Dancing with the Dragon, Chosen

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Jun 26, 2019


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

Dancing with the Dragon: Chapter 43, Unfinished Business, Copyright 2019 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

Dancing with the Dragon Chapter 43: Unfinished Business by Tripp Savidge

Chapter 43: Unfinished Business

  • Scene 1 *

Skye braced his hands against the warm stone of the shower wall, the water pouring over his head, forcing him to close his eyes. He spread his legs a little farther.

"Oh God," Skye groaned feeling Kleitos's cock go just a bit deeper. His very large, thick dick that was so much like Garrett's, filling him and rubbing every good spot.

"So bloody tight," Kleitos grunted as he thrust, gripping Skye's hips.

Skye noticed that depending on the position, sometimes he would forget that it was Kleitos and think it was his mate's dick inside him. It fit him so perfectly. God, Mistral, I miss him so damn much.

Skye? Garrett's mental voice teased against Skye's mind as he imagined that it was his mate fucking him.

Skye, open up to me, now! Garrett commanded.

Not... good... time right now, Skye tried to send back. He realized his thoughts of Garrett must have leaked through to his mate. Skye was vaguely aware of Garrett's command, he was lost in the building pleasure as Kleitos wrapped his arms around him, with his hands skimming over Skye's wet body.

Now! Garrett's mind voice was firm.

Skye dropped his shields. He was so lost in the sensations he couldn't think, let alone put up resistance to his love.

Father Dragon. Who? Garrett's mind voice was barely a whisper.

Wing-mate, Skye sent, remembering how touchy Garrett seemed to be about his brother. He didn't risk thinking more because it was difficult for Skye to control what bled through as he was getting closer and closer to an orgasm. Kleitos's hands seemed to be everywhere at once, and his cock filled Skye perfectly.

Shit, whoever it is baby, knows how to take care of my man. Fuck that feels amazing.

Skye couldn't manage a response, he groaned and squeezed as he pushed back to meet Kleitos's thrusts. Many of his wing-mates were exceptional lovers, but when he was missing Garrett, Kleitos was the one who filled that empty space best.

'Nikias could as well, you know. But our brother is keeping him too busy,' Mistral reminded Skye.

"UGGHHH," Skye cried out as the orgasm hit like a tidal wave. His seed splattered against the shower wall and his body quivered as the pleasure rushed through him. He felt Kleitos erupt inside him, filling him with warmth.

Kleitos slowed his thrusting and wrapped his body around Skye, lifting him against his chest and turning his head so they could kiss.

Holy fuck, babe. That was... wow. Shit, I need a shower and a new uniform.

Mmm. Love you, Garrett, Skye sent as his brain slowly started to reengage.

And why aren't you telling me 'who'? It's my brother, isn't it? Damn, I'm going to have to up my game. He throws a damn fine fuck.


We're going to talk about his, Skye. Remind Kleitos that you're mine. Hear me?

Mm-hm. Skye whimpered a little when Kleitos pulled out but as soon as he had, he spun Skye around, pushed him up against the wall and claimed his mouth. Skye opened to his wing-mate and then wrapped his arms around Kleitos, kissing back with everything he had.

Skye? Pull up your shields, baby. I um... need to work and fuck, I miss you, Garrett sent.

Come home to me soon, Skye mentally pleaded as he plundered Kleitos's mouth and gripped his firm ass - again imagining that it was his mate. He concentrated enough to rebuild his shields before his hand slid down Klietos's wet crack and found his dragon hole.

"Is he gone?" Kleitos gasped into Skye's mouth.

Skye pulled back and looked into Kleitos's burning eyes. "You knew?"

A smile spread on Kleitos's face. He bit at Skye's lower lips as he ground his body against Skye's. "Mm... yeah. Wing-mate, remember?"

"I'm sorry." Skye pressed his face into Kleitos's neck as he held him tightly. Friggin bonds make everything so complicated.

"Nothing to be sorry for." Kleitos stepped back. "Zeus, turn off showers," Kleitos called out to the AI before he grabbed one of the big, warm towels and wrapped it around Skye's shoulders. Then he grabbed one for himself.

"But..." Skye reached out and turned Kleitos to him.

"Skye, it's okay. Garrett is your bond-mate. Of course you'll think of him, and if sometimes I remind you of him, or you can pretend that it is your mate, I'm fine with that."

"But, if I'm with you, I should think of you," Skye argued. He watched Kleitos dry himself off and again thought how stunning the dragon was.

Kleitos stepped into Skye and gave him a quick kiss. "You did. Last night when you were pounding me into the mattress, it was all about me. Stop fretting. If it helps, it's even worse for River."

"Why is it worse for River?" Skye finished drying himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist.

Kleitos waved his hand over his body. "Nik's not as muscled as Garrett, so I'm much closer to his size - easier for River to pretend I'm his mate."


"So why is Garrett so jealous of you? He keeps saying you're trying to steal me."

Kleitos laughed as he stepped out into the bath. "Father Dragon, sometimes my brother is so stupid. I can't steal you, Skye. You and Garrett are bond-mates. No one and I mean no one, no other creature, magical or otherwise can ever replace your mate."

"Yeah, but..."

"Garrett and I have a bit of history," Kleitos said as he searched for his pants. "You'd think by now, he'd be over it."

"Can you explain?" Skye sat on the bed, enjoying the view.

"Quit looking at me like that. Pater might let you get away with shit, but he'll give me grief if I'm late for breakfast again."

"I'm just looking. I have this thing for D'Or Drakken men." Skye leaned back on his elbows and smiled as Klietos's thick cock came back to life.

"Okay, well anyway. For a long time growing up, Garrett had this friend - one of the ambassadors' sons - they did everything together."

"You mean like sex?" Skye asked.

Kleitos rolled his eyes. "Skye, we're dragons. Your concept of friends with benefits is sort of our default. Yes they fucked - regularly. But then Garrett went off to the Academy, and Zane stayed here to study. With Garrett gone, we got to be friends and then discovered we were pretty good together."

"OHHH. Hot dragon sex, huh?"

"Father Dragon," Kleitos muttered as he struggled to pull his trousers over his now very pronounced erection. "Yeah, the sex was really good."

"Want me to help with that? I know a sure way to get it to go down," Skye offered.

"Skye! No. As I was saying, when Garrett came home on leave, he assumed he and Zane would pick up where they left off. Zane was glad to go out, do stuff, and be friends but... well... he wasn't very gentle when Garrett asked why they couldn't have sex."

Skye resisted dropping his shields to pick up the answer, but he was definitely listening closely. "And?"

"Zane told Garrett that I was better in bed and that he wasn't going to settle for Garrett when I was at home waiting for him. We... um... were sharing an apartment at that point. Zane and I lasted several more years before he took an assignment off-planet. Garrett never quite forgave me. He said I stole Zane."

"But he was gone. And if I know Garrett, banging every other dragon he could corner."

"Yeah, and he and Zane were friends, but they never got as serious as he and I did. I think part of what hurt Garrett the most is when Zane told him that while we might have twin dicks, I knew how to use mine."

"Shit." Skye sat up, staring at Kleitos. "But Garrett's a great lover."

"With you." Kleitos finally managed to get himself tucked in and fastened, but his erection made a notable outline down his thigh. "He kinda had a reputation for being rough and maybe focused more on his own pleasure."

Skye noticed that the last was delivered without eye contact and barely audible.

"Huh. That's strange. With me, he's always super gentle and attentive." Skye stood up and helped Kleitos with his shirt.

"That's because you're his mate. He's completely different with you about everything. Sometimes I wonder if it's actually still the same Garrett I grew up with. You're good for him, Skye. Oh, and if you hear him going on about how his dick is too big for most dragons, that's bullshit."

"But I thought dragons had more sensitive, you know, and that large wasn't good?"

Kleitos stopped and looked at Skye as he buttoned the shirt. "To a point, yes. But if you're not freakishly large, it's not a problem if you go slow and do some prep. I can assure you, I've never had an issue with a dragon not enjoying my..." He gave a wave at this crotch.

Skye couldn't stop the grin that spread across his face. "Mm-hm. It is very nice. I certainly enjoy it."

Kleitos sighed. "Garrett couldn't be bothered."

"Wow. So what you're saying is my mate is insecure and thinks you'll woo me away 'cause you're a better lover."

"His delusions, not mine. I love being with you Skye, but I fully accept that I'm the stand-in and know that sometimes you're thinking of him."

"I am sorry about that."

"That's why I love it so much when you fuck me. When you're inside me, I know you're thinking of me and not him. But you need to get dressed. We can't hide the glow, but it won't be quite so bad if we don't have to make an entrance."

Skye put his hand on Kleitos's shoulder, making him hold still a moment. "I'm going to find your bond-mate, Kleitos. And he's going to be perfect for you - better than me."

"Not sure that's possible," Kleitos said refusing to meet Skye's eyes.

"I am. I'm just sorry I can't do it more quickly."

Kleitos turned away to finish dressing. Skye quickly found the clothes that Dillon had set out for him. Surprised a little since he hadn't heard or seen the elf come into the room. He turned to let Kleitos check him over before he did the same for his wing-brother.

There was a gentle knock at the door before it opened and Dillon entered.

"Good morning. I hope I'm not disturbing you, I just wanted to make sure you didn't need anything." Dillon gave Skye an appraising once over. "Do you want me to help with your hair?"

"Why? What's wrong with my hair?" Skye asked, turning to look in the mirror.

"What do you think, Prince Kleitos? Is Prince Skye giving the impression of a somber soldier," Dillon asked as he gathered things from the dressing table.

"I'm not a good one to ask. I'm sort of getting off on the whole uniform- like thing."

"Skye, at the moment with your hair all tousled you're giving off more of the holo-star, leading man vibe about to seduce his enemy. Sexy, but maybe not what you want for the Assembly."

"I am not," Skye grumbled.

Dillon pushed him into the chair. He combed his fingers through Skye's platinum waves, pulling his hair back. "What do you think about this, Kleitos? Too severe? It's like I did for under the helmet."

"He's still hot, Dillon. But now he's more scary hot." Kleitos smiled.

Dillon worked some pomade into Skye's loose curls then began pulling it tight against his scalp as he plaited it, tucking the tail up so it looked like it was short.

"Yeah, that's better," Kleitos agreed.

"Thanks, Dillon. Now we better get going, or we will be late for breakfast." Skye stood and turned to Kleitos putting his hand on the gold's shoulder. "Thanks for last night. You were amazing as always."

"You think I did that for you? Come now, Skye. Totally selfish on my part. How often do I get to have a night of wild, passionate sex with my brother's mate? Yup, all about me." Kleitos turned and gave a nose in the air look worthy of Venci.

"You are such a liar. Did you forget that doesn't work with me? Such a bad dragon. I think someone needs to be punished."

Kleitos turned, his eyes wide.

"Dillon, could you find where you hid those dragon restraints? We're going to need them tonight." Skye ran a gentle touch over Kleitos's chin - the one hanging down as he gaped - as he passed him and stepped into the hall.

"Of course, Skye." Dillon snickered.

  • Scene 2 *

When they were walking to the breakfast room, Skye let Kleitos know without giving details that their project was on track and that he should be getting that change in clearance he needed. When Skye stepped into the elaborate "small" dining room, he stopped, putting his hand out to halt Kleitos as well.

"Holy shit," Skye uttered.

"What?" Kleitos's confusion clear in his voice.

Kleitos, Pater is glowing! Skye sent not wanting to take the chance that his father-in-law might hear him. Though he did seem too busy talking to one of the servers at the moment.

Yeah, so?

Skye turned to look at Kleitos, not understanding how this wasn't a big deal. He was not at all amused when Kleitos snickered - at him.

Really, Skye? Not like he and Father are old or something. They've toned it down some since you and your family have been around, but they've always had a pretty solid sex life. We were just all glad they put in the extra soundproofing the last time they renovated the Palace.

But he's not a dragon or a magical creature, Skye objected.

True, but some bond-mates take on more dragon traits than others. He's always glowed. Kleitos gave a shrug as if it were no big deal.

Skye let that sink in and stood still as he watched Kleitos go in and start greeting the others who had already arrived. Huh, Guess his eyes do burn like a dragon's, and he puts off heat when he's angry. But I never thought of Pater and Father as you know...

'Prince Argos is very attractive. It is easy to see where Nik, Kleitos, and Garrett get some of their looks. May I say that if he weren't our mate's father, we'd be all over him,' Mistral said.

Skye swallowed the groan. Sometimes Mistral was worse than Kwill for keeping him honest. But then again as he looked around and saw the smile on his grandfather's face and the way Colonel Bianchi was glowing, maybe he should just give up while he was ahead.

Skye walked over and greeted Pater, enjoying his morning hug.

"Good morning, Skye. I see you're keeping my boy smiling... and happy."

"You have amazing sons, Pater. Now if you could pull some strings to get my particular one home to me?"

"Oh, Skye. Sometimes these little separations are good for a bond-pair. Helps you realize how good you are when you're together."

Skye gave another squeeze before giving hugs and kisses to his grandma and grandpa.

"Good morning, Colonel Bianchi." Skye sat down across from his grandparents next to Kleitos. None of the others had arrived yet.

"Please, Prince Skye, if you don't mind, call me Luca."

"Sure. And you can drop the 'prince' part."

"Deal." Luca had a huge smile, and it seemed to take years off his age.

Then again, all three of them looked younger. Skye guessed that sex was good for you, no matter what your age. Skye looked at them and thought what an attractive trio they made. Though he wasn't sure Luca qualified as a silver fox quite yet - he only had a hint of silver at his temples. The rest of his close-cropped beard and thick hair were still black.

"You're looking a little more like one of your guards than usual, son," Grandpa said.

"I was going for somber and serious. Do I look stupid?" His dark gray fitted suit wasn't actually a uniform, but the tailoring did mimic the style.

"No, dear. You look as handsome as always," Grandma said.

"I think it's sexy," Nik said, wrapping his arms around Skye's neck and startling him. "I'd do you," he whispered.

Skye laughed and leaned his head back into Nik's embrace. "Good morning. You know you just took five years off my life."

"Nah. You're fine." Nik kissed Skye's temple and took a seat.

"Where's River?" Skye asked.

"He had an early meeting." Nik turned as the server poured him tea. "Full plate, please. I'm starving."

Meeting. River? That's odd, Skye thought. He didn't have time to think more since Christos and Rilien arrived followed by Willow, creating a cacophony of noise and excitement as they took seats at the table after hugging Skye, Pater, and the grandparents.

Skye soon had a plate of food set in front of him and leaned forward just to inhale the goodness. He picked up a slice of bacon and thanked the universe for one of his favorites being as popular on Draga as it had been on Earth. He just wouldn't think about where it came from. He'd made Garrett promise not to tell him or even think of it when his mate tried to explain that it wasn't exactly like the bacon Skye was used to.

Skye watched the others while he ate. It was odd to think how the "family" had grown and changed since he arrived. He sometimes worried that he'd brought in too much chaos with the addition of the boys and then his grandparents. But all it took was a look at Pater and his smile to see that his father-in-law was happy with the changes. As Pater had once confessed, the Palace was full of life again.

Mistral, why do you think Pater and Father were so quick to agree with bringing Colonel Bianchi into the family? It seems odd.

'Maybe because we asked them to and said that we thought he might be a potential bond-mate for Grandma and Pops. Of course, we could just ask,' Mistral replied.

Yeah, true, Skye thought. When everyone was done, he made a point of giving Rilien an extra hug.

"You'll think about coming with me, right?" Rilien asked.

"As soon as I can work out the schedule with the Academy. 'Course you gotta cut me some slack. I'm not going to be some big ol' powerful wizard like you. I'll be lucky if they can teach me to call hand fire."

Rilien snorted and squeezed Skye tighter. "If you say so. I promise to help you practice."

"Good. And if we catch anything on fire, we'll blame Kleitos," Skye teased.

"Hey! What? Are you two plotting?" Kleitos called out.

"See, he's already acting guilty." Skye let Rilien go and was rewarded with a smile.

  • Scene 3 *

Mica and Kuai were with Skye as he entered the Assembly Hall. Fortunately, the crowds weren't as bad since Venci had made sure to leak word that Skye was returning to the Academy. Which technically was true; he just wasn't returning until tomorrow.

"We're supposed to meet in the Emperor's suite," Skye said as they boarded the lift. "I'll let one of you lead because I have no idea how to get there. I'm not sure I could find my own office."

"We'll get you there," Mica said, stepping out first when the lift opened.

Once they got past the numerous security checkpoints, they were in the most elaborate and protected halls of the Assembly Hall and Court. Skye saw the guards decked out in their ivory and gold standing outside the ornate doors that led to Emperor Darius's office suite. They were still several feet away when the golden doors opened, and two Imperial Guards escorted a familiar face into the hall.

"River?" Skye called, watching as his brother and guards came their way.

"Hey." River didn't look too happy.

"Guys, we're still early. Can you give us a second?" Skye steered River over to the side and put his hand on his brother's arm. You okay?

River looked up into Skye's eyes with an anxious expression. I have to go to the prison this afternoon. Guess I was supposed to do a pardon as part of becoming Nik's bond-mate.

But that was a while ago.

Yeah. Got lost in all the other stuff going on but Father's secretary said we couldn't put it off any longer. How am I supposed to pick someone? I don't have your abilities and Beck-

Even if Beck was here, he couldn't help you. Kwill wasn't allowed to help me. But you do have abilities - maybe not the same as mine - still, your telepathy has gotten way better, and you know when someone's a threat, right?


So, trust what powers you 'do' have and rely on your dragon to guide you. Skye glanced around nervously. No one would know if you asked me questions. I can't do much from a distance, but I could listen if you need to talk it out. I think you should take Mica with you too.


He went with me and I'd feel a lot better if you had one of our guys with you. Mica has good insights, and while he can't tell you who to pick, he can be insightful. Also, since he's a wing-mate your telepathy will be easier with him. Skye turned to catch Mica's attention watching his eyebrows raise in question.

I need you to go with River. He has to visit the prison and pick someone to pardon. Can you swap with one of the other guards?

You sure? Mica asked.

Yes. As much as I love having you with me, River needs you more.

"Got it," Mica said out loud and then started speaking quietly with the guards attending River. A minute later a butch looking guard approached Skye.

"Are you okay with me staying with you, sir?" he asked.

"Sure. I don't think we've met. I'm Skye, and you are?"

"Hagas, sir."

Skye tried really hard not to smirk at the name. But the guy had probably never even heard of Scotland and wouldn't get the connection. "Great. Thank you for being flexible. I promise I won't be too hard on you."

"Thanks, bro," River said as he patted Skye and then gave a nod to the door he'd just exited. "Good luck."

"Thanks," Skye said and watched Mica head off with River and the other guard. "Okay, let's do this."

Kuai announced them to the guards, and one of them opened the door to usher them inside. "If you'll please wait here, His Majesty's assistant will retrieve you when they're ready," the guard said.

"Thank you." Skye looked around and noted that the two guards standing on the inside looked familiar, though he didn't know them by name. Skye sat down on one of the couches to wait.

He hadn't been sitting long when Skye heard footsteps and looked up to see Emperor Darius's secretary, Serat approaching.

"My apologies for keeping you waiting, Prince Skye. If you'll follow me I'll show you to the meeting room. Your guards may wait here if you like. The hallway is likely to get crowded if all the guards wait at the door."

Skye caught Kuai's eye. "You good with that?"

Kuai gave a bow. "Of course, Your Majesty." Then he continued silently. Even if you just get uncomfortable and want us closer, let me know.

Will do, Skye responded as he stood and followed Serat deeper into the suite. He was ushered into an elaborate conference room where several others were already present and in conversation. Skye recognized a couple of the people immediately, Boch Nee, Speaker of the Assembly, Admiral Cocachet, who oversaw Galicon, and with a sinking feeling, he recognized Vetha Blackclaw, acting king of the were-clans. The last man was a stranger.

"Gentlemen. Prince Skye Eklund D'Or Drakken," Serat announced. "Please take your seats. The Emperor will join shortly."

Skye gave a courtesy head nod before taking a seat at the ornate table where Serat directed him. The others took their seats, leaving the head of the table open for the Emperor. That put only Admiral Cocachet next to Skye for the moment. Skye felt his magic tug at the man's presence. A subtle reminder of unfinished business.

"It's good to see you again, Prince Skye. I've heard some very impressive reports on your training."

"Thank you, Admiral. We've had very good trainers."

Cocachet laughed. "The best, I'd say. Getting Master Chen to come out of retirement was something I never expected."

Skye looked at the Admiral and wondered what to do about the situation. The older bear of a man had clearly triggered him, but Skye couldn't imagine bonding the Admiral like he had his guards.

'Why not?' Mistral whispered in his mind. 'He is still a man, still has needs, our magic does not make mistakes. He will be ours.'

"Prince Skye," Vetha Blackclaw said pulling his attention away from the Admiral. "I do hope you've given more thought to my request to release my grandson from your service."

"As the Emperor explained, sir. That is not my decision to make. While he is assigned to my guard, Chaz invoked the right to serve, which is an obligation to the Emperor, not me."

"Please rise," Serat called out. "His Imperial Highness, Emperor Darius D'Or Drakken."

The attendees stood and then bowed when Darius entered the room - since they were in private, the more deferential bow with head to the floor was not required. Darius sat first, and then the others took their seats.

Serat whispered to the Emperor then left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Vetha." Emperor Darius's tone was harsh and his gaze cold. "The issue of Chaz Blackclaw's service to the Empire is closed. Do not bring it up again. I suggest if you are so concerned about the were-dagger clan's leadership, then it is time to look elsewhere."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Vetha's tone was civil but obviously strained.

"Boch Nee, proceed," Emperor Darius said as he sat back in his seat.

"The purpose of today's council is to hear Prince Skye's account of the events as they happened. Let the records show that Vetha Blackclaw, acting King of the were-clans, and Copernus Kells, Regent of the Federated Worlds, are representing the Assembly. Admiral Cocachet of Galicon shall corroborate based on his agent's reports and testimony."

"Prince Skye, please begin to recount the events as you experienced them beginning with your arrival in Caris," Boch Nee prompted.

Skye took a deep breath and began. He thought he was doing very well. Though he realized quickly, this was not going to be quick. He'd no sooner get a sentence out when at least one if not all three would interrupt with questions. Sometimes it was clarification, other times it was repeating or describing additional details he'd observed. A couple of hours passed before he got to the part where they entered Rilien's cell. The image was so vivid in his mind he got caught up in the emotion and had to stop.

Admiral Cocachet reached over and placed his hand on Skye's arm in support. "Take your time, son."

While Skye appreciated the gesture, he wasn't prepared for the jolt that went through both of them. Fortunately, Admiral Cocachet had a great poker face, and though his eyes filled with question, he didn't so much as blink at the sensation. On the plus side, his touch grounded Skye, and he continued his account of events.

Skye continued on, having to pause a few more times as the images his mind brought forward took him back and brought his emotions to the fore. Skye was surprised how easy it was to omit the parts about his or River's powers. How the guards died seemed irrelevant based on the other facts.

The recount took long enough that Boch Nee announced that they would break for lunch. The Emperor stepped out, and the others were on their own until it was time to reconvene.

"Prince Skye, would you care to join me? I know a very good cafe that is close by and is used to dealing with political figures and security details," Cocachet asked.

"That would be great, thank you. So, I can take my guards?"

"Of course... hm... do you think they can be civil to my Protectorate guys?"

"As I understand it and I'll be the first to admit I know little of inter-armed forces rivalries, the reverse is much more likely," Skye teased seeing Cocachet's smile.

Cocachet leaned in and whispered. "Not to worry, they're not about to make a bad impression in front of the Bloody Prince. Your men are safe."

Skye, Kuai, and Hagas followed Cocachet and his guards to the small cafe which ended up being barely outside the Assembly building. When they stepped in, Cocachet spoke to the maitre d'. Skye saw open-air seating and tables to the right with a bustle of guests and servers. But they were directed through a set of doors on the left.

The atmosphere was completely different, with a nod to Japanese style. The outer perimeter had what appeared to be sliding shoji screens, and the center of the room had small tables. Skye had never seen so many security guards in one place. Some were standing in front of the screens, and some were seated at the tables eating.

The maitre d' led them to one of the sections of screen and slid back the door, directing them into a small dining area with a simple table for four up against the back wall. "Will your guards be eating, Admiral?"

Cocachet turned to Skye. "May I suggest they eat in shifts and share the duty of standing guard?"

Skye glanced at Kuai. You okay with that?

Sure, Hagas can eat first with one of the Admiral's guard then we can switch, but Skye, I don't mind waiting if you want us both on duty.

No, I'd rather you eat.

As you wish, Kuai gave a small bow.

Cocachet laughed. "Guys, switch off with your Imperial brothers, and play nice."

"Yes, sir, Admiral." The guards saluted but they couldn't hide the look of insult that they would have done anything else.

Skye followed the admiral into the space and sat.

"May I ask, do the people around you get used to you speaking telepathically? I've got to say I'm intrigued."

"I guess. To be honest, I haven't given it much thought." Skye paused. "Okay, except for when I'm with Prince Argos... I try to be more discreet, or he glares at me."


"Yeah, and I know he likes me, but I really try not to piss him off. Mind-speech has its advantages, and with any of my wing-mates, it's hard not to." Skye tapped the menu prompt and brought up the holo to look through the cafe's offerings.

"Everything here is good, and they specialize in many off-world dishes. If you didn't guess they cater to the Ambassadors and those working at the Court and Assembly Hall. That's why they have this section. Many secrets have been discussed behind these screens."

"Is that safe?" Skye asked, looking at what appeared to be paper screens and wondering how sound wasn't carrying.

"Very. My team monitors their security measures. It's state of the art, I assure you. We are as secure to speak here as we are in the halls themselves."

Skye felt some tension leave his shoulders. "Good."

"I've been reviewing the reports on you and your team's progress. You've done well. Added to my agents' reports on the activities in Caris and I must say you've impressed me."

"Thank you, but it's not me, Admiral. My wing handled all of that and let me know what I had to do."

"Yes. But you've only been here a few months and yet look how you've grown. I may not have liked Bresel, but he was right when he said you and your brother would have been perfect for Elite Squadron. Not that I'd let you move over to Fleet, but... for the best of the Empire and all, we do have to share."

"Elite isn't part of Galicon? I just assumed it fell under you or either Protectorate Patrol or Planet Watch," Skye said trying to remember back to his discussion with Fleet Admiral Matsui.

"No, the Elite Squadrons are under the command of Fleet. They are most often used in political or military missions. I have special teams that are more highly trained, but they are not part of Elite Squad." Cocachet placed his order and closed the holo.

Skye finished selecting and did the same. "If you got direct reports from your agents working with us..."

"Not to worry. Emperor Darius told me in advance that certain details would be omitted from the debriefing for the Assembly representatives. I agreed. The joint mission did good things for my team. They have a lot more respect for the Imperial Guard, or rather for 'your' guards."

"What? They thought they were just for show?" Skye asked.

"Even you have to admit, your men are far from average in appearance. Pretty, posh, in fancy uniforms... and not all of your outings include traditional military maneuvers."

Skye humphed. "Thought for dragons those were typical too."

Cocachet let out a deep belly laugh. "Yeah, yeah, point well made. Skye-"

A soft gong sounded and moments later the server window at the end of the table, by the back wall slid open. "Your beverages. The meals should be out shortly, is there anything I can get for you?"

"Not at the moment, thank you," Cocachet responded. The window slid closed again.

Skye looked at the section of the screen that had just been opened, not previously realizing that it would open.

"I find it less intrusive than having them walk in. Also, once you're seated, no one is going to accidentally peer in and see you as the server enters and exits."

"I hadn't thought of that. And the gong is so you know to stop speaking?"

"It is. They know their clientele. I had started to ask... that bit of shock I got when I touched you..."

Skye closed his eyes a moment and took a deep breath. Here it goes Mistral, Skye thought to his dragon. "My magic."

Cocachet nodded absently as he took a sip of his drink. "So... the rumors about you and your wing..."

"Rumors is a bit vague, and since I don't know which ones you're referring to, I'm not sure how to respond."

"It may have been said that you have some type of mate-like bond to your wing and that there was... uh... intimacy involved, preceded by your magic 'noticing' them."

"Wow," Skye said, then sat back.

'Pretty accurate,' Mistral whispered.

Tell me. Skye took a deep breath before speaking. "That rumor's pretty close. My magic notices 'individuals' that it thinks I should bring closer. The reaction varies and can be anywhere from a tingle to strong enough to knock you on your backside. Usually, I have to touch someone, but if it's strong enough, the pull is like a magnet. The jolt is in the middle."


"Yes, my powers reacted to you the first time we met in the Emperor's office. Over time, it may get uncomfortable." Skye took a sip of his drink, waiting for a reaction.

"Huh... I thought my need to see you again felt like it was 'more.'"

"I apologize, but it is likely to get worse, or at least stronger. You are mated, correct?"

"Yes. I am mated to a gold and have four dragonlings, the youngest of whom is older than you I might add."

"So you've been on Draga for a while?" Skye asked and just as he finished the gong sounded. A moment later, the window slid open, and the server placed their plates on the table.

"Please check to make sure your orders are correct." The server stood and waited, glancing between Skye and Cocachet.

"Fine, thank you," they both responded.

"Is there anything else I can get you?"

"Not right now," Cocachet said.

"If you think of anything, please press the call button," the server said, pointing to the discreet button at the end of the table. The window closed and Skye glanced up to Cocachet to see if he needed to repeat his question.

"It's been around seventy years. I was taken during the war. Snatched when we got caught pinned behind enemy lines. They had no way to know we were still there when they came in for the bombing run. We were supposed to have evacuated hours before. I'm still not sure how they did it. I'd just finished saying my prayers and good-byes and closed my eyes waiting for the bombs. I could hear the planes approaching. Next thing I knew I was on Draga."

"Did you find your mate right away?"

Cocachet laughed. "In a way. I was still in the hospital, and they'd given me some strange clothes and told me I was to meet someone. Didn't say why. First time, Andril walked into the room I was stunned speechless. He was without question the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. And in my day, you did not admit to thinking so. I may have found men attractive in my head, but I'd never admitted it to another living soul."

"Bet things turned upside down that day," Skye teased as he started eating.

"In the best way possible. He looked me over like he was buying a horse and flat out told me I was the sexiest man he'd met and was glad I was his mate. 'Course I had no idea what he was talking about. Took a couple of hours for him to explain it all and I still didn't believe him. Fortunately, my Andril has the patience of a saint. He climbed into my lap and kissed me before he left that day. I think I stopped breathing."

"He obviously didn't give up on you."

"He came back every day, and to my delight, the kisses got longer and more heated. By the time they released me, I'd have followed him anywhere. So short version, we bonded, I moved in, he got me set up with Planet Watch, and I worked my way up as he began my education."

From Cocachet's blush, Skye had to guess that the education wasn't all about culture and adapting to life on Draga. "And four dragonlings? So you've met your quota."

"Best thing that ever happened to me. Not that I didn't fight kicking and screaming when Andril told me I'd be carrying his babies. Now, I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Are they still around?"

"Oh yeah. Two of my boys work with Andril in his bakery, one of my boys is a lawyer, and the youngest is a model."

"Ah. Bet he looks like you," Skye said as he thoughtfully chewed, looking at his lunch partner.

Cocachet guffawed. "No, no. He's the spitting image of his papa. The lawyer looks a bit like me, and the other two are a blend of me and Andril."

"So your mate is a baker?"

"Baker, pastry chef, the reason I look like this," Cocachet said patting his middle. "His concoctions are amazing. He's also an amazing cook, but he only shows that off for family."

"Well, my suggestion would be that you talk to him and jointly decide how we proceed. I don't have to be intimate with someone to bond them. Most of my guys had pretty strong opinions that they would feel slighted if I did it any other way; however, Gilian and Leesai both chose a 'ceremonial' option with no intimacy. I also used a ceremony for Garrett's brother Zopyros."

"Do you think you could meet my mate?" Cocachet asked.

"Sure. I can see how it would be awkward to do a dinner since you're our senior commanding officer... maybe I stop by your mate's bakery?"

"Let's do both. You stop by the bakery, though I'm sure you've got your own personal pastry chef at the palace, and then if that goes well we can set up a dinner out."

"That won't be a problem?"

"Prince Skye, please. Your mate is the heir, and you are a royal prince. No one is going to assume that the same fraternization rules apply to you."

Skye and Cocachet finished their meal and returned to the Emperor's private suite. The guards got along fine and as Skye expected, had no issues. The remainder of the debriefing was slow and torturous, but nothing went wrong. By the time the last question was closed and Boch Nee ended the session, Skye was ready to collapse.

The Admiral shook Skye's hand - a nostalgic practice they both could appreciate - and he transferred the info for his mate's bakery. The others were polite and said their goodbyes, leaving Skye alone with Boch Nee. As soon as everyone else was gone and the door closed, the Emperor stepped back into the room.

"I will clean up the report and prepare it for your review, Your Majesty."

"Very good. You did well facilitating today's session, thank you. Do you think it will be ready in time so we can present it to the Assembly tomorrow?" Darius asked.

"That is my intention, Your Majesty," Boch Nee said, still glowing from the Emperor's praise.

Skye watched as Boch Nee exited and he was left alone in the meeting room with Emperor Darius.

"You did well, Skye."

"Thank you, Father."

"Why don't you go back to the Palace and rest?" Emperor Darius stood to leave the room. "I'll see you at dinner."

Skye smiled and exited the room to look for his guards. He let out a big sigh when the tube car doors closed, and it was safe to shut his eyes. He trusted Kuai to handle anything, and Hagas was determined to do his best.

  • Scene 4 *

Skye walked through the palace halls feeling out of sorts. It was too quiet, and he was a little worried that he hadn't heard anything from River. While Skye encountered the occasional servant, the family section of the sprawling landmark was otherwise empty. Even Willow's room was empty with no sign of Jos.

"Skye, there's nothing to worry about. It is still afternoon, and they're probably all off doing stuff," Kuai said, giving Skye a concerned glance.

"You're probably right." Skye turned and took the sweeping stairs down a level.

"Did you..." Kuai glanced at Hagas and then brushed against Skye's mind.

Continue, I'm listening, Skye sent.

Did you reach out to them, check to make sure they're okay?

Skye smiled. Of course. I didn't get intrusive but made sure no one was unhappy or in distress. I didn't want my own paranoia to freak them out. It was also why he wasn't more concerned that River hadn't contacted him.

Good idea. 'Cause you know they'd have all descended on you.

Skye laughed. "Sorry. I think giving the recap to the Assembly people took a lot out of me."

"So, what's the plan?" Kuai asked.

"I want to spend a few quiet minutes in the chapel and then maybe go to the music room. I haven't had a chance to enjoy my Christmas present from Garrett."

"Awesome. I'd love to hear you play," Kuai said.

"You say that now. I'd suggest you find earplugs for you and Hagas. It's been a while."

They reached the older section of the palace, and Skye again marveled at the intricate stone arches and carvings. The large doors to the main chapel were open, and Skye stepped into the narthex and let his eyes adjust. He didn't want to disturb anyone. He looked into the nave, but it appeared empty. Skye took the aisle to the right and walked quietly, assuming that Kuai and Hagas would follow.

He reached the Zephyr prayer chapel off the side of the Transept to find the metal gates already open. He took a taper to light one of the many candles. There were several already burning. Skye knelt and let his breathing calm and focused on the beautiful stained glass window in front of him. He found it calming and liked that it was done in images of a garden.

Mistral, I'm really ready for a break. I miss Garrett, and I'm tired. I know I shouldn't resent Admiral Cocachet, but it's one more reminder of how much unfinished business I have. The guy who owns the pizza place, the blue dragon now working for Lord Eluf. Then there's the thing with Caladwen and Underhill. Pater wants me to train with knives, Master Mage Quanta wants me to learn magic, I still have to complete my secondary training...

'One bite at a time, and you can eat the largest of creatures,' Mistral said in his mind.

Does that mean you're hungry? Skye asked his dragon.

'Always, but it's been forever since we shifted and flew. I miss flying, feeling the wind on my scales and filling my wings.'

You miss him too?

'He is our mate. Of course I miss him; nothing seems right without him at our side.'

Skye glanced around, but the place was quiet, and he didn't see anyone other than his guards. Skye closed his eyes and tried to meditate. When he thought he was finally beginning to relax, he felt something tug on his magic. It was subtle but insistent. He concentrated on the feel and caught a pleasant scent, woody and a little bit musky. He sensed the direction of the pull and opened his eyes.

On the other side of the nave, Ian was walking toward him. He was dressed in the long black robes he always seemed to wear. Skye rose and walked to meet him.

"Prince Skye," Ian greeted with a bow.

"Ian, it's good to see you. Sorry it's been a while."

Ian gestured to the row of pews, and Skye sat scooting over to make room for Ian. "To what do I owe the privilege of your visit?"

"I needed some time to recover, and the chapel feels like a safe place. It reminds me of home more than most of the places on Draga."

"I can see that. How are you?" Ian asked.

"Hanging in. How about you, didn't you say you had to go into training?"

"In about two weeks. I have to complete some 'bond-mate' training at the Academy. How to handle life on board, space travel safety, dealing with gravity changes, suiting up and maneuvering in those suits, shipboard etiquette, etc. Everything I'm supposed to need to thrive on board a space ship."

"You sound thrilled," Skye teased and put his hand on Ian's arm. A noticeable jolt coursed through him causing Ian to gasp.

"It was stronger that time," Ian said, looking at his arm.

"My magic is not patient. Sort of a way of reminding me that I haven't followed through."

"Oh." Ian stared straight ahead, not saying more, but Skye could feel the change, and his dragon noticed the shift in Ian's scent. "I've been having dreams."

"What? What kind of dreams?" Skye asked in surprise.

"About you. Very erotic dreams and they've been getting stronger. Nels said I've called out for you in my sleep."

"Sorry. Pretty sure that's my magic trying to... um... pull us together."

"He's been nagging me to contact you. He's worried. He said if I didn't let you know that he would."

Skye could smell and feel the changes in Ian. Any dragon would know the priest was aroused, Skye just had the added benefit of knowing in vivid detail what Ian wanted. Skye's magic felt like an electrical current under his skin that wanted to connect with the man next to him.

'It has gone too far, we could put him in danger if we don't finish the bond,' Mistral whispered in Skye's mind. 'You don't want to hear it, but we need to finish the others as well.'

Skye let out a sigh reluctantly acknowledging that Mistral was right.

"Is there somewhere we could go?" Skye agreed he couldn't fight the pull. It reminded him of how strong the draw had become with Lord Eluf before he had given in. He really didn't want to get to the point of losing control and letting the magic take over.

Ian flushed when he turned to Skye, the hope and apprehension both clear in his eyes. "We have small counseling rooms for those who don't like the confessionals.

"Lead on." Skye turned to find Kuai and spotted him standing against one of the arches. Kuai... I need to...

Got it, no need to say more. I can feel it, and any dragon within a hundred feet could smell his need. I'll come up with something to explain it to Hagas. Go welcome our new wing-brother. We'll be close by.

Thank you. Skye was relieved he didn't have to explain to Kuai. It was taking too much of his attention not to just pounce on Ian.

Ian led them to the opposite Transept from where he had visited the Zephyr chapel and through a nondescript door into a small hallway. He opened a side door and held it open for Skye. "Will this work?"

"Please Your Majesty, allow me to check it first," Kuai interrupted and stepped into the room. A moment later, he stepped out and nodded. "It's good."

"Ian, are you sure?" Skye asked.

"I've never been more sure about anything. Please." Ian turned and stepped past Kuai. Skye followed him into the small paneled room and heard the door latch behind him. The room was sparsely furnished with two upholstered chairs and a colorful handwoven carpet. Ian eyes were dark with lust, and his skin flushed. He slid his hand to the collar of his frock and began unfastening.

"Your mate won't object?" Skye asked as he struggled with the need to claim Ian.

"I assure you Nels does not object. He's dragon. If anything he wishes I was more open to others. Please, Skye... it's like there's this void inside me and only you can fill it."

Wow, Mistral, that's kinda deep. Is that what my magic does to them?

'Not sure that we should make a practice of waiting so long that we can prove the theory. Once we know someone should be ours, we should claim them.'

Skye watched the black robes slide off of Ian's shoulders. He wasn't "built," but he had a nice body, somewhat stocky and from what peaked out from his linen undershirt, a good bit of hair - even more than Chaz. Not surprising given the perpetual five o'clock shadow on his square jaw.

Skye had changed when he first returned to the palace, so it didn't take much to remove his clothing, just a simple tunic and trews. He looked at the outline of Ian's stiff cock, trying to escape his black slacks. Skye approached and knelt, unfastening the pants and sliding them over Ian's erection and his thick thighs. His thick cock bounced up, and Skye licked the drip of pre-cum off the head, savoring Ian's taste.

"I can't believe this is happening," Ian rasped.

"We can stop..."

"God, no." Ian thrust his hips forward, pushing the head of his cock along Skye's lips.

Skye opened and took him in. He could feel his magic churning and pushing at him, the tingle under his skin had grown more intense. He slid Ian's pants the rest of the way off his body, so he now stood naked. Skye ran his hands up Ian's body and enjoyed the feel of his hair under his fingers. It was thicker and curlier than Chaz's or Gregg's.

"I need you to fuck me, Prince Skye." Ian's voice came out barely above a whisper as Skye worshiped the hard prick.

Skye looked up into Ian's eyes. The pupils were blown so wide there was almost none of the bright blue remaining. Ian's breathing was raspy, and his body quivered under Skye's touch. Skye gently gripped Ian's hips and turned him. He kissed over the round globes of his ass and gently squeezed, pulling them apart to reveal the furry crack. It was a very nice ass.

Skye licked down the trench, and Ian moaned bending over and pushing back. Skye used his fingers to gently move some of the hair out of the way and reveal the pink star. He teased it with his tongue and began licking and prodding at Ian's opening.

"Yes, yes. More..."

Skye let his magic flow into Ian, and was planning to use it to relax his anal rings while increasing his arousal. What distracted him was Ian's bond to his mate. Other than his own mate or Nik and River, Skye had never been with a bonded human. He used his other sight to examine the connection and then pushed his magic into the bond and along the connection Ian shared with Nels. He caressed their bond like a lover. Skye realized he could pull additional strands of the gossamer-like thread that connected the pair and weave them with his magic. He braided them, making their bond thicker and stronger, his magic flowed along the connection feeling the thrum of vibration that passed between them.

Skye wasn't sure what he'd done, but it seemed right. There was a sense of satisfaction at seeing the stronger bond, and the current that passed along it seemed to be increasing Ian's pleasure. Skye returned his focus to Ian's erogenous zones and opened him up to his fingers and tongue.

Ian's thoughts had become primal, all about breeding and sex and being penetrated. Skye positioned himself and pressed his cock against Ian's opening.

"Fuck me..." Ian pleaded.

Skye slowly worked himself into the tight passage. Ian's body welcomed him and responded as if they had been long-time lovers. Now that they were connected Skye's magic had calmed and he found it easier to think. Skye used his power to tease Ian's nipples and massage his prostate and cock while he took him. Though the angle should have been enough, he wanted the sex to be good and memorable.

"Let's move to the floor. Get on your hands and knees," Skye said, guiding Ian to the carpet.

In moments they were back at it, Ian pushing back to get Skye into his ass as deep as possible. At one point in his life, Skye would have considered the sounds coming from the handsome man to be obscene and likely fake. But he knew everything about this moment was authentic and that Ian was truly in a state of fucked-out bliss. Skye realized that they were both getting close, and it was time to change things up again. He pulled out and flipped Ian onto his back before lifting his legs and sliding back into the tight tunnel.

"Look at me, Ian." Skye looked at the handsome square jaw, the pale skin with dark stubble, and the eyes that were black with lust.

"Fuck me harder. So close," Ian grunted.

Skye obliged and tried not to think about what kind of sin he was incurring for fucking a priest and a married one at that. Mistral didn't seem to be bothered in the least, and Ian certainly wasn't objecting. Skye began pulling his magic. He was still very aware of Ian and Nels's bond and swore he could sense the bond-mate's presence.

Ian's moans grew louder, and Skye knew it was time. He leaned forward, kissing down Ian's neck to his shoulder and then caught the flesh in his mouth as he bit. He released his magic at the same time and filled Ian with his power as he felt the wet heat explode between their bodies.

"FUCK!" Ian cried out as his body spasmed in release, the coppery taste of Ian's blood filled Skye's mouth, and Skye's own orgasm filled Ian's ass to overflowing. Skye held on tight as Ian practically convulsed in his arms. He might not be glowing, but there wasn't much doubt he'd just had a mind-altering experience.

When Ian calmed, and his body went limp. Skye laid a gentle kiss on his lips and slowly withdrew. He reached over and grabbed the linen undershirt Ian had been wearing and used it to wipe up the puddles of cum on the furry chest and then caught the worst of the drips from Ian's ass.

"Lie still for a few minutes. Give yourself time and don't freak out if you hear whispers or voices in your head. Each wing-mate is different, but eventually, you'll hear strong thoughts and sense emotions. That part is normal."

"Oh, God..." Ian groaned and tried to sit up unsuccessfully.

"Don't push it. Is the need any better?"

Ian snorted. "Maybe. But now... wow. Can we do that again?"

Skye laughed. "You sure you're not a dragon?"

"Pretty positive. I feel fantastic... wait... should I feel Nelson more now? I can sense him so clearly."

"I'm not sure how my bond affects an existing mate-bond. River and Nik are the only other bonded wing-mates and River doesn't qualify as typical."


Skye helped Ian to his feet and steadied him while he got dressed back into the robes, minus the undershirt. When they were both put back together, Skye gripped Ian's shoulders and made sure he was at least stable on his feet. His eyes had returned to their bright blue - a good sign.

"This is really freaky." Ian pressed the heels of his hands to his temples.

"Talk to the other guys and don't hesitate to ask questions. It takes several days to adjust."

"Yeah... I'm not sure what to say. That... that was incredible, and I'm not sure how to process everything I'm feeling right now."

Skye opened the door and startled when he saw Kuai's smiling face. Kuai winked. "Welcome to the wing Ian. I'll make sure the other guys know, and you can expect one of us to be checking in on you regularly until you've adjusted."

Ian stared at Kuai for a moment with different emotions playing across his face. "Okay... that's weird."

Kuai laughed. "Attraction and arousal around wing-mates are normal. Don't be embarrassed, we're family now, and we take care of each other in more ways than you can imagine." Kuai stepped back to allow them to exit and left the innuendo hanging.

They stepped back into the Transept, and Skye noticed the old-style confessionals. "Ian, is the screen between the priest's section and the confessor fixed?"

"Sorry?" Ian asked in confusion.

"I think what Skye is asking, is can the priest and confessor have any physical contact while in the confessional?" Kuai explained.

"Um... I guess. We are non-denominational, so we don't adhere to any one practice. The screens can be opened or closed depending on what the person wants. We don't use those much anymore, most who wish to meet with us in private use one of the rooms."

Skye leaned into Ian and whispered. "I kind of have this fantasy of sucking you off in the confessional. Think we could do that?" When the words came out, Skye was stunned that he'd said them. Mistral, did you?

Mistral's only response was a mental snicker.

Ian went scarlet, and his mouth moved, but no words came out. He gave up and nodded.

"Good. Thanks, Ian."

Skye walked away and noted Hagas waiting for them. He looked a little shaken and twitchy. Skye gave a questioning glance to Kuai.

What? He's dragon and Ian is human. Can't help but pick up on strong emotion and thoughts and believe me, what Ian was feeling with you was really, really strong.

Shit. Do we need to explain anything?

Nope. You're the Bloody Prince. Now he just knows the rumors are true and your reputation is justly earned.

Oh, God, Mistral. This is embarrassing.

'Not really. But don't be surprised if he inquires about joining your personal guard. And you're welcome by the way. I rather like this priest fetish you're repressing.'

  • Scene 5 *

Skye ran his hand reverently over the concert grand piano. He reminded himself that Garrett had bought it for him - brought it all the way from Earth - his very own Steinway. Skye smiled as he sat on the bench, admiring the mahogany finish. He'd somewhat expected it to be black, but he much preferred the rich, dark wood and thought it was much more in keeping for the gilded music room of the palace. Black would have looked stark and out of place.

He placed his fingers on the keys and marveled at the feel of the action, firm but not too much. Skye played the scales and felt giddy as the clear notes filled the room. He stopped and looked over his shoulder to find the guards.

"There's still time. I'd really suggest earplugs," Skye called out.

"We'll be fine," Kuai responded.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Last chance!" Skye closed his eyes and thought about what songs he knew and could play without sheet music. Damn, I wish I had all my sheet music. Probably still under my bed back home.

Skye began to play Moonlight Sonata and couldn't help but grin as the sound echoed around him. He finished and snickered as he began Joplin's Ragtime. It was an abrupt shift. Skye continued playing and lost himself in the music, forgetting about the world around him. It wasn't until he felt a familiar presence that he paused.

"Scoot your ass over," River said bumping Skye over on the bench and then took a seat beside him.

"Hey! How'd you find me?" Skye asked.

River tapped his head. "Always know where you are now. Don't need an AI or high-tech shit to find you."


"Yeah, be scared, big brother. Not only can I hear your thoughts, there's nowhere you can hide, muah ha ha."

"Jerk." Skye bumped shoulders with his brother but couldn't repress the smile.

"Come on, let's do this." River made a dramatic show of pulling up his sleeves and stretching out his fingers. He began softly, getting a feel for the keys and then started playing his half of Heart and Soul.

Skye took a second to listen then began the accompaniment. It was like they were back home, messing around on his grandmother's Baldwin like they had for years.

The music came back to him, and he remembered all the fun rifts and embellishments they'd tried over the years. The simple song became something more, and they both began laughing as they got caught up in the moment.

By the time they finished with a flourish, they were both roaring in laughter. When they'd calmed down, they heard the applause and turned to see Pater and Grandma watching and clapping. Their grandmother had a tissue and was dabbing at her eyes as she cried.

"Oh, boys... I never thought I'd hear you play that again." Her quiet tears turned into sobs as she ran over and hugged them.

"It's okay Grandma, we'll play for you anytime you want," Skye said.

"Skye will. That's the extent of my piano skills," River added.

"I am very impressed. Now I wonder when I'll get to hear River play his guitar?" Pater said, walking up beside the piano.

"Ah, Pater. You've heard me. I've got nothing on Skye."

"Oh posh! The best is when they play together. When they were just learning, they used to get dressed up and put on concerts for us." Nancy said as she released Skye and River from her embrace.

"I'd like that. Maybe we should make it a new family tradition," Pater suggested.

"Oh, we must!" Nancy agreed. "Maybe we can convince Garrett and Nik to sing. You said they had beautiful voices."

"Perhaps for Skye's birthday?" Pater said. "Speaking of which, we need to decide what we're going to do. How big of a party should we have?"

"Oh, no. I don't need a big party. A small family-only dinner is fine with me."

"Don't you worry, dear. Argos and I will figure it out. I'm sure Garrett will want to have some input." Skye's grandmother gave a smile that made Skye more than a little nervous.

"Really, Grandma. Don't go to any trouble. Low-key, quiet, sedate - that's me."

River snorted and muttered under his breath, "So doomed."

Skye poked him with his elbow, which just made River laugh louder. "Watch it, your birthday won't be far behind."


"I do hope you'll play for us more often," Pater said.

"Sorry, but that's all I remember until I can find some new sheet music." Skye sat back and ran his finger over the music holder.

"But honey, I saved all that! I'm not sure where the men put it, but when we did our quick pack up of the house, I made sure I grabbed your music and River's. The men took the boxes, but I'm sure they put them somewhere safe."

Pater looked thoughtful. "I'm sure they did as well. Not to worry, I'll have Celeste look into it. Even if they're still on Earth, we'll make sure they get returned to you. Until then, I'll ask her to look into what might be available on Draga. Worst case you can use a holo stand, I'm sure most of the works are available."

"That would be great, thank you," Skye said somewhat in awe of his grandmother and father-in-law.

"You got my music too? From under the bed?" River asked.

"Strangely. You both stored all your important stuff under the bed. And no, that other 'box,' did not get saved," Nancy said with a blush.

"Oh." River's coloring gave Skye a hint of what must have been in the "other box."

Dude, what was in the box not to be mentioned?

Forget about it.

No, seriously. It must have been important.

River glared and sighed. Porn. Gay porn. You happy?

You had gay porn?

Not talking about it.


"I should go check on Nik before it's time to dress for dinner." River stood and headed to the door.

"Hey, wait. What about the pardon thing?"

River turned back. No more about the box.


"It went better than I expected."

"While you two catch up, Nancy and I have some business to attend to," Pater said, guiding their grandmother toward the door.

"Don't you need to hear this, Pater?" River asked.

"Oh, no River. You can catch me up later once you and Skye have things worked out." Prince Argos gave a wave as they exited. Mica stepped into the room as they departed and spoke softly with Hagas and Kuai.

"That's strange, don't you think?" River asked.

"Yeah. But then again, I'd lay odds, he already knows everything you're about to tell me," Skye said.

"Huh, probably true." River paused and sat on one of the nearby chairs, pointing to the one beside him for Skye. "Thanks for sending Mica, that helped."

"I was surprised you didn't reach out to me."

"Me too. But when I found this guy, I knew what I needed to do. I did bounce it back and forth with Mica, but that was less about picking him than what we might do next."

"Okay..." Skye tried to be patient and wait for River to continue and finally gave up when the silence dragged on. "Well?"

River smirked. "Well, what?"

"Are you going to tell me more? Is the person innocent of the crime? What did they do? Is it a dragon? Come on..."

"No, he's definitely guilty of the charge. Which is murder by the way."

"And you're sure he's the right pick, so explain."

"Huh, you really trust me?"

"Of course. You're probably a better judge of character than I am. Look at my track record."

"Good point. Yes, he killed someone, but in my opinion, they deserved it. Pretty sure, you or I would have done the same."

"Are you going to make me drag this out of you detail by detail?"

"No, just thinking. He's a were-bear, huge guy and certainly bigger than any of the men in our wing, Garrett included. He's at least six-foot- seven but built like Garrett - you know, so proportionally bigger. He killed the leader of their sloth when he found him raping a cub. It wasn't the first time or the first cub he'd taken. The sloth excommunicated him and stood by the leader, even with the hard evidence and proof of what he'd done."

"Sounds all too familiar. That's just wrong," Skye muttered staring at the floor.

"Yeah. I'm beginning to think the were community needs some purging in their leadership ranks. Maybe move into the current century on their concept of justice. He fully accepted the sentencing and didn't fight it. His main concern throughout, when Mica and I checked into the proceedings afterward, was taking care of the cub. Didn't help. The cub was excommunicated as well and thrown out of the sloth."

"No record of what happened to him or her?"

"Him. No, disappeared and assumed dead but no body was found."

"Okay, so what's next?"

"I presented my selection to Serat. It will be announced at the Assembly proceedings tomorrow, and he'll be released. He's already been moved to the Imperial Guard's care. Guess after what happened with you, it's now standard procedure to get them out before anyone can make a fuss."

"Good idea. What will he do once released?"

River gave Skye a guilty look. "I was kinda hoping you'd be willing to meet with him. Mica said he'd find a place for him and make sure he's taken care of until we work things out."

"Why do you want me to meet with him?"

"Check him out and do your woo-woo mind meld. See if we can trust him? I don't know, but I just have this feeling he should be one of our wing."

"You think my magic will recognize him?"

River was quiet for a minute. "Yeah, I do. I've never met someone who gave me such a strong sense of protectiveness. I don't mean I'm protective of him, that he's protective of those in his care. I was thinking if I had to pick someone to watch out for our guys like Rilien or Chris, even Willow, I'd want this guy on the job."

"You're thinking a guard?" Skye asked, trying not to put words in River's mouth while still coaxing his intent out of him.

"Not like Imperial Guard. Like ninja nanny."

Skye laughed. "Ninja nanny? I don't think Rilien or Christos would appreciate you thinking they need a nanny."

"But between me and you, they do. They're too trusting, too naive and way too innocent. Hear me out. Even with all the shit they've been through, and the horrible things they've seen, they're vulnerable and once we're out in space, who's going to watch their backs? And having another shifter around to help Chris might be a good thing."

"I was hoping Pater would protect them, but I see your point."

"He will and he'll have them watched, but I don't know Skye, this guy loves kids, and while they may be adults physically, I think a big strong papa bear type might be what we need."

"I'll be glad to talk to him, but you realize we'll have to get Pater and Father's approval for something like this? He'd be living in the palace and interacting with their staff."

"Yeah, but pretty sure Pater would do anything for you if you asked him nicely."

"He might, but I am pretty sure there would be a cost either now or later."

River shrugged. "Will you at least give it a go? We've never had to trust my magic and senses before, and this is all a shot in the dark. If Kwill were here, I'd have him read him too."

"I agree, and while we could ask Tennat, I'm not sure I want him that close to our wing. I'd rather risk it and wait for Kwill. Okay, so let's see how it goes, and we'll take it from there."

"Thanks, Skye."

  • Scene 6 *

"That's good right?" Skye asked, staring at the holo image of his mate.

"It is. Means it should only be a couple more days," Garrett said.

"What about Taleel and Jerrick?"

"They both have work to continue on the Temero. I'm sure they'll visit before too long."

"They had better," Skye said. "I don't like our wing being scattered."

"If you had your way, we'd all live together, wouldn't we?"

"I'd really like that. The time at the cabin spoiled me. If only we'd had everyone there it would have been perfect."

"You know, it is unlikely we'll ever have all of our wing together. Especially if you keep adding more members," Garrett responded and smirked. "Though I'd have loved to see you with Ian. Bet that was an image to behold. Was he good?"

"Garrett, don't be crude. And just because it's not likely doesn't mean I wouldn't like to have all our wing together." Skye paused. "I'm glad you're coming home to me soon."

"Me too. Though it seems you've got quite the list of tasks for us. So will you save your excursions for pastries and pizza for my return?"

"I don't know. I start back at the Academy tomorrow and have to work out a schedule for the secondary training along with Master Mage Quanta's request that I train with him. I also have to meet with the were-bear."

Garrett laughed. "I wish I could be there when you explain that one to Pater. Though... no, on second thought I'm much safer here."

"Gee, thanks. It's not my fault. I had nothing to do with who River selected to pardon. Besides, is a ninja nanny even a thing?"

"He has ninja skills?"

"Not that I know of; I think River was just making a joke. I sent a request to Teak to see what he could pull up on the guy."

"I thought Teak had disappeared again," Garrett said.

"He did. Probably doing super-secret stuff for Pater, but I mind-spoke him and told him what I needed. And... I maybe reminded him that he was still a part of my wing and better make an appearance now and again."

"That sounds more like Mistral, than you."

"He may have prompted me," Skye admitted

"I need to go kick off the next simulation. I love you."

"Love you too. Come home soon." Skye watched as Garrett's image winked out. He let out a sigh. "You can stop hiding now, Dillon."

"I wasn't hiding, I was giving you privacy." Dillon stepped into view with his hands on his hips.

"If you say so, come here, I need a hug." Skye held out his hands and Dillon crossed the room and climbed onto the couch with Skye, wrapping his arms around him.

"He'll be back soon."

"I know. You going to stay with me tonight or do you have other plans?"

"If you don't mind, I was going to spend some time with Willow and distract him from Jos having to leave. I won't be back until late, and I wouldn't want to wake you."

"Where's Jos?"

"He had to return to the Academy. Pretty sure he needed a solid night of sleep."

"I probably should do the same, maybe it's good that Kleitos had to cancel. Besides, I have no idea what they have planned for me tomorrow or if Master Chen is part of my day."

Dillon began laying out Skye's clothes for the next day. "I thought your training with him was complete?"

"No. I'm not 'assassiny' enough yet, I need more blade training, or so I have been told. Did he set you and the others up with trainers? He said you all needed more self-defense work."

"Yes. Fortunately our sensei is not as scary as Master Chen. Okay, I'll be here in the morning but I've at least set everything out for you."

"Thank you. Good luck distracting Willow."

Dillon laughed. "We're doing a gaming marathon, one of those shooter games that River got Willow hooked on. Not my thing but..."

"I know, anything for a friend." Skye gave Dillon a hug. "Hey, don't worry about waking me when you get back. I like having you with me."

"Sure." Dillon exited, and Skye returned to the couch. He was considering pulling up a holo vid - maybe even looking for what the latest movie was from Earth when there was a knock at the door.

"Prince Christos, Your Majesty," the guard announced. The guards on duty weren't men he knew personally. While he recognized faces, it was hard to keep up with the many Imperial Guards who came and went from the palace. He longed for the days of having his own men on duty.

"Hey, Chris."

"Skye, is now a bad time?"

"Of course not, come on in." Skye greeted Christos with a hug. "What's up? You were quiet at dinner this evening."

"I was just hoping for some time with you. Everything is so busy anymore and with you going off to rescue Rilien it seems like forever."

"You don't need an excuse. How are classes?" Skye dragged Chris over to the couch and sat down beside him.

"Good. They want me to catch up with everything I missed before I get to start on anything new. It's very different from being in school... before."

"Better or worse?"

"Oh, much better. While I don't think the other students necessarily like me, they treat me much better than the other panthers ever did. Mostly because they want me to tell them about you and answer questions."

"Glad I'm good for something," Skye teased. "Anyone special?"

"No. They're mostly dragons, and while they don't say anything, I know they think of me as more of a curiosity. Some of them have admitted that they've never met a 'shifter' before." Chris rolled his eyes.

"Their loss. Someday you'll find your someone special."

"I'm a gay shifter, Skye. My odds of finding another gay panther who happens to be my intended mate is one in a billion. I don't think I've ever even heard of a same-sex bond."

"What if it wasn't a panther?" Skye asked wondering how Christos might feel about being with a dragon. He was immediately aware of Chris's tension and could practically see the gears turning.

"I may... I don't know... find a lover. But a true mate isn't in my future."

Skye heard the words but he could feel the question underneath. "Dillon told you didn't he?"

"Told me what?" Chris responded in the most unbelievable tone Skye could conceive.

"Yeah, thought so. Do you guys keep any secrets?" It was a rhetorical question, but Skye already knew the answer. Wing-mates couldn't lie to each other, and withholding information seemed to be just as unlikely.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Christos tried a deflection.

"So, if you could bond with a dragon and be a true bond-mate, would you want that?"

Chris's eyes went wide and he gulped. "Um... theoretically speaking... like if it were actually possible... yes. I'd very much like that."

"Uh-huh. And you know, theoretically speaking, if that were possible, once the decision is made, it's a done deal. You couldn't change your mind."

"I'd be okay with that." Chris was almost vibrating with hopefulness.

"You're sure?"

Chris nodded. "Very."

"Maybe when you're through with your schooling."

Christos gasped. "No! I mean, that's a long time, and it takes a while, right? So it's not like I'd be traded off next week."

"No one is going to 'trade you off,' Chris. God, Pater will kill me. May I assume that Rilien and Willow know about this hypothetical situation?"

"I couldn't say." Chris refused to meet Skye's eyes, but he could still tell. It didn't take mind reading to pick up the blatant clues, bond or not.

"Thought so. Well that will make my conversation with Willow a little easier. You realize this will put you in danger?"

"That's why you thought they took Ril, isn't it?" Christos asked.

"It was one of the possibilities." Skye paused. "I'm still not ready to make the leap quite yet. But I do appreciate knowing your wishes."

Chris smiled and hugged Skye. "You'll pick me a good one, I know it." Chris stood and kissed Skye's forehead.

"Where are you off to?"

"Grandma is making me... or I guess... us cookies. She promised warm cookies and milk before bed. I'm not going to miss that. She gives the best hugs."

"Fine. Enjoy your cookies," Skye shouted as Chris make his exit. Maybe River was right, they do act a bit like kids at times.

'Horny, sex-starved, young men, you mean?' Mistral responded.

That's what I said.

Skye soon found himself under the covers feeling a bit lost in the over- sized bed. He surrounded himself in pillows and snuggled in hoping that Dillon got there soon.

  • Scene 7 *

Skye smiled as he looked down at the very debauched Theon. He had a huge grin on his face and his legs were still spread wide, showing the pearly drips sliding from his recently fucked hole. It somehow seemed fitting seeing the pretty elf spread on a bed of the delea blossoms in the love garden. The fragrance from the blooms was so thick it was almost difficult to breathe.

"Another one, very well done, I must say," Garrett whispered as he kissed across Skye's shoulder.

"You enjoyed watching that, did you?" Skye looked at where the seed dripped from Theon's ass onto the moss only to be quickly absorbed. He could see the moss growing thicker and richer as he watched.

"Mm-hm, very much."

"Well, he needs to get up and move along. There are others waiting." Dillon's glare was positively icy. He had his hands on his hips, and his overly round belly looked like it would topple him at any moment.

"You know, Dillon, one might think that carrying a dragonling made you slightly testy," Garrett teased.

"Well take it up with your mate, he put it there," Dillon huffed as he waddled through the orchard of blooming trees to where the queue formed. "Who's next?"

"There are so many, Garrett." Skye looked at the line of beautiful, naked elves waiting for their chance with him. It extended out of the garden and deep into the surrounding forest. Dillon guided the next elf up to them.

"This is Night Blossom." The pretty elf made a bow, his raven black hair sweeping to the ground and covering his slender beauty. His eyes were as green as the leaves of the trees. He stepped forward and knelt at Skye's feet.

"Hello, Night Blossom. Do you wish the gift of becoming a dragon bonded?"

"I do." He bowed his head again, then stood waiting for Skye's permission.

Skye nodded and stretched out on his back, holding his erection as Night Blossom straddled Skye and lowered himself.

"Mm, so very tight," Skye closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of penetrating the elf's body. He let the elf ride him and enjoyed Night Blossom's passion as he rode like a champ. Skye let his magic flow into the elf, making the necessary changes that would start his transition. It wasn't long before he felt the elf's spend coat his chest as his body clenched tight, bringing Skye to his own powerful orgasm. He filled the elf with his seed and smiled. Just as Night Blossom stood, letting Skye slide out of his body, the earth below him seemed to start sinking.

"What is it?" Garrett cried out reaching for Skye. Their fingers didn't quite touch as the ground gave way, and Skye was falling. The sky above him disappeared. He didn't know what happened to Night Blossom, he was by himself, the dirt falling around him, roots scratching and clawing at him as he fell farther and farther down the tunnel. It was hard to breathe, the thick, cloying scent of earth overwhelming.

Skye continued falling, feeling the dirt and the roots passing him by until he hit the ground and the air was forced from his lungs.

"We don't have time for this. You need to focus!" A deep voice scolded.

Skye's eyes adjusted to the low light, and he looked around trying to orient himself. The roof above him looked like the underside of a great tree with roots hanging down around him. Everything smelled of freshly, turned dirt. It took a moment to spot the body behind the voice. A dark silhouette in robes that were so black they looked like shadows. A deep cowl covered his head and hid his face in shadow.

"Where am I?" Skye asked.

"In your mind. There isn't time, you must come!"

Skye tried to stand, but there wasn't room. He crawled forward toward the speaker, but the shadowy man had vanished. He moved toward glowing veins in the earth and found himself up against an earthen wall. The veins were phosphorescent roots of some type of mushroom. He leaned back against the wall to get his bearings. He had decided to crawl the perimeter to search for an exit when he fell back through the wall.

He tumbled out onto a hard stone surface. There was a little more light, and he could see that he was in some type of ruin. The walls and ceiling had collapsed in places, and thick vines and vegetation covered most surfaces.

"There is no time!" the voice called. A shadowy figure stood at the edge of his vision, down the ruined hallway. Skye stood and stumbled toward him. He tripped and fell, the roots catching at his feet, the rough surface biting into his bare skin. He dropped to his hands and knees to get over the rubble, but no matter how far he crawled, the figure seemed to be out of reach. There was an opening ahead that the figure seemed to pass through, a little brighter than where he was. Skye crawled to it and through and fell a few feet to what appeared to have been a mosaic floor, covered in roots and vines like the hallway. It was a room of ornate doors. But the vines in here were different, thick, black, thorny vines that looked deadly.

Skye stood and looked for the cloaked figure but saw no one. Whispering sounds caught his attention and he saw the thorny vines creeping across the floor and out of the walls. He kicked at one, and where it broke, thick black fluid leaked out, sizzling and smoking on the floor. That's when he heard the first screams.

"Help us! You must send Skye to us!" it was a woman's voice and then as soon as it faded another took its place. This time a young boy echoing the same words. Then another and another until it became deafening. "Send Skye to us!"

Skye put his hands over his ears and reached for his magic, but it wasn't there. He called out for Mistral but there was no response. He carefully made his way toward the door that appeared to be open, trying to avoid the vines that reached for him. A thick black vine caught his leg, its thorns were as long as his fingers. It began wrapping around him, climbing his body, the thorns piercing his skin. Blood was running down his arms and legs as the heavy black vines squeezed, pushing their barbs deep into his body. He struggled to break free. The doorway still out of reach.

"HELP!" Skye cried. His own voice lost in the multitude of other cries for help, all begging for him. How am I supposed to help them if I don't have my magic or Mistral. I'm going to die here and no one will even know what happened to me.

Skye cried out in pain as one of the thorns pierced through his wrist. He watched in horror as his lifeblood dripped to the floor. He could see the door - it was so close.

Movement just inside the door caught his eye, it swung open farther, and the cloaked figure was there, silhouetted against a stormy gray sky - holding a shiny brass hunting horn.

"If you don't come soon, I will be forced to send them for you."

"What do you mean?" Skye cried, and he saw glowing red eyes - sets of them appearing all around him in the room behind the banks of thorns. He could hear heavy breathing as if he were surrounded by wild animals. Skye was held fast by the vines as they tightened, wrapping more and more of him in their grip, thorns piercing him, the pain overwhelming.

"Soon!" the voice demanded.

Skye felt the world going dark. "Please..." he moaned.

"Skye! Skye! Come on bro, wake up! Dillon, get me a cold cloth!"

"Shit, shit. Should I get someone else?" Nik asked.

"Just give me a minute!"

Skye felt something cold, too cold against his face.

"Come on, come back to me. I know you can hear me. Damn it. Skye!"

Skye gasped and coughed trying to get air into his lungs. He tried to sit up and found himself wrapped in River's arms.

"That's it, you're okay now, I got you."

"Fuck. Dillon, go let the others know he's awake," Nik said.

"What... what happened?" Skye was scared to look down at his arms and cried when he saw them smooth and unbroken.

"I don't know bro, but that was some seriously dark shit. My dragon was about to shift if you didn't wake up and no matter how I tried, I couldn't wake Mistral either."

Skye hugged River tighter and then let himself be laid back down onto the bed. His eyes were heavy, and he was struggling to fight off sleep.

"It's okay, Skye. I'll stay right here with you. Not going anywhere. I got you, buddy." River wrapped his body around Skye.

Skye took a deep breath and slept.

End Chapter 43 | (Characters included below)

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Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the story. Comments, questions, and feedback are welcome at trippsavidge@gmail.com. Please note, the notification list has changed and is now on Google Groups at "dancing-with-the-dragon." You can request to join through Google Groups or send me an email, and I will invite you.

Special shout out of thanks to the volunteer beta readers/editors who helped with this chapter: Gabriel, Grant, Mark, and Scott.

The Family:

  • Argos D' Or Drakken, human, Prince, bond-mate to Darius, 'Pater' of Garrett, Zopyros, Kleitos, & Nikias. Adoptive father of Christos. Born on Earth - Greece. Has some characteristics and magic of a red dragon but not a dragon form. Artist.

  • Christos D' Or Drakken, were-panther, Prince (without rights of succession), adopted son of Darius and Argos. Born on Draga. Student. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Claudius D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, without royal rank, brother of Darius. Executed for Treason.

  • Darius D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, Emperor, Father of Garrett, Zopyros, Kleitos, and Nikias, Adoptive father of Christos and bond-mated to Argos.

  • Garrett D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, Prince, oldest son of Darius/Argos, heir apparent to the Empire, bond-mate to Skye Tomas Eklund. Commander within Galicon. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Kleitos D' Or Drakken, [KLEE-tos] Gold dragon, Prince, third son of Darius/Argos. Medic. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Nikias D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, Prince, fourth son of Darius/Argos, bond-mate to River Markus Eklund. Student. A member of Skye's wing. Temero: Astrogation and Engineering

  • River Markus Eklund D'Or Drakken, platinum dragon. Prince, bond-mate to Nikias. Born human on Earth - U.S.A. Student. A member of Skye's wing. Temero: Tactical and Weapons

  • Skye Tomas Eklund D'Or Drakken, platinum dragon, Prince, bond-mate to Garrett. Born human on Earth - U.S.A. Temero: Communications and Medical

  • Tiev D' Or Drakken, blue dragon, partner of Claudius. Executed for Treason.

  • Zopyros D' Or Drakken, gold dragon, currently without royal rank, second son of Darius/Argos. Medic specializing in non-dragon/magical species. Being held by the priesthood in penance for crimes against the Royal family.

  • Charlie Eklund, human, grandfather of Skye and River, married to Nancy. Born on Earth - U.S.A.

  • Nancy Eklund, human, grandmother of Skye and River, married to Charlie. Born on Earth - U.S.A.

  • Rilien Eklund, (formerly Rilien Meadowdove), Elf, 5'6" often described as delicate and pretty with fair skin, ash-blond hair, and green eyes. He has a slender, fit build. Rilien has magical ability and is expected to become a mage. His father was a high elf mage, his mother was a meadow elf married to Tiberius Meadowdove. Skye's ward and a member of his wing.

  • Willow Eklund, Nymph, 5'10" muscular and voluptuous, large dark nipples, with golden green skin, blue and green eyes, and greenish blond hair. Skye's ward and member of his wing.

Skye's Wing: (excluding family relations)

  • Beckus "Beck," psion, 4'7" (138.4 cm), blue skin, blue eyes, and white hair. Bonded as a pair with River and also a member of Skye's wing. Son of Kwill.

  • Braden Thomas, Ensign, gold dragon, 5'10" robust, dark blond hair, round face, pale gold skin, light blue eyes - Personal Assistant to Prince Skye and Prince Garrett. Member of Skye's wing. Previously served in HealthCorps.

  • Bryan O'Dell, gold dragon, 5'10", bodybuilder, red hair, pale complexion, and emerald green eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Biology and Anthropology

  • Chaz Blackclaw, were-dagger, 6'1", Ranger - athletic build, medium complexion, shoulder-length dark brown, wavy hair, chiseled face with dark brows and lashes, a neatly trimmed beard and striking blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Security

  • Corey Armstrong, human. College mate of Skye from earth. 5'11", fit, athletic build, dark tan, brown hair, brown eyes. Former Prince Consort to King Tertian of Pembra. Bonded to Ronan D'Or Talon, a gold dragon. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Dillon, Elf, 5'9" slender and fit with auburn hair and green eyes. Grandson of the former Queen Caladwen and brother of Gilian. Serve's as Skye and Garrett's valet but is treated more like family. Biologically changed by Skye's magic - enabling him to bond and carry a dragonling. A member of Skye's wing.

  • Lord Eluf Sorenson - formerly human, Vampire King. 6'2", lean, fit build with white blond hair and blue eyes. Dark ivory skin. Distant ancestor of Skye and River. Due to bonding with Skye must feed on dragon blood. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Feired Fornay, silver dragon, 5' 11", slender swimmer's build, pale complexion, silver-white shoulder-length, straight hair, pale blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Food Services

  • Fiske Abusson, gold dragon, 6', lean muscled swimmer's build, warm gold skin, slender hips, thick, straight shoulder-length brown hair, blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Surveillance and Data Analysis

  • Gilian, elf, Ranger, 5'4", slender athletic build, long, rich brown hair and brilliant green eyes. Sister of Dillon and granddaughter of the former Queen Caladwen. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Botany

  • Greggory Wolf, werewolf, 6', muscled athletic build, short dark beard, dark hair, and pale green eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Geology and Archeology

  • Ian Cornell, human, 5'11", human bond-mate, Priest at the palace, stocky athletic build, pale skin, dark hair, bright blue eyes, perpetual five o'clock shadow. Bonded to the gold dragon Nelson "Nels"

  • Jayce Roberts, gold dragon, 5'10", pretty, ripped athletic build, notable 'v' torso, curly shoulder-length, golden brown hair, brown eyes with gold starburst. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Medical

  • Jerrick Lopez, copper dragon, long auburn braids, 6'1", ripped, swimmers build, copper skin, dark brown eyes. Part of Protectorate Patrol and a medic. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Jos Trall, gold dragon, 5'9", bodybuilder, red-gold hair, skin more bronze than gold, blue eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Ship's Systems

  • Kuai Lung, Chinese gold dragon, Asian in appearance, 5'6", ripped, slender build, black shoulder length hair, large dark eyes, and a pretty face. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Ship's Systems and Programming

  • Kwill, psion, 4'8" (143.5 cm), blue skin, black hair, bonded partner with Skye. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Leesai Tedurian, [LEE-say] Felecian, female 6'6", muscled and ripped, skin is a deep golden brown and has a mane of light brown hair, yellow cat's eyes, a little larger and set farther apart, cheekbones more pronounced than a human's, has a tail. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Security

  • Mica Kaber, gold dragon, 6'2", lean athletic build, shoulder-plus length, blond hair, blue eyes, Skye refers to him as his "surfer dude." Leader of Skye's guard and member of his wing. Temero: Engineering and Maintenance

  • Quinn Corbin, gold dragon, 5'11", muscled athletic build, short-cropped dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. Member of the guard and Skye's wing. Temero: Tactical and Weapons

  • Taleel Del Nuit - General, black dragon, 6'3", ebony skin, pointed ears, silver/mercury colored eyes, shiny, straight black hair often worn in a top knot with ponytail. Bodybuilder physique. Part of Protectorate Patrol and decorated General in Ground Forces. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Teak Swallowfly, fairy, with a human form 5'11", large colorful wings that become a tattoo when he shifts to human. Athletic build, golden brown, curly hair to his shoulders, bright blue eyes, rich, warm brown skin. Former thief and spy and noted hacker. Now works with Pater's agents on clandestine research and spying for Skye. Member of Skye's wing.

  • Venci Lopez, [VEN-see] Copper dragon, lean, slender build, auburn pompadour, copper skin, dark brown eyes. Senior Personal Assistant to Prince Skye and Prince Garrett. Member of Skye's wing.


Next: Chapter 44

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