Comics Are Fun

By Bryan Johnson

Published on Nov 22, 2010


This story is what you'd call an augmented history. Some of it happened, some didn't. It involves two high school aged guys, so if you shouldn't be reading it, don't.

Comics Are Fun

I knew this evening was going to be fun. It wasn't that I was unpopular or anything. Since I'd moved to Brookfield from the farm at the beginning of my sophomore year, I'd been involved in a lot of activities at school, wrestling, swimming, even theatre. I'd have tons of fun at practices or meetings or rehearsals, but if there was no school activity, I was usually alone. I didn't have any particular friends to call up or hang around with or go to the movies. I always felt a bit awkward if there wasn't a particular reason I was with someone. Weekends were really boring.

It wasn't until the beginning of second semester I was thrown together with Charlie. He'd been in a car accident and missed all of the first semester. He didn't have any real friends at school either. We met in P.E. class running laps. We both hung back at the rear, always running, but never very fast. Not together, but always last. The coach started ragging on us.

"Pick up the pace ladies, gossip later, run now."

We hadn't actually been gossiping. Or talking for that matter, but a common enemy brought us together. He was a real outsider. He was a communist, for one thing, or at least his parents were, and he rode a motorcycle to school. He looked a little different to. He was short, for one thing, only about 5'4" and maybe 110# and really, well, I guess you'd say compact. He had strong looking arms and shoulders. When we played shirts and skins in anything, you'd see his six-pack. He had very muscular legs. The most different thing was his hair. He wore it short, about ½ inch and it was very thick and laid flat. I always thought it looked more like brown fur than hair.

I guess you need to know a bit about me. I'm Irish, red hair that I wear a bit longer than is usual, pale skin, no freckles, thank god and almost no hair except pits and pubes. I'm 5'8", 130# and a bit insecure around people I don't know well. Which was everyone, being I was new at school.

I really wanted to be Charlie's friend, but how could I come up with a reason to hang with him? What common interests could we have? Then fate stepped in. He told me he'd failed a physics test.

"I'm definitely not Bruce Banner."

BINGO! "The Hulk? You read comic books? I have a great collection, why don't you come over this Friday and I can show you..."

Charlie would actually be the first friend I'd had over to my house. It was perfect! A good, non-school interest; my comic book collection, and maybe I could get over these awkward feelings. Charlie was easy to be with and we always had things to talk about, yeah, this was going to be awesome

I heard his motorcycle pull up in front of the house and as soon as he walked in.

"Sausage or pepperoni?"

"I'm definitely into sausage, how about you," he said, grinning that lopsided grin like he'd just made a huge joke.

"Great, I'll order it now."

"Can I put this in the fridge?"

That's when I noticed he had a backpack. It clanked when he took it off.

"I brought some beer to go with the pizza. Your folks won't mind, will they?"

"Doesn't matter. Dad's left for work and Mom won't be back till after midnight. I'll toss the cans after you leave."

I didn't actually drink, but I didn't want Charlie to think I wasn't cool, so I knew I'd be drinking beer tonight.

"So let's see some of these treasures you've been talking about."

We went up to my bedroom on the second floor and I pulled out two of my comic boxes, the collector box and one of the reading boxes and lugged them over to my big queen bed. The bed was actually too large for my room, so there was no other furniture. My folks were never home, so when I wanted to watch TV or something, I just used the living room. I really like my big bed. I was a very restless sleeper.

"My God! You've got a LOT of comic books! There must be ten boxes in there."

"Yeah, I collect them. I don't think there's any DC or Marvel super hero comic from the last five years I don't have and I have a bunch my brother collected. That's where most of my Marvel first issues come from. All my spare money goes into the collection."

We started going through one box, then the second, then I remembered some stuff he might like and another box came out, then a forth and soon we were in a nest of hundreds of comics piled all around us. I realized I was having so much fun with Charlie and we were both so excited, I was dropping my comics on the floor! That wasn't like me. I'm usually were tidy and almost compulsive with my comics.

That's when the pizza came. Charlie got the beers and I got the plates and silverware and set up on the kitchen table. Charlie handed me a beer, picked up a slice out of the box and sat down next to me, ignoring the place I'd set up for him across the table. Funny thing was, it felt good, like he was having so much fun he didn't want to waste time with being 'polite'. Maybe I put people off by being too formal?

The beer wasn't too bad. It actually did go better with the pizza than coke. I finished the first one and Charlie got another for us. By the time we were half way through it we were laughing and talking about school and sports and everything in the world. I realized I really wanted to be friends with Charlie.

"Come on, Jerry let's get back to that bed of yours," Charlie giggled. "We've got some serious comic book reading to do." He stopped and looked at me for a second, and then he laughed. "You really did invite me over to read comics, didn't you?"

For the first time, I felt awkward.

"Well, yeah. You wanted to, right?"

"That's the plan, man. Come on, I'll snag us another beer and we'll get to it."

In a few minutes, we were laying on my bed facing each other with a big pile of my `treasures', my first issue comics between us. I was really excited finding someone who was also interested in comics. Most people thought it was kind of dorky. I was explaining how groups got together and where powers came from and Charlie was asking questions and I really felt on top of the world.

"Just a second, Jerry."

Charlie moved the pile up to the headboard and set my first issue of The X-Men between us.

"Let's read this one together."

We were lying on our stomachs with about six inches between us, the comic propped up on the pillows reading, occasionally commenting on the artwork. Charlie moved a bit closer to me. It seemed like a nice gesture of friendship. He wanted to be nearer to me so I moved a bit closer to him. We weren't really talking anymore, just reading...or maybe just looking at the page. Charlie turned the page, and as his arm came back, he rested it over my shoulders, lightly for a second, as if checking out my reactions. It felt kind of good and I certainly didn't object. After a few seconds, I felt the full weight of his arm.

Okay, I have to explain something here. I have a kind of strange family. We don't touch...ever. We don't express affection or support. We're there for one another, but that's supposed to be enough. Why should I have to say I love you? You know that.' If anyone expressed verbal or physical affection, it usually was met with irritation. Okay, what did I do now,' or `what do you want now?'

I, unfortunately for my position in the family, was always a `touchy-feely' type. I like to cuddle, I like to touch. Since I was deemed too old for stuffed animals at 5, I made do with a second pillow on my bed which I cuddled all night long. I would touch people when I talked. I'm a two handed hand shaker. I love to touch and was starved for affection.

I don't think I actually sighed, but his arm felt so good and I'm sure I melted a bit. We kept looking at the comic as Charlie's hand began massaging the top of my shoulder. His hand moved firmly across my back and slowly down my side.

"Is this okay," he asked, "Should I stop?"

"Bobby Drake is the youngest of the X-Men. His powers haven't finished developing yet."

I moved a little bit closer to him, trapping my arm between us. Charlie lifted his knee up onto the back of my leg, just below my butt. I could feel the warmth of his stomach radiating to my arm. His fingers were probing the muscles of my back and side.

"You have a strong back. It's very muscular. I like that."

"The Beast, Hank McCoy is like a dumb jock in the first few issues. Like the Hulk or the Thing, but later he's supposed to be very ... intelligent."

I curled my fingers upwards and they accidentally brushed the inner side of his leg resting on my back. I could feel my dick hardening at a really embarrassing rate. And a VERY unfortunate position. I thought it might break off if I didn't rearrange it. But laying on my stomach with Charlie's arm and his knee on me it would be kind of obvious what I was doing and I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. Or was it the wrong idea? Was Charlie ...being romantic with me? Did I want him to do this sort of thing? I repeated the motion of my fingers, but this time I put enough pressure to feel the muscles of his inner thigh. He moved into me and I felt the length of his boner against my forearm. Maybe I did want this.

He levered himself up and kissed the back of my neck very gently. I HAD to move my dick. I lifted my butt and started to reach under for the rescue when Charlie gently pushed me over to my side and stopped my hand.

"Can I do it?"

When I nodded, probably more scared than I'd ever been in my life; he reached over and unbuckled my belt. He popped the buttons on my jeans and from the outside, through my tidy whities, gripped my hard cock with his fingers. They were so warm, hot even. No one had ever touched my dick but me. He was looking at it through the cloth and smiled as he pointed it upwards. With the tips of his fingers, he stroked the length of it, and then re-did the top button.

"Thank you," he said. After a brief pause, "You haven't done this before either, have you?"

"No," oh god! My voice cracked!

He looked into my eyes, smiling softly. I'd known he had brown eyes, but I'd never really looked at them. I began to understand the idea of being lost in someone's eyes. I examined his face, from the wild eyebrows to the soft wispy strands of a 16 year olds' moustache. I absorbed the slight stubble on his chin and the old acne scar on his cheekbone. He leaned in and I realized he was going to kiss me. I wasn't sure I wanted this after all. I began to feel a bit nervous. His lips were strong, though and I all I could smell was his skin. No make-up scent, no perfume. There was a trace of beer on his breath and the slight oregano smell of pizza. As we kissed, I tasted his lips with my tongue and his mouth opened slightly, his tongue tasting back. The few times I had kissed a girl like this, it was like an invasion. It was a claiming of territory by either me or the girl. This was exploration.

Charlie broke the kiss first. He picked up the forgotten comic book and the pile of magazines on the headboard and laid them on the floor. He pulled off his belt and kicked off his shoes and socks, then walked to the foot of the bed. He grasped my feet and turned me over onto my back and untied my shoes and took them off, then my socks. I felt his fingers on my bare feet. He returned to the bed, laying stomach down next to me, his arms on either side of me supporting himself as he looked down at me.

"I think we're both going to remember tonight for a long time."

As he moved his face closer to mine, I realized something. I sure as hell did want this! I found myself lifting up to meet his kiss. As our lips met and our tongues began to explore again, Charlie's arms moved around me and firmly moved me to my side and we kissed as our hands explored one another's bodies. His back was strong and muscled. I could feel the skin moving over each segment as his hands explored my back. He was investigating my body as I was doing the same to him. Our fingers searched and appreciated the others' body. As my hands slipped down to his butt, I felt his hard dick press into mine. Charlie wasn't grinding it into me; he was rubbing it against me. He was allowing me to feel his maleness as he felt mine.

"Oh, that feels really big," I thought. I want to see it so bad. We are going to do this, aren't' we? But what exactly is this?"

Charlie pulled away slightly and began to undo the buttons on my shirt. He smiled and ran his fingertips over my chest.

"Nice Pecs. You've got quite a six-pack going on there as well."

I could feel my face heating up. I knew I had a good body, but this was the first time anyone had ever told me. Then his fingers began to stroke my nipples. I gasped. I jacked off, of course, but my jerk-off sessions had been pretty much goal driven. I'd cum as fast as possible with little exploration. I knew guys were supposed to fondle women's breasts, but I sort of thought it was just a general handling thing, not aimed at the nipples. Besides, were guys' nipples supposed to feel this good when someone touched them or...Oh my god, he's licking them!

My hands clutched at Charlie's butt. It was so solid! He continued to lick, and then started to nibble on my nipples. I released his butt and started to scrabble at his shirt buttons, when he gently pushed me away.

"No rushing. Let's stop for a minute and take off our shirts."

We watched each other as we took off our shirts. He had very strong shoulders. His chest wasn't quite as muscular as mine, but it had a light dusting of hair on the top of his chest and a thick trail from his belly button to the top of his jeans. His six-pack was a good bit more pronounced than mine, and I could see there wasn't an ounce of fat anywhere. His nipples were larger than mine and sort of brownish to my pink. We sat on the bed, looking at each other for about a minute. Then he said,

"I think it's time.'

He got up off the bed unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them to the floor. He had on blue boxers. His dick was pushing the front out and there was a huge wet stain where the head of it had been resting.

"You're wet."

"It's your fault," he said with a smile. "You've been teasing me all night."

He pushed down his boxers, and as he straightened back up, I finally saw what he'd been pressing into me. His dick was so beautiful. I didn't know how to judge size down there. I'd measured mine once and it was about 7 ½ inches. His was a bit longer and quite a bit thicker. Unlike my dick, his was circumcised. The head was smaller than the shaft and it looked like a long, thick cone. It was all of one color, a fantastic looking light tan. It pointed straight at me, and I saw a clear drop of liquid slowly ooze out of the tip and begin to drip down, forming a thread. I was sitting on the edge of the bed before I realized what I was going to do. I caught the drop on my tongue and followed it up to the head of his dick. My lips closed for just a second on the tip and my tongue swiped the slit. Then I froze. Was that okay? Should I have done that?

"Oh, Baby, I never expected that!"

He put his hands on the sides of my head and bent down to kiss me. This time, the kiss did feel a little bit like claiming territory, but I didn't mind. He already had me.

He stood back up and let me look at him. It gets dark early in the fall around Chicago, and there was only a little light coming in the window by this time, but he looked fantastic.

"Now it's your turn." His voice trembled, just a little.

The trembling voice caught my attention. I think that's when things changed. Something in my brain switched from being a boy to being a young man. This was the guy who was going to have sex with me. He WANTED to have sex with me. He was excited about this as I was and probably was as inexperienced. The only real difference was that he came here expecting this to happen and it was a surprise to me. He had planned at least some of this and I was just reacting to his plans. But if I could take charge a little, let him know I really wanted this, I could make this as fun for him as it was for me.

"Not yet. I want to see your butt. Turn around for me."

Charlie's eyes widened a bit, then he grinned that lopsided grin on his and turned around, backing up just half a step so his butt was inches from my face.

"Do you like it?"

"It's awesome."

I cupped each cheek in a hand and felt the taught muscles. I knew what guys did together. I'd heard guys talking; I just sort of ignored it until now. Well, the time for ignoring things was over. I let my thumbs slide deep into the cleft between his cheeks. I didn't actually touch anything... I wasn't THAT confident, but I wanted to let him know I at least understood what options might be possible.

"Oh Wow!" Charlie gasped. "Get naked, Jerry! Please?"

I pulled him back onto the bed and stood up beside him, my knees almost touching his. His face was about a foot from my crotch as I unbuttoned the only button holding up my jeans. They fell to the floor and I stepped out of them. I hooked my thumbs in the side of my Y-fronts and slowly pulled them down. I was a little nervous now. I'm uncut and I'd heard some people don't like the look of that. The elastic caught the head of my dick and it bent down until it popped out, slapping my stomach with a smack. I could see the precum leaking out from my foreskin.

"Oh, fantastic!"

He reached up and gently put his fingers around my foreskin.

"Can I? Please?"

As I nodded, he skinned it back and a flood of precum dripped out. He thrust his head forward and closed his lips around the head of my cock. His tongue swirled under the foreskin gathering up all juice. His lips were wrapped around the head of my cock, his hand keeping the skin pulled back as he nursed on it like a baby suckling from a bottle.

My knees almost gave out. I was literally seeing stars. I grabbed his head for balance.

"Oh Jerry, please," he moaned around my dick, "please let me suck you! I need your cum!"

Charlie dropped to his knees pushed me back against the wall. It was freezing and I bucked away from it, forcing about most of my dick into his mouth. He had his hands grabbing my butt as he slid my cock half into his mouth, sucking and licking as he moved his head up and down my shaft. I had my hands on his shoulders and the back of his neck. He was making deep noises in his throat like a dog protecting a bone as he chews it and I was whimpering. Jacking off felt amazing, but this! This was incredible. It was as far beyond jacking off as jacking off was beyond a good piss!

One of Charlie's hands came up and started massaging my balls, pulling them and fondling them. The other hand wiped precum off his dick and slid between my ass cheeks. The slippery fingers found my hole and started pressing into me.

At the same time, as much as my sensations were off the chart, I felt like the King of the Hill. I could use my cock to drive Charlie nuts! I was giving him so much pleasure, so much joy. I knew I'd let his do this anytime he wanted, even if it didn't make me feel this good.

But, I was 15. The ecstasy lasted about three minutes and I was at the point of no return.

"Oh, Charlie, I'm going to cum in your mouth. Charlie, can I? Can I cum in your mouth? Will you drink my cum? Oh, Charlie!"

I don't think I came as much as I pissed out cum. There was just one huge spasming explosion as my balls drained into Charlie's mouth. I couldn't stand up any more and I slid down the wall, with Charlie's mouth never leaving my cock. As I sat on the floor, I could feel his throat muscles move as he continued swallowing my cum.

He continued nursing on my cock. The intensity of my explosion left me almost exhausted, but the feel of his mouth, lips and tongue on my cock had me in heaven. Many times I regretted the fact that I didn't usually go soft after cumming just once or twice. It makes it difficult to do it during the day. Walking around with a tent in your pants at school or when your parents are home causes comment. Today, I loved it. It felt so good and Charlie was enjoying it so much.

I watched him, kneeling, his head between my legs, sucking on my cock almost as if his life depended on it, his finger just entering me. I was caressing his shoulders and running my fingers around his ears watching his beautiful cock bounce under him as he continued suckling. I stretched forward over him, just able to reach his dick with the tips of my fingers, I gripped the slippery head when he stiffened and my still hard cock slid down the rest of the way down his throat. It felt like it had slid into a tight fist. A groan formed in his throat and I actually felt the air from it press on my dickhead. Charlie's throat, lips and tongue clamped down on my dick as he came like a fire hose. The first spurt went under my balls and drenched my ass. He pulled off my dick with a loud groaning noise, arching his back, his cock pointing at me like a gun, and I got the next blast in my face. The third drenched my chest, the fourth and fifth landed in my pubes.

He dropped forward and started kissing me, forcing his tongue in my mouth, feeding me some of my own cum. He licked his cum off my face and fed that to me. I could taste us both.

He collapsed onto me, resting his head on my shoulder, the cum on my chest and shoulder welding us together. As our breathing slowed, the cold from the wall and floor began to get to me.

"Let's get back on the bed, Charlie."

We lay together in each others' arms for a few brief minutes. I began to realize that, if being cuddled felt wonderful, cuddling someone else was ten times better. Charlie snuggled into me and I felt like I wanted to hold him forever. But these things never last.

"Baby, Was there any pizza left?"

"Some Charlie. You hungry?" I whispered.

"A little. And we're both going to need some energy when you fuck me."

Next: Chapter 2

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