Daddy Type

Published on Aug 9, 2023


Daddy Type - Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight – {01-2017 - 03-2017}

Saturday, just before noon, two vehicles pulled into the driveway. I walked out and saw Cody and Luke climbing out of Luke's car while the four parents were getting out of a large SUV parked behind. I wanted to wrap my arms around them but stuck my hand out to shake instead.

"Coulter, these are my parents, Nate and Sarah Zeller," Luke said to me.

"Welcome," I said, extending my hand in greeting. I was impressed by how good Luke's dad looked considering his battle with cancer. From appearances, he was winning the battle, and I hoped his progress would continue.

"And these are my folks, Leo and Shannon Brownly," Cody explained.

I followed up with additional handshakes.

"Welcome. I have some food and drinks out if you'd like to have something before unloading the vehicles. Also, if anyone needs the facilities, there's one down the hallway on the right."

The seven of us walked into the house, and the folks took the opportunity to use the restroom. I had a selection of rolls, sandwich fixings, fresh fruit, and a big bowl of tossed salad on the peninsula. After everyone had a bite, I gave a tour of the house, starting with the boys' rooms.

"So, that's the main floor. If you'll follow me, I'll show you the basement."

As we turned into the gym area, Nate let out a whistle.

"Quite the space," Leo said.

"I've been working on being more fit since I found out I am diabetic. I didn't want to pay for a gym that I'd make a lot of excuses not to use. I figure this is one of the things both boys like most about living here."

"It is a nice perk," Nate admitted.

I didn't show them the showers, mechanicals, or the playroom. Instead, I led them out the back door.

"Very nice," Shannon said as we walked around.

"I bought this after my divorce, but found I was getting a bit lonely. I decided to rent the rooms, and Luke and Cody impressed me when they stopped by last December."

"We weren't too keen on Cody moving off campus," Leo explained. "I remember living in a dorm as being a wonderful experience. But he is an adult, and I need to let him make his own choices."

"It's nice that the neighborhood is close to school," Sarah pointed out.

"It's a quiet neighborhood," I added.

"I guess we should get everything out of the cars and into your rooms," Nate said. "We've got about four hours on the road to get back."

"If they decide to stay here next fall, the boys can leave a lot of their stuff in their rooms. That way, there's less hauling back and forth."

"What about when your family visits?" Shannon asked.

"Both my parents died years ago; I'm an only child of only children, so I don't have any close relatives."

The four showed sad looks, but no one commented.

It only took a few minutes to get the SUV unloaded and Luke's car cleared out. Their parents gave them hugs, gave them some final words of advice, and took off. The boys followed me back into the house, and with the door closed, "Finally," Cody said. He threw his arms around me and kissed me deeply. As soon as he disengaged, Luke did the same. Then they shared a deeply passionate kiss as well.

"Well, why don't we get you two completely unpacked?" I suggested.

"I have a better idea," Luke stated. "Let's get you completely naked and show you how much we missed you."

"I like that idea," I admitted. "But I'd like to give it about fifteen minutes to make sure your folks don't turn around and return."

"Worry-wort!" Cody laughed.

"Yup! That's why my hair is going gray!"

"I don't see any gray," Luke teased.

They followed me down the hall to what was officially Luke's bedroom. I helped him put clothing away for a short time; then decided they had the right idea.


"Woo hoo..." Cody yelped.

"Let's go..." Luke started, but I just pulled my shirt off and shucked down my pants. Wearing only a jock, I flopped down on Luke's bed.

Cody and Luke quickly followed suit and joined me.

"Sex in every room?" Cody asked.

"Sure. Eventually, well, maybe not in the mechanical room."

We spent some time touching, licking, and generally exploring each other's bodies. It was clear the guys missed me as much as I missed them. Their focus was mainly on me. Mine was evenly split. After a bit, we were positioned in a triangle: me sucking Cody, Cody sucking Luke, and Luke sucking me. After a while, I called "switch," and we reversed positions.

"I need fucked," Cody said, coming off my dick.

"That can be arranged," I concurred. "Me or Luke."

"How about Cody fucks me and you fuck Cody," Luke offered.


Luke got on his back, pulled his legs up, and Cody got him prepped. Cody slipped in and buried himself. I got behind Cody, got him ready, and slid in. I pulled back and let Cody do all the work. Cody got the pace going fast, thrusting back and forth as he fucked himself on my cock and reamed out Luke's ass.

Considering our state, it didn't take very long before Cody's moaning picked up.

"Fuck," he yelped as he buried himself in Luke's ass and shot.

With him stationary, I started thrusting harder and faster into his ass. It took only a few minutes for me to shoot.

"That was a great first round," I said with a bit of a laugh.

After dinner, we watched a bit of television, but the combination of travel and four rounds of sex had them worn out.

"Bedtime," I suggested.

"Yeah," Cody agreed.

I turned off all the lights as Cody and Luke headed to the hall bathroom. I did the needful and then climbed into bed. Very quickly, I was joined – one on either side. Both boys kissed me, kissed each other over me, and then nestled their bodies up against me.

Sunday morning, I woke up at my usual time, six a.m., and found myself trapped. Cody was on my right with an arm thrown over my chest and a leg over mine. Luke had his back to me, but he was so close that you'd think we were one and the same.

I got to thinking about the day ahead. I didn't have any work to get caught up on; they didn't have any homework. We could have a day together without distractions, breakfast, fun, lunch, more fun, dinner, okay, I had an outline. Restaurants were the easy part. I started trying to figure out the fun part, laser tag, go karts, Top Golf, movies, hiking, my mind raced around.

I'd been lying there a while thinking when Cody stirred.

"Morning," he said softly.


I put my hand on his head and let my fingers gently play with his hair. He wrapped his arm over my chest and pulled himself tightly to me. We lay there, me playing with his hair and trying not to wake Luke.

"He's not a morning person."

"Nope," I agreed.

Cody and I snuggled, stroked, and from time to time licked each other until Luke started to stir.

"Morning," he said quietly.

"Morning," we echoed back.

Clean, dressed, and ready for the day; we climbed into the truck, and I drove us to a local Greek diner for breakfast. I was bad, having a walnut waffle and corned beef hash.

We drove over to the Autobahn go-kart track as soon as it opened, participating in one of the fourteen lap races right away.

"That was killer," Luke enthused.

"How `bout another?"

"Sure!" Cody said.

We got into our cars, and the second race soon started. Luke was more aggressive this time and quickly took the lead. Cody and I tried to catch up, but the pack was too dense for us to get through. Luke took the checkered flag almost an entire lap ahead of me.

The race over, we climbed out of our cars and met up at the snack bar.

"You were a man obsessed," Cody said.

"I enjoyed the first race because there weren't so many karts. I was concerned about how things were going to go with so many on the track," Luke responded.

"Your early move paid off. I couldn't catch up once you'd gotten up front," I said.

We chatted a bit more about the race.

"One more or on to the next?"

"Next?" Cody asked.

"I told you this was going to be a fun day together."

"Next!" Luke grinned broadly.

Cody just nodded his head in agreement.

I drove us up Route 28 into the Ashburn area and pulled up to Top Golf.

"I've never played golf before," Luke said.

"Neither have I," Cody agreed.

"This isn't really golf," I explained. "More like a driving range, but with bull's-eyes."

I signed us up for a bay, got each of those clubs, and a couple of buckets of balls. We were on the upper tier, and it gave a great view of the driving range.

"Okay, so how does this work?" Cody asked.

"It's easy," I explained. "Take a ball, place it here to register it, then hit the bull's-eye." I did what I said, placing the registered ball on a tee and driving it out towards one of the targets.

"Man, you almost hit the bull's-eye," Luke exclaimed.

"So, you see my score on the display. Who's next?"

We'd each hit about 10 balls when the waiter came by again.

"Ready to order?"

"How about the nachos, some mango habanero wings, and a pretzel board to start?" I suggested.

Cody nodded his head, but Luke spoke up. "The Buffalo chicken flatbread sounded good."

"Sure, add that to the order," I said.

"Drinks?" The waiter asked.

Luke asked for a "Dr Pepper."

"Pepsi," Cody said.

"Diet Pepsi, please," I said. After the waiter walked off, I looked at Luke. "No alcohol?"

He shook his head. "Not today. I want to keep my head clear."

"Smart man."

We had a fun time just doing things together. When we got home, I looked at the two of them. "So, what's your class schedule like?"

"I've got three classes tomorrow: seven-thirty, eight-thirty, and ten-thirty. At twelve, I have a lab. Tuesday and Thursday, I have a nine and a ten-thirty," Cody said.

"For the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes, it's ten-thirty, twelve-thirty, and two-thirty," Luke explained. "For the Tuesday and Thursday classes, it's ten-thirty and noon."

"Well, I can drop you off on campus on my way to the train station," I said to Cody. "You'll be there a little early, as I typically get the 7:03 train. That shouldn't be too bad."

"It's cool. I can study at the library or the JC until Luke's done and ride back with him."

"On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I could take the 8:16 train, but that just means I won't get home as early."

"Naw, just drop me off at the normal time. I can get some stuff done before class if I need to."


We watched some TV before going to bed.

The next morning, my alarm system started playing music. This morning, it was an old eighties song, With You I'm Born Again that woke me up. Both Luke and Cody were snuggled up against me, and it felt damn good. After Billy Preston and Syreeta finished, Kane Brown's soulful song Heaven started to play. "You and me in this moment, it feels like magic, doesn't it? I'm right where I wanna be," he sang. I couldn't have agreed more. But when he sang, "lying next to you, in this bed with you... I don't know how Heaven could be better than this" all I could think was AMEN!

"Morning," Cody said quietly.

"Morning, handsome."

His face beamed up at me.

"One more song?"

"Yup, then the beat picks up."

"Can you turn it off?"

"Only if you hand me my phone."

Cody rolled over and handed me my phone. I pulled up the app and turned the system off.

"Cool. Now Luke can sleep in a bit."

"No... I'm awake."

"Morning," Cody said, resting his chin on my chest.

"Y'all get up too damn early."

"Speaking of which, we need to get a move on or I'm going to miss the train."

Cody quickly disengaged, jumped out of bed, and I followed. With that, Luke grabbed all the covers and buried himself under them.

I looked at Cody, and he just shrugged his shoulders. We both chuckled a bit as we went into the bathroom. After I flushed, I said to Cody, "I'll get the coffee. Why don't you start your shower?"

"I was going to go to my bathroom for that."

"This is your bathroom."

He had a funny look on his face.

"Those are your study rooms, but this is your bedroom, and this is your bathroom as much as it is mine. We may have to use the other ones when we're in a rush, but..."

"Ok. I get it."


He began fiddling with the shower controls. I walked down the hall, grabbed two mugs, and poured coffee. I added some cream for him and walked back to find Cody well into his shower. I put my towel on a hook next to the door, grabbed my washcloth, and joined him. I soaped up and started scrubbing myself.

"I'll do your back if you do mine," he offered.

I just spun around to give him access. Once he was done, we flipped, and I did the same for him.

"This showering together is really nice," he said.

I rinsed my face and hair, then leaned over and kissed him on the lips.


After drying himself, he padded across the hall to get dressed. I started thinking about how we could effectively share the closets, dressers, and such.

Cody met me in the kitchen, where I had put breakfast sandwiches in the oven to heat. I got them wrapped in foil, grabbed a lunch, and we headed for the door. As we climbed into the truck, I had an odd thought.

"Can you drive a stick?"


"Ok, so driving lessons start this weekend. I know Luke can't either."

I saw Cody nod out of the corner of my eye.

I got us onto Campus Drive, then took a right onto Patriot's Circle and found a spot to drop him off that would be an easy walk to the Johnson Center and class buildings.

"Have a great day," I said as he climbed out.

"You too! Kiss!"

He shut the door, and I headed to the train station.

The day at work was relatively straightforward, and I hopped the train back home that evening. When I got there, the house was quiet, but I knew someone was home because Luke's car was in the driveway.

I dropped my bag in my office, put my lunch stuff in the kitchen, and walked down the hallway. I found Luke at his desk, hunched over a book, with earbuds in.

"I'm home," I said loudly.

"Cool. I'll be out as soon as I finish this chapter."

"No worries."

I walked down to the next room and found Cody laying on his stomach with his elbows propping up his head. He had a headset on and was reading. He saw me and waved.

"Almost done," he said.


I went into my bedroom - no, I had to start thinking of it as our bedroom - and got into my workout clothing. I headed downstairs and started my warmups. I was on the treadmill when both came into the room. I had the music cranked, which is my norm, so there wasn't a lot of conversation. They got into their workout, and we moved along well. I was done first, so I spotted Luke first and then Cody. Once everyone was done, we headed into the shower to clean up.

"Sex?" Luke asked as he started drying off.

"I'm game, but it will delay dinner."

"I'm hungry," Cody said.

"How about dinner, snuggle time, and then sex?" Luke offered.

"Works for me," I admitted. "What do you want for dinner?"

I got a deer-in-the-headlights stare from both.

"Let's see, I have chicken tenders I could bread and fry. With the fryer out, I could do fries or onion rings. I could use buffalo sauce to coat the tenders and serve them with blue cheese dipping sauce. Finally, some celery and carrots to add to the mix. Or I could..."

"Stop, that'll work," Luke said.

Cody nodded his head in agreement.


"Where do you get your hair cut?" Cody asked as I drove him to school Thursday morning.

"Over on Lee Highway." I explained. "I've been going to Julie since I moved out here. She changed barbershops once, but I followed her."

"Hmmm, I could take the Mason shuttle, I think."

"Yup. Or Luke or I can take you over. Or you can borrow a free vehicle."


"Okay, you can't borrow my truck, but I'm sure Luke will let you drive over. I'll set up a time to start teaching you to drive a stick."

"How often do you go?"

"It used to be every other Monday after work. For some unknown reason, my schedule has been a lot less regular over the last few months. She's off on Sunday and Tuesday."

"Maybe we could go together."


By this point, I was at the drop-off point.

"Have a great day," he said as he climbed out. "Love you!"

"Love you!"

With that, I headed for the train station.


"Guys, I want to work on the master bedroom this weekend," I said during dinner on Friday night.

"What's there to do?" Luke asked.

"I was thinking I'd get another dresser since they still make the furniture. Then I want to figure out how to give you and Cody room in the closet."

"You don't have to do that," Cody replied.

"It's our bedroom, not just mine anymore."

They both looked at me a bit funny.

"It's our home, guys."

They both nodded this time.

"I was thinking we could get one of those closet organizing systems. Take out the shelf and the single rod and replace them with maybe two rods the full length of the space. It would double the hanging space. We could each keep essential clothing in the bedroom and store stuff we don't wear much in the other rooms."

"That's really nice of you," Luke said.

"Part of being our house!"


After we'd completed our Saturday morning routine, I figured it was time to get to work on my project.

"Guys, I'm going to run to Ethan Allen and then over to the Container Store. Would either of you like to go?"

"I want to finish my homework," Luke said.

"I'll go," Cody replied.

As soon as Cody said he'd go, Luke got a funny look on his face.

"Do you need to do anything to get ready?" I asked Cody.

"Yeah, give me five," he said. With that, he headed back toward the bedrooms.

"What's wrong?" I asked Luke.



"Can I change my mind?" he asked.

"Yes, of course. I don't want you to feel like you must go. I also don't want you to feel left out."


"Look, there will be times when you go and Cody doesn't, when you two go and I don't, etcetera."

He smiled.

"If you're going, get your shoes on and get ready."

He sprang up off the couch and ran down the hall. I had to stop myself from telling him not to run in the house!

Cody returned and raised an eyebrow when he noticed Luke missing.

"He changed his mind," I said.

That elicited another look from Cody. I just gave him a huge grin as I heard Luke coming back.

I drove us to the furniture store, and we found the display from my bedroom's line.

"Here's the standard dresser," I said to the guys. "And here's the tall dresser."

They both nodded a bit.

"I was thinking the tall dresser would fit in that space between the bathroom door and the wall where the chair is. The downside is that it only has five drawers, not six."

"But they're deeper and look like they're a tiny bit wider," Luke said.

"Plus, where do you have the wall space for anything that wide?" Cody said, pointing to the standard dresser.

"Agreed, I really just wanted to look in person before ordering."

"They don't have these in stock?" Cody asked.

"Nope. They order from the warehouse and then deliver it," I explained.


We'd finished our discussion when the salesperson walked up. I explained what I wanted and went to the sales station to place the order.

As we left the store, both guys were a little quiet.

"What's wrong?"

"That was a lot of money," Luke said.

"It's an investment. I found this set when I was first moving in and furnishing the house. The line is very mid-century modern and fits the house. Having another piece in the line before they discontinue it is a good thing."

The expressions on both their faces eased a bit.

I drove us over to the container store and went to the Elfa counter. I explained to the associate what I wanted and provided the dimensions of the closet. The associate had the design laid out quickly.

"It'll take about half an hour to get everything ready," he explained. "Did you want us to install it?"

"No, I've got two able-bodied assistants, and the system isn't hard to set up," I replied.

This provoked some interesting looks from both my guys again.

"What now?"

"I've never done anything like this," Cody said.

"Time to learn. It's easy. I installed this in the mechanical room by myself, and with you two helping, this should be a breeze."

We walked around the store and browsed for a bit. Not finding much to interest them, the guys went to the Starbucks next door and got themselves a drink. They walked up to me as I was paying for the parts. Again, I got concerned looks based on how much I was spending.

When we got home, I threw together some lunch.

"If you two need to get your homework done, go ahead. I need to do the demolition first. I might call for help in a bit."

Luke headed into his room, but Cody stayed in the kitchen.

"I don't really have any," he explained.

I gave him a look.

"I get it done either after you drop me off on Tuesdays and Thursdays or while I'm waiting for Luke in the afternoons."

"Smart man," I said.

With Cody's help, it didn't take long to empty the closet, putting everything on a sheet on the floor and removing the original shelf and rod. Then he helped me sand down the wall.

"We probably should put a fresh coat of paint on everything since we're going to this much effort," I said.

I went downstairs and got the paint, brushes, and rollers from the storage area. Cody applied it with the roller while I cut in the edges.

"Well, that's it for today," I said. "We can install quickly once the paint is dry."

Cody just gave me a big smile.


When I got up at six on Sunday morning, neither Cody nor Luke stirred. I'd made it clear that they could live according to their own schedules, but I went to bed on the early side. Cody seemed okay with ten p.m., but it was a huge adjustment for Luke. Last night, after sex, he'd gone back to watch television.

I took care of things in the bathroom, then padded out to the kitchen for coffee. I was sitting there, staring out the windows, when I felt arms wrap around me.

"Morning," Cody said softly into my ear. "You were deep in thought."

"More like staring off with nothing on the mind. But, if I'm being honest, I'm thinking about how much happier I am now."

Cody kissed me. "Good!"

He walked over and grabbed a mug of coffee.

"This is good," he said after a couple sips.

"French vanilla," I explained. "I know it's Luke's favorite."

"It's good. I'll add it to my yum list."

"Which coffee do you like most?"

"I usually pick Costa Rican or the Eight O'Clock hazelnut. I don't like it really strong, so if someone does the hard stuff, I add cream."

"Let's pick up some hazelnut coffee for you."

"We don't need to."

"It's easy. With the French press, making what we want in the morning isn't any harder than k-cups."

"And no waste," he agreed.

"Plus, I like hazelnut. I agree with you that I don't care for dark roasts."

"Refill your mug and come on," Cody said.

I got a refill, and Cody took my hand. We curled up on the sectional.

"This is the way to start a day," he said.

"I couldn't agree more."

We talked a bit about the week ahead for both of us. We had a quiet, leisurely conversation. It was about nine, when Luke walked in, holding a mug of coffee. His face was an interesting study. I patted the sectional next to me on the other side. He sat and curled up.

"Morning," I said. I kissed him on the side of his face.

"Good morning," Cody said. He reached over and ran his hand down Luke's arm.

"Morning," Luke replied. It was clear Luke wasn't fully awake. "Been up since the crack of dawn?"

"Three hours for me," I admitted.

"Only two hours for me," Cody said.

"Coffee's good," Luke said. "Thanks!"

"Welcome. Hungry?"


"Let me up, and I'll get started on breakfast."

"Noooooo..." Luke said. "Comfy."

"I'll get it," Cody said. "Leftover casserole?"


I stayed snuggled up with Luke until Cody let us know that breakfast was ready.

"Up and at'em," I said.

"Aw, this is too nice!"

"It was, and more comfy time will come, but for now, breakfast and projects."

"Okay." He jumped up and headed for the kitchen.

We sat with Cody and started eating. After cleaning up, we got to the project.

"What's the plan?" Luke asked.

"The hard part is mounting the top track," I explained. "It needs to be level. Once that's done, you hang the standards, attach the shelf brackets, and then put on the shelves and poles."

"Then we load all our stuff," Luke said.


It took us about an hour to get everything set up, it was truly a simple closet solution.

"How do you want to do this?" Cody asked.

"My plan was to put pants on the bottom pole, shirts on the top pole, and stuff that doesn't hang on the shelf."

"I don't have that much hanging stuff," Luke admitted.

"You fold your polo shirts currently, don't you?"

"Yeah..." He had an odd look on his face. "I could hang them and use less drawer space."

"At least for now," I agreed. "Over time, your needs for hanging space will change as your wardrobe adjusts to what you're doing."

"More dress shirts for work," Cody said. His voice seemed halfway between statement and question.

"Exactly. You may end up somewhere that is shirt and tie, or mostly polo, or some combination of the two."

I went through my shirts, choosing what I wanted to keep in this closet, what I wanted to keep in another closet, and what I should donate as I wasn't wearing it any longer.

"That looks so good," Luke said.

"We do good work," Cody added.


"What do we do with the rest of the day?" Cody asked.

"Movies and snuggle!" Luke exclaimed.

"Works for me," I concurred.


Monday at work was a bit on the boring side. I got an email from the store indicating that the dresser would be delivered later in the week. Of course, it was a large window of time to allow the drivers ample leeway to deal with each delivery fairly.

"Are either of you able to be home between two and five on Thursday? If not, I can see about working from home that day," I asked as we worked on dinner.

"I can do it," Cody said. "Plus, you've got your get together with your friends."

"You two can come if you want. I think some of the guys would like to meet you," I said.

"Naw, that's okay," Luke said.

Cody just shook his head.

I started wondering if there was something more to their answer. I'll admit that dealing with my friends about our relationship wasn't something I was quite comfortable with. But at the same time, I was committed to this, and they'd have to meet eventually.


"Where are your guys?" Stephen asked as I sat at the table.

"I asked; they had other plans," I explained.

Stephen got a look on his face.

"I wonder if we intimidate them," he said.

"Could be," I admitted. "I didn't press. They could have homework."

"Maybe meeting some of the gang in another setting would be good," Chris suggested.

"Luke's met a lot of you. Halloween two years ago at dinner."

"But he was just a hot friend," Stephen said. "Things are a bit different now."

"True. I'm not going to force things. I just want them to be comfortable."

"Dinner at your place?" Chris asked.

"I can explore that."

"What are you exploring?" Phil asked, as he sat down.

"How to make Cody and Luke feel at ease with my friends."

"Well, this has got to be a lot for them to process. The age difference, a non-conforming relationship, you have a group of close friends, and they are more outsiders."

"You've always been the counselor type," I said with a laugh. "Luke has met a lot of my friends before, you included. But as Stephen pointed out, that was before we dated."

"He may be concerned about appearance."

"Start small, just a few for dinner," Phil suggested.

"That's what Chris suggested."

"See, two great minds!"

I gave a chuckle at that.

"What are you singing tonight?" Phil asked.

"You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like That, a Toby Keith song."

"Hmmm... who you been kissing?" Stephen asked. There was a hint of mischievousness in his voice.

"Cody and Luke, that's all."

"Look forward to hearing it," Phil said.


"Are either of you free tomorrow?" I asked as I was working on dinner.

They looked at each other and shrugged.

"I've got a little homework but nothing much this weekend," Cody said.

"Same," Luke added.

"I figured I'd teach one of you to drive a stick."

Both guys had deer-in-the-headlights looks on their faces.

"What's wrong? I know I've mentioned wanting to teach you before."

"It's so big," Luke said.

I put one hand on my crotch. "You've never complained about it before," I said with a chuckle.

That caused Cody to laugh.

"Punny, very punny," Luke deadpanned. "I meant that truck of yours."

"It's not like I'm going to make you drive on I-66 in the middle of rush hour, but you do need to know how to drive the truck since it's one of only two vehicles here."

"Fair," Cody replied.

"We can go over to the mall parking lot early and drive around some."

"Okay," Luke agreed.

"So, who first?"

"Why not both of us?" Cody said.

"Fine with me."


Sunday morning, we were up, dressed, and well fed early. I wanted to get as much practice time in the parking lot as I could.

"Okay, as I drive over, try to watch what I'm doing," I said to Cody, who was sitting in the front passenger seat.

"Truck's in neutral," I said as I jiggled the stick. "Right foot on the brake and press the clutch in fully with the left. Then turn the ignition. Next, put the truck into first gear. Now the hard part, and I mean it from the standpoint of getting used to it. As you lift your left foot off the clutch, give the truck gas with your right. At first, you'll probably have some jerky motion, but as you get used to it, it'll get smooth."

I did as I explained and turned onto the street and started off.

"You'll get used to the sound of the truck. Hear how it's revving loudly. Time to shift up, press the clutch, and release the gas. Change to second gear, lift the clutch, and give it more gas."

"Seems simple," Cody said.

"Yeah," Luke agreed from the back seat.

"It really is once you get the hang of it."

We got over to the mall about fifteen minutes later, and I parked. Cody swapped spots with me and I had him try.

"Shit," he said as he popped the clutch and stalled the truck.

"No worries, not enough gas compared to how far you released the clutch. Try this, push the clutch in fully. Lift your foot a little and press the gas a little. That's it; keep lifting and add just a bit more gas."

We jerked forward a bit, but he had us moving. As the engine revved up, I had him shift into second.

"That's it," I encouraged.

I had Cody repeat the process, then had him swap seats and repeat it with Luke.

"The lot's starting to fill up, and I think round one of classes went really well," I said.

"You're driving home," Luke said.

"Sure, swap places with me."

I drove us home, relieved that at least one of them could drive my truck in an emergency. We could do more practicing in the future.


When I got home from work, I let myself in the house quietly as normal. I could hear Cody and Luke talking.

"Shit, it's supposed to snow," Cody said.

"Not too much. We can keep an eye on it. Hell, all we have to do is get him there," Luke replied.

I slipped back to the front door. My suspicions were high as we were one week from my birthday. I opened the door, and closed it loudly. As I walked in, they weren't talking. I found them both in the den with books in hand. Luke, who was seated, popped up, hugged, and kissed me. Cody was laying on the sectional, so I walked over and kissed him.

"How was work?" Cody asked.

"Not too bad. The current sprint ends Friday, so things are a bit hectic."

"You're doing three-week sprints? Isn't that longer than normal?" Luke commented.

"Yeah, Agile indicates a one- or two-week length, but our cycle is three."

"Why the longer cycle?"

"I think the original scrum master set it up that way, and things have kept going. The inertia to change it isn't there. There was a point where I thought we'd need a faster cycle, but that didn't happen. We tend to spend three days on detailed requirements, two days on design, a week on development and developer testing, and a week on testing, mitigation, and release."

"How do you deal with security requirements?" Cody asked.

"Pretty much the same way we deal with all requirements, user stories are created, prioritized, and released as needed. When they started developing the software, they did the basics but didn't put a lot of thought into a strong security posture. Not long after I started there, we started adding stories focused more on security into the sprints until we felt we had things safe and secure."

"So how do you?" Cody started.

"Follow me to the kitchen and we can talk more. Otherwise, you're not going to get dinner tonight."

I walked into the kitchen and found Cody just behind me. We continued the discussion while we worked together to put dinner on the table.

"Thanks for the explanation," Cody said, as we put dinner on the table. "It'll help me in class."

"Any time!"

"So, how was your day?" I asked Luke as he joined us at the table.

"Eh, classes and more classes. Nothing exciting."

"I was thinking we could do a day trip on either Saturday or Sunday."


"Go somewhere close for the day and have some fun. Have you two been to Luray Caverns? Or maybe walk through historic Annapolis? I got it. How about Harpers Ferry. We can see the historic sites, and if the weather's nice, do some hiking."

The look on both their faces was classic panic!

"Hell, we could get a hotel room and make a weekend of it."

"It's supposed to snow on Saturday, plus I've got a paper that's due Monday," Luke said quickly.

"Oh, darn. What about you?"

"I've got, a lot of reading to get done," Cody explained.

"Ok. Well, I'll call Geoff and see if he's free."

"You're going to do it without us?" Luke sounded a little hurt. I wasn't sure if this was real or not.

"Well, if you two aren't available, I was thinking Geoff and I could hit the vineyards out in Loudoun or something like that. I won't be gone that long, and you two will be busy."

I was being evil. First, I knew they didn't have Geoff's number. Second, I knew that Geoff, a recent friend, didn't know my other friends. Third, I wasn't really planning to do anything. Again, I admit it was cruel; be a bit of a sadistic streak coming out.

As dinner ended, I said, "Guys, since you have so much homework, why don't you go work on it and I'll clean up?"

They disappeared looking kind of upset. I'm sure as soon as they were in the back of the house, the scheming began.

After the kitchen was clean, I went downstairs and changed, getting my workout going. I did my stretches, then thirty minutes of running, then my upper body routine. I took a shower, pulled on the scrub pants that I used as pajama bottoms and a loose t-shirt, and headed upstairs.

I found the guys in the den watching television. Cody was on the sectional while Luke was on the recliner.

"Get a lot done?"

"Yep," they said in unison.

"I called Geoff." My voice was upbeat, and their faces crashed. "He's busy this weekend, so I guess I'll have to find a better weekend for a day trip." Sadistic, yes, but truly evil would have strung them along.

I climbed onto the sectional next to Cody and snuggled up. I hadn't been there a minute when Luke got up and sandwiched me in. We all did a little adjusting and then watched until bedtime.

I was ready for bed, so I slid under the covers and moved to the center. Soon after, Luke got in, and I spooned behind him. It was a few more minutes before Cody climbed in behind me; he kissed us both and then spooned behind me.


Friday night, as we were getting ready for bed, Cody got an odd look on his face.

"Um, guys, I need to go to the Library of Congress to do some research for a paper. Can I get a lift to the METRO in the morning?"

"I can take you there," Luke said. "I could do some of my research too."

The next morning, they were up, cleaned up, and on the road early. The forecasted snow turned out to be flurries, so things weren't too bad.

My mind was wondering. How were they going to get me to whatever surprise there was? Was there a surprise today? Hmm.

I took a long, hot shower, and then debated what to do next. I opened the fridge and realized we were getting low on stuff. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt, grabbed a coat, and headed to the store. I had just pulled into the parking lot when my phone rang.

"Hey, Luke. What's up?"

"It's Cody. Luke's car broke down. We were able to get off I-395 into a parking lot, but that's it."

"Ok. He's got AAA, doesn't he? Does he need a tow?"

"Yeah, they're going to take the car to a place. But we're kind of stuck once they do."

"Ok, text me the address, and I'll head east."

"Thanks! Sorry about this."

"Stop me from grocery shopping; you're the ones that'll go hungry!"

He laughed.

I pointed the truck east on Braddock and was at a light when my phone beeped, signaling an incoming text. I touched the address, and the app started giving me directions. I flipped onto the Beltway and then onto I-395 north. The GPS had me get off at Duke Street. This might be the surprise, but then again, maybe not. It led me onto Beauregard and then into a small townhome community. Well, my suspicions were well placed; obviously, this wasn't taking me to a car place.

I saw Luke's car sitting in the driveway of one of the townhouses. I pulled in next to Luke's car. As I got out of the truck, the garage door in front of me opened.

"SURPRISE!" rang out from a lot of voices.

Luke and Cody were standing in front of all my friends as they cheered. There were a couple faces I didn't recognize and one I hadn't seen in a while, one of the directors from my old job, Justin.

As I walked into the garage, the door went down, and both Luke and Cody gave me a big hug.

"I wondered what you two were up to," I said.

"We thought you were going to screw things up with that day trip idea," Luke said.

"I'm glad I didn't," I replied.

"Long time, no see!" I said to Justin.

"It's been a long time. Darryl and Phil got this together and asked me to host the surprise. I do want to hear all about these two young men in your life. But let me introduce you to the two in my life. This is my son Casey, and his fiancée, my nephew Kyle." He used air quotes when he said nephew but not when he said son.

"Huh? What?"

"We'll talk."

Introductions complete, we moved into Justin's townhome. We'd never really socialized outside of work, him a director and me staff, but I'd known Justin, met his partner Liam, and later heard that Liam had been killed in an auto accident. Phil knew Justin and asked him to help with the surprise, and it turned out that Justin wanted to renew our relationship, moving it squarely to friendship.

"Thanks guys," I said to Darryl, Phil, Cody, and Luke.

"All we did was trick you into getting here," Cody said.

"What's the game plan?"

"Patience," Darryl said.

A few moments later, the doorbell rang.

"Guys, the bus is here," Justin called out.


"We got a party bus!" Phil explained.

I followed everyone outside, and we climbed into this wild bus with all sorts of lighting, tinted windows, music, and hell, there was even a stripper pole. Once everyone was onboard and most were seated, Phil and Darryl started passing out the mimosas or bloody Marys. I watched, and all three of the underage guys got the virgin versions.

Settled, I turned to Phil.

"So, where are we headed?"

"All will be revealed in time."

I looked out as the bus headed up I-395 and into the city. People were milling around, and who was beside me changed from time to time as my friends congratulated me on my fortieth and caught up on things. I kept looking around, keeping an eye on Cody and Luke, and noticed they were spending a lot of time chatting with Kyle and Casey.

Justin sat down next to me. "Tell me about these two young men."

"They are students at Mason who live with me. They moved in last December after Cody had some issues at the dorm."

"And how long have the three of you been together?"

I just stared at him without comment.

"I've been watching you since you got on the bus. The looks are subtle, but you are obviously in love with them both, and they with you. It didn't take me many minutes to figure out they are in love with each other when they arrived this morning. A triple?"

"I guess you could call it that. I've been dating Luke for just over a year and Cody for just over four months. They've been involved for about six years."

"Phil and Darryl told me you dated a college guy last year."

"Yeah, Rob. He was just what I needed at the time. Loving, attentive, fun."

"It's different with these two?"

"Yes and no. They are loving and fun. To be honest, I've fallen for them both, hard."

"What's the problem with that?"

"The couple thing is so ingrained in me. It's another hurdle to get through. Just like accepting yourself as gay with the straight thing so ingrained. I'm just working my way through it all. I think they are more like fuck it and enjoy."

"Good attitude. Love isn't about anything but love."

"Funny, that sounds like something I told them."

"Take your own advice."

"I plan on it. Tell me about your son and nephew."

Justin went on to tell me about how he'd rescued Casey when he was homeless; how he'd introduced Casey to his `nephew' – the gay son of a neighbor – and how the two of them had fallen in love, gotten engaged and were to get married after they finished their undergraduate studies.

"It's funny that Kyle, Cody, and Luke are all in school together," I commented.

"And Casey should join them next fall when he starts his junior year."

We didn't get to say much more because Chris sat down on the other side of me.

"Have you two met?"

"Just briefly," Chris said.

"Justin is the director of software testing where I used to work. Chris is a good friend and my real estate agent. He sold our condo and was my agent when I bought my house."

"I might be in the market soon," Justin said to Chris. "I'm thinking of moving closer to GMU to make the boys' commute easier, to have a yard, and maybe a fourth sometime soon."

"Fourth?" I asked.

"I'm dating. I met Angus in our UK office. Things are getting serious, and he's trying to transfer here."

"That's wonderful! You do have a thing for the UK, don't you?"

"He's Scottish. I guess it's the accent."

"Huh?" Chris grunted.

"Justin's first guy of twenty years was from Ireland. Liam was killed in a car accident, what, three years ago?"

"Sorry for your loss," Chris said. "But if you're looking for an agent."

"I recommend Chris."


They started talking about houses, and I stood up to get out of the middle of their conversation. I ducked my head, trying to look out the front windshield to see where we were headed.

"Happy Birthday," Luke said as he walked up to me.

"I wondered what everyone was planning. Y'all did a good job surprising me."

"Good!" He got up on his toes and kissed me on the cheek.

"Getting to know Kyle and Casey?"

"Yeah, Kyle's the same year as Cody, and they realized they'd had a class together. Kyle and I are the same major, but he's a year behind me. Casey's at NOVA until next fall."

"Yeah, I talked to Justin about them."


Luke moved off to chat with someone else while I sat next to other friends and chatted. I'd been sitting there for about fifteen minutes when Cody walked up to me.

I stood up to make it easier to hear.

"Happy Birthday!"

I gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he did the same to me.

The bus pulled into the Little Italy section of Baltimore about eleven thirty, and we all walked into Amicci's for lunch. After lunch, the bus took us to the harbor, and we took one of the boat tours. After that, we played tourist a little more before the bus dropped us off at Bertha's for seafood. After dinner, the bus headed south. We got back to Justin's late, and I thanked everyone for a great birthday celebration, thinking we were done.

"We have one more thing in the house," Phil said.

They brought out a large cake with forty candles. "Make a wish!" someone called out. I took a deep breath and blew them out. "Woo hoo! Wishes will come true!" exclaimed someone else.

I looked at Luke on one side and Cody on the other. "Uh huh!"

Justin and Phil teamed up to slice and serve the cake as fast as possible. Cody and Luke stayed next to me as folks continued to congratulate me and chat. It had been a great day, and it was nearly midnight when we climbed into the vehicles for the drive home. To be honest, I was exhausted; so, once home I stripped down, climbed into bed, snuggled up to my guys, and went to sleep.


My actual birthday was on Tuesday. At work, things were low key. When I got home from work, the house smelled good. I walked in and found Cody and Luke busy in the kitchen.

"What's this?"

"We're cooking your birthday dinner!" Cody announced. "We may not be gourmets, but we can cook."

"Thank you!"

I looked at them; both were wearing more comfortable clothing, so I went to the bedroom and changed.

"Can I help?" I asked as I returned to the kitchen.

"Nope, just sit there and tell us about your day," Luke replied.

I gave them a rundown of my day, uneventful as it was.

"I've been meaning to ask. How did the guys get up with you? I mean, they've met you," I said to Luke. "But they hadn't met you."

"We were home from school one day, and the phone rang," Luke explained. "It announced a call from Phil, so we let it go to voicemail. He called a second time, and we looked at each other, but when he called a third time, we answered, thinking you could be in trouble. Instead, he talked to me about the party."

"Cool, thanks again for working it all out."

About fifteen minutes later, they started plating dinner.

"The lasagna is really good," I commented after my first bite.

"Thanks!" Cody smiled like he'd been awarded first place.

"Spicy sausage in it?"


"What's the dressing on the salad?"

"I made a blood orange vinaigrette," Luke explained.

"And you two said you're not gourmet."

"Well, we've been planning this for a while and did the shopping after class today."

"Thanks for going to all the trouble!"

After we finished dinner, Cody took the dishes to the kitchen and returned with a small cake.

"Happy Birthday to you," they sang as he set it in front of me. There was a single candle on it, which I blew out after they finished.

"Thanks guys. Which of you baked this?"

"We're good, but not that good," Luke laughed. "We bought this at the store."

"It's really good!"

After we finished the cake, I helped them clean up.

"Y'all did too much, between the party and dinner."

"Nonsense. Time for your present."

Cody and Luke came up beside me and started pulling my shirt off. Within a few moments, they had all three of us naked. They each took my hand and led me downstairs, through the gym, and into the playroom.

They led me to the sling, turned me around, and pushed me in. Cody hitched my feet into the stirrups and looked down at me with a wicked grin.

They moved around on either side of me, bent over, and started licking. They focused their attention on my tits and then both worked up to my pits. It became obvious that they had planned this; it was well choreographed. The focus and attention were amazing. They licked, stroked, and otherwise paid intimate attention to my body, working from one area to another almost randomly but with a clear plan.

Finally, the pattern had them move apart, with Luke moving up to my face and Cody between my legs. It was clear this was still part of the plan. Luke bent over and started kissing me while Cody started working his tongue over my hole. After several minutes, they swapped positions.

I'd been quiet through most of the proceedings – a moan here and a groan there – but I kept my mouth shut. I'd been laying there for what I guessed was twenty minutes when I felt Cody's mouth take my straining dick into it. It took him only a moment to have me buried. I turned my head and found Luke's cock. I wrapped my hand around it and pulled him into my mouth.

I gave Luke a sloppy, wet blowjob while Cody did the same for me. Cody began riding me while I continued sucking on Luke. There was a little jostling, which I could not see, and then I felt Cody's ass slide down my cock.

"Fuck!" I groaned around Luke's cock, as Cody's ass bottomed out. That got a chuckle out of Luke. Cody started riding me while I continued to suck on Luke. The stimulation was too much for me, and it didn't take long till I filled his hole with cum. This triggered Cody to spray cum all over my chest and Luke to coat the back of my throat.

As we recovered and separated, they looked down at me. "Happy FUCKING Birthday!"

"It is one for the record books," I admitted.

We traipsed over to the bathroom and spent a lot of time touching and stroking as we got clean. We shut off all the lights, and they followed me to the bedroom. This was my favorite time of the day. Luke spooned in front of me, and Cody was behind me. As always, I slept soundly.


"Coulter, there's a delivery person at the front desk for you," Susannah said over the intercom.

"Thanks, I'll be right up."

I walked up front and found a guy with two large boxes. I signed for them, then went to pick them up.

"Flowers?" Susannah asked.


"Someone sent them to you?"

"Nope, I just ordered them myself."


I took off before the discussion could go any further. I got a lot of looks on the early train that day.

Once home, I got the boxes open and arranged the two dozen roses in a large vase. I grabbed my red tablecloth, covered the table, and then set the arrangement in the center. I set the table with my china, crystal, and silver, something I really hadn't done since the big Thanksgiving.

Things set in the dining room; I started on dinner. I got the steaks into the sous vide and set it for medium rare. I got the rest of dinner going and felt like I had everything ready.

I ran to the bedroom and stripped off my work clothes. I put on my jockstrap and a bow tie.

I was back in the kitchen when I heard the guys come in.

"You're home early," Cody called out.

"Holy fuck!" Luke exclaimed as he came into the kitchen.

"Happy Valentine's Day!"

"That's a better Valentine then we got you," Luke replied.

"I'm sure what you got it great!"

Cody appeared at the doorway and said, "Damn, you look good."

"Thanks! Dinner is almost ready," I said. "We're eating early."

Luke turned to Cody and said, "We need to change."

They both took off. I started browning the steaks in my cast iron skillet while they were gone. A few minutes later, they both arrived wearing their jocks.

"Would you fill the glasses on the table?" I asked Luke.

He took the pitcher of water, and I quickly heard him exclaim, "Damn!"

"What did he find?" Cody asked.

"The table is set for the day."


Cody helped me get the food into serving dishes.

"Here," Luke said, handing me a small box. "We realized that cheap chocolate from a drug store wouldn't cut it."

I opened the box to find a small box of what looked to be exquisite chocolate truffles.

"Very nice," I said. "You know me; I don't waste my carbs on the cheap stuff. I look forward to each one!"

Both my guys beamed.

"This is really nice," Cody said.

"It's part one of our first Valentine's Day together," I explained.

We sat, ate, and talked for quite a while. With dinner done, we cleaned the kitchen quickly.

"What's part two?" Luke asked.

"This way," I replied.

I led them down the hall to our bedroom. I climbed onto the bed, positioning myself in the center, patting each side, and then spreading my arms out.

Luke got on my left, Cody on my right. I pulled them in close. I gave them each a kiss and then put my hands behind their heads, gently pushing them together over me. I watched them kiss for a moment and then moved my head forward to join them.

My cock was quickly filling my jock's pouch. I could feel both guys' dicks hardening as they rubbed against me. For me, this wasn't about sex; it was about love.

As we ended the kiss, I pulled them both close.

"I love you both," I said.

"Love you," Luke said.

"I can't believe how much I love you both," Cody said.

We resumed kissing, the guys humping me a bit as we did.

"I have a bit of a surprise," I said after breaking the kiss. "You'll need to stand up for just a minute."

My guys got off the bed, giving me an odd look. I grabbed a folded piece of black fabric and started putting it across the bed.

"Grab that side and tuck it in a bit," I said to Cody.

He complied.

"Okay, you two get back on the bed. I'll be back in one minute."

I ran to the kitchen and got my accessories. The look on their faces when I walked back into the room was priceless.

"Chocolate sauce?" Cody asked.

"And strawberries."

Cody was laying back, with his head and shoulders propped up on some pillows. I took the squeeze bottle and ran a line of chocolate around both his nipples.

I leaned in to start licking. Luke got the idea and joined me. We cleaned up as much of the chocolate as we could. I took the bottle and squeezed some into Cody's belly button. Before I could get to it, Luke was slurping it out. Since I missed that opportunity, I drizzled some down Cody's now hard dick.

"Chocolate covered banana," Luke said with a bit of a laugh.

I just started licking Cody's cock clean.

"Hey, you can't have too much of this," Luke said. "Too many carbs!"

"Thanks for your concern," I said with a bit of a laugh. "I used twelve ounces of really dark chocolate and an equal amount of heavy cream. The entire thing has forty carbs and made two bottles. If we go through this entire thing, I might get ten carbs. I'll survive. Now, on your back. You're about to get chocolate covered."

Cody and I performed a similar ritual for Luke. Then he and Cody did it to me.

After that, I took one of the strawberries, drizzled some chocolate on it and then fed it to Luke. This started us feeding each other a bit in bed.

"Can I try something?" Cody asked.

"Sure!" Luke and I said in unison.

"On your backs, and pull your legs up," Cody said.

He took the squeeze bottle and poured some of the chocolate on my balls and then let some drizzle down my crack. He did the same to Luke and then set the bottle down.

Cody took his time licking our balls and eating our asses. He would move back and forth between the two of us. It seemed like he was trying to figure out the differences in taste.

"My turn," Luke said.

He followed a similar process but included some chocolate on both our dicks. He sucked each of us, bringing both of us close to the edge.

"Here," I said. I took the bottle and coated all three of our dicks. I started sucking Luke, while he sucked Cody, and Cody sucked me.

It didn't take long before we filled each other's mouths with cum. We lay there for a bit, enjoying the post-cum glow.

"Ready for part three?" I asked.

"Sure," Cody said.

Luke nodded his head.

"Follow me."

I took them into our bathroom. I got the water started, filling the bathtub. I took a long-neck lighter and got all the candles lit. I added a bit of bubble bath and then climbed in.

"How do you want to do this?"

"Well, it's a two-person tub, but I figure we can fit three," I explained. "Cody, get into the other seat."

"And then Luke can sit with you or me," Cody said.


Cody then Luke climbed into the tub. Once the water filled it well, I turned things off.

"This is really nice," Luke said.

"Yeah, thank you for thinking of all of this," Cody said.

"Like I said earlier, I love you both. To be honest, I can't imagine my life without both of you in it. We may not have been together for years, but I'm positive this is going to last!"


Some nights we slept quietly, hardly moving. Other nights, we tore the bed apart. When the music woke me up Wednesday morning, the linens were a mess, with part of the sheet hiding Cody's right leg and part of the blanket hiding Luke's ass. That was it; otherwise, we were completely uncovered. Cody's left leg was thrown over me and seemed to be competing for position with Luke's right leg. Their heads were both on my chest, with their faces only inches from each other. Upheaval has never looked so peaceful!

Somehow my arms were free, so I moved them down and started running my fingers through their hair. I was having fun feeling the differences; Cody's blonde hair was longer and thicker than Luke's short black hair. Luke's recent cut had left things bristly.

"Morning," Cody said after I'd been rubbing his head a while.


"I keep having the best dreams and waking up to find them real."

"Those are the best dreams!"

"It's too early," Luke interjected.

"We'll convert you to a morning person," Cody teased.

"With us getting up early every morning, you'd better get used to it," I concurred.

"It's only six, guys. Can't we sleep in some?"

"You can roll over and go back to sleep. Cody and I need to get ready."

"Eh, I'm awake. Maybe I'll go work out."

"Good. Don't want you getting fat," Cody teased him.

Luke lifted slightly and stuck his tongue out at him. I moved my hands and pushed them together more, saying, "Kiss and make up!"

That was a huge mistake, as they started a passionate kiss over my chest. I got hard in an instant watching them kiss. As they broke the kiss, first Cody, then Luke, noticed my condition, and both their heads quickly moved down to my cock. I don't think I'll ever get used to having two tongues working up and down my shaft.

I let out a deep groan as Cody's tongue hit my balls and Luke's started swiping across the tip of my cock. They traded off from time to time in what felt like a choreographed dance of tongues. With all their attention focused on me, it didn't take long till I was ready to shoot. In fact, I started squirting straight up, creating a cum fountain that started raining down on their faces.

As I finished, Luke swiped his tongue across the tip of my dick again to clean it. He then took hold of Cody's face and licked my cum off before allowing Cody the chance to do the same to him.

"Time to clean up," Cody said once his face was clean.

I was stunned that neither of them was hard, though it did look like they had been firming up.

"Shower first?" I asked Cody.


I walked into the kitchen naked and made two mugs of coffee, one black for me and one light cream for Cody. Caffeine in hand, I went into the bathroom and started my shave. Another change in my morning was Cody taking a shower, which made the mirror steamy. I needed to upgrade the exhaust fan!

Cody stepped out of the shower, and I couldn't help groping his ass as I stepped in. He smacked my hand lightly and went to get dry while I cleaned up.

Clean and dry, I thought about the day's schedule at work and chose a nice pair of dockers, a polo, and a sweater. Cody was dressed and ready when I walked into the kitchen. He'd made breakfast sandwiches for both of us. We ran downstairs, interrupted Luke's workout, kissed him goodbye, and headed out.

I dropped Cody at his usual spot on campus and got to the station just in time to catch the train. I ate on the way into Old Town and was to work on time.


"How was Valentine's Day?" Stephen asked.

"Spectacular," I admitted.

"Did the boys do something special?"

"They got me a box of truffles from this really nice chocolate shop."

"What did you get them?"

"Dinner, roses, and a special evening," I explained.

"Hmmm, sounds interesting."

"Chocolate, strawberries, and bubble bath were all involved."

"I think I get the picture."

"How was yours?" I asked.

"We're the old married couple. We didn't want to fight crowds at a restaurant. Had dinner, cuddled, and watched TV."

"Nothing wrong with that. I look forward to the old married state someday."

The look on Stephen's face confused me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I had to process that. Not that you're getting married, but that the three of you would get to the old married couple phase. It just took a moment."

"Gentlemen," George said, as he walked up.

"How goes George?" I asked.

"Good. We did a system update Tuesday night, so we have a better text stream on the screen for those that need the words. Also, the new release opened up a larger library of music. Finally, we can now take MP3s from memory sticks and upload them to the system."

"So, I can download a karaoke version of a song and bring it in if I want?" I asked.

"Yes, but check my library first. It's huge."

"Will do. I was just thinking that not every song has a karaoke version. I can use one of my MP3s and remove the vocals."

"Oh? You're a bit more advanced than most," George said. "What are you doing tonight?"

"If you've got Li Da Di I'd like to do that. If not, maybe you have Circle of One?"

"Let me check. I'll wave if I don't have one or the other," he said. "Well, I better get started."

A few minutes later, I noticed George showing me one finger.

"He's got Li Da Di," I said with a smile.


With Luke's dad doing better, he'd cut the number of visits home. It was the last weekend in February when he decided he really needed to go and visit. I figured Cody would tag along and visit his folks, but he declined. Luke looked a bit upset as I got ready to leave that Friday morning.

I cornered him in the gym.

"What's up?"


"Yeah. Okay. Sure. So, what's up?"

He looked at me with a truly pissed off grin.

"I was just figuring Cody'd go with me."

"He said he's got class work to do."

"Yeah. Okay. Sure," Luke replied, throwing my words back at me.



"Are you jealous? He'll be here alone, with me, just the two of us; is that what's bugging you?"


"Yeah. Okay. Sure. Right." I knew I'd hit the nail on the head with this issue. "Look, I've said it before, there will be times when it's just the two of us or the two of you, and if we get jealous of being the odd man out, this won't work. He loves you. I love you. You love us. The two of us being alone this weekend isn't going to change that."

"I know... but..."

"You know..." I said, pointing to his head. "But here, you're not as sure," I said, pointing to his heart.

"I'd say it's the other way around, but yeah, you got it."

"Do you trust me?"


"Then understand that when you get home on Sunday night, Cody and I will prove to you that nothing changed while you were gone."

He looked at me, perplexed. I simply kissed him.

"I love you, and I'll see you Sunday evening. Drive safe. Give your parents my best. Don't pick up any strange men! Now, I've gotta scoot, or I'm gonna miss my train."

"I love you, too."

I ran up the steps and found Cody waiting. We hurried to the truck, and I quickly got us headed for campus.

"What's got him bent?"

"A bit of misplaced jealousy."


"His heart's fine, but his mind's leading him to think that his being gone and us being alone will change things. I promised him that we'd prove him wrong on Sunday night after he got home."

"Huh? How?"

"By making love, like we always do!"


The conversation continued only for a few moments till I dropped Cody off on Patriot's Circle so he could walk to his first class. I had to run from my truck to the platform to make the train.

One of the bad things about my office was that all the cubicles, like mine, were in the interior, so you didn't really know what was going on outside – rain, sun, snow, whatever. You only knew if you walked over to one of the meeting spaces, offices, or break areas.

About two-thirty, my phone beeped.

`Nasty out. Can U pick me up L8R?'

`Sure, I'll text when I leave the train station.'

Both my guys teased me for sending texts in full sentences with correct spelling and punctuation.

By the time I finished work, my walk to the train station was in a light snowfall. As the train headed west, the amount of snow on the ground increased. The meteorologists were off a bit; the flurries were a bit more than predicted.

I arrived at the station and was relieved that it was in the parking garage rather than the lot, which was covered in ice and snow.

`At the station. Headed toward campus. Phone says thirty minutes. Traffic must be fucked.'

I got the truck started and queued up to leave. It took me nearly forty minutes to go the two miles from the station to campus.

"Hey!" Cody said as he climbed into the cab.

"Hey, back atcha! Do you need anything before we go home? I don't want to come back out in this mess."

"Do we need any groceries?"

"Probably worth running through the store."

I left the campus, crossed the main road, and went into the shopping center across from campus. Cody grabbed some of the reusable bags from the back seat, and we hurried into the store.

"Let's see, milk, bread, and toilet paper!" Cody laughed.

"They are probably out of all three, but I think we can survive without picking up more."

Walking through the store, we picked up some produce, some chicken breasts, a baguette from the bakery, and half-and-half for coffee.

Ten minutes later, we were home and had things put away.

"Workout?" I asked.


We both headed into the bedroom, changed, and headed downstairs. Cody chose the music playlist, and we got started. We worked out for about an hour and then went to the shower to clean up.

He stripped and threw his stuff in the hamper, while I got the water started. I slipped off my clothes and joined him under the jets.

"This always feels good after a workout," I said.

"Yeah, it takes the sweat away."

"And the soreness."

"Getting old?"


He laughed at me for a moment. He moved a bit closer and started massaging my shoulders with his soapy hands.

"That feels great," I said.

He worked on my shoulders for a little longer before moving in closer, his soapy front against my soapy back. I could feel his hard dick pushing against me.

"Is this okay?" he asked quietly.

"You're concerned about humping me?"

"No, I mean, without Luke here."

I turned to face him. My hard dick nestled against his as I took him into my arms.

"Cody, it's like I told Luke earlier, there will be lots of times when it's just the two of you, or him and I, or like now, just you and me. I travel for work, you'll travel to see your folks, he'll travel to see his folks, and once you're employed, you'll both probably end up traveling for work. It won't always be the three of us. What's important is that we don't let those twosome times impact the three of us."

I leaned forward and pulled him into a deep kiss.

Saturday morning, it did feel funny. I woke up with Cody spooned behind me and my arms wrapped tightly around Luke's pillow. Nine weeks? My brain was trying to cut through the wake-up fog, two weeks in December, three weeks in January, and now four weeks in February. Yes, we had been together for nine weeks as of yesterday. Well, technically it was eleven weeks, but they were gone two weeks for Christmas break.

"Morning," Cody said in the softest voice.

"Morning to you."

"I thought you were awake but didn't want to wake you if you weren't."


"This feels funny."

"I was just thinking the same thing. I woke up hugging Luke's pillow. You can kinda smell him in it."

We lay there quietly for a short time. It was nice having Cody's arms wrapped around me. I was enjoying myself when I heard Cody's stomach.



"Okay, up and at it."

He rolled away from me, and I rolled onto my back. He stretched his body, hands reaching towards the ceiling, back curving slightly, naked ass clenched.

"That's a view I always enjoy!"


"You! Naked! I love looking at you."

"Thanks," he said quietly.

With that, he walked into the bathroom. I stood up, pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms, and made the bed.

Cody walked out as I finished up.

"Bed made," he commented.

"Yup, that was a requirement growing up. Mom said if I accomplished nothing else during the day, I could at least say I had made my bed."

"Yeah, my mom requires that my bed be made before I may have breakfast."

"One thing we had in common growing up," I joked. My hand squeezed a butt cheek as I moved past him and went into the bathroom.

When done, I joined Cody in the kitchen.

"What's the game plan for today?"

"I thought you had a lot of schoolwork."

"No more than usual."

"So, why didn't you go with Luke?"

"I didn't want to," he replied; his tone was a bit harsh.

"Cody, I am just curious; there is no need to get defensive."

"Sorry. I told Luke that `cause he kept pushing me to go."

"You didn't want to go with Luke?"

"No!" He sounded exasperated. "I didn't want to go home."

I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"I'm tired of lying! Who am I dating, why am I not dating, and when am I going to date? They both harp on it, like I'm supposed to be tied down to someone before I graduate from college. Then there's church, what church I'm attending, how regularly I go, all that."

I chuckled at that.

"You know what I mean."

"I do, and I'm truly sorry that the situation is as it is with your folks."

"How do you think your dad would have reacted?"

"I'm not sure. Mom handled it so well, but then again, she'd lost Dad, and I don't think she could handle losing me. She might have come around faster than if my dad was alive. I think he would have come around and accepted me in time."

"There's just no way my folks will accept this. I know that when I come out, that's it; we're done."

"They could surprise you."

"No. You don't get it. What church did you attend growing up?"

"We started at Galax First United Methodist and then switched to Galax Presbyterian. Mom was the choir director, so when she changed jobs, we changed churches."

"Ever heard of Rock Church?"

I'm from southern Virginia; how could you not have heard of it? Their services were broadcast every Sunday on TV. What were their names?"

"The Gimenez family founded it; the Blanchards are in charge now. That's where we go."


"Yeah, there's not a snowball's chance my folks are going to accept me as a gay man. It's not a bad church. They do good things, but they are anti-gay from top to bottom."


"When I told my folks I was going to campus ministry, they weren't happy as it is a blend of denominations and fairly accepting. I pointed out that I didn't have a car, and that allowed me to attend every Sunday."

"Have you ever gone?"

"I went regularly before I met you. It's a good group."

"Grab the French press, and I'll get the water on."

"What coffee do you want this morning?"

"Good ole Dunkin will do for me."

Cody grabbed two presses and then pulled the coffee out of the freezer.

"I'm having hazelnut," he explained.

"Fine. Do you want the leftover frittata or something else?"

"How `bout I make biscuits and you do some bacon."


We got busy with breakfast and then sat in the den watching the snow fall.

"For flurries, that's a lot of snow," he said.

"The good thing is it will be warm tomorrow, so the roads will be good when Luke gets back."

I texted a picture of the backyard to Luke.

`Fuck Bad drive'

`Warmer tomorrow, should melt, be home before dark'

`Makes sense. What up?'

`Finishing breakfast. Time for chores.'


`Clear the driveway, a bit of laundry, cleaning'


`Have a good day!'


`Love you!'

He sent a heart emoji back.

I finished my coffee and biscuit sandwiches.

"Time to get busy," I said to Cody.


"You get to your homework, and I'll clear the driveway."

"Don't you want help shoveling?"

"Who said anything about shoveling? I've got a little snow blower in the back of the shed!"


I put my dishes in the dishwasher, went to the bedroom, and pulled on a pair of fleece-lined pants I'd gotten, a tee shirt and then a thick flannel shirt.

"You look very butch," Cody said.

"Well, I don't want to get cold."

"Smart man."

I went out back and opened the shed. I got the snow thrower and an extension cord. I'd decided on an electric model – not a lot of opportunity for use, but enough; and of course, I wouldn't have to drain fuel at the end of each season. I wheeled it around front to the and got started. I finished the sidewalk and was working down the driveway when Cody appeared.

"Can I try?"


He pushed it down the driveway to the street and then came back up.

"Pretty easy," he admitted.

"Yup! That's why I bought it. Let me move the truck."

I climbed in and moved the truck to the cleared section so it would be easier to finish the rest. That done, we finished up clearing the area.


The first of March, I was sitting at my desk when I got an idea. First, I sent a text to Cody and Luke, asking if they were free Saturday night. I got two duh, and what do you think responses quickly. Then I sent an email inviting Justin, Kyle, and Casey over for dinner. I was getting on the train to head home when I heard my phone chirp. After I got to my seat, I found that Justin had confirmed it for the three of them.

Saturday afternoon, you would have thought the Queen of England was coming to visit, the way Luke and Cody were behaving. I lost track of them as I was working on food in the kitchen, so I went searching.

"What's got you two so wound up?" I asked, having found them cleaning the downstairs bathroom.

They both stopped. "We have company coming," Luke said with an exasperated tone.

"True. I'm just not used to either of you cleaning the bathroom."

"We want everything to look good," Cody added.

I just nodded. I was about to say something when it dawned on me. We, all three of us, were entertaining guests, but it was their first time as adult hosts at their home.

"Well, just don't forget how to clean a bathroom! I think we could take turns," I said with a chuckle that garnered me evil looks. "At least now, I know you know how."

I quickly exited and went upstairs to finish my prep work.

About half an hour later, I was just about finished when I heard a noise behind me.

"Do I have time to get a shower?" Cody asked. Luke was right behind him.

"Sure. All three of us do, but we better each use a separate one or we'll still be in the shower when our guests get here. Tell you what, you two grab one in the two up here. I'll take my stuff and use the downstairs."

"No!" Luke was a bit loud. "We just cleaned that!"

"Ok. Then someone needs to hurry."

"Go get yours now; if they get here and I'm still dressing, it's ok," Cody said.

I went into the master bath and grabbed a quick shower. I put on a nice shirt and jeans, then slipped on my favorite cowboy boots.

"Looking nice," Luke said as he came down the hall behind me.

I turned and found him in a polo and sweater with jeans and loafers. "You too."

Luke helped me finish up the dinner prep and set the appetizer trays in the den. The doorbell rang, and Cody's voice said, "I'll get it."

Luke and I got to the foyer as Cody took the coats and hung them in the closet.

"Awesome location," Justin said. "I like the house too. You don't see many mid-century moderns around here."

"I wanted land, something different, and privacy when I bought. I got all three."

"How about a tour?" Luke offered.

"Great," Casey and Kyle said, almost in unison.

We started out in the den and let everyone get a drink and some appetizers. We finished the general living space, and Cody gave me a look, nodding his head towards the bedrooms. I just smiled at him to signal agreement. We got to the first bedroom, Luke's.

"This is my room," Luke said quietly.

He received a few nods. I noticed that both Kyle and Casey didn't say much about how plain the room was. We moved on, with Cody leading us through the jack-and-jill bathroom to his.

"This one is mine," Cody explained.

We showed them the guest room, and then I led everyone into the master.

"This is our room," I said, with emphasis firmly placed on the `our.'

The looks on Cody's and Luke's faces were priceless. I hadn't told them that Justin had figured us out.

"I use the office when I work from home; the guys study in their rooms," I explained.

"That makes sense," Justin concurred. "In any relationship, you need a space of your own."

The stunned looks turned into huge smiles.

We moved on, heading into the basement.

"Holy Shit!" Kyle exclaimed as he caught sight of the gym.

"Love the lockers," Casey said.

"This is a really nice space," Justin concurred.

"Wait till you see the showers," Luke said.

I just pointed to the door. Casey was the first in, followed closely by Kyle.

"Fuck!" Casey said.

Justin was standing right behind Kyle, so when he turned to speak to me, he had to shift a bit. "If y'all ever need house sitters, Casey and I volunteer."

"Yep, yep, yep!" Casey concurred. "And we promise to clean up everything when we're done down here."

That got a good laugh from everyone.

"Yeah, we cleaned it up earlier," Cody admitted.

"A good workout, then a great workout!" Kyle said.

That garnered a few snickers.

I led everyone out the backdoor, purposely avoiding the playroom.

After we'd finished the grand tour, we ended up back in the den for more drinks and appetizers.

"I need to do a couple things to finish up dinner," I explained.

"Let me help," Justin offered.

"Great place," Justin said. "Great guys too. You hadn't told them, had you?"

"No. I'm not sure if it slipped my mind or what."

"You made them happy."

"They make me happy!"


"When is Angus here next?"

"Well, I fly to the UK next week for work. He's coming next month. If everything works out, he moves here in July."

"Wonderful. How's the house hunt?"

"On hold. Oh, Chris is great, but I want Angus involved," Justin said quickly. He was reading the concerned look on my face.

"That makes sense," I admitted.

"I like this neighborhood a lot."

"If something comes up, I'll let you know. I can post on the community Facebook page and see if anyone is planning to sell."


I had everything ready at that point, and Justin helped me get things on the table.

"Dinner!" I called out.

I was surprised to hear the guys coming up from the basement.

"This is really good," Casey said after the first few bites.


"High praise. Casey is our little family's best cook, and I agree," Justin said.

"You really have a great workout area," Kyle said. "In fact, the entire basement is nice."

I gave a quizzical look to Cody and Luke, causing both to blush a bit. It didn't take a detective to know that they'd shown Casey and Kyle the playroom.

"Thanks; it was a lot of fun setting up the gym. The shower came later. I was dating this guy, Rob, and he kept pushing me to upgrade the facilities down there. It took a little work, but it is a nice place to clean up and relax after a workout."

"It looks like a great place to workout after you finish your workout," Kyle said.

That got a chuckle from everyone.

"I promise you, if we need a house sitter, you're it!"

That caused an even bigger laugh around the table.

"So, how's school?" I asked, looking at Casey.

"I've gotten straight As so far. My current classes are pushing me, but I'm enjoying them. I'm in the guaranteed admissions program. If I carry As and Bs, I can transfer to GMU and not lose any of my credits. It'll be cool to do my junior and senior years with Kyle. Well, sorta."

"Sorta?" Cody asked.

"I mean, same campus and all, but he's in IT and I'm in Social Services," Casey explained. "It's not like we'll see each other much during the day."

"He wants to help kids who end up in similar situations," Kyle said.

"That's great," Luke chimed in. "But isn't that going to be hard on you?"

"I think it would be hard on anyone. But, yeah, one of my teachers expressed concerns when I spoke about what I went through and what I wanted to do in class. She thinks I'll get too involved, but we're taught that that can be an issue with anyone. I need to learn to detach."

"Come home to someone you love," I said. Everyone, except Justin, looked at me with a bit of an odd expression. "With any job, if you have a bad day, you can clear it all out faster by coming home to someone you love. I had that for a while, I lost it, and now – now I have it again."

"How did the three of you meet?" Kyle asked.

"I'd gotten my life together after my divorce and was looking to date. I met Rob on one of the phone apps. We fell into a comfortable pattern, but he was moving to California for graduate school, so it wasn't going to last. I think he planned it by introducing me to Luke. I'll probably never know for sure. After Rob left, Luke came over and asked me for a date. He introduced me to Cody in September."

"Cody and I go back to his freshman year of high school," Luke explained.

I was glad when Luke didn't go any further, not bringing up the hard parts of our beginnings.

"I hear you're getting married," I said to Kyle and Casey.

"He proposed to me on my eighteenth birthday," Casey explained. He put his hand out to show an engagement band.

"I talked it over with Justin and my folks the night before. I promised them we'd wait till we graduated from college, or at least from undergraduate school. I wanted Casey to know just how much he meant to me," Kyle said.

"Aw, sweet," Cody said.

"Are you going to get married?" Kyle asked.

"Dude!" Casey said.

"Oh, sorry, that was stupid." The expression on Kyle's face showed he really did feel bad.

"No worries," Luke said. "We haven't really talked about it. Just something that won't happen, I guess."

"I was married once. It's no guarantee. It doesn't automatically make things better or stronger. You must have a solid relationship, a commitment to each other, good communications, and a whole lot more. That piece of paper makes things easier with the IRS or co-owning a house - all the legal crap. I know lots of guys who were together for a long time before it was legal to marry. They made their relationships work. That's what counts most!"

"Amen," Justin said.

"So, tell us about Angus," Luke said to Justin.

"Hmmm, he's from Glasgow, works in London, but is transferring to our Arlington office. He's a GUI designer and just got promoted to leading the UI team."

"He's leaving out the best details," Casey said. "He's a hunk."

That caused Justin to blush a little. "Well, I think he's a hunk. He's six-two, works out, and has what he calls typical Scottish red hair and a beard."

"He sounds handsome," Cody admitted.

Justin pulled out his phone, touched and swiped it a few times, and then handed it to Luke, who was to his right.

"WOOF!" Luke said.

Luke handed the phone to Cody, who made an appropriate growl. Cody passed the phone to me, and I got to see the red-headed hunk.

"Handsome," I said.

"We're celebrating his forty-fifth birthday when I visit," Justin explained.


After dinner, we went back to the den, and I got the fireplace going. We sat around and talked until the yawning started.

"We should get home," Justin said. "Thank you so much for having us out. We'll have you over soon!"

"We enjoyed it," Cody said.

"And we look forward to another trip to your place," Luke added.

Cody grabbed their coats out of the closet, and the three of us stood and waved. I was surprised first by the fact that they were in a little Subaru BRX and then by the fact that Kyle was driving. I closed the door after they drove off.

"Time to clean up," Luke said.

We went and cleared all the dishes, getting the dishwasher loaded and running. We checked to make sure all the lights were out and headed back to the bedroom.

"Which of you decided to show Casey and Kyle the playroom?"

Both looked a bit sheepish.

"Well, we were talking about the gym, and Kyle mentioned having sex in it," Cody explained.

"Then Casey said something about having sex in the showers," Luke continued.

"I guess they caught enough looks on our faces. I mean, we admitted to having sex in both, but they realized there was more," Cody admitted.

"Finally, we looked at each other and said, follow us," Luke explained.

"Fine, soil my reputation!"

"I don't think they'll tell Justin. Kyle really, really wants to come over and have sex in the gym and shower. Of course, with Casey." Luke said.

"Yeah, Casey mentioned something about Kyle surprising him in full lacrosse gear for his eighteenth birthday. Gear, a jock, and nothin' else!" Cody added. "They got Casey some basic gear after that."

"I guess they only do it when Justin's out of town now. Too much noise!" Luke said.

"I bet! I've been around you two enough to know sex can be loud!"

"And you love it!" Casey teased back at me.

"Damn right, I do. Speaking of which..."

"Fuck yeah!" Luke whooped.


"What did you decide?" I asked.

"Mom's really pushing for me to come home for spring break," Luke explained.

"My folks are as well," Cody added.

"Well, you could drive down on Saturday and spend the week," I said.

The looks I received told me that wasn't what either of my guys wanted.

"Another option is that Luke could say he's got a big project. Go down on Saturday and spend a few days to satisfy the folks. Then come back on Wednesday so you can work on that project! Since you're dependent on Luke for a ride, you come back early as well."

"Devious and perfect!" Cody exclaimed.

"It's a great idea. I've got to keep my grades up!" Luke said with a chuckle.

"Since you're not in the dorms, it is easier to come back early," I said.

"Yeah, I still don't understand why they close them for spring break," Cody said.

"Cheaper, easier, etc.," I explained.

"Hmm... We got a big project assigned today, and I am going to come, but only for a limited time. Yeah, let me think of all my points, and I'll call the folks."

I went into the kitchen to start dinner.

"I hope this works," Cody said.

"Not sure what Luke's folks can really do. They aren't going to stop paying for him to go to college. You're both adults. You get to make choices. The nice thing is that this plan balances out what they want with what you want."

"Yeah, that's true."

We had things moving along when Luke walked into the kitchen with a huge smile.

"They understand and appreciate the fact that I'll be home at least some of the time. This group project is going to be huge, and I need to get back so I can work with them while school's not so demanding. Yeah, some professors are such jerks for assigning it to screw up spring break! Just so unfair!"

With that, Luke burst into laughter.

"What day are we driving back?" Cody asked.

"Wednesday morning. Why spend the entire day when the folks will be at work?" Luke said.

"Smart, smart! Let me go call my folks," Cody replied.

He slipped out of the kitchen, and Luke started helping me with dinner. It wasn't too long before Cody returned with a huge smile.

"Dad did say they could drive me up, but I pointed out that it would be seven or eight hours of driving for three extra days. That ended that."

"You'll get a good visit without the nine days at home," I said.

"Yep!" Cody agreed. "I still don't want to go, but this won't be so bad."

Luke gave Cody a funny look.

"You've never explained?" I asked.

"No. I guess I should," Cody admitted. "I don't like going home. There's too much pressure from my folks on who I'm dating, what church I am going to, and other factors."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Luke asked. "That's why you didn't want to go home with me last month?"

"I don't honestly know why I didn't tell you. And yes, that's why I don't want to go home any more than I must."

I had dinner ready, and we sat down to eat.

"What are you going to do while we're gone?" Cody asked.

"Well, I figure I can hit the clubs on Saturday and Sunday. Maybe take Monday and Tuesday off to run around DuPont." Both their faces showed my teasing was off-target. I burst out laughing. "Guys, I might have dinner with some friends. I'm certainly not going to go clubbing or cruising. Keeping myself busy so I don't get droopy is the goal."

"You really had me going," Luke said.

"Not me," Cody said.

"Don't give me that. From the look on your face, you were as wound up as Luke. Guys, I keep saying this to you. I don't need or want anything more."

"Thanks," Cody replied.


"Are either of you interested in going to karaoke tonight?"

Cody shook his head. Luke looked deep in thought, then did the same.

"Okay." I decided not to push. "I'll call the guys and bow out."

"Huh? Why?" Luke asked.

"You two are going to be gone for five nights. I think dinner, cuddling, and an early night in bed are called for."

"In other words, we're going to fuck the night away!" Cody said.

"Any problems with that?" I asked.

"Not at all!" Luke agreed.

"I'll be home early."

"Woo hoo!"


I let Lucinda know I needed to work half a day. I caught the early train and was home a few minutes after two. The guys weren't home from school. I went into the bedroom, got out of my work clothes, and changed into a jock. I went downstairs and started a light workout.

The clock read two-thirty-six when I heard the front door close. A few minutes later, Cody stuck his head around the corner.

"Found him! Strip and come downstairs!" he yelled up the stairs.

I watched Cody strip down as I heard Luke running down the stairs.

"That's a great look," Luke said.

"Well, I still feel like I have too much clothing on. Want to help take off the last piece?"

"Playroom! Now!" Cody barked.

Once the three of us were in the room, Cody climbed into the sling wearing only his jock.

"I want a dick in each end!" he commanded.

"Who are we to argue?" I said with a laugh to Luke. "Heads or tails?"


I moved around and let Cody pull my cock out of my jock. He started sucking on my quickly hardening cock. I looked up and saw that Luke was down on his haunches, rimming out Cody's jock-framed hole. It was, for me, a pornographic Kodak moment.

I pulled away from Cody for a few minutes. I moved around and lay on the floor, taking Luke's dick in my mouth. I spent a few minutes getting him hard and wet while he got Cody's hole ready. When Luke stood up, I moved back to Cody's mouth.

"I need this," Cody said just before he swallowed my dick to the hilt.

"I need this," Luke said as he pushed his dick in until his pubes scratched Cody's ass. "Hold on a second, this is awkward."

Luke pulled back and walked over to the wall. He grabbed a wooden box and brought it back. Standing on the box, his dick was at a better angle to Cody's ass.

"That's better," he said.

He started plowing Cody's hole hard. Luke's thrusts pushed Cody in the sling. It made it hard for him to suck me dick well.

"Fuck bench?" Luke asked.

"Yup! Up and on it," I said to Cody.

Cody moved over and got on all fours on the bench. Luke got in position and returned to giving Cody's hole a good workout. With him in a better position, I was able to start fucking Cody's mouth. From the sounds Cody was making, Luke and I were giving him exactly what he wanted.

"I'm getting close, guys," I warned.

"Want his ass?" Luke asked.

"FUCK!" I yelled as I pumped a load into Cody's mouth.

"Guess not," Luke said with a laugh.

I pulled away from Cody while Luke kept fucking him. It didn't take much longer until Luke thrust in hard and let out a yelp as he shot deep into Cody's ass. As the shivers of his cumming stopped, Luke leaned forward and rested on Cody's back.

Finally, Luke lifted off Cody, and Cody stood, showing his hard dick.

"How do you want to blast?" I asked.


"Blow job or fucking," Luke added.


Luke hopped up in the sling and presented his ass. Cody squatted behind him and started prepping his hole. I got down in front of Cody and got his dick ready.

By the time Cody shot in Luke, Luke and I were hard again. Our balls were well drained before their departure. I hoped it would help.


"Geoff, great to see you," I said as I walked up to the bar.

"Coulter, you're looking good. Let me introduce you to Nathan."

"Great to finally meet you," I said, extending my hand.

"And you," he replied.

"Our table should be ready in a few minutes," Geoff explained. "Actually, it looks like the host is signaling us."

We were led to a table and got our drink order placed.

"How are things going?" Geoff asked.

"Overall, great. At this moment, I'm trying to avoid being lonely."

"Okay, that needs a better explanation," Nathan said.

"Geoff knows I was, I am, I guess it is better to say, I've been involved with a guy who is in college. It got a bit messed up early last fall. He didn't show up for a dinner date and sent a buddy instead."

"What?" Nathan's voice was loud. "Oh, sorry, what?"

"Luke and I started dating early in January last year. I always figured it would end when he left for the summer. When he came back last fall, we picked up where things left off. Then, a few weeks into the semester, he sent Cody in his place for dinner. Luke ghosted me for weeks. In the meantime, I started dating Cody. Then Luke reappeared, and we started dating."

"Wait, wait, wait... two college boys at once?" Nathan said. "Damn."

"Yep. Things were going pretty well until the first of December, when Cody's roommate figured out, he was gay and into daddies, and the harassment in the dorm started."

"Okay," Geoff said.

"Luke and Cody showed up, asking for my help. Fuck it, they moved in."

"Guest rooms?" Nathan asked.

"No. Cody's on the right side, Luke's on the left, and I'm in the middle of the bed. Well, most nights, at least. Sometimes, one of them is in the middle."

"Holy, fuck!" Nathan was at least using his inside voice.

"How's it going now?" Geoff asked.

"As I said, pretty great. We have our moments, but overall, we're a happy trio."

"So why the loneliness?"

"It's spring break, and they went home. I'm trying to stay occupied until they return on Wednesday."

"So, we're a diversion," Geoff said with a laugh.

"A good one."

"I, for one, would like to hear more about these college guys," Nathan said.

The waiter happened to walk up at that moment. After he took our orders, I provided Nathan and Geoff with some highlights and a few lowlights of the last few months.

"It's clear you're head over heels," Nathan said.

"I really am."

"You're happy. That's clear too," Geoff added.

"Deliriously, except when they leave."

"What are you going to do about summer?" Nathan asked.

"Ugh. My mind hasn't gotten there yet!"

"Sorry for bringing it up," he said.

"It's not something I haven't had in the back of my mind. It's just diversions, lots, and lots of diversions!"


"How many dates did you set up while the guys are gone?" Darryl asked.

"Six in five days. Dinner with Geoff and Nathan last night, you and Phil today, Chris and Steven tomorrow morning for brunch, and dinner at Justin's tomorrow night. I'm taking a photography class through Fairfax ACE on Monday after work. Finally, we're doing an after-work happy hour thing Tuesday night."

"They get back on Wednesday?"

"Luke told his folks he had to get back to work on a group project. They should be back by the time I get home from work."

"That's a whole lot of busy," Phil said.

"I miss them. I need the diversions."

"You doing okay?"

"What do you mean? Are you concerned I'm too involved?"

Phil nodded his head.

"I'm in love. They've become my everything. I know we've only been together for about four months. I've dated Luke for fourteen months and Cody for six months. I know it's not conventional in more ways than one."

Daryl gave me an odd look.

"You know what I mean. We're a plural, a triple, not the standard couple. Then, of course, there's the age difference."

"They seem like nice guys," Darryl said.

"When they get back, I want to start doing things where they get a chance to interact with everyone in smaller groups. I mean, Luke's been around everyone several times, but Cody's only met folks at my birthday party."

"Anyway," Phil said. "We're supposed to be distracting you."

"Yeah, let's head out," Darryl agreed.

We walked from Phil's place to the METRO and then took the train into the city. We hit our first spot and then decided to move on.

"I wouldn't have thought going to the Archives would be interesting," Phil said. "It was great to see all the historic documents! What's next?"

"The Postal Museum," Darryl said. "Then the Portrait Gallery if we have time. Of course, lunch as well."


"Welcome," Casey said.


"How are you doing?"

"I'm a wreck, but keeping busy is a good thing!" I looked at my phone. "Sixty-nine hours to go."

Casey had a good laugh.

"You're not reporting it in minutes?"

"I'm not that bad."

"I should be a better host," he said. "Follow me, and I'll get you a drink."

"Welcome," Justin said, as we entered the kitchen area.


"How are you doing?" he asked.

"I was just telling Casey. I'm a wreck but keeping busy has been a good thing."

"He also said sixty-nine hours to go!" Casey said, with a laugh.

Both Kyle and Justin chuckled at that.

"What do you have left to do?" Kyle asked.

"Work, a photography class, and a work happy hour. Thanks for helping me divert!"

"Glad to!" Justin said.

"By the way, are you going away anytime soon?" Kyle asked with a mischievous grin.

"Well, I'll probably do something during the summer."

"Casey and I are available for housesitting!"

"I'd be happy to have you do that," I said with a laugh. "How's school?"

"Eh, it's school. None of my classes are real standouts this semester."

"You and Luke have the same major." My statement came out as much as a question.

"Yes, but from what we talked about before, we're planning on going in different directions."

I raised an eyebrow.

"He wants to work more in software development. I want to work in data center operations. Also, I plan on getting my master's degree before finding work."

"I don't think either Luke or Cody plan on doing advanced studies immediately," I said.

My mind tried to go down a rabbit hole. Was I impacting their plans for further study?

"Stop that," Justin said with a bit of a chuckle. "We're supposed to divert you, not have you think about them all the time."

"Thanks. Any thoughts on a new house?"

"We've looked at a few things, but nothing has really popped as yet. We'll find something soon enough," Justin replied. "How's work?"

"It's been great. I'm working to organize my department now that the new structure is in place."

"How's that going?"

"Good, good. I'm not changing anyone's job, just working with the leads to truly report to me and not go to Lucinda."

"That'll take time," Justin said.

"Yep. I'm not going to get offended or penalize people for going to her. I just don't want to find out things from her."


"May I ask a few questions?" Kyle asked.

"Ask away," I replied.

With that, Kyle started digging into the management of an IT group and how we were transforming from a startup to a more mature structure. The conversation, dinner, and friendship did the job!

Copyright 2023 BndgDawg ( Do not reproduce or distribute this story without the author's permission.

This is Chapter Eight of the third story I have written. I look forward to positive comments, constructive criticisms and otherwise pleasantly worded feedback. Flames and attacks will be ignored and addresses blocked. (

My other stories on this site are Double Trails (Beginnings/Rural - December 8, 2016) and Homeless (High School - July 30, 2017).

Next: Chapter 9

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