Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Nov 30, 2019


Conner & Jake Part 6

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap: "i then smile to myself and think how wonderful it is to have Jake in my life."

Jake POV:

i am laying in bed, thinking about all the events from the past few weeks, from falling in love with Conner Edwards and the craziness involving Tasha. i really hope she stays in jail for a long time, she could of seriously wounded or even killed my mother.

i then look over to my phone and i see a missed call from 15 minutes ago and in in utter horror the caller id says tasha? WTH? that bitch is supposed be in jail. i really hope this is some sort of prank, i call the number back and the voice of David Johnson responds "Jake, hello, i know this is you, i am just calling to apologize for what our daughter tasha did to your mom, that was totally unacceptable and we did not raise her to commit acts of violence. and as a peace offer which i hope conveys our sincere apolgies from the Johnson Family, we would like to pay for your college and your mother`s rent for 6 months."

i say "well, thank you for calling Mr.Johnson, i didn`t expect a call from you, i am thankful for your offer, but at the same time i cannot accept. because their is no way, i am ever allowing tasha back into my life or going to help her get released from prison early." he says "i understand your anger and confusion Jake, this money comes with no strings attached, i can assure you that, ."i then become silent for a moment and say "ok, i will think about, and i will tell my mother about it". he says "alrighty then. how about you call this number again when you make a decision." ok, bye.

i then exit my room and go to my parents room and i am about to knock on the door, which then suddenly my dad exits the room (who i barely see, he works alot) and says "Hello, Jake" i then walk up to him and hug him and say "what are you doing here dad?, i haven`t seen you in weeks"

he says "well i came to check on your mother, who apparently was attacked by Tasha. i say "yeah, she just went nuts and is now in jail," i then say "well, i came in here to tell mom, that Tasha`s dad, David Johnson called me and made an offer?

what kind of offer my dad says? well he offered to pay for my college and pay our rent for 6 months. "Wow", he says "i hope you said yes"

well that i said "not exactly what i told him, i said i would discuss it with mom before making any decisions. my dad says "how about this, i will tell your mother about it for you. and if she agress to it, i can finally start to cut back my work schedule for a while and in the process get to see both of you more often. i then smile and say " well that sounds good, i was really starting to miss you", my dad then says "i miss you too, and your mother a lot."

i then walk into my parents room and says "Mom, how are you doing, i have to tell you something?" she says "what is it dear," i say "well, first dad, will tell you about an offer i got by David Johnson, so you two can disccuss it and second is i am bisexual and have a boyfriend who`s name is Conner, i take a deep breathe and think, damn that is not why i came in here to say, why did i just say that. before i say anthing else, i hear my dad, near the door say "i knew it".

i say what? how. my dad says, well your mom has been telling me about your frequent trips to a friend named Conner Edwards and your mother also told me, she went to your room, and looked at your phone once and saw a text from conner, that seemed extra friendly. i then looked to my mom and say "really? is this true. and she says "yes, jake, i didnt want to bring it up, because i didn`t think you were ready to tell anybody. i also did not want to make you uncomfortable or make things weird".

wow i say "i am just shocked that you knew and told dad" my mom says "come here son, its alright, we both love you and this changed nothing. my then dad than walks up tom me and says "jake, i dont judge. you are my son and will not stop loving you because of who you love. i then become a bit emotional and start to tear up. my mom says "jake, i would like to meet your boyfriend conner and my dad says "i would like to also, i want to see what kind of guy he is,"

i tell them that conner and is a sweet guy, very smart, a bit nerdey but cute,. i then tell them "please don`t scare him, he can be sentsive". they say ok, son we wont do anything to scare him, how about this weekend. i say "well i will text him and see what time is good for him. they say ok. looking forward to it.

i then say "if it is allright if i go to my room and play some video games. they say ok.


on friday i texted conner about how i came out to my parents and how they said how would like to meet him, he said he would come to my house at 2PM on Saturday.

i am just siting on my bed upstairs on my phone, when i hear my mom say "Jake, Conner is here. i walk down the stairs to see my Dad shaking Conners hand and saying "its nice to meet you Conner, i am glad you came over. so are you in the same grade as jake? are you into sports. is Jake you first boyfriend? whoah i say, Dad, i thought we disccused this. lets take it easy on the questions.

he agrees and says to conner "i am sorry, i didn`t mean to make you uncomfortable" conner then says to my dad "no, its alright, actually i am a Junior and no i am not into sports myself and yes, Conner is my first boyfriend.

my mom then says "Conner, how about you have seat at the dinner table here and will fix you something tasty. he says, wow you and my mother would get along, making food for guests. she made some yummy comfort food for me and Jake when he came over to my place. oh. so jake has already met your parents?. yes Ma`am he says.

i say "mom, i`m sorry, i didnt tell you earlier, i just didnt know how you would react and i wasnt ready then? she says "Jake, its allright i understand, i just...

my mom starts stutetering and she says J Jake i.iii think i am ha ha ving a stroke ... i feel funny. she then collapses to the floor. MOM! wake up. my dad then rushes into the room and says what happened, why is your mother on the ground. i say "i don`t know, we were talking and suddenly she starting stuttering and she said she thought she was having a stroke and then collapsed. Oh My god Jake, i am going to call 911.

i start crying and conner starts rubbing my shoulder trying to comfort me and i can overhear dad saying "i need help, my wife is unconsious, please send an ambulance.

i am now trying to regain compusure and my dad says "son, its ok, help is on the way" it feels like 15 minutes later when a paramedic arrives and says "where is the patient. she is on the floor in the kitchen. the paramedic then checks my mothers pulse and breathing and says into his radio "this is unit 40 and the patient is DOA." i then say dad? what does that mean? DOA, is that a medical term?, he then gives me a blank look and starts crying and the paramedic then walks in and says "i am sorry to tell you, your mother has died from her injuries.

No No, No that doesnt make any sense, she was fine a few minutes ago. she was attacked about a week ago, but the doctors said she was fine and would recover. the paramedic then says "I know son, this doesnt make any sense, this is just a unfortunate thing happens sometimes. I start screaming at him "Unfortuante" My mother is dead, what the hell? this is not real, it can`t be real i say to myself and my dad gets up and says "Jake we have to go, i cant be here anymore, as what just happened to your mother is too much, i just cannot stay at this house any longer.

conner tries to say something when i say "Conner, Just leave i can`t talk to you right now" he then says "Jake, you need someone to be around at this time, i cannot just leave you and your father alone right now," i snap back at him "Conner Just go home home!, Leave me alone". he then just walks out and goes home.

i go with my dad into his car and ask him, where are we going? he says "I don`t know but anywhere than here" when suddenly i yell DAD! Look Out! we barely miss the car in front of us. wow that was a close one, i say. we then continue on the road and my dad pulls into a motel and we check in for the night. i walk into the room and lay on the bed and start crying, not only about mom, but about how i treated conner. god, can this day get any worse i think to myself.

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 7

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