Coming of Age

Published on Sep 17, 1995


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From S-Tek in Montreal: (514)597-2409

COMING OF AGE PART I - Jonah by Dorian Grey

Most men remember with erotic satisfaction the days of their mis-spent youth.

Today, after all the things that I have seen, and all the things I have done, nothing can quite recapture that awkward and sometimes painful sensation that comes with being both almost incurably innocent and horny beyond belief. When I was a sexy seventeen year old I had that LOOK. The body movements and eye contact that drove both me and many men and boys wild because I wouldn't do anything. That is, until Jonah came along.

Both of us sat next to each other in German in my sophomore and junior years. He was almost exactly a year younger and one grade below me. We knew each other from middle school, and when he sat next to me in German in my sophomore year I almost went wild. The little child that I had known as a shrimy seventh grader was almost as tall as I, and starting to turn into one very hot young boy. Nothing happened when I was 15 to 16 and he was 14 to 15... But that didn't stop me from fantasizing a lot. A hell of a lot. Jonah was unusual looking, but my fantasies involving him were pretty much the same as my fantasies with other boys. His medium dark brown hair, strong chin, low cheekbones and dark brown eyebrows contrasted greatly with his calm and cool blue eyes and the boyish smattering of freckles that adorned his face. And shoulders. And legs. And thighs. And ?

Over the summer of my sophomore year I wished fervently (and lustfull, if the truth be known) that I had been better friends with Jonah so that I could invite him to swim in my pool. We could go swimming, come upstairs to my room, lock the door, and undress, and see both the other getting hard, and jerk off together, smiling the whole time. But alas, my hot friend wasn't an out of class friend.

Until junior year, that is. When once again Jonah was placed sitting next to me in German in the fall, I knew that the Fates were not only sympathetic to would be lovers, but lesbians as well. I have never been a nervy person, but I decided that I would HAVE to live on the edge to try and manoever sweet Jonah into my confidences, and my bed!

First, I started passing him notes which said "If you're bored and you know it, sneeze!" And sure enough, Jonah started having sneezing fits and asked to go to the nurse. Whenever our seemingly deaf Cuban teacher was facing the board, blindly searching for the right excercise, Jonah and I would talk. I loved watching his eyes, and his smile, and his posture. Everything about him seemed to say "Invite me over to your house this Friday... To sleep over!" I lost my nerve. What if he was just smiling because we had our secret notes, and we both knew that everyone else in the class was stupid, silly, or both?

The end of the year was near, and I knew that I had to make my move. I said "How would you like to go swimming on Friday? you don't have any finals to make up, do you?" And he said he didn't think so. It came to Thursday of that week, and I called, and he wasn't home. I kept calling, and finally found out from his mother that he was sleeping over at a friend's house. TOM'S house. (Tom is Jonah's age, and is very small, very cute, and best friends with Jonah) I was beside myself with rage and jealousy. I was betting that right at that moment Tom and Jonah were out enjoying themselves at a movie or whatever while I sat home, alone, and horny as hell.

On saterday I called Jonah and asked him if he wanted to go swimming and maybe stay the night. He asked his mother if it was ok, and came over. As in previous years, Jonah wore both a shirt and a pair of shorts to swim in, and I was very upset. I wanted as good a look at his crotch as anyone could have of mine in my speedos. I wanted to gaze at his nipples and see them get hard when they hit the water. I wanted to see his cute little ass tense when he bent over to dive. But I had nothing, and it was Jonah's fault!

After a while, we got out of the pool and went to my room. He asked if he could borrow a pair of my underwear and a pair of shorts and a shirt since he brought his bag, but only brought his towel. I said sure, and left him alone in my room to get undressed, and sat outside by the door with my hardon, still horny, but not so angry. Just being near Jonah calmed me down while heating me up.

After a few minutes, I asked if I could come in, since my hardon was faltering. Jonah said "Sure, it's your room after all, come in!" and so I did. Since I was wearing only my towel, since my suit was already off and down the tunnel to the laundry, I went quickly to my dresser to get some clothes, without looking at Jonah. I opened my drawer, and saw that there was nothing in it. It was then that I remembered that my step mother had taken everyone's wash. But still, I had some old speedos in my underwear drawer that I used to cover up some old playboys that I never looked at.

"Oh, are you looking for these?" Jonah asked, waving the playboys in the air. SHIT! I thought to myself. I should have known. Back in junior high we had looked at those girlie magazines with Tom for some laughs.

"Actually, I was looking for my clothes, which Janet must have put into to the wash. What took you so long if you weren't getting dressed?" I inquiered, happy to put Jonah on the defense.

Jonah just smiled enigmaticly at me and let the playboy fall to the floor, and let his fingers trace an invisibile line between his nipples and down to his navel. His nipple's were hard, and it looked like his crotch was getting on the band wagon.

"You know what's funny?" Jonah said conversationally.

"What?" I replied, rather uncomfortable.

"Until 7th grade I always though that Playboy would have boys playing with each other, and that's why I wanted to have a real look at them."

"Oh, really?" I said, turning a unique shade of purple.

"Yeah. And it wasn't until now that I just realized that if I want to get a good look at boys playing with each other, it would be easier to...."

"To WHAT?" I asked, a little bit more than nervous.

"Well, you know how they say 'if you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself' ?"

"No. I mean yeah, but I don't know how that relates to playboys," I said rather naively.

"Hmmmm," Jonah said rather gutterly. "I guess I will just have to SHOW you. 'Actions speak louder than verbs,' they always say."

On that note, Jonah stood up. This would have been an ordinary thing, if not for how the towel he was wearing slid off of his smooth hips, and how he stood up in more ways than one. Jonah was beautiful, and I must admit that I gaped, complete with dropped jaw and moronic expression.

"Come one!" Jonah admonished. "It can't be as bad as all THAT!"

"I know I am still moist from showering off the chlorine, but what's the problem?" he asked of me. "I know!" he said. Still at full attention, Jonah went to my bureau and retrieved my brush with the plastic brissles, turned around to face me again, and proceeded to brush his dark brown pubic hair.

This was getting to be too much for me, and my young cock started to harden, and fill with blood. There was a tingly sensation that started in my balls, and went up to the tip of my virgin love rod while spreading to my thighs, nipples, and the rest of my body.

Jonah continued for a while, and I continued standing in more ways than one, in mute fascination. After a minute, jonah turned his direction to my towel covered cock and smiled and licked his lips. Now I was beyond the point of no return. i started to unconsciously flex a certain muscle in the same neighborhood as my cock, and my rod was jumping up and down in its terry cloth prison. Jonah continued staring and smiling until my towel fell off.

"About time!" Jonah said with laughter in his voice "I was afraid you weren't UP to the occasion!"

Jonah then moved from my bureau to my bed, and lay down while standing. (in a matter of speaking) I followed suit, and I was laying on the right of my twin sized bed. We both turned so that our heads faced each other and kissed. His breath was sweet, and he smiled.

"I'm getting cold," I said, while chattering my teeth. "Well, what are you going to do about it, get a cup of hot cocao to warm you up?" Jonah replied.

"Only if you'll be my coco," I said rather suggestively.

After a little more conversation, Jonah got on top of me so that we were face to face and nipples to nipples, and his crotch to my thighs. We kissed, and hugged, and then he started moving his hips back and forth.

I really enjoyed the feeling of getting so much attention, but to do something where both of us could get something out of it.

"Wanna DO something?" I asked.

"Yeah," said my 16 year old lover.

With that, we got side by side again and started jerking each other off. Before that time I had never known that other boys might use a different technique than I was used to. Mine involved grabbing hold of the cocked below the mushroom head and sort of yanking the skin of the "trunk" back and forth and back and forth until .... oh! But Jonah's method was a lot different, and I enjoyed it a lot more. His was a delicate way where he would get a lot closer to the cock head and just sort of wiggle his hand faster and then slower. My way did not work for Jonah, and he was so horny that he HAD to get off.

"I can't cum by anything but jerking off, and since you don't do it my way right, I will just do it myself," he said, with deep breaths between each word. I was horny too, and I did not want to be left out, and just jerking off on my own would be alright, but it would not be anywhere near the level of intimacy that I would like to have with Jonah.

While Jonah was busily wiggling his cock, my fingers started to roam. First, I caressed his nipples, until he started saying "Oh! OH! OH!" and then I layed off a little bit. "Don't stop!" Jonah said, "It feels soooo good!" Instead of getting him off really quickly, I continued teasing his nipples, and then his belly button, and then his thighs until it was about an hour after we started. Then Jonah started to moan softly, and he said excitedly, voice cracking "I'm close! I'm close! I'M CLOSE!!" And I leaned over by his hand.

"OHHHHHHH!" Jonah cried.

And with that, I moved his hand and thrust my open mouth down and over his throbbing cock. It wasn't long until something CAME of it. My going up and down his trembling rod made him eager to get off, and he started bucking his hips so that his cock was thrusting in and out of my hungry mouth. Just when I started to twirl my tongue around his rock, he came. Floods of sticky, salty and hot goo spurt into my mouth and down my mouth not once, but four times. I swallowed his love juice and let him continue thrusting until his climax, and not just his ejaculation, was over. I pulled back from my hot lover, and watched him calm down, apparently spent.

"How was it," I asked Jonah.

"Wow! That was the best! I feel so good all over except..."

"Except WHAT?" I demanded. "Except you are probably still as horny as hell."

"Are you only going to play symathetic, or are you actually going to DO something?" I suggested.

Again, Jonah demonstrated that actions speak better than verbs. He pulled me on top of him and we hugged for a long time and kissed even longer, but I was horny and we couldn't get away from that fact.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"What do you WANT do do?"

"Good question. What do you want me to want to do?" I continued.

"Fuck me," said my cute friend and lover with a befreckled smile. He almost looked shy, and I would have thought him so if I just hadn't had him cum in my mouth.

"Won't it hurt?" said I concernedly.

"No. Not really. Not if you get the jelly out of my bag."

It was KY jelly. Something I had only seen and used ONCE before - when I had really chapped lips at my annual check up. I obviously didn't know what to do, so Jonah HANDled everything for me. He greased my rod up with tender carresses, and lubricated the inside of his hot hole with the sex jelly. Jonah was still lying down on the bed on his back, so I put his legs over my shoulders and entered him.

Before Jonah, I had been pretty much limited to handling my horniness myself, and jerking off was fun, and still is, but fucking your hand or your pillow and fucking a friend and lover is something totally different. (thank god!) As hot as Jonah was on the outside, his insides did the rest of him shame. He was tight, and hot, and incredible. The whole time Jonah was urging me to go faster, or slower, or harder or softer. Somehow he was really getting into it. It didn't take long at all for me to get an on the edge.

"I'm getting close, Jonah!"

"How close?"



"Closer! Closer! Oh my god! I'm ready... oh!" I screamed, on the edge of orgasm, but riding the edge and enjoying the pleasurable pain of coming close and going farther away. I planned to stay that way for a while, but Jonah wanted it done faster. "Cum ON!" he whispered.

"Hold on! I just want to. ah!" I whispered back

"Now!" he whispered louder, and I then knew why: Jonah was jerking off at the same time, and he was getting just a little bit closer than I was.

"Can't you hold just a minute longer?" I almost pleaded, breathing heavily. "No! and neither can you!" and with that, Jonah began to squize my cock with certain muscles in his love tunnel that I had till then been unaware of.

"I'm cumming!" Jonah screamed and creamed.

"Arghhhhhh!" said I, with greater effort and pleasure, but less visual effects. (after all, what'd you want me to do, pull out and make an icky mess?)

I stayed in Jonah for about 5 minutes, and kept pumping away, and then after a dry climax, I pulled out and kissed him and hugged him, pressing my stomach to his, and enjoyed the sensation of his watery cum. When we woke up a half an hour later, our friendship and relationship as lovers was cemented. Literally!

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