Con Artist

Published on Jul 9, 1997



Con Artist

Professor Jason Ashton had always considered himself an extremely fair teacher. He always gave lots of lenience to the students, after all, they were in College and it was time the were treated more like adults. But Robbie Winters had not been to a single class, and the last day to drop had past three days ago. Jason had called Robbie's dorm and left a message on the machine, and even asked the class if they knew where he was. . . but these attempts weren't getting him anywhere. Jason left a final, and simple message on Rob's machine, he said "Rob, this is Professor Ashton, your English Composition 101 instructor. This is just to let you know that you are failing my class, it is past the class drop date, and you have no hope for a passing grade unless you get in touch with me immediately". And with that Jason felt that he had done a lot more than most teachers would have. The next afternoon, Jason heard a knock at his office door and answered it with an "it's open". The door opened and a student that Jason had never seen before entered. The boy was around eighteen, either a freshman or sophomore, he was wearing a ballcap that covered much of the details of his face, but his dark eyes didn't go unnoticed, nor did the defined jaw and five o'clock shadow. The tee-shirt he had on was baggy and hung off his hard chest. His arms boasted powerful biceps that were accented by his olive tone skin. His posture was that of a self assured athlete who had a great body, and was well aware of it. This boy was cute, and Jason was willing to listen to him, if just to get to imagine what his body must look like while he spoke. The boy had a deep voice and said, "Dr. Ashton, I'm Robbie Winters. I got your message and got over here as fast as possible". Jason, still looking Robbie over, said "Oh, so now you decide you'd better do something about your grade eh?". "Yeah, I was planning to drop your class, but I guess I forgot". Robbie noticed that the professor wasn't looking him in the eye during this conversation, rather he was scoping up and down the length of his body. Robbie asked "what is the best grade I can get in here now?" Jason replied, "I'm afraid that a low D would be the best you could possibly accomplish with all that you have missed". Robbie didn't know if the prof was checking him out or not for sure so he thought he would find out. So he faked a yawn and rested his hands behind his head and flexed as he arched back stretching the thin T material across his chest. He looked and saw that the prof's eyes were fixed to his arms and torso. Robbie asked " is there any chance of extra credit, or of making-up some of the past work?" "I'm not sure, I'd have to think about that." Jason said. Then Robbie started his plan. He had done this before in Highschool, so he knew it would work, at least he hoped. He told Jason that he was on the Soccer team, and that he was a freshman. If he didn't pull at least a 2.0 he would get knocked off the team, and would loose his scholarship. He told Jason that he had already missed part of practice and will have to stay after to make up for it. He said, "I'll be finishing up around 5:00 now, if you could stop by the gym and let me know about the extra credit thing so I can talk to the coach immediately it would be a great help, besides if your there when I tell, maybe he won't kill me." Normally Jason would have said that the student would just have to stop by the office to find out, but this guy was hot, and there was a chance to see him in the lockeroom, so he said " yeah I can do that".

At 5:00 Jason went to the gym, and there wasn't anyone there, so he found his way to the locker room where he heard a shower going. The heavy door slammed behind him, ringing through the looker room. Then he heard Robbie's voice say " is that you Professor Ashton?" Jason yelled a sharp "YEAH". The water shut-off and Robbie walked from around the corner dripping wet wearing only a small white towel around his waist. Jason couldn't believe what was standing before him. It was a boy with the perfect athletic body. He was proportioned just right. His chest was smooth and hard with just a hint of hair between the pecs. His abs were well defined and cut, but in a natural looking way, not like a body builders. His torso tapered to his waist creating the classic V-shape, his legs were powerful and were covered with dark hair. "The coach already left, I was going to stop by your office to keep you from having to come all the way over here, I'm sorry" Robbie said in a deep and soft tone. Robbie let his towel fall revealing a large dick. It hung at about four inches limp and it was thick, nestled in dark pubic hair. He acted natural, and comfortable in front of his prof. He scratched his balls while looking at the prof to see where his attention was, and it was right were Rob had hoped. Rob turned to face his locker, giving Jason a look at his butt. It was a hard bubble butt that only soccer players can attain. Still naked, Rob walked up to Jason and while rubbing his cock he said, "So... about that extra credit". Jason, now flushing got the words out "we... uh, we... sh-should be able toooo, ah, work something out. Come by my office tomorrow and we'll. . . see what we can do." Rob smiled and said "Great! I really appreciate this", and with that he walked past the prof allowing his dick to brush the prof's hand. Rob's ploy was going as planned.

The next day, Rob went to see the prof in his office. He knocked and entered. Jason looked up from his desk to the young sweaty jock wearing a half-tanktop that revealed his muscular arms, abs and sexy navel. Also he was wearing a pair of short Umbros. He sat down with his legs spread wide. Jason looking this boy over was scoping up his muscular legs and was going to see how far up his short leg he could see when he discovered that Robbies wasn't wearing anything under the umbros! Jason started getting hard, and didn't dare leave his desk. Robbie knowing the effect he was having on his teacher had a coy smile on his face. It was time to finish what he had started. He stood up, and fell to the floor in what looked to be horrific pain. He cried out "Im having a muscle spasm, help me" Jason forgetting his erect state jumped from behind the desk and asked what he could do. "Should I call the emergency?" he questioned. "No, It just needs rubbed out. Could you get my shirt off and rub my lower back?" Robbie guaranteed. Jason complied happily. Robbie directed him lower and lower until he was massaging his hard ass. Robbie slid out of his shorts and told his prof to kiss his hole. Surpassed, yet more than willing the eager teacher complied. Rob was now in full control. He told his teacher to lay on his back. Robbie then sat on his face and put his growing dick in his prof's hand. He asked the teacher if he liked this, and if this would help his grade. But Jason wasn't listening, his concentration was elsewhere. Robbie told his teacher to lick the sweat from his arm pits, Jason did as told. Then Robbie told him to lick the toe-jam from his feet, again Jason Complied. Robbie grabbed his teachers head, covered his mouth and pulled him right up to his sweaty dick giving him a whiff. Robbie said, "would you like to taste that faggot?" Jason trying desperately to lick it shook his head yes. "Is it worth an A in your class?" Again Rob's teacher shock to the affirmative. Rob released his head, and let his eager teacher go wild over his young cock. Within second his dick was soaked with his teacher's saliva. It felt great! Rob started pumping his now nine inch dick into his prof's throat. Jason ran his hands up and down the studs body. Feeling the hard muscles under his skin. Robbie began to moan as he neared his orgasm. Just before he shot his load he pulled out and said "Do you want my cum faggot? Tell me you want it!" Jason replied in a frenzy, "Yes! Please!!! I need it, I want it!!" "Make it an approclimation" Robbie said calmly. "I, Dr. Jason Ashton desire, long, need to drink the cum from the long, young, hot, and perfect dick on the incredible body of Robbie Winters!" Squealed the professor. With that Rob put his huge cock back into the waiting mouth of his teacher and shot stream after powerful stream of hot cum to the back of his throat. His Prof., exhausted, and content lay flat on the floor, Rob jumped up pulled his skimpy attire back on, and played back the phrase he needed for the A that was promised. When Jason heard his own voice making an aproclimation to the young conartist he just smiled thinking it was worth it. And hey, at least he knew what an aproclimation was. Just before Rob left, he knelt down, and put his butt next to his teacher, and said, "You can have this for an A in a 400 level class". Jason, still with the taste of his student in his mouth said "its a deal".

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