Creating a Cigar Dom

By Master Gilbert

Published on Jan 17, 2021


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author condones such situations and/or acts.

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Cigars and sex...

It had been about 2 months since Doug gave me my first blowjob while smoking a cigar and all I could do was think back on it with a mixture of disgust and lust. First was the fact that Doug was my cousin. He was older than me. And I could not figure out if he got me drunk so he could get my cock or if he got my cock because he was drunk.

Also, I could not jack off or even think about sex now without also thinking about cigars. Luckily, dad had a humidor that he kept in the study, so it was easy for me to sneak out a cigar. What wasn't easy was finding a place to smoke one. Afterall, we lived in the city. My backyard opened up to the beach which was public access so anyone could walk by and look into my backyard at any time. There was no place in the house to smoke. Both of my parents were cigarette smokers and so the smell of a cigar would be noticed. Lastly, I didn't drive yet. So, the thought of driving somewhere and smoking was out.

So mostly I would just hold the cigar in my mouth while I jacked off in my room and then hide it. I would jack off thinking about getting another bj while smoking. About fucking one of the cheerleaders in my school while smoking a cigar. I would watch one of the VHS tapes I had, all copies of copies that were circulating among the guys in school, of old grainy pornos wondering if the guy would enjoy it more if he had a cigar.

Now I know what everyone thinks, that by the time I guy is in high school he has at least made out with a girl. And I had to admit I had a few chances, had kissed a couple girls and one let me finger her at a friend's party once. But I had never gotten a blowjob or fucked a girl before. I think that had a lot to do with my lack of confidence in myself. But since Doug had sucked me off, I felt more and more like I was "in", part of the club, that I knew what all the guys were joking about between classes. For the first time in my life, I didn't feel left out.

All that being said, I still hadn't done anything other than jack off while sucking on an unlit cigar for the past 2 months. And it was not working to take the edge off like it did at first. I wanted to light the cigar. I wanted to feel the warmth of a mouth on my cock again while I smoked. I wanted to feel that sensation of being completely drained and exhausted after having pumped out a load. Instead, I usually felt just as frustrated or even more so than before I jacked off.

No one can imagine how happy I was then when dad said Uncle Charlie had called and he was planning to go to Ocala next week. I immediately asked if I could go and the answer was no. Frustration and hurt started building in me exponentially. I wanted to go with dad. I needed to see Doug again. I needed to have a cigar that I could actually smoke while I jacked off. Or even better, be smoking a cigar while getting another blowjob.

I would ask dad at least once a day if I could go with him. I came up with all sorts of reasons I needed to go. I wanted to go horseback riding one last time this summer before school started. I waned to go to the lake with Charlie, and Doug. After a couple days, dad said that the reason he was going to Ocala was to see Buck who was coming home on leave from the Marines and go to Daytona so he, Uncle Charlie, and Buck weren't even going to be staying in Ocala except for a day or two before heading to Daytona.

What I was betting was supposed to be a disappointment, the fact they wouldn't even be at the ranch most of the week and I would be alone with just my cousins, was actually music to my ears. I was more eager to go now than ever. By the end of the day, dad had relented and told me I could go.

When we got to the ranch, Uncle Charlie was at work and Charlie, Buck and Doug were getting the boat ready to go to the lake. Now Charlie was married and had 2 young kids already. He was eager for a boy's day at the lake away from family it seemed. Buck was on leave; he was a Marine and a Sgt stationed in California. Doug was a senior in college this year, with a fiancé, and from what I had been told, was a straight "A" student and president of his fraternity at University of Florida. I say all this to point out that these cousins were men. They were not the kind of guys that you would expect a high school aged kid to be hanging out with and when we pulled up and dad and I got out I thought you could see the look of exacerbation on their faces, expect for Doug.

Dad went into the house, and I walked over to the three of them and asked if they were going to the lake. Of course, they were, why would they be getting the boat out. I was so awkward at that age, but I asked if they had room for one more and Charlie and Buck looked at each other with that look. Doug however smiled and said sure before they could figure out a reason to say no.

Charlie and Buck were in the truck that was pulling the boat, Doug and I were in a truck behind them with the coolers and skies and stuff. We had to stop at the store and buy ice, beer, etc. while Charlie and Buck went on to the lake. While we were in the truck, I finally got up some courage and started to talk to Doug. I didn't really know what to talk about, but I figured cigars were a good place to start. I pulled out six cigars I had stollen out of dad's humidor and held them out.

"I got these from dad's humidor, I thought you and the guys might like one."

Doug looked at them and smiled wide, "your dad has good taste."

He took one and bit the end off spitting it out the window and pushed in the lighter in truck. I watched stunned for a second before realizing this was my chance and put the cigars back in my gym bag keeping one out and following suit. After Doug's cigar was lit, he pushed the lighter back in and when it popped out, handed it to me.

Finally, I had a lit cigar in my mouth and the world seemed right again. I immediately started to relax and started talking to Doug like we were old friends. Of course, the one thing we didn't talk about was the blowjob. But he did talk about life in college, the frat, his girlfriend. I told him about school. We got to the store and Doug told me to hold his cigar while he went in. He came out with like three cases of beer, bags of ice, and a bottle of something called Mad Dog. He also had a couple boxes of cheap cigars called White Owl. Those I immediately knew were the cigars Uncle Charlie smoked.

We loaded the coolers and got back into the truck making it to the lake just in time to see them launching the boat into the lake. When I stepped out of the truck smoking a cigar, the look on Charlie's and Buck's faces were totally different. Doug yelled over the truck, "I told you he was cooler than you thought."

Buck actually walked up to me and looked me up and down, then grabbed the cigar out of my mouth laughing. "These are some good cigars man. Let me guess, you got them from your dad."

"He doesn't know" I said sheepishly.

"I bet he doesn't!" Charlie laughed. "Who knew..." throwing a look at the other guys.

"You do anything else he doesn't know about?" Buck asked handing me back the cigar.

"Well, I do a lot he doesn't know about." I said trying to sound more confident than I really was.

"Enough talking man, lets get on the lake." Doug said.

We piled into the boat, getting one of the coolers on while leaving the other in the truck. I had grabbed my bag and threw it into the boat and as soon as we were out in the middle of the lake, I asked if anyone wanted one of the cigars. Buck took one, but Charlie said no since he was going to be in the water first skiing. But before he got into the water, he grabbed beers for all of us and passed them out.

"Here's to the cousin we didn't know we had." He chuckled before holding up his beer. They all laughed, crashed the cans of beer into each other then popped the tab, spraying beer out while they did their best to drink more than lost. I followed suit choking on mine.

Buck was the first to drive the boat. Charlie was in the water and Doug was telling me what they were doing, and why. Showing me the hand signs, joking with his brothers, and me, and treating me like a brother. It was something I had never had. It was great.

As they day went on, they would switch off driving the boat, and who was in the water. They showed me how to drive the boat. I got a couple chances to sky, something I had never done before and wasn't great at, but I did it. As the day was getting late, and the first cooler was empty, Buck suggested letting me drive the boat around the lake a few times before heading to shore and getting some food and the other cooler.

Doug had one of those disposable cameras from kodak and there is a picture I still have to this day of me, beer in one hand, cigar in my jaw, driving the boat around the lake. It was quite simply the best day of my life to that point.

But like all things, it had to end and once we made it to shore, I had that feeling we weren't going to get back on the lake today. Doug got some wood together and while Buck and Charlie got the boat secured back onto the trailer, we lit a small campfire on the beach of the lake and got the other cooler out of the truck. There was some food in it but not much, it was mainly beer and that bottle of Mad Dog.

Now I was buzzed. My mind was so foggy that I couldn't even tell you how the night got to where it was, but we were all sitting around, smoking those cheap cigars, all of the ones I had were gone, and drinking beer. Charlie was talking about how bad his wife was at giving head. Buck was complaining about the cost of hookers in his area and how he didn't want to date or have a girlfriend while he was in the Marines. Doug was talking about all the pussy he got in the frat and that his girlfriend never put out unless he got her drunk. And all I could do was listen.

I didn't have any stories like these. I thought that being married meant having all the sex you wanted. And the being a Marine, Buck would have girls lined up. And who knew that Doug was having problems with his girlfriend. I thought I was the only one with problems like this. The more the guys talked, the more I realized that I wasn't so different from them. In fact, I was a lot like them, except for the age difference.

I looked across at Buck a couple times and thought he had an itch or something because he seemed to be scratching his groin a lot. It was hard for me to get focused, the fog in my head was new, but as I panned around, it seemed like all of them were itching. That's when I realized they weren't scratching, they were stroking. They were stroking their cocks through their swim trucks.

While Doug was telling a story about one of the frats parties, they had last term, I could see the stroking of Buck getting more noticeable until he out right pulled out his cock and started stroking it out in the open. Charlie was next to pull his cock out and then they looked at me and nodded. I took that as a sign it was cool and okay and did the same. Smiles crossed all their faces as Doug stood up and pulled his pants completely off.

Buck started telling a story about his unit getting a hotel room and having a hooker come over. He was talking about how she got on her knees and went from guy to guy kissing their cocks and balls, licking, and teasing them. That's when I felt the warmth on my cock for the first time since Doug sucked me off two months ago. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes, puffed on the cigar, and drifted off listening to Doug tell the story of how his unit fucked the whore all night, stuffing her full of cocks and pumping their Marine loads into her holes. During which, all I could feel was the warm mouth sucking me deep.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that Buck and Charlie were now sitting by my side and Doug had a cock in each hand and mine in his mouth. Buck looked at me "Have you fucked him yet?"

Talk about the fog parting and a buzz going away, that statement cut through everything. "No."

"He has one of the best asses you will ever feel." Buck said.

"Yeah, he's been taking care of us since he was younger than you are." Charlie added. "He loves cock almost more then he loves pussy."

I looked and Buck was rubbing Doug's ass. Charlie reached over and put his hand on Doug's head and guided him over to his cock. "Don't bogart him man, you don't want to lose your load too fast. Although at your age, you can probably be ready to go again in no time."

Buck poured some beer into Doug's ass crack and then reached back and started to shove his fingers into Doug's ass. Doug started moaning while sucking Charlie's cock.

"Have you ever fucked an ass before man?" Buck asked me.

"No..." was all I could say.

"Then we should let you go first." Buck said nodding to Charlie.

Buck slapped Doug's ass and then pointed to the cooler. Doug got up and went over to the cooler and then got on his knees, bending over it. Charlie helped me up and the three of us walked over to where Doug was waiting. "You might want to spit on his hole first." Charlie said.

I got behind Doug and looked down. Buck stepped in front of Doug and reached down and spread Doug's ass cheeks wide. Doug's ass was so pink. His hole was so small looking, and tight. I was a bit confused and a bit turned on. Was I really about to fuck for the first time, and do it with my cousin, while my other cousins, his brother watched?

Charlie hawked up a big spit and landed it right on Doug's hole. Then he motioned for me to move forward. My cock was right against Doug's hole and without warning, Doug pushed back, and my cock sank in with no resistance. His hole opened and swallowed my cock like his mouth did. It was tight, and wet, and warm. Where his mouth was soft and enveloping, his ass was tight and hugged my cock sending shock waves all through me.

From that point on, it was instinctual. I started pulling my cock back then slid it forward until I was balls deep. Doug was moaning and Buck and Charlie were high fiving each other while standing back and watching me fuck. I still had the cigar in my mouth and the smoke was comforting. It was the one thing that was familiar as I was adjusting to the new feelings that were racking their way through me.

I felt pleasure from all the new sensations that were coming from my cock. I felt comfort from the cigar, it felt natural and normal clenched in my jaw. I felt power. Power from being in control and using another man's ass like a cunt.

Anyone can tell you that you never last as long as you want to especially on your first time and that was true of me too. I bet I didn't last two minutes but to me it felt like a lifetime. Buck and Charlie probably knew what was happening before I did because I jammed my cock into Doug's ass so hard, he actually yelled "FUCK" and then I came. I came in waves squirting rope after rope of cum deep into Doug's guts.

Charlie's hands were on my shoulders before I realized it and he guided me back to sit on the other cooler and then grabbed my hand and said, "welcome to the brotherhood man".

With that I watched while Charlie took up my place behind Doug and Buck knelt in front of Doug. In no time Doug was being fucking in both holes and it didn't seem like either Buck or Charlie was being gentle. They didn't seem to care how hard or deep they pushed their cocks. If anything, they were egging each other on to fuck harder, deeper, and rougher.

They would crack jokes too. "If that hooker could take cock this well maybe I would have a girlfriend." Buck said.

"If my wife could take cock like this, I would be broke paying for all the kids." Charlies shot back.

Before long they were switching positions and Buck was fucking ass and Charlie was fucking Doug's mouth. I was finally starting to recover and so I stood up and walked closer so I could see the action better.

"Look who's ready for seconds?" Buck said.

"That was so good man." I said, "I have never fucked like that before."

Charlie was quick to point out that he doubted I had ever fucked at all before.

Buck pulled his cock out of Doug's ass and that was the first time I really got to see it. He was a monster. I bet he had nine plus inches of cock. And it was as fat as any cock I had ever seen on a porno. Spitting on his cock and reaching down to spread Doug's cheeks, he made a show of slamming it back in.

Charlie laughed, "Show off."

"You close yet?" Buck asked.

"Yeah..." Charlie said and so they switched again.

Now was my chance to see Charlie's cock up close. He wasn't as long as Buck was, but he might have been a bit thicker. He didn't make a show of it. He lined up and pushed balls deep on the first thrust and with every thrust after it. True to his word, he was panting a minute or two later and then he pushed his cock up Doug's ass so hard he lifted Doug off the ground.

"All yours bro." Charlie said, and he got up and put his cock back in Doug's mouth. Buck now started fucking really hard. He made Doug stand up and bend over, bracing him against the back of the truck. Then he put his hands-on Doug's shoulders and pulled them up and back making Doug arch his back in an extreme bend. It was all Doug could do to stay up but with that monster cock being shoved up his ass there was no way for him to go anywhere.

Charlie stood next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Buck doesn't fuck a pussy. He tries to destroy it."

We just stood there watching Buck fuck Doug. There would be times that he would take Doug off his feet. And others where he would change his angle and Doug's knees would buckle. The one thing I never saw or heard was Doug asking for Buck to be more gentle or slow down. It must have taken a good fifteen minutes before Buck slammed into Doug then didn't move.

"About fucking time man." Charlie said.

"What can I say, I haven't had his ass in almost a year." Buck panted back.

Charlie started looking around and then lowered the tailgate on the truck and climbed up and sat down. "Okay guys, time to clean up and get ready to head back. That is unless cuz here wants another go at Douggie."

All eyes turned to me, even Doug's, and I just shuck my head. "Okay, I know you are new to this and that you will have some questions and shit, but the rules are pretty simple." Charlie started.

"Rule One: We don't talk about what happens when we get together. You can talk to any of us, but not to anyone else."

I nodded.

"Rule Two: We don't talk about this to anyone."

I nodded with a grin.

"Rule Three: If you want to use Doug, you don't have to ask permission, just be a man and tell him what you want."

I nodded again but this one confused me a little.


That made me laugh.

"Now let's clean this shit up and get home before dad loses his shit." Charlie said.

We got the area cleaned up. The boat back on the trailer. All the cans and trash thrown into the back of one of the trucks. Then it was time to go.

"I will drive the boat back. Doug and cuz can ride in the back seat and Doug can do his back seat duties." Charlie said with a smirk. "You can take the other truck and go straight to the house. That way you can keep Dad and Uncle Robert from coming out to the barn in case Doug takes longer than usual."

And that's what happened. I climbed up in the back seat and before Charlie had even hit the paved road, Doug was sucking my cock. By the time we got back to the barn, I had busted two loads into Doug's mouth and was totally spent.

When I got up the next morning, Dad, Uncle Charlie, and Buck were already headed to Daytona and Charlie didn't spend the night, instead going home to his wife and kids. It was only Doug and I on the ranch with a couple of hands to do most of the work. I'm sure Dad, Uncle Charlie and Buck had fun in Daytona, but I doubt they had as much fun as I had on the ranch with Doug.

Next: Chapter 3

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