Cruising with Tommy

By Bill Jonners

Published on Jul 5, 2017


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This story is completely fictional. It is the tale of an innocent-looking teenager and his relationship with the captain and other men on board a cruise liner.

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Chapter 11

Tommy was looking forward to seeing something of Stockholm. As usual he had given the captain his early morning blowjob and served breakfasts in the restaurant. Now though he was free for most of the day. He walked down the gangplank and headed towards the bus stop.

"Coo-ee Tommy!"

Tommy looked to see who had called to him and saw two elderly ladies waving at him. He recognised them as passengers he had served the previous evening and walked over to them. "Good morning, ladies. How are you today?" he said.

"We are well, Tommy," said one lady. "We are going to wander around Gamla Stan, the Old Town. Would you like to share our taxi?"

"That would be good, thank you," replied Tommy. "I want to see Gamla Stan and then maybe visit the Vasa Museum."

"We visited the Vasa Museum last year, didn't we Betty?" the second lady said as she followed the first one into a taxi. "The Vasa is a 17th century warship and it's certainly worth seeing."

"Yes Jean, and the museum restaurant serves the most delicious Swedish meatballs," said Betty.

"Oh Betty, you're terrible! We've just had breakfast and you are thinking of food already." Jean laughed.

Tommy smiled and said, "So this is not your first visit to Sweden?"

Betty shook her head. "No, we spent four days here last year before travelling by train to Oslo. We loved Oslo so much we started our holiday there this year, and now we're on the cruise being looked after by handsome young men like you."

"I hope you enjoy the cruise," Tommy said, trying not to blush. "This is my first visit to Stockholm."

The two women chatted as the taxi drove through the busy streets. "Is that the Royal Palace?" Tommy asked as he pointed to an imposing building on the other side of the water.

"It is, and you must visit it," said Jean. "Shall we ask the taxi driver to stop nearby?"

"Yes please," said Tommy.

"Do you remember that cute guard we saw there, Jean?" said Betty. "He wasn't as cute as you though, Tommy. You are gorgeous."

"Don't embarrass the lad, Betty," said Jean. "Can't you see he's blushing?"

Betty put a hand over her mouth and giggled. Tommy looked out of the window and said nothing until the taxi pulled over. "Have a nice day, ladies. And thank you for the taxi ride." Tommy was quite glad to wave them goodbye.

Tommy followed a group of tourists who were obviously heading for the palace and was soon standing in the courtyard. He remembered Betty's comment when he saw the first armed guard standing in a sentry box but didn't find the man very attractive. Then he saw a tall blond man and that made him think of Leif, the sailor he had met in Flam a few days earlier. "I wonder what he is doing today. I hope we can meet again," he said to himself. Then he smiled, took out his mobile phone and took a selfie. He sent the photo to Leif with a short message saying, "Hi from Stockholm. Hope to see you soon."

After some time wandering around Gamla Stan, Tommy took a ferry over to the Vasa Museum. He visited the warship which was preserved under cover and the historic vessels moored outside before deciding it was time for lunch. He found the restaurant and was soon enjoying the meatballs recommended by the ladies. Tommy finished exploring the museum after lunch and then went outside.

While waiting for the tram which would take him into the city centre, Tommy received a text message on his mobile phone. He smiled when he saw it was from Leif.

"Hello Tommy. When are you going to be in Bergen? I want to be alone with you," Leif had written. The photo attached showed Leif's hand on his crotch and this made Tommy laugh.

"Naughty man!" wrote Tommy. "I will ask when I get back onboard and let you know. I want to see you - all of you - in Bergen." Tommy's cock was hard when he hit the 'send' button.

Leif replied almost immediately. "Not as much as I want to see and touch all of you!"

Tommy smiled and wrote, "I hope you will do more than touch. I will write again later today." A tram approached and Tommy got on board.

That evening Tommy lay beside captain after a leisurely lovemaking session. He had enjoyed it very much but he started thinking about Leif. "Do you know when we will be in Bergen again?" he asked.

"Yes, it will the first stop on our next that's exactly one week from today," replied Per. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I really liked Bergen and I'd like to see more of it." Tommy did like Bergen but Leif was the main attraction.

"Okay. Will you be meeting up with your grandparents again when we return to Oslo?" Per asked.

"Probably not. I haven't arranged anything," answered Tommy.

"Good, because I think it is time for you to thank Magnus Olsen for getting you this job," said Per. "And I will be there so you can have your first threesome."

Tommy remembered Mr Olsen, the man from the recruitment agency who had interviewed him along with Captain Lund. Although not as handsome as the captain in his eyes, Tommy thought he had a kind face. He remembered him being a little shorter than the captain with thick fair hair and blue eyes. His cock started to stiffen again. "A threesome with you and him? Hmm, okay."

"Good. I am sure you will enjoy it," said Per. "Before then though, I need to ask you to spend a night with Liam Fox, the First Officer. He has been asking for you and I can't put him off much longer."

"Oh." Tommy turned to Per and said, "Pon doesn't like him. He says he can be rough."

Per nodded. "Pon told me that but Miguel seems to love him. Maybe Fox doesn't like Pon very much. Anyway I will have a word with him and if he hurts you I'll kick him out of our club."

"Thanks, Captain." Tommy felt happier and he gave Per a kiss.

"Now I am afraid it's time for you to return to your own cabin," said Per.

Tommy smiled, gave the captain another kiss after getting dressed and said goodnight. He could now tell Leif when he would be in Bergen.

"We will be arriving in Helsinki very shortly," Per said as he fastened his trousers after his early morning blowjob from Tommy two days later. "Will you be going ashore?"

"Yes, the chief steward has arranged for me to join one of the tour coaches with the passengers," replied Tommy.

"That's good," said Per. "Helsinki is a beautiful city and you will enjoy seeing it."

"I think I will." Tommy smiled and then remembered his appointment for that evening. "You still want me to visit Mr Fox later?"

"Yes, you must," replied Per. "I hope you enjoy itÉbut don't let the thought spoil your day."

Tommy forgot about Mr Fox in the usual breakfast rush. Later he changed into ordinary clothes and boarded the tour coach he had been assigned to and found himself sitting next to Willy, the chief steward. "I didn't expect to see you here. It's a nice surprise," he said.

"I haven't been on one of these tours for a long time so I decided to join you," said Willy. "It will update my knowledge and allow me to assist passengers better. Plus it gives me the chance to spend some time with you." He smiled and patted Tommy's knee.

"I'm pleased. I didn't fancy being quizzed by the passengers," said Tommy.

Willy laughed. "They tease you sometimes?" Tommy nodded. "Well, that happens to the younger lads. Especially the cute ones."

Tommy wondered if Willy was flirting with him. Then the guide started talking about what they would see during the trip and Tommy concentrated on what she was saying.

The tour took them through the heart of the city and everyone got off a few times. Tommy was impressed by the magnificent cathedral in Senate Square and dazzled by the unusual Rock Church. The monument to the composer Sibelius was more modern looking than he had expected but was still impressive. Tommy also learned a lot about the history of the city from the tour guide.

"Did you enjoy that, Tommy?" Willy asked as they returned to the ship.

"I did. I'd like to spend more time in the city one day," answered Tommy. "Now though I am looking forward to a late lunch. I'm hungry."

Willy smiled. "You young boys are always hungry. I know you have a great appetite but you still manage to stay slim." He patted his own stomach and added, "I have put on a lot of weight."

"Not much. You are still in good shape," said Tommy.

"For an old man, you mean?" Willy grinned at the boy.

Tommy shook his head. "You're not old, Willy. I think you look fine. Oh look, there's the ship. We're home."

After serving dinner in the restaurant Tommy set off to spend the night with Liam Fox. This would be the first time he had spent the whole night with a man and he wished it could have been with the captain. However Miguel would be sharing the captain's bed that night.

"Come in, Tommy," said Liam. "I've been looking forward to this." As he closed the cabin door he went on. "By reason of seniority, I should have had you before Mick Foster. However I'm glad the captain agreed to let me have a whole night with you."

Tommy wasn't sure how to respond to this but said, "I will try to make you happy."

"You've got the right attitude, pretty boy. Just remember it's my pleasure, not yours, that is important. Now strip off and let me see what the captain has been keeping for himself." Liam sat down and folded his arms after giving his order.

Tommy felt a bit uncomfortable having Liam stare at him but he tried to act a bit sexy as he slowly undressed. At the same time he looked closely at the man. He thought Liam was handsome with his green eyes and black wavy hair. He noted the muscular body and broad shoulders but there was no noticeable bulge at the front of his trousers.

Tommy saw Liam lick his lips when he stepped out of his uniform trousers and revealed that he was wearing only a tiny red thong. This caused Tommy to get excited and he started to get hard.

"I don't want to see you with an erection," growled Liam as he nodded towards the tent in Tommy's underwear. "Lose it."

Tommy tried to rid his mind of sexy thoughts but his cock continued to stiffen as he pushed the thong down to his ankles. "I'm sorry, sir," he said as his semi-hard cock bounced upwards.

"I said I don't want to see you with a hard-on," said Liam as he put his hand out and slapped the boy's cock from side to side. This had the opposite effect to the one he wanted and Tommy's cock grew to its full 17 cm (almost 7 inches).

"This won't do," said Liam. He got to his feet and pulled Tommy by the arm into the small bathroom. Then he took the shower attachment in his hand, turned on the cold water and directed the spray at Tommy's cock and balls.

Tommy let out a howl of protest as he staggered back but the shock made his erection disappear. "That's better. Dry yourself and then come and join me," said Liam.

Tommy wondered what else he was in for as he dried himself and then wiped the wet floor. He went back into the cabin to find Liam holding a strange object in his hand.

"Come over here, boy," demanded Liam. Tommy walked over to stand in front of him. "Hands behind your back. Since you can't control yourself, I'm going to fit you with this cock cage."

Tommy was curious and somewhat annoyed as he watched the man imprison his flaccid cock in the plastic device. Liam finished by locking the cage and tossing the key inside the open drawer of his bedside table.

"That's much better," said Liam. "Now you may undress me."

Tommy reached up to undo the man's tie. With the tie gone, he then slowly unbuttoned the shirt and noted the smooth, well-defined pecs. The nipples were swollen and obviously erect.

"Suck my nipples," ordered Liam. "Aahh! That's good. You may nibble them gently too."

Tommy worked on the nipples as directed while unbuckling the belt around Liam's waist and then opening his trousers. He regarded this as obeying the earlier order to undress the man but Liam saw it differently. "You can't wait to get to my cock, can you? Slut!" snarled Liam.

Knowing it would be useless to complain, Tommy said nothing. He carried on sucking and nibbling the man's nipples.

"Okay," said Liam after a few minutes. "You may finish undressing me and then take my cock into your mouth."

Tommy knelt down and picked up the trousers when Liam stepped out of them. Then he removed the man's socks before reaching up to the waistband of the boxer shorts. Tommy was glad that Liam couldn't see his face when the man's erection popped into view. It was a very average - or possibly less than average - 14 cm (5.5 inches) and smaller than both his own and Pon's cocks when erect. "Is that why he wants to keep my cock from getting hard?" Tommy asked himself.

"Don't just stare at it. Suck it," demanded Liam.

Tommy bent forward and quickly took the cock into his mouth. He sucked and used his tongue to tease the cock while using his fingers to play with the man's balls. "Yes, that's better," said Liam. After a few minutes Liam added, "You really are a pretty young thing" as he ran his fingers through Tommy's hair.

Tommy moved to lick the cockshaft and Liam's balls before taking the cockhead back into his mouth once more. "You certainly know how to worship cock. The captain has trained you well," said Liam. "But now I need to fuck you. Climb onto the bed, on all fours."

Tommy moved onto the bed and was relieved when Liam greased his hole and started fingering him. "At least he is using foreplay to loosen me up," he said to himself. But then he found his cock growing and being squeezed inside the confines of the cock cage. "Sir, this cage around my dick hurts," he said to Liam.

"It will only hurt if you get an erection," said Liam. "Forget about your own pleasure and focus on mine."

Tommy tried to think about other, non-sexual, things. However with Liam's finger burrowing into his arsehole and touching his prostate he couldn't help getting turned on. He moaned at the discomfort caused by having his cock and balls trapped inside the confines of the cock cage.

Liam ignored Tommy's moans, greased up his own cock and then pressed the cockhead against the pink puckered entrance to Tommy's hole. Tommy pushed back and the cock slid inside easily. Liam then held onto Tommy's narrow waist and started to fuck him.

For Tommy it was his most frustrating sexual experience yet. He wanted to get hard and maybe even cum while being fucked but his cock was painfully crushed inside the plastic and metal cage. Luckily for him it only took a few minutes Liam to achieve an orgasm. He grunted and fired off several blasts of cum deep into Tommy and then pulled out.

"We'll do it again in the morning," said Liam as he pulled Tommy towards him. "Now let's cuddle up and sleep." The lights were turned out and Liam held on tightly to the youngster.

Tommy would have liked to have had the captain spooning up against him in the same manner but he didn't like this one bit. He had been used for sex - he could think of no other description, and he had been denied the pleasure of cumming. Tears came to his eyes and he hoped that he wouldn't have to spend too many nights with this man.

After a night of not sleeping well, Tommy awoke to Liam tormenting his nipples. The man's fingers were pulling and twisting his nipples. Tommy bit his lip and tried to endure the pain. With his cock still trapped in its tiny cage, this didn't feel at all sexual. Eventually he said, "That hurts, sir. Please stop."

"You love to complain, don't you Tommy?" Liam said.

"No, not really," said Tommy. "ItÉerm, isn't sexy when my cock is trapped."

"There you go againÉthinking about yourself," said Liam. "Don't you realise yet that your job is only to serve the men that pay your wages?" Tommy wasn't sure how to respond to this so he said nothing. "Get down here and suck my dick!" demanded Liam.

Tommy pushed the bedsheet away and crawled down to take Liam's semi-hard cock into his mouth. It didn't take long for the man to become fully erect. "Go on, gag on it," said Liam as he thrust his 14 cm (5.5 inch) cock into Tommy's throat. Being able to take the captain's much bigger cock, Tommy could manage Liam's cock easily but he pretended to gag a few times and then pushed at Liam as if he was struggling to cope.

"Too big for your little mouth, boy? Well, I know where it will fit," said Liam. He pulled back and then added, "But first I am going to tie you up. Get on your hands and knees facing the headboard."

Tommy watched as Liam took a short length of thin rope from the cabinet beside his bed and then bound his wrists to the headboard. He moaned as the rope was tightened but then bit his lip and forced himself not to complain.

"You'll not get away from me now," snarled Liam before giving Tommy's buttocks a hard spank.

Tommy gasped but said nothing. He tried to relax as the man started fingering his hole and feared he might be in for a rough ride. However he was relieved when Liam began using lube to open him up, gradually adding a second and then a third finger.

"Ready to be fucked by a man's cock?" Liam asked.

"Yes, sir," replied Tommy. He bowed his head in pretend submission but he decided that he would have to tell the captain about the way Liam was treating him. He would quit the job if he was expected to accept painful bondage.

Liam spanked Tommy again and then pushed his cock into the boy's arsehole. Tommy moaned and said it was too big simply to boost the man's ego. "Too bad, Tommy boy. You are on this ship to be fucked," responded Liam. "And I will be fucking you on a regular basis from now on."

Tommy said nothing but he hoped the man would hurry up and finish. And luckily for Tommy, Liam didn't have the stamina or the staying power of the captain. It took less than five minutes before Liam grunted and spunked off inside the boy.

"Now suck me clean," demanded Liam as he pushed his softening cock in front of Tommy's face. Tommy didn't hesitate to take the cock into his mouth. "You look really cute with a cock between your lips. Maybe next time I will feed you my piss," said Liam. Tommy looked up at Liam and wondered if he was serious. "Hell, with those pretty features and gorgeous blue eyes I might just piss over your face as well as in your mouth." Liam had an evil grin on his face as he spoke.

Tommy let the cock slip from his mouth. "I don't think I am required to accept that, sir," he said.

Liam slapped Tommy's face. "You will accept whatever I give you. You're nothing but a sex toy."

Tommy felt tears coming to his eyes but he just stared at the man.

Liam looked away and then bent down to untie the ropes binding Tommy's wrists. "Turn over," he said when the ropes were off. Tommy lay back and felt much relief when the cock cage was removed. "Now get your skinny arse dressed and get out of here," said Liam.

Tommy said nothing but he dressed quickly and hurried off to his own cabin for a shower.

Tommy didn't see the captain until lunchtime. He was serving the starter when Per noticed the red marks on Tommy's wrists. "What happened to your wrists, Tommy?" the man asked.

Mr Fox tied me up this morning, sir," replied Tommy.

"What? That's not right," said Per. "Did he hurt you in any way?"

"Not really, but he put myÉ" Tommy pointed to him crotch..."in a cage and it was very uncomfortable. I didn't like it."

"Come with me now." Per stood up, took Tommy's arm and led him out of the restaurant. The head waiter looked on and shook his head.

Once inside the captain's cabin, Tommy was asked to drop his trousers and show the captain his cock and balls. The captain was seated when Tommy displayed himself. "How long did he make you wear this cage?" Per asked as he reached out to examine Tommy. "There are some marks on your soft skin."

"All night, captain," replied Tommy.

"So he didn't allow you any pleasure," responded Per. "He's not going to get away with this. Don't worry, Tommy. You won't be spending any more time with that monster."

"Thank you, sir." Tommy smiled and his cock began to stiffen under the gentle touch of the captain's fingers. "Oops, sorry." He giggled as Per smiled up at him.

"Perfectly natural," said Per before bending down to take the cock into his mouth.

It only took Tommy a few minutes before he warned Per of his impending orgasm. "I'm going to cum, captain!"

Per sucked harder while fondling Tommy's buttocks. When Tommy gasped and began spunking off, he swallowed every drop. Then he said, "I hope that makes up a little for missing out last night. And I will make you cum again this evening."

"Thank you, captain." Tommy smiled and then stood up on tip-toe to kiss the man.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 12

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