Dads Boys Club

By moc.liamtoh@skcashguh

Published on Oct 19, 2023


This scenario is pure fiction but it is based upon some of a gay man's real life experiences-fantasies. Be forewarned that it includes:

w/s, teen sex, consensual incest and spanking.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. has gone to great expense to offer it to you for your own enjoyment. Contribute to them if it gives you as much pleasure as it has me. Author: Hugh

Getting into `Dad's Boys Club'

Chapter One How it all began.

For as long as I can remember I've been attracted to beautiful, colorful, soft, luxurious things. As early as helping my mother and slightly older sister do the laundry, I liked the feel of their softer underwear and blouses. Completely award of the difference tween those and the cotton jocky' underwear and flannel shirts my much older brother and dad wore.

Mom was quite creative in having parties, in the deserts she made and the decorations she made. Holidays were my favorite times of the year `cause we'd be able to make such decorations and displays. I'm not sure she or even my dad and brother were aware of the fact that I always wanted to be someone or some thing that had to wear soft, silky garments. Or that I took special interest in making silky bows for wrapping presents. I also was very good with plants and made floral arrangements for the Sunday dinner table.

There were masculine' sides to all of this. For Halloween Dracula's shirt and pants and cape had to be black, shiny, flowing material, with lots of dark make-up. The costumes for Starsky and Hutch who were T.V. Road Barron's' and their shits also were colorful and silky soft.

No one seemed to be the least bit interested or conscious of the fact that the Christmas presents were so color coordinated and so elaborately wrapped. They just ripped them off to get to the present. That bother-ed me a little but I got over it.

The gardening thing was recognized by my dad and brother. They were glad to relinquish their responsibility of cutting grass in the large front and back yard and of tending to the plantings. They were suggesting a career in landscaping or horticulture. Grandpa had a veg. farm nearby.

This all took place when I was 8-14 years old and I didn't realize that there was, or might be, anything different about it.

In school, 5th or 6th grade, I began to be aware of the distinct difference or preferences between boys and girls. I think the first was my brother and dad taking me to all the sports games. It all seemed so rough and senseless. I could appreciate the skill of seeing a baseball coming at you and trying to hit it with a bat and then running as fast as you can but the getting tackled, knocked down, while trying to throw a ball or hitting someone who was running with a football, seamed stupid.

Basketball was some where in the middle. I could see the skill required but it was all so fast and repetitive, running from one end of a short court to the other to do the same thing---why? Hockey was the worst of all: the repetitiveness of basket ball on ice, plus the football thing of trying to kill one another with sticks---YUK.

That was dad and Bud's favorite and because I was always complaining and not watching, they stopped taking me with them. To cover my back I really enjoying going to the baseball games with them and actually did fairly well in it in H.S. and also at running in track.

Speaking of dad and Bud, they were much closer than either of them were with me....other than going to baseball games. Bud was 10 years older and as Bud was their first child, being born when dad and mom were seniors in H.S. that gave them a special bond that I knew nothing about until I got to that age.

That put me somewhere in the middle of nowhere. At 8 years of age, I became aware of the teasing about playing with girls or with doll houses, which I liked to do, so I had to concentrate on playing cops and robbers with the other boys in our area. THE only thing that kept me sane at this time was Cub and Boy Scouts. I could help mom around the house, get into cooking and camping, hiking and running, etc. and feel the pride of accomplishment. I think the ONLY thing my brother and I had in common was that we both achieved the Eagle Scout ranking at a very early age. That made dad proud also. I think that was The only thing I made him proud of.

All that is a set up for the rejection I went through, trying to find my place in society. At that time, I knew something about being queer, I don't think they even called it gay then, and it certainly was something to avoid. I'd never seen a guy get beaten up but I certainly did hear about such things, not only from my piers but also from adult coaches and ministers.

We, guys with such thoughts, were all safely hiding in our closets.

I had a terrible time finding my way out'. I'd drop very subtle hints about what it would be like to suck a cock or to have mine sucked. There never seemed to be any interest in it. The responses were anything but subtle: Only queers do that', or Don't tell me you're a homo; why da' ya' know anything bout that?'

And even IF others were interested, they were probably concerned that it was a set up----as it had been for me a couple of time.

When I responded to such an offer, it was a trap and I was ridiculed or identified as being QUEER'; certainly not what I wanted. I was once held by a guy while he dragged me to the far side of the locker room and told the other guys to de-pants' me to see what I had to offer and then took turns laughing at how small I was. It was sooo embarrassing. It took a long time to get over that. There were several other experiences but there's no need to dwell on those. Kids today have no appreciation for how good they have it. The public is sooo much more inclined to accept, if not, appreciate, gay young men.

(Introduction of Larry)

As a junior in H.S. I was very careful but desperately looking for some one to share my sexual interests in, if only by way of conversation. There were two guys I was attracted to but were sure they wouldn't be interested in me. They were both very nice looking and all around regular guys that every one admired, noticed. I fit into about 50 per cent of that description. Some teachers liked me and my work. Some of the baseball team members were very kind, encouraging, but it never went any further than that.

Larry actually said hello to me first, asking me what I was doing, and added encouragement. I don't remember what it was about; I just know that he made the first offer to be interested in me. It went on like that for several weeks. We sat at the same table for lunch several times but then he'd get called by some of the other studs' and he'd be gone. Oh how I followed every move he made. He was packing a good load tween his legs. I fantasized what he had, every night while jacking off. I even tried to find out what period he had gym so I might be able to see him naked in the locker room but that never worked out.

The other guy was in my Scout Troop and from another school. I made the first contact with John and while I was very careful----the LAST thing I wanted was to be found out in Scouts, be called a queer, and then loose the comfortable environment of Scouting.

On a Scout outing, swimming in a lake, he was jumping up and down on the diving board and his dick actually hung out from the bottom of his baggy swim suit. Several of the other guys laughingly pointed that out, but he seemed unconcerned about the length of his cock or the teasing he took. When he got out of the water his suit actually slipped to his ankles. We'd all seen each other naked so it wasn't all that shocking. He was tall, skinny and a little `slow' acting but a very likeable guy. That night, before the senior Scouts came into our tent to go to sleep, I asked him if he minded being teased about having such a long dick and he said, so very casually, that he didn't; he was used to it by now.

"Have you ever gotten it hard? Can you get a boner?"

"Ya, sure, every one can; can't you?"

That was almost a dare. "Of course I can. Wanna see....." but then, again, being sooo cautious, I just rubbed my crotch. I'm sure he could see that I had sprung a boner.

"You do it first.,,,," was my challenge to him.

He eagerly accepted my dare and just standing there in front of me, between our cots, he began to play with himself, pulling his skin from the head of his cock and sure enough it did get up and hard in just a few strokes. It was much longer and larger than any I'd ever seen. It almost scared or embarrassed me. I was glad I hadn't gone first. Mine would have looked ridiculous compared to his.

But that's as far as that went as we could hear the other guys coming so we both got into our cots and pretended we were asleep.

[ how we finally got together comes later]

This scenario is pure fiction but it is based upon some of a gay man's real life experiences-fantasies. Be forewarned that it includes:

w/s, teen sex, consensual incest and spanking.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. has gone to great expense to offer it to you for your own enjoyment. Contribute to them if it gives you as much pleasure as it has me. Author: Hugh

Chapter Two: Back to the other situation, Larry:

I'll never forget this next incident. It changed my life for ever.

I spotted Larry coming into the cafeteria with a bunch of other guys and a girl. I was pretty sure she was his girl. I watched them as they babbled their way down the line, selecting their lunch. He seemed to stand out from the others and I couldn't figure out why. They were dressed in normal school cloths. They were all considered `Studs' of their class. Their hair and other looks were quite normal; he just looked nicer, fresher, more confident---a born leader of the pack.

I was sure they'd be eating together but at the end of the line they simply broke up and he headed toward my table. I felt a charge in my body as I watch him come down my aisle. My legs just automatically spread apart and then I force them back together.

As I reached around to remove my back pack so there'd be room for him, if he chose, to sit at this table, I slipped from my chair and unceremoniously fell to the floor in front of him. I was soooo embarrassed; I didn't know what to say or do.

"Easy there," he said is his baritone voice, and he reached forward giving me his hand to help me up.

I'll never forget that first touch. His hand was much larger, firmer, than mine but it was incredibly smooth and soft. As our hands met, I thought it was the firmness of his squeeze that sent a charge through me but it was more than that because even as I stood up, on my own feet and he still had his hand around mine, I could feel that strange charge.

I couldn't speak, but as I regained my composure and sat down across from him, he started right off babbly about what they---the group he was with---were doing. I tried to show sincere interest but I was still trying to figure out what the hell had just happened and wondered if he got the same charge from our touch.

"Everyone knows how accomplished you are when it comes to things creative and I need help completing a model I'm constructing for a science project. I was wondering if you'd consider helping me or showing me how to do it," was the wrap up of his babbling.

I never got one word in; I just stared into his eyes, nodding my head in agreement.

We continued discussing the project and how and when we might get together to work on it. It was simultaneously the longest and shortest lunch period I'd ever known.

The bell rang and as we got up to leave, he reached for my hand saying, "Then it's a deal......." and, again, but now that I was anticipating it, the warmth, softness of his hand reached into my body and my knees began to quiver. Fortunately walking down the isle the sensation wore off.

As we headed in different directions, the sound of his voice, using my name as though I was a special, close, friend, made my day----and a lot more to follow.

There were several more short comments, contacts, as we passed through the hallways, i.e.; we exchanged phone numbers. Then a few nights later he did call and fortunately I was alone. His voice over the phone was even more enticing than hearing it in the noisy hallways. He explained more of the details of what he was doing and why and how he needed me to build or show him how to construct a miniature camp site for the reenactment of a Civil War battle. There had to be canvas tents, canons, horses and wagons and lots of solders. Also hills and valleys and trees.

I'd never done such a thing but was sure I could as I'd worked on repairing a miniature doll house for a niece. I was more confident when he said he'd found most of the actual items in a hobby store and what he really needed was the hills, valleys and trees.

It was easier to do it at his house but since he lived quite a distance from my house and a bike ride would take me through the heaviest part of town, mom decided to drive me there and they would bring me back.

I was sooo anxious; I scheduled it for the next day after school. I'd go home with him on his bus and they'd bring me home. And that's the way it worked. There are more details about how it was done but that's not the point of this story. Needless to say, my help was greatly appreciated by Larry and .......and he did get extra credit for the exceptional work that went into his model.

The more interesting part has to do with my sexual development during this period. It all began an hour after we were in his house. We had to work on the project in his room to keep his cat away from it and we had to store it under his bed `cause there wasn't a safe place elsewhere in his house. When the layout board wasn't on his bed, it was on two milk cartons in the center of the room and his room wasn't very large. Several times during the first few hours we brushed against one another and each time I felt that urge or heat from his body. I also noticed for the first time that he had a particular scent.

"Do you have cologne on?"

"Yes......, why? Do you like it?" he said with an inquisitive smile.

"Yes, very much but the only time I've ever had it on was when I was in costume or going to a special affair."

"To me, this is a special affair. I'm so glad to be working with you."

That really took me back and I think the expression on my face surprised him. That was the most intimate thing anyone had ever said to me, thought I've thought such things privately.

"I'll go wash it off if you don't like it......."

"Of course not. I love it. The aroma is so cool," I said, sliding closer to him, inhaling deeply.

As we met, he turned his face sideways, offering me his cheek and ear to sniff. Our cheeks did, in fact, touch and again, there was the feeling of such softness. I quickly backed away, in fear of him thinking I was being aggressive, fresh.

I stammered about something we were doing but my heart was pounding. The next set of trees, made from real sponges and painted various greens, were ready to be placed. He was on one side of the board and I was on the other and our hands met. Need I say more; they were so soft and gentle.

I just had to comment, "You hands, skin, feels smoother, softer than anyone I've every known......" and before I could say anything else, he said,

"My mom's a beautician and I use her skin softener. I like the way it makes me feel. Do you like it?.....would you like me to put some on your hands?"

I just looked into his eyes and nodded. I'd never known anyone like this. He was saying things I'd only dreamt about.

He left the room and I stared at the fullness of his backside as he walked away. He came back with a dispenser bottle of pink lotion and squeezed a small glob on to my hand and began to smear it all around. It felt wonderful having him touch me like that, in a caring, friendly way. We didn't say much; just sighed deeply and we worked our hands together.

Don't remember what broke that trance but as we were working on another part of the display, he was leaning or standing over me to reach for something and our faces were right next to one another and before I could imagine what to think he simply turned my face toward his, with his larger, firm, hands and kissed me on the lips........

I almost fainted. I know I lost all control and went limp in his hands. I didn't know anything about kissing or how to kiss him back but just the feeling of his very large, moist, lips covering mine, sent me places I never knew existed. It wasn't a quick or gentle peck; it was a full blown, mouth consuming, manly encounter.

When he did break of off, still holding my head in his hands, there was complete silence, each not knowing what to say.

To scream in horror and indignation or to say, "What the hell was that all about?"

The same response came from both our mouths,

"WOW !"

"How'd you learn to do that....." "did ya like that....?" Were all jumbled together. So we stopped and said them more clearly, more slowly.

Larry began with, "I've been wanting to do that to someone for years but you're the first one that I've ever felt would let me do it. I feel so `hot' when I touch you that I was sure you'd let me do it."

My response was, "I've felt the same way when we touch but I sure as hell wasn't sure enough to say or ask you about it. Afraid of being smacked as a queer."

"OH.....I know the feeling. When we won our last game we were all so excited, jumping up and down, hugging one another, I planted a kiss on Scott. Later, in the locker room, he spun me against the lockers when no one was around and said..... `DON'T EVER TELL ANYONE YOU DID THAT AND DON'T EVER DO IT AGAIN'".

"Do what? What did I do to upset you?"

"YOU kissed me!"

"We were just celebrating; we were all hugging. You must be dreaming. I don't go around `kissing guys'", and with that we left it along. We've never spoken about it again. In fact, I don't think we actually spoken to one another.

"OH Larry, I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that from a guy like you; some one who's not a `fairy' or thinks that I'm one. I TOO felt, feel, the same way when we touch. It's almost as though a electrical charge goes through me. My knees twitch and my heart skips a beat."

The display board slid from it's support and I slid into his crossed legs, looking up at him. He bent down and planted another kiss on me but this time I threw my arms around his neck to hold him close to me. Our lips parted and he began to suck on mine and I, in turn, began to suck on his. It got sloppier and sloppier. We kissed and kissed for a very long time. He began to hum or sigh. I felt like I was floating.

I think we would have continued doing that all afternoon but there was the sound of his mother coming up the stairs, asking if I had to be going home OR could I say for dinner.

Before she entered the closed room, I whispered,

"I can stay....."

"'ve dropped your exhibit....."

"Yes, mom, he can stay for dinner. We have some repairs to make on the display."

"Wonderful. Call your mom to be sure it's all right and assure her that we'll drive you home."

I made the call, actually leaving a message, as I knew no one would be there.

"That was a wonderful dinner, Mrs. Marino. Larry and I had better to back to our project-----I almost slipped and said `to our kissing'."

We chased one another up the stairs and into his room and without saying a word, fell onto his mattress and continued our kissing. Now I was able to do it better, longer, deeper. I just instinctively knew how to suck on his tongue and let him get his between my teeth and lips. It was soooo much fun. We were on his bed for over an hour, practicing and develop-ing a closer and closer bond.

We also discovered that we were sweating, perspiring, at the closeness of our bodies, the heavy breathing in the smallness of his room. He was the first to lick the perspiration from my forehead; I returned the favor by licking his cheek and for what ever reason, his ear. Could never explain such intuitive instinct; it just felt right.....for both of us so we did it again and again to each other.

I sat up to catch my breath and sighed,

"This certainly is something I'd never expected. Well that's not true. It's what I had wanted to happen for the longest time; I just could never have believed it would happen with a guy like you."

He was smiling with an agreeable grin on his face.

"The truth of the matter is, my fantasy is that I'd be able to see and touch your private parts and able to play with them. I had all sort of sexual fantasy about you as I'd jack off. About having you playing with me and me playing with you."

As I was saying that, he reached for my crotch and began to squeeze my cock and balls. As I finished, I reached for his and he spread his legs wide apart, so I'd have complete access to what ever I wanted.

We felt each other through our pants and our cocks were getting hard---hell they were rock hard !

He was the first off the bed. His thumbs slipped into the sides of his pants and forced them down. It wasn't an easy task as his hard on was in the way. He exchanged that move for the one of snapping them apart and zipping the fly. He wasn't wearing any under ware and his cock just sprang forward.

My eyes were bugged out and my jaw just dropped. The sight was amazing. In my wildest dreams I could never have imagined a thing so beautiful, so big, so RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF ME TO TOUCH AND FEEL.

Before I could reach for it he pulled me from the mattress and I followed suite. I ripped open my pants, forced my jocky shorts past my cock, making it spring up and down. We were so close together that our cock greeted each other before we could touch and feel them for ourselves.

Larry stepped back, leaning against his desk to get a better look at my cock. He was stroking his.

I stood there with my pants locked around my ankles so I couldn't step back but I, too, began to push and pull my skin. I didn't know which I wanted to do more: jack off in front of him or to reach for his and jack him off. We were so enjoying watching each other that that is just what we did. Stood there showing off what we had, cock and balls wise.

He was a year older than me. He was slightly larger in every respect. His cock was uncircumcised as was mine so we each had a little more to offer, play with, than most of the other guys in the locker room. I'd actually never seen Larry naked in the locker room. This was THE very first time and I was truly impressed. It was more, better than I'd I hoped for.

I didn't know where this was going. My head and heart were spinning. I didn't want it to stop. I had to jack him off or have him jack me off. I wanted him to cum all over me and I wanted to lick it off----as I'd so often done after jackin' my self off.

I wanted to suck him off, thought I didn't know how. I'd never done it or seen anyone do it. I'd just heard of guys having it done---by chicks.

I'd later learned that exactly the same things were going though his head. The only difference was that he had sucked a cock and had his cock sucked.

In the back of my mind I heard the sound of the phone but paid no attention to it; but was glad to hear it answered, proving that his mom was still down stairs and we were still alone together to continue what we were doing.

But that came to an abrupt end as there was the sound of steps coming up the wooden stairs and his mom announcing,

"That was your dad. He'd gotten your message and he's near here and was on his way to pick you up."

By the time she stuck her head through the door, we'd just finished snapping our pants.

"We're not finished. We've got just one more thing to do, to night. When he gets here will you please tell him that and that I'll be down as soon as I can."

"Of course. He can came in and have a drink. I'd like to meet him."

As soon as she closed the door we stated babbling,

"What'a we going to do. I want your cock." "I want yours!" I wanna suck you off; I wanna taste your cum." "SOOOO do I."

"We could be sick tomorrow and we could be together."

"No, that won't work. My mom would have me in bed all day."

"Larry.....we're just gonna have to wait until tomorrow."

"I don't think I can but I guess I'm just gonna have to. But I sure am gonna think about you when I jack off to night."

And with that I took the imitative and kissed him. We separated and he kissed me back. We both slid the project under his bed and headed down to meet dad.

They were having a cup of coffee, sharing things about us. They were both smiling with pride as we entered the kitchen.

"I'm ready, dad. We were just getting into the next step but that'll have to be tomorrow. Thank you for dinner Mrs.......; it was delicious!"

"You've got a dentist appointment right after school tomorrow....."

And before he could finish, I protested, saying that our project is behind schedule and we'd just have to cancel the appointment.

"I'm afraid that's not a good decision. It's taken us months to get you scheduled and your mom would be furious with me if I agreed with your plan. Tell you what," looking at Mrs.....for approval, "How about right after the dentist appointment, your mom brings you back here and if necessary, you could spend the night if you don't complete the project."

I almost leaped toward dad to plant one of my newly discovered kisses on his lips.

Mrs......assured us that I was certainly welcomed to stay the night.

Larry was in full agreement. We'd work through the night if necessary.

It was all settled. "See ya in school tomorrow."

I was SOOOO happy; that ride home with my dad was THE most conversational one dad and I had ever had. I told him a lot of things about Larry and dad told me additional things about what he'd learned. He really like the Marinos and was glad that I'd made such a nice connection, friendship.

"As nice as John is from Scouts, Larry is a much more sensible, intelligent young man. I'm sure you are going to be good friends."

"DAD, I can assure you we are going to be THE best of friends. I could never have imagined that we'd have so much in common; that we've been this close to each other these past two years and have never hit it off. But with the closeness of this project, we are going to be THE best of friends," I said, repeating my self just to hear the reassurance.

When we got home, Mom was in complete agreement with the plan and I heard dad telling her what we'd talked about on the ride home. As I ran up to my room, anxious to jack off, I assured my mother,

"Yes, mom, I thanked Mrs. Marino for dinner. It was delicious."

The door slammed shut; I literally ripped off my cloths, leaving them on the floor where they fell and leaped onto my bed. My cock was already hard. It was no problem jackin off as my cock had been dripping cum all the way home in anticipation of jackin off to the image of Larry. But I did slow way down. I wanted this to last as long as one of our kisses lasted so every time I felt that urge of cum coming, I'd change positions and relive another kiss. I was able to trick my cock several more times before it couldn't stand it any more and uncontrollably, just shot and shot and shot, cum every where. There were ribbons of cum flying across my body and bed. It looked like fireworks on the 4th of July.

By the time I'd finished, my balls were so tight, I couldn't find them and my cock, still was hard. That had never happened. After shooting it would go completely limp and I feel the strangest sensation of having done some thing that I shouldn't have done.

But this was completely different and I knew why. I wasn't cuming for my own personal satisfaction. I was cuming as an expression of the love I was finally feeling for another person. I wanted to leap from my bed and go downstairs and tell my parents. Fortunately, I'd come to my senses by then. My cock begun to get back to its' pissing normal size.

Ha....That's a good idea. I haven't done that in a long time. I wonder if I'm excited enough to piss as much as I'd cum?

With out getting my pajamas on, I just walked down the hall, almost wishing either of my parents, especially my dad, would catch me, but they didn't. I got into the shower and before I turned on the water, I put my feet at the bottom of one wall and my back against the opposite wall and within a few strokes, had my cock semi hard, pulling back my foreskin and began to release a day's long storage of rich, golden piss. It was flying every where. I was so turned on that I was able to hit every surface, including the ceiling. I'd even let the last of the mighty stream splash on my face. The steam stopped but I enjoyed licking some of it from my lips. I took a quick, hot, shower and again, with very little drying off, went back to my room.

This time, my dad did see me and with no more of a shock or surprise, he said,

"Night, son; sweet dreams."

OH he would never know how sweet those dreams were gonna be. But, truth be told, I'd much later discover that he did, in fact, mean exactly what he'd said. He knew what dreams I was gonna have.

Before I jumped back into bed, naked for the very first time, I splashed a bit of cologne on my face. It wasn't as nice, bittersweet, as Larry's but it was all I had and it did the trick. My hands felt smoother and I smelled different, I felt older, wiser, more experienced.

This scenario is pure fiction but it is based upon some of a gay man's real life experiences-fantasies. Be forewarned that it includes:

w/s, teen sex, consensual incest and spanking.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. has gone to great expense to offer it to you for your own enjoyment. Contribute to them if it gives you as much pleasure as it has me. Author: Hugh

Chapter Three My First Sleep over; my first fuck.

The next day was fantastic and the night was paradise. All my dreams had been fulfilled but I was then set on another course, sexually.

In those days, sleep overs were very unusual things and were usually done by girls. Guys just didn't get that intimate with other guys. Even in locker rooms, guys slipped out and into their pants or shorts while sitting on benches or standing right in from of their lockers. They were very protective of showing their private parts. They'd wrap a towel around their waist getting to the shower and stand facing the wall while showering. It was always very quick.

If you lingered around, you were considered a pervert or someone to be avoided, at all costs, either while changing your cloths and/or showering. And HEAVEN-FORBIT you never wanted to be seen looking at a guy and worst of all being seen looking at his groin. There were two or three such guys that were shunned completely for doing that and I know that at least one was just slow' or not all there'; he was just trying to be friendly and make contact with someone. There was quite a scandal when his parents came to school with the story their son had told them about being held in a john by three `jocks' and being forced to suck their cocks and drinkin' their urine.

The three were expelled and ultimately transferred to other schools but the really sad part was that Jimmy, the `slow one', became a recluse and seldom spoke to anyone. I tried, but just couldn't get through to him.

As excited as I was about the upcoming `sleep over' event, I couldn't tell anyone. Our schedules were different that day, so Larry and I never even saw one another and that both drove me crazy and yet built up such excitement and anticipation that I had all I could do to keep from getting to the boys room so I could jack off. When I lost control and couldn't get my hard on under control, I did go to the boys room but there was always someone there and since there were no swinging doors on the cubicles, it just wasn't safe. I just had to tough it out and stay hard. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice. It did help to leave my shirt on the outside of my jeans to cover the bulge.

FINALLY that g'dammed bell rang and classes were over. I ran as fast as I could, and I could run very fast, but Larry still beat me to his bus. As I leaped into it, my heart sank as I scanned the seats, Larry wasn't there. My heart sank and I couldn't take a step.

"Keep it moving; take your seat; others are waiting....." was the drivers command.

I was forced to but as I made my way down the isle, there was Larry in the very last seat, in the corner. My heart skipped a beat and my smile went ear to ear. I wanted to slap a bid kiss on him, right then and there but settled for swinging around the next to last seat and plopping right next to him. He route wasn't as crowed as mine so all the seats weren't taken; we were alone back there and there wasn't even any one in the seat in front of us.

Our hands grasped each other and my heart told me, `yes---that's my Larry---soft yet firm'. I was the first to speak,

"Ya really got me. I couldn't see you way back here and I thought I wouldn't be seeing you. Ya have no idea how hard it's been not being able to see you all day. I've had a hard on all day," I said in a whisper.

"Ya mean like this...." and he showed me the bulge in his jeans and then continued to zip them open.

My head immediately looked around to be sure no one could see or hear what the hell we were doing. This was my FIRST experience of exhibitionism and I was getting' quite a charge from it but rather than standing up and whipping mine out and saying,

"If ya think his is big, look at what I have to offer."

But the reality of the situation was that I did just the opposite. I slouched down so no one would see me at all. And that turned out not to be the wrong position for as he finished opening his fly, the hard on he'd carried all day just shot out. Again, he was not wearing underwear.

I wanted to drop my face over it and suck it but there just wasn't room and I'd never done it before so wasn't really sure how to do it. I just sat back up, trying to look so casual and not right next to him but once my hand grasped his cock, there was no letting go. It felt fantastic; even better than the day before because now I knew it was alright and that it was mine.

As I was closest to the aisle, I was afraid of being seen---though I knew no one could---I just couldn't get my fly open enough to show him my hard on. He got my zipper down by couldn't get my rod free. It was being held by the tightness of my jocky shorts. He was able to get his large hand almost all the way around it. I still had mine around his, stroking it up and down. This was SOOOO exciting. I just loved doing that. Then, like so many times before, in our very short affair, we were interrupted by the call that this was Larry's stop.

We bolted to attention and could hardly get things back together and I was thinking that we'd just have to make it down the aisle, showing off our cocks but fortunately the car in front of us was turning and we had to wait to pull to the curb. We were able to get things back in place. As the door opened and we jumped off the drive said,

"Have a great day."

"OH NO, it's gonna be a FANTASTIC day!" was my loud reply.

I raced ahead toward his house, but he was able to catch me at the steps to his front porch and we stumbled up, giggling like little children---which we weren't any more.

His mom was prepared for my stay and had cookies and milk out for us in the kitchen. We chatted for a few minutes, chowing down the milk and cookies.

(Another interesting thing about those days: there wasn't a lot of pop or soda around. A can of Coke was a special thing. The common family drink was milk or lemonade."

His mom laid out the schedule: It was 3:30. We'd have dinner when his dad got home around 6; there was a basket ball game on T.V. that his uncle was coming over to see and she was going to one of her club meetings. Larry's bed was made up and there was a blow-up sleeping mattress for me on the floor.

"Is there anything special you'd like for breakfast? I can hardly get Larry to eat anything more than a bowl of cereal," was her concluding remark.

"Everything sound wonderful, Mrs..... No, I just have cereal in the morning also. Thanks again for having me. I'm sure we'll finish Larry's project tonight."

"Please, don't keep thanking me. It's our pleasure. You seem to be the nicest boy----she hesitated----and then added, friend, that Larry has. You'll always be welcome here---day OR night."

"We both had Cheshire cat grins on our faces as we picked up on the boy---friend and--- night--- connection.

When the last cookie had been consumed we headed to his room, opening our shirts and zipping open our flies as we went. In seconds, even before the door was completely closed, we were in each others arms, just squeezing one another. I took off his shirt; he took off mine.We each jumped outta our jeans.

"How come, ya, don't wear under pants?"

"Not sure. Never have---except when it's time to go to the doctors' for a check up. My dad doesn't wear them either. Being in construction, he says he had to wear a jock strap and support and thus shorts just aren't necessary. I think I only have two pair of under pants and one is almost too small."

"That's way cool. Gotta tell my mom about that. I'd like not to have to wear shorts. I'd love to go around free like you," I said, looking at his cock and balls.

"Tell her you'd prefer the jock strap thing for running and for baseball. It's safer and more comfortable and then, when you feel like it, ya just slip outta the strap and slip it in you pocket. That little extra bulge makes it look like you're `packing' and I think, drives some guys nuts," was Larry's suggestion.

"So that's what ya do and why I've always admired you----the few times I had enough courage to actually look, stare at you,"

We headed toward his bed, with our arms around each other's waist. The kissing thing was as good as usual but this time he started to explore other areas of my, our, bodies. He kissed, sucked on my nipples which felt strange but nothing happened but when I kissed his, he went wild. So did the same thing to the other tit and I thought he'd done to me, I sucked on it. As little as it was, I was able to get my lips around it and pull it forward, outward a little and his fingers dug into my back, forcing my body, face, closer to him. His cock was rock hard and forcing its way between my legs.

We kissed and kissed; our bodies becoming more and more sensitive to each other and in a little while we were, again, covered in perspiration. But this time, rather than licking it off, we just took a breather to enjoy the situation. We leaned back against the wall; spread our legs across the width of the twin bed, showing our hard ons. He was flicking it down so it would spring back, making a slapping sound against his stomach.

Mine wasn't quite that ridged. I reached around, grabbed my balls and brought them around my cock. Being able to get my hand around my nut sack, I was able to force them forward and they looked like giant plumbs covered in a thin sack of vainy skin. Neither of us had much hair or at least what we did have was the color of our bodies so it didn't look like much.

Larry reached for mine and I dropped my balls and reached for his. Almost in unison we began to jack each other off. It felt great, having control of someone else's cock and some one else having control of mine. As much as I was enjoying it, and I really was, I was aware that I couldn't or wouldn't get off this way. You have an internal clock or sense that tells you, you are about to shoot and you either pick up the pace and shoot or you slow down your strokes so it will last longer. I later learned you can do this a dozen times and it really pisses' off your balls `cause they are soooo ready to prove themselves ready for the task. On such solo trips, it really does work and the amount and power of the shooting is amazing.

This was all beginning to seem so natural, right, to me yet I was amazed that this had all taken place in two or three days. What I had been wanted to have happen but had been denied all these years simply fell into place as naturally, comfortably, lovingly as possible. May be I'd just been trying to hard; maybe I was too aggressive or racked with fear. Just loosen up. Be yourself; and things will come your way.

It was because of such feelings that I never even thought of `asking' if I could suck his dick, I just bent over, released my grip on it and took it into my mouth. This was the reverse of the kissing thing. I was so su-prised I just let him do it. Now I was the aggressor. I was sooo hungry for the feel, taste, of cock and cum that I just did it. I stumbled badly not knowing exactly what to do.

I just remember that it was a lot larger than I though. I assumed you just swallowed it but as it filled your mouth, your natural reaction was to gag and spit it did, but I never lost control of his cock.

I began to furiously pump my head up and down. It tasted sweeter than I thought. While it didn't sting as though he'd put cologne on it, it tasted like his cheek smelled yesterday. I didn't realize what I was doing but I did, somehow, get my tongue between his foreskin and cock head. I slurped away for a few minutes, thinking to my self:

`So this is what I've been waiting for. This is good. This is fun. I can do this for a long time and again and again. I doooo like sucking cock!'

Larry was very patient with me, but enough was enough. He lifted my head from his cock and began to kiss me on my lips, trying to suck non existent cum from my mouth. I just let him have his way with me. He'd just allowed me suckin' privileges and I was grateful.

Without saying a word, his body language was, `Now it's my turn!'

I dropped back, lying flat on the mattress. Sitting beside me, I watched his beautiful face and full head of hair drop over my cock but he didn't impale it as I'd done. He grabbed it at the base with a couple of his fingers, allowing about 4 inches of it to stand free and then he began to kiss it up and down as he'd done on my body. I didn't feel much but it was fun just seeing him work. When he got to the top of the pole, he also pushed up a lot of skin and it covered my cock head. He formed his tongue into a spade and dug his way into the mass of skin he'd pulled up and over my cock head. I could feel my skin wrapping its way around his tongue.

Then he pulled or allowed the skin to drop back to its normal position and I could see and feel the tip of his tongue forcing its way into my piss hole. That was interesting, but nothing special happened. That's when I felt the weight of his whole head plummet to my groin. Like a vacuum, he'd completely sucked up my whole cock and his mouth closed tightly around it, I felt that strangling sensation. What was he doing to my precious cock? It all felt soooo warm---no HOT---and as the sucking action to place it got hotter and wetter. Some how he was moving things up and down, in and out, but his head was barely moving. It was all done with just the sucking motion.

This was WWAAYYYY better than anything I'd imagined.

He released his slight hold his fingers had and now his head was bobbing up and down as mine had done but this was much slower, more deliberate and not as anxious. I jerked once when his teeth scrapped my dick and he didn't do that again.

OOOHHHH this was fun. This was fantastic. It was way more than I'd ever expected it to be.

`Suck on; Suck on and on and on.... Larry....don't stop........please don't ever stop.'

But then he did just that. I wasn't ready to shoot but he just stopped, tilted his face toward me with a huge smile on his face, even with my dick still in his mouth.

"OH you are good. I love the taste and feel of your precious dick. I want to suck it all night long," was Larry's announcement

"WEEEELLLL, please do it. Suck my fuckin' cock!"

"OH I will but I'd like to try it in a different position," he said, slipping off the side of the bed.

I didn't think the position made any difference; a cock in the mouth is a cock in your mouth.

"Stand up in front of me; spread your legs apart, slightly. Put your hands on my head and by bending your legs, lean back slightly."

I did precisely what he said and he sucked my whole cock into his very moist, hot, mouth. There wasn't as much playing around this time; he got right to the task of vacuum sucking my cock. Slowly, but firmly, his head was bouncing on and off my pole. I was really enjoying this new position and felt like I was contributing something more than just the potential cum I would deliver. With my hands in his thick, dark, hair were assisting him. I was feeling not only the warmth of his mouth but the texture of his tongue and lips.

As I got more and more into the act, it was as though his mouth was my hand and I could now control, anticipate, my cuming. I forgot where we were and just shouted,

"OH yea, Oh yea, here it comes....."

His head stopped in mid stroke, at the end of my blistering cock and my nuts knotted up and I began to shoot my teenage load of cum into his mouth. I thought he'd gulp is down but he seemed to be waiting for the rest of it or all I was gonna give him. Then I did hear that loud GULP,.....and my precious load of cum was consumed by another body for the first time in my life. As the trickle, last pulse of my dick, came to an end, I felt weak and then grabbed for the edge of the mattress, and fell into it, pulling my dick from his mouth with a pop.

He covered my body, half on and half off the mattress with his panting body and he began to kiss me in appreciation. I'd tasted my own cum lots of times but never from another guys mouth. Kissing my own cum was one thing but I really wanted to taste his and now that I knew how to do it correctly, I was anxious to get to it.

We were interrupted by the call from his mother that dinner would be ready in 15 minutes.

This scenario is pure fiction but it is based upon some of a gay man's real life experiences-fantasies. Be forewarned that it includes:

w/s, teen sex, consensual incest and spanking.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. has gone to great expense to offer it to you for your own enjoyment. Contribute to them if it gives you as much pleasure as it has me. Author: Hugh

Chapter Four

The meal was even better than the last time. There was much more of everything. I think there background was Italian. The meal certainly was. It was spicier than anything in our English/Bohemian family. His father talked about the problem he'd had on the job site that day. He was a foreman for a construction crew. They either tore buildings down or they were re-constructing them. He had several men working under him. He was a very nice looking, all-be-it a much rougher looking man than my dad. It was clear that he and Larry had a much better, closer, relationship than my dad and I. Larry asked him questions and his dad answered them. That never happened in my house. The only time we ever ate together was on Sundays, after church, and on holidays when there were tons of relatives around.

The uncle who was coming over, Lou, was Mrs. Marino younger brother. He was a high school teacher, I coach I think, thus his interest in basketball. I think he was single, a bachelor and every one was trying to find him that perfect girl. At least, that's what I could make out from the suggestions his mother made and the snickers Larry made.

Lou, arrived early, just as we were having desert and he joined us at the dinner table. He was much younger than Mrs. Marino. He looked like he could be Larry's older brother. To me, he looked like he was in his early 20's but he was almost 30. I guess Larry's dad was about 40.

Lou was very interested in the re-enactment project and asked to see it. After desert we showed it to him in Larry's bedroom but as impressed as he was with what we'd accomplished, he was more interested in the air mattress and that I was staying the night. As I was showing him what else we had to do on the project, I looked up and Lou was standing next to Larry with his arm around Larry's neck and hanging over his shoulder. As a teacher, he gave us suggestions that would improve or finish off the project.

"Well done, boys. Thanks for showing it to me. Gotta get down to the game. Are you joining us?"

"Guess so. We've got one more thing to finish and then we'll join you," Larry said with another one of his Cheshire grins on his face.

The minute the door closed we chucked the board under the bed and ripped off our pants. We didn't bother to take time to get out of our shirts. I dropped to my knees with my face directly in front of Larry's cock `n balls. (again, I think of this now but then it all felt so right, so comfortable and easy. I should have asked permission or approval.)

His cock just hung there. It was a good 6 or 7 inches long and a little thicker than mine. It smelled fantastic. I'd never considered what another guys cock would smell or taste like. I just wanted to suck the cum outta it. It smell like the perspiration we'd licked off the other day; it had a rich, sweet-sour smell. Being soft it easily filled my mouth and it felt a little like the Italian sausage we'd just had for dinner. It was about the same thickness and solidness. As I sucked away on it, it did, in fact, become an Italian sausage but I was able to do what Larry had done----get my tongue `tween the outer skin and the inner cock head.

Larry had both of his hands on my head and was holding it in place as he began to gyrate his hips and force, feed me, his sausage. I was trying to duplicate the vacuum sucking thing that he'd done but found that that was gonna take a little more practice. Not being able to do that part, I just clamped down on his rod and let him do the work. At times he was really shoving it in hard and fast and when he was to close to cuming, he back off and just gently slide it in. That's when my sucking was the most successful and that's when I felt the most successful. He stopped and re-started the act several more times until he too, let out a wail that I'm sure they heard downstairs.

"HERE IT COMES,....Take it aaallll, bitch"

His cock was deep into my mouth and I felt his first volley going right into my throat. As I pulled back the next couple filled my mouth and I got the very first taste of another man's juice. It was fantastic. Much richer, thicker, than mine and there was a lot more of it.

For what ever reason, I didn't immediately swallow away. I might have been hoping to have him suck it back. I was weak with excitement and the thrill of accomplishment so I just sat there on my crossed legs in front of his magnificent body. He slid his hands under my arm pits and drew me up to his mouth. With his arms now squeezing me tightly, he began to suck back his cum. I let him have it all. My head was still spinning from the delivery, the process, and now the retrieval. While he sucked away, my breathing slowly returned to normal and I found myself hugging him as hard, trying to show my gratitude for having accomplished the thing that I'd been trying to do for years.

We flopped back to the mattress, falling into each others arms, in silent communion of what we'd just done to and for each other. Interestingly, neither of us said `thanks'; we were just smiling and sighing.

Larry was the first to break that communion.

"We'd better make an appearance downstairs. Watch a bit of the game to show some interest but then we can get back here, take a shower, and get to bed.

Guess Larry had been part of this scene before cause as we went through the kitchen, he pulled a couple of beers from the frig and pops for us. The guys were well into the game and appreciated the brews. They were intent on watching the game and just casually asked how the project was going. We just as casually said fine.'

With all the shouting and banter that was going on, there was also a lot of smacking of hands, high in the air and jabs to the biceps. Yes, they were Italians and much more animated than anything I'd ever experienc-ed. We watched the end of that quarter and then said we were going up to bed. We exchanged `good-nights' and that was that.

We returned to his room and stripped again; this time completely. It was the first time we'd seen each other this close up, completely naked, from all sides. I was flirting with him by spinning around, acting silly, showing him my ass. He returned the favor, only he bent over and spread his cheeks with his hands, showing me his ass hole. When he stood up, his cheeks closed and his hole was gone.

"Do that again."


"I wanna see your asshole again. I've never seen one. Is it really that brown?"

He eagerly did what I'd asked. He bent over and spread his cheeks as far apart as they'd go and that even opened his hole so that I could see inside his body, if only by half and inch. It was simply amazing to me.

"I'd felt around there, when wiping my ass and it felt good. I've even stuck my finger in there and that feels good also but I'd never known exactly what it looked like. This is amazing."

"Well, show me yours," he said, turning me around. He never indicated that he'd seen one before.

I squatted and pulled mine as far apart as I could, hoping mine looked as good as his. He didn't say. He just wet his fingers and rubbed them across my hole, the same way I did. It felt good to have someone else do it also.

"Let's get into the shower."

We were so comfortable with each other that we never considered that we were in the hallway, naked. It didn't bother either of us. Back then, there were no separate showers; they were all part of the bathtub, behind a plastic curtain what was drawn. Ya just had to be sure that it was inside the tub or you'd have a hell-of-a-mess to clean up when you got out. I'd never showered with anyone before, certainly not in the same tub. When I had to, the school showers, with guys standing maybe three feet apart, where all very fast, being sure not to look at the guys next to you.

I thought he would have turned on the water but instead he himmed and hawed, trying to say something. I could tell his uneasiness.

"What da ya want....?" I was going to finish with, to do?

"I'm not sure how to ask this; I don't want to ruin all that we'd just accomplished but I have a very special interest that I've been wanting to do with a guy for years and years and the only time I asked someone to do it, I got knocked to the ground and kicked in the groin."

"I promise I won't hit you or lick you. What do ya want to do?"

Again there was a very long pause. I was almost going to ask it again when he said,

"I'd like you to...... peeeeeee..... on me. I do it all the time and love it. I just want to feel someone else pissing all over me............Ya don't have to do it if ya......... don't want to."

"Hell, that's easy. I've pissed all over myself lots of times. In fact the last time we were together, I got so turned on that when I got home I jacked off and cum shot every where. When I took a shower to clean up the mess, I just leaned back and sent piss everywhere also."

He stepped to one end of the tub, under the shower, and I stepped to the round end, playing with my dick.

"Ready?" and by pinching my cock head, I was able to send forceful shots of piss up and down his body. As I did, he smeared it all over his arms and face.

It was a very long piss as I hadn't gone all day long and we just had yet another can of pop. It felt good, relieving myself and the aroma, inside that tub, with the curtain drawn, was heavenly.

There was no further communication. He just started pissing all over me and I too, smeared it over the rest of my body. His smelled much richer than mine but that may just have been `cause his was different, new, to my sense of smell. I remember how warm it felt. I knew we'd be going this again and again.

He turned the shower on and we had a great time lathering up and washing, mostly our private parts. When he got to my ass, with his soapy hands he whispered,


For what, I couldn't imagine, but when I felt his finger slip into my ass I knew for what. It felt great and the surprise felt even nicer. The only thing I had to do was find his hole and return the favor. But he was ready and waiting. He bent over as much as he could in the shower offering me his hole. I suck my soapy finger into his ass and he groaned approval, appreciation. We finished showering, got out and dried ourselves off.

In the hallway, he whispered that he was sure the game was over and that we just might be able to see something most interesting. I could see how he was tip-toeing to the head of the stairs. He got down on his hands and knees and was peaking through the banisters. He nodded yes, got up and motioned for me to do the same thing, putting his finger across his lips, meaning to be quiet.

I didn't know what I was suppose to see but then I noticed movement coming from the living room where the T.V. was still sending waves of light across two bodies. One was leaning over the sofa the guys were sitting on while watching the game and the other naked body was humping over it. The only other time I'd seen anything like that was when one dog was fucking the other. These bodies were fucking one another. I didn't want to get up---leave the position until I could see who they were but Larry licked my feet and signaled for me to follow him back to his room. I did, silently.

"What the fuck was that all about?," I said before the door was closed.

"That's my uncle fucking my father. They do it every time he's over and mom's at her `girl's night out' meetings. They usually do it in the garage or in the basement. I saw them down there once when I went to retrieve my wallet that had just dropped from my bedroom window. I was wondering why the lights were on and I peaked through the small basement window and dad was pinned over the ping pong table and my uncle was sticking his cock up my dad's ass. I wonder if dad gets to fuck Uncle Louie?"

This whole experience was going sooo fast----at lightning speed--- and I didn't know what to make of it. I knew it has everything to do with sex and I knew it was called fucking but no one every said how it was done and in those days there certainly weren't any magazines to show you how it was done. Today such things are all over the place and even in R rated movies, there is very little left to the imagination. Any kid would have to be really stupid not to know what was going on.

We put the sheets on the air mattress but I crawled into bed with Larry and said,

"Wanna fuck me? I'd like to try it......."

"HOLY SHIT, ya. I'd love to fuck you. I've never fucked any one before and really want to see what it's like. Ya really gonna let me fuck you?"

"YEA, sure. I want to do anything and everything with you. Don't know what to do or how to do it but we can certainly try. Will you let me fuck you then?"

"Of course!"

"Do what dad did. Bend over the side of the mattress."

I did and he stood behind me, making his cock get hard. That was an easy task; mine already was and was rubbing against the edge of the mattress. He had a hard time finding my hole and once he got there, his cock simply wouldn't go in. He spat on his fingers and felt around for my hole. The lights were off so it was fairly dark; only the light coming from the hallway under the door. That made it seem mysterious, romantic.

He spat again and got more moisture into my ass. This try was more successful and I could feel my hole being stretched. It really felt strange. It's one thing to really have to crap and force your hole to open enough to get it all out but that's very moist and it's coming from the inside out. He was forcing his rod from the outside in. It tool several tries but gradually I felt bloated as though there was a balloon in my ass and someone was blowing it up further and further.

I winced at the pain and he knew it. He'd felt it also and sadly stopped. When he withdrew I thought that was it. Fucking ain't much fun. But then he came back with the moisturizer he used on his hands and he spread that on his cock and into my recognizable hole and sure enough that did the trick. My asshole had already been stretched and knew some thing about what was coming but with the lubricating power of the hand cream, Larry's cock went into my ass as sweet and clean as possible. In a stroke or two he was pumping away just as he'd seen his Uncle do. It was getting warmer and warmer and felt fantastic. He could do that all night but I was anxious to get into the act.


I kind of stood up, suggesting that it was now my turn. He understood and pulled out and turned me around. He moistened his ass and I moistened my throbbing rod. He stretched over the side of the mattress and when I'd found his hole---which was easier now that we knew what we were looking for---and with two shoves I was into to him, up to my balls. While the ring around the entrance of his ass was tight and firm--it felt like a rubber band around my cock---the inside of his body was more like the inside of my mouth; it was all soft, warm, and sloppy.

I pumped away for quite a while. We were both beginning to breathe harder and harder, in anticipation of what, we didn't know. We had already shot our load of cum and didn't know anything about the recovery time. I was 14 and Larry was 15 and had very little knowledge as to what and why things worked the way they did. It was all experimental and self discovery.

Our first attempt at fucking was just that, self-discovery; It was fun and we knew we'd be going that again as well. As we separated and climbed into be we were both thinking of all the wonderful things we'd discovered about each other and how much fun we were gonna have developing out skills.

We kissed one another good night, cuddling together, warm and naked. I'd never given it a thought but what would happen if either of his parents had come in to check us out or say good night and discover us in bed with one another. That didn't happen so we'll never know.

The interesting thing was that we each woke up very early the next morning and were anxious to start all over again. We each chose the fucking part and quickly got ourselves lathered up. This time we stayed in bed and Larry began by shoving his hardon into my ass and quickly pumped away. This was much more fun and he was doing it with much more confidence. It felt much hotter to me and I certainly was enjoying myself. I like getting fucked; I liked it a lot !!!!!

Then the most wonderful thing happened. He said,


He did. I could feel his rod expanding and contracting. I couldn't feel anything entering my ass as I could when he shot into my mouth but I sure could feel his pulsating rod as it delivered the same amount into my ass.

He collapsed in spent excitement and I slid out from under him as I wanted my turn. He was just as eager to get fucked and I was to fuck him. We lathered up all over again and while my cock wasn't quite as hard as it had been, it was still firm enough to gently enter his ass. It was almost as though he was sucking my cock into his body.

Being only the second time I'd ever done this, the whole motion, rhythm thing was very awkward, clumsy but the sense of being this sexually alive was fantastic. I fucked away for a long time, slowing down twice so I wouldn't cum. When I finally relented and let it all go, I was counting to myself as I collapsed over his back------3....4.....5....6....7 and maybe even 8 shots of my cum, delivered into my lovers ass, cunt.

I felt like such a man. I felt so proud being able to deliver such pleasure to another human being. We unplugged our selves and just kissed and kissed and kissed until we heard his mother tap on our door, saying that she was making breakfast and that we should arise and shine.

BOY did we RISE and SHINE !

This scenario is pure fiction but it is based upon some of a gay man's real life experiences-fantasies. Be forewarned that it includes:

w/s, teen sex, consensual incest and spanking.


It is also not to be copied or duplicated for distribution to others. has gone to great expense to offer it to you for your own enjoyment. Contribute to them if it gives you as much pleasure as it has me. Author: Hugh

Chapter Five

That was my first fuck; hundreds have followed.

What's about to happen is the finding out about Larry's dad and Uncle's `incest' club and how we became part of it.

If all of this wasn't stimulating enough in one sleep over, there was one more event that would re-re-redirect my whole life:

We'd already showered together so we knew what that was like and now we were on somewhat of a tight schedule, having to get ready for the school bus so as Larry turned on the water, I squatted down at the end of the tub and when he turned around and saw me, he said, in a surprised buy very pleased voice,

"Ya want my piss, do ya?"

I just beamed with anticipation at his being able to sense my desires.

At the water was ricocheted off his back, he aimed, and made a direct hit into my gapping mouth. It was very hot, rich, and smelly. I just gulped and gulped. While I'd tasted and even swallowed some of mine, I was not consuming quantities I would have previously been concerned about but this was Larry and with everything he'd taught me, I just knew he, we, could do nothing wrong.

When he finally finished, even to the point of shaking off the last few drops, I stood up to offer mine but he ran his hands through his hair and said,

"If I do that, we'll be here for an hour and we're late as it is," and he pulled the curtain back and stepped out, leaving me to rinse my self off.

We quickly got dressed only this time I deliberately did not put underpants on. I could feel the pleasure of that, of being completely free and having the coarseness of the denim rubbing against my dick as we raced down the stairs to our waiting breakfast. In my house, it was everyone for them selves and I often grabbed a piece of fruit, running out of the house. This was a sit down and eat, breakfast.

As we ran outta the house, I again thanked Mrs.... for `the night---it was great'.

"You're welcome.....come back again...."

"OH I can be sure of that !"

We wanted to sit in back but there were already a couple of guys there and had to sit way up in front. Thus, our conversation had to be very general and it was; primarily about how he was going to get his project to school---certainly not on the bus.

We were both savvy enough to keep our true relationship very cool and I mean that in the temperature sense and not in the joyous one. We both referred to the one guy who was in drama and acted so feminine, swishing his hips and swinging his arms. None of the `guys' wanted to have anything to do with him. And that's just the way it worked. Larry maintained his group of friends, which were many, and I wasn't comfortable with them or they with me and I stuck to my other only friend, John, from Scouts.

(Larry and I get VERY involved in a few pages.)

Going back to John and the dare to get it up and jack off in front of another guy: At the next meeting, after camp, I felt comfortable enough to bring the subject back up but in such a way that if he took it the wrong way and pegged me as being a pervert, I'd be able to laugh it off by saying, `I was just kidding'.

"Gotten it off lately, John?"

He knew exactly what I was referring to and said with an excited smile, knowing that I hadn't forgotten the challenge,

"OH yea.....and how about you? I really wanna see how big yours is."

I was soooo excited, pleased. I'd tried this several times and had always run into a brick wall, and as I said, really took heat for pursuing one time. I went back into my closet and locked the door. But I was still very suspicious, careful, about doing anything with him while at Scouts. THE last thing I wanted was to be kicked outta Scouting.

"Any time you're ready....but NOT around Scout meetings."

"OK.....ya can come to my house or I'll come to yours."

That was easier said than done. We lived in different directions and there was an express way (then it was known as a 6 lane highway) to cross. It took us several tried but either there wasn't enough privacy at one of our homes or we had to do something with our parents.

The event took place when we were working on a badge and had to build a `Victory Garden'. They had land around their house. Ours house was on a very small, city lot. Victory Gardens were small plots of land where city folk grew food for their own use so that the farmers crops could be sent over seas to feed out troops. Mom had driven me over with my bike in the trunk of the car. She had a lot of other things to do and would leave me at Johns for the whole day.

First things first. While we were in the basement, getting shovels and rakes, John wanted to fool around but I knew if we got started we'd not get our garden started. He was disappointed but finally agreed. That really helped the whole situation. We worked much faster, accomplished a lot in a very short time and built up quite a sweat, drinking lots of water.

After a couple of such productive hours, we headed to the house for something to eat. His mother was also gone but she left our lunch on the kitchen table and we were able to talk, plan, as we ate. We'd started out in the basement but that was dark and dirty. We headed up to his bedroom so he could show me the `dirty' magazines that his older brother and I think even dad had stashed away. He showed me how to carefully take them out and put them back so no one would know they'd been touched. He was quite a detective.

Again, back then magazines were the only way of transmitting such prohibited material. There were no tapes, C.D's. There were movies but they required a movie projector and screen so that took a lot of setting up and they were very expensive. Even my dad or Uncle Lou couldn't afford them. And these magazines were pure vanilla by today's standards BUT they really got John and I off. It was the guys, with their hot, tight, bodies that he kept pointing to so I knew he was as interested in guys and not gals, as I was.

Someone had smeared the ink to make it look like ya could see how big the cocks were under their shorts. Nothing was shown as a full blown hard on; just a lot of suggestive poses but they were enough. We both had boners without even jackin' off. We put them all back, carefully.

"Who's gonna go first?" he said, eagerly.

"I don't care. But first I wanna suck on your dick." And I dropped to my knees right in front of him.

Without asking or waiting for him to offer, I just put my hand around his shaft and pulled it to my mouth. He not only didn't resist or hesitate, he actually shoved it into my mouth. I'd pulled my hand away just in time.

His cock was sooo much longer than mine that it hit the back of my mouth in one jab. The only think that made that possible or comfortable was that it wasn't any thicker than mine or Larry's. That's what also made it look so much longer. It was probably an inch and a quarter thick. He was circumcised. His nut sack was almost as long as his dick. With my limited experience, his balls were the same size and length as mine and that made me feel good.

I was clumsy and inexperienced but so anxious that I just plow-ed ahead suckin' my heart out, expecting cum to shoot into my mouth as quickly as the piss I'd experienced. Apparently, John had much more experience and was able to hold back, enjoying the act, the sensation of my hot mouth on his ridged rod.

He had his hands on my head and his hips were pumping away as though he was on a bike, peddling toward the finish line. It worked. Before I was ready, he started shooting cum into my mouth. It was so rich and thick that I could actually feel it building up on my tongue. I was swallowing it all down as quickly as he could deliver. Brother, did I have something to measure up to. I didn't think I was gonna be able to do it. What I thought of later was that he didn't make much noise or sounds of achievement; he just held my head still, shot a few volleys of cum into me, pumped a few more times a little easier and then shot some more. I think by the third time he just let his cock rest on my tongue while he continued to `piss' cum into my body.

"WOW, that was hot.....How'd you learn to do that?"

"OH, I've done it a couple of times. I saw these guys doin' it in the forest preserves and when they caught me watching, they pinned me to a tree and tore off my pants. When they saw my `whopper' they fought over who and how they were gonna suck it off.

"I was as interested as they were, and just let them have their way. They were both impressed that I had enough to satisfy them both. In that one session I learned a lot. They were very good teachers---in fact I wonder if they weren't teachers. They talked like teachers, giving advice and direction.

"Suck im harder, harder, deeper....make im come."

"Leave some for me; it's my turn. I wanna blow the kids load"

While one was powerfully suckin' my dick the other guy forced me against the rough tree bark and began kissin' my lips. I tried to turn away but it was no use. He was much bigger, stronger, than even his partner and I just had to give in.

I jumped in with, "D'ja like being kissed....?"

"Yea,....after it was all over, I felt his limps on mine more than their mouths on my dick. I'd like to learn how to do that."

" would l... think about it all the time but how do you find anyone you can kiss.....?"

"You're the only one that's sucked my cock since and it feels just as good. Can I suck yours now?"

I stood up, licking my lips, trying to retrieve the non existent cum. And before he could get down on his knees, I moved forward and kissed him on the lips. He wasn't expecting it but he sure was ready.

His arms wrapped around my body and my hands slid up his back. He puckered his lips and I covered them with mine and just sucked, licked, away. I forced my tongue into his mouth and he readily responded to my offer.

Then he took over as the kisser and began to kiss my cheeks and face. It was very slimy but hot. When our mouths crossed each other again we were both ready for some serious probing, slurping, and kissing. We were locked together as long as we had been when I was suckin' his cock. I was amazed at how much moisture our mouths could produce and how tasty it was. Much different than cum but still there was this distinct, solid, taste of another guys' fluids. If only we could produce that taste in the quantity of piss and cum.

It was now his turn to suck me. He positioned me on my back on his bed and crawled between my legs which he held up in the air. It felt so strange but soooo though I was waving my arms saying, `Look, here it is....TAKE it...... TAKE ALL OF ME'.

His arms came between my legs also and my legs just naturally wrapped around his chest. One hand grabbed my projected cock and the other my balls. He was pullin' them apart and it felt fantastic...havin' someone else's hands on your private parts. His face dropped and covered my cock in one move. All I could see was the back of his blond, curly, hair but I sure could feel the warmth and wetness of his mouth around my cock. Then his head started bobbing up and down and he began to suck away in earnest.

When I felt that urge and knew I was about to shoot, I put my hand on his head and he knew the silent command.... `hold off a moment.......I wanna' enjoy this."

He did, but just for a moment. He was intent on getting my cum; all of it. And within a few more stokes, sucks, I began to quiver and yellllll.

"OH fucin' yea.... I'm gonna it COMES....take it all....take my fuckin' cum. OH YEA.....OH YEA....."

And then I collapsed. My legs fell from his back, my arms from his head lying across the width of his bed; I was breathing heavily. There was a long silence as we both reveled at what we'd just accomplished.

Quick sucks in a john are OK but real love making has to be done on a mattress, in private, and with patience.

Don't know what we talked about exactly but I do remember thinking that his guy isn't `slow' as every one refers to him as. He quite smart. He knows what he's doing and how to get what he wants. I came to realize later, during other Scouting projects, that he was just shy and afraid of doing something wrong. He hated making mistakes and between the two of us we accomplished most of our merit badges. He showed me how to do things; I built up his pride and encouraged him every step of the way. His mom was eternally grateful for all I'd been to him as she knew what the problem was but just didn't know how to solve it. Sex, Sex mom.....all he was really lookin' for was the opportunity and place to experience sex.

We were so hot for each other that we just forced the issue and planted even a larger garden to take care of. Sat's and Sun's that summer were spent at his house, caring for and nurturing all these new plantings. We weren't always able to use his bedroom but we always found someplace to get it off: the basement, the ATTIC or even once right there in the garden, between the tall corn that was ready for harvest. That was really fun. Naked on the moist earth, suckin', fuckin', and feeling and hearing the stalks of corn rustle in the late evening as we fucked away--almost daring someone to discover what we were doing. `FUCK em..we were havin' a ball.'

There are lots of other things that we did but telling them would take days. The one thing that John was able to do, and I've tried as hard as I can to duplicate it, was his ability to flip his legs over his chest, while lying on his back and suck his own cock. I mean actually suck it not just lick it or shoot into his mouth after jacking off with his hand.

He was able to pump his ass, bend his knees, in a rapid rhythm and shoot cum directly into his mouth without touching his cock with his hand. Lots of times, in our training sessions together, he reward me if I'd done the best I could, by saving his cum and letting me `kiss' it back into my mouth. He was a goooood instructor. He made me work very hard and long to get what I really wanted....his massive load of jizm.

But then again, I had something to offer, or demonstrate, that he took seriously and worked on developing.

While I pissed in my own mouth every morning, before getting outta bed, or certainly in the shower, he was able to do it directly into his mouth and never have to worry about spilling it or making a mess of things on his sheets or cloths. He found it strange as the first few tastes of urine were very thin, weak and bitter. When I showed him how to store it over night and what to drink before he went to bed to enrich the taste, he became as much of an addict as I was.

From the quantity he was able to deliver to me, I had to assume it had something to do with the largeness of his other organs. Without even trying or saying he was bloated, he could piss a full 8 oz. of the most golden piss. We got to the point that when he knew I was coming over, he'd piss such a quantity into a traveling mug and give it to me after we'd finished what ever perverted thing we were doing that day. And I might just as well add that it did finally get to some very nasty things; all having to do with sex. Let your minds run wild......and you'll only be half way there.

We were together for only a year and a half and his mom remarried, quite well, I'm pleased to add and they moved to a warmer climate. He received his Eagle Scout award there and asked me come down to see him get it but that was just when I was graduating from H.S. and couldn't make it. We promised to keep in touch and we have, sexually.

That was the reward for staying the course and not giving up; of not being intimidated by social pressures to be something you're not.

Live your own life and love living it.

[Now back to Larry and who was getting into the club?]

Next: Chapter 2: Dads Boys Club 6 13

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