Complicating Friendships

By Casey Hiscocks

Published on Jul 3, 2013


Here are a few images of what my characters look like.

Addison (imagine the hair is longer and curly) :






I lay quietly in my bed, the lace curtains hanging from the canopy above me fluttered softly in the breeze. I flipped through a few pages of my magazine and suddenly I heard an almost inaudible tap on the window pane. I stood up, slipped on my vintage floor-length satin robe, and glided over to the window. In my front yard stood my life long crush/ best friend.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair."

"As if, Tanner. Besides, my hair isn't that long."

"Get a hair cut, hippie!" He whisper yelled and followed it up with his trademark smile.

"What are you doing here at," I glanced at the clock and turned back, "midnight?"

"Why, Cinderella, you got someplace else to be?"

"Well I had hoped you were Prince Charming with my feirce glass pumps," I teased.

"I'm no Prince Charming but I do have some shoes for you."


"Yeah, they have a big hole in the side and I was hoping my favorite, gay seamstress could fix it," he winked after the word seamstress.

"Heh, no. Now get outta here before my mom hears you!"

"Pleeeeease?" He whined followed by a pouty lip.

"Better put that lip away before Fanny Rooster perches on it and poops on your chin." his lip was replaced by a disgusted look.

"You"re gross, Addi. Please just fix my shoes."

"Tanner, I don't have time for that bullshit in my life."

"Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?"

"Do I look like a dog?"

"Can I at least come up?"

"No, mom will go ballistic if she hears you. You know the rule, no friends after ten-thirty on school nights."

"But... Ugh, fine. I guess I'll go home... barefoot," He drooped his shoulders and started dragging his feet toward the road.

"Don't be a butt, Tanner," I knew exactly where he was going with this.

"My best friend wont even sew my shoes, He doesn't have time for my bullshit in his life. He'd probably be better off without me," there it was, his "I'm Gonna Say Suicidal Things But Not Mean It" voice. With risk of enduring this torture any longer I caved.

"Fine, Suicidal Sally, gimme your damn shoes." Tanner's normal perkiness returned immediately with a trademark grin to match, he quickly scaled the trelis and climbed in the window. He handed me the totally trashed shoes and smiled again.

"Now git. Before mom hears you." He laughed softly, his eyes sparkled dark crystal blue.

"Goodnight, Addi."

"Goodnight, Tanner." Tanner stepped out the window and climbed down. He landed with a soft thud on the grass.

"I will pick you up tomorrow for school!"

"Mmkay, now go!" I laughed a little and sat down on my bed. I looked at the shoes and pulled out my needle and thread. Slowly but surely I sewed the shoe back to a nicer state.

I put the shoes on the floor and took off my robe. I lay in my bed and listened to the sweet sounds of the nearing summer drift through my open bedroom window.

"Addison, wake up, Dear. Tanner is waiting for you in the kitchen."

"Five more minutes."

"Wake up ya lump," mom playfully swatted my butt. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Whats the weather like?" I looked at her through barely open eyes.

"Its gonna be a hot and humid one today."

"Great, my hair will look like steel wool." I reluctantly climbed out of bed and went to my closet. I ran my fingers over the choices of clothes and finally settled on a light pink v-neck, plaid pink shorts, and white flip flops. I ran quick to the bathroom, curled a few strands of my light blonde, almost-to-the-shoulder length hair, and sprayed on some hairspray. I grabbed my satchel and skipped down the stairs.

"Hey Princess Peach, are you ready?"

"I almost forgot my parasol!" I said sarcastically as I grabbed an apple.

"Lets go!" He walked toward the door, I followed behind him not passing up this opportunity to look at his amazing bubble butt in thouse snug, gym shorts. He glanced back at me and stopped.

"You looking at my butt?" I stopped mid bight and felt my cheeks heat up with the inevitable warmth of embarassment. He laughed and glanced at his own butt.

"Does it look good in these?" I took the apple from my mouth and smiled.

"I've seen better," I teased.

"I bet you have, Addi. C'mon we are gonna be late." We went to his car and got in. He pulled out of my driveway and as he was driving he pulled off his light grey t-shirt revealing his amazingly defined six-pack.

"Tanner, what are you doing?"

"I didn't get a chance to change out of my jogging clothes this morning, I will just shower after gym this morning but for now I gots to put on somethin' hot, gotta keep the ladies happy." He reached into his back seat and grabbed a red white and blue striped bro-tank. He rolled on some deoderant and pulled on the shirt.

"Grab the wheel, please."

"Wha-?" I grabbed the wheel quickly as he pulled his shorts off with both hands. His thick muscled thighs were exposed. HE was wearing a pair of very tight white boxer briefs that showed off his rather large package. He picked up a pair of tan skipper shorts and slid them on. He placed one hand on the wheel and pulled off his shoes with the other.

"Wanna grab those boat shoes off the backseat floor please?"

I turned around in my seat and picked them up and handed them to him. With one hand he put them on and returned his attention to the road.

"I can't believe what I just witnessed," I laughed.

"It was nothing man, I learned how to do that a long time ago."

"Oh did you?" he smiled and started to respond when his attention was diverted to the song on the radio.

"I love Caro Emerald!" He cranked the dial and started singing along, "From the middle to the top to the end, ba du da dun doday. Ba du da dun doday, back to the middle to the front to the end."

"Why don't you join choir? Your voice is so good!"

"Because thats your thing, Addi, not mine."


"In public."

"You just sang in front of me..."

"Yeah but you don't count, you're my best friend." He pulled into the student lot and parked.

"Whatever, Tanner, you should exploit your talents," I said getting out of the red BMW.

"I do, I exploit my football talents and my rockin' body. Speaking of which, do I look hot in this?" He turned a little and looked at his reflection in the window.

"Obvi, now lets get to class, Narcissus."

"Isn't that the queen from Snow White?"

"No, thats the guy who fell in love with himself, thats where the word narcissistic comes from."

"Oh yeah! Just kidding, I have no clue what you are talking about."

"If you paid as much attention to literature class as you did to your own reflection, you would," I playfully poked his ribs. He laughed as we both went into the school.

"Whoa, who is that babe?" I followed his gaze to the girl in front of us. She had flawless, glowy, sun-kissed skin, long, curly blonde hair, and the prettiest grey eyes. Tanner ran a hand through his shortish dark brown hair.

"I should introduce myself." He walked towards her. I followed a tinge of jealousy boiling in my stomach.

"You must be new here."

"That obvious?" Ugh I hated her. She was so likeable. I wanted to be her best friend and choke her all at the same time.

"I'm Tanner, This is my best friend Addison, he's gay," Tanner smiled. He knew I liked being introduced like that. It was easy and it got the awkwardness of having to say it completely out of the way.

"I'm Daisy. I just moved here with my brother from California."

"Wow thats awesome! What part of Cali?"

"San Francisco," she smiled and tucked her perfect hair behind her ear.

"Well its time for class, we should all be going, right Tanner?"

"Yeah, hey, Daisy, you should sit with us at lunch, bring your brother too."

"That sounds great, could one of you point me in the direction of the biology lab?" OH GREAT! This bitch is in our first class.

"Yeah, that's exactly where Addison and I are going right now!" Daisy followed us to the lab and I went to my usual spot in the back. Tanner and I have always sat together at the table there. As I sat doown I noticed Daisy sit in the table next to it and Tanner sat down next to her.

"Tanner, whatcha doin? You always sit next to me?"

"Yeah but Daisy is new, I'll Sit with you tomorrow."

"Okay..." I pulled out my biology book and my notes. As the bell rang another kid walked into class. He was gorgeous. He had the same glowy sun-kissed skin as Daisy. His hair was short, wavy and dark blonde. He was hearing a white v-neck t shirt, dark blue cargo shorts and black converse.

Daisy glanced up and waved him over he walked towards us and sat in Tanner's seat next to me.

"This is my brother Beau. Beau this is Tanner and Addison."

"Pleasure to meet you Addison," he looked at me and winked, "nice to meet you too Tanner."

"Yeah man, if you ever need anything Addi and I can help."

"I'm countin on that," he said to me. I turned and faced the front.

"So, Addison, you got a boyfriend?"


"You want a fuck buddy?" he whispered.

"As if. Did that ever work for you back home?"

"Eh, ususally. Then there were times I'd come across a tough nut to crack but I always got in."

"Well that's probably not gonna happen with me." He placed his hand on my thigh and leaned a little closer. He smelled sweet like candy. I could feel his warm, minty breath on my cheek.

"Maybe you will change your mind."

"Doubtful," I said prying his hand off my leg.

"Good morning class," Mr. Wattkins said entering the classroom, "We have two new students, Daisy and Beau Vanderwhal. He motioned to them and went on with his lesson.

A little while later as we were discussing mitosis, Beau grazed my arm with his.

"So what does a beauty like you do for fun in this little podunk town?"

"I hang out with my friends."

"Maybe I can join sometimes only it can be just you and me. Minus the clothes."

"Well, as refreshingly repugnant as that sounds, I'd rather not."

"Maybe, Tanner would like to join?"

"He's not gay."

"But you wish he was." I stopped writing and looked up, I could feel my face get hot as blood filled my cheeks.



"Shouldn't you be taking notes rather than harrassing me?"

"Shouldn't you be sucking my dick instead of using that mouth be be snotty?" Beau winked and smiled, flashing his perfect straight teeth. I rolled my eyes and continued taking notes.

At long last the school bell rang and it was time for Tanner and I to go to gym.

"Hey, Addison, can you tell me where the gym is? I have PE next," Beau smiled sweetly.



"God damnit. Tanner and I are going there next."

"Great, maybe I'll get to see that tight ass of yours." I glared at him and followed Tanner out the door.

"See you in English, Daisy," Tanner waved to her as she walked off, "Where you off to next, Beau?"

"Gym, apparently with you and Addison."

"Awesome! We will take you there!" After stopping at Beau's locker for his gym clothes, we walked to the gym and as we got to the locker room.

"You must be Beau Vanderwhal?" Coach Thompson asked.

"Yes sir."

"Addison, will you show him to the side of the locker room you're assigned to? Here's a padlock and combiination take the locker next to Addison's, Beau." I turned and walked briskly to the locker room. There were two sided of the locker room separated by a wall, they were split up based on season and sport. My locker was on the fall sports side and Tanner's was on the spring sports side.

"Here's your locker," I said half heartedly to Beau. I opened the padlock on my locker and glanced at Beau. I choked a little in surprise, half because he was already buck naked and half because his dick was really big.

"Like what you see?" Beau asked with a wink.

"I'd like it better if it was wearing combat boots and a head to toe parka. Ooh and a ski mask would go great with your eyes." Beau chuckled at my insult.

"You're a freaky kid huh?" He smacked my ass as I was bending over to take off my shorts.

"Ever touch me like that again I'll show you how freaky I get," I said angrily. I turned away from him and pulled off my underwear.

"Damn." I glanced back to see Beau staring at my ass. I quickly slipped into my compression shorts and gym shorts. I walked out of the locker room and met up with Tanner on the track feild.

"Fag," I felt the familiar warm breath on my neck as Connor Teague whispered in my ear.

"Hey Tan!"

"Hey Con!" Connor fist bumped Tanner and looked at me.

"Hey Addi."

"Connor," I said annoyed. Beau walked up and joined us, now fully clothed.

"Connor, this is Beau, he's new," Tanner said smiling.

"Hey, you gonna go out for football? We could use a big, broad guy like you on the team."

"Hell yeah man."

"Boys line up, we are gonna do a lap. I'm timing, best time gets to sit out on the drills today, let me tell you, todays drills are gonna kick your guys' asses," Coach Thompson said laughing. We all went to the starting line.

"Ready, set, go!" Coach blew the whistle and all the boys were off. I was still at the starting line.

"What are you doin, Clairs?"

"I had to make it fair, Coach," I grinned and started off. I was caught up to the others within a few seconds soon I was next to Connor who was third right now behind Tanner and Beau.

"I know you don't think you are gonna beat me, Queer."

"No I already did that and you told the whole school I raped you."

"I didn't say you raped me," he said quieter, "You shouldn't have kissed me in the bathroom." He sped up and passed me and then he was past Tanner. Easily I caught up to him again, "You shouldn't have asked me to." I said as I passed him and Beau. I crossed the finish line and walked toward Coach.

"I tried to keep it fair Coach." I sat down under the umbrella at the station where Coach Thompson sat during drills. As the other boys crossed the finish line panting, I pulled out the book I kept in the coaches stuff.

"Alright boys, time to start the drills." The others groaned as I flipped to the page I left off at. A little bit later, Coach Thompson came and sat next to me.

"Why don't you join track? You weren't even breathing heavy when you finished, and you were last to start. How did you do that?"

"Lungs of a singer, baby. And as to the track thing, I'd rather not, I don't really like sports."

"We could really use your speed and breath control."

"Thanks but no thanks Coach."

"If you ever change your mind you know where to find me," He stood and blew the whistle, "Alright guys go shower."

I walked to the locker room and undressed. I walked to the shower and rinsed my body careful not to get my hair wet. I toweld off and dressed. I bent over to tie my shoe and felt a hand slap my ass. I turned to see Beau.

"Beau, what did I say?"

"I could't help myself its just such a nice ass."

"You do it again and I will crush one of your testicles, left or right thats your choice."

"Ha okay," He said stripping quickly. He rubbed his hand sensually over his abs. I grabbed my bag and left the room. Tanner was sitting on the bleachers, hair wet. What I would give to see him naked and wet.

"Hey Tanner," I said sitting down next to him.

"Hey Addi, that was really awesome out there on the track. Why don't you join tracck or the football team?"

"Thats your thing, not mine," I said with a wink.

"Psh whatever." The bell rang.

"Off to English?"

"Of course." We stood and started walking toward class. Finally I could get away from Beau. I walked through the door and stopped dead in my tracks. Beau was sitting in my seat.

"Hey Daisy!" Tanner said sitting next to her. I walked over to Beau, "You're in my seat."

"I don't see your name on it."

"I'll carve my name into your face if you don't move."

"I'd love that."

"Get out of his spot, Beau," Daisy smiled at me. I hate her. She's so nice and I like her too much. Bitch. Beau stood up and sat in the seat next to mine. I sat down.

"So do you have every class with me?" I asked annoyed.

"I don't know, here's my schedule take a little look-see." I snatched the square sheet of paper from him and scanned it. He literally had every class with me. Even AP French and AP Literature.

"Are you even smart enough to be in AP classes?"

"I was top of my class at my old school."

"Well aren't you special?"

"I've been told I am."

The day dragged on with Beau hitting on me every chance he got and Tanner drooling over Daisy. Finally it was lunch time and we sat around our usual table. My best friend thats-a-girl, Julie was sitting next to me and Tanner was next to her followed by Daisy, and Beau was next to me.

"How's your day been?" Julie asked while Beau was distracted, talking to Tanner.

"Plagued by Can't-Take-No-For-An-Answer Man," I said pointing resenfully at Beau.

"He's hot."

"And arrogant. And rude. And annoying, conceded, rediculous.. shall I go on?"

"Sorry you have a hottie that wants the D."

"Well I don't want his D." I said annoyed.

"Hey Addi, did you hear Daisy?" Tanner asked excitedly.


"She and Beau are throwing a party tonight. They invited us."

"You too, Julie," Daisy said with a perfect smile, "bring all your friends."

"Where do you live?" Tanner asked.

"The spooky house on the end of Oak Lane."

"The old Crane place?"

"Yep, thats the one. We fixed it up alot so its much nicer and alot less scary now."

"I can't" I said.

"Why?" Julie and Beau asked simultaneously.

"I have to work tonight."

"When do you get done?" Daisy asked.

"About eight-thirty."

"Great the party starts at eight and isn't over until midnight."

"So I will pick you up after work and we can get ready together," Tanner offered.

"I guess."

"I'll meet you guys at Addi's," Julie said smiling devilishly at me.

"Mmkay." I stood up, "I'm gonna go study for the AP Lit test in the library." I turned and walked out of the lunch room. I walked past the bathroom and suddenly I felt something jerk my arm and I was I=on the floor in the boys restroom. I was a little dizzy and extremely confused. I felt warm lips on mine and a tongue begging for entrance.

I pulled away and looked into Connor's eyes.

"What the hell?"

"What? I missed that mouth." I stood up and walked for the door. Conner grabbed my arm, hard.

"C'mon babe."

"Stop, get off of me, Connor."

"Addi, please."

"I said stop, you're hurting me." In a quick blur there was a sound like fist on face and Connor was on the ground with an angry looking Beau standing over him.

"He said stop you fuckhead," He turned to me, "You good Addison?"

"I'm fine." I looked down at Connor he was pissed with a nice puffy red eye. I turned and walked out the door. I sat at a table in the back of the library.

"I don't even get a thank you?" I looked up, Beau was sitting across from me.

"For what?"

"I saved you back there."

"Is that what you call saving? I had it under control."

"Is that what you call under control? He was manhandling you."

"So? You've been manhandling me. Its not okay if others do it?"

"Thats completely different."

"How so? You didn't stop after I asked you to."

"I wasn't hurting you," He said glancing at the dark red hand mark on my wrist, "Dude he left a mark."

"And you left one on him."

"He deserved it."


"Listen, I'm sorry I've been really forward. I'm not used to people not thinking I'm smokin hot."

"I have standards."


"Thank you for, in your words, saving me."

"Anytime, babe."

"Its Addison to you."

"Anytime, Addison."

"Now if you don't mind, I'd like to finish studying."

"Where do you work?"

"At risk of finding out that you work there too I'll keep that to myself."

"McDonalds, huh?"

"Ew, you work at McDonalds?"

"No but I'd be embarrassed to talk about it too. Don't worry, your secrets safe with me."

"I'm a candy striper."

"Those still exist?"

"Yeah, we are just called hospital volunteers now but I prefer candy striper. Its cuter."

"You're cuter." I blushed.

"Whatever. I don't want to fail this test."

"Connor will probably be visiting you at work if he keeps up this harrasment towards you."

"I don't need you to be my body guard."

"I want to be your body guard."

"Too bad." I smiled snarkily and continued studying. The bell rang and I shut my text book angrily, "Damn, I'm gonna fail this test."

"I doubt it. Lets go to class." We went to class and I sat next to Tanner.

"Hey Add- what the hell happened to your arm?"

"I Accidentally closed it in the bathroom door," I said.

"What?" Beau looked confused. I gave him a Keep It To Yourself look. The rest of the day went by in a blur of tests and talks about the last two weeks of school. The end of the day finally arrived and Tanner and I were sitting in his car in my driveway.

"I really like Daisy," he said.

"Yeah. I like her too." Bitch.

"I can't wait till this party. Beau seems really into you."

"You have no idea."

"You should go after him."

"I have standards."


"Like someone who is kind and smart and talented and thoughtful," and you.

"Beau seemed kind and hes obviously smart."

"Yeah but hes rude and conceeded and smug."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah." Tanner turned to me.

"Addi, you're my best friend you know that right?"

"Of course."

"I just wanted you to know," he leaned closer and looked directly into my eyes. I could smell his cherry chapstick and the warm cologne he was wearing. It had a slight coconut scent to it.

"I do."

"See you at eight thirty."

"See you," I so wanted to kiss him. To press my lips to his. To feel his skin on mine. I stepped out of his car and went inside to put on my work uniform. My mom dropped me off at the Memorial Hospital an hour later.

"Have fun at work, remember I'm going to Aunt Laura's house this weekend and I will see you after school on Moday. Don't throw any house parties oaky?"

"Dang, you've foiled my plans, I guess I'll have to call Julie and tell her to cancel the strippers."

"Addi! You can't have strippers in the house unless I"m there."

"Bye, Mom," I laughed and hugged her.

"Bye, sweetie. I love you."

"Love you too!"Work dragged on and on and finally it was time for the party.

Tanner was sitting in the parking lot in his car waiting for me.

"You sure do got a purdy mouth boy," He said creepily through his rolled down window.

"Why thank you, I exfoliate my lips every night. Gotta keep em plump and kissable." He laughed and I laughed too. We got to my house and he had a little drawstring bag with him. He stripped out of his clothes and looked at me, "Mind if I shower real quick?"

"Uh.. no." He pulled off his boxers, revealing his soft five inch dick. It was fairly thick too.

"You like?" He winked and walked into my bathroom. My face and penis filled with blood. I turned around and thought of every gross thing I could to get my penis so soften up. Finally I pulled on some white shorts and a blue sailor shirt. I pulled on my red boat shoes and sat on my bed. Tanner came out of the bathroom with nothin but a towel on.

"Damn, I forgot underwear, mind if I borrow a pair?"

"No," I got up, went to the dresser and tossed him a pair of red briefs. He pulled them on. They barely fit. He looked like he was gonna burst right out of them if he moved wrong. He put on his tshirt and tan shorts.

"How do I look?"


"Oh?" He sprayed on his cologne and I went to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth really quick and sprayed on my Victoria's Secret perfume "Sweet and Flirty".

"You chuckleheads ready?" Julie said from my doorway. She was wearing a short floral sundress and a cropped blue vest. Her hair was pulled into a pretty ponytail.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for Mister Vanity to finish primping himself," Tanner said playfully poking my ribs.

"Lets go," I said laughing. We all got into Julie's car and drove to Daisy and Beau's house. When we got there, people were all over. It seemed like the whole school had shown up. Music was pounding through the place and everyone was dancing and talking and grinding on each other. Beau was doing some trashy dance with Dana Kinsly, the school whore. Daisy was talking to some cheerleders and Tanner left to go say hi to her.

"Julie, did we have to come to this thing?"

"Duh, yes." I caught Beau's eye and he started toward me.

"Hey there, I didn't think you'd show."

"Of course we'd come," Julie said, "I'm gonna go get a drink Addi, I'll see you in a bit." She walked off leaving me with Beau.

"You look really beautiful," Beau said leaning in, "And you smell good too."

"Thanks." He looked into my eyes and leaned closer. Before I knew it his lips were on mine. It was like electricity was running through my body. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer. I put my arms around his neck and almost stopped breathing. I wanted to stop but at the same time I never wanted this to end. It seemed like time stopped and we had been kissing for hours. Suddenly the kiss was broked by Beau 's body jerking away from mine. I looked at the jumbled mess on the floor.

Tanner was on Beau.

"Dude, I'm so sorry, someone tripped me!" Tanner said.

"No harm no foul, man," Beau stood up smiling and helped Tanner up.

"Addi, will you come with me for a minute? I need your help," Tanner asked.

"Sure," I followed him to a bathroom, "Whats up?"

"Dude your underwear is killin me and I can't get them off."

"What?" I started to laugh but he looked annoyed.

"Please help me get them off. They are cutting off my circulation."

"Oh dear. Why do I have to help you?"

"You're my best friend, you're the only one I trust to help me with embarrassing shit like this."

"Okay lets get this over with." He undid his shorts and dropped them. My underwear was digging into his thighs and hips.

"Okay hold still," I struggled to get my fingers into the waistband and tried to pull them down. They wouldn't budge.

"Dude, hurry up."

"I'm gonna have to tear them off."

"Do whatever just please help."

I grabbed the underwear at the seam and pulled as hard as I could and they started to tear. Finally I had them ripped completely off.

"Are you getting hard?" I asked looking at Tanner's semi-hard dick. It had grown about an inch and a half and was looking a little plump.

"I.. I... Its just... I.. Look, dude I'm horny and your hands felt good and it was hot having underwear ripped off of me. Sorry." I gulped and took hold of his dick never breaking eye contact.

"What are you doing Addi?" I slowly opened my mouth and sucked his dick in. His breath faltered and altogether stopped. I looked him in the eyes and grabbed his hand. I placed it on my head and started to pump my mouth on his ever hardening penis. He started to breathe again and ran his fingers through my hair. I pulled off to where just the head of his dick was in my mouth.

My tongue flicked the head and then I ran my tongue down his shaft. He moaned out softly. I placed my hand on his abs and rubbed them sensually. His left hand came up and grasped mine. His eyes locked on mine and I took his whole eight and a half inch penis into my mouth. My nose tapped againse his pubic area.

He moaned and ran his fingers through my hair while thrusting forward with his hips.

"Addi, I'm gonna cum." I smiled around his dick and hummed a little while I deepthroated him again. I wanted to taste him. I felt the tension grow in his body and soon I felt the blasts in my throat.

"Addi." I swallowed.

"Addi are you going to help me out of these undies?"

"Huh?" Suddenly reality slapped me hard across the face. The fantasy slowly wilted away to nothing.

"Oh yeah, sorry."

"No problem man." I pulled the underwear and it tore just enough for him to beable to take them all the way off. He pulled his shorts back on and held out his hand for me to steady on as I stood.

"Thanks, man, you're a life saver." He pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his warm body annd then reluctantly pulled away. I turned the knob of the door and opened it.

"You havin fun at this thing, Addi?"

"I'm not sure," I walked into the crowd leaving Tanner to dance with Daisy. I walked outside and started home.

"Hey Addison, where are you going?" I turned to see Beau looking concerned.


"Its only ten."

"I'm going home, Beau."

"Let me at least give you a ride."

"I can walk."

"Not in those shoes. You'll get blisters." He's right.

"Fine." I got into his car. He started toward my house based on the directions I gave him.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No, why would I be?" I was honestly confused.

"Well you wanted to leave right after I kissed you and I know I'm a little forward.."

"A little?"

"Okay I'm really forward."

"Uh, yeah. I'm not mad at you though. I'm mad at me and I'm mad at life and fate and whatever."

"Because Tanner doesn't like you back?"


"C'mon man its obvious. I can see the way you look at him."

"I don't look at him like anything."

"Okay." He pulled over on the side of the road, "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't have feelings for Tanner."

"I don't."

"Don't what?"

"Have feelings for him."

"For who?"

"Okay fine, I have feelings for Tanner but it doesn't matter. He's not into me like that."

"Well I am." Beau leaned forward and smashed his lips to mine. At first I was startled and then I kissed him back. I put my hands on his perfect chisled face and pulled it closer. I could feel him tongue begging for entrance into my mouth. I obliged and soon we were wrestling with our tongues. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back seat.

I got onto his lap and he pulled off my shirt revealing my flat tummy. I swiveled my hips and could feel his growing bulge on my ass. I kissed him with more passion, more lust. His hands traced my back and found their way to my ass.

"The=at ass," he said between kisses, "is amazing." Beau unbuttoned my shorts and I pulled them off leaving me in just my underwear. I unbuttoned his shorts and slid my hand in. I grasped ahold of his thick cock and he moaned into my mouth.

I pumped my hand on his dick as hand found mine. He kissed my neck and chest and I continued to jerk his dick. He laid back and lifted his butt off the seat and I pulled off his shorts and underwear. His nine inch dick hit his abs with an audible smack. I immediately sucked the entirety of it into my mouth.

"HOLY SHIT!" Beau yelled bucking his hips up toward my mouth. I hummed as I deep throated it again.

"You keep that up and I'm gonna blow." He grabbed my hips and pulled off my underwear. He sucked my dick and I stopped in surprise.

"Why did you stop?" he asked pulling my dick from his mouth.

"I've never had someone do it back to me."

"Really? But this dick is amazing."

"Thanks," I said sucking his back in. He moaned around my dick and his hands rubbed my legs and ass. Soon his pointer finger found its way to my hole. He tapped it a few times and ran his finger around it a little. He took my dick out of his mouth to suck on his finger. He stuck it in ever so gently.

I moaned at the new feeling. I continued my oral assault on his amazing dick as he fingered me with one, then two, and eb=ventually three fingers. Then he took my dick from his mouth again and I felt something different on my ass. I turned around surprised.

Beau had his face buried in my ass, his tongue lapping at my hungry hole.

"Beau, that feels amazing."

"Good!" He kissed my rosebud and then he turned me around.

"I want to fuck you, Addison."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm so sure. There are condoms in the glove box."

"Condoms? I can't get pregnant though..."

"But you can still contract an STI not that I'm saying I have one or you do but no condom sex should only every happen in a totally consentual monogomous relationship. Until then I'm not taking chances."

"But Con-" I stopped in my tracks.

"Well Conner was a douche and didn't care about your saftey. Obviously he only carried about getting his dick wet. I want you to feel just as good as you're making me feel." With that I kissed himm with a new earnest. I reached into the glove box and pulled out a condom. I opened it and rolled it over his thick, warm cock.

I started to turn around but Beau stopped me, "I wanna look in your eyes while I make you feel amazing."


"Just follow my lead," He placed the head of his dick at my entrance and slowly back my hips onto it while he brought his hips up. I cried out from the pain of having such a big tool inside me. He pushed a littl further and soon it was about halfway in. I moaned as he touched my prostate.

"Holy Fuck!" I threw my head back in ecstasy as he bucked up. HE pushed in and pulled out as I gyrated my hips. I grabbed his left hand and started sucking his fingers while staring him in the eyes. He grabbed my seven and a half inch dick with his right hand and started to pump.

"You are so fucking hot, Addi." I smiled around his fingers and he bucked forward again. He jerked my dick and I felt the familiar tension in my balls. He must have felt it too because quickly he pulled out of me and swallowed my whole dick.

That was enough to send me over the edge and I arched my back as I blew into his mouth. Six shots flew rapidly into his mouth and he swallowed every drop. I gasped and began to twitch as my penis became super sensitive.

"That was so good." Beau pulled the condom off his dick and started jerking it. I kissed him and we shared the sweet tase of my load. He started to tense up and I turned quickly. I deepthroated his cock and he came. It was so powerful seven or eight loads punched the back of my throat and I just swallowed it all. His breath became heavy as I turned around and collapsed on his chest.

"That was fucking awesome, Addi."

"Yeah it was." I started to cry a little.

"What's wrong, did I hurt you?"

"No its just that Connor never made me feel that good. He only wanted to get off and make me finish myself. I thought thats how it was supposed to go."

"Fuck no man. You deserve to get off just as much as he did. You have an amazing mouth." He leaned forward and kissed me. I returned the kiss.

A little while later we were both dressed and he had driven me home.

"Addi, I had fun tonight," he grabbed my chin and kissed me again.

"Me too." I got out of his car and went inside. I took off my clothes and slipped into my pajamas. I laid down on my bed and slowly began to drift asleep. A few hours after I fell asleep I felt a hand shake my shoulder.

"Hey, Winnie Foster, you awake?"

"I am now." I said sitting up slowly. Tanner stood by my bed without a shirt on.

"Tanner, what happened to your shirt?"

"My wha-? Oh. Uh... I don't exactly know." He stumbled forward a little and started to giggle.

"Are you drunk?" I asked standing up.

"No! I'm just little... buzzed," He slurred his last word and then sat down beside me.

"Tanner, why are you here?"

"I needed to talk to you."


"I needed to say," he laid back and started unbuttoning his shorts.


"That I feel..."

"Yeah? Out with it then!"

"When? You don't know when?"

"Tanner, Sit up."

"I uh..." He closed his eyes and started to breath slower.

"Tanner?" I touched his chest and soon i could hear his soft snoring. What was he going to say? I wondered. I eventually got him to wake up enough to get all the way onto my bed and slowly i fell to sleep next to him.

The next morning i woke up face to face with Tanner. He was holding my hand and the other hand was under his face.


"Whoa man, no need to shout. I'm right here."

"I'm not shouting. You're hung over.

"You wanna get me a Tylenol?"

"You wanna let go of my hand?"

"Huh? Oh shit, sorry man," he said groggily. I wasn't complaining but i wish this were all under different circumstances. Like sobriety and relationship. I got out of bed and grabbed him a Tylenol from the cupboard and brought him a glass of water.

When i returned he sat up slowly and took both items from me.

"Thanks, Addi."

"Of course, Tanner."



"Why am I naked? And why am I here?"

"Well you showed up here at two in the morning without a shirt and then you took of your shorts and later through the night you pulled off you underwear too."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"Hey, its no big deal, nothing i haven't seen before, and besides you're my best friend."

"Is it the best you've ever seen before?" he asked with a shit eating grin on.

"Hmm, i have seen better."

"Have you now? On Beau?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me as though this were a super scandalous idea.

"As if. I'm not interested in Beau so i wouldn't have a clue what his junk looks like," I lied.

"You sure because some one at the party said she saw two people goin at it in Beau's car on the side of the road. And he brought you home right? Which by the way why'd you leave so early?"

"I wasn't having fun," I shrugged my shoulders secretly glad he had changed the subject.

"Oh, well I would have taken you home."

"You were busy with Daisy," I said in a slightly snarky voice.

"Are you jealous?"

"No," i said a little to quickly, "Why would i be?"

"I don't know..."

"Well whatever, I'm not jealous of anything."



"Actually its not okay, I've known you for sixteen years, Addi, you think I'd know when you're lying to me."

"I'm not lying."

"What are you not telling me?"

"Nothing! Just drop it okay."

"I won't drop it," Tanner stood up and crossed the room to me, "Tell me whats bothering you."

And before i even knew what I was doing I planted my lips right on his and kissed him. At first he just stood there motionless. Shocked. And then in a series of abnormally fast events i was pushed to the ground, Tanner was shouting and then he was gone.

I sat on the floor crying and trying to remember exactly how all of this began. I sat there until i grew tired from crying and finally passed out on the floor.

"Addi?" I opened my eyes and Julie was standing over me.

"Julie, what are you doing here."

"Whoa bitch, i came to see if you were okay."

"Okay? What do you mean? What did you hear?"

"Hear? Dude you left the party early last night and now i find you lying on the floor with puffy red eyes like you've been crying all afternoon."

"I'm fine." I stood up and walked over to my bed. I sat down and put my head in my hands. Julie came over and sat down next to me, he put a hand on my back and gently rubbed it.

"Sweetheart, I can tell that you are obviously not okay. Tell me whats going on."

"I'm an idiot. I messed up and I don't know what to do," I started to tear up again.

"What happened."

"I don't really wanna talk about it. Can we just talk about something else?"

"Lets go get ice cream?"

"I'm not in the mood."

"Give me thirty minutes. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." She left my room and a few minutes later I heard her car pull out of the drive way. I laid back on the bed and cried a little bit more.

Exactly thirty minutes later I heard Julie come upstairs. She came running into my room with a large paper bag.

"Move over." I scooted out of the way and she oulled the contents out and placed them on the bed. There were five containers of chinese carryout, a jar of peanut butter, a package of double stuff oreos, the best movie ever (The Little Mermaid) and a stack of fashion and gossip magazines.

"Yerr welcome," Julie said smiling.

"You really are the best friend ever." We spent the rest of the day eating and watching Disney movies and reading magazines. We braided each others hair and i painted her nails. At about midnight she decided it was about time for her to get going.

"If you wanna talk about it, Addi, I'm always here for you okay?"

"I know."

"I love you, Hunny," She smiled and hugged me.

"I love you too," I said returning the hug.

After Julie left i cleaned up the living room and went to the kitchen. I heard a quiet thump come from upstairs.

"Hello?" I called out. Mom wasn't supposed to be home until Monday so naturally i got a little freaked out. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen rack and slowly ascended the stairs. You see, my imagination loves to fuck me when I'm all alone.

As i got to the top step every teerrifying creature and idea from every horror movie or book I've ever read appeared. I walked into my bedroom and screamed a little. Tanner was sitting on my bed.

"Dude, I just wanted to talk to you! I don't wanna get stabbed!" Tanner stood up and smiled.

"Fuck, Tanner, you couldn't just knock on the front door?"

"Addi, we need to talk."

"Obviously all you wanna say is that you can't be my friend anymore so I'll save you the time and tell you its fine." I started back toward the kitchen to put the knife back in its resting place. Tanner grabbed my arm.


"What, Tanner? I crossed a line and you pushed me," I said wrenching my hand from his grip, "Its obvious that you were upset and I deserve for you to never talk to me again." I got to the kitchen and put the knife back.

"Addi," Tanner was standing in the doorway.

"Tanner i get it. You hate me no-"

"ADDI!" his voice filled the kitchen and it startled me, "Shut the fuck up and let me speak." He looked annoyed.


"What you did... It was wrong. You took advantage of me. I'm not going to let that ruin our friendship though. I handled it badly. I shouldn't have pushed you but you shouldn't have... you know. I was just surprised and confused and frustrated and shocked. I'm sorry i pushed you but i deserve an apology too."

"I'm sorry i made you uncomfortable."

"Addi, you're my best friend."

"You're my best friend too."

"I know..."

"Are we good?"

"I don't know... Why don't you hate me?"

"You've been there for me every day since we were toddlers. I couldn;t hate you for one little... kiss," he almost choked on the last word.


"Okay... well i should get home."

"Yeah, see you Monday."

"Okay." I watched him leave and as soon as he was out the door i slumped to the ground in tears. I had ruined everything and although he wouldn't let our relationship get ruined i know that i had changed it and it would never be the same.

Next: Chapter 2

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