Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Jan 30, 2020


Conner & Jake Part 11

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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"I have a stunned look on my face and don`t know what to do, so i decide to go home and try to relax and then i will figure out, when to tell Conner what just happened."

Jake POV:

i decide to call Conner the next day and confess what happened after i had a full night of rest.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello, Conner i have something to tell you"

he replies "Yes, Jake what is it?

i say "well, i would feel more comfortable talking about this is in person.

he says "Sure"

i say "Be their in 15 minutes"

Conner`s House:

i walk up to his house and knock on the door, a bit nervous about telling him when he opens the door.

i say "Hey, Conner"

he says "please come on, Jake, you making me a bit anxious, what is it that you could not tell me on the phone?"

i reply "well, i talked to Damien earlier and you we right, he defiently has a crush on me, he even kissed me."

he then says "WHAT? i don`t understand. you stopped it, PLEASE TELL ME you made it clear that you have a boyfriend and are 100% exclusive."

i then say "Yes, Conner, i did. i did however say that our friendship can continue, but with him knowing i was off limits."

when he just came up to me and kissed me. i pushed him away, he looked like he was about to cry and ran away from me into his car and left.

Conner than says " ok, Jake, you did the right thing. i do trust you."

"thanks," i say. "i mean i would do nothing to jeoporadize our relationship."

Conner than replies "yeah, i know.

i say "so, Conner lets change the conservation. how are you doing? was being an assistant akward for you?"

Conner says "No, why would it be, everyone treats me, as if i was a fellow teamate,"

i reply, Good, i was just worried, you know, the environment is a bit different than you are used to.

he says," i know, but it was You, Princapal Daniels & Coach Williams that pushed me into this, so it at least give me a little credit."

i say " i am conner, please don`t get upset."

he says "i`m not, i just have alot on my mind, can you please go now, i have to do homework."

i say "Conner, you sound upset, no need to get cranky and kick me out today."

he says "No, Jake, not everything is about you, i have some homework do to, and i do not need the distractions."

i say "Alright, but this seems more about what happened between me and Damien,

he says "Jake, really this is not about that, just go now, you are really irrating me now"

i say, OK, see you later Conner, i hope you lose that attitude though."

i then walk out of his house, and go to my car and then go home.

wow, that could of gone better, i think to myself. i just dont understand, he first sounded like he was understanding, but then he seemed to not.

My Apartment:

i arrive at my Apartment, and my dad is back from work and he says "Hey, Kiddo, why back so early?, i thought, you would of at least stayed for dinner at Conner`s house.

i reply, "Well, dad he seems to be upset at me, right now, so i left him to be alone, and hopefully cool off.

my dad says "Why, What Happened?

i say "Well, the other day, one of my teammates and a friend by the name Damien just kissed me, and i just told Conner, and he is not taking it well."

my dad says "Uh, im sorry, son, things like that can be complicated, and can bring out hurt feelings. well for a matter of a fact, when i was in high school something similar happened to me, my girlfriend at the times best friend, Stacy, and i had drunken sex and i really regreted it, my girlfriend evantually forgave me, when i told her,

i reply, Dad, first TMI, second, How is that the same, you had sex with her, i did not cheat on Conner, Damien kissed me, and i did push him away.

my dad then says "yeah, i get it, its not exactly the same, but i am sure, everthing will be ok,

he then also says "now, son, one thing is, that you should make clear, is that Damien guy is not do that again, make clear boundaries."

i say,"i know, dad, i will, but i told him, i would not stop being friends with him despite his feelings."

my dad says "i don`t know if that is a good idea son, that could make things more confusing, he could get deeper into this. and trust me son, that is the last you want."

i say, "wow, dad you sound very wise now, i am glad we could have a talk."

he says" Well, you have a wise father, i am happy to talk to you too, my work does take up alot of my time, but that doesnt mean that we cannot talk about things."

i say "ok dad, thanks, now i am going to call damien, and try to clear things up."

my dad, says "good luck Jake, now i am going to make us some dinner,

"alright", i say.

i then look through my phone contacts and call Damien

Ring Ring Ring.


To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 12

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