Dancing with the Dragon, Chosen

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Jan 19, 2017


This is a work of fiction, and contains scenes of explicit gay sex. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

Dancing with the Dragon: CH 20, The Ball, Copyright 2016 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

Dancing with the Dragon Chapter 20: The Ball by Tripp Savidge

Garrett raised his head and looked up Skye's body, a smile lighting his face. "So, you still angry with me."

"I will be if you stop..." Skye said then gasped as the hot tongue slid inside him again. He had missed Garrett so much and now feeling his touch and his presence, everything seemed better. Well, especially my ass, that's feeling really good right now. "Ohhhhh, wow." Oh god, that's amazing. I'll be angry later... when we're done...

Garrett rolled the ball in his mouth watching and feeling for Skye's reaction. He moved to the other then licked and bit at the soft skin before running his tongue up Skye's shaft. He caught a drip of pre-cum and savored it. Then moved his head up so he could take the hard cock in his mouth. He held Skye's hips firmly in his arms, making sure that he couldn't move away. Garrett's dragon had calmed now that he was doing what the dragon wanted, content to enjoy and savor his mate after being separated.

Garrett released Skye and kissed up his stomach, licking and teasing as he moved up. He used the tip of his tongue to tease one of Skye's nipples and was rewarded with a gasp. He moved to the other and bit at it then rolled it with his tongue. Garrett kissed up to Skye's shoulder, gently moving to his collar bone then over to his neck. He licked and teased with his tongue as Skye wrapped his legs around Garrett's hips and pulled him tight.

Skye wiggled and moved enough to make sure Garrett's stiff cock was rubbing against his hole as Garrett moved in and captured his mouth. "Please Garrett, I want you inside me."

Garrett kissed more deeply and rubbed his slick cock against Skye's hole until he worked himself in, carefully going in a little at a time. Skye's body accepted him willingly and they began moving together, kissing as Garrett slid himself all the way in, then back as far as he could without slipping out.

"I love you," Garrett whispered between kisses.

"Love you more," Skye responded as he squeezed his legs around Garrett's hips and pulled him in tight then ground his ass on Garrett's cock.

"Not fair. I can't even move."

Skye gave an evil laugh. "But I can." He squeezed and released moving his ass just enough to milk Garrett's big dick. Skye had discovered that he had some new skills thanks to muscles he'd acquired with the change. He might not have all the benefits of being dragon-born, but he was close.

"Father Dragon Skye, I can't hold back," Garrett gasped.

Skye could feel how close Garrett was and relaxed enough to allow Garrett some movement and was rewarded with some hard, fast fucking as Garrett hit the point of no return.

"That's it love," Skye said.

Garrett released and collapsed against Skye kissing him and sucking at his lips. "Now, it's your turn." Garrett rolled, pulling Skye over on top of him as he lay back and spread his legs. "I'm ready, no need to wait."

Skye moved into position and pushed himself in. Damn, he was right. He's so wet and ohhhhhh. Skye froze as the flutter pushed its way into him and all the nubs started rubbing and teasing his cock.

"Told you I was ready."

Skye kept still, trying to catch his breath. He might have the ability to milk Garrett but sometimes it seemed as if Garrett's man-hole had a mind and abilities of its own. Skye started thrusting and looked down at his mate, admiring the view. Garrett had a light sheen of sweat making his dark golden muscles shimmer. He was a work of art. Skye often thought Garrett could have modeled for the super heroes in the porn comics. He had the muscled body-builder physique, with the best curves in all the right places and nipples that would be obscene on a human. But to Skye they were erotic and tempting. He leaned forward and took one in his mouth.

Garrett moaned and his ass tightened around Skye, his eyes wide and a subtle glow began spreading across his skin. Skye leaned back and ran his hands over the full round pecs, teasing and pinching at the large hard nipples. "You are so sexy."

"Not compared to you baby," Garrett objected.

Skye started thrusting faster, knowing it was what Garrett wanted and needed. His eyes were lit by flames now and he was close. Skye had his shields lowered enough to share the sensations without being overwhelmed. It had taken practice for both of them, not enough shielding and the feelings were so intense they'd orgasm in seconds. Shield too tightly and you wouldn't know what your partner was feeling and couldn't maximize their pleasure. Skye adjusted again and started grinding his hips in a circular motion at the bottom of his thrust. Garrett was glowing brightly and the orgasm was building.

Garrett reached up and pinched Skye's nipples. It surprised Skye and almost undid him. His own orgasm went from nothing to full on and it was a struggle to focus. Garrett's ass tightened and quivered around him and that was it. Skye erupted, the pinching and savage pulling Garrett was doing to his nipples made him see stars. His body was pumping away, shooting load after load into Garrett's flutter as he was pulled into a kiss and felt Garrett's power tugging at him - magic calling to magic and then the damn broke and it poured out of both of them, mingling and filling them both with an incredible feeling of warmth and belonging.

Skye lay still staring up at the mirror above the bed. Garrett was wrapped around him, his head on Skye's chest, his arm wrapped protectively around Skye's waist and his leg over top of Skye's. They were both still glowing, giving Skye a pretty good view. Skye felt sort of odd, having Garrett's head on him - he was usually the one nestled into Garrett. He liked the view though, Garrett's muscled leg and arm looked huge but strangely, they weren't and it felt right.

Skye thought he heard something and listened more closely, then relaxed as he realized it was Dillon in the other room. The sound was one of Dillon's moans - a sound Skye knew very well and likely meant Dillon was having a very good time. Guess Willow seduced him after all. Skye heard a louder moan and some other noises he'd come to recognize. He's such a vocal boy, Skye mused. He'd learned that sex with Dillon was never discreet if there was anyone in listening range. Not that Skye minded, it was sexy and he liked knowing that Dillon lost total control if the sex was good enough and Willow was better than good.

  • Scene 2 *

Skye woke to the smell of food. He turned over and saw Garrett approaching with tray in hand. Skye sat up and adjusted as Garrett placed the tray in his lap. With a flourish, Garrett removed the cover.

"Your breakfast Your Majesty." Garrett crawled on the bed and lay on his stomach propping his chin in his hands as he watched Skye.

"This is really good. Why the special treatment and where's Dillon?"

"I told him to sleep in a bit and maybe soak in a hot tub. He was having trouble walking so I offered to take care of you."

Skye let out a snort. Guess he had a really good night with Willow. "Well, thank you. And a special thank you for watching out for Dillon."

"Soooooo... you still angry with me?"

Skye paused and put the fork down. "What, you can't read my mind this morning?"

"Sometimes it's better if you do the interpreting. What I get isn't anger, it's fear."

"Idiot. I'm not good at letting others see me afraid. That gets you beat up. I'm very good at showing anger. So sometimes when I'm really scared or upset it turns into being really pissed. Maybe I'm pissed at myself, I don't know. But when you cut me off and left I was terrified. Maybe you didn't want me anymore and every time you've been away bad things happen."

"What are you talking about?"

"Marta, Veygat, the Macaca, Siriana, the slavers?" Skye watched as the realization hit Garrett. "You see, when you haven't been with me bad things happen. It's all too much. I feel absolutely overwhelmed and every day there seems to be a new challenge. I don't want to be trained as an assassin or have to kill people. Just once I'd like to meet someone new and not be afraid that my 'magic' is going to decide I have to have sex with him. I don't want to go to 'boot camp' or worry if I'm going to wake up after burning some innocent village. And I sure as hell don't want to sleep with your brother just so I know what he likes!"

"Skye I only followed about half of that... But I am really sorry, I never connected me being away with the stuff that happened. It was only going to be a couple days. How can I make it up to you?"

"What I'd really like is for you to take the entire day and make love to me. Sadly, I have a session with Master Chen and I'm supposed to help Christos prepare for his ceremony. It's never going to slow down is it? No... don't answer I don't really want to know. Okay... so maybe start by telling me what happened and why you thought shutting me out was a good idea."

"I definitely like your first idea better. I have my first meeting with Master Chen as well. I promise to tell you every detail if you'll tell me what happened while I was gone. It sounds like I may have missed more than you did."

"Deal," Skye said.

"So you already know about the reassignment and the Temero. I met with Captain Nekko. He seems like a pretty level headed Pelurian. He likes discipline but he's not a hard ass. And the ship is amazing. It doesn't even feel like you're on a ship - it's so big."

"So Captain Nekko is about Kwill's size? I think that would make holding command and intimidating soldiers a little tough."

"Goodness no Skye. Captain Nekko's bigger than me - probably 6'5" and with just as much muscle and a real big bulge. You'd like him," Garrett said with a wink.

"But Fleet Admiral Matsui is so little..." Skye said pointedly ignoring Garrett's comment.

"Pelurian females are, but the males are huge. They work like a hive, so there's probably only one female to every hundred or more males."

"Well... that's different."

"Yeah, so anyway. That was all pretty good and saying farewell to the Black Phoenix and crew was tough, but they all congratulated me on my promotion."

Skye didn't feel like he needed to say anything so just gave Garrett 'the look' and encouraged him to continue.

"Now for the part you didn't hear. Father told me skirmishes have been increasing on the rim of the Empire. Some of our outposts have been destroyed and several colonies attacked. Ships have gone missing as well. They're becoming more daring and taking more risks. We don't know who they are but they appear to be working with the reapers, slavers, and some of the separatist factions causing problems here."

"Do you think they were tied in with Admiral Constantine?"

"That is one of the speculations. So Father and others are assuming that there are spies and taking action. The Psions are assisting but it will still take time. The last attack was on Kember Sla, a human settlement that was once a farm colony for the vampires. It has long since been made a protected, independent colony but it is the closest human outpost to the rim. A few days ago, one of their cities was attacked and close to one thousand colonists taken. Several hundred were killed in the assault."

"That's pretty brash," Skye said thinking about outsiders coming in and attacking Cleveland and grabbing up inhabitants.

"Yeah, our overseers are working night and day to get things calmed down. The only advantage we have is that they are a primitive society so word won't travel too quickly and most of the city was destroyed, so there are few survivors to talk. But seeing space craft and men in armored suits is both frightening and overwhelming. The few survivors we've found have had to be relocated. They saw too much and are too corrupted to function."

"So wait, do you have like the prime directive or something?" Skye asked.

"I have no idea what you're asking."

"Do you have rules that the Empire cannot interfere or bring technology to a world beyond what they've developed themselves, that if they haven't travelled to space, they can't know other species exist?"

"Exactly, yes. That is fundamental to our protection of humans especially. Only if they are removed from their home world can they have the knowledge."

"Like me?"

"You are a chosen," Garrett said it as if being 'chosen' were completely different and couldn't be compared.

"Yeah. So what, the ones who saw too much are not chosen too?"

"If they are human males of a suitable age, they can be. Other species, women or those too old to bond are placed on stations or in colonies with like species who foster them and help them adjust to live out their lives. But all of this means the Empire is under threat. Father is building up the fleet and forces to be prepared. It's also why we've been put on a science and exploration vessel that might as well be a warship."

"And more reason why Pater wants me to be trained as an assassin."

"I am so sorry Skye. I never would have asked this of you. I know how it goes against everything you believe in." Garrett reached out placing his hand on Skye.

"It is and it isn't. If it means I can protect you and those I love, I'm in. All I really care about is that I'm with you."

Garrett crawled over and kissed Skye, holding him close.

"Was there more?" Skye asked.

"That wasn't enough?"

Skye held back the inelegant remark that came to mind. "Now let me tell you what happened while you were gone. So did you know Pater is not only trained as an assassin but has a whole network of evil doers acting as hitmen for your Father?" Skye didn't need to read minds to see the reaction as Garrett's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. Oh this is going to be an interesting conversation. Skye thought.

  • Scene 3 *

"Skye, that was truly amazing," Garrett said giving him a play punch in the shoulder.

"Yeah big brother, who knew you had it in you?" River teased.

"Wasn't anything special..." Skye blushed as he grabbed a towel and wiped off the sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Hey. Make sure you leave some for me," Garrett said poking River and giving him a look before he headed over to Master Chen.

"Damn, I hate when they can read your thoughts," River muttered.

"Your Majesty, Master River if you don't mind Prince Garrett's first session should be without an audience."

"Why did you stay?" Skye asked as he and River stepped out of the training room.

River gave him an evil look and let his eyes trail down Skye's body and paused long and hard looking at his crotch. "Cause I love seeing you get all hot and sweaty and watching Master Chen work you into the ground."

"Your session go okay?"

"Yeah. It was only my second time and he doesn't work me half as hard as you."

"River, it was only my second session too. I think it's because I'm already dragon and maybe a little payback... Hey, where's Nik?"

"He had classes this morning and then a fitting."

It wasn't exactly a locker room, but there was a large bath and changing area next to the training rooms. Skye began pulling off the tight workout shorts and immediately felt a set of helping hands. "River! What?"

"You looked fucking hot big brother. I think you've added some new muscles," River said as he slid his hands into Skye's shorts and licked up his spine.

"Ewwww. River I'm all sweaty."

"You're delicious and I've missed you." River licked down Skye's back and worked the shorts down to Skye's ankles. He gripped Skye's ass cheeks and took a deep breath before biting one of the firm globes.


"Your ass is as full and round as Nik's now. God I hope my ass looks as good someday." River resumed licking and pushed his face into Skye's crack as he held his hips firmly. He slid his tongue in as deeply as he could then paused. River pulled back and stroked Skye's cock, squeezing out a stream of pre-cum onto his hand. He licked it up then went back to licking Skye's hole. He slid his finger gently in then pulled it out and put it in his mouth. "Fuck Skye..."


"Your ass is wet."

"You're the one who insisted starting while I was still sweaty."

"No big brother, I mean 'wet'. Like your ass is slick and it tastes just like your pre-cum. And the more I rim you, the wetter it's getting."

"Don't be stupid River. Guys don't get wet."

"You do. Turn around," River demanded.

Skye turned and River gripped Skye's hips and pulled him closer, licking up his shaft. "Don't think I've forgotten about your hole. I just want this more."

Skye let out a moan as River took him into his mouth. Wow but he's gotten to be really good at this. Skye thought as River took him all the way to the root. "Do you wanna 69? I could do things for you too?"

"No, that would distract me," River said resuming an enthusiastic tongue worship of Skye's cock.

"But you have Nik... holy shit! Where'd you learn that?"

"From Nik. And as good as he is I still missed you, especially how you taste and how your cock feels in my mouth. Second only to how it feels in my ass..."

Skye had to lean back against the wall, his legs were quivering and he was getting close. He knew it was going to be over soon when he felt River's fingers slide into his ass.

River wrapped his hand around Skye's cock and gave it a few firm strokes as his fingers worked their way deeper into his hole. "That's the way big brother, you're going to give me everything you've got." River took Skye back into his mouth and sucked even harder.

Skye gasped as the orgasm hit him and his seed pumped into River's mouth and down his throat.

River made appreciative noises as he continued to work Skye's cock, milking and sucking up all his cream. His fingers continued massaging inside Skye making his cock give up every drop. "Mmmmm. I needed that."

"Yeah, right. I think Nik is more than happy to keep you well supplied."

"He is, but he's not you. Can't say why but I started craving it. Couldn't get you out of my mind even though the sex with him is awesome."

"Well I sure don't mind," Skye said giving River a hand to stand up. "Want me to reciprocate?"

River leaned in and kissed Skye. "In my head, yeah. But to be honest my balls already ache so I'm going to pass. I didn't know a guy could need so much sex. Only part that keeps me going is knowing he'll get full paybacks when I go through the change."

"Can't you spread it out a little? Not that I had a choice when Garrett was gone, but it might make it easier to handle and make the times with you and Nik that much more special."

"Maybe. I don't really want to share him. I'm okay with you, Kleitos and Garrett and well now Willow, but I like how much he needs me. Our bond and connection seems to get stronger with each time. So guess I'm okay living with a sore ass and aching balls."

"Dork," Skye said messing up River's hair.

"But a happy one... So you gonna wait for Garrett?"

"No, Master Chen wanted a full two hours so I'm going to get showered and see if I can find the chapel."


"Yeah, I have some questions for the priests and seems that they don't take calls or messages. They only do 'in-person'. Seatha said I could talk with the priests here, so I thought I'd introduce myself and maybe do some of those prayers and candles I told you about."

"Sounds like a downer to me," River said.

"Could be, but I need to."

  • Scene 4 *

Skye couldn't help but gawk and stare as he made his way through the unfamiliar halls. Fortunately Fisk and Corbin were on duty today and knew the way so he didn't have to use the A.I. maps. It was also Corbin's first day as one of his private guard and Skye couldn't help but enjoy the perpetual smile Corbin wore.

"This is amazing," Skye said looking up at the high stone ceilings with ornate gothic arches. The walls were also stone and the doors they passed had to be at least nine feet tall, dark heavy wood with black cast iron hardware.

"It was built during one of the prior Emperor's reigns, after the great wars. It's certainly not one of the oldest sections but it has its charms," Fisk said.

"To me, it is what a castle should look like," Skye said.

They came to a large octagonal rotunda and on one wall were a set of doors that were fifteen feet in height and ornately carved with forest scenes. Skye noted the similarity to the doors at the Verdilat temple.

"We're here Your Majesty," Corbin announced. "Do you wish us to enter with you or remain out here?"

"Your call," Skye said as Fisk opened the door.

"We'll wait in the back Your Majesty, that way we can keep an eye on you without being intrusive," Fisk said.

"You are never intrusive," Skye responded. He entered and walked down the large center aisle. For being part of the Palace, it was huge and certainly not what Skye would have termed a 'chapel', more like a cathedral. It was in the same gothic style with huge stained glass windows and soaring columns and ornate arches.

Skye saw a man at the front near the dais and approached quietly. He had to be a priest Skye thought, given the black floor length robes. The man seemed to startle and turned to Skye. Holy shit, he's... he's pregnant. Skye knew he was staring with his mouth open but, damn... there was a pregnant man - a priest - standing right there. He was probably in his late twenties, nice looking with light brown hair and a very pronounced baby bulge.

"Your Majesty," the man said with a curtsey. "I am Richard. I apologize for not bowing, but if I did, I'd probably fall over," he finished with a chuckle.

"Sure... s'okay," Skye stuttered.

Richard placed his hands on his swollen belly. "Guessing you haven't seen a pregnant man before?"

"No." And damn if the first one I see isn't a priest as well. Makes my head hurt just thinking about it. Black robes and the little white collar, and pregnant! What a scandal that would be...

"I'm sure you'll see many more pregnant men as you spend time on Draga. I expect you'll be wanting to speak to Ian?"

"Seatha mentioned him. So do I call you reverend, pastor, father?"

"Just Richard is fine. We serve all religions so don't hold with titles," Richard said with a smile.

Skye couldn't help but stare at the large round belly. Richard had to be pretty far along and watching him turn and waddle away made Skye struggle not to laugh. It wasn't long before he returned with another man, about the same age but with dark hair, bright blue eyes, pale complexion and what looked like a perpetual five o'clock shadow.

"Seriously Richard, go home. Get some rest, we'll be fine. I really don't want you going into labor on my watch. We've done that once," the man said before turning to Skye and bowing. "Your Majesty, welcome. I'm Ian. How may I be of service?"

Skye watched as Richard left, still feeling a little odd about the whole thing. He turned back to Ian and caught his breath, the priest was sexy as hell. Okay, bad thought Skye, can't be thinking that way about the priest... maybe it's the magic, even here that has to be a sin. Skye thought about it and could feel the hum from his magic. He's the first human my magic has noticed, how interesting... Okay, time to focus. "Seatha said you could help with questions and also show me where to light the candles and say prayers?"

"Of course. He told me about your desire to pray for those killed. Seeing Richard troubled you?"

"While I knew that bond-mates could get pregnant, I've never actually seen a pregnant man and he's a priest!" Skye said.

"We don't hold with chastity vows Your Majesty. This is actually Richard's second pregnancy. He already has a three year old son at home and has been bonded almost twenty years."

"What? He was bonded when he was like seven?"

Ian laughed. "No, I believe he was in his early twenties. We age very slowly once bonded. I've only been bonded five years but then I was in my mid-twenties when I arrived."

"So for the prayer thing, does it matter that I'm not Catholic?"

"No Skye. We don't label spirituality here. The vestments are to make those from Earth more comfortable, but we serve all. I was studying to be an Episcopalian priest when I was taken. Never finished, obviously, but I have since been trained to serve here. Enough about us, what were your questions?"

"Can you ask if there is any reference to a Platinum sharing magic?"

"I'm not sure I understand? It is not unusual for a dragon to share his magic with his mate. Personally I find it quite... rewarding."

"No, I mean is there anything different or unique with the Platinum, and what if you share it with others beyond your bond-mate?" Skye felt guilty about the question, especially when he saw Ian's reaction.

"Uhm... sure, I'll ask. Was there anything else?"


"Sure, I think you'll like the Zephyr chapel." Ian led Skye back past several other rooms with elaborate gates until he reached one and opened it, ushering Skye inside. It wasn't a large room, but was similar to many of the chapels he'd seen in Europe - except for the symbols and details, he could have been at home. "The candles are here, and you use one of the standing tapers to light them as needed."

"Thank you." Skye had put it off but decided the guilt and bad dreams weren't going to go away unless he did something. He may have been drugged at the time but he was still the one who killed them.

"My pleasure Your Majesty, please call if you need anything," Ian said placing his hand on Skye's shoulder.

Skye felt a tingle flow through his body at the touch and quickly reminded himself that Ian was a priest.

"Sorry Your Majesty, must be static..." Ian said in an obviously uncomfortable tone.

"Yes. Thank you again. I'll let you know when I'm finished." Well, at least it was mild.

Skye pulled up the image with names Serat had provided, lit the first candle and placed it on the table, nesting it securely in the golden crystals. Much prettier than sand he thought as he began the first prayer.

  • Scene 5 *

"He said he was tired and wanted to rest a bit so he could join this evening. He looked good as new and certainly had his sense of humor back," Skye said with a blush.

"You feel better having him back home?" Garrett asked.

"I do. I was really hoping he could help with this, but he can always check them later if I miss something. It's nice having the validation."

"The little blue guy grows on you."

Sky heard the words spoken but what he picked up mentally was very different. "Garrett. That's awful... really?"

"Don't read my mind if you don't want to know. You gotta agree, Kwill gives one hell of a blowjob."

"That wasn't what I meant by validation."

Garrett gave a wicked smile. "Validates how good you taste..."


"I'll help you with the guard selection. Besides, they're going to be around us quite a bit and I may have an opinion..."

The guard opened the door as they approached. "Your Majesties."

As soon as Garrett and Skye entered the grand hall, Taleel approached and greeted them warmly.

"Your Majesties," Taleel said with a bow.

"Do you have to do that?" Skye asked.

"Planet-side and in public, yes. Gotta set a good example for these guys," Taleel said nodding over his shoulder to the line of Imperial Guard standing at attention. "Colonel Devroe reviewed the volunteers and selected who he thought would be the best ten. Most of them are male and dragon. Emperor Darius's preference and since the Imperial Guard are his, well... he can discriminate as much as he wants."

"You didn't help pick?" Garrett asked.

"No, I don't know these guards personally, so don't have much to add," Taleel said. "What did you mean by volunteers?" Skye asked.

"Devroe announced that they would be expanding your and Prince Garrett's personal guard and asked that any who had at least two years of service and were interested, apply. If you don't find seven out of this bunch, he's got another group of ten identified. There was no shortage of volunteers."

Garrett, is that bad?

**No baby, that just means that they wanted to serve with us. I'd think it would make you feel better knowing that they chose to put their lives on the line for you. You're not forcing them."

Skye gave a nod and turned back to Taleel, who gave a knowing smile glancing between Skye and Garrett. Taleel had been around them long enough to sense, or notice the tells when they spoke mind to mind.

"Ready?" Taleel asked.

"Sure, what do I need to do?"

Taleel laughed. "You have to tell me. I don't know how your mojo works but think you'll want to select those feel 'right'. You may also want to do surface read, make sure they are here for the right reasons."

"It will help if I touch them..."

"Got it." Taleel stepped over to the line of guards. "Attention! Prince Skye and Prince Garrett will now begin the review and selection. Each of you will be introduced individually. Please bow, and then shake hands with Prince Skye. Don't freak out if he wants to hug you... what can I say, it's a human thing..."

There were muffled laughs and snickers down the line.

Taleel! Was that necessary? Skye asked mind to mind.

"No, but it put them at ease and if there is magic, they will know as well as you and if not, they won't think anything of it."

Skye lowered his shields and moved up to stand with Taleel and gave a subtle nod.

"Sergeant Bryan O'Dell," Taleel announced and the first man stepped forward and bowed. Skye reached out his hand and smiled at the young man. He was a few inches shorter but had a nice muscular build, bright red hair, and a very pale complexion. What Skye noticed most was the hint of a mischievous smile and the sparkle in the emerald green eyes.

"My pleasure," Skye said giving a firm shake. The jolt was almost immediate and O'Dell gasped as his eyes went wide in surprise. Skye might have stumbled if it weren't for Garrett's reassuring hand on his back.

Guessing he was a keeper? Garrett asked.

Oh yeah. He's a bit of a jokester and a tease but very dedicated. He's here for the right reasons, well except for a pretty strong hope that he'll end up in our bed.

I like him already.

"Sergeant Meeks Grandel," Taleel said.

The man stepped forward and bowed then reached out to shake Skye's hand. Nothing. Just a handshake. He had deep coppery skin and dark brown hair. But given that he didn't register, Skye moved on.

"Captain Leesai Tedurian."

Skye was surprised at finding a woman in Darius's guard, but she couldn't be described as typical either. She reminded him of Fierre on the Black Phoenix. She was probably about 6'6" and as muscled and ripped as any of the men. Her skin was a deep golden brown and she had a mane of light brown hair. Her face was similar to a human's and yet there were differences - her eyes were like a cat's, a little larger and set farther apart, her cheekbones more pronounced and then again, most humans didn't have tails. She bowed and reached out her hand.

Skye let out a small gasp when their hands touched. That live wire feeling still set him back whenever it happened. He gave a firm shake noting that her hand felt different - like she had more bones and joints than a human. The surprise in her eyes was clear and her lips pulled back in a smile showing long pointed canines. "A pleasure Captain."

Whoa... even I felt that. Though can't say the idea of bringing a Felician to my bed is high on my list. They're noted for being rather... rough.

They don't have to all be lovers. But yeah, it's a little worrisome when the magic is that strong, Skye responded as they moved on.

"Lieutenant Jayce Roberts."

He's pretty Skye.

Skye couldn't help but agree. The young man had a strong athletic build with a notable 'v' shape. His face was pleasant, a warm smile with a gold star pattern in his deep brown eyes. He had curly golden brown hair that fell to his shoulders and his skin was a deep rich gold. He bowed and extended a hand.

Skye noticed Garrett walking behind the guard and saw the expression before the thought hit him.

Fuck Skye his ass is a piece of art. Seriously.

Skye tried to ignore Garrett and took Jayce's hand in a firm grip. Even trying to restrain himself, a small growl escaped. His dragon was alert and pacing as the fire rushed through his body. He knew he was holding on longer than necessary but just couldn't seem to let go. The star pattern in Jayce's eyes started to glow and there was no missing the growing bulge in the Lieutenant's uniform.

"Your Majesty?" Taleel asked inserting himself between Skye and the Lieutenant.

It was enough to break the connection and Skye felt a little light headed as Taleel put his hand to Skye's shoulder to steady him. But he was doing better than Lieutenant Roberts who was now kneeling on the floor trying to catch his breath.

Garrett reached down and helped the Lieutenant back to his feet. "Don't feel bad, we all get nervous. Believe me, happens all the time around my mate. Just be careful not to lock your knees."

"Thank you Your Majesty. My apologies," Lieutenant Roberts said in embarrassment.

"Nothing to be sorry for," Garrett responded with a smile.

The next two guards didn't call to Skye's magic at all and with each consecutive introduction Skye became more nervous.

"Sergeant Greggory Wolf," Taleel said introducing the eighth guard.

Skye hesitated. Well the name certainly fits, he thought. Sergeant Wolf had a short dark beard, dark hair and pale green eyes. His build was lean and muscled and he was just a little shorter than Skye, maybe six feet. Skye reached out his hand and felt the shock before they even touched.

"Fuck!" Sergeant Wolf exclaimed as he quickly drew back his hand. "Sorry... Your Majesty."

Skye could feel and smell something different about this one. His dragon was attentive and obviously his magic had triggered, but he wasn't sure why. Garrett?

Yes love? Do you have a thing for shifters that you've failed to mention? Garrett teased.

So, that's what I'm sensing?

Smells like a wolf to me. Not to worry, I told you they are very tasty.

"Sergeant Calla Rey."

Skye shook the Sergeant's hand and noted the absence of any hum, buzz or feeling at all. As he looked into her eyes, he decided that was a good thing. The dragi female might have been a good guard, but she was also a stone cold killer. As Skye touched her mind, he was revolted by the total lack of compassion or care for others. Sergeant Rey's only concern was her own success. Think I'll need to make sure Devroe knows, Skye thought. She's not the type I want around Father.

"Sergeant Benny de Grosbois."

Skye paused a moment, for some reason the Sergeant looked familiar and then it hit him. He was a dead ringer for Corey. Tanned skin, boy next door good looks, brown hair, bright smile and then Benny stood from his bow and looked Skye in the eyes. Okay, so not exactly the same. Benny's eyes were green with flecks of blue and gold. No human has eyes like that.

"Pleased to meet you Sergeant," Skye said shaking Sergeant de Grosbois's hand. Skye somewhat hoped for a reaction, but nothing happened.

"Lieutenant Kuai Lung."

The young man bowed and extended his hand. He reminded Skye of his friend Jasper. Lieutenant Lung was Asian in appearance, maybe 5'6", slender but with obvious muscle, large dark eyes and a face that was almost too pretty. The Lieutenant's grip was strong and confident and the fire and jolt right to his privates was undeniable.

"A pleasure Lieutenant," Skye said. He began to wonder what the different sensations meant. Whether the electrical charge or the heat was better, or worse, or just different. Lieutenant Lung was both heat and spark causing his dragon to become restless. Skye was hoping he and Garrett could sneak off for a bit to relieve some of the heat he'd built up.

"We will let you know if you have been selected and if so when you will be attending orientation. Thank you. Dismissed," Taleel announced to the group. He waited until they all left the hall before turning to Skye. "So, thoughts?"

"I'm sure you could tell on a couple, but five out of the ten," Skye answered.

"That's better than I'd hoped for," Taleel said.

"Your reaction to Roberts was pretty strong," Garrett added.

Taleel laughed. "Yeah... I'm betting both Roberts and Wolf will be sweating bullets. O'Dell may be a little anxious as well. Who were the other two?"

"Captain Tedurian and Lieutenant Lung."

"Interesting... I'll let them know. Anything else?"

"You may want to talk to Devroe about Sergeant Rey. I don't think we want the Emperor depending on her."

"Got it. Until this evening then," Taleel said as he departed.

Skye turned to Garrett. "So you have time to go back to the room?"

"No love, believe me I wish I did. I really like what you were thinking but I'm supposed to meet Pater. You may need to corner one of your guards..."

"Yeah, I don't want to be too horny when I'm with Christos. That could be bad."

"If you hadn't thought of it, you definitely don't want to be with Christos before the ball. Any of the shifters or sensitive magic types would be able to smell you on him. I don't think that's a good way to introduce him."


"You may not realize it but I bet you could smell it too if you tried. Your scent is especially noticeable."

"Garrett, that is gross. Is it a bad smell?"

Garrett pulled Skye into a hug. "No, it is extremely seductive. Jerrick and I agreed it makes the person wearing it almost irresistible."

"I think you're pulling my leg," Skye said skeptically as they left the hall to find Fisk and Corbin waiting outside. He knew from Garrett's thoughts that he was telling the truth, but it didn't guarantee he wasn't exaggerating. "So you're really going to ask Pater about what he shared with me?"

"Yeah. And a few other things. I'm sure he knows why and he said we could talk while you're helping Christos. I'll also ask about visiting Zo. I know that's going to bother you until we get it resolved."

"I'd appreciate it. But are you going to talk here?"

"No, we're meeting at Kladi Elias for high tea."

"Wish I could join you," Skye said as they walked down the hall.

"We'll do it another time when the conversation is likely to be more pleasant," Garrett said as he turned around to face the guards. "Hey Fisk, looks like you need to take one for the team."

Skye knew he was blushing furiously as he saw Fisk's smile and was somewhat horrified that Garrett was so open and maybe even enthusiastic about the situation. He watched as Garrett turned down the side hall and joined the two guards waiting for him.

Skye did a quick mental search while they walked back to the room. Dillon and Rilien were with Christos and Willow was with Nik and River. Skye felt torn, since his easy options were occupied it meant Fisk might be the best choice. Not that he isn't attractive, Skye thought. He waited at the door and watched as Corbin and Fisk searched the room. Wonder how things will change when we add all the new guards?

Fisk's back was turned as he pulled the heavy drapes to check the balconies. Fisk had a slender swimmer's build, a little more of a 'v' torso than Feired with a small but nicely curved ass. Fisk's sleek dark brown hair wasn't as long as Mica's or Feired's but it was thick and lush and at the moment pulled back in a ponytail. He turned and caught Skye looking at him.

"Almost done Your Majesty, I just need to check the bath," Fisk said with a blush. His deep blue eyes carefully avoiding Skye's.

"Everything else is clear Your Majesty. I'll take hall duty," Corbin said with a huge smile.

"You know if you keep that smile, someone's going to assume you're up to something," Skye teased.

"I sure hope so." Corbin stepped into the hall and pulled the doors closed behind him.

"All clear Your Majesty," Fisk said coming back into the room.

"So what's up with Corbin and that smile?"

"He's just happy My Lord. He thinks this is the best possible assignment and well... I think he sort of has a crush on you. Would you like me to see if I can find Master Dillon or Master Willow for you?"

"No, don't bother. They're already occupied. I checked on our way back." Skye walked over and pulled back the drapes to look outside. "Can I go out on the balcony?"

"Of course. Just realize it's not private. While the shields will keep anyone from shooting you, they can't stop someone from capturing a picture or two."

"So make sure I'm dressed?" Skye joked.

"That's up to you, I'm sure your fans would prefer you went out naked."

Skye blushed as he realized that was Fisk's preference as well. He stepped onto the balcony overlooking the Palace courtyard and took a deep breath. It was a beautiful day and the view was spectacular. Skye felt a mental nudge. Yes love?

Just checking in. I'm going to shield if it's okay with you. I have a feeling my conversation with Pater might get emotional. If you need me, you know how to get my attention, Garrett sent.

Sure. Wish you were with me.

I do too. But don't hold back with Fisk, you know he wants you and there might not be another opportunity until tonight. That's a long time for a guy going through the change.

Love you, Skye sent. There were many other thoughts that ran through his head, but most of them sounded whiney and Garrett didn't need that. He gripped the balustrade and looked at some dragons flying in the distance as he felt Fisk step up behind him. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course Your Majesty."

"Remember, no need for the formality when it's just us. I was wondering, can your dragon take over? You know, make you do things you don't want to do."

Fisk gave Skye a quizzical look. "You and your dragon are one sir. If I'm understanding you correctly, then no, not really. While it feels like a different voice at times, it is still you. I'm sorry sir, I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you. We know from the time we're little that someday we'll have a dragon form. We see others around us go through the change and we know what to expect, just from listening and observing. Your dragon may coax and argue when you're in human form, but you're still in control."

"How is it different when you're in dragon form?" Skye asked.

"You know when you're wearing your battle helmet and you turn on night vision?"


"Think of it like that. When you turn on night vision, everything changes - still your eyes but you see things you didn't notice before and gives you a different perspective. When you're in dragon form, the world looks different. Pathways and spaces that would have accommodated you as a human, you don't consider because they're too small. Beasts that would have been a danger, you know will flee in terror. You also get a different sense of priorities. In some ways I find my dragon to be simpler and more focused. Basic needs and protection of those I love. When you're in dragon form, it is self-preservation that puts the dragon at the forefront. 'You as Skye' are still in mental control but you better be letting the dragon voice guide you."

"You forgot the sex part, my dragon really wants me to have lots and lots of sex," Skye said turning to Fisk.

"Yes, our dragons want to mate, but not just for pleasure. The dragon knows that mating builds our bonds with others and eventually leads to making dragonlings. Our dragons can also be a little territorial, wanting to mark our lovers so that other dragons know who we consider to be 'ours'. It is also much stronger when you're going through the change. I assure you every dragon goes through it and afterwards, we all share our battle stories of who and how many."

"Battle stories?"

Fisk laughed again. "It's a rite of passage. We all go through it and are sometimes embarrassed by the things we've done. But by sharing we realize it isn't 'just us' that's the way the universe works and all is good. You also realize that some of those awkward, and at the time, strange hook- ups lead to some of your best friendships."

"So I'm not going to wake up and not remember what I did last night? You know torch a village, rape, and pillage?"

"You might, depending on what you drink, but it won't be from your dragon," Fisk snorted. "Is there anything I can do to help you? I understand if you don't want to have sex with me - perhaps I could just take care of things for you? I don't even have to get undressed."

"Let's go back in," Skye said and then turned and closed the doors. He put his hands to Fisk's shoulders. "I don't think you understand Fisk. I want you so badly it's hard to think. I can feel you in my head, I know you want to make me happy and would gladly have sex with me. My dragon wants me to take you, mark you, and give you such incredible sex that you won't stop thinking about me. I want to devour you and make you scream in pleasure. I want your body to become hard and wet as soon as I walk into the room. That's not just sex, honestly I'm not sure what that says about me, but it damn sure scares me."

Fisk reached up his hand and brushed the back of his fingers against Skye's cheek. "Wow... I am flattered beyond words. I know that's how it's supposed to work for bond-mates... but I'm just... Father Dragon, I don't even know what I am. You know, when I went through the change I was willing to fuck or be fucked by anyone who'd have me. I didn't feel anything but lust and the need to fuck. Do you get this with everyone?"

Skye sighed. "It feels like it sometimes but no, not everyone. Not even everyone who triggers my magic."

"And you can still hold back? Shit... why are you worried about your dragon taking over? If you get those kind of feelings and don't act on them I really don't think you need to worry."

Skye looked into the deep blue eyes and saw the dimple as Fisk smiled and felt his resolve crumbling. He reached up, placing his hand to the base of Fisk's neck and pulled him closer. "But I don't want to hold back..." Skye moved within in a breath of Fisk's lips. He could feel the heat and the moisture.

"I don't want you to hold back either," Fisk whispered.

Skye let his fingers slide into Fisk's hair and released the clasp letting the hair fall down around his face. It softened his features and made his eyes stand out, his lips look more kissable... it made him damn sexy. Skye closed the distance and felt the spark as their lips met.

Fisk pulled Skye tight against his body and opened his mouth to Skye's tongue.

Skye pulled back and just stared into Fisk's eyes. His dragon was rolling through his body, pushing against the edges purring in excitement. Skye could already feel his magic building and all they'd done is kiss.

Skye helped Fisk out of his jacket and watched as the man stripped and threw his clothing aside. "Damn, you are beautiful," Skye said looking at the smooth lean body. Fisk's manhood was already hard and pointed straight out from his body. He finished setting his own clothes aside and took another moment to admire Fisk.

"Please sir, take me. You can use me any way you want. It's okay," Fisk said stepping back into Skye's arms.

Skye could feel Fisk melt into his arms, submitting and giving himself totally to Skye. It was a strange sensation but one his dragon seemed to understand and accept. He led Fisk to the bed and lay down with him spreading out Fisk's arms and legs and began kissing. Skye pulled back and just looked at the golden body splayed out before him and opened his mind up to seek out Fisk's thoughts.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I wanted to enjoy the view and trying to understand how I resisted you for as long as I did." Skye moved to the bottom of the bed and cradled Fisk's foot. Admiring the shape, the deep arch and the finely formed toes.

Fisk squirmed and let out a laugh as Skye ran his fingers along the soul and then Skye leaned down and sucked the large toe into his mouth prompting a gasp.

"You okay?"

"Sorry, I'm ticklish and not used to anyone touching my feet."

"You have beautiful feet - do you mind?"

"Fuck sir, you can do anything to me you want..."

Skye turned so he could watch Fisk's face as he licked the toe and teased it with his teeth. "Anything?"

Fisk whimpered a little. "I don't think I could say no, even if I wanted to...oh my..."

Skye bit and sucked at the toe as his hands caressed and moved up Fisk's calf. "I promise I'm not going to hurt you... But you will scream..."

Skye turned his attention to the other foot, licking up the soul before giving Fisk another demonstration of what he could do with his mouth and tongue - then using his hands and mouth he worked his way up. He kissed, massaged and licked up to Fisk's inner thighs, carefully avoiding his dripping cock and swollen balls before resuming on the smooth lower abdomen.

By the time Skye reached the first pink nipple, Fisk was already glowing and making small moaning noises. Skye used the lightest touch and the tip of his tongue to get the nipples hard and aroused. When he moved up to Fisk's neck, both were leaking and wet from his care.

"Please sir, can't you just fuck me?" Fisk pleaded.

"Oh no my handsome dragon, you're way too special for that. And quit calling me sir, I'm Skye when we're together. Besides, how can I make this memorable if it's quick and dirty? No, I'm going to explore every precious inch."

Skye pressed his body against Fisk as he kissed up his collar bone from the left, then the right burying his face in the heat and scent of Fisk as he nibbled and licked. Fisk was making the most interesting noises by the time Skye got to his ears and he could feel Fisk's pre-cum making them slick as he slid and rubbed against him.

Skye kissed around Fisk's jaw line then captured his lips, tugging and pulling at them with his own as he traced them with his tongue then explored Fisk's mouth. He swallowed the little moans and gently bit at Fisk's bottom lip as he released him. "Please turn over."

Fisk turned and immediately lifted his ass.

"No precious. Not yet. I'm still exploring," Skye said as he used his weight to push Fisk back down on to the bed. He nuzzled into his hairline behind his ear and inhaled deeply then began kissing. He worked his way down each arm, paying attention to each hand, sucking and tasting each finger before licking and exploring every inch of the muscled back. He skipped over Fisk's ass and gave like attention to his legs before returning to Fisk's feet.

"Please Skye, please! I'm going to cum soon whether you're inside me or not and I'd much rather it be with you."

"Maybe you'll just have to cum again..." Skye moved up taking a little pity on Fisk and began kissing and massaging the slender round globes. He gently kissed down the crack separating the cheeks. Fisk pushed up to meet him and Skye teased his tongue across the tender ass lips, noting how wet and sensitive they were already.

"Father Dragon! Fuck!" Fisk exclaimed as his body orgasmed pumping his seed onto the bed.

Skye held him firmly as he teased at the hole with his tongue until Fisk finally stopped pumping. Skye flipped him over and immediately began licking up his load, cleaning every drop before taking Fisk in his mouth and sucking out the few last bits. He gave Fisk's balls a thorough tongue bath then scooped up the spilled seed on the bed and licked it from his fingers.

"Now, where were we? Oh...." Skye flipped Fisk back onto his stomach and dove into his ass. He bit, teased and sucked before he started giving Fisk a serious tongue fucking. He held him firmly enjoying how Fisk trembled and how noisy he was getting.

"Father Dragon! Just fuck me! Please!" Fisk cried out.

Skye slid up Fisk's body, kissing as he moved until his cock was firmly nestled between the muscled globes and he could nibble on Fisk's ear as he whispered. "Are you sure you want me inside. Didn't you like my tongue?"

"Please Skye... please... I can't even think."

Skye nudged his cock against the heat of Fisk's hole and felt it open, trying to draw him in. As he slid in the tight ass, he bit down on the soft flesh of Fisk's neck at the collar bone.

Fisk full out screamed. His ass started pulsing and constricting around Skye's cock as his first anal orgasm hit. When his scream stopped, he gasped for breath, his whole body trembling in Skye's arms.

"Let your flutter slide in me, I want to feel you as I make love to you," Skye whispered. He looked at the bite marks he'd left, already bruising with a few droplets of blood. He licked them, enjoying the tang and taste of Fisk. The marks would probably heal by morning, but his dragon and Fisk would always know he'd been marked.

It took a few moments but the flutter eventually responded and when it had worked its way into Skye's urethra, he began moving slowly exploring every bit of Fisk's glorious hole. Skye moved to Fisk's other ear and licked up his neck before sucking the lobe into his mouth. "Does it feel good?"

"Holy fuck... we're way past good..." Fisk managed before he started moaning again burying his face in the pillow.

"Lift up on your knees so I can stroke you while I'm inside." Skye pushed in as far as he could, moving his hips to massage every part of Fisk's channel. He had tried to move his hips to meet Skye and fuck himself harder but Skye maintained control, making him go slow. "You have an incredible ass, so tight and hot, and your nubs are rubbing me in all the best possible ways. I think I could stay inside you forever and your cock is perfect."

Fisk let out another desperate cry - if Skye wasn't able to read his mind and know it was from pleasure he'd have been worried. He could feel Fisk building to another orgasm and Skye doubted he'd be able to hold back. Fisk just felt too good. The constrictions started at the root of his cock and Skye turned Fisk's head so he could kiss him while the orgasm built. Then it hit, like falling off a cliff. Fisk's body was convulsing around him, squeezing his cock, the flutter sliding in and out of him and Fisk's cock couldn't be any harder.

Skye was ready and had already been coaxing Fisk's magic with his own, he let it release down Fisk's throat as he kissed, timing it with his seed pumping from his body into Fisk. The release was an incredible high, letting go of the magic at the same time and how it pooled and joined with Fisk's made it seem like it lasted an eternity. Fisk screamed again as his body emptied itself of whatever seed remained. He erupted like a fountain, the semen pouring out of his cock and across Skye's hand.

Skye stayed inside Fisk as they lay beside each other basking in the glow of their magic. He felt the flutter withdraw and kept his arms wrapped around Fisk. He slowly began moving in and out enjoying how Fisk's ass quivered and tightened around him trying to milk him again. Fisk made little moaning noises as his body was hit with aftershock orgasms.

Skye let himself enjoy feeling connected with Fisk. His dragon was extremely pleased, and otherwise silent. The burning need had also faded and Skye just felt 'good'. Even better was knowing that Fisk and his dragon were very satisfied. Skye hadn't really noticed, or maybe he hadn't paid attention to, his partner's dragons. It seemed at odds with what Fisk had said about them not being a separate entity and yet he could sense the 'other'.

Skye waited as long as he could before extracting himself, but he had promised. This was Christos's big day and Skye needed to be there and support him.

  • Scene 6 *

The grand ballroom was dazzling. The room was filled with music and the thrum of hundreds of Draga's elite dancing and talking. The venue was old world elegance with gilded accents, ornate carvings, artwork adorning the walls, and heavy brocade drapes. The dance floor was bustling but there was still room for Garrett and Skye to move and promenade. Skye caught Taleel lifting his glass in a toast as they spun past. Skye avoided Taleel's thoughts and pushed them purposefully away - knowing the gist of what he and Jerrick were thinking. None of which was good for his maintaining control.

He saw Kwill give him a nod and a smile, Relax. I may not be at my best but I can watch over the boy. Enjoy your mate.

Skye put his forehead to Garrett's as they danced. It had already been a long evening and while he wasn't physically tired, his body was starting to remind him it had been a while since Fiske. The naming ceremony had been regal and the dinner afterward second only to the spread they put out for his and Garrett's bonding. Christos was decked out in one of Silverglow's creations in deep, rich purple and though it wasn't revealing, the cut gave shape to Christos's slender form and brought out his coloring. He looked stunning. Now if everyone else hadn't noticed as well, Skye would have been happier. Christos wasn't pretty in the same way as Rilien and Dillon but he more than turned heads. Even for being young, he was strikingly handsome and masculine with a strong jaw, sharp cheekbones and dark brows that drew your attention to his purple eyes.

Okay, Kwill's got this. Better stop thinking about Christos or I'm not going to make it through the rest of the evening, Skye thought. Of course, dancing with my favorite men did not help. And damn, what Taleel and Jerrick were thinking! At least Father and Pater were early in the evening before I had a raging boner. Though I'm sure they would have found it amusing - I would have been mortified. And thank goodness for the long jacket and loose trousers. And a damn good thing Fiske and I took the edge off or I'd never have made it.

"Garrett!" Skye gasped as Garrett squeezed his manhood.

"What? I like you hard..." Garrett said as he nuzzled Skye's ear. "I wanted to make sure you knew I was still here. Your mind was wandering."

"If I shield enough not to sense them, I can't stay connected to you. Damn it's frustrating."


Skye turned Garrett's face to him and kissed him. He could feel the heat from Garrett's body and when they came together, there was no missing the firm feel of Garrett's cock pressed against him. At lease with Garrett he didn't have to feel guilty about being aroused or wanting to strip him naked and have his way with him. Them, you know my dance partners and the ones who keep thinking thoughts that make this evening very difficult, Skye sent mentally. He thought back to his partners for the evening: River, Nik, Taleel, Jerrick, Willow, and Kleitos plus a number of men and women he barely knew.

I noticed Christos taking more liberties than usual during your dance. He wants you real bad, Garrett thought with a snicker.

Believe me, he did. I also think dancing with Kleitos right after Christos was a mistake. He can read me well enough to take advantage of what Christos started.

Who'd have thought he'd be the one to watch out for? You sure know how to stoke the fire don't you baby? Garrett gave a squeeze to Skye's ass as he pulled him in on the return and then bit at his ear, causing Skye to utter a little moan. Should I be jealous you're still not thinking about me?

No, cause if I think too much about you right now I'll embarrass us both when I push you to the floor and have my way with you. Shit Garrett, I can't think of anyone right now. I feel like I'm on the edge, Skye sent.

Oooooo, I like that.

Skye laughed into Garrett's ear and bit him back. "Tease." A new song began and Skye felt bad that he couldn't remember the name. It was even a tune from Earth, one of his Grandpa's favorites by Sinatra. The singer was doing an amazing job and it made his eyes tear as he listened and danced with his mate.

"A little homesick?" Garrett asked giving another gentle kiss.

"Yeah, I miss my grandparents and wish they could share this. Grandma would be so thrilled to see River and I dancing. She was partial to swing and Grandpa loved his crooners." Skye hugged Garrett and then the horns joined in and the tempo picked up. Skye grinned as he felt Garrett's hips moving and then he was spun away - pulled back in again. "I love dancing with you."

"Good then stop thinking about 'him' and all the others. He's fine, Kwill is watching him like a hawk. No one is going to try anything... well especially now. I really expected to see a puddle after you were done with her."

"Little whore. No way is she getting near him again," Skye growled.

Garrett spun him again and then kissed him soundly as they came back together. "I think she got the message."

"You felt it, you know what she was thinking. I thought I was quite reserved."

"The look on Christos's face was almost worth it. The boy practically beamed at you. You can't hold him off forever you know..."

The tempo slowed and Skye put his cheek to Garrett's and let himself enjoy the dance.

I know you heard me, can't pretend with me.

Beast. Skye sent as he gave Garrett's ass a squeeze. He wished there weren't as much fabric, but then on the other hand it was the most covered they'd been in public. The cut of Garrett's suit was certainly different than anything you'd find on Earth, but it covered just as much and he looked damn fine in all black. Skye's was similar but in deep midnight blue. Pater wanted them to look good but not distract from Christos. Like that was possible.

You're thinking about him again.

Skye had to smile. While at times it was awkward remembering that his mind was an open book to Garrett, he enjoyed how close they were and how he could feel Garrett's amusement like a tickle on his skin. I wish he didn't look quite soooo good.

Imagine what he'll be like when he finishes growing and gets some meat and muscle on his bones. You sure know how to pick 'em. He's truly stunning. I think his current partner agrees.

Skye looked at the dragon currently dancing with Christos. He was pretty enough, but Skye didn't like his thoughts at all. I don't like how they're all looking at him, like they all want to take him home and mount him.

Garrett put his hand to the back of Skye's head and pulled him into a kiss. Those are your thoughts too - projecting a little maybe? Besides that boy has eyes for only one person - you.

Garrett pulled back a bit and Skye caught the thought just as he felt the presence behind him.

"May I borrow your partner, Your Majesty?" the voice asked.

"Of course Lord Eluf," Garrett said with a bow.

Traitor! Skye sent as he found himself face to face with Lord Eluf. The last man in the universe he wanted to dance with. "Lord Eluf, I am honored."

Lord Eluf laughed. "No need to lie Your Majesty. I know I am not your favorite person, but you must tell me why I repulse you so..."

Skye looked into the beautiful blue eyes, the sculpted face that would have been beautiful on any statue. The dark ivory skin and bright, almost white blond hair. Skye was sure most people looking at the pair would assume they were related, with Skye considering himself to be the less attractive cousin. Shit, shit, shit, can't feel this way... really wish he looked dark and brooding - or something! Skye railed in his head as his dragon stirred. A warm tingle was coursing through his body and where he made contact with Lord Eluf, his skin was on fire as they came together in the dance. Remember he's a vampire!

"You're not even willing to tell me why you despise me?"

Be honest Skye, just tell him, Garrett nudged.

Skye took a deep breath and as the music changed found himself pulling Lord Eluf into him. It was how the steps of the dance went... but the proximity made it that much more difficult. "You're a vampire, you know... evil. I don't know if I can ever forget what Marta did and yes, I know you didn't do anything personally."

Lord Eluf was a good dancer and his body was matching Skye's as their hips swayed and they moved to the music. "I assure you, I am not a threat to you. As much as I hate to admit it, all my 'evil' powers won't work on you and as I understand it, you are stronger and possibly faster. I truly want to make amends Your Majesty. We are beholden to the Emperor and walk along the knife-edge of acceptance. I can't afford to have enemies in his family."

Skye could see the political side but wondered if there was something Lord Eluf wasn't saying. "We are not enemies Lord Eluf. But I sense there's something else, you're not saying."

"A dragon who can mind-read is a scary thing. And you do scare me Prince Skye. I'm used to being in control and being the predator, well... less so around dragons. But with you I feel totally exposed. That's not something I'm used to. You are quite the enigma, human yet dragon and perhaps more. I confess I don't like feeling weak."

"Sorry, I'm not always sure what I am either, and while I can't say I'm fond of vampires, you are in no danger from me," Skye said as they focused on their steps for the next piece. "If it helps, my magic makes me uncomfortable too. I never got to thank you properly for helping me escape the slavers. I am in your debt."

"I promised I would help you Your Majesty and I swear I would never do anything to hurt you. I'm not sure I could. Is there something else, something I have done, some offense I have given?"

"No Lord Eluf. I don't think you need to be afraid of me, I am just uncomfortable around vampires. I know you have put yourself in danger to help me and I do appreciated that."

"You've already said as much and yet still haven't answered my question."

"Pushy aren't you?" Skye said.

"You unnerve me and that doesn't happen often. I get mixed signals; in one moment you are avoiding me and then in the next it feels as though you want me closer. My body acts like I've been glamored, and your touch does things to me. I'm curious Prince Skye, what do you feel when we touch?"

"Not sure you're going to like my answer Lord Eluf. It may seem rude and perhaps disrespectful. Especially for someone with your history and position."

Lord Eluf laughed. "You mean old, don't you? No Prince Skye, I asked."

"Don't say I didn't warn you and I assure you that it likely makes me more uncomfortable than you."

"Please Your Majesty. Perhaps it will explain why you avoid me."

"It might...What I feel is like fire under my skin where we touch. I have an overwhelming desire to strip you out of your finery and take you to my bed. I want to touch and kiss every inch of your body and have you beg me to fuck you. I want to drive myself deep inside you and have you sink your fangs into my neck and drink from me as I cum inside you and force my magic into you. I want to claim you and fuck you Lord Eluf. I want to make you cry out in orgasmic pleasure and dream of the next time I touch you. I want you to yearn for me with every conscious thought." Skye finished and could feel Lord Eluf's body stiffen even as he spoke.

"Lords of darkness..." Lord Eluf whispered.

"I warned you."

"You did and I am now sorry I asked," Lord Eluf said as he looked into Skye's eyes.

Skye leaned in and laid a gentle kiss on Lord Eluf's lips. His skin was cool but sensuous and he felt his magic stir and come to life. He wasn't sure why he kissed him - it just happened before he even realized what he was doing. The look in Lord Eluf's eyes was almost as startling as his thoughts.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, I must go. It was an honor."

Skye watched as Lord Eluf pulled away and quickly moved through the crowd. Garrett was back at his side before Skye had a chance to look for him.

"You okay love? From what I picked up that was just... weird."

"Yeah and confusing. Think my magic was working some overtime on Lord Eluf. Would you dance with me?"

"Always. I caught part of it, what drove him off?"

"While he didn't say it, when I told him what I felt, Lord Eluf truly wanted to say yes to my desires and that terrified him."

Oh my love. You do have a way with the men, don't you?

They only danced another song before the music paused and Emperor Darius made a quick speech thanking everyone for attending and paying their respects to Prince Christos. Garrett and Skye moved to the side and Garrett handed Skye a glass of something sparkly and sweet. The Emperor and Prince Argos said goodnight and announced the entertainment would continue for a couple more songs.

Skye sipped the drink and saw Christos walking toward him.

"I'm supposed to leave after the next song. Would you join me for my last dance?"

"Of course Prince Christos, I'd be honored." Skye turned and handed his glass to Garrett, giving him a parting kiss.

Don't worry about me baby. I'm going to catch up with Jerrick and Taleel and have a few drinks. Why don't you take Christos back to the room and make this a special night for him. Make a man of him.


Oh, I'm not letting him kick me out of my own bed. Let him know I'll be returning, whether or not he stays with us is up to him.

Skye gave Garrett's hand a squeeze, feeling relieved that Garrett would be with him. He turned to Christos and let his new brother lead him onto the dance floor. The music picked up and they began the waltz-like dance.

"You are without question the most beautiful partner I've had this evening," Christos said with a bashful smile.

"I think many of your dance partners would disagree, but thank you. Have you enjoyed yourself?"

"Much more than I expected. It wasn't that long ago that I was to go to the cutter and be exiled. Now... I'm being courted and fawned over by the rich and powerful. It's all a bit much."

"Believe me, I understand all too well. Sometimes you also feel like you're just a piece on a game board waiting to see where they move you next."

"As long as I'm with you, I don't care," Christos said.

"Christos, you are a prince now. You do not have to be tied to me in any way. You're free."

"Honestly, I'd rather be your servant if it meant I could stay with you."

Skye pulled Christos a little closer. "You are a D'Or Drakken and a Prince of the Empire."

The dance took them by Garrett, who was speaking with Taleel and Jerrick. He looked up and caught Skye's eye. Baby, you're torturing him. Quit fighting it and tell him that he can come to your bed if that's what he wants. I promise I'll join you later.

Skye steeled himself and tried to think of how to say it. "Christos... you will always be special to me and if you want... if you really want to... you know."

Christos got the most evil smile on his face. "Yes. Absolutely Yes."

"I didn't finish."

"You don't need to. You saved me. There is no way I can ever repay you for that. I've wanted you since before we ever met. When?"

Skye blushed and was glad for the exertion of the dance to give him an excuse. "Tonight? But only if you want. Garrett will give us some time alone before he returns."

Christos turned and look toward Garrett as they danced. "He's beautiful."

"Yes, he is." Skye could feel Christos's excitement. He easily picked up on Christos's thoughts as he looked at Skye's mate, giving him a thorough once over and deciding that even if he wasn't connected to Skye - Christos didn't think he could say no to the handsome golden dragon. Skye refrained from laughing as Garrett picked up on his thoughts and posed, just a bit. Giving Christos his best sultry, bedroom eyes.

"Wow..." Christos whispered.

"Don't let him get to you, he's teasing you know? He finds you very attractive but I promise you don't have to be intimate with him if you don't want. Regardless of what he tells you."

"Refuse a chance with him?" Christos asked incredulously turning back to Skye.

"Your choice."

"I'm not skilled or experienced sir. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't want both of you. Just not sure how or what I'd even do..."

The music came to an end as the orchestra paused to begin the next piece.

"Don't worry about it. Just be yourself and do what comes naturally. And Christos," Skye said turning him to look into the beautiful purple eyes. "Don't do anything that you don't truly want to do."

"Yes, of course Your Majesty," Christos said as he took Skye's hand, bowed to the crowd and led the way to the exit.

  • Scene 7 *

Skye stood staring at the flames in the large fireplace. Someone had already set a fire, turned down the bed covers and set out two flutes of sparkling wine before Skye and Christos returned to the room.

"Am I interrupting your plans with Prince Garrett?" Christos asked.

"No, not at all. I wouldn't be surprised if Garrett's the one who requested the fire and drinks for us. He thinks I'm being cruel to you."

"Sort of goes beyond being an understanding sort of mate, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," Skye said. But not sure you're ready to hear that it's because he wants to fuck your cute little ass and the sooner you come to my bed, the sooner he gets you.

"I'm going to freshen up a bit. I'll be right back."

Skye removed his jacket and hung it on the valet. He turned just as Christos stepped back into the room, completely naked. Christos was slender to the point of being skinny. Some of his bones were still apparent, especially his hips that took Skye's eyes right to the dark treasure trail and sleek bush, pointing like an arrow to the hard cock and low hanging balls. He was on the cusp of becoming a man. "Christos... you are stunning. You really don't have to do this, you know. You're still young. Wouldn't you rather be with Dillon or Willow?"

"No. We all agreed that you had to be my first."

"You talked about me?"

"Of course. I asked them how I could get you to sleep with me. I told them I had no experience and they both said it wouldn't matter. You were the best and once I'd made love with you, no one else would ever be as good."

"I'm sorry Christos but they exaggerated terribly. I think you are beautiful and would be honored to be your first but I'm... I'm just me."

"Willow said you were very modest. He said he would be glad to teach me things to please you once I became your lover, but that it wasn't really necessary. Dillon said Willow was exceptional but not as good as you."

Skye couldn't help but blush. "I think I've been set up to disappoint you Christos."

"I don't think you could ever disappoint me sir. And would you mind calling me Chris? My friends all call me Chris."

"Sure. Would you join me by the fire?"

Christos walked over and began helping Skye unbutton his shirt. His touch was light and he ran his hands over Skye's chest as he removed the shirt, then began unfastening the pants. His eyes were wide, taking in everything as it was revealed. "You are more handsome than I ever dreamed. The video did not do you justice."

Skye gave a nervous laugh. "Must have been the blood."

"No, I'm a shifter - I don't mind blood. But I think you've put on more muscle. I also like how gold your skin is and how your blue eyes sparkle like there are hidden rainbows inside."

"That's my dragon. I'll warn you now - if the sex is really good, I may glow and my eyes will be even more like rainbows."

"Oh... I plan on it being very, very good."

Skye's pants dropped to the floor and he couldn't resist pulling Chris against him. His skin tingled where they touched and his dragon was at full attention - it felt like he was rubbing against his insides. There was also a thrum of magic coursing through his veins and he found himself staring into those beautiful purple and violet eyes as their lips met.

Damn he tastes good, his lips soft and kissable. Skye explored Chris's mouth and found him an enthusiastic and responsive partner. Chris's own tongue teasing and playing with Skye as they kissed.

"I don't think I'm going to last long..." Chris whispered.

"There's no rush. We can go as slowly as you need." Skye kissed down Chris's body, teasing his nipples and sucking at them as Chris moaned in response. "Tell me if I do something you don't like." Skye looked up into Chris's eyes - he was keeping his shields down but he wanted Chris to feel in control.

"S' okay. I like that."

Skye resumed sucking on the tender nibs as he watched Chris's expression. He let his fingers and hands trail down his back to his slender ass and squeezed as he began moving his kisses down Chris's stomach.

"Ohhhhh..." Chris moaned.

Skye licked down the treasure trail and he let the scent fill him as he reached the sleek dark pubes. He let Chris's hard cock rub against his face as he inhaled deeply and teased around the base with his tongue. Skye gently licked up the base of the shaft tasting the sticky pre-cum and savoring how sweet it was.

"You've been leaking for a while, haven't you?"

"Whenever I'm with you... yeah. I'm sorry I'm not bigger. I probably seem tiny to you..."

"Not at all. I think it's beautiful and I imagine you'll be getting bigger. You're still growing after all." Skye admired Dillon's slender cock and stroked it, catching the large drop of pre-cum on his tongue. "I think it will be better if I take the edge off so you can enjoy our first time. Don't worry about holding back, just enjoy."

"Oh shit!" Chris exclaimed as Skye took his erection in his mouth and all the way back into his throat.

Skye hummed agreement and started sucking and stroking the dick with his mouth. He could feel that Chris was already at the edge and it wouldn't take much for his first orgasm. Something Skye was looking forward to. He gripped Chris's ass cheeks firmly and took the dick into his control.

Chris's breathing was erratic and his whole body was shaking as Skye sucked him down. His moans were almost continual. "Wow, that feels ... incredible. Oh damn... can't hold it back Skye, I'm going to cum..."

Skye felt the shaft thicken in his mouth and it became even harder - the balls at his chin tightening and then he felt the first pulse and thickening of the ridge along Chris's cock. The first shot of boy seed came out like a canon, hitting the back of Skye's throat and sliding into his gut. The second, third and fourth almost as strong. Skye sucked down the cream and enjoyed how sweet it was, enjoyed the release and the utter bliss Chris was feeling right now.

As Chris's body stopped pumping his seed, Skye held him firmly, gently lowering him to the floor when Chris's knees gave out. "Damn Chris, you are sweet. I think I might get addicted to your jiz."

Chris gave a nervous laugh. "That was... just wow."

Skye crawled up and pressed his body against Chris as he leaned in and kissed him, letting Chris taste the remnants of his seed in Skye's mouth. "It gets even better. Now that you can focus again we can take things nice and slow."

"I'm not sure I want slow..."

"Believe me, first time you really do. You may have another form, but right now you're human and first time usually hurts. Let's build up to it and if you change your mind at any point, just say so."

"I don't think that's likely," Chris said leaning up to kiss Skye and pull him back down.

"What do you want to try first?"

"I want to taste you, take you in my mouth and explore what's going to be buried inside me. Then I want you to make me a man. I want you to take me and fill me with your seed, I want you to mark me and give me your magic."

Skye leaned up on his arms so he could look more easily into Chris's eyes. "Are you sure? Wouldn't you rather fuck me? And I don't need to mark you or share magic. We're really not sure what that could do to you... Wouldn't you rather wait for that?"

"No. I know what I want. Willow and Dillon both told me what it was like - that is what I want. I promise I want your magic, your mark, with every bit of me - no doubts."

Crap. Skye thought. He knew Chris was being honest. He could read his mind, there was no hesitation. His dragon was cool with the idea as well. But it felt different, unlike with Lord Eluf, where Skye had the overwhelming need to own and possess, with Christos it was a sharing. He wanted to make love to him, not fuck him. He wanted to roll in his scent and give him joy - not fill him with need. Skye wanted to hear him laugh, see him smile, and hold him close. I really hope this is a good idea.

Skye held Chris as they continued to kiss and explore each other's bodies with their hands. He could feel the heat of the fire, the texture of the deep fur rug and the tingle where his skin touched Chris's. The kisses were intoxicating and at the edges, Skye felt Garrett... He was with him, sensing, feeling, and enjoying.


I'm here baby. Just enjoying. Try to ignore me but if you can't I'll pull back. Gotta say I can't wait to wrap that kitten in my arms. Make love to him. Give him what he wants and when you're done I'll be there to finish you off, Garrett sent.

Why does it feel different?

I don't know but I can feel it too. He's going to notice soon - Taleel's already giving me the look. I'll be with you soon. Love you.

Skye kissed down Chris's body then found Chris moving out from under him and rolling him onto his back.

"Please, let me."

Now Chris was on top of Skye and began kissing and licking at Skye's collar bone, gradually moving his way down. "Damn but you're beautiful." He worshiped Skye's nipples and eventually made it down to Skye's Adonis belt. He licked and bit down the 'v' before burying his face in the shallow at the top of Skye's cock, "You are so huge."

"Not really. You'll be fine with it I promise."

"Oh, more than fine, I'm sure," Chris said before taking the head of Skye's cock in his mouth as he looked up into Skye's eyes.

Oh shit. Skye thought after letting out a small cry. He saw the look in Chris's eyes, a look he'd seen too often of late. The look that told him he might be screaming as much as Chris before they were done.

End Chapter 20

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Please check out my other stories on Nifty: Tyler's Adventures and Troy's Adventures under 'High School' and The LAB under 'Science Fiction / Fantasy'.

Next: Chapter 21

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