Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on May 14, 2020


Conner & Jake Part 20

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap: "i say "i guess not,"

Conner POV:

i am in now in History Class with Ms.Jacobs when suddenly Mr.Smith enters the classroom and whispers in the teacher's ear something. Ms.Jacobs then says "Conner Edwards, Principal Bee wants you down in the teacher's lounge, she has some things to tell you.

um, that was extremely weird i think to myself, why would Principal Bee want me in the teacher's lounge and not her office, and why is Mr.Smith telling Ms.Jacobs about needing my presence, something is just not adding up.

but i walk down to the teacher's lounge anyway, and nobody is there, right when i am about to walk out, Mr.Smith comes in and closes the door and locks it, i am now officially freaked out and i say "What is going on, why did you close the door, please don`t hurt me"

he laughs and says "I`m not going to hurt you, Conner, i could never do that, i just wanted some alone time with you, and that was going to be difficult, now that you are no longer my student as you have transferred out of my class.

i reply "i don`t understand, what do you want?

he says "You"

and then he comes closer to me and then kisses me, i immediately push back on him and say "stop, why are you kissing me, you are a teacher, this is not appropriate.

he says "it will be alright Conner, i am not going to hurt you or make you do anything you don't want to do.

i say "ok, then can you please unlock the door and let me go back to class.

he says "as long as you promise not to tell anybody about this, i cannot lose my job.

i nervously reply "of course, nobody has to know.

i say "can you please try to move on from me, i am not interested in you that way, i can understand being lonely, and i am sure you will find someone your own age who will love you back"

he says "ok Conner, i am going to choose to believe you, just dont let me down, and No, i dont want to find anyone my own age, you are 18, so its legal, we wouldnt be doing anything wrong.

i say "Mr.Smith, i maybe 18 now, but i am a student and am currently in a committed relationship, so it just could not happen, i don`t want to make you upset, its just the truth.

he then reluctantly unlocks the door and i immediately start running down the hallway, towards Principal Bee's office and knock on the door saying "let me in, please, it's important."

Mrs.Bee opens the door and says "what`s going on Mr.Edwards, are you ok."

i say "No, Mr.Smith told Ms. Jacobs, you wanted me in the teacher's lounge and he locked me and him in there for a few minutes and kissed me, i convinced him to let me out.

she says "Oh my god Conner, she then walks with me out of her office and then we starting walking into his classroom, which he is now back in with only a few students in.

Mrs.Bee says "Mr.Smith, i need you to come out the hallway with me, he does so and she says, "you are Fired, i just found what you did with Conner Edwards, pack up your stuff, and leave the building immediately."

he then says "What, nothing happened, he is lying, he is obsessed with me, can`t you see that he wants me to punish me after i rejected him multiple times."

she says "No, Mr.Smith, that is enough, the one who is obsessed is you, and now you need to leave."

he says "well then i am suing you and the school for wrongful termination."

she says "that`s your right, now leave."

he then raises his fist and punches her directly in her face then looks back at me saying "you will regret this" and then runs out of the school.

i then run to the main office for help and tell the Secretary that Principal Bee was punched by Mr.Smith, she calls the police and i sit in the chair waiting for them to arrive

soon, i hear the nurse enter the room saying "Oh my god, what happened, Mrs.Bee is laying on the ground in pain, saying she was assaulted by Mr.Smith, the secretary says "i know the police are on the way."

the School Nurse then takes Mrs.Bee to her office and lays her on a cot to rest and gives her an icepack. the punch must of been very strong because she is bleeding and complaining of dizziness.

finally, after what seems like hours, two police officers arrive.

first, an Officer introduces himself as Deputy Hankens and asks from a statement from me and the other officer Named Deputy Charles then goes to ask some Mrs.Bee questions.

after a few minutes, Deputy Charles then comes back into the office and says "the Principal told me about what Mr.Smith did to you, the involuntary kiss could constitute sexual assault and the act of locking you in the teacher's lounge is false imprisonment.

criminal charges are then filed, and the police put out an arrest warrant for Mr.Smith and attempt to take him into custody.

my parents then finally arrive after they are called by the school, and my dad rushes in and says "Where is the bastard, he won`t get away with this."

Deputy Hankins says "Mr.Edwards, we are looking for him, please try to calm down sir"

my mom then says "ok, do try to calm down honey, it will be ok, let the police do their job, i have full faith that they will find him ."

my mother then says "ok, let`s just go home guys, i think this has been an eventful day for Conner, and i just want to take you home for today."

i say "Ok, mom, I`m sorry, i just thought things would go better with Mr.Smith and not lead to such dramatic events.

she says "Oh sweety, you have nothing to be sorry for, he was the teacher, someone in an authority position who took is clearly not right in the head.

i nod, and then the Secretary says Supertident Lewis has been informed on the situation and are trying to contact former Principal Daniels to come back and take over for a bit.

the Police Officers say "ok, everything seems to be in orders, so you can go home, we will contact you when there is any updates on the case.

Later that day.

i am sitting on the couch watching tv when i hear someone knocking on the door and it is Jake. i say, "oh hi, i didn`t realize you were coming today."

he says "i heard about what happened at school, an announcement was made that law enforcement was called for an incident between Mr.Smith, Principal Bee and student, i just connected the dots and wanted to see you as soon as the school day ended, how are you?

i reply "ok, well I am fine, Mr, Smith just lost it, he lured me in the teacher's lounge, locked me in there and kissed me, when he finally let me out i ran to Mrs.Bee office told her and she confronted him and fired him, he then justed punched her very hard in the face and before running out of the school, said something kind of creepy, that i would regret this. i just ran as fast i could to the main office and waited for the police to come, it all just happened so fast.

Jake says "oh my god, Conner i am glad you are ok, and i do hope Principal Bee is alright also, did you tell the police about the vague threat? he obviously dangerous

i say "no, i forget to tell them that.

Jake says "Conner, you should call them to add that to your statement, you might even need an Officer stationed outside your house just in case, he comes here to your house.

i reply "ok, i will, i promise"

he says "Good, i love you and i dont want anything to happen to you. oh, and also i am going to stay the night tonight, i dont want you to be alone.

i say "Jake, i won`t be alone, my parents are here.

he says " i know, but i want to be in the same room as you tonight, it will make me feel better about the whole situation.

i reply "ok, i understand, and i love you too, i am actually happy you came, and just glad to see you. i start to become emotional and cry.

he says "Baby, come here, everything will be ok. he then embraces me while i cry over his shoulder

he just pats me on the back and says "it`s alright, let it out, you went through a scary situation, you are allowed to be upset about it, i am here for you and so are your parents"

i then soon regain composure and my mom walks in the room and says "Hi, Jake and then hugs me and says "Conner, i wanted to tell you, that the School called and says that Mrs.Bee will be taking a leave of absence and that Principal Daniels has decided to come back for the remainder of the academic year.

i say "wow, i hope he did not hurt her too much, is she ok?

my mom says "the punch broke her nose, and maybe even caused a concussion, so she will struggle for a little while, but will be alright. I`m sure she will recover and will come back next year.

i then say "Mom, i didn`t tell the officers everything that happened?

she says "what do you mean"

i say "well, after Mr.Smith punched Mrs.Bee, he told me that i would regret it.

she says "Oh my god, Conner, we have to go to the Police Station and tell them that he threatened you, he is still out there,

i say "i know.

my dad then comes in and says "Conner, how are you doing son?

i say "ok, i just want this to be over and for the police to find him.

he says "i know, you will get through this, and any moment that Son of a Bitch will be in Prison.

my dad in a rare move then hugs me and says "i am glad you alright Conner"

i soon then walk to my baby sister`s room and just look over to their crib and kiss them on their foreheads and say "Hello, little ones, i love you too so much, take care.

this day has been emotional and full of craziness and i am just ready for the day to end and hopefully, tomorrow goes better.

after i complete my night routine of showering and brushing my teeth, i hop into my bed and then try to fall asleep, Jake then comes into my room and lays down on the bed right beside me, putting his arms over me and cuddling me.

i then say "wow, you feel so nice and warm, you just being here makes me feel safer.

he says "i am glad because i want you to feel that way, have a Goodnight Conner, sweet dreams.

after about 15 minutes, i then fall asleep for the night.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 21

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