Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Dec 24, 2019


Conner & Jake Part 8

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap: "alright he says and we go downstairs and in the middle of the movie and we both fall asleep on the couch."

Conner POV:

i wake up and my mom is standing over me and says "Good Morning Conner, i assume you two feel asleep since the tv was left on.

"yeah, i say, my mom says "how about we have breakfast and let Jake sleep a little longer,"

so i follow her into the kitchen and my dad and Jake`s dad "Mr.Davis" are already eating some food at the table.

mom says "how do eggs and toast sound?" that is fine i say. i sit down at the table and dad says "hello son, as has cereal in front of him

and Mr.Davis says, Hi Conner. and then my dad says " Conner, me and Mr. Davis, have been talking and he has found an apartment, so he and Jake will be moving in next week.

'Well that's great" I say. "I'm glad that you found a place, Mr. Davis"

my mom comes over and says "well Conner, it looks like it will just be the 3 of us pretty soon" "yep" i replied

mom finishes making breakfast when Jake walks in and says "wow, it looks like i am the last one to wake up"

Mr Davis says "yeah" um, i have some news Jake, i found an apartment, and move-in is next week"

Jake then says "wow, that is good, i am surprised you found one already" Mr.Davis replies "well, i don`t want to take advantage of the graciousness and hospitality of the Edwards, i am just glad we can find a more permanent place.

in the next hour, we eat our meals and prepare for the day.


i am sitting in class, not really paying attention, when the teacher calls my name "Mr.Edwards, Conner Edwards. i reply "yes," she says you are wanted at the office. Principal Daniels wants to talk to you. wow, i must be really tired, i did not even hear the phone ring. i walk to the office and one of the office secretaries says "Your assistance is needed in the conference room, Mr.Daniels and Mr.Williams will be waiting for you. ok, i am confused, but also intrigued, i never got into trouble before, so i assume, it's not disciplinary related.

"Mr.Edwards, please have a seat, i am glad you could make it says the Principal. Mr.Williams says Conner, i know we don`t know each other that much, since you are only a General P.E Student, and do not participate in any Extracurricular athletics, but i would like you to join me as a Football assistant, i know you may not be particular enjoy the sport, but it would help you on your potential college resume, and i heard that you really helped one of my men, Captain Jake Davis, who unfortunately has suffered a great tragedy so young in his life.

i know that you two are close, actually, i know you are both are romantically involved. dont worry son, i dont care about that., i just want him to be happy and him to have a successful career someday. he is definitely one of the best players, i have coached.

Principal Daniels then says "Conner, you have been mentoring Jake for a while now, but i have to ask you suspend all tutoring with any students, if you do this, the focus must be assisting Coach Williams, and if you accept, we will pay you.

i say "well i am flattered but i will have to think about it a little bit"

my phone vibrates, i look at it for a moment and it is a text from Jake saying "i talked to my dad earlier, and we have set up an appointment with a therapist, see you later."

well, don`t take to long, as this is a coveted opportunity, and i just wanted to ask you first, as you are the best students we have, academically, and i think you could use this a good change in your daily routine."

"thank you", i say

"your welcome Conner, i know you would excel at it, you are a very intelligent student. well, we have taken up enough of your time, so back to class for now, and we will talk later, as Mr.Williams and i await your answer"

My House- in my room

"Jake, you won`t believe what happened earlier at school, Principal Daniels and Coach Williams want me to be an assistant to the football program at the school"

he says "what? that is awesome, i hoped you accepted. it would be nice seeing you more and in a different environment"

"well, i told them, i have to think about it."

Jake says "what is their to think about, this would be an amazing opportunity, you would be great."

"you think, i am just not really into sports."

he says "that doesn't matter, you just need to listen well to coach and you could skip the mandatory community service next year."

"if you say" i reply.

Jake walks closer to me and says "Conner, you a really an amazingly smart dude, i just really hope you can believe me someday. that is one of the reasons why i chose you.

sometimes, i really don`t know, why though. i am nerd, a nobody even if i like to deny it, and you are the captain of the football team, you could date anybody.

.jake says "oh please, you are not a nobody, you are Conner Edwards, my boyfriend and i love you, what did i tell you before about selling your self short.

i say "i am sorry, it just doesn`t seem real sometimes. oh, you better believe its real Conner, because i am not going anywhere. he then kisses me on the lips and moans softly.

god, i say i may need a therapist too, i am so hard on myself sometimes. Jake says" yeah, but that is ok, we both have our issues, me for my grief and you for your self-image and confidence, we are only human.

how about we do something fun this weekend, how does going out to the movies sound?

"Great!", i say, "i really have been wanting to see the new star wars movie." "of course," Jake says with a smirk.

hey, you know i like that type of stuff, i guess embracing my nerdiness is better than denying it will do me better.

Jake says yeah, you are right,. How about i order the tickets online later, and we can make it a date night. "cool" i say.

for now, how about you take off your jersey, or keep it on, you look hot in it.

jake says "oh, do i, he then says "how about i undress you, while you let a hot football player make love to you"

"yes! baby, "oh it really turns me on, when you talk like that. i say

"well, come here baby and see what else i can make you feel", he grabs my crotch and i moan in pleasure, he pushes me forcefully on the bed and says "you like this don`t you!

well, of course, i just cant resist you, you smell amazing, just like pure masculinity, he then starts flexing his arms and says "conner, why dont you let a strong man take care of you,

"oh, wow you are going to make me cum if you keep talking that way". "good" he says "he then starts kissing me, we mash our tongues together and make out very passionately

and he then grinds his penis towards mine, and then i lose it, and cum and moan in ecstasy. i try to recover from the orgasm and say "Jake, wow, i guess i needed that."

he says "anytime babe" we lay down on the bed for a few minutes and i say "well, jake i am now hungry, you want me to get you anything? yeah, just water, coming right up i say

i go downstairs and Mr.Davis is in the kitchen making a sandwich, i sneak bye and grab a yogurt & bottled water. while i try to get a spoon, Mr.davis says "Hi, Conner, do you happen to know where Jake is?

i reply, um, well Jake is upstairs right now,

he says ok, why? is he taking a shower right now? not exactly, i say, he is in my bedroom now, he says "oh, ok i am just going to eat my sandwich now," i will talk to him later.

i am now nervous and anxious, i grab the spoon, the yogurt and water and go upstairs to my room

Jake is now sitting up on my bed, on his phone, when i walk in and say "here is your water", i sit down on next him and open up my yogurt and start to eat it , when Jake notices my uneasiness and says " what`s the matter, Conner you seem a bit anxious?

i say "well, when i went downstairs to the kitchen, your dad was their making a sandwich asking where you were, and i kind of let it slip, you were up here in my room,

Jake says "what?"

i say " i know, i am sorry, i didn`t mean to, i just did not expect him to be there, i thought he was still at work, it was a bit of a surprise.

he says "its ok, i will talk to him later, im sure its cool, he didn't confront you over it, did he?

i say "no, he just looked a very uncomfortable, and kinda walked away.

Jake replies "well, it could of been worse, i am sure he will be fine. its not like he actually caught us doing anything, just the thought of what might of happened up here, is too much for him right now."

i say "your right, i might be turning this into a nothing burger i am good at worrying. Jake says "i know, but you cant help it" why dont we go downstairs and watch some tv.

"good idea" i say, so we go downstairs to the living room and watch some tv when Mr.Davis walks in. "oh, hey dad. Jake says. he then says "i was looking for you earlier but Conner said you were busy.

Jake responds "oh, yeah, well i am free now, so did you have anything important you wanted to say to me,

Mr.Davis responds "well, i was just fired from my job earlier, what? Why Jake says

nothing you need to worry about son, i will get it sorted out, we are now all sitting on the couch, and i am now watching tv, while Jake and his dad continue talking quietly when about 15 minutes later, my mom arrives home and Jake and his dad go outside and say they will be back and will spend some father-son time together.

my mom tells me about her day, while i tell her, i will make dinner tonight" she says "thank you son, that is very nice of you"

To Be Continued.

Next: Chapter 9

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