Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Mar 21, 2020


Conner & Jake Part 14

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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"we then go take shower together to clean off, and cuddle for 10 minutes in bed, right before i fall asleep for the night"

Jake POV

History Class

i am sitting at my desk and Damien i feel someone touch my arm and i look to see who it is, and Damien is looking back at me smiling.

i say "dude, what do you want? why did you touch my arm?"

he says "Wanna hang after school?"

i say "sure, where to"

he replies "how is my house sound."

i say "im not sure if that is a good idea. Conner might get the wrong impression"

he says "Relax, all i am just suggesting is that we could play video games, not anything inappropriate, you could even invite him over."

i say "um, don`t you think that would be awkward?"

he says "i don`t think so, i think it would be good for him to see, we are just friends and that would erase any idea of mistrust."

i say "Ok, how is 4:30 PM, since Coach Williams has canceled practice today, i hear he is sick with the flu or something."

i then say "Ok, then"

Mrs.Bee overhears Damien talking to me and says "Gentlemen, do you mind telling the class, what is so important that you are not paying attention to Today`s lesson and are talking to each other."

i say "Mrs.Bee its alright, Damien was just telling me, about some notes i forget to write down"

she says "ok, next time, just ask me after class, instead of disrupting one of your peer's education"

i nod and say "Yes, Mrs.Bee"

wow, she is in a mood, i think to myself, i know, she is strict, but she was just being rude now.

Suddenly the fire alarms go off, it must be a drill i think to myself. we all exit class and line up in front and back of the school.

i soon hear firetrucks sirens coming close by, and then Principal Daniels comes over to our group of students and says " don't panic, but there was a fire in the main office, and it spread quickly, we closed the fire door. unfortunately one of the Secretaries was still in there and it appears she has succumbed to smoke inhalation.

we are releasing all students early today, you`re parents have been notified.

staff members may leave once all students have left the premises.

Principal Daniels, by the look on his face, he he has been crying, I`m sure he was close to the staff member who passed away.

Jake`s Apartment

my father says "Jake, are you alright"

"Yes, the fire at the school was fast, Principal Daniels says it killed one of the Secretaries in the main office.

my dad replies "oh my god, that is horrible,

i say "yeah, i thought it was a drill and now somebody is dead at the school, it just all happened really fast.

My phone starts ringing and it is Conner

he says "Hello, Jake this is Conner, i just saw on the News that the Secretary in the office that passed away was Prinicipal Daniels grandaughter.

i say "No way, no wonder why, he is so upset.

yeah, they also said classes will be suspended for the rest of the week,

i reply "oh thanks for calling me and telling me."

Next Week- School History Class.

Mrs.Bee stands in front of the class and says "Ok, welcome back everybody, i hope everybody is doing well, last week the school went through a tragedy.

i am sure everybody knows by now, the secretary in the main office that passed away, was related to Principal Daniels.

he is taking a leave of absence for the remainder of the school year, i am sure he will return next semester, but for now, Superintendent Lewis has chosen me as interim Principal.

i will no longer be able to be a full-time teacher and principal, so a substitute will take over this class for the rest of the year, i am sure you will treat him with the same respect as you would me.

for now, I will finish out the day as your History Teacher and the new teacher will take over tomorrow.

please take out your textbooks and turn to page 53, titled "Reconstruction Era Reforms".

later at MY Apartment.

i am sitting down in my room finishing my homework when Dad comes into my room and says "Damien and Conner are here at the door."

i say "Hello. Conner looks slightly annoyed and Damien seems happy.

Conner says "well, it looks like we are both to see you today."

i say "welcome in Damien, Conner, can you wait outside for a moment, i close the door and say

"sorry, Conner, last week Damien and i made plans to play video games, i guess i forget to tell you, i hope you can stay."

Conner says "Yeah, it's alright, i thought we could have a date night, but that will have to wait for another time."

i walk closer to him and kiss him and then say "thanks babe for understanding"

we walk in and Damien says "hey guys, wanna play GTA 2 or Star Wars 3"

i reply "Gta 2 sounds good."

Damien then puts the disc in the Xbox and we sit on the couch and start playing the game

after a while, Conner seems to relax, Damien then says "Hey, Jake you wanna play some football outside."

i say "sure, and i look to Conner and say "why don`t you continue playing the game, while Damien and i go outside to throw around a football."

Conner Says "No thanks, i must get going, i have things to do."

i tell Damien to take the football and wait for me outside.

i then say "Conner, i thought you were doing better with me and Damien remaining friends.

he says "Yes, Jake i am, i promise, its just i kinda just wanted to have a day with just me and you. i do understand that you already made plans to hang out with Damien, so i just dont want to interfere with that. i just dont feel comfortable being here as a third wheel, i will call you later."

i then say "Conner, you a never the third wheel, you are my boyfriend and i love you, i just wish you and Damien could be friends are at least be friendly towards another."

he says "Ok, i will stay, how about you guys go play outside for a bit, and i will just finish playing the game"

i smile and say "Thank You, Conner, and kiss him on the cheek and go outside."

after about 30 minutes of throwing around the football and talking we go inside and Conner is on his phone talking to his mother, and he is saying "Hold On, i am on the way, everything will be alright."

i say "What`s going on? are your parents alright? he says "yes, my mother just found out she is having having twins, and she is a bit panicky."

i say "wow, send my congrats to her."

he says "alright, see you later Jake."

Damien is in the room, and says "Bye Conner."

he waves at us and hugs me and then leaves to go home.

Conner POV.

"Mother, breathe its alright"

she says while crying "i know, i just was not expecting to have two babies, i am ecstatic, but also kind of scared."

"that's understandable, but dad and i will be here for you"

my dad says "yes, honey, me and Conner are willing to help any way we can."

my mom says "i am just so lucky to have you two."

we then have a group hug and mom says "ok now, i am hungry"

we laugh and say "yeah, two human beings inside you are going to make that happen."

i then texted my Jake and says "wow, i can`t believe i am going to be a brother to two siblings."

he texts back "well, i am sure you will be a great big brother."

i say "yeah, that's what my parents said."

he also says "how does this Friday sound for date night."

i say "wonderful, can`t wait, see you then. XO XO."

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 15

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