Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Dec 8, 2019


Conner & Jake Part 7

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap: I walk into the room and lay on the bed and start crying, not only about mom, but about how i treated conner. god, can this day get any worse i think to myself.

Conner POV: Two Weeks Later after the events of Part 6.

i finally get a call from Jake, who i haven`t spoke to since he kicked me out after his mom died. he says "Hello Conner, i am sorry for being rude to you the other week.

i say "Jake, it's ok, you`re mother just died, how are you doing?, he says "Well, i am not doing great, but doing better, my dad is planning to do a memorial service for my mom next month."

i say " that`s a good idea, i have really missed you over the past 2 weeks, but i assumed you wanted to be left alone for a while to mourn and process your feelings with your family.

he then says "Conner, that was probably a good idea. i am glad you called though. i really miss you too and want to see you. he also tells me he is currently staying at a motel with his father because they cannot bear to go back home.

i then tell "Jake, there is no need to continue to do that, and they are welcome to stay at my house for a bit.

Jake then says " i wouldn`t want to impose, Are you sure your parents would be ok with it"?

i say "i am pretty sure they would, but i would ask them to make sure."

Jake then says "Cool" and starts crying" i tell him i am sorry for his loss and that i love him

i then say "Jake, how about you come over to my house now, even if he doesn't stay, at least it can distract him for a bit of time from his huge loss.

Jake POV:

Conner says he talked to his parents and that they said me and dad can come over at his place and stay awhile. at least until my dad can get us a new place. the last 2 weeks have been one of the worst in my life, but at least i still have my dad and Conner.

sometime last week the Corners Results came in and the official cause of death was made for my mom, it said "complications from severe head trauma". my dad is now suing my moms doctor for medical malpractice. his lawyer says that he may have a chance due to the recently discovered lapse in license and malpratice insurance on the doctors behalf.

also Tasha`s dad called and he promised to pay for my college and now will pay $10,000 to my dad. Tasha has been charges have been raised from aggravated assault to involuntary Manslaughter due to my moms passing. she expected to serve 10-15 years behind bars.

Conner`s House: i knock on the door and Conner answers it and immediately hugs me and says "Jake, i am glad to see you. his mother nearby says "Please Come in Jake and Mr.Davis . his dad also says Hello. his parents say they have a guest room set up with two beds and said their only rules were that i and Conner must sleep in seperate bedrooms.

i now head upstairs to conners room and say "i am very depressed and would like to go out tonight." he says "Sure, Jake where do you want to go? i say "how about Dennys he agress. he then walks over to me and says Jake, i really do love you and would like to show it. i say How? he grins and closes the bedroom door and says "well how about this. he kisses me and i tell him to take of his shirt and come into my bed. we then just lay down and cuddle. i then tell him "Conner, this is nice. he says "Jake im so sorry, i didnt mean to upset you, the other night. i say "Conner,shhh its ok, lets just lay here for a few minutes.

a few minutes later.

i put my shirt back on and conner does the same, and i open the door and we head downstairs and his mom is reading a book and my dad is watching tv. i say Dad, Mrs.Edwards can i and conner go to Dennys tonight? i really want to eat out tonight. i was thinking Dennys is a good idea

she then looks at my dad and he nods his head in approval and she says "Yes. you boys can. just be back a decent hour? Yes Ma`am i say

we then head outdoors and i head into conners car and we head out.

10 Minutes later.

i then open the door and enter and walk-in and a waiter says "Hello, welcome to Denny's, my name is Maria and i will be your waiter for tonight?

we then walk with the waiter and she find us a seat and we sit down and she hands us the menus and says "well, can i start you two gentleman off with a drink?

i say i would like sprite and conner tells her water. she then says "alright then, i will be back in a few minutes to take your order"

i sift through the menu for 5 minutes as Conner does the same, Maria the waiter comes back with our drinks and says "what can i get you, sir? i say i would like a Cheeseburger with fries and a vegetable mix on the side, conner orders a BLT sandwich with two pancakes. i tell conner that his dinner is an interesting combination. he laughs and says, "yeah. i wanted dinner and breakfast.

after about 15 minutes, Maria comes back with our meals and says "Enjoy!" and "i will put the check here on the table, for now, and i will be back in a while to check on you.".

we eat our delicious respective meals, a few minutes after we eat the waiter Maria comes back while we were holding hands and says "i hope you enjoyed your meals, Conner Edwards & Jake Davis.

Um. "How do you know what are last names are" We say in unison to the waiter. Maria responds " well I'm a ex-friend friend of Tasha Johnson. I knew something was suspicious when suddenly Jake finally found the nerve to break up with her. she told me how Jake had been acting prior to The Break-Up. and I had my suspicions that Jake was cheating on her. but I did not expect him to be cheating on her with another guy, and not just any guy but Conner Edwards, a nerd. no offense Conner.

i then stands up and say " do not tell anyone about what you have witnessed. Do you hear me?

Maria responds " oh relax, i am not going to tell anybody. All right. I know that Tasha has her issues. But I really did not think that she was capable of hurting somebody. I can't believe that she killed your mother. i saw that on the news and i was shocked, i am truly Sorry for my ex-friend's behavior.

Thanks, i say & i didn`t mean to overeact. "it all right" Maria says.

Conner POV:

Me and Jake go in the car and I am a feeling a little irritated and say to Jake " what was your problem? You seemed very defensive when Maria recognize us. Are you ashamed of me and how come you didn't defend me when she called me a nerd?

Jake then says back to me " conner, you know I'm not ready to come out to everyone, our families is enough and if anyone on the football team finds out. That would not be good for me.

I say back to Jake " whatever. Let's just go back home. Don't worry Jake I will never go near you at school again. I would not want you should be tainted by the nerd kid in your presence.

he then says " come on Conner, don't be like that. you know that i love you, i don`t care that you are a nerd, i actually find that pretty cute, but nobody at school can find out, athletes and gays don't mix in our school.

I say "whatever" and drive us back to my house.

I then run upstairs once we get inside and open the door to my room and close the door. In a few minutes I hear somebody knocking on my door, it is Jake and he says in a low and caring voice "Conner, please let me in. Don't push me away. I didn't mean to upset you.

i open the door and sit on my bed and look at the ground and don't say anything. Jake then comes closer to me and says " I really don't want you mad at me, i don't think I can stand it.

Jake then starts crying and i start feeling really bad, he is lonely and grieving his mother, i should be more understanding, i think to myself.

i go and hug jake and says "please, dont cry Jake, i am sorry, i didn't mean to be so selfish. please forgive me, he then looks into my eyes and says " conner, its ok, you are right to be upset, its just that i dont know what to do anymore, my emotions are all over the place.

i say in response "well that is understandable" " and "i really think you should go see someone, you suffered a horrible tragedy in your life and i think a therapist would help."

he says "you, are probaly right, i will talk to my dad about it and see if that will work for me. i say to him "sounds good" i then say how about we go downstairs and we can relax before bed, watching a movie.

alright he says and we go downstairs and in the middle of the movie and we both fall asleep on the couch.

To Be Continued.

any comments are appreciated, hope you enjoyed!

Next: Chapter 8

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