Complicating Friendships

By Casey Hiscocks

Published on Aug 2, 2013


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Here are a few images of what my characters look like.

Addison (imagine the hair is longer and curly) :











I hope you like! Email me criticism, ideas, and other things you'd like to see happen.

Sorry there was no sex in my last chapter but I promise there will be more. Soon!


Complicating Friendships Ch 4

"Why are you here?" I asked pacing my room as Beau sat on my bed.

"Are you unhappy that I am?"

"No. Yes. I don't know, I wanted to get out of town for a while figure stuff out. Take some time for... Myself."

"Addi, I didn't know you were staying in this part, I just bumped into Liz and Saige and they invited me to surprise you."

"I'm glad you did," I said walking to him and straddling his lap, "I've missed you, I just... I was surprised." I draped my arms onto his shoulders and leaned in. I tenderly pressed my lips to his.

"If you want, I can go and not bother you for the rest of the time I'm here. I'm only staying till the end of this week and then I'm headed home."

"No, sweetheart, we should hang out some while you're here."

Beau put his hands on my hips and laid down and pulled me forward. I kissed him again, this time more urgently. He put out his tounge and it brushed softly against my lips. I opened them and he grabbed my face. Our tongues wrestled as he ran his hands up and down my sides.

I began to get goosebumps and I pushed my hands up his shirt. I slowly stroked my palms against his warm abdomen, tracing each defined line. He breathed in deeply and readjusted me on his lap. I pulled my lips from his and pecked his cheek. My mouth kissed a line down his face and onto his neck as my hands began to unbutton his top. He leaned further back and let out a content sigh.

I opened the shirt and placed my hands on his pecs and he began to unbutton my shirt. I grazed slowly with my lips down his neck to his collar bone and then to his nipples.

Beau ran his hands gently over my crotch as I unbuttoned his kahki shorts. I got off his laps and got down on my knee's in front of him.

I pulled down his underwear and shorts and wrapped my hand around his hardening penis. I gave it a few pumps and sensually kissed the head of it. I looked into his eyes as I licked the tip and down the shaft. I traced my tongue down the thick pulsing veins and brought its entirety to my mouth.

I opened and enveloped his cock. My lips wrapped tightly around it causing him to moan quietly. I bobbed my head down to the base and pulled back up. He moaned again as I took it all the way into my throat again. I shucked off my shirt and shorts and gave his dick a few more pumps.

"I want to do something," I said. He smiled and told me to go ahead. I grabbed his ankles and pushed them up and put his feet onto the bed until his whole ass hole was exposed to me.

I buried my face at his tail bone and dredged my tounge up to his taint. He gasped as I lapped across his hole.

"Thats so good, Addi."

I did it again, this time ending on his egg sized balls. I sucked one gently into my mouth and swirled my tounge around it. When his balls came out of my mouth with an audible pop, I deep throated his pole again, my fingers teasing his puckered hole. I got up and he quickly came forward and my cock disappeared into his mouth. He choked a little and I laughed, "Take it easy, hun, its not going to run away." I straddled his chest as he sucked harder.

He feasted hungrily on my cock as I pumped his with one hand and fingered him with the other. His breathing began to falter as I felt his hole clench around the two fingers I had lodged inside it. His dick erupted onto my hand and back. I bucked forward and my load spilled down his troat some of it spilling out the sides.

"We should shower," I said grabbing his hand and leading him to the bathroom. We stepped inside and gently soaped each other off and hungrily kissed eachother pawing and rinsing until we were both squeaky clean. I turned off the water and we stepped out and toweled off.

"That was great, Addison."

"I know, Beau." I kissed him and went to the closet to put on my blue nylon pajama set. I sat down as I brushed my hair with a wide toothed come and Beau came up behind me as he buttoned his shirt up. He leaned down and kissed my neck.

"Goodnight, Addi."

"Goodnight, Beau." Beau turned and I said, "Beau?"

"Yes?" He faced me.

"What are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean am I your boyfriend?"

"Why do we have to label it? We are what we are. I have strong feelings for you and you have strong feelings for me. Thats that."

"But are we.. Monogomous?"

He came forward and kissed me gently.

"Goodnight Addi." He stepped out and I heard his car pull out of the driveway. I sat down softy on my bed and thought to myself.

I really like Beau. But Tanner has something to talk about and what about Ezra? Everything is just getting so complicated.

I laid back and the sound of the cool ocean tide lapping the shore lulled me to sleep.

The next day Liz and Saige woke me up pretty early to to practice our songs and to learn more from the songbooks Tommy and Jim had given us for requests at the club.

"Why are we up this early?"

"Because, you have a date at one and we need to practice for tomorrow night."

"Its not a date. How about we learn this song its a good one."

Saige looked it over and then started a jazzy beat on her drum set. Liz began the base line and then I started singing.

"Never know how much I love ya, Never Know how much I care. When you put your arms around me, I get a fever thats so hard to bear.

You give me fever, when you kiss me. Fever when you hold me tight. Fever in the mornin' and fever all through the night."

We continued on and I danced around the room occasionally fluffing one of Saiged pig tails and sitting down on the desk like a sexy secretarian. We were acting all a fool when suddenly we heard someone clapping in the door way.

I spun around to see Ezra smiling big.

"Well, Peggy Lee, you've really out done yourself this time."

I blushed furiously and looked down at the floor with an embarrassed smile, "How long were you standing there?"

"Meh, long enough."

"How embarrassing."

"You looked like you were having fun. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah! I got permisson to have Ralph drive us today so lets git!"

We hopped in the car and Ezra told Ralph where to go. First he took me for Ice cream and then he took me downtown. We stopped infront of a large building and got out.

"Whats this place?"

"You'll see." He pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the front door.

"Is this an apartment building?"

"Yes it is," We got into the elevater and he stuck his key into a slot and pressed the penthouse button. We were taken to the top floor and the doors opened. Beautiful painting and drawings decorated the wall. A model stand was in the center and a few easels around it. There were blank canvases in a corner and a table filled with paints and brushes and pencils and artist tools.

"This is my art studio."

"Its magnificent."

"I brought you here, first because I wanteed to show you my work but also because I wanted to see if you would let me draw those beautiful hands."

I looked down at my hands. They looked like pretty ordinary hands to me.

"Okay." He grabbed one and took me over to a pair of sttols. I sat on one and he grabbed his sketch pad and pencil and began drawing.

"This art is absolutly beautiful. You have real talent."


"Draw me like one of your french girls, Jack."

Ezra looked up and smiled and then went back to his art. I sat the quietly as he glanced periodically between my hands and his paper.

He looke up at me again and this time he held up his picture.

"What do you think?"

"Wow. You really captured a beautiful thing in my hands. I love it."

"I have another thing to show you," Ezra grinned and brought me over to a medium sized canvas that was covered. He pulled the sheet off revealing an oil painting of me looking off into some sparkling waters as my hair twisted in the wind.


"I took a picture of you with my mind so I could paint you."

"Its beautiful."

"You're beautiful," and then his lips were on mine.

I really wanted to kiss him back but it was wrong. this was wrong. I'm with Beau. I think. I stepped back and he looked like i had smacked him.

"I'm so sorry. It's just that I thought..."

"No, don't apologize. I did want that. But I can't want it. I'm with Beau."

"You haven't labeled it. You guys aren't really dating."

"But we are in a monogomous relationship."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. No.. I'm not sure! Jesus H! I have no clue what I want!" and this time softer, "Who I want." I sat down defeated.

"Addison. You are so interesting. So special and so gorgeous. I'm sorry I kissed you."

"Will you take me home?"


***** Beau's POV *****

I looked at my cell phone and read the text:

"Can't wait 2 c u, hottie."

I thumbed back quickly:

"Me either."

I pulled into the driveway of a beautiful mansion.

I opened the door and walked in. I went up the stairs and right into the room i knew he'd be waiting in.

There he was, buck naked lying face down on the bed and a dildo in his beautiful tight native american ass.

"How long you been waiting Jeremiah?"

"Long enough for my ass to be open so you can slide that hot thick dick right on in."

I pulled off my clothes and pulled out the dildo. I stuffed my dick right into his puffy ass hole. My pelvis slammed into his muscled ass and Jeremiah arched his back in pain and pleasure.

He pushed his ass back on my cock and put his face into the pillow in front of him. I roughly pounded his sweet ass and smacked each mound of ass cheek.

Jeremiah cried out and spun around on my dick so that i had full view of his perfecct abs and nine inch, thick as a beer can cock.

He brought his full lips up and mashed them onto mine as i pumped his dick and assulted his red hole.

"You fucking beast. I haven't seen you in months and you come in and tear up my ass. God, damn, shit thats fucking good."

I grasped his dark straight black hair and pulled him back then i ran my tounge from his stenum to his chin and back again.

"Oh yes! Fuck my ass hole."

"You little slut. You love when i get rough with you."

"I want you to cum in my ass." I pushed in as deep as i could and my nuts exploded filling Jeremiah with my seed. Jeremiah came and his jizz splattered all over my face and neck.

"I've missed that cock inside me."

"I've missed that sweet ass."

Jeremiah climbed off of my dick and walked to the shower and cleaned himself off. he tossed me a towel and i wiped up and we sat down on his couch for a game of "Call of Duty".

"So how's Addi?"

"We don't talk about him."

"I just wondered. Have you told him yet that you are a super slut and that you only want him for sex?"

"No. And I wont."

"You're just gonna let him think you are totally monogamous to him?"

"Pretty much."

"You are such a bad boy. I really like that about you," Jeremiah climbed back onto my lap and began his trademark lap dance and then the fun began again.

***** Addi's POV *****

I tossed myself down on the bed, flustered. I was starting to fall for Beau and I really think he wants to be my boyfriend. I just think he's so weird about words. And Ezra... God damn, Ezra. He's so hot. And a great kisser. I wanted to jump on his dick and take it for a spin but I'm pretty sure Beau wouldn't do that to me and I would never cheat.

I wanted to talk to Tanner so bad.

"Hey, Addi, this came for you in the mail." Saige tossed the envelope onto my bed.

I examined it and the upper left corner had Tanner's name and address on it. I tore open the letter and pulled out the paper inside. It read:

"Hey Addi, I really miss you. I've tried texting you and then i tried to call you but your phone was off. So i decided to try the old fashioned way.

Anyway, how's California? I hope its great but not too great or you may not come home! There is so much I want to tell you but I wanna do it in person. I can't wait to see you in like two weeks!


"Oh Tanner." I ran downstairs and grabbed Tommy's purse. I pulled out my cell phone and snuck back upstairs and plugged it in and turned it on.

Right away i got five messages. Two from Tanner, one from Julie and one from Mom.

"Hope you have fun, sweetie! I love you! -Mom"

"I miss you already!" that was from Jules.

"Can't wait for you to get home." and "Be safe and have fun!" were from Tanner.

"Hey, Tanner, Tommy took our phones. Got your letter. See you very soon!" I typed quickly to Tanner.

"Love you mom!" i typed next.

"I can smell you using your phone." I turned and screamed a little. Tommy was standing in the doorway.


"Hunny, I have eyes in the back of my head. Hand it over."

"Tommy, please."

"No. You came here for an adventure. So go adventure! Isn't Beau in town?"

"Yeah but he hasn't shown up and I have no means of contact. What if I promise to only use my phone at night?"

"I suppose."


"Yeah, phone are such an important way of communication these days. You can use it whenever but don't let it rule your life while you are here."

"I won't!"


"I promise."

"Royal promise."

"You watch 'Adventure Time'?"

"I LOVE 'Adventure Time'."

"I royal promise!" I gave him a quick hug and then he smiled, touseled my hair, and left.

I walked down the hall to Saige and Liz's room. I knocked and then walked in. Liz was fiddling with her bass trying to write a new song and Saige was laying on her stomach flipping through a Cosmo and jamming to her Ipod.

"Hey guys," I said as i grabbed one of the Cosmopolitan Magazines from the stack on the dresser and sat down next to Saige.

"Hey love!" Saige smiled and adjusted her pretty pink dress.

***** Tanner's POV *****

Addison had never been gone this long. I missed him so much. I wished I hhadn't exiled him for so long. I wish I'd seen the signs that he was in love with me.

So many thoughts ran through my head as i stared at those thirteen words. Julie and I had been hanging out alot but it wasn't really the same without our common ground, Addi.

Addi and I had been best friends since we were really little. It was when we were six that we actually became best friends. Addi was wearing a red hooded shirt under his "Cat in the Hat" overalls. His curly hair was in his face. One of his straps had slipped and fell down his shoulder. Some of the boys started being mean and they called him a girl.

Addison ran off crying. I went over and asked the rude boys what their problems were and one of them said, "My Daddy says that boy is a little faggot because his mommy and daddy are satanists."

"Thats not nice. And they aren't satanists. They just don't believe in God. Thats called Anthinism." Then the boy made a snarky comment about me and my family and i punched him right in the face. His nose started gushing blood and he started bawling. The teacher came running over and of course we all got sent to the principal's office.

"Why did you punch them?" Addi asked with a sniff.

"They made fun of your Parents because they are Anthenists."

"You mean Atheists."

"Thats what I said." Addi smiled and I patted his shoulder. From then on we had been connected at the hip.

My phone ringing, shattered my reminiscing.

"HEY YO BITCH! Wanna hang out?" It was Connor.

"Yeah sure, when and where?"

"Right now, come over?"

"Sure, be there in a sec."

I pulled on a t-shirt and walked out to my car and got in. I drove over to Connor's and walked in and up to his room. He was layin on the bed with his laptop.

"Dude come look at these videos. They are fuckin hilarious!" I sat down next to him and He started a video called "Bad Lip-Reading: The Hunger Games" It started and it was kinda funny but the last part made me almost die laughing.

After about an hour of "Bad Lip-Reading" and "Jaboody Dubs" Connor sat down the laptop and turned to me.

"So that queer really kissed you and you are still friends with him?"

"He's been my best friend since we were six, man. I'm not gonna let one little kiss ruin that."

"Hmm... That sounds pretty gay, man. You queer for him?"

"No." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Is he at least good at it?"

"I don't know, it was quick and i wasn't judging it on a scale of one to ten. Besides, don't you know how he kisses?"

His eyes widened and he stood up, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

I held up my hands like he was a cop pointing a gun at me, "He kissed you and thats how the whole school found out he was gay... Right?"

Connor sighed and sat back down with a grin, "Yeah."

"I still don't understand why he'd do it in such a public place."

"Whatever, lets talk about something else. You hungry?"

"Sure." Connor walked off and I grabbed the computer to look at more videos. I decided to check my facebook so as i was typing in the url a quick link popped up. I clicked on it and it sent me directly to Addison's page.

"Huh?" So i clicked on his internet history and saw that he looked at this page quite often. There were also tons of links to gay porn sights and i curiously clicked on one of his recent searches. It was of a jock looking guy getting sucked off my a skinny blonde guy. Who looked an awful lot like Addi. I clicked on a couple more and found that they were all similar and that each couple had a pornstar that looked similar to Addi's type.

Then I looked on his email and found tons of messages between the two of them. Messages about how they would come out together. How they loved each other.

Connor walked in with a pizza and sat it down.

"Find any good youtube videos?"

"You wanted him to kiss you."


"You and Addison were secretly dating, huh? Or at least fucking around and then he kissed you and you got caught and pushed the whole load onto Addi's shoulders."

"Dude, were you looking through my E-Mails?"

"You don't deny it?"

"I was trying to trick him. I wanted him to come out."

"Then explain the gay porn. You are a fucking pussy bitch. You are absolute scum, Connor. I don't know why i even decided to be your friend. You are trash. I stormed towrrds the door."

"You wont tell anyone will you?!"

"No, because I would NEVER stoop as low as to force someone to come out when they weren't ready."

"Dude!" Connor fell to the ground in defeat. I glared at him wanting so bad to punch him. I turned and left.

**** Addi's POV ****

Beau came over the next day and he picked me up and spun me around. Then he planted a warn kiss righ on my mouth.

"What's all that about?"

"I want you to be my boyfriend."


"Yes!" I kissed him again.

"What brought this on?"

"I really, really like you."

"So we are dating now? This is a relationship? Just you and me?"


"Thats totally AMAZE!"

"Yeah it is, wanna get some pizza, boyfriend?"

"Why yes, boyfriend, I do!" He grabbed my hand and led me outside. We walked to a cute little joint on the boardwalk and sat down to eat.

This was bound to be the best summer ever!

Next: Chapter 5

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