Coming to San Diego, Installent

By Scott Smith

Published on Sep 3, 2011




Note: If you are under age or it is illegal to view material involving BDSM between adult males where you live, then please do not read this.

Background: I have not had to write one of these in well over a year, but I am in fact a man in his early 50s who is entirely dominated between closed doors by my spouse. Long story, but after some substantial behavior issues on my part she took control back around 2006. She used to send me out regularly to any men who were willing to punish me, and had me publish some of the accounts on Nifty. This had not happened for a long time, and we had not been contacted by anyone from the Nifty stories for over a year, that is until two weeks ago.

This story is entirely true and fully accurate.

Those who wish to communicate with my mistress or possibly punish me when visiting San Diego may e mail her at


I had only been checking the account every week or two, as no one ever really e mails me on it any more. That is entirely fine with me, as the pwhipped4 account was never my idea in the first place and generally speaking those who contacted me on it did so to either enjoy the fact that I get my ass beaten and more, to gloat about it, or occasionally to commiserate if they were in a similar position. None the less, I do have to check the account from time to time and did so two weeks ago.

There were two e mails from a man who clearly had read the earlier accounts of my punishments. The subject line read simply "your punishment".

I opened the first one and it was terse:

"Bitch, give me the e mail for your Mistress".

I sighed deeply, thinking that this was another chronic masturbator who had read the stories, but knew I better give out the e mail since it is in some of the stories, and I am required to give it out to anyone who asks.

I replied "Sir, my Mistress is at".

I then clicked on the second e mail which had been sent a few days later. The subject read "Ignoring me bitch"?

It read "you stupid old cunt. You had better reply to me or you will be very, very sorry".

I immediately sent off a note to the effect of "Sir, I apologize deeply. I do not check this account often. My mistress is at I really am sorry for the delay in responding".

As I sent this note I wasn't too concerned. The likelihood that this was anything other than a guy who envies my situation and wants to talk to a mistress, or a guy who just wants to play master on line was extremely low. I pretty much forgot about the e mails.

I got home from work at around 6 pm and cooked dinner for the family. My oldest was still back from college for the Summer and the youngest at 17 happened to be eating at home rather than being out with one of the many girls who seem to worship him. Both of my boys are real lady's men, as I considered myself to be in my youth. After dinner, both boys went out, and Mistress Karen and I retired to our bedroom.

During the course of the evening, the details of which are probably not of interest to this audience, I was told that she had heard from a young man who was rather "put out" with my not responding to an e mail.

I thought to myself "Shit, the guy was for real, now what?"

I also wondered "how young" as I really do not like the under 30 generation and if I was going to have to deal with another on line master type, I was hoping it would not be some fucking lazy entitled kid.

"You will find out tomorrow Scott. He is in town for a convention and you will be going to his hotel tomorrow at noon. I told him that he has you for two hours and that he is in charge of you. The usual rules apply and you know the limits of what you are to submit to, but otherwise he is in charge" said my Mistress.

The next morning which was Saturday came quickly. After my usual Saturday morning routine, I got in the shower at 1030 and got cleaned up. I knew I had to leave by 1130 to be on time to the room at the Convention Center Hotel to which I was to report.

At precisely noon, I took a deep breath outside of the room, hoping it would all be a joke and no one would be there, and knocked on the door.

A young man in his mid twenties opened the door, looking a bit nervous, and dressed in running shorts and white socks. He was covered in sweat as though he had just returned from a work out. I could see that his shirt and shoes had been thrown off inside of the door.

"Get in here Cunt" was all he said.

I knew I was fucked: the kid was for real, and this was not a joke.

"Yes Sir" I replied, automatically, knowing I had best not cause any further trouble for myself.

Upon entering he said one thing "Strip".

I rushed to comply, folding my clothes and underwear neatly and placing them with my shoes in the corner of the room.

As I did this, I appraised the dominant man to whom I had been sent. He wasn't a big kid at all: maybe 5-6 and 130 lbs. He has a thin runner's build; strong legs but not much upper body, and a moderate amount of chest hair. All in all he looked like a guy I could take without any problem, except of course that was not going to be an option for me.

"Bitch" he said looking at me as I stood there naked, my balls starting to shrivel up close to my body as I do when I am afraid.

"Yes Sir?" I replied.

"On your knees bitch" he said and I complied.

He then walked over and stood about a foot from me. I could see the outline of his dick through the sheer running shorts, and smell that while not exactly dirty, he had in fact worked out or ran before I arrived. Just as I had that thought, he grabbed my head and stuffed it into his crotch.

"Lick my dick and balls through the shorts cunt" he said.

Disgusted at the prospect, and humiliated as I had not been in a long time at having to do this, I opened my mouth and started licking through the shorts. After a minute or so, he grew erect and his only about 5.5 inch dick was tenting his shorts. Though far smaller than my own cock, I could see it was remarkably thick.

A minute or two later he told me to lick his feet. I dropped down, and was faced with the stinking feet of a man half my age who had recently run God knows how far. I almost gagged.

"Bitch, I gave you a fucking order" he said, as he pushed me on my back with his foot and then proceeded to stand over me, placing his right foot in my face.

I spent the next 5 minutes licking and sucking his feet and toes, disgusted, as he told me what a disgusting faggot I was.

At the end of this, he grabbed me by the hair and led me over to the bed. He took off his running shorts and laid down on his back, arms over his head.

"Clean my pits cunt" was all he said.

I considered arguing. I so did not want to do this. Here I was, a successful man, twice this kid's age, about to be licking out his sweaty smelling pits. My face must have been as red as a beet, and I was really angry. I considered just punching him out.

However, for a variety of reasons, I don't have that choice. With an inner sigh, I licked his right armpit, tasting the young male sweat and hair, and hoping things would not get worse. I had learned from earlier experiences that there are worse things to lick than an armpit.

After a few minutes he put me to work on his left pit, no less stinking than the right, and I cleaned it equally well.

As I was cleaning the left pit, he began to talk and I did not like what I heard.

"Bitch, bet you wonder why a guy like me would waste his time on a fat old fucker like you, right"?

I gave the expected response: "Yes Sir".

"Well Bitch, it's like this. My stepdad was a total prick to me. Beat my ass `til I went away to college. Treated me like shit. Even fucked me and made me suck his cock when I was younger. I have been reading Nifty since I was 17, dreaming of having some old cunt to abuse, and guess what fag? YOU"RE IT" he said.

I replied, I thought reasonably: "Sir, I never sexually abused anyone and I'm really sorry about what happened to you".

He replied, and I was amazed that he knew when he said this "Bitch, I know that. I talked to your wife. But we both know what got you in trouble and under the control of your Mistress in the first place, don't we"?

He went on to say: "So you beat your oldest son's ass once too many times and too hard and she took control, right"?

I thought to myself "Shit, that was years ago. It happened once. My sons and I have a great relationship now, why the fuck is this guy going to take it out on me now".

However, all I said, wisely, was "yes Sir".

"Stand up at the end of the bed Bitch" he then said, and of course I did so.

"Lean over it bitch" he said, and of course I knew I was in for a whipping.

I did so, and looked off to one side to see him reaching for a belt. I was trouble by two things: First, the belt looked pretty thick, like something a Western person would wear to a cowboy bar. Second, he was totally erect, obviously turned on at the prospect of beating my ass.

"Bitch, you are getting 50" he said as he took position to my left.

It didn't take but a second, and he was swinging the belt hard and fast across my ass, hitting both cheeks sometimes, and just one other times. He must have been hitting me once every couple of seconds, and I was immediately begging him to stop. I had not had a whipping like this in years, and this one was also rapid fire.

"Fuck... Please... Oww... please Sir, not so hard... Please not so fast".

The kid didn't even reply, he just kept on rapid fire belting my ass. It was over in a minute or two, certainly no longer given how fast he was swinging the belt. I was jumping around at the end of the bed and begging like a 5 year old through the whole thing.

"You like that BITCH?............ How does it feel to get your ass whipped... How do you think I felt" he yelled.

I didn't know what to say; it was as if this kid viewed me as his stepdad, the one who abused me. All I could do was whine and beg:

"Please Sir, No... Sir I never abused you... Please".

He seemed to come to, and then just told me to lay on my back on the bed with my knees up.

I did so, and was even more troubled to see that he reached for a condom and KY jelly and lubed up my asshole.

He was going to fuck me.

I have only been fucked a few times, never voluntarily, and not in over a year. I could see the kid wasn't very long at 5.5 inches, but he was thick as hell. I knew this was going to hurt.

Putting a condom on his dick, he rammed it in me, fucking me like a woman as I lay on my back.

"Owwwwwwwwwwwwww ... Fuck... Please Sir..." I begged.

He got an evil smile, clearly enjoying the fact that his dick was hurting me, and proceeded to pump my ass for 5 minutes or more until he shot a load into the condom.

Pulling out and taking off the condom and throwing it in my face he said "Get dressed bitch and get out. You better hope I don't come back again".

I wasted no time getting out of there, then upon returning home was told to write this account and post it.

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