Danger Games

By benjamin winkler

Published on May 1, 2018


The following story was inspired by the crossover event of Nickelodeon's TV shows "Game Shakers" and "Henry Danger" titled "Danger Games". The character of Hudson is played by Thomas Kuc and Henry/Kid Danger is played by Jace Norman. I do not know the actual sexual orientation of either actor. If you're able to, please donate to nifty.org. If you like what you read, please let me know. fanofdrama31@gmail.com

"And, cut! Okay, everybody, time for lunch. Meet back here in one hour."

Finally, time to get out of this Egyptian stuff; this head thing is really itchy, Jace muttered to himself as he made his way across the set.

It was taking awhile, though, since all the background performers were in his way and some of them thought it necessary to make small talk with him or compliment his outfit.

It was true that the costume was cool and looked good on him but that didn't mean it was comfortable, especially since he had put on the leggings over his boxers and they kept binding up his thighs. The sooner he could get out of them, the better. Also, he was looking forward to his lunch time ritual.

Well, now's a good a time as any, Thomas thought to himself.

Thomas paced nervously around the set. He had already watched a few scenes of his crush, Jace, in action but hadn't yet had the privilege of working with him. He knew he would have his chance this afternoon but wanted to get some advice. He just hoped he didn't get star struck and embarrass himself in front of his idol.

As he aimlessly meandered around the set, he kept his eye on Jace to make sure his co-star didn't leave without him. In his mind, it seemed to be taking forever but in reality, it was only a few minutes before he and Jace were pretty much the only ones who hadn't gone to lunch. When he noticed Jace heading down the hallway that led to the dressing rooms, he had to do some speed walking to catch him.

"Hey, uh, Jace...." Thomas called out, fearing that if he didn't, Jace might get to the dressing room before they had a chance to talk.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" Jace turned around to face Thomas, which suddenly deflated the younger boy of his confidence. Star struck.

There was a moment of awkward silence as Jace patiently waited for Thomas to speak. He felt it was important to respond to his fans whenever possible, whether they be fellow tv stars or not. Besides, he was flattered that Thomas wanted to talk to him and thought it was cute that his co-star was having trouble doing so. However, while he understood the feeling of being star struck, he also wanted to get to his dressing room soon. If he didn't, he wouldn't have time for a quick release before lunch was over.

"Uh, good job today. I had fun watching you do your scenes."

"Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. Sorry I didn't get to see you, though. But I've watched a few episodes of your show and I got to say, you're great as Hudson."

Did Jace Norman just say he watched my show? Don't freak out, don't freak out.

"Thanks. It's a fun part to play. What about you? Do you like being Henry or Kid Danger better?

"That's easy. Kid Danger all the way. It's really fun wearing that costume. You'll see what I mean when you put yours on after lunch." Jace quickly looked up and down the hallway, then leaned in towards Thomas and lowered his voice. "Just between me and you, I take my boxers off before I put on those pants. Feels good."

He did his signature catch phrase the same way as on his show, which made Thomas laugh.

"Plus, maybe it's my imagination but I think it makes me look bigger, you know, down there." His tone was conspiratorial as he looked down at himself, as if it wasn't obvious what he meant by 'down there'. Thomas couldn't help looking in the same direction but had to be careful not to let his eyes linger there too long.

"So, what do you usually do during lunch? You could come hang out in my dressing room if you want." He mentally kicked himself for making the offer but it seemed like the polite thing to do.

His shoulder angel congratulated him for being nice to a fan and doing the right thing. His shoulder devil cursed him, explaining that now he wouldn't have a chance to participate in his ritual.

Maybe he won't accept my offer. Jace was doubtful.

"Really?! That would be so cool. I mean, yeah, that'd be fun." Thomas caught himself, then tried to play it off. In his mind, he was totally freaking out.

"All right, cool. Sounds like a plan. But first, I'm starving. Let's go get a burger and soda, then we can have lunch back here." Now he couldn't back out. By the end of lunch, however, he'd be glad he didn't.

"I wouldn't mind a soda but I'm not really that hungry."

As they talked, they began heading towards the mess hall. It was all Thomas could do to keep his cool as he talked to his crush. As for Jace, he was beginning to realize that Thomas was reminding him of himself at that age. That was around the time he had first auditioned for Henry Danger.

"Hold up a sec, dude. You shouldn't have to come all the way to the mess hall with me just to get a soda. Tell me what kind you want and I'll get one for you."

"It's okay. I like talking with you." As soon as he said it, he hoped against hope that Jace didn't think he was wierd.

"I appreciate that but the mess hall is kind of far. I totally don't mind grabbing you a soda. You could chill here. So what's it going to be, Pepsi, Mt. Dew, maybe a Dr. Pepper?"

"Uh, I guess a Dr. Pepper sounds good. You sure you don't mind?"

"Dude, I'm going there anyway and, by the way, nice choice. Big fan of the doc, myself. Stay here, chillax, and look around but do me a favor: don't touch anything. Back in ten."

Jace left Thomas in the hallway so suddenly that Thomas didn't have time to respond. He stayed where he was for a moment to regain his composure, then headed back to the dressing room door with "Jace Norman" on it.

He took a deep breath before entering, although to be honest he was disappointed when he realized it was just like his own. As he glanced around, he noticed the rack of clothes Jace wore as Henry Hart and walked to it. He had seen several episodes of Henry Danger and so some of the outfits looked familiar.

Then he saw the Kid Danger outfit on its own rack. There was actually more than one but of course, they were all identical. He found the one labeled "Main" and removed it from the rack to get a better look at it. When he held up the pants, he remembered what Jace had told him about wearing them with no underwear. Before he knew it, there was a stirring in his own pants.

He took them over to the couch and started to undo the button and fly. At first, he simply ran his hand around the inside of the pants but then he had a better idea. Why not try them on? He knew they wouldn't fit but thought it would be fun to wear them anyway. After all, Jace had worn them on bare skin and that idea was driving him crazy.

Thomas quickly went to the door, opened it, and glanced down the hallway to make sure Jace wasn't on his way back from the mess hall. The coast was clear so he shut the door again, only briefly considering locking it before realizing that wasn't such a good idea.

With a limited amount of time before Jace returned, Thomas had to move quick to change from his own pants to his idol's costume bottoms. Luckily, he always wore his shoes loose so they came off easily.

Actually, they weren't his regular pants. He hadn't had time to change into those because he had wanted to talk to Jace. Right now he was still wearing the grey plaid suit. Well, the top half of it, anyway.

Just as he had figured, they didn't fit but it wasn't so much because of the waist as it was the long legs. He held them up as best he could and began to prance around the room pretending he was a model on a catwalk.

"And now, introducing Thomas Kuc, modeling the bottom half of the famous 'Kid Danger' costume." Thomas lowered his voice and spoke as loud as he dared, pretending to be the MC. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't realize Jace had entered the room.

"And he looks better in them than the real Kid Danger, even though he was told not to touch anything." Jace announced.

Before making his presence known, he had locked the door and put the food on a small table with the sodas. They still had over a half hour before they had to be back on set and he didn't intend to miss out on his quick release just because his young co-star had crashed at his place.

Thomas turned to face Jace while absently letting the loose pants fall to his ankles. He knew he was busted by the tone of voice and the look on Jace's face. As he went to pull 'his' pants back up, his idol stopped him.

"You can just go ahead and step out of those. I thought I told you not to touch anything. I know you heard me, even though you were so star struck in the hallway, I guess it didn't sink in." As he spoke, Jace walked toward a stunned Thomas, keeping his tone consistent with annoyance at what Thomas had done.

Thomas was honestly getting scared now. He quickly stepped out of the pants and kicked them aside, not wanting to make Jace more upset. Lucky for him, he had kept his boxers on, even though the thought of taking them off had crossed his mind. He would've liked to wear the pants on bare skin the same way Jace claimed to.

"Wow, dude, do you always take things so seriously? Loosen up a little, will ya? I was just messing with you. Although, you really did look better in those pants than I do."

Thomas breathed a loud sigh of relief as soon as he recognized Jace's sudden change of demeanor. He was flattered at the compliment and blushed before he realized it.

"So, you're really not mad? I didn't mean any harm. I just wanted to try them on is all."

"I know. No harm done. But before you put your own pants back on, would you mind putting the outfit back on its hanger? The costume lady will be pissed if it gets messed up."

"Why would that matter? Isn't that why she made so many?" Thomas gestured at the rest of the Kid Danger costumes.

"Just do it. You don't want me to get in trouble, do you?" His tone almost had a whine to it, like a child pleading for an extension of his bedtime.

Thomas fell for it and, forgetting he was now without any pants at all, carefully took the Kid Danger outfit and put it back on the hanger, then hung it up with the others. As his back was turned, Jace picked the pants up from the floor and put them behind himself before sitting on the couch. He tried to act casual when Thomas turned back to him.

"Hey, what happened to my pants? I left them right here." Thomas knew Jace had done something with them when he didn't see them on the floor.

"Don't look at me; I didn't take 'em." Jace held up his hands to show they were empty. However, in so doing, he accidently revealed the pants that were hiding behind his back. A part of one of the legs was sticking out at his side. Thomas noticed.

"Oh, really? Then what's that grey piece of material you're laying on?" Thomas pointed at his pants with an accusing finger.

Jace realized he was caught when he looked to where Thomas was pointing and found the bottom of the pant leg in clear sight. He decided to use it to his advantage.

"Oh, you must mean THESE pants. If you want them, come and get them." Jace smiled mischievously before tucking the pant leg back behind him.

The couch was in the middle of the room and Thomas was standing behind it while Jace was laying directly on the pants, trying to press down with all his body weight. He even sandwiched the clothing between his own hands and his backside for extra security.

Seeing the fun side of Jace was definitely having an affect on Thomas. He no longer cared that the only covering of his bottom half was his boxers and socks. He was no longer star struck by the boy crush that had fueled so many of his fantasies during his private times. He suddenly felt bold in his attempt to retrieve his pants at any cost.

He swung a leg over the back of the couch and allowed himself to fall onto Jace, almost making full contact. His backside landed directly on Jace's front, making it difficult to miss the protruding appendage waiting there. It was only a short moment before Jace retrieved his hands from under him and gently shoved Thomas to the floor but Thomas loved it. He turned back to Jace in time to see the sexy Egyptian adjusting himself with no shame at all, acting as if nothing had happened.

"What? These leggings keep riding up and they make my boxers ride up, too. I was just trying to get comfortable."

Thomas took that at face value even though he knew better. Now on the floor, he crawled towards the couch and tried in vain to reach behind Jace and retrieve his pants. However, with longer arms and legs, Jace was having no trouble keeping him from his goal. What he was having trouble with, though, was keeping himself from getting too excited. The close proximity to Thomas and the body contact was having its affect.

As he was looking down and trying to reach around Jace's hips, Thomas couldn't help but notice something flopping about as Jace continued pushing him away. It really became apparent when Jace began using his legs, leaning against the back of the couch for support. He may have had a chance against Jace's arms but he knew he didn't against the legs. Suddenly, he realized that if he could grab a hold of them, he might be able to pull Jace off the couch and finally get his pants back.

Giving up on the crawling technique, Thomas stood up and backed away to scope out the situation. Jace was still sitting on the couch, legs drawn up to his chest so that they would provide good power if Thomas came any closer. He was taunting Thomas with his eyes, daring the young boy to try again.

The bottom half of the Egyptian outfit was mainly a thin skirt over tan leggings, both of which ended at the knee. Neither of these articles of clothing did anything to hide Jace's predicament, but rather emphasized it. Jace no longer cared if Thomas noticed or not. In fact, he had noticed that his young co-star was in a similar situation.

He glanced at the clock and noticed that this was taking too long. If he didn't act soon, their lunch break would be over and he would miss his release for the first time since he had been cast on the show. He couldn't let that happen and judging by the bulge in Thomas' boxers, he was willing to bet that his younger star wouldn't object. With that as inspiration, he slid his hands all over his crotch while keeping his attention focused on Thomas' face to judge what reaction would show itself there.

Thomas tried to keep the eye contact but certainly noticed exactly what Jace was doing. Still pretending to be innocent, he casually allowed his hands to cover the front of his boxers even though he was pretty sure it was too late. To be sure that this was actually what he was hoping for, he had to ask.

"Let me guess, just trying to get comfortable?" Thomas tried to sound casual, as if he were joking.

"Not this time, dude. Might as well tell you the truth. Lunch time is usually my time to, you know, relieve some stress. You don't mind, do you?" Jace kept his hands moving over himself as he spoke.

As much as Thomas wanted to watch Jace continue, it somehow didn't seem appropriate to do so. When he had been given "the talk", it had been explained that enjoying one's own body was not something to be done in the company of others. Even though Jace was obviously not directed by that same notion, he felt guilty watching.

"Uh, maybe I should go now. I'll see you later back on set." Thomas began heading towards the door, embarrassed and blushing.

Jace leapt from the couch and beat him there, blocking his escape. Even though he could tell that Thomas' bulge had dissipated, he wasn't going to give up just yet. If they hurried, they still had time for him to reach that much-needed release.

"Hey, now, hold up! You don't have to leave. In fact, why don't you join me? You and I both know you want to. It may be down now but I know for sure it was up before when we were wrestling. Those boxers didn't really hide it that well and yeah, I admit it, I was up, too. I guess you probably noticed."

Thomas was seriously conflicted. This was literally the stuff his dreams were made of but his upbringing was still trying to convince him this was wrong. He stared at Jace for what seemed like an eternity, his heart rate rising with every passing second. His breathing started to reflect this while Jace seemed to remain perfectly calm.

Although calm he appeared, calm he was not. After several years of working in front of a camera, not to mention dealing with hordes of fans, Jace was quite accustomed to being the center of attention without showing his nerves. In truth, his body was reacting to the situation the same way as Thomas' but the only evidence of this was in the bottom half of his Egyptian outfit, which he no longer bothered to conceal. However, his patience was growing thin and his time was running out.

Without breaking eye contact and realizing Thomas wasn't going to make the first move, Jace grew bold and reached out with his left hand, placing it on the younger star's chest. Although it didn't need to be pointed out, Jace said it anyway.

"Dude, your heart's beating a mile a minute. You sure you're okay?"

"I think I'll be fine." Thomas breathlessly stated.

"Let me know if you want me to stop."

When Thomas simply nodded, Jace took his cue and gently pinched Thomas' left nipple, which he noticed was already hard. Keeping eye contact, he slid his hand to the other one and did the same to it.

Thomas let out a little moan of pleasure but did nothing to stop the action.

Jace lightly grazed Thomas' abdomen with his fingertips as he moved his hand down to the waistband of the boxers. This made Thomas inhale sharply but his smile made it obvious that he certainly didn't want Jace to stop. Jace simply smiled back as a response.

He finally broke eye contact to look down and wasn't surprised to see that some of Thomas had already escaped the confines of the boxers. From what he saw, the young star wasn't circumcised, which Jace thought was a little odd since most boys in America (to his limited knowledge) were. The foreskin captivated Jace's attention and he was eager to inspect it.

"Looks like Thomas Jr. has come out to play." Jace teased while Thomas only blushed.

"He's a big fan of yours, just like me." Thomas smiled shyly at his own attempt at humor.

"Well, I'd like to know just how big of a fan he is. I've always prided myself on making my fans happy." Their eye contact restored, Jace gently wrapped his left hand around 'Thomas Jr.' and pulled until the boxers were no longer an issue. As he did so, he felt the extra skin engulf the tip and Thomas let out another sigh of pleasure. He then moved his hand back towards Thomas' body and got the same result. Those little sighs of pleasure grew in volume and frequency as Jace kept moving his hand back and forth. With his right hand he made the 'shh' signal over his lips when Thomas started getting carried away.

With only about 10 minutes left of lunch time, it was a good thing that young Thomas didn't last long before instinctively thrusting his hips into Jace's hand and finally shooting a considerable load onto the floor between them. Some of it even landed on Jace's shoe. Thomas worried that Jace would be mad at him for making a mess.

"Whoa, dude, I guess it's been awhile since you've done that, am I right?" There was no anger, but almost more of a pride of a job well done.

"Sorry about that. I'll clean it up, I promise."

"No worries. That's what the cleaning person's for. Wouldn't be the first time." Jace winked.

"What about your shoe?"

"Well, now, that is going to cost you."

"How much?" Thomas made money doing his own show and was willing to pay for his mishap.

Jace, though, didn't want financial compensation, which Thomas should've realized. It was only too obvious as to what he did want as payment.

"You owe me." Jace stated simply as he began to take the bottom part of his costume down to his ankles. Instead of pushing it all down his legs at the same time, he teased Thomas by doing it in layers.

Thomas stood there, dumbfounded, as his boy idol undressed in front of him. As each layer of the sexy Egyptian costume was slid down Jace's beautiful legs, the appendage between them became more evident in all its glory until finally the boxers were pushed down as well. The top of the costume was fairly form fitting and hugged Jace's torso but stopped at the top of his hips, leaving all below it to be exposed to Thomas' undivided attention.

Jace was obviously one for personal grooming, his pubic hair in a neat trimmed triangle, the center of which was his 6-inch circumcised boy tube. It bounced rhythmically in time with his heartbeat as he looked expectantly at Thomas, who still had a blank look on his face.

"Well, what's the hold-up? It's not going to take care of itself." Jace took Thomas' hand with his own and directed it towards his crotch.

"If it's okay with you, I have a better idea." Without waiting for a response, Thomas dropped to his knees and leaned forward.

Although unexpected, Jace certainly did nothing to stop Thomas' apparent enthusiasm.

Thomas took a deep breath; the moment of truth was upon him. Even though he had never done this to another boy, he had fantasized about it for several years and had seen many videos online, in addition to reading articles. His face was only inches away from his dream boy's intimate body part and to him, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He counted to 3 in his mind and then went for the glory all at once, nearly making Jace collapse. Luckily, he had the locked door behind him to lean against.

Not that Jace would know this from experience but as far as blowjobs go, this one wasn't exactly great. However, with all its imperfections, Jace was still enjoying it because when he looked down he saw young Thomas trying to do a good job. Yeah, he bumped against Thomas' teeth a couple times and yeah, the tongue action was amateur but Jace couldn't help being proud of the poor boy for giving his best effort. If nothing else, he was turned on by the fact that Thomas was even willing to do this and more than willing, apparently quite eager to please.

All too soon for both of them, the buzzer sounded and shortly after that they heard the muffled command of the director to get back to set. Almost simultaneously, Jace thrust into Thomas' mouth sporadically while depositing a sufficient load. With no time to warn the boy, Jace had cum unexpectedly at the sound of the buzzer and was more than a little worried that Thomas wasn't going to be happy with the surprise. He shouldn't have.

As a healthy young man, Jace produced more than poor Thomas could swallow, all eager willingness aside. However, he did take as much as he could and when that proved to be too much, he simply allowed Jace to shoot the rest onto his face. He looked at his idol as he stood up, licking around his lips to get some of the prize on and close to them. He was using his finger to get the rest when there was a banging on the door. He smiled at Jace and went to where he had left his pants lying on the floor.

"Jace, you in there? Time to get back to set. If you happen to see Thomas, let him know his scene is coming up soon, too."

"All right, will do." Jace yelled back through the door. With it locked, he remained standing with his clothes around his ankles as he watched Thomas get his pants back on.

They smiled at each other and eventually broke into uncontrollable laughter as they dressed. They really busted a gut when they realized the food and sodas still sat on the table, completely untouched. When they finally got a hold of themselves (not that way!), Jace unlocked the door and they went back to the set. As they walked, though, they kept looking at each other and giggling.

Once they finally got to set, Jace turned serious as he faced Thomas.

"Thanks, dude, that awesome. Maybe we can do it again some time." He turned away and walked to where the director was waiting impatiently.

Thomas smiled to himself as he saw his boy idol walk with his back to him. What a nice butt, he thought to himself. I wonder.....

After all, stranger things have happened. I mean, they just did, didn't they?

Next: Chapter 2

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