Complicating Friendships

By Casey Hiscocks

Published on Jul 6, 2013


Thanks to everyone who has read my story and has emailed me!

This is my first time submitting to Nifty. I love this site and thought I'd give it a go.

Obviously if you are younger than eighteen or you aren't aloud to read smutty stuff like this in your community you should log out and read a good book from the library.

Here are a few images of what my characters look like.

Addison (imagine the hair is longer and curly) :








I hope you like! Email me if I should continue.


Complicating Friendships Ch 2

It was almost here, the first week of summer break. I couldn't wait. At the same time I was stressed, tired and sad. I know that Tanner wasn't mad at me for kissing him but we hadn't been the same since. He didn't come by for his frequent midnight visits, he only sat with Daisy or his other friends in class. He didn't really talk to me at lunch and as soon as he was finished eating he would retreat to the courtyard for his daily chats with Daisy. He hadn't told anyone I had kissed him and for that, I was thankful. But I was desperate to fix what I had broken.

It was lunch time and I was sitting next to Julie. Tanner was on the exact opposite side of the table and Daisy and Beau were in the library studying for the class finals. Even though they were new to the system they had decided to just catch up in all of their classes and take all the finals with the rest of us.

I didn't make any eye contact with Tanner and he didn't make contact with me. we all sat silently eating. I could feel Julie's eyes alternating between Tanner and I and suddenly, "Well Christ on a stick you guys. I have no clue what happened between you two but you need to fix this shit. I'm tired of the silent treatments and cold shoulders. You guys have been best friends since you were like two. Stop being catty bitches and just kiss and make up already," Tanner flinched as Julie said kiss.

"That's the problem, Jules," I said quietly.

"What is?"

"I kissed him," Tanner looked up at me. A tinge of sadness mixed with fear and frustration in his eyes.

"You... oh." She looked at Tanner, "Tanner, you can't let that ruin what you have."

"I'm trying not to Julie but you have no fucking clue what its like okay? I want to pretend he never did it. I want to pretend it didn't confuse the fuck out of me. I want to pretend I didn't push him down and I want to pretend I can forgive him as easily as I tried," Tanner stood up and I reached across the table and grabbed his hand.

"Tanner, please." He snatched his hand from me.

"Don't touch me again. Just don't talk to me."

He turned and walked away angrily. Julie stood up and went after him. I sat there shocked and scared and completely depressed with the whole situation.

I quickly stood up and left the lunchroom. I walked down the hall and out the doors. I went down to the track field and passed it to the dense forest that lay behind it. There were some benches around a little fire pit. This place was called the outdoor classroom. Our biology teacher would take us out here sometimes during sophomore year.

I sat down on a bench and put my head in my hands and started to cry. I was so absorbed in self pity that I didn't even hear the two girls come up.

"Hey, guy you okay?" I looked up and quickly wiped my face.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said standing up, "Sorry," I started walking away.

"Guy, what's wrong?" I turned around. One was a pretty redhead wearing a cute little floral dress and arms full of bracelets. The other girl was much more intense looking. She had a shaved head and a sleeve of tattoos. She had on a grey tank top tucked into high waisted blue jeans and a pair of knee high boots.

"Nothing," I said timidly, I turned to go back to class but the redheaded girl grabbed my arm and sat me down.

"Is it a boy?" She patted my leg and smiled, "I'm Saige by the way. We are in English and literature together."

"Oh. Well it's not all that important and I don't wanna bore you with the details."

"Bore us please," the intense girl said as she sat down on the other side of me.

"I stupidly kissed my best friend."

"Liz did that once," Saige said smiling over at Liz.

"What happened?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

"She became my girlfriend," Liz winked at Saige and patted her hand.

"You took the chance, if he reacted angrily I'm sorry but if he's truly your best friend he will come around and maybe even return the feeling," Saige rubbed my back.

"I don't think that's gonna happen."

"You never know guy," Liz said.

"My name is Addison."

"Well Ads, can I call you Ads? Saige and I are gonna take you to our secret place. You will like it there."

"What about school?"

"What about it?" Saige giggled and grabbed my hand. We all snuck to Liz's car and drove to a building in town. We went up what seemed to be a never ending flight of stairs and soon we were in an old studio apartment. There was a drum set, a bass guitar, a keyboard and an electric guitar.

"You play?" Liz asked gesturing toward the instruments.

"I play acoustic guitar occasionally." Saige plugged in the guitar and handed it to me, she ran over to the key board, sat down and started playing. The tune sounded familiar.

"What is that song?" I ask as Liz started playing a bass line.

"Falling by Haim," Saige said as she started to sing.

"I look into the moment like I'm standing at the edge But no ones gonna turn me around Just one more step, I could let go Oh and in the middle, I hear the voices And they're calling for me now But nothing's gonna wake me now Cause I'm a slave to the sad heaven." I started playing the next part on the guitar and began to sing along, "And they're calling, Don't stop, no, I'll never give up And I'll never look up, just hold your head up And if it gets rough, it's time to get rough They keep saying: Don't stop, no one's ever enough I'll never look up, never give up And if it gets rough, it's time to get rough But now falling, falling, falling Falling, falling, falling, falling Falling, falling, falling, falling."

When the song ended we all started laughing.

"You have an amazing voice, Ads!" I blushed hard and sat the guitar down.

"Thank you, I got it from my dad. He had a voice that would make birds stop just to hear it."

"Had?" Saige asked sadness in her eyes.

"He died of cancer when I was eight."

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry." She came over and hugged me. She smelled like peaches and fresh air.

"Its okay, I believe he's in a better place now." Liz patted my back.

"Ads, do you wanna join our band?"


"Well its just more of a jam group of Saige and I and we still don't have a name but we talked Principal Wesley into letting us play at the Summer's Here Dance.

"Really? That's awesome! You guys are really good."

"Join us Addison!" Saige grabbed my hands and started jumping up and down. She was only like 5'4" and it was funny to see her acting so childish.

"We need a name though."

"You're right," Liz grabbed a notebook from the counter and sat down on the floor.

"That's our songbook slash band name ideas book."

"Okay lets hear some ideas," I said smiling.

"Muse Queens, Risky Kitten, General Hex, and The Screamers."

"Addi, You will be our lead singer so you should make the name."

"Addi and the Muses?"

"Sounds good to me!" Liz grinned as I flipped through some of their songs.

"These are really good," I said.

"Saige usually writes them all."

"Saige you're good at this."

"Thanks, they normally starts as poem and then Liz puts them to music. She has perfect pitch. She can find any note without ever having to play it." I smiled and suddenly I saw the clock. It only seemed like we'd been gone for a few minutes but it was almost six.

"Shit! I'm late for work!"

"Where do you work? I can give you a ride," Liz said quickly grabbing her keys.

"The hospital." We all hustled to the car and Liz drove me there. I ran inside and put on my candy striper apron.

"Sorry I'm late, Mindy."

"Mmhm, just get yo ass to work." I laughed and started doin my job.

About an hour later I got a text from Saige: "Meet after school and we can practice for the dance."

I thumbed back quickly: "Kk meet in commons?" as the message was sending I received a text from Tanner.

"We need 2 talk."

"When?" I sent back.

"2nite." he replied.

"K." I worried the rest of the night and finally my shift was over.

"I'm in parking lot waiting." Tanner sent me. I walked outside and got into his car. He was gripping the wheel tightly and was completely silent.

"Tanner," I said quietly.

"No Addi, let me talk."


"I can't be around you. I'm mad at you. I'm confused. I need some space. Its best if we don't see or talk to each other for a while."

"Tanner please," I started to tear up.

"Addi, I just can't," he pulled into my driveway and parked.

"Okay." I got out of his car and he backed out and drove away. I started to cry and quickly, before my legs gave out I ran to my bedroom and threw myself onto the bed and began to weep.

Weeping is different from crying. Weeping involves your whole body and makes you so tired.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" Mom walked in and sat on my bed.

"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it."

"Then maybe we can talk about why you skipped your last six classes?"

"What?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"I got a call from the principal today. She said you left school. Now why would you do that, Addi?"

"I needed to get away."

"You can't just leave school, Hun."

"I couldn't be there another second."

"I will let it slide this time but don't ever do it again." She patted my arm and stood up, "If you wanna talk I'm here hunny."

"Alright, Momma, I love you."

"I love you too, Addison." She left the room and I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up, my body ached from the weeping. I got dressed in an old sweatshirt, some gym shorts and flip flops. I grabbed my bag and walked to the school. As I walked in I felt this hard push on my back and I slammed into my locker. Connor stood behind me with Tanner by his side.

"What the hell Connor?"

"You tryin to mack on my friend, queer?" looked at Tanner. His eyes were on the ground no emotion on his face.

"Whatever." I turned my back on them and opened my locker. I grabbed my books and tried to walk to class.

"I wasn't done with you, Addison," Connor grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"You're hurting me, Connor."

Tanner looked up at us. I thought he was going to tell Connor to stop but instead he said, "Man up, Addison. Quit being so gay."

"Let him go Connor or I'll punch your other eye." I turned to see Beau standing next to me.

Connor let go and looked at me with angry eyes, "This ain't over, fag."

"Shut the fuck up and leave," Beau moved forward and Tanner and Connor walked off.

"Thank you," I said. My heart had shattered. I had never expected to hear anything like that come from Tanner. I walked to the bathroom and began to sob.

I heard the door open and then Beau said, "Addison, I'm sorry Tanner said that." He opened the stall door and squatted in front of me. He grabbed my chin and pecked my lips.

"I would never ever treat you like that. You are so much better than them."

"Thanks but I'm not sure if I believe that." I got up and and Beau backed out. I started to leave but Beau grabbed my hand. He pulled me into another kiss and hugged me.

"You are." a few minutes later we both walked to class.

Saige grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Sing it," she said, "it will make you feel so much better."

She began playing the song again and I followed on the guitar.

"I'm gonna harden my heart, I'm gonna swallow my tears, I'm gonna turn and leave you here."

"Lets write a song for him."

"Why would I do that?"

"It will make you feel good."

We sat there and started writing. And soon an amazing song was written.

The dance began and I was on stage, guitar in hand and I started to play some random song. The kids on the courtyard in front of me, Liz, and Saige were looking around awkwardly. Tanner walked up with an annoyed look on his face.

"Addi, no one likes this lame ass music." He turned and started to walk away. I stopped strumming and Saige and Liz stopped shortly after.

"Oh, you don't like that, Tanner?" I asked into the microphone. He turned around, a mixture of anger and fear burning in his eyes, "Or do you just not like me?!"

"What?" He now looked confused. I turned to Saige and Liz and made a look that said "The song we wrote for him." I turned back to the MIC and started to sing into it, staring right into his eyes.

"Sorry I don't kiss the ground you walk on, I know its what you want me to do. Sorry I don't act like a douche bag, Like all your narrow minded jock friends do. Sorry I'm not into women, Am I not man enough for you? Is that why you've be avoiding me? I must be such a major problem for you. Well its fine, because I'm over it, I can't give any more cares. I'm over your attitude, I'm over this Hell. I guess we're not friends, I guess that's just as well. I'm tired of being your problem, I'm tired of being your shame. Whatever we're over, We're done now, My shadow won't give you anymore rain."

I strummed a few more note on my guitar and Saige followed with an amazing drum solo.

"Well I shouldn't need to justify myself to you, No I shouldn't ever need to prove my loyalty to you. I'm sorry we aren't friends, I'm sorry I'm the reason that it ended. But I said I'm sorry and I shouldn't, Have to force it from you. So I'm over it, Over it."

When the song ended I just stood there guitar in hand, breathing heavily. A mixture of frustration and relief filled my chest. He stood there quietly and stared thoughtfully at me. The crowd began to cheer and as Tanner turned and walked away, Liz, Saige and I began the next song we'd written.

At midnight the dance began and we were finally free from school. Beau was driving me home and he turned to me, "You guys were awesome up there. I didn't know you could play or sing like that. I love the song you wrote for Tanner."

"Thanks," I smiled and patted his thick muscled leg as he pulled into my driveway.

"What are you doin tomorrow?"

"I don't know yet but I do know that my mom isn't home she's at my aunts tonight. Wanna come inside?"

"That sound like a great idea." We got out of the car and I opened the door. Before I even got a chance to properly close the door Beau had pushed my up against the wall and was hungrily kissing me.

I slid my hand up his shirt and felt his abs and pecs. I tweaked his nipples and he moaned into my mouth. He unbuttoned my shorts and I grabbed his hand, "Lets take it to the bedroom," I said breathing heavily. we raced up to my room and I pulled off my shirt shorts and underwear. Beau snatched off his clothes too and soon we were laying on my bed.

Beau gyrated his dick against mine making them both achingly hard. Beau kissed my chest and licked my nipples. Shivers ran through my body and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He put his fingers in my mouth and I sucked on them while he teased my nipples with his teeth and tongue.

He pulled his fingers from my mouth and slowly pushed them into my hungry hole. I moaned out as he continued his assault on my ass and nipples.

"Please fuck me, Beau." He grabbed a condom from his shorts pocket quickly rolled it on and and started to push his dick into my ass. HE spit on his hand and started stroking my cock.

"You are so fucking gorgeous," he said before he leaned in and kissed me. His muscles rippled with every movement he made. I arched my back and and felt his long thick dick push my sweet spot.

"Oh, God, Beau don't stop." I dug my fingers into his back and rotate my hips while he pushed in deeper. He started frantically jerking my dick and bucking his hips.

"I'm gonna cum," I panted.

"Do it," He said back. he pulled his dick out and pulled off the condom. I felt my body tense and the familiar fire of an amazing orgasm hit me. My body jolted and semen shot out hitting Beau in the face and dribbling down his chest. That was enough to send him over the edge and he came all over my stomach and his hands.

"Fuck!" Beau said as he sat back on his haunches.

"That was so good."

"I'm not done yet," I grabbed his hand and took him into my bathroom and we got into the shower. I got down on my knees and rubbed the cum off of his dick and abs. I grabbed his growing cock and push my thick lips over it. He moaned out and I went to town deep throating him. Soon he had his hand on my head and then I told him to turn around and bend over. He gave me a questioning look but decided to do as I said

I spread his cheeks and ran my fingers over his asshole. HE shuddered and turned to take a look. I winked at him and ran my warm wet tongue down his ass crack. I came back and slowly did it again. He tasted musky and manly. I stuck my tongue in and started lapping at his hot hole. He moaned and grabbed my head pushing me in deeper.

I lost my mind eating his ass. It was so strange and yet so amazing at the same time. I grabbed hold of his rock hard cock. Copious amounts of precum and water rolled over his dick. I pumped on his dick.

"Addison, I want you to fuck me." I looked at him curiously. No one had ever wanted me to do that.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fucking positive, I want your cock in my right now." I turned off the water and we raced back to my room. he immediately laid down a towel on the floor and then lay down on the towel. He put one of his ankles onto my shoulder and I rolled a condom onto my dick. I pushed a couple fingers into his ass and then I pushed my dick in. Beau gasped and whimpered a little from the sudden unfamiliar pain.

"Don't be a little bitch," I said hungrily. I grabbed his hands and pushed them up above his head and held them firmly in place. His biceps flexed as I swirled my hips into his tight virgin ass.

"Oh it hurts so good, Addison."

Panting I pushed deeper in and I grabbed his big cock with my free hand. His eyes were rolling around crazily as I fucked him. I Tugged on his dick and he began to breathe heavily.

"I'm gonna cum," and he did. a huge amount of it spurted out and hit his pecs and abs. I pushed in deeper and finally I pulled out and got the condom off just in time. I came all over his chest and he was breathing heavy. I stuck a finger into his puffy red asshole and he whimpered a little. Sweat and cum mixed with the left over water from the shower.

"Jesus, Addi. That was amazing."

"It was." We got up slowly and went back to the shower. Amongst mostly kissing and sensual rubbing we cleaned each other off and finally went back to my bed. We both got under the covers and I rolled on my side so Beau could spoon me.

Soon we were both asleep and For a moment everything was just amazing.

I woke up facing Beau. I looked at his very handsome face and smiled. I leaned in and kissed him and he lazily kissed me back.

"Mornin, Beautiful." He said quietly.

"Good morning, Handsome." I rubbed his bicep and kissed him again. I stood up and went to my closet I pulled on a tribal print t-shirt, red shorts that come just above my knees and a pair of blue flip flops. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair. As I was curling a few strands Beau came in, still naked. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down to put his head on my shoulder.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Very well," I replied smiling.

"I have some extra clothes in my car if you wanna run out and grab them for me?"

"Anything else master?" I teased him.

"Maybe some waffles?" I poked him in the chest and got on my tip toes to kiss him. I walked down to his car and was getting into his car for the bag when I was suddenly pushed forward and I fell into the car dropping the keys on the ground. I turned around and saw Connor behind me. He climbed in on top of me and punched me in the stomach.

"You little slut. You just gonna get with everyone on the team? I know you've been fucking Beau and you tried to get with Tanner."

"I don't belong to you, Asshole, you ruined that, remember?"

"You might as well belong to me," He said before he struck me across the face.

"Get off of me!" He pushed himself forward and mashed his lips on mine. I pushed at him but he was much stronger. He started unbuttoning his pants and he pulled out his penis.

"Stop Connor!" I heard the car door open and Connor turned around.

"What the?" He was forcefully pulled off of me and then he was on the gravel. His pants were down and someone started to punch him and kick him. I tried to get out and then Saige came into view.

"Hunny are you okay?"

"I'm fine what's going on?" Saige moved and I shuffled out of the car. Liz and Tanner were beating the shit out of Connor.

"Guys I think he's had enough," I said trying to stop them. Connor got up and ran down the street. Tanner grabbed me and pulled me in close.

"Tanner, what are you doing?" I asked arms hanging limply at my sides.

"I was wrong, Addi. You are my best friend and I can't live without you."

Liz patted my back, "You ok, Ads?"

"I'm fine," I turned to Tanner and slapped him hard. His hand shot up to his face and he gave me an absolutely puzzled look.

"Uh.. wut?" He questioned me and rubbed his cheek.

"How dare you?! You fucking let him harass me and then you join in and now you want to hug me like its all okay?! I mean I realize I crossed a boundary when I kissed you but that was no reason for the absolute hell you put me through the last few weeks."

"I know, Addi, I have no excuses for the shitty way I've treated you and I wish with all my heart that I could take it all back, you have to understand that I was in a crazy place. I was confused why you did it and I was frustrated. I'm so sincerely sorry."

I wanted to slap him again. I wanted to punch him and wring his neck. I wanted to hate him and yet through it all I hadn't stopped being in love with him. But I suppose I could settle with us being friends again.

"Addi?" I gave a half hearted smile and put a hand on his cheek.



"Lets just put this all behind us."

"Thank you." This time when he hugged me I returned it.

"I have to go, but lets hang out tomorrow."

"Sure," I smiled as he left.

"What are you guys doin here?"

"Saige and I were coming to talk to you."

"About? Wait come in, let me give Beau his clothes."

"Okay," the girls followed me inside and I went upstairs, Beau was in the shower and I put his bag on my bed and called in to tell him that Liz and Saige were here, his clothes were on the bed and I would be in the kitchen.

I went into the kitchen and began mixing up a batch of waffles.


"So what?" Saige asked.

"So why did you guys come here?"

"Oh! Uh, we want you to come to California with us for a month."

"What?" I stopped what I was doing and turned to see if they were kidding.

"My uncles live out there and they own a club. They want us to play at the club a few times and maybe someone big will see us and give us a record deal or something," Liz said leaning against the island counter.

"A month? What about work?"

"Well, my uncles will pay us and besides they live in this nice ass condo on the beach so we would be on the beach everyday and go clubbing most nights. There are awesome beach parties and surfing and they live near a boardwalk."

"Well that sounds like an amazing opportunity," Beau was standing in the doorway toweling off his hair.

"It will be," Saige said, "We will perform in one of the hottest clubs and then get to dance with the hottest boys. Not that I will because I have my only love," She gave Liz a peck on the cheek.

"You should go, Addi," Beau said coming in and kissing me and taking over with the waffles.

"Oh la-la," Saige mouthed at me. I smiled at her and we sat down at the table.

"When would we be going?"

"In two weeks and then we will stay for four weeks."

"Okay and how would we be getting there?"

"Uncles are paying for our plane tickets." I breathed in and considered how awesome this trip would be. Even if we don't "get discovered" it would still be an amazing opportunity.

"I will have to ask my mom when she gets home tonight."

"But you wanna go?" Saige asked excitedly.

"Yeah, it sounds fabulous," I smiled.

"And I know this precious little vintage store there and you would just love it, Addi," Saige said grabbing my hands and doing a little happy dance in her chair.

"We should get going though, so just text me when you get the yes from your mom." Liz stood up and straightened her leather vest and grabbed Saige's hand. "Bye Addi! Bye Beau!" Saige said as the girls left.

"Bye guys, drive safe!" I went over to Beau and he handed me a plate.

"Get some waffles," He smiled and kissed my forehead as he went over to the table.

"Who'd have thought you would actually turn out to be a sweet guy and not the pretentious cocky asshole you pretend to be."

"Oh I'm totally a pretentious, cocky asshole. I just really like you. You've changed me."

"Oh how romantical," I said laughing. I sat down and started eating my food.

"Addi, you're different. Why did you give into me so quickly? You were so resistant and then next thing I knew, we were having amazing sex in my backseat," He shoveled a bite of waffle covered in raspberry jam into his mouth.

"I was upset. You made me feel better and I saw something in you, a sweetness that I liked. Plus you are super hot and have an amazing body."

"Oh I see, well you're pretty good lookin' too."

"Well thank you, Beau."

"So, my sister wants me to ask you if you wanna go shoppin with her and I in a little bit? I mean, you are gonna need to get some really cute clothes for your trip."

"Sure, that could be fun."

"Okay lets go!" We quickly cleaned up the kitchen and then we got into his car after I wrote a quick not for my mom.

When we got to the mall, Daisy was sitting by the fountain. She looked like a fucking portrait. She was wearing shorts and an off the shoulder shirt over a white tank top. She had on ankle high boots and a cute little purse.

"Hey Addi!" She gave me a quick hug and smiled.

"Hey, Daisy, how are you?"

"I'm good. Beau, will you go get us some coffee?" He walked away and Daisy looked serious, "I get the feeling you don't like me. I get it, you love Tanner and he's clearly into me. I can't help that I'm so hot. Here's the sitch, I think you are pretty, I'm pretty and we should just be friends."

I laughed a little. "Daisy, as much vanity was in that one statement, I don't dislike you. And whatever with the Tanner thing, I could care less. I think you seem pretty okay. So sure, lets be friends."

"Really? Okay," she grabbed my hand and lead me to Beau and we took our coffee and then she took me into the Rue 21.

After a few hours we had finally gotten done shopping and I had really started to like Daisy. She was funny and smart and sweet. And aside from her vanity, she was a really cool girl. They dropped me off at my house.

I walked inside and sat down next to my mom on the couch.

"Hey, Mom, how's Aunt Claire?"

"She's doing pretty good considering the divorce and all."

"That's good... So Liz and saige want me to go to California for a month."

She turned off the TV and turned to me, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Liz's uncles own a club and they want Addi and the Muses to play a few gigs for them. It could be an amazing opportunity and a once in a lifetime chance for a great summer vacation and a lovely learning experience."

"How long you been working on that sales pitch?"

"Like five minutes before I came inside."

"Oh, sweetie, it was okay. You need to work harder though."

"So I can't go?"

"I didn't say that. But that crap about a learning experience almost made me laugh. I was young once too. I know that a bunch of hot beach dudes will be the best part of your experience."

"So is that a yes?"

"You better send me all the postcards and collect me some sea glass."

"I love you mom!" I hugged her tight and then I quickly texted Liz about the great news. There was a knock at the door and I got up to answer it.

"Tanner? What's up?"

"Wanna hang out?"

"Sure," I turned to my mom, "I'm gonna go hang out with Tanner, Mom."

"Okay sweetie have fun, be safe!"

"Okay!" We walked to the car and got in.

"Sooo, what you wanna go do?"

"I don't care..."

"How about ice cream?"

"How about the arcade?"

"Ok, I'll probably destroy you at air hockey," Tanner said with a cocky smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Sure of what? That I'll beat you?"

"That I have no chance of annihilating you."

Tanner slowed down as he pulled into the parking lot of the arcade. We went inside and Tanner went to the token machine. He pulled out a twenty dollar bill and stuck it in and was rewarded with a shit ton of tokens. I started pulling out my wallet.

"What are you doing?" Tanner asked.

"Getting tokens?"

"Why I just got us some?"

"I figured that you were gonna buy yours and I would buy mine?"

"Nah I got the tokens this time!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah man, I've got it."

"Come on lets go play some air hockey, so I can kick your ass!"

We went to the game and put in the tokens and started a hearty competition. By the time we finished, I had beaten Tanner by twelve points.

"I totally let you win," Tanner said trying to hide his disappointment in losing.

"Aww did I hurt your male pride?"

"What no I could care less that you won!"

"Ha-ha, whatever you gotta tell yourself, Tanner."

We went over to the ski ball game and played that and then we played a few more games. We cashed in our tickets and soon we were back in Tanner's car. I was playing with my new paddle and ball thingy as Tanner drove to a nearby hotdog stand.

"I thought you'd like a wiener..." Tanner burst out laughing like a kindergartner who'd just heard the word poop.

"Hilarious, just hilarious" I said smiling, I playfully punched his arm.

"Come on lets get a hotdog!" We ordered our food and went back to the truck to eat it.

"Be careful not to get anything on my baby!"

"Hmm, I'm a little far away from that don't you think?" I said looking at Tanner's crotch.

"I was talking about the car!"

"So was I!"

"I bet."

We sat in the car and I told Tanner about my upcoming trip.

"A whole month?" Tanner asked.

"Yeah, I can't wait!" I put the last of my hot dog into my mouth.

"That's exciting. So what's the deal with Beau?"


"He was at your house this morning?"

"Oh, we were just hanging out."

"Are you guys dating?" he asked poking my sides.

"No, not really."

"Not really?"

"I don't know what he an I are."

"Do you like him?"

"Yeah, I do. He's a really great guy."

"Well that's nice," Tanner pulled into my driveway.

"I had fun tonight," I said.

"Me too. We still on for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course."

"I'll come over about noon?"


"When are you goin to Cali?"

"I'm leaving in two weeks."

"Okay, we should hang out with Julie too before you go."

"That sounds awesome, how bout movie night?"

"Yeah!" I got out of the car, "Goodnight, Addi."

"Night Tanner." I walked into the house and went up to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and started reading my book.

Summer was here and It would be quite eventful. At the time though I wasn't exactly sure just how eventful it would be.

Next: Chapter 3

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