Crossing the line

By Tom Pearce

Published on Sep 16, 2024


`Crossing The Line' is a fictional work of adult erotic fantasy, involving consensual sexual relations between both men and women as it explores the theme of one man's journey into the world of bisexual relations with other men and as such is intended for adults only.

This story is in no way an endorsement of such relationships in real life, and this author adamantly rejects any justifications for such relationships or activities in the same. It is purely a work of fantasy and as such this author maintains an awareness of where real life ends and fantasy begins.

Copyright, Tom Pearce, 2024.

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Crossing The Line Chapter 4 One More Step

How the fuck I got into this situation I don't know...vanity I guess...vanity and just plan horny...shit over the years this cock of mine has got me into a lot of pussy and a lot of trouble...and I guess it always will...

But that night with Frank and Michelle kept coming back to haunt me in the images of the MMF threesomes I found myself watching over and over. Only now I knew just how that guy on the screen felt when his buddy sucked his cock... knew exactly how good it was to have another dick thrusting alongside my own.

But unlike real life all the videos ended in a slow fade with nobody feeling the guilt, shame or even remorse I'd felt afterwards. And often the subtitle `To Be Continued' hinted at more to come. Was that like real life too? That crossing that line just the once meant you'd go back there again and again?...

So, it was another lonely Friday night, a night I didn't want to spend on my own and the bright lights of downtown beckoned.

Which was how I came to be sat Mallory's Bar eying up the pussy on offer, making eye contact with a girl who's halter top barely contained her tits but my heart wasn't really in it...and neither was hers as she was soon busy grinding on the dancefloor with some young stud...leaving the fat old man sat at the bar nursing a lonely beer...

`Hey! You!'

I looked round and there was Michelle -- all hair and tits with that smile that just said `come and stick your dick in my mouth.'

Well at least I wasn't on my own now and I knew Michelle liked my cock as much as my cock liked her pussy, so if we ended up together the evening wouldn't be a total loss...I bought her a drink...

`Make it a large one' she told the barman.

`Oh yeah? I'm sure that can be arranged,' I laughed.

`Hey, you horny fucker, you owe me more than a drink after last time!'

`Well, you shouldn't be such a naughty girl should you!'

`And you guys ought to know how to treat a lady,' she laughed, that familiar throaty laugh that spoke of sex. A sound that reminded me she was a woman, and I was a man.

`I thought we did?' I replied.

`Yeah right!'

I thought back to the way Frank and I had double fucked her, rooted her like two wild animals and filled her pussy to over flowing...remembered the way her cunt tightened as Frank's dick jammed in alongside mine...remembered the way the back of our bare knobs rubbed together...the way they both throbbed as we coated each other's dicks in spunk...and as much as I tried to forget it I couldn't.... that animal kiss....

`You bastards damned near put me in hospital.'

But I could tell from the way she said it the memory of a sore pussy wasn't exactly a bad one.

She asked me if I'd seen Frank since. I said `No' but I lied...I had seen him coming down the street and ducked into the hardware store out of his way...meeting a woman on the street you'd had sex with was one thing...but Frank and I had shared too much for more than just a polite Frank has been pretty blunt about him and I sharing some time on our own...and that just wasn't my thing so I figured it was best not to even get him thinking that way.

I guess had Frank been 100% straight things could have been different between us...sure we'd both got turned on watching each other fuck Michelle but I sensed it wasn't just watching me in action that did it for him...but dick...and that was a weird, weird feeling... and one I wasn't sure I was comfortable with...but hey! Who knows how many so-called straight guys at the gym have looked at me just a little longer than they should have?

And have I done the same?

You see that was just it. Frank looked, talked, acted, even spoke just like them and yet he had this secret side.

`So how is your bisexual lover these days?' I passed Michelle her drink and watched her take a slow deep sip. It was my not-so-subtle way of reminding her who was the real man around here.

`Lol you mean Frank. He's not bi...'

`You could have fooled me' I said,

`Just because he sucked your cock Tom lol'

`Hey! Not so loud....'

`Lol you weren't so uptight then Big Boy 😊 You MOANNNNNNNED loud lol'

`That's cos I thought it was you babe' ....

And that was first I had thought it was her and then...there was something about the way Frank went down on me...the way his hand wrapped expertly around my shaft...the way he hadn't just sucked like a woman but worked his tongue over the contours of my he understood how it was it worked for a guy and yes I'd enjoyed the heat of the moment...but more than way!

Anyway, Frankie's not bi...ask Dolores...he just enjoys sex...and why the fuck not? He's got a great body, a decent dick and knows how to use it....Lighten up Tom...get with the 21st is sex is matter who it's with...Remember that old song? If it feels good do it?' Well, why the hell not?'

`Hey! Michellllllllllllllllllllllllle!'

`Hey Bobby does your mother know you're out? 😊'

The young guy, I guessed early 20's laughed, saw me and said he was sorry -- he didn't realise she had company...

`Some other time I guess' he laughed and moved on.

`Don't look at me like that Thomas! She said.

`Like what?'

`Like I'm some sort of cradle snatcher lol...he's 22...and besides....


She leaned in, her hand on my thigh, her warm breath on my ear and said..

`He thinks he's some sort of super stud but....'


She laughed and using her thumb and forefinger spaced out about four inches, adding that Bobby took after his father in that respect....

`Did you?'

Hell NOOOOOOOOOO! Well not at the same time,' she laughed adding, although that would have been something eh? A father son combo .... even with small dicks...maybe you and that good looking boy of yours......

I laughed but tried to clear my mind of...well I had a fleeting vision of Jace and I sharing Michelle's charms...that teenage boy dick of his ploughing into her pussy...I figured she'd be his first fuck...and not a bad way to start either. And I found myself trying hard not to imagine his smooth arse bouncing up and down...trying not to think about his dick squelching in his dad's sloppy seconds...or maybe mine squelching in his....

And then up strolls Dolores, arm and arm with Frank...she gave Michelle a kiss then saw me...

`Heyyyyyyyyyy! Tommy boy!' she smiled.

`You guys know each other?' asked Frank

Dolores said, `you bet we do' and asked me if I remembered that weekend we'd spent in that motel on the coast?

`How could I ever forget Dolores 😊' I said, kind of proud she remembered the weekend we'd damned near fucked each other to a standstill.

`You know Frank this guy fucked me every which way all weekend...he damned near had to carry me to the car!'

`Not quite every which way,' grinned Michelle.

Frank laughed and said having seen me in action he quite believed it, which didn't seem to come as a surprise to Dolores, so I guess Michelle had told her everything that had happened.

`Anyway, good to see you again Tom, how you been?'

`Good Frank, yeah all good.'

Fuck! I wanted to say -- No Frank I'm not good! I let you suck my dick and now I'm having some sort of sexual fantasy about sharing a woman with my own son...GOOD? No fucking way is that GOOD!

But I didn't, instead I just shook his hand.

`Great', he said and signalled to the barman to set up another round of drinks.

Shit he was so fucking normal about everything. But at least he hadn't told Dolores he'd sucked my dick....or had he...or had Michelle told her...but whatever he just ordered more drinks like I don't know if nothing had ever happened...or as if a guy almost cumming in his mouth was an everyday occurrence.

Maybe Michelle was right -- I was fucked up about sex...and if I couldn't get my head around a threesome then maybe now was the time to leave...but the pulsing rod in my jeans said `STAY'....

And there it was again. That voice in my head...

'It's just sex.'

Maybe the voice was right and besides with two pussies on offer that was one each and Frank would be too busy using his own dick to think of what the hell?

The four of us shared a cab back to Michelles, Danny was at his fathers for the weekend, so we had the place to ourselves....

No sooner had we got into the place than the girls said they were going to take a shower...

`Together?' grinned Frank

Uhuh' said Michelle, it's lady's night!' and closed the bathroom door.

`Well Tom, looks like we're going to be treated to some girl-on-girl action tonight. Whiskey right? Straight?'

Yeah, straight.' I replied as he poured two large ones. Very straight.'

Fuck -- just watching him -- he looked so masculine -- solid -- shoulders, belly, height...the top of his hairy chest visible in his open shirt...there was no way he looked like a hand waving homo... ...and yet...he'd got off on sucking my dick...

The two of us sat in armchairs, cradling our drinks, avoiding each other's eyes as we listened to the sound of water splashing and lots of laughter coming from the bathroom. Maybe Frank had got the message...I wasn't like that...

I kind of hoped I'd get Dolores because the memory of that sweet ginger pussy with its pale pink lips spreading around my tongue was still so vivid I felt my cock pulse in my jeans...a wet patch already soaking into my briefs...Jesus that girl had one hell of an awesome cunt...wet and slippery one minute then MANNNNNNNNN clamped around my cock like a vice....

`Guess we'll have to flip a coin' said Frank

`Sorry?' -- I was miles away, back in that cheap motel buried balls deep in that wet hole....

`See who gets who I mean....'

`Yeah well that Dolores is one hot bit of tail I tell you!'

I was trying to sound like the voice of experience but compared to these three experienced swingers I was the kid in the playground...the same kid who'd almost bottled out of sliding my 14 year old dick into the mysterious wet depths of Marge Henson's hairy pussy....

`Hot? Jesus Tom HOT is not the word...she is one horny bitch...they both are eh? And both up for a damned good know she actually rimmed my ass.'


`She do that to you?

`No anyway my butts off limits -- always has been...'

And it's fucking staying that way I thought...remembering how Frank had tried to touch my pucker when he sucked my cock...

Frank said he used to think like that until....

`Well boys here we are!'

Dolores and Michelle came into the room wearing the smallest g-strings known to man, their bare breasts bouncing and swaying as they led us into the bedroom...the string disappearing between their arse-cheeks...

`Well?' asked Michelle

`Well what?' grinned Frank

`You two boys....shower time...or no show...ok?'

Jesus Christ....I was going to have to share a shower with Frank...get naked knowing my cock was leaking like a sieve...knowing I was....Shit! Thankfully the thought of being naked with another guy...a guy who'd made it obvious he wanted to have sex with me. drained the blood straight out of cock...back to a shrivelled slimy mass of flesh in my wet underpants.

`Hey, come on Tom, it's not like we haven't seen each other naked loads of times before...true?'

`Yeah true I guess,' I said.

`School showers right?'

I said I'd never looked, which wasn't strictly true, but what teenage lad isn't curious to see how he measures up against his classmates? Looks to see who has the longest dick, or tries to mentally calculate who has the thickest one? And there was always that old chestnut. Who if anybody already had pubic hair? And if so, how much?

But had Frank looked at me then? Had he known all those years ago how he could be aroused by the sight of another boy's cock? And if so, had he looked at me with more than just curiosity?

`Then the sooner we shower the sooner we'll get to fuck those two horny gals eh?' he said.


And whilst I slowly undressed Frank stripped off and stepped casually under the shower...only this wasn't high school and that water wasn't running off a two inch shrimp of a cock...this time it was running off a man-sized dick...flattening the dense pubes around its base as his big hands lathered the hair on his chest to a white foam.

I wondered if it was the thought of the fun to come with the girls that was making his dick hang heavy or...?

Well, whatever it was my dick was unfurling at a great rate of knots and I knew if I wasn't careful that the minute I stripped off I'd be standing beside Frank with the mother of all hardons.

I thought -- what the hell...this is a guy I've seen cum...fuck...HE'S seen me cum...our dicks have touched inside a juicy pulsating I stepped in beside him...a large drip of precum falling of the end of my bunched snout....Frank just laughed and started soaping his pits...and me? Well I just fixed my eyes on the wall ahead ...washing myself...resisting the urge to look.

At least I did until I heard Frank groan softly and turned just in time to see him as he slipped his foreskin back and soaped his knob...looked and saw his dick growing in his hand the way I could feel mine was doing too...rising up...firm...solid...totally beyond my control...

`That's one hell of dick you got there, Tom, guess you were a head of me in the queue lol'

`Lol guess I was Frank...' I held my balls in my soapy hand, feeling the fullness, the weight of them...knowing my dick was jutting out...swollen...rigid...proud ...and.... suddenly not caring...I had a cock to be proud of...and I knew it.

So, what if Frank WAS getting off seeing my what if it was the sight of me washing my knob that was giving him such an obvious arousal...pretty soon both our dicks were going to be buried in two very wet and very willing wasn't like we were going to have sex with each other.... was it?

We dried off, somehow just managing to keep enough space between us so our bodies didn't touch in the confined space of the bathroom, then with towels wrapped around our waists we headed back to the girls...towels that did nothing to hide the fact they were tenting over two rock hard dicks....

`You two just be good boys and sit there and watch ok?' Dolores laughed.

I got to admit the idea of Michelle getting it on with Dolores was fucking hot. I'd never seen two women at it, well not outside of the odd video anyway and maybe after they'd got each other worked up they'd both need a damned good fuck and the way my dick felt at the moment one of them was going to get all seven inches rammed good and hard.

Fuck! And watch we did...watched as two almost naked girls got on the bed and started kissing each other -- and I don't mean that phoney lesbian stuff you see in vids but real passionate kisses, tongues, lips everything as their hands cupped and squeezed each other's tits.

`Wow' I muttered as Dolores took Michelles nipple between her lips...remembering the way Frank and I had eaten those awesome tits between us.

Hot eh? whispered Frank as Michelle moaned and writhed, Dolores's mouth and teeth darting from one voluptuous breast to the other...her fingers already working slowly over that tiny lace triangle... burying her whole face in her cleavage as her fingers traced just inside the fabric causing Michelle's thighs to spread wider, her hips already undulating as she tried to push her damp mound harder against Dolores's hand.

I thought of how Frank and I had teased Michelle's pussy with our eager fingers, tracing the line of her slit just as Dolores was doing now. How we'd made her writhe and groan just like she was doing under the touch of another woman.

`Oh man'. Frank groaned, his big hand already cupping his bulging dick through his towel...

`Holy SHIT!' I gasped as Michelle's lacy g-string slipped down to reveal her shaven cunt...not one fucking hair in sight...just a pure white mound of schoolgirl pussy bisected by two dark pink lips already glistening with cunt lips that parted to Dolores's fingers as they worked their way deeper and deeper...moaning like fuck as Michelle did the same to her.

We watched those two bald wet pussies taking two fingers a piece...saw their hips writhing on the bed...squealing and kicking in delight as they found each other's clits.

I felt my cock pulse as I watched Dolores lick her way down the soft curve of Michelle's stomach...knowing full well where that mouth was Michelle's legs spread wider...that bald cunt exposed....moaning as her buddy spread those inner lips with her fingers and LICKEDDDDD!

Frank whispered hoarsely, `Remember that taste Tom?'


And boy did I EVA remember the scent of that pussy all over my face...the way my tongue had met Franks in that juicy hole...remembered the sounds Michelle was making now as she rolled over Dolores, spread her thighs and began licking that cunt I'd fucked so hard one weekend...the two of them lost in a 69 of tongues and fingers....yelling into each other's pussies as they devoured each other's clits....legs kicking...spreading...hips grinding in each other's faces....

`They're gonna cum mate!' said Frank...'fucking hell are they EVA!'

And they did...almost at the same time...long desperate shuddering orgasms that shook their bodies...orgasms that seemed to last for hours in .the loudest climax I'd ever heard from one woman let alone two....louder than any cry Dolores had made as I'd battered her pussy into a churning mass of volcanic heat....louder than Michelle as two thrusting dicks had damned near torn hers in half...

Slowly their muffled cries and screams turning to low moans and panting breaths...their faces glistening with each other's pussy juices...pussies that were now wet, open, slimy and just ripe for two hard dicks.

`Now it's our turn!'

Frank stood up throwing his towel to one side -- his dick raring up, his helmet exposed...a string of thick pre hanging off the end...

Hey! Buster! Not so fast, laughed Michelle. `This is lady's night it's your turn.'

`You bet it is.'

Frank moved towards the bed, so did I, both of us eager to slip our hard cocks into those slimy hot fuck our seeds into oblivion and beyond...

`With each other we mean,' grinned Dolores.


Next: Chapter 5

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