Courtney and Suzanne

By Barry Jones

Published on Aug 11, 2024


Courtney and Suzanne Chapter 1

**All rights reserved by the author, This is a work of fiction.  All the usual laws, provisos, and rules apply.**

Courtney and Suzanne -1- 

A Change of Heart

"I'm cumming, oh God," said Bart.

Courtney upped the intensity of her hips, going back and forth, round and around. Courtney Barron loved sex, and with a beautiful face and nubile body, she got it pretty much whenever she wanted it. She was bisexual and had been enjoying the physical delicacies of both male and female lovers. This was during her high school years.

Lately, though, men were becoming increasingly dull to her. Boring with their dicks and their bad breath and their smelly armpits. She gave her virginity to a guy at fifteen, and it wasn't too bad. Her first lovers, however, were mainly girls and women, and by the time she was fifteen, she'd had a dozen lesbians but knew that there were many more "out there."

One day, as she was in front of her mirror, she said,

"Fuck it. I'm just going through the motions with guys. I don't love them. I love girls, only girls. I want one so bad I can taste her. This is who I am." By her junior year in high school, she was a raging lesbian.

For some girls, it's a process of moving from bi-sexual to lesbian.

And she got on her bed and masturbated with her eyes closed, thinking about the girls she had had over the years. "Mmmm, pussy. It's so fucking good," she said quietly. Of course, she had a powerful orgasm, lost in lust over the kisses and her imagination of the sex of lesbian bitches.

From that time forward, she was never tempted to break her promise to herself. If a hot guy wanted to be with her, she said, "Sorry, I'm into girls," and left it at that.

Courtney went to college at the University of Michigan and had little contact with guys. She was very comfortable in Ann Arbor, a hotbed of lesbian activity, and decided to attend grad school for English at Michigan, too.

She longed to find the woman she would spend her life with. Her mother, a lesbian girl herself, encouraged her to take her time, knowing what a pleasant personality she had and just how beautiful she was in her face, her body, and her soul. After all, she had slept with her daughter many times in the last few years.

Away At University

Courtney was working on a Master's degree in Creative Writing and was almost done with the program. Her professors thought very highly of her work. She thought that maybe the University of Michigan was a long-term home. Many famous women writers had called Ann Arbor home, and she felt she could eventually be one of them. She'd already published some short stories and poetry and was kicking around ideas for her first novel. She enjoyed cashing her checks from the publishers, small though they were.

Unlike a few of her contemporaries, she was not in a hurry to publish a novel to say she had "one in the can." She knew she was good. She was researching two novels while taking classes and all that that meant. And she was enjoying the fruits of her sexuality; there were so many gay girls in Ann Arbor.

Her mentor and lover was a twenty-eight-year-old PhD student in English Lit working on her dissertation. She met Suzanne in a restaurant when she overheard her conversation with a fellow male PhD candidate. She loved to tell the story of how they met.

"Sorry, but I couldn't help but hear about the English course you're teaching in the fall—something about nineteenth-century female British writers?" as she leaned toward Suzanne.

"Hi, I'm Suzanne Pierce, and this is Bob Sounder. Regarding your question, the department added it to the schedule two weeks ago. There has been a strong demand for Brits in the last couple of years. There will be three women teaching the class. I'm going to be teaching the Jane Austen part of the course. Seriously, you should sign up for it."

She was trying to figure out Suzanne's sexual orientation when Bob said,

"Well, I've got to meet with Professor Johnston. Wish me luck. Nice meeting you, Courtney." And he walked to the cashier to pay his bill.

It just so happened that the girl Courtney was with had to get to class, leaving Suzanne and Courtney at the two small tables. Suzanne volunteered to move to Courtney's table and free up the table for the famous sandwich restaurant staff.

"That's better," Suzanne said. "So, Bob's a friend of mine from the department. But you definitely should take the Brit Lit class. My dissertation is on the impact of Jane Austen on female American writers, and my enthusiasm for all things Ms. Austen is endless. I've spent a holiday researching in the UK."

Courtney gazed at Suzanne, her dewy eyes, red lipstick, and cheekbones. Her closely trimmed fingernails, perfectly fashioned with crimson nail polish, and the rings on both thumbs were a dead giveaway. "Oh, those cheekbones. Maybe a model in another life," she thought. She was lovestruck.

They discussed the class some more, and then Suzanne said, with a beaming face, "You want to come over to my place? I'd love to read you the start of the next section of my dissertation. I think you'd enjoy it. It discusses Victorian sexuality and how Jane maneuvers around it."

Suzanne was hitting on Courtney, which surprised and delighted her. Usually, she was reticent to take the bait. But there was something different about Suzanne, and she was eager to find out what it was.

Courtney suddenly realized that Suzanne had unshaven armpits. This was sort of de rigeur among the intellectual gay women in Ann Arbor. Courtney thought that being a lesbian intellectual would be her place in American society. Her undergrad GPA was 4.0, and she felt good about her writing. Suddenly, she found Suzanne's hairy armpits rather exciting and could not wait until she had her own. She got a tingle in her groin and started to feel some wetness in her crotch.

"Suzanne, I'd love to take your class and come over to your place and get a feel for your work. And here she leaned into her and said to her quietly,

"I want to lick your armpits. I've got to grow my own; their hair looks so natural."

"Why don't we finish here and check out my hero, Jane Austen?"

At Suzanne's Apartment

"Just so you know, I'm gay," said Suzanne. You've noted my armpits. It's an Ann Arbor thing that I appropriated as a freshman lesbian. I do shave my pussy, however. Please tell me that you are gay, too, or at least bi. Sorry, but I really like you."

"I'm a lesbian, too," said Courtney evenly. She was burning for Suzanne, and she took Suzanne's hand in hers, something that they felt no shame in. When she did it, she turned to Suzanne and smiled.

"Even though the department is forty percent gay women and men, I don't date from that pool," said Suzanne. "I love meeting girls when I'm out. Girls like you."

"Maybe this could develop into something," thought Courtney.

Suzanne opened the door to her apartment and threw her keys into a bowl on the console table. She turned to Courtney and kissed her softly, then backed away slightly to give her a chance to respond.

Suzanne was a "serious" lesbian, and Courtney realized that and loved it. Her kisses reminded her of her mother, perhaps when she was younger.

"Mmmm, I love your taste, sweetie. So, so good," Courtney said. She was locked in on the kissing, and they walked, mouth on mouth, taking tiny steps, to Suzanne's living room couch. There, they made out passionately. Lesbian art was on the walls; women looked down on their passion and approved.

Mouth to mouth, tongue dueling tongue, hands on breasts. They even got their legs into the frenzy: Courtney's right leg was continually rubbing Suzanne's vulva through her diaphanous dress. Courtney was so wet, so blinded by lust.

"Shall we go to the bedroom, darling?" Suzanne said. Courtney was eager to comply.

"You don't have to ask twice, honey," Courtney said. Again, their mouths were joined as they slowly but surely made the short trek to the bedroom. Time seemed to slow as Suzanne first undressed Courtney, and then Courtney disrobed Suzanne. They were dazzled with each other's thin bodies: the big eyes, the big lips, the big breasts.

"Oh God, I didn't think you were that big," said Courtney. "They're gorgeous! And they're so edible." Courtney had almost identical breasts: big and eternally squeezable. Her mouth swallowed the nipples and the attractive areolas. Suzanne got a little giddy with a beautiful girl sucking on her breasticles.

"I think she likes them," Suzanne said.

"You know it, darling. I'm a breast girl from way back." She devoured them like a starving sailor, having her first protein bite after a battle. Yet she was gentle, too.

Suzanne asked if she'd like some weed, and Courtney was eager for a buzz. They shared a blunt, and soon Courtney was feeling it. She was so happy she met Suzanne. What is it about lesbian sex that is just so good?

Suzanne gathered her iPhone and flipped to a folder called S.E.X. The first song on the list was "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri, which was iconic. Courtney wondered where the playlist would go from there. She sang along with the tune, for she knew every word.

Suzanne was a few years older than Courtney, but that didn't matter. They were really into each other. Every sexual move the other made seemed natural and was welcomed. Courtney made sure to get in some adoration of the armpits. Suzanne took Courtney's hand and led her to bed.

Though Suzanne was soon to receive her PhD and become a professor, they were peers. Although they had just met, she dreamed of Sunday afternoons in the winter, with Suzanne grading papers or writing essays and her working on the latest novel.

"Come here, my darling," said Suzanne as they knelt in the middle of her queen-sized bed. They locked lips and fell into her pillows. Courtney was the aggressor and was kissing her with little busses all over her pristine body. She made eye contact with Suzanne as she started to home in on the prize.

Courtney pushed Suzanne's legs apart and gave little kisses, first to her right leg and then to the left. She started mid-thigh and continued until she was hovering over Suzanne's sex. After a short interlude during which she made some serious eye contact with Suzanne, she instigated sex with one long slow lick from her ass to her clit. Hmmm.

Suzanne groaned in pleasure, opening her legs wider.

"Oh shit, you know what you're doing," she said. "Fuck me, girlfriend. I've got some clean strapons under my bed if we go that way. I'm open to anything with you."

Courtney loved the confidence that Suzanne showed in her. It was frank, big girl talk.

Courtney soon got into a rhythm and licked and sucked Suzanne's big cunt. In and out of her pussy, with plenty of licking and sucking of her large clit. She sucked her pussy, then would go into her pussy with her long tongue, and then come out of it and lick the clit, then suck it. Then, change the speed and change the order. She can't let her lover get used to it. She would just lick the folds of Suzanne's vulva continuously and maybe alter that with again sucking on her clit. Slow down, speed up, right, left, fingers, tongue. She was driving Suzanne crazy. Good crazy.

While she was massaging her tits with her left hand, she was initiating ass play with her right. One knuckle deep in her dark passage, she was twisting it and twirling it to her lover's delight. She kept it at one knuckle, ready to go all the way, when she felt Suzanne's orgasm needed a bit of a jolt.

"Aahhhh, I've never had anybody turn me, Aahhhh, on in so many ways, all at once," said Suzanne.

"Thslurpp, thslurpp. Then I guess you like it, dear?" Courtney asked her.

"I fuckin' love it. You're a beautiful baby. Aahhhh, where have you been all my life?"

"I'm looking for you, slurp," Courtney said. I'm looking for you on all the highways and byways."

Suzanne loved Courtney's use of English.

Courtney came up to Suzanne's body and gave her a big sloppy kiss, transferring a couple of ounces of pussy juice to her mouth. Suzanne didn't swallow it but kept it rolling around her tongue, some escaping over her lips and down her chin. Oh, so sexy. Fuck.

Suzanne was near cumming, and Courtney sensed it. Courtney tapped her twice on the hips, and she got on all fours to enable her access to her ass and pussy from a different angle. Courtney was on her knees, too, but facing the opposite direction and looking down on her lover's sex. From there, she had easy access to her vulva and used her fingers to bring her ever closer to an orgasm. She had two, then three fingers fucking her pussy.

"You whore. You know what you're doing," said Suzanne. "Oohhhh, I'm getting close, and you can be as aggressive as necessary."

With her right hand, she did all kinds of things to her pussy. With her left, which was draped over her lower back, she was diddling Suzanne's clit.

"Your body is a wonder, you dyke," exclaimed Courtney. "You have such a big clit for a slender girl. It makes it so easy to love."

Suzanne indeed had a big clit. It was a gift from her maker and at its full extent. The soldier's head was peeking out from its hood, begging for more, more, more.

"Get that thing, you sexy girl," cried Courtney. "Get it now, get it good."

"Oh, here it comes, Jesus," she said. "Argghh, and it's so big, so good, fuck me, Aahhhh..."

She dropped her head to the sheets, and Courtney kept going. Every girl cums slightly differently, and for Suzanne, it meant, at least now, that while she was still on all fours, she was grinding her head into the mattress.

"Please, let's take a break," said Suzanne. She uncoupled from her new lover's dick and went to the bathroom.

For Their Next Act

Suzanne got out of bed and put on a Michigan football T-shirt. She reached into her chest of drawers and got another one for Courtney.

"How appropriate. Teammates."

Then, they spontaneously celebrated Suzanne's sexual "score" and bumped chests and fell into a jag of laughter.

"You're too much," said Courtney. "They better have a lot of those tomorrow. I don't go to the games, but I want them to win. I subscribe to"

"Oh, what's that?"

"It's more about Michigan football than anyone should be interested in. And there are several others. But, the best websites are paid subscriptions. I love staring at the black athletes."

"Well, you'll have to show me. But fair warning...I might get addicted."

"There are worse things to get addicted to. If you get hired by the Department, you can be our college football expert. The English faculty is a little too nerdy for my taste. Then there are the women's sports, but that's a separate conversation. It's the main reason I'm hooked on this place. I go to at least one game or meet for every sport. The bodies of the women are unreal. So tight, so...fuckable."

They were in the kitchen fetching water when Courtney asked, "Have you ever done a high schooler or, perchance, a girl in Jr. High? I just find they're so fucking cute and easy to turn."

"Well, now that you mention it, there is a sophomore at one of the area high schools that I'm particularly fond of. Lauren came to me because her mother, a lesbian herself, knew my mother back in the day. The mom wanted to see if I could turn her. Lauren has been dropping by the apartment every Friday for the last three months. She was like turning the pages of "Sense and Sensibility. So nubile, so moist, if you follow me. You should join us."

"Oh, you sexy thing. Turning young talent is so addictive. You have to be patient with them, but I love it. They radically change overnight."

"Me too. Oooh, I get a wave of lust just thinking about it. God."

Courtney noticed that Suzanne's body had turned a lighter shade of red. Her mouth hung open halfway. She didn't say anything in response, but she mumbled something incoherent. Both of their eyes glazed over, but they were staring. They looked deep at each other and knew they were kindred spirits.

"Well, Fridays are slow for me," said Courtney. "I have one class in the morning and then write in the afternoons. Count me in. What time?"

"Come over at 3:00. She'll be here by 3:15ish. We'll get high a bit before she comes. But the sex is Satisfaction Guaranteed, or your money back."

"Oh god, I can't wait. You know, I carry on at the Academy where I work afternoons. The girls are begging me to talk to them and show them `stuff.' It brings such pleasure to lead them down the path of lesbianism."

"If figured you brought it to school. I know I would."

"Let's nap and see what we want to do afterward."

Ann Arbor at Night

Still naked, Courtney woke up first and went to the bathroom. Suzanne came in behind her and grabbed her by the hips.

"Let's take a walk, shall we?" said Suzanne.

"Do let's," said Courtney.

"Ah yes, `do let's.' Two English majors−what a treat!" said Suzanne.

It was 9:00 on a Friday, with the second home football game tomorrow. Neither were big football fans, but they loved the feel of the electric vibe on campus. They walked for quite a while, telling one another their coming-out stories while forgetting exactly where they were.

For Suzanne, she had been kissing the young girls in her Catholic grade school as far back as she could remember. Fast forward a few years, she was watching a movie and sharing a blanket with a babysitter. At the time, she was in seventh grade, having started puberty that September. They ended up making out and then making love when she retrieved a strap-on out of her purse. There was no turning back, only forward, with girls of all ages.

She wasn't quite sure of her bearings when Courtney stumbled upon her apartment building.

"Oh, hey, I didn't recognize my neighborhood. This is where I live, alone. Let's go in while I collect some things for overnight."

Suzanne was impressed with the order of her place and the refreshing smell. Courtney took a minute to grab her purple day backpack, toothbrush, and T-shirt. Suzanne looked around and could not get over the neatness: everything had a place, and there was a place for everything. Courtney also brought her MacBook, a school book, and a novel she was reading for pleasure. They left her place and walked towards downtown to continue their walk.

"Your place is pretty neat, I have to say," said Suzanne.

"I know. If we get together, like I think we are, you can count on me to pick up and straighten up. I love it, and we won't need a maid."

They passed groups of students singing "Mr. Brightside" by the Killers, the unofficial fight song at football games. It was as if the whole city were alive with the excitement of the game.

"Where were we," said Suzanne. "Oh yes, the babysitter. I lost track of her. The rest of my story is just the ups and downs of the journey to adult lesbianism. However, out of the blue, I received an invitation to her wedding to another delightful woman four years ago. At the wedding reception, I asked how many girls she had `deflowered' along the way. She raised twelve fingers. We got a laugh. I told her I still loved her and wished her well in her married life. They live close to Detroit."

"Just lovely, I have to say. And such a cute story," said Courtney.

"Twelve girls seemed like a lot to me. I've helped eight girls get rid of their virginity and cross over to The Life. Younger girls: high school, and eventually, Jr. High. You know, they're all committed lesbians, so I've got that going for me. Four of them live here in Ann Arbor."

"Girlfriend, you have so much going for you," said Courtney. "How did you hook up with the younger gals."

"I was just an undergrad, then a grad student, minding my own business, as it were," said Suzanne. "One day, a gay mother linked me to her daughter on Instagram. The next thing I knew, I was hosting the daughter, and she had a great experience. Other mothers were soon sending their daughters to me. I was glad to help."

"Sounds kind of familiar," said Courtney.

She swung Suzanne's arm chest high and laughed, and they continued their happy arm swinging for half a block. There was so much energy in the air. They stopped on the sidewalk to kiss several times, oblivious to the people or their surroundings. Oh, the times they are a changin'.

Somewhere out on the west side of town, Suzanne checked her watch and said,

"Why don't we go back now? Sound good?"

"Do, let's!" said Courtney. Suzanne giggled. "Ready, turn! They did a 180-degree turn. It was 10:30 at night, and students came and went in packs, singing the fight song and Mr. Brightside. There was romance in the air.

Suzanne wondered out loud how many gay girls went to the football games with 110,000 of their closest friends.

"Surely there must be one lesbian couple that enjoys being at the football games," Courtney said, laughing.

They were on Stadium Boulevard and had a mile and a half to get to Suzanne's place. They were both enjoying the walk immensely; they had their hands in the back pockets of their partner.

"My story is a family thing," said Courtney. "My mom divorced my dad after she caught him cheating on her. He was home in bed with another woman, and she caught him in flagrante delicto, having come home from work early. I was twelve, and my younger sister was ten at the time. She got half of his assets from the divorce, about two million. After he moved out, she shared with me the wonders of the life of a lesbian. It was a real eye-opener for me."

The night was wondrous: 75° with a clear sky. They were getting close to Suzanne's place.

"She had become a lesbian, unbeknownst to me, in the years leading up to his betrayal. Once we were alone, the three of us began watching some lesbian movies together, and my sister and I were hooked. My mom took my virginity with a strapon, and I started bedding all the girls. I had such confidence after that. Six months later, I took the virginity of my sister. The three of us are very close."

"Oh, I love that," said Suzanne. She spilled her story.

"My mom also split from my dad, though not as dramatic as your mother's situation. Now, she is a lesbian involved in women's issues. She is still looking for the one woman she could settle down with. We're very close, too. But, since we're being so open with one another, my mother and I have done it many times."

She squeezed Courtney's ass, and Courtney squeezed back.

"And your father?" asked Courtney.



"Yeah, some healing has occurred in our family over the years. We've all come to a pretty good place."

"Question. How many girls have you done?" asked Courtney. "I lost count, but it has been fifty, maybe fifty-five for me."

"You promiscuous wench!" laughed Suzanne.

"Hey, now. I want to be open with you."

"Just kidding. Thirty-two here. The oldest is my mother."

"The same goes for me. I think she was still in her thirties when we started doing it. She's a randy wench, for sure."

"But I lost track of the exact number as I approached twenty fillies. I had a relationship map, sort of like the L Word. We lesbians sure are a promiscuous lot."

"For sure. Love makes the world go round."

They were quiet for a while, and before they knew it, they were back at Suzanne's.

Suzanne Does Courtney

They shed their Michigan jersey and jeans and hit the bathroom together. Suzanne eagerly kissed Courtney's face and lips and played with her sensitive breasts. They quickly got in bed when Sunzanee said,

"How about I do you with the strapon," said Suzanne. "Here, stand on the floor, and show me your ass."

She fetched her box under her bed and chose the big nine-inch strap. It was loose in the box, so she selected the black briefs to support it. She quickly put them on while Courtney was wagging her ass. She jammed the dildo through the hole in the front, got some lube, and put a dollop on Courtney's pussy and then on the red dildo. It was one of those dildos that had a pointy head. When she was done, she wiped her hands off on a towel.

Courtney was mewling, anticipating the penetration and the orgasm. First, though, Suzanne played some more with her tits and twisted her head back and kissed her on the lips.

"My dear, I am gonna fuck you like you've never been fucked before," said Suzanne in a suddenly husky voice.

"Oh my, just do me goddamit," cried Courtney. "Come on, fuck this pussy. Fuck me like you mean it. I love everything about you if you want to know."

"I know. You wouldn't have shared those deeply personal things with me otherwise." Suzanne sounded like a manly man. Courtney loved it.

Suzanne cupped and massaged Courtney's perfect ass. Then she lined up the strapon and muttered something that Courtney couldn't make out, but it was good. Suzanne entered her and soon began a rhythm that had Courtney seeing stars. She needed this. She needed and wanted a steady girlfriend. The high school girls were great, but Courtney wanted Suzanne.

Courtney smiled at the three black-and-white framed photos of Susan Sontag above the bed. Susan was a lesbian author from the '60s who died from cancer in 2004. She was Suzanne's heroine and a remarkable writer. Her photos stirred her to love and be loved by girls, especially this one. Susan Sontag smiled at the sexual couple with intelligence and understanding.

Courtney wasn't long for this world. She gasped, "I'm cumming, you, Aahhhh, dyke! Oohhhh, I'm cumming."

Suzanne put her head on Courtney's back and kissed her back and neck, smelled her hair, ran her lips up the back of her arms, and gave her little kisses. She couldn't get enough. She still had the dildo buried in her.

"Please tell me we will be together in a year," Suzanne asked her. Courtney went quiet, and Suzanne panicked. "What was she thinking?" she asked herself. "Maybe this was just a one-night thing to her. Or, how to put me down easy."

Courtney finally spoke, after what seemed like a year, to Suzanne. "Honey, I'm sorry," and Suzanne started to really panic. "But this has been my life's most meaningful few hours." She was crying now.

"Being open, telling the stories." She was talking to the bed as Suzanne still had the strapon inside her. But she continued anyway.

"I never want this to end. I want nothing more than to become Mrs. Pierce and have you be the first person to read my books and I yours."

Then, she got on the bed, and so did Suzanne, and they fucked each other missionary. Nothing more was said and Suzanne fucked her and cried until she had no more tears.

Courtney came hard that night. She held onto Suzanne through every dip and turn of her orgasm.

"Already? You cum fast. That is what I like about you, among other things," said Suzanne. "I can just picture you with the high school girls. Directing them, fucking them, being fucked by them. I'm dreaming about it."

"Oh yeah, but the sex with, oohhhh, you is fucking wonderful, Professor Pierce," Courtney said. "Those girls are just entertainment, and my duty to the cause, aahhhh, of Lesbianism. It's truly you that I'm after."

Her nectar was pouring out of her pussy like never before, and Suzanne was lazily scooping it up, playing with it. She was so satisfied with Suzanne, and Susan Sontag was blessing their lovemaking. There was nothing she couldn't or wouldn't do for her. She was sure they would be married within the year.

"Wow, just wow, Aahhhh," Courtney screamed. "Oohhhh, what you do to me girl." She went limp after this. What a perfect night. The walk around town, the sex, the talk about the high school girls. It all came to a head with her orgasm.

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Next: Chapter 2

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