Corporate Whore

Published on Aug 10, 2008



I checked my watch as I hurried back to the office. It would be tight, but I would get back before lunch hour was over. This was important, since my boss, Mr. Davis, was a total asshole when it came to being late. If only Don had hurried more, it wouldn't have been a problem, but he had drawn things out, savoring the moment.

Don was a guy I had met online. Like me, he was married, with kids. Also like me, he harbored lustful thoughts about other men. I had just left him at a nearby park, where I had blown him in an out of the way spot. I would have preferred a more discreet location, but neither one of us could use our houses, so the park would have to do for now. I had been seeing him for a month now; twice a week we would get together and I would suck his cock. This time, it had taken longer, and my jaw was sore from sucking him. This time he had come in my mouth, against my wishes. I could still feel the force of his come, still taste his salty cum. I had jerked it out of my mouth when he had started, and redirected it onto the grass. I complained about his finishing in my mouth, but he had just laughed as I ran off, back to work. I was still a little pissed, but part of me hadn't minded so much.

But now I was back at work, and I had to focus. I walked by my boss, who was standing in the hallway talking to one of the other assistant marketers. Mr Davis was such an uptight boss, I grinned inside, thinking of what he would think if he knew what I had just done. As I passed him, I suddenly had the feeling that hheh was staring at my, boring holes in my back. I hurried to my cubicle and started typing up a report that was due. In the back of my mind, though, I was back in the woods with Don.

Ten minutes later, my phone rang. I swallowed when I saw it was Mr. Davis. "Hello," I said into the receiver.

"Get in my office, Doug," he said. Now."

Oh shit! I thought. I must have screwed up something. I got up and hurred to his office, passing Janine, his cute blonde secretary that everyone thought he was fucking. "Go on in," she said, barely glancing at me.

I entered the office. "You wanted to see me, Mr. Davis?" I said meekly.

He was behind his desk, staring at me in his unnerving way. "Yes, Doug. Close the door, please."

I closed it and sat down in the hard chair across from his desk. He didn't say anything, just kept staring at me. My heart pounded in my chest, but I didn't say anything.

Finally he spoke. "Did you enjoy your lunch today, Doug?" he asked.

My mouth was suddenly very dry. "Uh, yes sir," I stammered. I wasn't late, I hurried back-"

"I know you weren't late," he interrupted. "That isn't the issue here. Tell me, where did you eat?"

I struggled to think. His eyes seemed to see right through me. "Well, I, uh, I didn't actually eat anything. I just went for a walk in the park. The weather is really nice, and-"

"Really?" he interrupted again. "You didn't eat anything? A skinny guy like you? Are you sure?"

"Mr. Davis, I don't understand..."

He smiled coldly and stood up. "It's a simple question, Doug," he said walking around the desk. "I just want to know...what did you have in your mouth over lunch?" He stood next to me, his height making him tower over me.


"Really," he said, a nasty tone in his voice. I jerked when his fingers touched the back of my head. "Then how do you explain...this?"

He held his hand out infront of my face. On his finger was a shiny white substance. I didn't recognize it for a moment, and then I realized... it was cum! Don's cum. With a horrified feeling I realized that when I jerked him out of my mouth, a glob of it must have gone over my head and stuck to my hair!

I think I whimpered. The jig was up. I was about to be fired, and if my wife found out, divorced. Oh shit, oh shit, oh SHIT!

"I'm waiting, Doug? Don't you know what this is? Maybe if you smelled it..." he stuck his finger right under my nose, and I recoiled at the pungent odor.

"It, um, well, I think it's... semen?" I said weakly.

He laughed unpleasantly. He was like a big, evil presence standing over me. "Semen?" he chuckled. "Is that what you call it? Why don't you just call it...cum?"

His use of the word cum was so unexpected, it sounded so dirty...I quailed. "I guess it's cum, sir," I said, feeling my world collapse.

He walked back to his seat, pulled a tissue from a box on his desk, and wiped it off his finger. As he sat down, he said "So the question is, how did a load of cum get in your hair over lunchtime?"

"I don't know, Mr. Davis," I said lamely.

He smiled at me. "Shall I tell you what I think?" I twisted in my seat but didn't reply. "I think," he continued, "that over your lunch break you went to the park, found some stranger, and sucked his cock.. Is that what happened, Doug?"

A small sound escaped me. I was so, so dead. He noticed my discomfort and smiled again. "So when I ask you what you had for lunch today, wouldn't the honest answer have been, `a nice...hard...cock?'"

I hung my head, tears welling up in my eyes. "Mr. Davis, I'm sorry!" I blurted out. "I know I shouldn't have done it!"

"I should think not," he said, leaning back in his seat. "After all, you're a married man, with children. For you to risk it all on some stranger! I suppose you must really like giving blow jobs, hmmm?"

"no, I don't do it much.... It's not like I do it all the time, honest! It's this one guy I met and-"

"You want me to believe that?" he sneered. "I think it's more likely that you suck cock every chance you get, like a cheap faggot."

"NO!" I was frantic. "I don't! I'm sorry, really sorry! I won't do it again!"

He laughed. "Oh, there's where you're wrong, Doug."

"What... what do you mean?"

"You're going to do it again. Right now. Stand up!"

I jerked to my feet, my legs weak. What did he mean? He couldn't mean...

"Come over here, bitch," he commanded. I wobbled my way around the desk, feeling faint. He was leaning back in his chair. As I watched in disbelief, he unbuckled his belt and undid his pants.

"Mr. Davis...I can't-"

"Shut up," he said, and I closed my mouth right away. "You're going to suck MY cock, Doug. And you're going to do the best job you can. Unless you want everyone to know where you've been eating your lunch. Do you want that?"

I shook my head, staring mutely at his crotch. He reached into his boxers and pulled out his penis. I gasped at the sight; it was hard as a rock and looked very big. I couldn't believe this was happening. Everyone knew Mr. Davis was straight, conservative, and that he was fucking his secretary.

"Well, if you don't want that, I suggest you get on your knees and open wide."

Soundlessly I fell to my knees, it was easier than standing. Closer, his cock looked enormous, certainly bigger than mine or Don's.

"Open your mouth, slut," he said. I opened my mouth, and he grabbed my head and shoved his dick between my lips. "Now suck!"

It felt huge in my mouth. I closed my lips around it and began to suck the head. Despite my confusion and shame, it felt good in there. I started moving my head up and down the shaft.

"There, isn't that nice?" he said softly. "It's like you're getting another lunch! Two cocks in one day, what a lucky slut you are."

My face burned, but I kept sucking, kept moving up and down. I grasped the base with my hand to stroke it, but he pulled my hand away.

"No, no! A true cocksucker uses his mouth. Now, take more of it." I must not have done it quickly enough, because Mr. Davis grabbed my head and pulled me down onto his massive shaft. It filled my mouth and hit the back of my throat. I gagged and tried to pull away, buthis hands held it there. I panicked and started to struggle.

He released my head and I pulled off him, retching. For a minute I thought I was going to throw up Don's cum. He took my head in his hands again and guided me back onto it. I started to suck again.

"You're not very good at this, are you Doug?" said Mr. Davis. "Can't even deepthroat yet. Well, don't worry, practice makes perfect, right? And you are going to get a lot of practice from now on."

I took it out of my mouth again. "I'm sorry, Mr. Davis," I said. Oh god, I thought, I'm apologizing to the man who was raping my mouth! But a big part of me was ashamed; I did want to deepthroat him. I decided to really suck him as best as I could to make up for it.

"Yes you are. Now shut the hell up and suck it!" I gobbled it back in my mouth and complied. I moved up and down the shaft, sucking hard, trying to please him. "Ah, that's better," he breathed. "Show me what a good little whore you are. Suck it good."

I moaned at his words. He pulled it out and rubbed it over my face. "Tell me what you are," he commanded.

"I'm a...whore?" I said hesitantly, looking up at him.

He laughed. "That's rather ambitious; I haven't paid you yet. I'd say you're more of a slut, since you're doing this for free." He slapped his hard cock against my face, hard. "But I bet you'd like to get paid for it, wouldn't you? You could buy a present for your wife with the money you made sucking cock. I bet she'd like that!" I looked away, embarrassed at the mention of my wife. "Suck my balls," he said.

I turned back to him and started to suck his big nutsack. Unlike Don's, it was hairless, so I was able to lick and suck them without getting hair on my tongue.

"Would you like to get paid for being a cocksucker, Doug?" he asked. "Do you want to be a whore?" I moaned again. I felt so dirty, so wicked... and so incredibly turned on. My own cock was stiff in my pants; I wanted to touch it, but didn't dare.

"Answer the question!"

"Yes!" I groaned. "Yes, I want to be a whore!" I looked up at him with big eyes. He smiled evilly.

"You like my cock, don't you?"

I nodded. "I love your cock, Mr. Davis. Please can I suck it some more?"

"Oh, I like it when you say please. Yes, you can suck it some more." Eagerly I put it back between my dirty lips and started to blow him with even more enthusiasm. It felt so good, so wonderful, to be kneeling in front of him doing this, hearing his words. I knew I was lost, that I would do this whenever he wanted.

Then the phone rang. I jumped at the noise, and reluctantly pulled my mouth off of him. "Did I tell you to stop sucking?" he asked. "Put it back in your mouth, whore!" I leaned forward and started sucking again, looking up at him. "I don't care if your wife walks through that door, you don't stop until I tell you to stop!" I went back to work as he answered the phone. I slid up and down his hard pole, sucking like a two bit office tramp.

"Yes, Janine?" he said. His voice betrayed nothing about what I was doing to him, it was like I wasn't even there! "No, I'm not finished with Doug yet," he said, smiling at me. One of his hands held the back of my head, and he pushed me down as deep as I could take it and held me there. I fought the urge to gag, knowing how angry that would make him. He listened to her for a minute, and started talking about an upcoming meeting. Finally he said, "Just bring the forms in here, I'll sign them. I started panicking; I didn't want anyone to see me like this, especially Janine! For one thing, she was a gorgeous woman. For another thing, she was mean spirited and a gossip.

He hung up the phone and released my head. "Suck it, whore," he commanded. Don't you fucking stop. Show me how much you like being my little cocksucker." Fighting the panic, I kept that dick in my mouth and sucked hard.

I heard the door open and Janine's heels click into the room. She stopped dead when she saw me. "Doug has found a new position in the department," Mr. Davis said with a laugh. I was mortified but kept doing what I was told.

"I see, said Janine. She walked over to us. I looked up, my mouth still full, and saw here looking down at me, her face neutral. "How's he doing?"

"He needs work," said Mr. Davis, "but he's got a lot of enthusiasm."

She snorted. "Here are the forms."

He took them from her and shifted so he could sign them. I felt Janine's hands on my head. Suddenly she shoved me forward, down on Mr. Davis' cock. I gagged when it hit my throat. She let me up and then rammed me down again. After a few more gags, she let go of me and laughed. "I can see the enthusiasm, but he's poor in technique!"

"Yes, you can help him out there. Schedule a meeting tomorrow, show him a thing or two." I looked up at him, confused. "Janine has a strap on dildo she likes to use," he explained, smiling. "I'm afraid she's not as gentle as I am, though." I swiveled to look at her. She smiled down at me.

"Don't worry, Dougie," she said. After an hour with me you'll be much better at pleasing him. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I nodded around the cock, my stomach sinking. The idea of Janine fucking my mouth with a strap-on dildo scared the hell out of me.

"Should I fuck his ass, too?" she asked Mr. Davis. I whimpered in fear.

"Not yet," he told her. Our little slut here claims he's still a virgin down there, so I want the honor of deflowering him."

"You really think he's never done that before?" she asked, doubt in her voice.

"Oh, I believe him," said Mr. Davis. "I'm looking forward to it very much. You can go now, Janine, I won't be long."

"Yes, Mr. Davis." I heard her heels clicking away, and the door shut behind her.

He pulled me off his cock, my lips making a popping sound as it left me. He stood up and towered over me. "I don't think you're going to be able to make me come," he said. I looked up at him, embarrassed. "You really do need more practice. Janine should help there. But you've been very enthusiastic, and I want to reward you, so stay down there and I'll jack off in your mouth." He started stroking himself, the business end of his dick pointed right at my face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Davis," I said. "I'll do a better job next time."

"I hope so, he said, breathing harder. "I don't want a bad cocksucker working for me. I'll never be able to send you to other clients if you're bad at it."

I swallowed. Was he really going to do that? He saw the look in my face. "Oh yes," he said, still stroking. "Janine handles the straight clients and the female ones, but we have several that would enjoy you. Once you know how to suck and fuck properly, you'll be a real asset for the company. Now, tell me what you are."

I knew what he wanted to hear. "I'm a slut, Mr. Davis. I'm a cocksucker; not a good one, but I will be! I love your cock, and I'll do anything for you!" I meant every word.

"Do you want my come?" he asked me.

"Yes! Please, shoot your come into my whore mouth! I really want to taste it and swallow it and -- mmmph!" He leaned forward and crammed his cock head into my mouth. His hand on the back of my head held me steady and he groaned. I felt his cock swell up and then it exploded in my mouth!

For the second time today I had a man's load in my mouth, but this one was way more than Don's. It filled my mouth up, and I swallowed quickly, but it kept coming! I swallowed and swallowed, but some of it slipped out of my lips and dribbled down my chin.

After a while, it stopped spurting into my mouth, but he held me there. "Suck out all of my come," he ordered me. I sucked on his slimy cock, cleaning it off. The come tasted kinda bad, but I knew I would get used to it.

Finally he pulled out of me. He took a tissue off his desk and wiped off his cock, which was still pretty hard. "OK, get up and get out," he ordered. "I have a lot of work to finish up, and you're wasting my time."

"I'm sorry Mr. Davis. Thank you," I said, getting to my feet. I staggered a little bit as I left his office.

As I passed Janine, trying not to look at her, she stopped me. "Oh god, you do suck at sucking," she said. "Come here." I moved over to her and she used a tissue to wipe off my chin. I had completely forgotten about the come I had missed, and I had been about to walk out into a busy office with my face a mess!

"There," she said, throwing the tissue into her wastebasket. "That was careless, you idiot. Don't do it again!" I felt my face color. "I scheduled a little one on one session in room 222 for tomorrow morning at 8am. Don't be late! Oh, and I wouldn't eat breakfast, if I were you!" I nodded at her, unable to speak. "And if you tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE, about this, I promise you I will either kill you or sell you off as a whore in Mexico. Do not fuck with me, and do NOT betray Mr. Davis. Do you understand?"

I nodded again, inwardly amused at the thought of me telling anybody. She smiled at me. It was a genuine smile and totally unexpected. "OK then," she said brightly. "Now get back to work, Doug! Those reports won't write themselves!"

I left her office and went back to my cubicle. I was in a daze. Whatever else, I knew I was not going to be the same person from this day forward. And although I was scared, a big part of me was looking forward to it.

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