Complicating Friendships

By Casey Hiscocks

Published on Jul 16, 2013


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Here are a few images of what my characters look like.

Addison (imagine the hair is longer and curly) :










I hope you like! Email me criticism, ideas, and other things you'd like to see happen.


Complicating Friendships Ch 3

Julie threw a piece of popcorn at the man on the screen and yelled "Liar!" Tanner and I began laughing.

"This movie is so stupid. Why did we have to watch some black and white romance where the story line is so fake?"

"Because YOU wanted to see it, Jules," I laughed and playfully tossed her hair. She looked back at the screen, "Its still atrocious."

"Whatever, Jules." I nuzzled deeper into the over stuffed chair and continued to watch the romance unfold. "Rear Window" was one of my all time favorites, Grace Kelly and Jimmy Stewart were amazing.

"This movie isn't all that bad but that L.B. Jeffries treats Lisa like shit and she's totally risking her life for him," Tanner observed.

"He doesn't realize that he's just as in love with her as she is with him."

"Well he's rude," Julie said as we watched Grace Kelly sneak into the suspected murderer's house.

"Yeah, shh, this is where it gets good!" The movie continued on and it ended with a cliche kiss and then Julie got up.

"Guys I should get, I have a date tomorrow and I don't wanna look tired for it. Have fun on your trip, Addi." She hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Have fun on your date, Julie." I looked at Tanner as Julie left.

"Now what?" He asked.

"I don't care. I guess I should get some sleep. I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow."

"Yeah, I'll come by to see you off tomorrow okay?"

"Alright." I hugged him quickly and went up to bed. I was laying there almost asleep when I heard a rock hit my window. I reluctantly left my warm bed and went to see who it was. Beau stood there smiling. I climbed down the trellis.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you once more before you left for a month." He pressed his lips to mine and I could taste the fruity gum in his mouth. He smelled sweet but masculine and I kissed him deeper.

"Addi, I think I lo- uh, I really like you." Beau kissed me again.

"Beau, I really like you too." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

He pulled away and pulled a small box out of his pocket. He slowly got down on one knee.

"Beau... Uh.. Whatcha doin?"

"Tyin my shoe, Addi." I laughed at him and he stood and handed me the box.

"Its's for your trip." I pulled the ribbon off the box and pulled out a digital camera.

"Oh I love it!" I hugged him. I turned on the camera and put my lips on his cheek and snapped a picture. I looked at it. He was wearing a swooning face and I laughed out loud.

"You're cute!" I said through chuckles.

"I try," He shrugged with a smile.

"I should get to bed, I have a big trip tomorrow."

"Yeah, goodnight, Darling."

"Goodnight, Jim Dear."

"Jim?" He looked confused. I realized he wouldn't get my "Lady and the Tramp" reference. That was a thing Tanner and I did together.

"Its from a movie. Ha-ha, goodnight Beau." I kissed him one more time and then climbed back up to bed. I got into bed and almost instantly I was asleep.

The next morning Liz and Saige woke me up.

"Wake-y wake-y, Sleeping Beauty." I opened one eye so that the sun didn't dissintigrate my whole being. I sat up slowly and then I climbed hesitantly out of bed.

"C'mon, deary! We have to be at the airport in two hours!" Saige ran to my closet and tossed me some clothes, "These will be perfect for travel." I put on the loose, flowy tan button up shirt, and a pair of blue and white, thin, vertically striped capri shorts. I slipped on my white canvas shoes and went to the bathroom to brush out my blonde hair and then brush my teeth.

I was getting into the car as Tanner came jogging up.

"You weren't gonna leave before saying goodbye right?"

"Of course not," I said smiling. He grabbed me by the waist and closed the distance between us for a hug.

"Addi, I have something to talk to you about."

"We have to go, Addi." I turned to Saige. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back seat.

"We can talk about it when you get back, Addi. I'll wait for you."

"Tanner," I started as Liz shut the door and got in her side we drove off and I watched Tanner get smaller and smaller as the car got further and further away.

An hour later we were at security in the airport. I'd been to the airport before but never this far in, only to pick up and drop off visiting family.

"Careful, that guard has his eye on you," Liz said poking my rib. I looked up at this old guy and if they weren't in a basket on the conveyer belt I would have thrown one of my shoes at her.

When we got to the other side and had our carry ons in hand, I noticed how busy this place is. People walked in every direction. Some sat quietly on the ground reading a book others talked loudly on their phones. Children played games with each other and business men typed furiously away on their computers.

"Is that a laundromat?" I asked pointing at the little shop.

"Probably," Saige answered absent mindedly.

"Because I totally need to do my laundry at the airport," I said sarcastically. We found our gate and sat down to wait for the plane to arrive. Shortly after it did we began boarding.

"Here's our seats," Liz said sitting down in the row that our tickets assigned us to. I got the window seat and looked outside. The weather was perfect for trveling. It was warm and sunny and the skies were clear.

"Get ready for the summer of your life," Liz said patting my leg. I pulled out my Ipod and turned on the playlist I had downloaded two nights ago. And we were off.

After three hours of the confined spaces of the airplane and waiting for the seatbelt sign to turn off so i could finally go pee, we landed in California. We finally got off and went to baggage claim.

"Lizzy!" A middle adged guy came running up and enveloped her.

"Uncle Tommy!" Another guy came up and hugged her too, "Hey Uncle Jim! How are you two?"

"We are getting along," Jim said.

"Saige! So nice to see you again," Tommy said pulling her in for a hug.

"Nice to see you too!"

"And who's this pretty little guy?" Jim said looking me up and down. I suddenly felt self conscious.

"That's Addi," Liz put a reassuring arm around my shoulders, "Addi, this is Jim and thats Tommy." They both shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you both," I said politely.

"And you! Now who's hungry?"

Liz, Saige and I raised our hands simultaneously.

"I have to make a quick phone call though," I said looking at Liz. I pulled out my cell phone and went to unlock it and suddenly it shut off.

"Damn battery."

"Thats okay, Its summer. You're on vacation, who has time for phones? You guys are supposed to be having fun. In fact," Tommy said stepping forward, "There will be a strict no phone policy for this trip. You guys need to pay attention to the real world. Stop letting technology get in the way of an expireience of a life time. Except of course the technology that makes your amazing music fill my club!" He held out his hand and reluctantly we each placed our phones into his hand. He put them into the tiny black satchel style purse he had hanging from his shoulder.

"What if we get kidnapped? What if we get lost driving somewhere? What if we are in danger and need to call 9-1-1?" Liz demanded rebelliously.

"Well you wont get kidnapped because we have body guards, you won't get lost because the chauffer is paid to know exactly where to take you, and if there is danger you will have these," He handed us cell phones. They looked like toys at first, "its called a firefly, Jim and my phone numbers are in them already, plus there is an emergency button to call 9-1-1 if need be. Ralph, the chauffer, has also put his number in so he can come get you wherever, whenever."

"How do we text on it?" Saige asked, turning it around in her hands.

"You don't. It only has those four numbers and it can't recieve or send other calls." He smiled like a triumphant parent who just gave his badgering children a backhanded reward.

"Ew." Saige said tossing it carelessly into her purse.

"Don't be a snot," Jim teased, "Lets go eat kids."

"I'm sixteen years old - I'm not a child anymore!" Liz said in a whiny mocking voice.

"Don't you take that tone of voice with me, young lady. As long as you live under my ocean, you'll obey my rules!" Tommy said laughing.

"But if you would just listen..." I followed up.

"Not another word! And I am never, NEVER to hear of you going to the surface again. Is that clear?" Saige said in a mock angry voice.

"I love that movie," I said laughing.

"It was Lizzy's favorite when she was a little girl," Jim said putting an arm on her shoulder.

"Ariel was my hero, I mean, she had red hair and a soul!" Saige giggled.

"So where are we gonna eat?" I asked as we got into the big shiny black car.

"Drift! Please can we eat at Drift?!" Saige began bouncing up and down excitedly.

"What is Drift?"

"The best restaurant in the world. Its along the boardwalk," Tommy said, "Ralph, please take us to Drift."

The restaurant was small. It was painted orange with long grass awnings above the door and windows. The sign was painted onto a huge driftwood sign. There was a cute ecclectic beach theme and we were seated at a table shaped like a surf board. I thumbed through the menu as we waited for the waiter to return with our drinks.

"So, Addi, do you have a boyfriend?" Jim asked nonchalantly.

"Kind of."

"Kind of?" Tommy interjected.

"I'm kind of with ths guy but we haven't exactly labeled our relationship."

"If you wanna keep him you gotta do that, he may not think the same as you and he may think its okay to go out with other people."

"I guess."

"Would you be okay if he was with another person?"

"I'm not sure really. I suppose he and I will talk about it when I get home." We ordered our food and ate it before it was time to take us to the beach house.

We pulled up to a gorgeous building. There were enormous windows and a beautiful deck. Palm trees and beautiful hibiscus plants decorated the landscape. In the back there was a patio that over looked the ocean. Each room was beach themed. Mainly decorated in sandy tans, light blues, and pretty whites.

"This place is astounding." I said barely able to close my mouth. Jim and Tommy escorted me up to the second floor.

"This will be your room, Addi."

Directly across from the bedroom door were beautiful french doors that led onto a balcony. To my left was the bed, which had a gorgeous bedspread covered in a beautiful beachy print, and two driftwood side tabes. In front of the bed was a large chest filled with blankets and pillows. To my right directly across from the bed was a lovely vanity with a huge mirror above it. On Either side of the vanity were doors that lead to the bathroom and walk in closet. On the wall that had the door on it was a huge floor to ceiling bookcase stocked with every summery book you could imagine.

"So what do you think?"

I threw myself down on the bed and instantly I was in heaven, "Its like a wonderful dream and I'm scared that any second now I'm going to wake up!"

"Its no dream, Addi, but we hope you do enjoy yourself here." They left me to get settled in. I hung up my clothes and took in the beauty of the room. I opened the french doors and the sweet, salty, ocean breeze drifted in.

"Hey, Princess, put on your cutest clothes, we are goin to a beach party!" I looked at my outfit and then back to Liz.

"You traveled in it, Silly," Saige said running to the closet. She threw red shorts and a striped tank top with an anchor on it to me.

After I was dressed we all walked down the beach to a huge party.

"Liz!" A chubby brunette ran up and hugged Liz.


"Thats Audrey Kindel, she is, like, super popular and throws the most happenin parties in town," Saige whispered, "and she has a mega hot brother."

"She seems nice."

"Audrey, you remember my girlfriend Saige, and this is our best friend Addi."

"Addi! So nice to meet you!" I held out a hand for her to shake and she went in for a hug.

"Nice to meet you too Audrey."

"I should introduce you around," she turned to Liz, "mind if I steal him for a bit?" She grabbed my arm and took me regardless of the reply they would've given.

"That is Conrad Blake, his dad owns a strip mall down town," Audrey said as we approached.

"Conrad, this is Addi. Addi, Conrad," Audrey introduced us. Conrad flashed a perfectly white smile which revealed his dimples.

"Nice to meet you Addi."

"And you, Conrad."

"You new around here?"

"Just visiting."

"He is a friend of Liz," Audrey boasted.

"Cool," he replied.

"More people to see, Addi," Audrey said as Conrad took the cue and walked away.

"Those two girls over there are Gina and Olivia Divine. Their family owns the fair grounds on the end of the boardwalk," She gestured to the tall blonde girls laughing with a crowd of others. "That guy is Kyle Heist his parents are famous authors." she brought me over and introduced me to a ton of other people.

"Audrey, you introduce him to anyone else and his brain may overload with all the gossip you are filling it with," said a tall brunette boy. His eyes were beautiful. They were the color of caramel with a thin ring of almost purple around his pupil.

"I'm Ezra."

"He's my brother. Ezra, this is Addi."

"Nice to meet you," He leaned forward and extended his hand for me to shake. I grasped it and he turned my hand over in his, "You have beautiful hands."

"I'm sorry?" I looked at him with confusion.

"He's an artist," Audrey said rolling her eyes.

"Maybe one day you can come to my studio so I can sketch them?"


"Yeah, if thats okay with you," He smiled and shrugged his sholders a little. Normally this kind of thing would really creep me out but the fact that he was gorgeous and nice made me think about it.

"Sure," I said with a casual grin.

"Great, I'll probably see you around then?"


"Cool, where you stayin?"

"I'm staying with Liz and her uncles."

"Literally just down the beach huh?"

"Yeah I guess so," I laughed nervously.

"C'mon Addi, there are more people to introduce you to!" Audrey grabbed my hand and pulled me off. I turned to see Ezra give me a nod and walk off into the party.

It was about one o'clock when we finally got back to the house. I shucked my clothes except my briefs and I flopped down on the comfy bed and was out like a light.

The sound of the peaceful ocean lapping against the sand was what I woke up to in the morning. I climbed out of bed and stepped out on the balcony. The early sun kissed my bare chest. I took a deep breath and out in the water I saw someone surf in to the shore.

I watched as he carried his board up onto the sand and unzipped the top part of his wet suit. He ran a hand through his wet hair and looked up at me.

It was Ezra. His amazing torso was speckled with drops of salt water. He waved and I waved back. He came up closer till he was directly below the balcony.

"Goodmorning, Addi!"

"Goodmorning, Ezra, hows the water this morning?"

"Its great! You come for a swim!"

"Its a little early for swimming, don't you think?"

"How about breakfast then? Bring Liz and Saige!"

"That sounds good."

"Great, I'll come get you guys in half an hour. Don't forget to put on clothes," he winked and pointed, his hand in the shape of a finger gun. Suddenly I realized I was only wearing briefs and I quickly retreated to my room. I put on a white t-shirt with palm trees on it and some light orange shorts.

Walking down to Liz's room I bumped into Saige.

"Hey, Saige, Ezra invited us to breakfast so get Liz and meet me downstairs in twenty minutes."

"Kk!" she twirled gracefully down to Liz's room and relayed the news.

A little while later there was a knock on the door and I answered to see Ezra. He was wearing a red and white baseball shirt and some white dress shorts.

"come in, the girls will be ready soon."

"Ready for what?" Tommy asked coming down the stairs in his bathrobe.

"Hey Mr. White."

"Oh, hey Ezra. How are you these days?"

"Pretty good, I'm takin Addi, Liz, and Saige to breakfast."

"Oh okay, well you kids have fun!" He walked off to the kitchen as Liz and Saige came down the stairs.

"Cute dress, Saige," I said admiring her white lace sundress.

"I know," she smiled cutely and we all went outside and got in Ezra's red convertible mustang.

"This car is scalene triangle."

"Ha-ha, what?" Ezra asked rubbing his neck confused.

"Its a YouTube video. Its literally thirty seconds of a guy saying scalene triangle until he's moaning it," I laughed nervously.

"I'll have to look that up," Ezra said a smile forming on his face. He turned on the radio and I heard "How to be a Heartbreaker" by Marina and the Diamonds playing.

"I love this song!" I exclaimed. Ezra turned it up and I began singing along.

"Rule number two, Just don't get attached to, Somebody you could lose. So let let me tell you, This is how to be a heartbreaker. Boys they like a little danger, We'll get them falling for a stranger, a player Singing I la-la-la-love you, How to be a heartbreaker."

The wind blew my hair around my face and I laughed as I continued to sing, Liz and Saige joined in and then Ezra followed.

"You know this song?" I asked Ezra.

"It IS my CD." We all sang until we arrived at a restaurant called The Nook.

"This place has the best breakfast," Ezra said shutting off the car. We walked in and sat in a booth, Me next to Ezra and Saige next to Liz. We ordered our food shortly after.

"So what brings you to California, Addi?"

"Liz and Saige and I are gonna perform at Jim and Tommy's club."

"Its called Grind if you wanna come see," Liz interjected.

"Well if you guys sound as good as you did in my car I will deffinately be there."

"We perform tonight at seven," Saige said as she took a bite of toast.

"Great. What kind of music do you guys play?"

"Alot of different types mostly indie and soft rock," I answered.

"We take requests too so we sometimes cover other peoples songs," Liz added.

"Maybe I will request a song just to hear you guys play it!" Ezra took a bite of his omelette.

"We should probably get back and rehearse for tonight," Liz said looking at me.

"Yeah, when breakfast is over, you wanna take us home?" I asked, Ezra nodded and finished his food.

He dropped us off and walked us up to the door. "See you guys tonight," Ezra smiled. A smile that could melt butter.

"See ya," I said before closing the door.

An hour into rehearsal we ended up laying on the sectionals reading magazines and discussing the big scandal with Paula Deen.

"All I'm saying is that she should have watched her mouth," Liz said.

"Whatever! It was like thirty years ago," Saige replied, "We all make mistakes they shouldn't take everything away from her because of one choice of words."

"But really," I interjected, "Paula could come up to me and call me a filthy, skanky, queer and I'd be all, 'I'm still gonna watch you because you are precious Paula Deen.'." The girls lauged at my joke and we contined on.

We ordered a pizza for lunch. Between slices Saige wrote a new song and Liz was strumming away on her bass trying to put a bass line to the music she wrote.

I went up to my room and got a book and sat down on the bed. I got so enveloped into the book that i forgot about going back downstairs to be with the girls. It was getting late and in about three hours we would be on the stage of one of the hottest clubs in california, playing our songs for the patrons!

Saige came in and snatched the book from me. She started thumbing through it, "Shouldn't you be getting ready for tonight?"

"Yeah probably."

Liz came in and took the book from Saige, "Whats this?"

"Its a really good book-"

"Where did you get this?"

"I got it from-" Saige started.

"NO! Who taught you about these?!"

"I learned it from you, okay?" Saige started backing out of the room, "I learned it all from you!" She ran off throwing her arms and legs around awkwardly. Liz was laughing and I was standing there confused.

"Its from a movie," Liz offered.

"Cabin in the Woods!" Saige called down the hall.

"Its probably one of the best scenes in the movie," Liz said handing me the book.

"We should watch it sometime!"

"Yeah, well I'm gonna go get dressed for tonight, you should consider doing the same." As Liz left the room I went to the closet and picked out some clothes to wear tonight.

Saige cme in wearing a flower crown, a sweet pink party dress and six inch heels.

"You sure you're gonna be able to perform in those death sentences?" I asked eyeing her rediculously high shoes.

"Six inches or nothing, Addi. Thats the motto." Liz came in wearing a grey dress with a red belt on the waist. She had on some grey and black striped leggings and red heels.

"Oh you look cute, Addi," Liz said. I was wearing a blue button up, butter-yellow capris, bluecanvas shoes and a light pink jacket with the sleeves rolled up to the 3/4 length.

We all got down the stairs and loaded our instruments into the back of the vehicle. We got in and Ralph started driving.

When we got there, there was music playing from the dj station. a ton of people were dancing but mostly grinding on one another.

"I'm getting nervouse, guys," I said as we set up the stage with our stuff.

"Good, because they day you don't get nervous on stage is the day that you should stop playing all together," Liz said wisely.

"Besides, we are amazing," Saige said testing her keyboard.

"Thats true."

"What song we starting with?"

"Lets have a good classic to pull them in."

The curtains rose slowly as I began singing slowly into the MIC.

"Where have all the good men gone, And where are all the gods? Where's the street-wise Hurcules, to fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight, Upon a fiery steed? Late at night I toss and I turn, and I dream of what I need."

The music sped up and I started jamming out while the people in front of us began dancing and cheering.

"I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's gotta be strong, And he's gotta be fast, And he's gotta be fresh from the fight. I need a hero, I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light. He's gotta be sure, And it's gotta be soon, And he's gotta be larger than life!"

We rocked out until the end of the song everyone seemed to love it. When we finished I pulled the mic close.

"How is everyone tonight?" Everyone cheered loudly.

"I hope you all like the show we have prepared for you. We wanna keep you dancing until the early morning!" more cheers. "We take requests and we have a few originals too. So just tell the DJ what you wanna hear and we will make it happen. Thanks for having Addi and the Muses tonight!"

We started our next song and the hours just seemed to fly past as we sang song after song. The crowd seemed to love us. It was an amazing rush. I looked into the crowd and spotted Ezra. As our song ended the DJ walked up and told us we had a request.

"This next song is a request. Its called Bubblegum Bitch, originally done by Marina and the Diamonds."

"Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll. Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all. Candy vest, sweetie pie, wanna be adored. I'm the guy you die for.

I chew you up and I spit you out, 'Cause that's what your love is all about. So pull me closer and kiss me hard, I'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart.

I'm miss sugar pink, liquor liquor lips, Hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss. I'm miss sugar pink, liquor liquor lips. I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch, I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch."

Liz and Saige joined in and sang along and played furiously away on their instruments while I played mine. The song ended and we were all panting.

"We are gonna let the DJ take over for a while so we can take a break and get refreshed so we can keep the energy goin!" The curtains dropped and we put down our instruments.

"You guys are amazing," I said to Liz and Saige.

"You are doing awesome, Addison," Saige responded. Tommy came onto the stage clapping.

"Seriously guys, the crowd loves you! I have already had, like, a hundred people ask when you are performing again so they can come hear you!"

"Thats so cool!" I said looking excitedly at Saige and Liz.

"It sure is. Now go get something to eat and drink and be back on stage to perform in an hour."

Liz, Saige and I went down to the bar and ordered a basket of fries and some water.

"This is really awesome you guys."

"Yeah it is, Addi. I never thought we would be here performing. I mean I realize these are my uncles but the fact that people seem to enjoy us is wonderful!" Liz said laughing.

"This seat taken?" I turned to see Ezra standing next to us.

"No, sit!" Ezra sat next to me and placed our basket of fries on the table.

"I told the waiter I could just bring it to you guys."

"Thank you."

"You guys are amazing, by the way."

"You really think so?" I asked biting into a fry.

"Yeah I do. I really liked that last song you did," he winked.

"Did you request that?"

"Yeah, I wanted to see how well you knew Marina."

"Did I do her justice?"

"You might have done her better than she does."

I laughed and blushed.

"So what are you guys doing tomorrow?" Ezra asked looking at me.

"We haven't really got anything planned."

"Well Audrey wanted me to invite all ov you to go boating with us. It will be loads of fun."

"What do you think guys?" I asked looking between Liz and Saige.

"Well, Liz and I were gonna go shopping," Saige said with a shrug, "But you are more than welcome to go, Addi."

"What'ya say, Addi?" Ezra asked with a dimpled smile that took my breath away.

"Sure. It sound fun. I'm here for an adventure!"

The rest of the night seemed to fly by. We did a dozen more songs and then the three of us went home for bed. Before I knew it i was asleep in my bed like a dead man in a coffin.

"Addison, Ezra is here to see you," Tommy said perched on my bed with a terribly devious grin.

"Oh," I said sitting straight up, "tell him I'll be down in a little bit."

"Okie dokie!" Tommy skipped off and I ran to my closet and grabbed the best clothes for boating. My blue and white sailor shirt, red shorts, and boat shoes. I took a quick shower and put on the clothes. I brushed out my hair and quickly descended the stairs.

"Hey Ezra."

"Hey Addi, Audrey is waiting for us at my house, she had to pack a few things for our trip."

"So we are gonna go there now?"

"Yep," he turned to Jim, "It was nice seeing you Mr. White."

"You too Ezra. Take care of Addison and make sure he's kept safe!"

"Will do, sir." We walked outside into the bright, warm sun and got into his car.

"What an aborable outfit," he said with a smile.

"I had to plan my clothes accordingly!" We pulled into his driveway and Audrey was standing outside wearing a pretty green sun dress and a big, floppy sun hat.

"You look precious Addi! I love that shirt, wherever did you find it?"

"A second hand store in my hometown. They sell alot of vintage clothes." Ezra loaded a picnic basket and some other stuff into the trunk and Audrey hopped in.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Audrey said with a giggle.

When we got to the boating dock Ezra went into the office while Audrey and I went to the boat with the stuff.

"I really like your shirt, where did you find it?" Audrey asked admiring my top.

"I made it," I said blushing and pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Shut up! You did?"

"Yeah, I wanted a sweet sailor shirt like the one Darla wears in 'The Little Rascls' but couldn't find any stores that sold one. For boys."

"Well, you have amazing talent! Its so perfect!"

"Thanks, I had to make my own pattern."

"Wow, you are a person of many talents aren't you?" Ezra asked stepping on the boat.

"Excuse me?" I questioned with a shy smile.

"You sing, you play guitar, and you design your own clothes. Thats pretty darn awesome."

"Well you haven't seen anything yet, I can also drive a boat and a plane."

"Really? Well, by all means," Ezra pulled the keys from his pocket and tossed them to me. I sat down in the drivers seat and put the key in the ignition. The engine started and I pulled away from the dock and drove into the wide open sea.

"Addi, do you have a boyfriend?" Audrey asked while we all lay head to head and looked up at the clouds.

"I have a relationship but its not exactly boyfriends. I'm not totally sure what he wants. Heck, I'm not totally sure what I want."

"That sucks," Ezra said nonchalantly.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Audrey?" I wondered aloud.

"Of course not. I don't have time for boys our age. I want a man but I'm not old enough yet so I have to wait till legal age for dating a man."

"I kinda get it," I said looking at a cloud shaped like a tiara.

"I'm single too. There just isn't anyone truly interesting around this town," Ezra offered.

"I've met some pretty great people so far."

"You don't live here, these people can get so bland and the ones that arent are full of gossip and lies and secrets."

"Do you have any secrets?"

"Everyone does, Nancy Drew."

I laughed and sat up. I playfully punched his rock hard bicep and he smiled at me.

"I am not Nancy Drew!"

"You ask alot of questions like her."

"You butt!" I laughed and glanced down at his wrist. I frantically grabbed it and pulled his wristwatch closer. "We need to get back, I promised Jim and Tommy I'd be home by five for a tour of town."

"Well we better get you back." Ezra started the boat and we headed to the dock.

As we climbed out of the boat Ezra said, "Maybe tomorrow I could show you the best teen hangouts in town since I'm sure Jim and Tommy are just gonna show you the old guy spots and the gay bars."

I laughed and straightened my shirt, "That sounds lovely."

"Great, I'll pick you up around one?"

"Yeah, okay." I got into his car and he turned it on and started toward the beach house.

As I got out of the car I said goodbye to both Ezra and Audrey. I walked into the house and Jim and Tommy were in the den.

"How was the date?" Tommy asked excitedly.

"Date? He is straight and his sister was with us. It was hardly a date."

"Did he ask you to hang out again?" Jim asked as he looked back down at his papers.

"Well yeah..."

"Then it was a date," Jim took off his glasses and placed them casually onto the desk.

"How do you figure? He is a friend who wants to spend time with me because I'm a new face an only here for a limited time."

"Oh dear, how can you be so oblivious?" Tommy shook his head and hugged me, "you poor, poor unfortunate soul."

"It wasn't a date and besides I'm sorta with someone anyway," I gently pushed Tommy away.

"Whatever you say," Jim stood and grabbed his jacket. Tommy grabbed his purse and Jim's hand.

"Lets go!" We all got into the car and Jim directed Ralph around the city.

"This place is just so beautiful. I love the cute little beachy surf shops and stores." I admired each building we passed.

"That is Kings and Queens. One of the local gay bars," Tommy pointed out. I laughed a little remembering what Ezra had said.

"Whats so funny, Chuckles?"

"Oh nothing!" We stopped at a little diner style restaurant and sat down.

"Do you have a job, Addison?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, I'm a candy striper at the local hospital."

"Those still exist?" Tommy asked incredulously.

"We are commonly called hospital volunteers now but we still wear those striped aprons."

"Cute!" Tommy smiled and patted my hand.

"Do you plan on having a future in the medical feild?" Jim inquired with a kind grin.

"I really want to be a fashion designer actually. I love making clothes."

"That is wonderful! You must show me some of your designs!" Tommy squealed excitedly.

"Actually, I made this shirt."

"What? That looks like a professional made it!" Jim said, amazed.

"Thank you," I blushed and tugged on the collar of my shirt.

"If you boys are finished, I think we should get back to the girls."

We went back to the house and in the living room we heard LIz, Saige, and a male voice speaking. The voice sounded familiar and as we walked in, I looked directly into Beau's eyes.

"You didn't tell me you were gonna be staying in THIS part of California, Addi," he smiled big.

"I didn't think you'd show up."

Next: Chapter 4

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