Coming Home Again

By David L. Carmona

Published on Jun 12, 2001



"Coming Home Again", Chapter One

By David Carmona.

This story is complete and utter fiction. I make no claims on the sexuality of the Backstreet Boys, and in particular Nick Carter. As much as I'd WISH it to be so. All characters used herein and sexual preferences of the Backstreet Boys, are made up out of whole cloth right out of my head, or inspired by fictional characters I know of.

Good people at Nifty, and I love the work that is archived here.

A good tradition that I feel worth doing, is naming some of the fine Nifty stories that I recommend reading. So without further ado, here's my list of favorites, most of which is in Boybands: "Nick and the Altos", "Jamie's Romance", "Lance's Search", "Just Together" (In the celeb section. BTW, I would REALLY be interested to see more celeb fiction written. In the last few months to a year, there have been... erratic celeb fic entries. Whatever happened to all the creative writing about young celeb guys? Me Want More!!!), "Forever", "Love Thru Chat", "Yellow", "Ghost" (which INSPIRED this story, actually!), and in the sf/fantasy section, "Marc" and "Through Time". Some of these stories, the authors haven't posted new chappies of. I dunno if it's because of lack of interest, time, or lack of feedback. As an author, I cannot express enough the positive power of fan feedback. WRITE YOUR NIFTY AUTHORS!! (Okay, off my soapbox now.)

Time for the yadda, yadda sex disclaimers (Not that they're needed THIS early in the game, but I prefer caution anyway): If consenting sexual acts by men are either illegal, or considered immoral where you come from... you know where the back button is on your browser. I suggest you CLICK on it, thank you. If not... please enjoy!

"Uh... okay. Let me see if I've got this straight, Nick. You're selling your house in Florida? That one you LOVED, by the ocean? Why?" Brian Littrell asked, shaking his head in total confusion. The two of them were sitting in Brian's hotel room having a late-night discussion, during the first leg of the new Black and Blue tour.

"Bri... Mandy and I picked that place. WE lived there. Together." Nick Carter responded, wincing a little as the hot coffee burned his tongue.

"So? The house IS yours'. YOU bought it."

"Yeah... but Bri... that relationship was NOT the most healthy. You knew it... my family knew it... and God help me, the FANS all knew it. I was the only one who didn't see it, until after maybe the THIRD time I wound up going to the hospital, after she'd hit me. I just... I need TIME, Bri. I can't really explain it." Nick sighed.

Brian shook his head, and sipped his coffee. "Okay, I can see where y'all'd wanna move away from that house... so where are you planning to go? Are you gonna stay here in Florida?"

Nick paused, and considered that thought. "Yes and no. I mean... yeah, I'm gonna buy another place down here, otherwise I won't have a place to stay, when everyone's together in Florida. Been thinking about a house I saw out in Marathon, when I went for a drive after a fight. But personally? I'm thinking of getting a retreat house, too. A place that I can go to, when I need me time. And that's what I'm thinking about right now. Getting in a little alone time, before things get all crazy again. And I'll tell you why, too: Look at how we all are. My family has a house up in California... you and Leigh have settled out in Georgia... it doesn't really matter WHERE I buy a house to be alone at, it's only that we can all still pull together to go on tours. I could move to ALASKA for all it really matters."

Brian feigned mock-horror. "You're NOT, are you...? Moving to Alaska, I mean."

Nick laughed. "Of COURSE not! I was just using that as an example. My point is, no matter where we live when we're not touring, we'll still be able to do our job, we'll still be Backstreet. You see what I'm talkin' about, Frick?"

Brian nodded again. "I think I do. So, what sort of retreat house are you interested in buying...?"

Nick made a face. "Well, one guy on a messageboard complained that the house I'm selling now, is and I quote: "absolutely gorgeous, but it's a double-damned monument to SPACE, and I don't know HOW he keeps it clean when he's on tour." Nick and Brian rolled their eyes, knowing that the description was pretty accurate. "I didn't think about it much at the time I bought the house, but it WAS a bit much. Especially now."

Brian nodded. "Now that it's just you to consider. I know what you mean. That house looked good for you and Mandy.. but you're not going to be home much. So let me guess... you're going to be setting your sights a little smaller?"

Nick sipped his coffee. "Exactly. I've been doing a little thinking about my next choice. For one thing... I don't think I'll live by the beach, this time. I LOVE the ocean... but one of my instant messenger friends pointed out that beachfront insurance is killer. So what does that leave me? I love water... but I don't want to live TOO close to it, this time."

Brian bit his lip. "A river or a resovoir?" he mused.

Nick nodded. "That's what I was thinking. Being close to water... but a little more inland, so that the beach is a short drive away."

Brian agreed. "So, what else is there you're interested in?"

Nick frowned. "History. And location. This next house I buy... I don't want to sell it easy. It should be one that's been around for awhile. And I'd like to live a little closer to NYC, Bri. I mean, we get called up there for MTV promotions so often... and frankly, I've just gotten sick and tired of expecting to look forward to a long plane ride, every time we gotta go to the TRL studio. Also, it shouldn't be a really big house. Maybe four bedrooms?"

Brian smiled. "Sounds good... it'd have room for the guys, but wouldn't be TOO big. Anything come up to your liking yet?"

Nick nodded again. "One. It's been around for about a hundred and fifty years, but it's in remarkably good condition."

"And you want to investigate it." Brian responded, the question not really one.

Nick breathed a deep sigh. "Well, I heard about the place by accident. There's no picture of what it looks like... but you've got to admit. It does sound unusual, doesn't it? A house that was built before the Civil War, in better shape than it SHOULD be, for an abandoned house...?" Nick finished his coffee. "Tell you what, man... We're not performing for the next few days, and I'm going to take a trip this weekend to meet the realtor I emailed. You want a look at the place with me?"

So that weekend, Nick and Brian's plane landed at the airport. "Pine Meadow, Connecticut. Can't say I've ever heard of this place. Where's this realtor we're supposed to meet with?" Brian asked. Nick shrugged, and saw his realtor as she greeted him at the airport. "I think that's her now," Nick observed.

"Mr. Carter, hi, I'm Janice Covington." Janice said. Nick raised an eyebrow at his realtor. She was tall, with honey blonde hair, and wore a smart business suit and glasses. Her hair was wrapped into a tight bun.

"Ms. Covington, it's good to meet you, finally. This is my friend Brian." Nick said, politely.

Janice shook Brian's hand smartly but warmly. "Of course. Brian Littrell. You can call me Janice. I know who YOU are, allright. My daughter Lindy cried buckets at your wedding. Congratulations by the way." Brian had the good sense to blush.

"I'll remind Brian to sign an autograph for your daughter, later. Now. Where's your car? I'm curious to hear about this house your firm is offering." Nick said, as they headed towards the door.

"I'll tell you all about the house on the way. Actually, I'm surprised you're interested in the place. We've had a VERY unusual time trying to find a decent buyer. We've had people come in... then leave, unexpectedly. No explaination." Janice said, patting a very thick manilla folder.

"Why don't you start from the beginning, Janice?" Brian said reasonably, as they got into the car.

"Right." Janice said, starting the car. "Well... I think I should start by saying, that the power, heat, lights, telephone... all the utilities ARE functioning. It's an unusual house, as I said before." She frowned, then looked over at the guys.

"ALL the utilities are running? Who's paying for it, the previous owners?" Nick inquired, curious.

"That's the unusual part. A law firm is footing the bill. Or so I understand the terms of the deed. Doesn't matter WHO owns the house... the utilities are always paid on time by a law firm that by all rights, barely anyone has even heard of. But the money is paid. I can't explain it. People buy the house, and even try paying the utilities... and their checks are refused. It's furnished, by the way." Janice said, as she drove away from the airport.

Brian shook his head. "VERY strange. Nick, WHERE did you hear about this place, anyway?"

Nick spoke up. "A search engine. I was looking for houses at a low price... just for laughs. THIS place came up."

Janice nodded. "And fifty thousand is a STEAL, considering how well-maintained it is. There's a caretaker, that the law firm maintains. The guy's an eccentric. Nobody ever sees him come or go. But he's been there almost since forever. He doesn't live there, not from what I understand. He just keeps the place up. And since there's a regular turnover of owners, the law firm I guess keeps the utilities paid, so that the caretaker can work comfortably, there."

Nick shook his head in amazement. "One thing I don't get, is why the asking price is so low, for such a well-preserved cottage."

Janice stopped at the light, and reached for the folder. "Let's see... well, I've been doing a little research. Take a look at this." She handed over a couple peices of paper, then resumed driving.

"Hm..." Nick mused. "You weren't KIDDING about the turnover of owners. 25 owners in the last fifty years ALONE." "Lemmie see, Frack." Brian said, reaching for the papers.

"It lists reasons they opted to sell... what's this? Some owners were arrested?" Brian whistled, in surprise. "Sounds like for a tiny little four bedroom cottage, it sure sees it's share of excitement."

Janice winced. "Look, you guys... let me just show you the house, and let you both make your decisions AFTER seeing it for yourselves.. okay?"

At the house**

The telephone rang. I picked it up after seeing the display. "Mikey! How's Ohio?" I asked into the phone, happy to hear from my friend.

"Oh, it's okay, Alex. Just going day by day with classes, though." Michael Line said, lying on his bed in his dorm room in Ohio.

"I think you're going to do WELL at college, you always were pretty good with your schoolwork." I said encouragingly, and smiled.

"I miss you, Alex. I've been meaning to visit, but you know how it is." I nodded, and voiced my agreement. "I've found someone though, Alex. He's in my history class. He's REALLY cute, you'd like him."

"I bet I would. I'm just glad you're happy. Don't EVER let the good ones go, Mike. Take it from me... losing someone you care about, is the worst thing that could EVER happen to you." I said, sighing slightly.

"You're talking about Jean again... what did I tell you, Alex? Jean is a LONG time ago. Don't beat yourself up over him, man... what happened, happened." Mike said, sounding concerned.

I sighed. Mike was right. Jean WAS a long time ago in my past. Lifetimes ago, by this point. But I still could feel his touch. His kisses. Every tiny thing about him, was indelibly imprinted upon me. My soulmate. And I lost him, and it STILL hurt, after all this time. I winced, remembering the light as it left his eyes. I shook myself, to clear my thoughts and return to the phone conversation.

"Anyway. Forget Jean, man. Focus on right NOW. Isn't there someone who's supposed to look at the house, today?" Mike asked.

I chuckled. "Yeah, I got the confirmation call to 'make myself scarce', two hours ago. Guess the realtor's picking them up from the airport, and bringing 'em right here."

Mike laughed. "Hid everything in the toolshed, did you?"

I groaned, in mock-horror. "You know me ONLY too well. Yeah, the laptop and all that is hidden in the toolshed, or the basement. What sucks is, I had to hide my Backstreet Boys cds. And I just got a new cd player, damnit...!"

"And the other stuff? The harpsichord, all that?" Mike asked.

"Storage, I put it there after I decided it was time to have the law firm put the house up for sale again. I was sick for 2 days after that stuff got moved out."

"I know, you always did have a bad reaction to moving your stuff around. You okay, though?" Mike asked, concerned again.

"Oh, yeah. This was months ago, remember. Takes a LOT to knock me down for the count, you KNOW that." I said, and we both chuckled at that.

"Yeah, that's true. Hey, is that a car I hear pulling up?" Mike asked. I glanced out the window.

"Yeah, the realtor's here. Blonde lady, this time. Guess it's time to scoot. Talk to you later, Mike. Good hearing from you." I said.

"Same here. By, Alex." "Bye." I said.

If Nick, Brian, or Janice had glanced into the living room when they entered the front foyer... they would have seen a telephone handset floating above the telephone, and then hang up. With nobody in the livingroom to be seen.

Well, that's the first chapter. Sorry if it's short, but this just seemed like a damn good place to stop, right here. Besides, I'm TIRED, at three am. You can email me if you want, Yes, this is a supernatural story. I've always loved ghost stories, and I read the 98 Degrees story "ghost" in the Boybands section of the Nifty Archive. When talking to the author, I commented that his ghost reminded me a little of myself.

So I became inspired to write my OWN ghost story here, and to use Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys in it. By the time this gets posted, I'll probably be about 2 or 3 chapters ahead, writing-wise. There are some similarities, like the ghostly limitations. Alex can manifest himself in the house or on the front or back lawns... AND affect the surroundings of his property. But he can't go outside his own property. He's kinda limited to his environment, like the Doctor on Voyager. Unlike the ghost in the story which inspired me, however... THIS haunting homosexual, is VERY smart. At least, in figuring out ways to still interact with the outside world, from the confines of his house. And yes, even to obtain friends who have kept his secret safe. On a final note, YES, the house I'm writing about exists. In real life, I'm looking to buy the house myself, and I can only HOPE it's haunted, like in this story. Until next time! D.L.C.

"Coming Home Again", Chapter Two

By David Carmona.

This story is complete and utter fiction. I make no claims on the sexuality of the Backstreet Boys, and in particular Nick Carter. As much as I'd WISH it to be so. All characters used herein and sexual preferences of the Backstreet Boys, are made up out of whole cloth right out of my head, or inspired by fictional characters I know of.

If consenting sexual acts by men are either illegal, or considered immoral where you come from... you know where the back button is on your browser. I suggest you CLICK on it, thank you. If not... please enjoy!

"Well, that's the tour of the house, you guys. Now, one of the rules that the firm has for selling the house, prospective buyers have to spend the night in the house before coming to a final decision. Here. I've got to get back to the office, and when you've made a decision, just lock up in the morning, head up this street, turn right, walk up past the town resovoir, and the office is right next to the town hall." Janice said, scowling at her pager which had the bad sense to go off right at the conclusion of the tour of the house.

I chuckled, and was glad I paged her back to the office from the upstairs extension. I wanted to get to know these two guys who were touring my house. I have to admit, that part of me was EXTREMELY flattered that two guys from my favorite band, were here touring my house! I even went above and beyond the call, straightening up beds and making the place give off an extra welcoming feel, the minute I recognized Nick Carter and Brian Littrell.

I shivered, and prayed that I was right... that Nick Carter was looking to buy MY house. I snapped out of my personal thoughts, and focused myself on the front foyer, where the three of them stood.

"Well, okay. The walk should be good. What do you think, Nick? I mean... YOU'RE the one that's buying this place..." Brian said. I quickly found a seat on the steps, at that. Down, boy.

"Sounds good. Thanks for showing us the house, Ms. Covington. I'll let you know my decision when I return the key to your office." Nick said, shaking the realtor's hand warmly.

"One question." Brian said, his hands in his pockets. "Yes?" Janice asked.

"Well, what are WE supposed to do, for transportation?" Brian frowned, gesturing towards the front door. "We didn't exactly go to a car rental, you know."

Janice blinked, and adjusted her glasses. "Did I forget to tell you? You just rode in it. Keys are on the keyrack by the kitchen door. Car's part of the package, guys. Get the house... get ownership of the car, as part of the house property. Drive in good health. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to meet a client back at the agency to close on another house. I'll see you tomorrow, and nice meeting both of you."

I watched as Janice left. I was impressed by her professionalism, in pitching the house. I'd seen realtors come and go, but she was the best by far. Not only did she know what to say to Nick and Brian... but she seemed to compose herself around them, a lot better than I was feeling, and I hadn't even been properly introduced to them!

I smiled to myself, watching them head to the kitchen table to talk about the situation. I sat on the steps, and suddenly got an inspired idea. I reached out with my thoughts, and dug out my sketching equipment from the upstairs closet in the room that's always been my bedroom. I got up and floated into the kitchen, and began sketching with an imaginary pen on imaginary paper, capturing every line and emotion on their faces as they discussed the pros and cons of the house. Upstairs, my motions were copied down exactly, on real paper on my desk upstairs. I sometimes impressed myself with my life as... a ghost. As I penciled and colored in the last touches of the moment that inspired me, I half-tuned into the conversation, and idly began a penciled sketch of Nick.

"Well, Nicky... I've gotta admit. Pretty weird setup, this place has, ain't it?" Brian said. I got up, and began making coffee for the two of them. I kept myself quiet, and using my powers of altering perceptions, I kept them both from seeing or hearing anything, as they continued talking. It was only when the coffee machine announced it was ready to pour, that I let them become aware of the coffee.

"What the...?" Nick said. "How in the... I was just THINKING I could use a cup of coffee..!"

Brian blinked. "I dunno... maybe the thing's set on an automatic timer or something. Wouldn't surprise me, with everything ELSE around here so far."

Nick nodded slowly. "Weird setup... just like you said. I dunno, Bri."

Brian nodded. "I've gotta admit it, though. There's just... something so WELCOMING about this place. When you get past the weirdness... it almost feels like the HOUSE wants us. I think you ought to take it. You should sleep on it, first... but I think I know what you'll tell Janice tomorrow."

"Then you know more than I do, Bri. It's just... a lot to take in, I guess." I smiled at Nick's expression. He seemed so sweet... yet so vulnerable, too. Like he was trying to find his own place in the world. I'd seen that look thousands of times, in the last century and a half. It was the look of someone that I knew I would die again if I could, to protect. But I knew, the decision was up to him, if he took the house. I wasn't going to force him.

I also decided then and there... that the time wasn't right, to reveal myself. I recalled my drawings, looked over the one I'd finished, and the one I was almost done with. I paused, then remembered something that I realized would look really good, in the picture of Nick.

All too soon, I realized that I was actually finished. I looked around, and it hit me that the guys had finally finished their deep discussion. I probed the house, and sensed they were headed for my bedroom. I quickly phased upstairs, covered over the drawings, and was very surprised to overhear Nick say, that my bedroom looked good enough for him to stay in tonight.

I copied the color sketch of him and Brian to keep for myself, and then snuck the original drawing, as well as the black and white sketch of him into Nick's belongings, which he so handily left dumped on the bed after he and Brian chose their rooms, and went downstairs to order pizza and watch TRL. The sounds of them razzing Carson Daly made me laugh, albeit quietly and to myself. "Guess they think o' him, as big o' an annoyance, as I do...!" I remarked to nobody in particular.

I pulled the air molecules around my essence together, and in under 10 seconds, I had fully re-materialized into a physical form. I stood in front of the mirror, and changed from my day clothes, into my usual nighttime clothes. Which on this night, happened to be a set of boxers, a tee shirt, a warm winter robe, and a pair of leather slippers. Once deciding on what to wear, I then let myself slip partly back, so that I would only be visible to myself. I tiptoed downstairs, and found a spot on the couch, and joined the guys.

Brian got up to go to the bathroom some three hours later, and Nick and I wound up sitting on the couch together. Of course, Nick had no idea, he was sharing a couch with probably his only living-impaired fan. I adjusted myself, thankful that I wasn't visible to Nick.

Nick by this point, had actually fallen asleep. I took pity on him, and turned off the tv. Getting up, I scooped Nick into my arms, and headed upstairs, to bring him to my... to our room. That was unfortunately, when Brian chose to come back towards the foyer. And to wind up standing in the doorway to our livingroom, just in time to see his best friend levitate off the couch.

He screamed.

I yelled.

Nick fell.

Oh boy....

Well, that's Chapters One and Two for you. I just finished editing them, and I'm gonna go quiet again while writing the next chapters, and working on a couple other stories. It really depends on the mood I'm in, where it comes to what I'll post next. Add to that, my home pc died rather painfully so... until I get a new one, I'm gonna be posting when I can. Regardless, I just wanted to get this done so that I can spend the weekend with my family. Oh, and before I forget: in this installment, and in future installments, you'll find clues and foreshadowed hints along the way, to a big mystery that I want you to try and solve, dear Reader: The mystery, of where I intend to GO with this series. Good luck cracking the case!

On a final note, I have to admit writing this story about Alex, is a lot more fun than I thought it might be. Alex is a character, in the truest sense of the word. He's sweet, he's kind... and FUNNY AS HELL, to boot. It's a real joy to be writing a character who's able to make me laugh at the drop of a hat. Alex, is my literary Lestat. So y'all treat him nicely in the critiques, eh? I hope to write more of the irrepressible scottish spook Alex, very soon. Keep your fingers crossed, and happy reading!


My website:

"Coming Home Again" delay and update

Dear readers:

I've been so busy trying to put together my own website, that my writing has suffered the fate of being put on the back burner, since you last saw me.

At the time when I first posted, my computer was having some serious problems. In fact, I thought it was DEAD. But luckily, Compaq was one step ahead of me, and had a backup drive to restore my Windows defaults when Windows got corrupted. So I'm back, baby!

As to the website, YES, I've gotten it up and running. And have archived the first two chapters of this story, but it needs a little final tweaking, to look the way I want it to. But it should be fine, by dinnertime tonight. Anyway, please check out my site, and I hope you like all the other stuff I've put together on it.


"As long as we have our fans, we can conquer anything" - Nick Carter.

My website:

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