College Mates

By The Haydster

Published on May 14, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

College Mates by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved

Please email me at I have had severe writers block with this story, give me ideas please.

Note: This story will NOT include sex in the near future, and will not include graphic sex at any time. This story is a love story.

Chapter 4 -- Tim's first date

I was still a bit uncomfortable about all this, and it showed.

"Dan, calm down"

"Sorry Tim, it's just"

"Just nothing, nothing has changed between us, I promise"

"I'm still nervous about the fact that you know I love you. I can't seem to help it."

"Dan, I swear it has not and will not change our relationship, k?"


He smiled, and my heart melted yet again. Then he smirked as I realized that I had the soppiest look ever on my face.

"You enjoy doing that don't you?"

"Sure do, Dan"


We both laughed over that. The next weekend we went to the movies, and saw one of the new releases. I felt like it was a date, I couldn't help it. The next week, Tim told me that he was going out with a girl called Kate, who he'd met in the time that we were apart. I felt good for him, but bad knowing that he was "confirmed straight" then.

"Dan, I know you feel bad, and I'm sorry about it."

"Tim, don't let my feelings get you down, it's just me being selfish."

"No, it's natural for love. I promise this won't affect our friendship, but you know I can't feel the same way."

"Yeah, I know, but it still hurts."

"It will stop, Dan, I promise"

The night rolled round when he was having his first date, and he was ecstatic about it. I hid my agony about it, and I was happy for him, but sad for myself. At least we were still friends. They left for the movies, and I couldn't help it, I broke down and cried when they had gone. Eventually I convinced myself that I would find someone, but I was still down all that evening.

Tim arrived back around midnight. I certainly snapped out of feeling down when he came into my room. I could tell that he was scared to talk about the date, but I knew he wanted to, so I asked him about it.

"Dan, it was a good evening. We both had a great time. She leaned in and kissed me during the movie, but nearly bit my tongue when an explosion happened in the movie."

We both laughed at that. The next day Kate came over, and the three of us had a good time, listening to music and stuff. I liked Kate, she was down to earth and got straight to the point, but she could sense feelings too. To his credit, they didn't kiss in front of me. Dan had to go to a lecture, and Kate decided to stay around, and we moved from his room into mine.

I was completely unprepared for what happened then. She locked the door and closed the curtains on my French door, then kissed my right on the lips! I couldn't return the kiss, and she broke away after about 5 seconds. "So I was right" she said, sitting down on my bed, while I stood there stunned.

"Calm down Dan" she said, pulling me down next to her. "I just wanted to see if I was right. I'm not going to tell anyone."


"You're gay and in love with Tim, aren't you?"

My jaw hit the floor with that revelation. She laughed at the look on my face. "You know, it's obvious if you know what to look for."

"Please don't tell anyone." I begged her. "Do it for him."

"I told you, I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm not stupid."

I don't know why, but I opened up to her, totally, and we had just finished talking when Tim walked in. Kate chatted with us for about 5 min, and then told us she had to go. An awkward silence fell between us.

"So, how did you two get along?"

"You won't believe what happened."

"Bet I will."

"Bet you won't"

"Ok, what happened?"

"She closed my door and kissed me on the lips."

"She what?!"

"Calm down, I didn't kiss her back, and broke away."

"But she.. I mean I thought she.."

"She does care for you"

"But she kissed you. If you were into girls, you would have kissed her back. How could she do this to me", he said, cutting me off.

"Tim, listen to me. A, I wouldn't do that anyway as you're with her, and B, she wasn't hitting on me."

"What do you mean she wasn't hitting on you? She kissed you on the lips."

"After that she sat down on my bed and told me she was right"

"You mean she thought you were gay"

"Understatement. She told me, more than asked me that I was gay, and in love with you."

"What the?!"

"Yep, that's what she did. She knows that you don't feel the same way. She promised not to tell anyone anything about me though."

He calmed down considerably then. She gave me permission to tell him all this, because she knew I wouldn't be able to keep it back from him.

Please email me with comments and ideas. Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 5

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