Coronation Street Guys

By Mark Wright

Published on Apr 1, 2015


People look at me and often see a normal 25 year old lad. A father of two who recently got my heart broken by the love of my life and someone who has gone through a lot of bullshit but has come out the other side- still smiling. Somewhat. Kylie was the love of my life. I adored her. Like most couples, we had our ups and downs. When things were up they were really up- they were brilliant. But when things were down, yeah they were really down. Like completely down. Like Kylie fucking my own brother down and me acting like a self righteous bastard. I know I'm not perfect. I know I've fucked up too many to count of my two hands and I know I've hurt a lot of people in my time. But you know, Kylie changed me. She completed me. She bought me the gift of a gorgeous child Lily and a stepson in Max- and they had really changed my life. And then the drugs, Kylie became an addict. Things change when your addict- I should know I was addicted to being a troublemaker when I was younger!. It was horrible seeing Kylie like that, she had changed so much- her fun and feisty personality had completely changed and she became a woman who was unrecognisable to me. That hurt because I loved her and there was nothing I could do to help her. She was on her own downward spiral and she left. Gone. Disappeared. From the face of the earth. No goodbye note. No goodbye to her own fucking children. Kylie lost and the drugs won. That was that. Goodbye Kylie. I will always love you. I didn't blame her, really. Maybe being married to me was a chore. Maybe she couldn't put up with me anymore? I didn't even blame myself because I knew in my heart that I had done everything I could to help Kylie but you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves.

I blamed Callum. That fucking waste of space. Kylie ex boyfriend who was nothing but was a waste of time. Actually, he was a waste of spunk. All I can say to that is perhaps his father had faulty spunk? Because Callum was a complete cunt. I'd never met anyone he loathed more then this drug-dealing, unemployed waste of space who lured Kylie back into the woman who she had desperately tried to get rid of. I blamed him for ruining everything.

Kylie was gone. Callum was here. And he wanted Max.

He was Max's father. I got that. I even somewhat have a tiny bit of sympathy for him because Max is a fucking brilliant child but Callum bailed on him and had nothing to do with making Max that sweet child he is today. He had no fucking rights to come back into Max's life and demand to me that he wanted Max to live him him.

Over my dead fucking body.

Max deserved better. I'm not saying that I'm father of the year. But I've tried my best with both of my kids and no fucking drug dealing wanker is going to come into my life and demand that he gets access to the kid that he fucking abandoned. Max was not a fucking toy and I am not going to let Max see Callum. Because Callum would bail again. He would see being a father was a lot more then playing football and buying him the odd sweet. There was a lot more to fatherhood then that.

And now Callum wanted mediation sessions in a bid to earn quality time to spend time with the kid he couldn't give a shit about for 7 years of his life. Well Callum could kiss my sweet, tanned arse.

The kids were asleep. Gail was out. Nick was at work. Time to chill out. Feet on the table, beer at the ready, action movie ready to blast. This really was the life. So imagine my horror, and my frustration, when the fucking door knocked. Someone was knocking at the door. Fucks sake. Why can't God grant me one fucking night of peace? Was that too much to ask. Deciding to ignore it, I turned the volume up on the telly somewhat and got into the movie as Vin Diesel appeared shirtless on the screen. Body envy. If I didn't have to look after kids, or work full time as a hairdresser, or you know, could actually be arsed to go to the gym I'd fucking look like that. Times are hard though, and my abs are most certainly not.

But alas whoever was the door was not going to go away and my night in with a couple of cans whilst the kids slept was not going to plan. Fucks sake. Walking to the door with a huge sigh, like it was the hardest thing I have ever done, and opened the door.

And the stood Callum fucking Logan. What a fucking brass cheek!

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked, voice slightly raised. I didn't want to wake the kids but yet I couldn't believe this fucking wanker had the audacity to come and knock on our door after everything. "Isn't there drugs to be sold?"

Callum pointed at me with a smug grin on his face. "Shut your fucking mouth"

"Look, Callum, I'm not in the mood for a fight. The kids are asleep and we have that fucking mediation session tomorrow that you have arranged. Can you just fuck off?" Honestly was it too much to ask?

"I'm not going to that mediation session. Mediation can suck my dick" Callum replied, childishly I might add. What a fucking bellend.

"I give up on life" I sighed "Your the one that wanted the fucking mediation sessions. Your not ever going to see Max without it by the way. Do you think I would fucking trust you with Max? Not on my fucking life" I spoke but also added for dramatic flair "You might have got into Kylie's head, mate, but your not getting into mine".

"Like I'd want to be inside your head. Pansy! Your a male hairdresser dude. It's probably full of shit like naked men and what the latest fucking hairstyle is for chicks over 50" Callum grinned "And also, for your information, I am not a drug dealer. I have a legitimate job now mate".

"Who the fuck would employ you? And also, good for you. Now why the fuck are you?" I added growing frustrated with Callum's weirdness. What the fuck was he planning? He was obviously planning something. The man was a walking fucking plan.

"Look" Callum spoke and something in his face changed. I don't know what the fuck it was though. "I don't deal drugs anymore. I have a job in a bar and I'm trying hard here to prove that I'm not a fuck up. I may have messed up, I give you that. I own up to that shit" Callum sighed and looked at me "But I want to make things right. Dude, that boy up there is my son and that means something!"

I shrugged. "It means something. It means 8 years ago your squirted into my wife and Max was created. That is it. Nothing else, nothing more. I'm Max's father. He calls me Dad and that means a hell of a lot then a quick fuck without a condom".

"Quick fuck?" Callum spoke "Nothing about me is quick mate".

"Oh for God's sake Callum would you just fuck off please? Thank you and good night". I went to slam the door in the twat's face but he stopped me.

"Look, mate, I have come up with a plan. Mediation can fuck off. That's not going to work. I get that. I own that. But I want a chance. I want to prove myself to him". He paused for a moment before adding "Can I come in? It's fucking freezing out here and I can't feel my balls".

I rolled my eyes and looked at my watch. "You have 10 minutes. Then you can fuck off".

Callum walked in and shut the door behind him. He took in the film that was paused. "Riddick? Really? What a shit movie".

"Shut up and tell me what this plan is. Then I can get back to watching my movie, sinking a few cans, and praying to God that the kids don't wake up so I can legitimately get more then two hours sleep a night".

Callum grinned at that more for a moment before sighing. He then spoke and looked David square in the eyes. "You hate me David. I get that. I have caused nothing but fucking problems for you, and your family. But Max? Yeah Max is my son. I want him in my life David. I need him in my life. I need to become a better person that I am now. Max can do that. You don't think for five minutes that I haven't regretted walking out of that little dudes life? Every fucking day".

"Then why did you?" I asked.

"Because quite frankly I'm a fuck up. A selfish fuck up. I was only thinking of myself. Max deserves so much better then me. But I want him to get to know me. I want to prove to him, and to you, and to fucking everyone that I can be a father. Because that means something. It means something to me that that boy up there actually does want to get to know me!"

I looked at Callum and honestly? He did look sincere. Fuck him! Maybe he was just an underrated actor who should surely be up for an Academy Award?

"So I have a suggestion. And it might be something you want to think about. Please don't dismiss is straight away dude because I don't want this to happen anymore then you do. But I honestly can't think of anything else we can do".

"What the fuck is it then? I'm like literally pissing myself with excitement here!" I deadpanned.

"Is there any chance that I can see Max. For an hour or two a day. With supervision. You, your mum, your gran even your fucking brother who by the way looks way older then his actual age? Now HE has had a hard life".

I pondered this for a few moments. I looked at Callum and honestly? I could see nothing but honestly in his face. And boy did that fucking bug me.

"And your not going to let him down. Say by some miraculous miracle I agree to this your not going to fucking drop out at the last minute with some shitty excuse like you've fallen down a drain or you've lost the ability to walk? Because that dude up there, for some inane reason, wants to get to know you. And if you fucking let him down it's fucking me picking up the pieces like all the fucking other times he has been let down!" I could hear in my voice I was getting agitated. But I fucking loved that little guy. He was my son and I couldn't bear to see him get hurt again.

"David, look, me and you.. We're never going to be mates. I get that. But I'm telling you- man to man, father to father- I'm never going to fucking bail on him again. I might fuck up from time to time but I love him man and I want him in my life. Even if that means's having to be supervised".

I looked at him. Really looked at him. He looked passionate. He looked sincere. But looks can be deceiving.

"I'm not going to say yes or no" I said honestly "I will need to talk with Max and I will need to talk with my mother. But if I do agree to this, and you fucking let him down.. God fucking help me. I will kill you. In cold blood. With my bare hands, do you get that?"

Callum breathed in a sigh of relief. "I honestly thought it was going to be a no. Mate.. You have no idea what this means to me. Even the fact that you might agree to it is enough to take the weight of my mind!".

"Let's not get all emotional about it Callum. I believe you. For once I think your actually telling the truth...!"

And then he done something that shocked me -And him. He kissed me. He was leaning forward to hug me I think. But dude, he ain't hugging me. So I turned around and then he kissed my cheek. Like. What a fucking a gay.

And all that's running through my head is.. Why the fucking cheek? Why not the lips? And now I can't stop thinking about his lips. And how attractive they are. And how attractive they would be wrapped around my.. jeez. Christ. I'm not gay. 100% hetereo, pussy fucker. This is weird. This is strange. I need to fucking get laid. With a chick. Like, yesterday.

And then Callum is backing away. Looking at me like I have the plague or something.

"Dude.. Sorry.. I don't know.. shit".

And he's walking to the door. And he's pulled it open. And I stroll forward and slam it before he gets a chance too. And he's turning around, looking at me. Fucking chav. Fucking drug dealer. "Stay". I say. And he looks at me.

"What the fuck?" Callum said. He didn't turn around and was still facing the wall. I acted on instinct to be honest, I had no idea what was going to happen next.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked because it was the first thing I could think off. And quite honestly, I would actually like to know why he assaulted with me with his vile lips.

"Pure accident dude" he laughs. But his forcing it. His voice is fucking weird. He sounds like he wants to be anywhere but here- I don't blame him.

I couldn't accept that. Could I? Did I want too? Did I want the kiss to be accidental? I had no fucking idea. My head was a fucking mess right now. But all I know is I didn't want to him to leave.


Have you ever had so many people around you and still felt so insanely lonely? I do all the time. Ever since Kylie left. I spend my nights to myself. I can't remember the last time I thought about sex. I can't remember when I last touched myself- intimately or otherwise. I have everyone around me- my mum, my gran, the beautiful kids. But I don't have anyone really. No friends really. None I would call if was like dying or something.

Loneliness. Does funny things to a guy doesn't it?

I could hear Callum breathing heavily to himself, he hadn't turned his head away from the door.

"Callum" I speak meekly "Are you gay?". The moment it left my mouth I instantly regretted it. Of all the things to say to someone who is basically a maniac! If there was a gold medal prize for putting one's foot in it- I would instantly claim that.

He turned around. "No I'm not fucking gay you dickhead".

Okay. Honestly that's fine. I was expecting him to punch me in the face. Or the dick. Or both.

I don't know why I did it. It was pure instinct. Adrenaline if you like. Sick and tired of always being sick and tired. Time to do something about it. If only for a fucking night. "I hate you" I said to Callum honestly as I pushed him against the wall.

"Oh believe me Platt I hate you more" he spoke as he stared directly into my eyes.

And then I kissed him. Hard. In moments, My mouth was wide open and his tongue was in my mouth. Both of us were fighting dominance in this fucking crazy situation. I firmly held him in place as I allowed his tongue to explore inside my willing mouth. He pulled away from me. "I fucking hate you" he moaned as he shoved his hands down my jeans and grabbed my hardening bulge. I pushed him against the wall harder and kissed him again, my tongue and his clashing as we continued to fight for dominance. I had never kissed another man before, this was all new to me. But it felt fucking amazing.

Callum continued to tease my still hardening cock as I slid my hand up his t-shirt. It felt weird touching another man's skin, running my hand other another man's body. I could feel a somewhat smooth perhaps slightly hairy toned chest. It was different then my own. Smooth and skinny. He was slightly hairy and muscular. It felt strange. Hot. Maybe? Strange. Touching his body as he continued to fuck my mouth with his strangely long tongue felt weirdly amazing. I came to a halt as his nipple and grabbed it. He nearly bit my fucking tongue off.

"Fuck!" he groaned. Okay that was weird.

"Sorry?" I apologised honestly not caring about apparently hurting him.

"Don't ever fucking say sorry for that" Callum grinned. The look on his face was nothing I'd ever seen on another man before. Pure and utter sex. Oh my God. He liked it? I leant forward and bit down on the nipple. And he fucking groaned. GROANED.

And I don't think anyone could blame me as that sound went straight onto my cock which jerked in Callum's tough grip.

"I fucking hate you" Callum spoke as he slowly stroked my stiff cock through the material of my Blue Calvin Kline boxer shorts. "I hate your smarmy fucking face. I hate that fucking cocky grin on your face. I hate that you know your so much better then me. I hate that your mother adores you. I hate that everytime Max calls you dad I die a little inside. I hate that I am here and I'm doing this. But I mainly hate the fact that for such a fucking skinny rat you have the dick of a fucking horse".

I nearly choked from laughter as Callum finished his speech about how much he hated me. And yeah, it felt fucking good to be complimented on the size of my above average cock. It's one of the things I've always had confidence in. From the moment another dude first saw my cock in the showers at school and proclaimed loudly to everyone "David Platt has a monster in his boxers" to the first time that Kylie rode him seacoast all them years ago. Seems like a lifetime ago. And now here he was. Holding his enemy up against the wall as the man jerked his cock whilst his fucking kids slept upstairs.

I didn't know how to react to that. I'm not sure if I ever hated Callum. I disliked him because he was trying to take away my kid. But I could understand him. If only a little. No, I didn't know how to react to that. I wasn't sure if I needed to react to it. So I didn't. Instead, I went back onto work on Callum's nipple. Okay, so Callum apparently REALLY liked his nipple sucked. I could see his own cock stiffening in his jogging bottoms as I continued to suck and nip at the teat.

Callum decided to up the ante. He pulled down my jeans and boxers down to my knees. My cock sprung free. God it felt good to have some freedom on my cock and balls. "Man if I had a cock like that I'd be a fucking pornstar".

I laughed as I pulled away from Callum's now erect nipple. It made me feel a little weird inside to see the reaction I was making on another man. And man this was still a fucked up situation and not one I ever thought I'd ever, ever be in. And yeah, there will probably be regrets tomorrow. But for fucking now he was living in the moment.

Callum grabbed my dick and literally pulled me closer to him. If I wasn't so hard it would have probably fucking hurt. My body was touching his body. I could feel his cock digging into my hips. "I fucking hate you and I fucking hate everything you stand for" he whispered into my ear as he grabbed hold on my dick once more and stroked it. Hard this time. Fuck. His grip was going to be the death of me. "I fucking hate what your doing to me" he added as an afterthought. But he kissed me. And when his tongue touched my tongue, all thoughts or coherent speech went out the window!

I decided that Callum's dick was being abandoned so I placed my hand inside his jogging bottoms. He was freeballing. "No boxers?" I asked. He seized kissing me, looked at me and smiled. "Sorry. No dirty boxers souvenirs for you tonight. But you can remember me by this". And he stuck a finger in his mouth, licked it, and without breaking eye contact shoved the finger into my erase.

And holy fucking shit. That wasn't supposed to feel good was it? But as his finger went further into my untouched before tonight, the more I could feel my dick jerking in Callum's hand in anticipation. With one hand wanking my fucking rock hard dick, and one finger sliding in and out gently into my arse- Callum showed he was a good multitasker. Callum somehow managed to get his jogging bottoms down to his knees and I thought for a moment before I wrapped my hand around Callum's not too shabby sized dick.

Okay. So touching Callum's dick was weird. It felt different then touching his own dick. For a starters, Callum had a foreskin. He'd never seen a cock with foreskin before. He'd had his chopped off when he was a kid. He played with the cock, fascinated somewhat by the foreskin. Callum's finger went further into my hole and fuck I was basically seeing stars. "Jesus" I whispered as Callum fingerfucked the tightness whilst he wanked my cock fast.

I bit onto Callum's neck whilst I got used to wanking off a cock that wasn't my own. Callum was smaller then me, but slightly thicker. His balls were also massive. "Stop" I said at once and Callum looked at me as if I'd just stabbed him straight in the cock.

I pushed Callum onto the sofa and I sat next to him. He kicked off his jogging bottoms. I did the same with my jeans and boxers. No words were spoken. I leaned forward and sucked on Callum's neck and wrapped my hands back around his still erect cock. He did the same to me. We wanked on each other's cocks furiously. Callum's firm grip continued to dominate my cock and I could feel the all to familiar tightening of my bollocks as I neared climax. "Fucking bastard" Callum groaned as I bit down on his neck. That's kinda my trait. I did it to Kylie all the time. Did it. Jesus. That still sounds fucking weird.

"That'll scar" I winked as I gripped harder on Callums cock and jerked him furiously. His large balls were bouncing against his thighs. The sounds of both of us getting heavier with our breathings were all that could be heard. That and the sound of thrashing cock. He leaned towards me and kissed me hard.

Endgame was about to commence. Callum's wank got faster and my balls continued to tight up. The feel of Callum's rough, work damaged and calloused hands gripping onto my cock as his rhythm got more frantic and unsteady. I groaned into kiss. "Callum, jeez, gonna blow" I said. And I did. Fuck. I gripped Callum's cock as my own cock leaked two months of cum onto Callum's hands. But it went everywhere. On the sofa, on Callum's t-shirt and some even hit the fucking ceiling. "Dirty cunt" Callum groaned. I wanted to collapse. The sheer amount of cum that had left my cock had left me lightheaded. After a few moments I realised Callum's dick was still hard and I'd abandoned him.

I wrapped my hand around his shaft again, and wanked his uncut cock. Furiously I wanked it. Callum was looking directly into my eyes. "David, bite me" he groaned. It took me a second before I sussed what he meant. Lifting up his t-shirt again, I got the first proper glimpse of his body. It was smooth at the bottom but as you went up, it got hairy near the top. I leaned forward and bit down on Callum's nipple. He fucking groaned. Whilst sucking his nipple, I eyed his face. He was staring into space, biting onto his lips. And I would be lying if I said it wasn't the fucking hottest thing I'd ever seen. I bit down harder and knew then that Callum was about to blow. "Fuck, David" he moaned as he spilled his seed in my hand. Thick and juicy spunk hit my hand but I continued to milk him dry, the cum hitting Callum's chest. Some even hit my face as I continued to bite the cunt's nipple.

We both sat still for a few moments. Catching our breath's back. Callum looked at me and smirked. "You've got a bit of me on your face" he laughed, before he leant forward and licked it off my face.

Okay. What? That was... Too hot. I started the night off not being gay at all. And I ended the night watching my enemy lick his own spunk from my face.

And then it hit me. I just wanked off Callum Logan. Jesus.

Panicking, I got my boxers and pulled them on. Callum remained seated on the sofa, his cock deflating. His cum still wet on his stomach. "Fuck fuck fuck" I stuttered.

Callum rolled his eyes. "David.. Chill. The. Fuck. Out" he deadpanned.

"But we.. " I started to speak but Callum cut me off with a look.

Callum got up, his t-shirt falling back down and he leaned down and picked up his joggers.

"Dude don't even sweat it" he spoke "We're just a couple of lonely guys helping each other out with a handjob. No big deal. I still hate you David and everything you stand for but you know, if we're gonna be civil to each other from now on why not have a bit of fun in the process?"

"But I'm not gay!!" I groaned "And neither are you".

"Labels are for pussys" Callum spoke "I don't label myself. I like what I like and I do what I want with who I want. David, we're just a couple of guys helping each other out. You fucking loved it and don't even try and deny it".

I couldn't. The amount I fucking came spoke volumes.

"David, yeah, Friday me & you are gonna take Max to the cinema yeah. Have a good day. Maybe go Park or Nando's after. Then in the evening, your going to take Max to fucking Audreys or Gails or whoever the fuck you want and then your coming to my flat and David I'm going to swallow your cock".

I choked on air.

"Dude ever since I saw that monster you've been hiding a secret I've been wanting to wrap my lips around it. It's probably the biggest I've had but it's a challenge and Christ I love challenges!"

"You've done this before?" I asked lamely.

"David" Callum spoke "Look at me. I'm hot as fuck. Everyone wants to tap this. I likes what I like. If I fancy a blonde, I'll try a blonde. If I fancy choking on some skinny twats massive cock.. I'll have a go!"

"Your shameless"

Callum shrugged. "Didn't see you complaining when you were spraying 50 shades of cum all over your gaff".

I laughed despite myself.

"Good. Settled. Tell Max tomorrow we're gonna take him cinema. Probably gonna be shit weather but I want to make this work David, believe me. I love Max too much".

I nodded at him. I believed him. Despite myself, I truly did.

He winked at me before he left the house.

As I watched him go, I realised I was truly and completely utterly fucked.

And for some twisted reason, I fucking LOVED it.


Callum sparked up a cigarette as he left David's house.

"You and David haven't been having fight have you?" a voice said as Callum left the gate. I looked around and noticed David's brother Nick was standing there.

"No" Callum grinned "We made up. We thrashed out our differences, had a good old throwdown and come to a successful climax"

"Right" Nick rolled his eyes. "You young ones talk a lot of fucking shit don't you?"

Callum shrugged. Just as he was about to walk off, Nick stopped him.

"Callum.. You have something on your t-shirt". Nick put his finger in the mess, put it to his nose and then shocked him when Callum put it in his mouth.

Callum looked on in a mixture of horror, shock and perhaps arousal.

"Callum if I ask you one question will I have your complete and utter honesty?" Nick deadpanned and shit things were about to hit the fan.

"Did I or did I not just put my little brother's manjuice into my mouth?"

Manjuice? Who the fuck speaks like that? And shit, Callum couldn't help it when his dick started to stiffen in his pants.

I wanted to deny it. But something inside of me was telling me to be honest.

"Nicolas Platt. I am many things. A thug. A druggie. Some would even call me a chav. But my mother raised me properly and one thing I am not is a liar. Nick, I'm sorry to say mate but you have just had the taste of your little brother's cock in your mouth".

Nick shrugged. "Tastes a lot better then I thought it would. My little brother don't eat a lot of fruit, you see, and too much sugar. Good for him".

What. The. Holy Hell?

"Tell me Callum, are you fucking my little brother?"

I groaned. "I can honestly say that I haven't fucked your brother yet Nick".

"Yet?" Nick nodded "I like it. A man with a plan. Mr determination. Callum, you make sure when you finally get it that you fuck him hard. That boy is too fucking uptight for his own good. A good fucking might make him somewhat looser" Nick winked.

He began to turn away as I wandered just what the fucking hell I had walked into. But then he turned around again. "I don't know how you swing and what you do" Nick spoke "But a couple of the lads are having a boys night in on Sunday if you fancy coming?" Nick deliberately paused after saying that, cause Callum to stiffen some more "Just the usual lads.. Jason, Gary, Tim maybe Todd.. You should come" Nick winked "And you should definitely bring my little brother".

Okay. So Callum may be sporting an inappropriate boner at this moment. But who could blame him? But what Nick said next shocked Callum to his core but also turned him more then he'd ever like to fucking admit.

"I've always wandered what it'd be like to pound seven shades of shit out of my brother. He's always had it coming, he's been a right cunt lately" Nick nodded "And by that I mean, Callum how would you feel watching me fuck my brother?".

Callum didn't speak. But the erection that was tenting Callum's boxers said everything. Nick clocked that, winked at Callum before walking away.


Soo hope you enjoyed that! I've already began working on my second chapter which features Callum & David again and this time they will fuck. But who fucks who? Now that might shock you!! The third chapter will feature an orgy of Coronation Street characters and will include come brotherxbrother sex. If you have any suggestions, please holler right at me. Thanks for now!

Next: Chapter 2

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