Comics Are Fun

By Bryan Johnson

Published on Dec 28, 2010


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Comics are Fun! Part 6

I lay on his chest, feeling wonderful. We were both sweaty. Cum was going liquid here and there and beginning to run down our sides or, in my case, out my butt even though his dick was still plugging my hole. I rested the side of my face on his chest and listened to his breathing for a couple of minutes on the edge of sleep.

"Thank you, Warren."

"For what, little Dude?"

"You were right. You taught me. Now I know what it's supposed to be like.

Part 6

I lay there on his chest. The sweat and cum between us was drying, slowly. I could smell things on our bodies. The sweet/sour smell of cum, the edgy sharp smell of spit, the musky smell from our butts all blended together to form the perfect smell of man sex. I found myself clenching my butt muscles around Warrens' thick dick, still buried inside me. It wasn't nearly hard now, but it felt thick and warm and very right. I wanted it there. It felt so arousing.

"Little Dude, you're getting hard again. You want to screw me now?"

I thought of how sweet it would be to put my dick into Warrens' hard butt, to have him ride my cock and see him cum from the pleasure of having me in his ass. Maybe I could make him whimper with pleasure like I had been doing a few minutes ago. Maybe I could make this big stud wrestler beg me to fuck him harder like I just begged him. How would it feel to shoot my juice in his butt while he was cumming, his ass muscles clutching my shaft?


"What? You don't want to screw me?"

"I've cum seven times in 24 hours. I can cum again, but I won't get all hard. Like you said before, when my dick goes up your butt, I want you to feel it at its' best!"

"Little Dude, you learn fast." He made an exaggerated sniffing sound and laughed. "We smell let's shower."

In the shower, Warren treated me like a prize puppy. He soaped me up. He washed my hair and caressed me all over. He licked me and teased my dick with his mouth. He kept sliding fingers up my butt and telling me how good it was to feel his cum dripping out of my butt hole. I kept making him promise over and over that he'd put more in me.

"You are going to do it again, right Warren? You liked it, Right? You want to do it again?"

Finally, he kissed me, almost shoving his tongue down my throat. He looked real deep into my eyes.

"Little Dude, I had more fun with you tonight than I've ever had in my life. You've made my dick feel like I used it proper for the first time. I'm going to fuck you so often you won't be able to walk most days. But more than that? I really like you. Besides just screwing you senseless, I want to spend time with you and get to know you better."

Then he knelt down in front of me, water pouring over his hard body and kissed the head of my half hard dick. Warren cleared the foreskin off and looked up at me.

"You may not be ready to use this on me, but you do need to get off or you'll never get to sleep."

Warren put his lips around the head of my dick and sucked it into his warm, wet mouth. I went from half hard to rock hard in about a second. I locked my fingers into his hair as one of his big arms slid around my waist and pressed me into his face, his nose buried in my pubic hair and my cock extending deep into his throat. His other hand came up and his fingers spread my cheeks and the tips began investigating my still open hole. Two of them slipped into me and began stroking my button.

Problem was, I really wanted to taste his dick. I loved him fucking me. I'd do anything to get him to do it again. But I so wanted the feel of his meat in my mouth. Feel his heartbeat through his dick. I wanted the taste of his slime on my tongue.

"Oh, Warren, please stop. No, I want to do you. I want to suck your dick. Please, don't."

While I was begging him to stop, I was thrusting my dick into his throat. Total disconnect. My brain was controlling my mouth and my dick was controlling my hips. Warren however was controlling it all. He wasn't stopping or even slowing down. He sucked on my dick. His throat massaged it. His fingers massaged my prostate. He wasn't being romantic, he was getting me off. He was focused on milking my dick with his throat. Warren had decided he was going to get my cum and I had no choice in the matter.

I finally just gave up. He wanted to have my cum, and I was going to give it to him the best way I could. I held his head between my palms and started thrusting into his willing mouth. I could feel where his throat started, his tongue wrapping around my shaft. My foreskin was moving over my crown, first caressing it, and then exposing it to Warren's mouth and tongue.

Warren pulled off my meat for just a second and used his hand at the base of my dick to pull my foreskin back from the sensitive head. He looked up at me, water pouring into his face and smiled.

"That's it, Jerry. You won't fuck my ass tonight? Fuck my face instead."

I think I actually growled at him.

"Damn right. Suck my dick Big man!"

I slammed it into his mouth. I didn't even think about what he might be feeling. That phrase, `Fuck my face,' flipped a switch in me. He wanted me to go all out, and I would. I drove my dick into his mouth. I forced myself down his throat. Holding his head in place, I pulled half out and fucked his mouth letting his tongue get to my sensitive crown. I saw him working his big meat, stroking it fast. He was making noises in his throat as I force fed him my dick.

Nothing made any sense except my dick was filling his mouth and we both wanted it that way!

I'd already cum seven times in 24 hours. This wasn't going to be quick, but it would be fun! I held his head in place and ... okay, I'll say it. I used his mouth for my pleasure. Whatever I thought might feel good to my dick, I did. I changed angles, I went up on my toes, I changed the speed. Sometimes I slid it in real gentle like, sometimes I jack-hammered it in and felt his face pound into my hips. I was only half aware of what it might be feeling like to Warren, but every time I looked down, his dick was rock hard and his fist was flying over it. Suddenly, I felt Warren stiffen and let out an almost startled grunt.


His fingers clamped hard on my prostate and I felt his warm cum splash over my feet. My balls pulled up sharp and I started unloading into his mouth. The feeling was strong, but the spasms weren't. I pulled out after the first spurt and laid my dick on the top of Warren's head. My cum oozed out into his hair.

I put my hands on his strong shoulders and used him to hold me upright. Suddenly, I could barely stand. I was so tired. Warren stood and turned off the water. He stepped out of the shower and did a quick dry off, then wrapped me in a big towel and started rubbing me dry.

"You've had a big night, little Dude. You need some sleep."

Warrens' voice sounded very loving and comforting. I sort of leaned against him while he dried me. It felt so good to have him holding me. He walked me to the bedroom. I sat on my bed and grabbed my pajamas from under my pillow. Warren took them out of my hand.

"You're a man now, little Dude. Men sleep raw."

He scooted me under the covers and pulled them up to my chin. Warren ruffled my hair. The cool sheets felt a bit strange on my naked body. I'd never slept in the nude before, but Warren said I should, so it seemed right. I was already drifting off to sleep.

"I'll let myself out, little Dude." He kissed me softly. "Sweet dreams, Jerry."

And I was asleep.

The next morning when I woke up naked in my bed, I was confused for just a second. Why was I naked? Then I remembered.

"You're a man now, little Dude," Warren had said, "Men sleep raw."

It did feel great! My morning hard on was rubbing on the cool sheets. Yeah, I liked this. I was a man now. I jumped out of bed and saw myself in the mirror, dick all hard and ready for action!

"Yeah, you're not a virgin! You got laid!"

I heard country music from the kitchen. Dad was home. It was 10 O'clock, so Mom would have left a couple of hours ago. I pulled on my pajama bottoms and a tee and started for the door and then I stopped. I pulled off the pajamas and slid on a pair of underwear, then put the pajamas back on. I still remembered the conversation my Dad and I had a few months ago.

I was standing at the kitchen island, eating my cereal and toast when my Dad walked into the kitchen. He had his coffee cup held in both hands as he put it down and looked at me. He obviously wanted to say something and my neck and shoulders tensed. We don't talk much in my family. Really? We don't talk at all if possible. Since my brother got married it was more like three roommates. Roommates who don't really have much in common. Even my parents slept in separate rooms. I was more than a little suspicious about what he wants to say. He kept looking at me and I tried to concentrate on my Cheerios.

"You've grown a lot this year, Shotgun," he started. That's what he calls me, Shotgun. I can't remember the last time he used my name. "You're becoming a man. I know there're a lot of changes..."

Oh god. Not `The talk'.

"Dad, I know about puberty and hair and nocturnal emissions and sex. We don't need to do this."

"So where you getting all this information, your friends at school?"

"I borrowed books from the library."

"Books." He made a sour face. "Figures. Just one thing that weren't in the books. You're gettin' too big downstairs," he looked pointedly at my crotch, "to be walking around in just your jammies. Wear some underwear. You're embarrassing your Mother and I don't need to see you swingin' in the breeze neither." And he walked out of the room.

Well, that did it for breakfast. My ears were on fire and you probably could have lit a candle off my face. I wanted to crawl under the table and die. My Mom had been embarrassed by my junk and I was offending my Dad. Great!

I'd do a lot to avoid another conversation like that.

When I got downstairs, he was sitting at the table, drinking his coffee and reading the paper. The remains of his dinner were sitting on the table.

"Morning, Dad. Are you working tonight?"

"I start at seven."

I could see him out of the corner of my eye. He glanced at me, and then looked back to the paper, then his eyes snapped back to me. He stared at me for a few seconds, and I saw a smile on his face as he looked back to the paper.

"Well, it's about time. I was beginning to wonder. What's her name?"

I was totally lost I looked at him in total confusion. He laughed, not mean, just kinda, I don't know, bemused? The he pointed at my neck. Then it hit me and my hand flew up to cover the hickies Warren had given me last night. Once again, I felt my face flame. I was speechless. There was a long silence while he waited for me to name `the girl'.

"Well, it's none of my business. Just remember, I promised to put you through college. But if you knock up some girl like your dipshit brother, you're on your own!"

He gathered up his paper and coffee cup.

"And you can explain those marks to your Mom yourself. Next time your girl's gnawin' on you remember there are consequences!" He walked out of the room.

I'm glad I wasn't looking at him. Knocked up? I didn't think pregnancy was ever going to be a problem for me!

Inside half an hour, I was on my bike heading down to the drug store across from the train station. There should be new comics out today. Soon I was standing by the magazine rack, skimming through the new issues. I said hi to Jack, the 20 something working at the checkout counter a few feet from the rack. Jack was always real friendly. He never minded me looking at the comics. I always bought a lot of them. For the first time I can remember, I glanced around at the three or four other guys Jack let browse the rack. They were all my age (15 if you forgot) or older. Jack always discouraged younger kids from `messing up the display'. I was part of the select group. I looked over at Jack again. He was still looking at me and smiling. Jack was kinda good looking. I wonder. Were their other reasons he let some guys loiter here by him and read?

I looked at the group standing by the rack. It was a good looking group. I'd never really looked at guys before, but these guys caught my eyes. Most were around my height, 5'8" and weight, 135# or so but one guy was quite a bit taller. Maybe 6' and we all wore the same style of clothes. And all of us were, well, good looking. I knew most guys were kind of average looking and some were downright dogs, but all the guys here were kinda cute. I looked at the tall guy a bit more closely. He was reading the Thor issue. Not my favorite character, but his short sleeved shirt showed his nicely muscled arms off. It looked like he had a nice muscular chest. I looked down blow his belt. There was a good sized bulge down there. I looked up at his face and saw he was checking me out to! He quickly looked back down at the comic. I noticed his neck turning red. He looked familiar, somehow.

I looked back at my issue of X-Men. Maybe I'd been missing some stuff. Maybe there was a group of guys I had a lot in common with. Maybe liking comic books wasn't the only thing some of us had in common.

I spent most of the day out and about doing normal week-end stuff. By five o'clock I was back home reading my comics for the first time and waiting for Charlie. He was due over any minute, but my Dad was still home, sleeping upstairs. Usually he was gone by five.

I heard Charlie's motorcycle in the driveway right on time. I walked over and opened the door for him.

"Babe," he blurted as he stepped in the door and wrapped his arms around me, "I'm so horny!"

One hand pulled my face down to his; the other found my crotch and started massaging it.

"Dude, no! My Dad's still here!"

I dragged him off to my bedroom, explaining my Dad would be leaving at about seven. That's when he saw my hickies.

I told him I'd had sex with Warren the night before and we were off. Charlie wanted to know how big was Warren hung, did I fuck him, what positions did we use, did Warrens cum taste different from his (Charlies'), did he swallow at least a million questions. We were chattering away about sex, when I heard my Dad's alarm go off.

"Hey, I got new comics today"

When my Dad finally came upstairs, Charlie and I were sitting on my bed surrounded by comics. I think we were arguing about who was stronger, Hulk or the Thing. Turns out, Charlie actually was pretty knowledgeable about comics.

"Your Mom won't be home until after midnight," Dad said, "Be sure you fix yourself a good dinner. See you tomorrow, Shotgun."

Yeah, right. I rarely saw him more than once a week, usually on Sundays. Charlie and I had stopped our conversation and were listening to my Dad leave. I got up and went downstairs to make certain he'd left. When I came back to my room, everything had changed.

Charlie was naked, his back towards me rummaging through his backpack lying on my bed. Looking over his shoulder, he smiled at me as he pulled something out of his pack.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me and thrusting his tongue into my mouth. It felt strange, my hands roaming over his naked back and butt but being fully clothed myself. My right hand found his left butt cheek. I squeezed it gently, and then slipped my fingers into his cleft. I explored until I found his butt hole and rubbed the tips of my fingers over it. It was slippery. Had he lubed his butt hole?

"Oh, Babe, I got to have it now!"

He dropped to his knees in front of me and ripped my belt open. Roughly pulling my pants down to my knees, he shucked my shorts off my butt and dived onto my dick. The sudden rush of sensations made me start to stagger back. Charlie wrapped his arms around me and held me in place as my dickhead found the opening to his throat and forced into it.

He kept his nose buried deep in my pubes. His hands grabbed my cheeks and seemed to be trying to force my dick even deeper into his throat. He massaged my crown with his throat. It seemed like his goal was to bring me off in seconds.

He wasn't going to have much luck, if that's what he wanted. Yeah, I was 15, but I'd cum a lot in the last few days. Even a teenager can be drained; or at least have the level lowered a bit. Two days ago, I'd have already spewed. Today, it felt great, but I was in no danger of cumming just yet.

He held the base of my dick in one hand and my balls in the other, caressing them and rolling them between his fingers. His mouth came off the base of my dick and he began to focus on the first half, his tongue caressing the tip and investigating the spaces under my foreskin. Charlies' left hand ran up under my shirt and he began to tweak my nipples and run his fingertips over them.

My shirt fell over his head. The feelings were very strange. When I couldn't see him, I concentrated on the feelings of his mouth on my meat. I closed my eyes, leaning back and trusting to his arms to keep me from falling. I began to thrust into his mouth. It wasn't like last night when I sort of lost control with Warren. I was working with Charlie. He wanted my cum, and I was helping him get it. I ran my fingers over his shirt covered head guiding him, sometimes deeper, sometimes more shallow helping him find the parts of my meat that I wanted him to pay attention to.

Charlie was responding to my guidance. His frantic sucking calmed down and he started working on it, focusing on it, trying to please me. Then he stopped and pulled the shirt off his head.

"Let's do this right," he said. "Strip."

I stepped out of my pants, skinned off my shorts and shirt and stood there, naked, hard, saliva dripping off my cock. Charlie turned me around and sat me down on the edge of my bed. He spread my knees and settled down between them. He slid his hands behind my knees and pushed them up, exposing my balls. His nose nuzzled into my pubes and I felt his breath. He licked my sack and sucked one of my balls into his mouth. Rolling it around in his mouth he sighed. I could feel him sniffing my crotch. My nut popped out of his mouth.

"I love the way your crotch smells," Charlie said. "It's so manly."

My cock actually jumped at that. Manly? I smelled Manly? Hey, I smelled like a man! I levered my dick down to point at his face, put my hand behind his head and slowly pulled his face forward. I placed my foreskin covered dickhead on his lips. He used his wet lips to skim the skin back as I penetrated his mouth. Leaning back on my elbows, I watched his head slowly move up and down on my dick. We worked together, me occasionally reaching forward to caress his ears and run my fingers over his lips, feeling my shaft slide between them.

I leaned back and relaxed into his lips. I let the feeling envelope me just as his mouth enveloped my meat. It felt so good, so wet, and so warm.

"Hmm, Charlie, that's so good. Hmm, feels so good. Hmm hot mouth..."

MY nuts were pulling up to my body, my cock was swelling. I could tell I was drooling precum. Then, the feelings began to spike. I sat up and grabbed Charlies' shoulders, he withdrew to the point only the head of my dick remained in his mouth and I started to pour my cream into his mouth. It flowed into him with almost no spasm. It was something I had never experienced before, like pouring my essence into him. I saw his mouth filling with my seed.

When the flow of my cum stopped, I lay back. I was practically exhausted. My muscles relaxed. I looked back at Charlie. I smiled at him as he spit my sperm into his hand. He stood up and rubbed the fluid into his cock, then into my butt hole. I could feel my hole was a little sore from Warren fucking me last night. Charlie lifted my knees with his hands and pointed his dick at my ass. His hips moved forward and his dickhead found my hole without any guidance. Leaning forward, Charlie pressed my knees into chest and his dick started opening me up. He moved into me slowly but without pause until I felt his pubic hair rubbing around my butt.

His body kept my knees pressed to my chest and he started stroking his dick smoothly in and out of me. It felt incredibly intimate. I started clenching my ass around his shaft. Every time he bottomed out, I tightened my butt hole around his shaft. His lips met mine and our tongues began exploring. He began to pick up his pace and I felt/heard a growling sound coming from deep in his throat. As he continued, his rhythm speeding up, I began to hear the sound of his hips slapping onto my butt.

Charlie pulled back, standing up but forcing his dick deeper into me. He grabbed my right ankle and lifted it up over his head. Keeping his dick buried deep, he continued rolling me onto my stomach. Pulling on my hips, he got me standing, my chest still on my bed, my legs lifting my butt into the air. Then he started driving dick into me. Reaching under me, he pulled gently on my balls as he increased the speed and force of his fucking.

"Oh, Babe, I need this so much! I been thinking about your ass all day. I been thinking about fucking you till I was going crazy. I need to cum in you. Cum in your hot ass! Put my seed in you! Breed you!"

Both of his hands were holding hard onto my hips, steadying me as he slammed into my butt. He was actually generating heat! My butt hole was getting warm with the friction of his hard cock penetrating me. I looked back between my legs and saw the muscles in his legs flex as he drove himself into me. I saw my cock, full size, all eight inches, but soft and flexible flopping between my legs in time with Charlies' thrusts. I could feel his dick swelling, stretching my hole even wider.

"Oh, fuck," slam, "fuck," slam, "FUCK!"

I felt his meat spasm inside me. The cream spurting out of his dick oozed around my opening, cooling and soothing the heat. He leaned forward, resting on my back and I lowered myself on top the bed. Charlie was panting softly in my ear.

"Oh, Babe, that was so good. You have such a great ass." He pulled his slowly softening dick out of my very open hole, and I felt a small rush of cum run down my leg.

We lay there for a couple of minutes, cum dripping down my leg.

I got up and headed to the bathroom to get a towel. I wet a washrag and wiped the cum off my thighs and headed back to my room with the washrag and towel.

When I stepped into my room, Charlie was already dressed. I was more than a little surprised.

"Sorry, Babe, I have to be home by eight. I'll call you," and walked out the door.

I stood there for a second, then pulled on my shorts and started down the stairs after him.

"Hey Charlie, what..." I heard the front door close.

"Well that just sucks!" I thought as I sat down on the couch. "That's why he was trying to get me to cum fast. So he could fuck me before he had to leave."

I looked up at the clock. 7:45 PM. Our whole encounter had lasted about forty minutes. I really felt down. I sat with my hands between my legs. Feeling the wetness between my legs, I brought my hand up to my nose. Yeah, a real `manly' smell. Charlies' cum was leaking from my ass.

"Oh, shit, I'm leaking cum on the couch!"

I got up quick and made sure there was no visible stain, then went up to shower. I was under the warm water, cleaning out my slowly closing butt hole when I began to laugh.

"What the hell, he's sex buddy, not a boy friend. He got me off before he fucked me. No harm, no foul! I wonder if Warren's doing anything tonight."

Next: Chapter 7

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