of rampant sex shoved between his slick lips.

Larry Joe obliged licking and chewing on Tim's taut scrotum until the poor kid was thrashing on the bed between us, the double stimulation driving him crazy. We soon switched him around, with Tim on his knees swallowing Larry's immense dick to the balls, while I sprawled behind him, eating out his hot, oh- so fuckable buns. My tongue stabbing in and out of his quivering anus must have spurred him to even more intense efforts with his mouth and throat, because a couple of minutes later, I heard a familiar growl of lust well up out of Larry's guts.

"OH yeah, man! Hot fucking mouth! Take it, take my whole dammed cock, take my hot load! Gonna ... gonna ... UNGH! Oh shit, yes, I'm COMING!" Tim's head in his meaty hands, he pulled the redhead all the way down on his erupting meat, unleashing what I figured was a tidal wave of jism down the suctioning, hastily swallowing gullet. Tim shuddered in passion at his first experience of one of those monster Weaver orgasms, and I was sure that he'd come in a second himself if I so much as touched his own iron-rigid dick. I raised up from his hot sexy asshole to hold him while Larry Joe flooded his mouth and throat with thick sweet cream. That brought my own crotch up to the butt I had just so happily been eating, and as Larry's gasping slowed with the end of his climax, my eight plus stiff inches slid right into Tim's spit-lubed anus like it was tailored to fit.

He groaned in pleasure around Larry's dick, which I was certain was still hard as a rock, while I filled him up from the other end. Suspended between our hard tools, Timmy squirmed in unadulterated sexheat while I started to long-dick his grasping rectal channel. Larry grinned at me and reached across Tim's heaving back to grab my swollen tits. Pinching and tugging at them, he sent shock waves of pleasure through my whole body while my cock pounded in and out of the redhead's incredible hole over and over again. Using my nipples, my hunk of a roommate pulled me closer and closer, and the instant his tongue snaked out into my mouth, I felt my balls explode and my spunk geysered out of the slit in my throbbing pole, spurting my load into Timmy's guts.

Larry Joe was running this show now, and he kissed me until he sensed my climax subside. Then he eased the still-moaning junior forward, off my still- stiff member, and once again flipped him over. Tim's dick was like a steel rod, jutting up from his auburn thatch like a flagpole. I reached down to stroke it, feeling the heat of his excitement through the skin, while Larry Joe once again pushed his legs up toward his chest. Timmy gasped in lust when Larry moved between his spread-eagled legs. "Oh, God, yes! Stud! Fuck me with that huge dick. Fuck me in Bill's hot come! Oh, please! Do It! Auugghh!"

Larry aimed the head of his monster hardon right for the puckered hole that was still dripping from my load, cocked his hips, and slammed it home, impaling Timmy on all ten hard inches in one fast deep stroke. The over-stimulated number let out a long howl of sheer ecstasy, and just when Larry's unbelievable prick touched bottom in his guts, his own thick rod erupted in my grip. Thick bolts of come arched out of the jerking shaft, spraying me, Larry and Tim himself with a phenomenal amount of hot white sap. The shuddering orgasm went on and on, until he was covered with jism, and his whole body trembled and shook as the passion released itself from his spasming nuts.

Finally, Tim's phenomenal climax ebbed. Still imbedded balls deep in his stretched asshole, Larry grinned down at him. "You okay, guy?"

"Hell no, I'm fucking fabulous!"

"Good." Larry grinned even wider, lifting Tim's legs back to his shoulders, "Cause that hot little butt of yours is about to get royally screwed all over again."

I could have told Tim that Larry never made a promise like that that he didn't keep, but from his immediate growl of assent, I don't think I needed to tell him anything. Larry Joe settled in for a long hot assault on Timmy's ass, and I couldn't tell who was enjoying it more. As for me, I was getting hot all over again, and realized I'd never had a chance to really watch the B.C. in action, since I'd always been too busy receiving that action.

And it sure was fun watching my hung stud of a roommate fucking Timmy's extremely willing ass. I stayed close, feeling both of them up, adding to their pleasure, while I watched over ten inches of solid male flesh pound in and out of that wide-stretched ring of muscle. Timmy's hole grabbed at the plunging rod as if it was consciously swallowing it. The battered anus caved inward as Larry plunged in, then clung to the huge shaft on the backstroke, as if trying to keep it all inside.

Larry's beautiful butt flexed while he used his muscular hips to drive his horse-dick in and out of the come-lubed channel. The force of his fuck drove some of my load out, streaking the pistoning rod with cream. I leaned over Timmy to chew on his nipples while Larry Joe reamed his butt, licking the puddles of his still-warm load off his smooth sexy chest. Soon he pulled me around to slurp my rubbery prick back into his hot mouth. Once again, he had both our dicks in him, and his own was still ramrod stiff.

I wasn't quite ready to climax again, but Timmy's suctioning throat still felt fabulous around my trapped meat, keeping it, and me, on a wonderful plateau of sexual excitement. But I could also tell that Larry was building up to his second eruption. I grinned, reaching across the heaving body between us to tug at his tender nipples, just as he had done for me. "Yeah, stud! Really hot. Fuck that hot butt B.C., ram that huge fucking dick of yours all the way up to his stomach!"

"You know it! Grab those tits, man. Getting me hot! My hot cock feels so good in this ass man! Gonna add my load to yours, Bill! I'm gonna shoot my hot come into yours! Oh... OH... UNGGHH!"

"Oh, stud, do it! Fill his guts with that load! Ram that fucking meat of yours to his stomach and turn it loose!"

"AHHH! Oh yes! Right! Fucking! NOW!" Timmy moaned even louder when Larry Joe rammed that unbelievable shaft all the way into him, filling his rectum with hard, swollen cock flesh. His muscular body tensed and rippled while he pumped his jism out deep inside Tim's inundated chute.

Finally, his orgasmic shudders ceased and we all collapsed in a pile of sweaty, come-spattered flesh. The Boa pulled out of Tim's incredibly stretched hole with a wet soggy plop from the enormous amount of sex sap that had been pumped inside it. We cradled the very well fucked redhead between us, alternately kissing and stroking him until we all cooled back down enough to breathe, at least.

Timmy finally got his senses, and voice, back. "Holy fucking Hannah! Do you two rent out as a conquering army? I feel like I've been looted, pillaged and raped by at least a regiment of Marines."

I tousled his sweat-soaked hair. "Too much for you, hot stuff?"

"Who said anything about too much? I'm not about to complain, believe me. However, I think that wave-like sound is from two or three gallons of jism sloshing around inside me. Lord, Weaver, I don't believe the fuck you can throw that soon after pumping a horse-load into my throat. When was the last time you shot off, Labor Day?"

Larry chuckled, "Uh, I think about nine this morning, right Bill?"

"Either that, or my ass had a very realistic wet dream. Don't worry, Tim. I think he has a couple of spare balls tucked away inside. I hope you don't think the evening is over."

"God! I wonder if my funeral was a nice one? Hope everybody enjoyed it, cause if this is heaven, I'm staying forever." He looked down at himself. "But even for heaven, I'm a mess!" His grin turned to mischief, and I had a feeling I knew what was coming next. "How'd you two hot studs like to give me a shower to wash some of this sticky stuff off before it dries hard?"

Larry shifted. "Good idea. I gotta take a leak anyway. I chugged that beer, and shot twice since."

"B.C., you are my kind of man!" Timmy grinned. Larry cocked his head, not getting it yet, but I was sure Timmy would make himself clear soon enough. He did, and a very few moments later, the sexy redhead was lying in the bottom of his bathtub, and now it was the look on Larry's face I wanted to record on film when Timmy begged us both to piss all over him, and I let my bladder go, doing just that. Hot as ever from having his ass recently plowed by my roommate's huge dick, Tim was pounding on his own rampant erection a mile a minute while I sprayed him from his balls to his shoulders. A moment later, Larry grunted, and his hooded hose, still enormous even soft, erupted in a rushing golden flood.

Timmy moaned in lust while Larry bathed him in an incredibly copious river of urine. As I had noticed more than once, it was incredibly sexy watching his heavy uncut organ in full flow, and Tim was really getting off. "Oh Jesus, yes, B.C.! Right on my balls. Piss right on my hot nuts, man, gonna ... Uh! Gonna shoot! Oh fuck, yes, I'm coming!" I had already finished, and as my hot little friend blasted more come all over his piss drenched belly, I bent down, catching Larry's thick meat in my lips while the last of his bladderful jetted out.

The body-warm fluid was richly flavored, tangy and hot in my mouth. As it trickled to an end, I swallowed the tangy mouthful. Larry groaned above me, holding my head to his crotch with one hand, his rubbery tool fully sheathed in my mouth.

Laughing, Timmy allowed as how he really needed a shower now, a soap and water variety. "You guys grab some beers and make yourselves to home, as they say. Only don't start anything really fun without me, I'll be out in a few shakes."

When we headed back into the all-purpose main room, Larry shook his head. "Fucking wild! Uh, I take it that isn't the first time you two have ... I mean.."

I rescued him. "The Golden Shower scene? No. As a matter of fact, it was Timmy who got me into that. I don't know if I could get into that as the main trip, all the time, but it does add a little zip to a hot scene. You didn't seem exactly turned off, either."

"I'd be lying if I said I was," he laughed, "but I think I've, uh, come farther in the last couple of days than in my first nineteen years. Last week, if somebody had told me how I'd be spending this evening, I'd have thought he'd lost his fucking mind."

True to his word, Timmy was back in a very few minutes, cute and damp from his shower. The three of us just talked for a while over beers, but we were all still stark naked, and particularly with Timmy in the room, things soon started to heat up again. I swear that kid could exhaust an entire army all by himself. He'd been keeping score, and decided that I was one orgasm behind him and Larry Joe. The next thing I knew, the two of them ganged up on me, and trapping me on the bed between them, took turns driving me up the wall.

Larry Joe sucked and nibbled on my tender nipples while Tim used his expert tongue to get my half-hard cock back to full, roaring erection. Then Larry deep- throated that for a while I sat on Timmy's eager face with his tongue buried up my asshole. The two sex-fiends turned me every way but loose between them until I was whimpering in sheer lust and begging to get off.

Larry Joe finally maneuvered us into position to fulfill my first fantasy when he had suggested a three-way with Timmy. The cute redhead lay on his back on the bed, right at the edge, and I stood next to the bed, lifting his lithe legs to his shoulders and opening his ass. He'd already been stud-fucked twice, and my steel-hard prick slid right in to the very base. Behind me, Larry Joe bent me forward, and a moment later I sighed in double pleasure when his reawakened giant butt-rammer split my own asshole, driving ten inches of thick manhood into my guts. Once he had it fully imbedded inside me, Larry Joe grabbed my hips and just cut loose.

I was in heaven, with my own hard shaft buried in Tim's always hot fuck hole, and the mammoth pole I was coming to love impaling me. As the cream in the Oreo, all I had to do was hold on while Larry established our rhythm. Again and again his long rod plowed into my guts, every thrust slamming me forward into Tim's grasping chute. It felt like Larry Joe had gone straight through me, and was fucking Tim with my cock on his like a rubber. They had already built my balls up to damn near explosion level, and it only took a couple of minutes of the phenomenal double fuck before I was moaning in orgasmic passion.

"Oh stud, do it! Split me open with that incredible cock. All the way to the balls, man, ram it home! And that hot asshole around my dick is driving me wild! Oh, God, I can't hold ... I gotta shoot, you two are ... Ungh ... too ... Ungh... Fucking ... ARRGGHH!" My cock went off like a shotgun, blasting a double-barreled load of searing hot cream deep in Timmy's guts while my stretched hole slammed shut around the ten-inch monster plunging in and out of it. Even as I emptied my nuts inside Tim, I felt Larry's enormous shaft swell even larger and another unbelievable load from his distended balls gushed out inside my rectum.

Timmy was pulling on his own hard rod, grunting in heat while my hot roommate and I each flooded the respective assholes that held our dicks. But Larry had obviously had enough of watching Tim's cream splatter his body, and when we disentangled, he grabbed the smaller, sexy youth and swallowed his meat to the very root. I grinned in complete satisfaction while I watched my roomie demonstrate to the over stimulated little hunk just how expert he was at sucking a man's dick. In a very few minutes, the redhead was growling in passion as he emptied his swollen balls down Larry's eager, suctioning throat.

As ready, willing and able as my two friends were, there are limits to anyone's capacity for non-stop sex, and that last round had just about done us all in. We cuddled a while, naked and sweaty on Tim's thoroughly rumpled bed. Larry chuckled, and Tim and I looked at him questioningly.

"I just decided that I really like having two nude and very sexy men in bed with me," the big blonde declared.

"Any time, stud, any time. Jesus, I still can't believe it! Do you know there are at least twenty men on this campus who would willingly murder to trade places with me right this minute? Half of them would probably kill their mothers!"

"You know, a guy could get a swelled head from this," Larry grinned.

"Hmmm. I'd rather see another part of you swelled again."

"Lord, not tonight. Between you and Bill, you're gonna wear it down to a nub! Let's save something for the next time."

"That goes for me, too," I added. "Even us sex maniacs gotta rest every once in a while." I grinned at Tim. "How about a beer for the road, strumpet?"

"Ha! Look who's calling kettles purple? Okay, cold beers coming up. But you guys never finished explaining how come I am entertaining two gentlemen callers tonight instead of one. What did you do, Bill, take advantage of him in the showers?"

"Fraid you've got it backwards, little buddy. I will gladly admit I was lusting after that moderately adequate bod, but not at all sure that a pass wouldn't get me knocked into next term, when he jumped me."

"I'm sure you resisted his advances manfully, too."

Larry laughed. "There really isn't that much to tell. I've been, uh, messing around for a while, but I always had to get sloshed first, and always pretended the next day that I didn't remember anything. I thought I was gonna get away with it again this year, but Bill wasn't having any of my crap. Thank God, I might add. I was getting tired of it myself."

"Uh-huh. That leads me to my next question, but I'm not sure if I ought to ask it or not."

I laughed. "It's a little late to worry about getting too personal."

"Guess you're right. Okay, uh, how out of the closet are you, Larry? Or how far out do you intend to come? Would you rather I didn't follow my basest impulses and make several of my friends green-eyed with sheer jealousy by tomorrow? The gay group on campus is pretty discreet. I mean, most of 'em don't drop hairpins in the Student Union, or broadcast their sexual preferences to the world at large. But within the group, the old grapevine is faster than a speeding bullet. Do I have to keep this visit under my hat, or are you ready to 'go public', as it were."

Larry's look was wry. "Uh, yeah. How about that beer?" While Timmy got the beers, he continued, raising his voice so we both could hear. "I've thought about that a couple of times since Bill got me to take off the blinders. Whenever he's left me alone long enough to think about anything other than sex, that is. And I really don't know. Thanks." Tim was back with three cold ones. Larry grinned slyly as he continued.

"It has occurred to me that I could just possibly take advantage of the current situation for a while. If I'm to believe you and Bill, and there are a bunch of guys on campus drooling over me, maybe I ought to start allowing them to, uh, 'seduce' me, one by one. Let each one think he was the first."

"Ha!" I laughed, "Sure, they'll believe that. Babe, even that first night, when I wasn't sure you were awake, I was sure you were not all that completely inexperienced. Nobody sucks and fucks that good the first time out. And it's kind of hard to pass off ramming your tongue up a guy's butt as an accident. In case no one ever told you, straight boys don't eat ass."

Larry just grinned. "Guess you're right, and I sure as hell ain't gonna just lie back and let some dude blow me. I've found out too many other ways to have fun. So, what should I do? Walk into the Union naked and holler 'Come and get it'?"

"Not unless you want to start a riot," Timmy laughed. "Hmm, my evil brain is churning with the possibilities. You like dancing, Larry?"

Larry shrugged, "Sure. Don't get much of a chance these days, though. I, uh, did not go so far in my self-deception as to date much."

"You know Jerry Harlow?"

"Yeah, I met him last ... Wait a minute. Is Jerry gay, too?"

"As a goose."

"Well, I'll be dammed. You got a directory or something? I have a feeling I'm in for a few surprises."

"Probably. Anyway, my lovelies, Jerry also has an apartment over on Thornton, with a very nice large living room with a hardwood floor and a really good sound system. Every month or so, he throws a big BYO dance bash, much the hot parties in this burg. Guess who's planning his first such party on this very Friday? My good friend Jerry. I had already told him about you being here, Bill, and he said to be sure to bring you. Just about everybody will be there, and if you want to make a debut that will set this place on its ears, Larry, that's the time to do it."

Larry grinned from ear to ear. "Uh huh. I like it. What do you think, roomie?"

"I think I'd better book a carrel in the library to study my brains out every afternoon this week. 'Cause I'm planning to screw with you every night. Once you get loose in the community, I'm probably going to have to book time a month in advance."

"Hey," Tim protested, "what about me? Don't I get to share in some of the wealth for arranging your presentation to society?"

"Don't worry, harlot," I laughed, "there's plenty to go around." I downed the last of my beer. "Right now, however, I am one pooped college boy. Even we super-studs can't fuck all the time. You ready to get some clothes on and split, pardner?"

Larry Joe was, and even Tim must have had enough, though that was extremely rare, because he only made a mock protest. Larry was in a very good mood, whistling and smiling when we headed back toward our dorm. I grinned over at him. "I may have said this before, but I still can't get over how easily you've handled all this once you decided to."

"Hmm," Larry grunted, "remember, I had spent almost a whole year not handling it. It was about time." He grinned suddenly, "You are right, though. I'm as excited about that party on Friday as a fourteen-year old kid who's just lined up his first real date. I'm pretty sure I know one or two gay guys on campus, like that pal of Tim's who was all eyes in gym last year, and I can't wait to see how they react to my walking in. And there are a few guys I hope are there, because I'd like to see more than just their faces!"

"As I feared. Looks like I'm gonna have to start making some new contacts myself while you lay half the student body."

Larry looked at me quickly, but my grin relaxed him. "Don't worry, fuck- buddy. In one sense, you were my first guy, and I gotta admit I sure do dig balling with you. I'm not as convinced as you and Tim that I am God's gift to horny Bowler men, but I'll always have time for my sexy roommate, no matter how many other guys I get into the sack. Besides, you've just showed me how much fun more than two studs can have, and you are even more of a new face around here than I am. What say we fuck the whole campus together?"

"All right, pal! Forget that double bed you wanted. Let's just move all the furniture out of our room and cover the floor with mattresses!"

"Bill and Larry's fuck parlor!" He laughed. "Abandon clothes all ye who enter here!" We were still chuckling when we got back to the dorm, and found Danny Constantine in our hallway.

"Hi, guys! Wondered where the hell you were."

"Been partying," Larry grinned. He pushed open our door. "Come on in and shoot the shit with us while we re-decorate."

I couldn't help but laugh, partly at Danny's bemusement. "Huh? Did you say re-decorate? What in hell are you talking about, B.C.?"

"Nothing'. Roomie joke. Where's Tom, speaking of roomies?" He shucked his shirt the minute he walked in the room, as usual, and I watched our Danny's dark eyes devour his admittedly very attractive chest.

"Cramming for a Chem test. I got bored and thought I'd drift over here and see if you guys were up to anything. When you weren't here, I headed over to the Union, but nobody much was there, either. What's going on, everybody around this place suddenly decide to become students? And where were you partying on a Sunday night in this god-forsaken and blue law ridden backwater?"

"We were at a friend of mine's place," I said, "off-campus."

"Yeah," Larry said with a perfectly straight face. "Studying." I tried to suppress a giggle, not entirely successfully.

"Bullshit, studying." Danny grinned at the two of us.

"Hey, I learned a lot tonight." I didn't know how in hell he managed to act so sincere. I was on the verge of breaking up completely.

"Oh yeah? So, where are your books, turkey? Shit, Weaver, you don't know how to study. Hmm, this friend of Bill's wouldn't happen to be a female, by chance? Have you two been sneaking off to get laid?"

That did it. To Danny's complete confusion, Larry Joe and I both collapsed on our beds, howling in uncontrolled hysteria. I laughed until tears were running down my cheeks while the dark sophomore just looked back and forth from one to the other of us, trying to ask what in hell was so funny. Larry got his voice back first. "Oh God, caught! Caught in the act. Yes, Danny, my old friend, you have hit it. We have been to an orgy! Scores, no, hundreds of beautiful women throwing themselves at our feet. And other assorted portions of our bodies. It was a scandal the likes of which Bowler has never seen!" He burst into the giggles again, throwing himself back on the bed and holding his sides.

"I give up. You two are crazy. Pure fucking crazy."

"No, Danny," I choked out between guffaws, "pure crazy from fucking! Haven't you heard? Too much sex rots your brain! 'Tis lust that's driven us round the bend!" Finally I managed to get control of myself. "Don't believe a word that man says, officer, he lies through his teeth," I said, pointing at Larry. "We just had a few beers with an old friend of mine. Male friend."

"Oh, God!" Larry was coming down at last. "Sorry, Dan, old boy, you just hit us in a silly mood." He sat up, still chuckling. "And speaking of beers, I gotta take a whiz. You guys sit tight, I'll be right back."

I waited until he was half out the door. "Don't do anything over there I wouldn't do."

"Oh, lord!" he howled, and went off down the hall, laughing like a maniac again. Danny looked after him like his friend really had lost his mind completely, then looked back at me.

"Another roomie joke?"


"Just what have you two been up to?"

"My lips are sealed," I said, affecting a mysterious air. "Gentlemen never tells tales." I dropped the act. "Forget it, Danny, Larry Joe was right, we're just in a goofy mood tonight." And I was also in a somewhat curious mood. I stood up, unbuttoning my shirt. "You don't mind if I get more comfortable, do you?"

"Huh? Oh, no, go right ahead. Your room, after all." I watched him while I stripped down to my jockeys. The poor kid was trying to watch me without seeming to, but his eyes followed every item of clothing off my body. Just as I got down to briefs, Larry Joe returned and also started peeling. Danny was risking eyestrain.

Larry sprawled on his bed, with his crotch spread wide open while we just chatted a while. The reason for his nickname pooled in the pouch of his briefs, making an extremely respectable bulge, as usual. Danny had positioned himself in a chair that gave him a clear view right at it, of course. At one point while he was saying something completely innocuous, Larry Joe absent-mindedly reached down to scratch his nuts, pushing the contents of his Jockeys around when he did so. I'm sure he wasn't doing it consciously, but my eyes flicked over at Danny, and the kid was all but squirming in the chair.

Finally, I don't think he could stand it anymore. "Well, guys, it's getting late, I guess. I'd better get back to my dorm."

"Yeah," Larry agreed, stretching luxuriously. Every single one of his muscles rippled an effect that young Mr. Constantine did not miss. "Me too. I'm pooped from all that studying tonight," he giggled.

"Lord," Danny stood up, "if you two are gonna start that crap again, I know I'm going." I checked his crotch. Yup. His jeans were definitely more distended than usual. "See you tomorrow?"

"Sure," I said. "Don't you always?"

After he left, Larry Joe grinned at me. "You know, you almost did me in with that crack when I was going to the head. You think Danny had any idea at all why we were so amused?"

"Nope. Poor guy was completely at sea. I know he's convinced we were up to no good, and would absolutely love to know the details, but hasn't the foggiest."

"Hmmm. You know, if we're going to embark on that campaign to screw the entire willing male population of Bowler, I sure would not mind starting off with our old buddy Danny. That little fuck is cute as the day is long, and what an ass!" He stripped out of the briefs, getting ready for bed. The sight of Larry Joe naked was one I doubted I'd ever tire of.

"Tell me. He's so cute he's almost pretty. I also have the distinct feeling it would not be all that hard to convince him, either."

"Uh huh," Larry chuckled. "He does seem to spend a lot of his time staring at either my crotch or yours, doesn't he?" He ran a hand through his, shaking out the newly freed Boa. I couldn't believe it, but I felt my own dick pumping up, coming back to life.

"Well, I can't blame him for that, babe. Your crotch is definitely not hard on the eyes." I grinned my best and most seductive leer. "You really had enough for the night, stud?"

"Good God, I think you're serious! As hot as you are, and as sexy as that meat of yours is, yes, I really do think I'm done in. Can't imagine why, I've only had..." he paused, mentally ticking off fingers, "six orgasms since we came home from the Tube last night. Hell man, that's an average of one every four hours. Don't you ever get enough?"

"I guess you're right, but Jesus, I get horny every time you strip down."

He laughed. "I think I have a pair of pajamas somewhere in one of those drawers. Want me to start wearing them?"

"No way. I'll deal with my horns instead."

"Come here, sexy, but hit the light first," he grinned, sliding into his bed.

"Does this mean you've changed your mind, Mr. Weaver?"

"No, but I never said I wanted to sleep alone. Let's just cuddle."

Who could turn down an invitation like that? I killed the light, latched the door, and a moment later sighed when I slipped into his bed, wrapping my arms around his beautiful body. Cuddling with Larry was almost as much fun as fucking with anybody else. The only problem was, nobody had convinced my dick that all we were going to do was cuddle.

After a while, when it was obvious my hardon was with us to stay, Larry chuckled, and kissing me like he meant it, he rolled over, back to my chest, and shoved his ass back into my aroused groin. I wet my fingers with a generous amount of spit and transferred it to his snug hole. A moment later we both moaned softly when my rigid pole slid home into the warm depths of his very fuckable butt. I pumped slowly in and out of the grasping sheath for a while, tenderly kissing the back of Larry's neck. He was sighing with pleasure at the slow internal massage, but then I realized that those sighs were awfully regular. I paused to listen.

I smiled in the darkness. This time Larry wasn't pretending; those weren't sighs anymore but snores. My sexy roommate was out like a log, with my log up his rear end. I snuggled in close, realizing I didn't really need or want to climax anyway. Very shortly, I too drifted off, my still-hard cock still buried inside him.

Next: Chapter 6

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