Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Mar 2, 2020


Conner & Jake Part 13

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap: "i chuckle a bit and say "well, i am going to go to my room now, and finish my homework assignment.

she says "ok, honey, love you."

Conner POV

i just finished up my assistance duties for the school football team, when i get a text from Jake saying "Hey Conner, want to meet up later? Dinner? 6 PM alright. i text back "yes, be there"

my week has been going better since, i have decided to put the Damien-Jake drama behind me, and i think this has actually strengthed our relationship somehow.

when i get home My Mom and Dad are at the kitchen table and they look nervous, my dad directs me to the table and says "Conner, Me and your mother have something to tell you."

i immediately tense up and say "Please, tell me this something good, you're not getting a divorce, are you?"

my mother smiles and says "No, Nothing like that is happening. Actually it is a bit of positive news, i am pregnant, and you're going to have a sister. "

i say "wow, i can`t believe it, congratulations, i did not even know."

she says "yeah, i just found out yesterday, but i am so excited, i just know you are going to make an amazing big brother."

my dad than says "Conner, i agree with your mother, you will make an amazing brother.

i say, thanks, i sure hope so, i then say "i don`t mean to ruin the moment, but was this Planned?

they both grin and say "Yeah, Conner, we have been trying for a while and i guess the stars aligned and now its a reality for our family.

my mother then says "i just wish your grandparents were alive to see it, they would be so proud.

my father nods in agreement.

i then say "not to change the subject, Jake texted me earlier and he says he wants me to come over for dinner is that alright?"

she says "of course honey, i assume you have now forgiven Jake now?"

i say "yes, i just needed some time and time alone to get rid of the Jealousy and negative feelings."

my dad then interjects and says "wait, what happened, i feel totally out of the loop"

i say " nothing really, just Jake was kissed by another boy on the football team, it's not a big deal, Jake handled himself well and made sure it would not happen again."

my dad says "ok, son i just wished you told me that's all."

i say "im sorry dad, i don't mean to make you feel left out, its just your at work a lot and told mom about it."

he says "its alright son, actually, my work hours are now going to change soon, my company actually gives expectant fathers some time off and even more time once the baby is born up to 6 months. that is very generous"

i reply "wow, that is good, i can't believe i actually get to see all of you together more and i even will have a baby sister."

i then get another text from Jake saying he is on his way to pick me up.

10 minutes later

Jake arrives at the house, and knocks on the door, my father answers it and says "Hello, Jake."

Jake replies, "Hello Mr.Edwards. is Conner home?"

my father says "Yes, he is talking to his mother, he will be out in a few minutes. actually i wanted to tell you something before, he goes with you, to your apartment."

Jake says "Of course, Mr.Edwards."

they both head outside and my dad says "Jake, i heard you and Conner had a bit of a mishap this week, and i am not blaming you, i just wanted to let you know, that my son loves you and that i am glad you guys figured out, because i don`t think he would take a breakup well."

Jake says "well thank you, Mr.Edwards i don`t think it was headed that direction, but was becoming an issue.

he says "anyway, how are you? are you and your father adjusting well to your new place?"

Jake replies "actually, yes sir we are, my dad got a new job i think we are doing the best we can, i am in therapy and i do see that helping."

my dad says "good for you guys, actually, i was about to suggest to Conner`s Mother, about potential therapy for Conner, but we did not get anywhere."

Conner then exits the house and sees us talking and saying "Hey Jake, Dad. what are you talking about? all good right?"

Jake says "yeah, all good. he waves goodbye to my dad and then we go into his car and head towards his place.

we enter, his place and Jake starts kissing me, and says "i have missed this. you, i am glad we have going over this hump in our relationship."

i say "Yeah i know, i agree. he resumes kissing me and then tries to take my shirt off, i say "wow, isn't your dad here? Jake says "No, he works late today, until early tomorrow morning and we have the place to ourselves tonight, i hope you can stay over tonight."

i say "yes, Jake, i just have to call my parents later, I`m sure they will agree."

i then also say "lets, wait for sex until after dawn at least."

he fake whines and says "Ok, Conner, whatever you say. well, what you want to have dinner tonight?"

i say "well, im not sure, but i am in the mood for something Italian?"

he says "well, we could go to Olive Garden?"

i say "No, how about we stay in tonight and watch some movies later?"

he says "alright, i can cook us some spaghetti, i just have to go to the store, my dad does not have a lot food here at the apartment."

i say "what. you can cook?"

he smiles and says "Yes, i can cook, something i picked up from my mother, just nothing to advanced."

i say "wow, i just didn`t know, somehow that makes you sexier than before."

he says "wow than you Conner. i just hope i don`t mess it up."

i say "i don`t think you will, even if that happens, it wil fine", we just order in"

he replies. "well, make your self at home, i am going to go out and get the ingredients for dinner,"

20 Minutes later

Jake comes inside the apartment with a bag of groceries, i say "can i help you with anything?" he responds "No, sit down and relax, you are my guest"

"alright" i say

while he prepares are dinner, i sit down on the couch and play a game on my phone

time seems like it is passing fast when i finish my game and dinner is ready.

Jake Says "Conner, i just finished preparing tonight`s course, it consists of Spaghetti and Meatballs, Ceasar salad, homemade breadsticks & sparkling lemonade."

i reply "wow, sounds yummy, you know you could be a chef"

he says "i wouldnt go that far, but your sure are nice, you havent even tried it yet, how could you know,

i say "well, if it tastes as good as it looks, i am sure it will be the best meal i had in a long time."

he then says "i then sit down at the table and he does the same, and a look of sadness overcomes his face

i say "why the long look, are you ok?"

he say says "Yes, it's just that the spot you are sitting, my mother used to sit at the exact spot"

i immediately get up and say "oh, sorry i can move, i didn`t mean to upset you"

he says "no, it's ok, actually i just don`t know why my father even kept the table, we probably had hundreds of family meals at this exact table.

why don`t we go eat in the living room?"

i reply "that`s fine with me."

i go sit on the couch, and he sits next to me, we hold our plates on our laps with an oven mitt.

Jake turns on the tv and we watch a re-run of "The Big Bang Theory" on CBS. and we enjoy the meal

After dinner, we decide to do separate things for a while, he decides to finish his essay, Mrs.Bee assigned him a week ago, which is due tomorrow,

i just decide to watch some more TV.

3 Hours Later. 9 PM

Jake says "ok, Conner i finished my incredibly boring Essay, did my other Homework and played on the PlayStation for an hour.

i say "ok, i just finished watching the First Starwars movie, and just went through social media.

he comes closer to me, and says "you know, what, i bet we could do something more fun than what you have been doing?"

i say "oh, and what is that?"

he touches my crotch and says "you know, i can make you feel much better,"

i reply in a moan.

he then continues to touch me and then kisses me on the lips. it feels so nice.

he then invites his tongue into my mouth, it feels so soft and hot.

he then takes off his shirt and takes mine off also,

i say "why don`t we take this into the bedroom".

so we walk into the bedroom and he playfully pushes me onto the bed and kisses me from the bottom of my feet, up my legs and then he puts his mouth on my dick

and gives me a blowjob, i moan in response and then he touches my nipples while sucking me off, i soon orgasm and he swallows my load.

i continue breathing deeply and say "Wow, that felt amazing, and i can`t believe you swallowed my man juice.

he smiles and says "Well, i just felt like it, i guess i just have to be in the mood, and i felt kinky today.

i then say "ok, well, you were great, do you want me to return the favor? he says "actually, i just rather jack off and then release my cum on your chest.

i smile and say "wow, you really are kinky today? but i`m into it"

he then masturbates himself and then unleashes a powerful orgasm on me.

he then lays down next to me on the bed and says "Ok, i think that was the best sex we ever had"

i nod in agreement. he then gets up and says "well, i am going to take shower, you can with me, but i don`t think i have it me for another round

i say "thats alright, why dont we get ourselves cleaned up and then we cuddle a bit in the bed. i am actually getting tired, so i probably won`t take too long to fall asleep.

he says "sounds like a Plan Conner,"

i say "Jake, i love you"

he replies "I Love you too, Conner."

we then go take shower together to clean off, and cuddle for 10 minutes in bed, right before i fall asleep for the night

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 14

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