Conner and Jake

By Caleb Osburn

Published on Jan 2, 2020


Conner & Jake Part 9

The following story is fictional and does not depict any real people or events

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Recap: "my mom tells me about her day, while i tell her, i will make dinner tonight," she says "thank you son, that is very nice of you"

Jake POV:

Conner`s House:

i walk up to the door of Conner`s House and his mom opens the door,

i say "Hello Mrs.Edwards, i am here to pick up Conner" she responds "Yes, Jake he will ready in a minute, why don`t you come in"

i say "alright" and i walk in. she asks me about my father is doing, as we have moved out of her house a couple of days ago, and my dad found us a cheap apartment, thankfully he won the court case against My mom's doctor, who was now ordered to pay us $10,550 for malpractice, the doctors license also is now under review.

we have now fully moved out of Conner`s House as of a day ago. my dad has bought an apartment.

i respond "he is alright, we have some money in the bank to get by for a little while until he finds a new job." my dad still will not tell me the reasoning of his firing. he keeps on saying "dont worry about it & i will handle it". i really dont know why he is keeping this a secret from me. but I`m not going to push it.

Conner then comes down the stairs and walks to the door and says "hello Jake, and mom, what have you two have been talking about when i was in my room getting ready. she replies "wouldn`t you like to know," he says "Yes, i would" and she says "that is too bad, the conversation was between the two of us, sorry Conner"

Conner responds in a slightly annoying way "wow, i didn`t know my mother and boyfriend are now keeping secrets from me,

" i say "Oh come on, Conner there are no secrets, your mom was just asking about my dad, you really need to relax, and i know what will help you"

"and what is that," Conner says," i say "well, one i figured we could watch the New Starwars movie together and then we could go out to eat at a nice restaurant together, i think that would help."

he says "youre right, i didn't mean to sound nosy or bratty. i say " its ok Conner, I actually think it's kind of cute. his mom says "Oh will you two get a room, you are making me sick" in a joking and laughing manner.

Conner says "ok mother, we will get out of your hair tonight, while you open a bottle of wine and watch the Bachelor tonight. she says "Ha Ha, dont you think your so funny, maybe your father and i were going to have our own date night, and you might even get a sibling out of it." Conner says "oh gross, i dont need to know that.

she says "well, i am still a relatively young woman and proud of it," he says "OK Mom, we are going to go now, that is so gross, yucky, bye now."

i walk up to the car and say "Conner, that whole conversation was very weird and i am going to pretend it never happened. he says "sounds good to me"

after a 20 Minute car ride, we arrived at the Movie theaters and i walk into the cinema and hand the desk clerk our tickets, i purchased online and then just pay for our drinks and popcorn at the theater.

a group of teenage girls laughing and talking loudly walk in and one of them i recognize is Maria, the waiter at Denny's i try to not notice her when she walks up to us and says "well isn`t that interesting, i see you two here, at the same theater as me. are you stalking me? she says in a non-serious comical question.

i say "No, i am not, nor is Conner, we just came to watch Star Wars:The Force Awakens. "oh cool", me too she says" when one of her friends says "Maria why are you talking to two sexist women-hating faggots. when she responds. "Excuse me, Jessica that is very homophobic of you, we do not be rude to people based on things that cannot control.

she immediately mouths i`m sorry, i did not mean to offend you guys, i never actually met any gay people in real life and i thought that homosexual males are terrible sinners who hate women, and you two do not seem to actually hate women. Maria then says "Now that is right Jessica, it is ridiculous to believe gay men hate women, they are just not attracted to us.

Jessica says "i know that now, wow i really feel stupid now, " Maria says "she really means no harm guys, she was raised sheltered in a very conservative evangelical home for many years until i befriend her at school and tried to pierce her ideological bubble

i say "it`s alright, i just was honestly shocked when she called me a fag and did not know how to react.

Jessica now feels really bad and says " Guys, i want to pay for your drinks and snacks as an apology for my offensive language. Conner speaks up and says "thank you, Jessica, i forgive you. and i says the same.

Maria then says " why don`t we now go watch the movie we all came here to see." so we all walk into theater #1 and take our seats.

we all walk inside the theater and watch the movie. tbh i thought the movie, was better than i expected, an Conner really enjoyed it, so that was good, he seems in a better mood than when i picked him at least.

we are now in the car when i ask Conner "what restaurant would you like to go now." he says i think IHOP would be nice"

i agree and then drive to the restaurant chain, which is only 10 minutes from the theater.

we have a lovely meal and check out, and then arrive at Conners place around 9 pm.

i walk with him up to the door and say "Conner, i am glad we could go out today, i had a good time spending time with you, i am happy we are dating."

he responds with a goodbye kiss and says "Jake, you are wonderful, see you, tomorrow babe"

i reply "goodbye" and go to my car and drive up to the new apartment which is 15 minutes from Conners place and open the door and My Dad is in an ecstatic mood, he says "Jake, Hello i can`t believe i got the job, i am no longer unemployed, not only that, i am now making more money than my last job, so really my dismissal was a blessing in disguise.

i say "Awesome, Dad good for you, i am going to play some video games before bed, if that's alright, unless theirs anything else, you want to tell me,"

he says "No, son i am now starting to feel a little more normal, since your mother's death

i respond "i think i am too, my therapy is scheduled for this Wednesday, so i can talk to her about it"

he says "Son, i am so proud of you, seeing somebody is a good step, and i will never judge if you are sad about it, i miss your mother every day. so we can also talk about it too, even with your therapy sessions, if you want to."

i say "thanks, now trying to move on from the subject of my mother i say "when is the first day of your new job."

he says "tomorrow, so i better get some rest," "and you too Jake, you have school in the morning, so don't stay up to late"

i say "i won`t. goodnight dad"

i walk to my room, and then turn on the tv, play some GTA, and then eventually fall asleep.

To Be Continued.

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Happy Reading!

Next: Chapter 10

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