Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Nov 25, 2019


Conner & Jake Part 4

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap: i then walk upstairs back to my room to by bed and text Jake, "my parents are all right, i am just very emotional right now, and i would like to meet up tommorow, if that is ok with you, he texts me back, "ok conner, see you tommorow at your house" with a smiling emoji.

Jake POV:

whew, that certainly was a close one, i cant believe conners mom caught us, talk about embarrassing, but at least his parents seem to be taking it well,

Sunday- Conner`s House

i knock on the door, and Conners opens the door and he says "come in Jake, i am glad you could make it i then step in fully in the house and conners mom walks up to me and says "make yourself at home, i will make you boys some snacks, does grilled chesse bites and pizza rolls sound good?" oh and i will bring you some fresh lemonade also.

i say "of course, that sounds tasty" and refreshing. i then walk upstairs to conners bedroom and sit down at his desk are where he does homework. my phone rings, once and ignore it and then it rings again, i look at the caller id, which says tasha. oh goodness, what could she want, i say to myself. whatever it is, i will deal with it later, i am busy right now.

conner then walks in and says "Hey, Jake i hope your hungry, because mom has a tendency to make more food than needed. i say "well that is ok conner, i am actually feel a bit starved, i actually had a small breakfast today. conner says "oh, ok, then, food actually will be your ally then. yeah, i acknowledge.

conner than says, "well jake, while, we wait for food, what would you like to do or talk about." i say "i`m not sure", " well, we could just sit hear, relax or you could tutor me, more about history, i am just starting to understand the material

conner replies "good, how about, lets try a listening excercise, it begins now, the United States was founded on principles of liberty, freedom or justice, those exact words are inside the constitution which was was ratified on the 21st of June 1788, when New Hampshire become the ninth state to ratify the document, thus confirming the document as the official government system of the United States Of America"

"now, what day in 1788 in the month of june was the U.S Constitution ratified?" i say the " 21st" Conner replies "Correct, you were listening and got the question right. "Good", I reply

my Phone then rings the third time of the day, and it says tasha once again. i tell conner that i have to answer the phone, i say in a frustrated voice "What, Tasha? i am clearly busy and i dont have time to talk to you right now" she says "Excuse Me, Jake, you get to my house in the next half hour, or you will regret it"

i then say " well, tasha, i am no longer afraid of you , we are over, you undertand. don`t ever text or call me ever again" i then hang up.

conner overhears the phone call and says "Jake, are you ok, you probaly have now ticked off the most powerful girl in school, she will never let it go

i say "i know, i will have to now just figure out of how i can pay for college, but i really hope, she doesn`t get her parents to fire my mom and dad. oh great i think to myself, i have just my a horrible mistake.

conner sees the discomfort on my face and says " Jake, i am sorry, i really hope this turns out better, i probaly shouldnt be so negative." i say "No, you are right conner, i will now have to face the consequences of what i just said to her, and hope for the best.

conner then walks up to me, hugs me and then kisses me on the lips, but, before we get any farther, i hear a knock on the door and conner says come in,

his mother walks in, with a plate of the snacks and lemonade. she just made and says "Hey Boys, i hope you enjoy the food i made you conner says, "i am sure, we will" and takes the plate

i then grab some food, from the plate and stuff my face with some of the pizza rolls and then some of the grilled cheese bites.

i also take a sip of the lemonade, conner then says "Slow down there, you werent kidding, you are hungry. i then nod and say, yeah my stomache kind of got the better of me. he says "thats all right, you can eat as much as you want, their is plenty.

my phone then rings, and this time it says "Mom" i answer it and my mom says "Jake, where are you, i say, at a friends" she says ok, tasha is here at the house and would like to see you. i say, what? now

she says "yes, what is the matter, you sound upset," no i am fine i say, ok my mom says, see you later.

i then tell conner "that was my mom this time, and she says that tasha is at my house now," conner says "What? that is weird, do you think she is planning something, that girl is total psycho.

i say "well, i need to go find what she wants, so unfortuantly i have to go home early. conner says "ok, just call me after tasha leaves your house" . i agree, and then go down the stairs and get into my car and leave."

Jake`s House

i walk inside, and i see my mom on the ground, she is bleeding from the head.

oh my god, i say outloud and run toward my mother,

i then see, tasha walks into the room with a baseball bat, she then says "this is what happens, when you break up with me jake, you have caused this, she then runs out of the house, before i have time to respond to what she just said.

i kneel down to my mom and check her pulse, it is steady and she is breathing, she then becomes concious and says, what happened? why is their blood on my head, "i say, tasha attacked you." she says "what? Why. i don`t understand."

i reply "i just broke up with her, and i guess she, just went into a violent rage, i knew she had issues, but i did not know that she would hurt you or anyone.

she then says," well, i am calling the police, she will not get away with it, what the hell is wrong with her, she could of killed me."

i say, "ok, good". and then think to myself what kind of mess have i created, how could tasha do this and how much farther is she willing to go?

To Be Continued.

P.S: Comments are always welcome.

Next: Chapter 6

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