Dani and Ria

By SerenityInSound

Published on Jan 8, 2024


Dani and Ria - Chapter 03

Dani and Ria

By: SerenityInSound

Chapter 3

When we got home that afternoon, Miss Sarah immediately ordered both of us naked.

"I want your clothes off the moment you close the door, no exceptions. It'll save on how much washing we have to do." She said.

I was getting used to Miss Sarah's strange logic... it was something like... sex things are good, and also have other useful purposes. Or something.

Neither of us argued. We just helped each other undress, right there in the hallway. I felt myself get nervous, when Dani removed my skirt. But we both continued until we were fully nude.

I was not used to being naked in front of other people like this. Even though Miss Sarah had already seen us naked, and even doing much more intense things, somehow... standing there in the hallway, the slight chill on my completely exposed nipples... I felt shy in a way I didn't understand.

Miss Sarah did not undress, she remained clothed. It was... strangely humbling, to remain naked around someone who is dressed. Though it definitely fit the weird power dynamic we had with Miss Sarah. It gave me butterflies, and I silently held Dani's hand to calm myself.

"When we all come back, and you've taken your clothes off, we'll be giving each other welcome home kisses." She said, walking up to give me a deep, loving kiss. I felt her caress my pussy gently, her fingers becoming moist with my wetness.

The kiss was as intense as always, and combined with her touches and my nudity I was feeling pretty overwhelmed. My knees were weak.

She left me like that, and walked over to Dani, giving my sister equal treatment. I watched her gently rub the tip of Dani's already hard penis. My sister moaned into the kiss, and was left panting after Miss Sarah stepped away.

Finally it was my turn to kiss my sister. Our kisses always felt so different from Miss Sarah. They were a shared experience. I gently played with my sister's nipples, and could hear her whine of arousal even as we made out.

We gradually lost ourselves into the kiss. I liked having access to my sister's body, I thought distantly, as I began stroking her penis.

"Ria." She whispered to me in need. I knew what she wanted, and started to kneel down, but Miss Sarah's hand stopped me.

"We'll have plenty of time for that later." She assured.

I was disappointed, but nodded. Dani's nipples and penis were fully erect, but she didn't give a word of complaint.

"First, we've got to get the boring chores out of the way. We'll start with homework, and I'll make us a snack to eat as we do it, okay? You two get started in the sitting room." Miss Sarah said.

By the time Miss Sarah came back, a plate of food in one hand and her bag in another, we had already gotten started.

I felt... my nudity a lot more, when Miss Sarah was in the room. With just Dani, it was like I could avoid thinking about it because we were both naked. We were equal. But when Miss Sarah was here I just couldn't stop.

It was strange. There was this weird... dichotomy, between the utterly casual nature of doing our homework together, while simultaneously naked and aroused. I didn't know how to handle it.

Our chores were finished peacefully, with nothing happening.

"Right. Now we've gotten that out of the way, you two can play together now." Miss Sarah said. Dani and I looked at each other excitedly.

"BUT: You are not allowed to orgasm. I have something I want us to be doing this evening, and I want you both to be prepared for it. You'll be pleasuring each other as much as you like until then, but make absolutely sure neither of you orgasm until I say so." She said sternly.

I internally groaned in frustration. I was already practically dripping, so having to wait for hours until I could cum sounded unbearable. Even Dani was biting her lip, obviously torn between her desire to cum and her desire to please Miss Sarah.

I knew my sister would be really upset if we failed her though, so I decided to be the responsible one for today. "Don't worry Miss Sarah, we'll follow your instructions." I said to her forelornly.

To my surprise, she stepped up to me, and gave me a kiss on the forehead, holding me gently. "I promise you won't regret it. I've got something nice planned." She said giving me a soft smile.

I immediately flushed red, suddenly pleased. My forehead felt strangely hot where she'd given the little kiss. I still wasn't used to being treated like this, but I honestly adored it.

"Right, I'm going to be preparing, so your bedroom is off-limits until tonight. But I want you to play together in here until then." Miss Sarah ordered.

"Yes Miss." We said obediently.

The moment Miss Sarah left, me and Dani immediately started making out, as she pulled me down onto the sofa.

It was really fun, just kissing. Our tongues played together in a delicious way I couldn't quite describe, but which made me feel so so close to her. I wasn't sure I would ever get tired of it.

Still, my arousal compelled me to touch the soft skin in front of me at least a little. At first I just touched around her stomach and breasts, enjoying their texture, and the feel of her supple muscles. Soon, I was gently rubbing little circles around my sister's nipples. I giggled at her whimpering noises.

I pulled away from her mouth, and whispered into her ear. "Sis, remember you gotta tell me if you're getting close no matter what, okay?"

Dani nodded, biting her lip again. With that, I moved my hand down, to start playing with her penis. I kept my touches gentle and light. I wanted to give her pleasure, but I didn't want to overwhelm her. As I stroked her, I could feel her foreskin sliding easily up and down over the shaft. Shudders ran through her body, her eyes closed as she focused on my hand touching her. The sight was mesmerising.

The thought occurred to me that my sister was really, really beautiful.

For a few minutes, that was all I did. Staring at my sister's adorable expressions, while rhythmically pumping her penis. I heard her breathing get steadily more and more raspy, cute little whines coming out as she got closer and closer to the brink.

"R-Ria, I'm close." Dani managed to stutter out, and I immediately stopped my hand, just dropping her rock-hard penis. She cried out sadly at the loss of sensation. It took several moments for her to calm down enough to continue. My sister's eyes caught mine, and there was a strange fire and need in them.

"Your turn." She murmured. I gulped, nodding.

Dani leaned over my reclining body, her hands gently stroking my tummy. Her eyes never left mine. I felt mesmerised, unable to look away from her, as her hands continued their exploration. I felt a heat inside me, where ever she touched.

When her hands cupped my small boobs, and her fingers began softly stroking them, that heat under my skin went straight to my groin. Dani's green eyes were still staring into my soul.

I suddenly realised that she'd barely touched me, and I was already completely dripping. Staring into her eyes really made all of this a hundred times more intense.

A shudder ran through me when her fingers found my nipples. First rubbing small circles on the areola, only a light touch grazing the nipple itself. And then that touch became a shocking fire straight to my groin, as Dani's fingers pressed onto my nipples directly, rubbing them with small, firm movements.

I made a strangled `eep' when Dani pinched my nipples playfully. She giggled, and a blush spread through my cheeks.

But our eyes didn't leave each other even for a moment.

Her hands moved down. I gulped, my anticipation thick.

When Dani's hands stopped moving, and instead just rested on my stomach, I actually whined in frustration, and actually tried to push one of her hands downwards towards my core. She giggled again, but relented, letting them drift down to my soaked pussy.

Rather than continue with her teasing, Dani went straight to the point, her thumb pressing directly on my clit. It was almost like the rest of my body didn't exist, I was only focused on that thumb pressing firmly against me.

She started moving against my clit, and honestly the feeling was just next level. Her tongue might be objectively the nicer feeling, but in that moment, our eyes staring into each other and our souls connected, I don't think I could have imagined anything greater.

Somehow she managed it though, when two fingers suddenly entered me, and started to pump with the same slow rhythm of her thumb against my clit.

It was too much, I suddenly realised I was terrifyingly close.

"D-Dani I'm-" was all I could stutter out, and her hands suddenly left me. My orgasm was cut off right on the brink, and my whole body tensed, as though trying to force it to happen.

I actually started sobbing, feeling totally overwhelmed by my need and frustration. I wanted my sister's hands in me again. Dani cuddled up to me, giving me a little kiss on the lips.

"You okay, sis?" She whispered, a hint of concern in her tone.

I was still crying and couldn't speak, so I just nodded, cuddling into her. I hid my head into the crook of her neck.

It took a few minutes for me to calm down.

"T-that was... really intense." I mumbled to her. Dani gave me a little squeeze.

"Too much?" She asked.

I shook my head, and my voice turned mischievous. "No. But I need to cool down for a bit. Your turn again."

Dani bit her lip, but nodded.

I kneeled down in between her legs, studying her pretty penis. It was reasonably big, and when I slid back her foreskin, the sheen of precum covered the head.

When I felt her balls, they were full and heavy. I gulped, imagining the load of thick semen that must be waiting for me.

Feeling the need to show how much I loved even this part of my sister, I began giving her gentle kisses over her penis. It twitched in response, and when I looked up to see my sister's face, her expression was... difficult to describe. Somewhere between frustration and amusement, with love shining through.

God, I really wanted to make her cum. But I promised I wouldn't, I had to keep that promise.

I started sucking on just her head. I wanted to taste her sweet precum, even if I couldn't enjoy her semen, and I really liked the weird mushy sensation as its stickiness frothed up and coated my mouth and tongue. It felt like it should be dirty, but because it was from my sister my mind just didn't see it that way. It was just sweet and delicious.

Once my mouth was properly coated, I began to work her deeper again, taking as much of her into my mouth as I could. I spent several minutes just working her up and down, listening carefully as her breathing gradually got heavier and heavier.

I knew she was getting close, but I was a little frustrated I couldn't take all of her penis in. When I tried to get her further, my throat threatened to gag.

Thinking about the problem for a moment, I decided to experiment. After taking a moment to breath in, I tried to swallow her as I went deeper, and to my surprise it worked. As Dani's penis worked its way into my throat, she gave that cute whine she makes sometimes, and my lips smiled around her. My eyes were watering, but I kept going.

I managed to take her all the way to the base, before my throat suddenly panicked and I had to back off quickly. Coughing for a moment, I smiled sheepishly up at her.

"Ria... I was so close, did you have to stop right then?" Dani said softly. She tried to make it sound lighthearted, but I could hear the underlying tension in her voice, and could see her body shaking slightly. She really needed to cum.

"You would be sad if we failed Miss Sarah. I don't want to make you sad." I responded, even though my heart went out to her. Dani looked down, and I could tell just how overwhelmed she was.

Unable to help myself, I suddenly gave her a deep hug, abandoning our touching for the moment. Dani was a little surprised at the change of pace, but she hugged me back anyway.

"I love you lots, sis." I said to her gently, aware that she was feeling particularly vulnerable right now.

"I love you too, Ria." She said mumbled into my neck, her arms tight around me. "No matter what."

We just continued to hold each other for a few more minutes, our naked skin warm and reassuring. I felt really loved. I was so lucky to have my sister in my life. A lot of changes were happening right now, but I knew that no matter what happened, me and my sister would be there for one another.

Over the next couple of hours, we edged each other over and over again.

We must have brought each other to the edge dozens of times. Every time, it was harder and harder to just stop and let myself cool down. I wanted to cum so bad, and my will to maintain Miss Sarah's order was slowly breaking.

"Do you want me to give you another turn?" Dani finally asked, her tone shy. I nodded into the crook of her neck. We'd both taken a moment to cool down a little, but I was still incredibly aroused. And I wanted to share this with Dani, for as long as I could.

It was only when Dani knelt between my legs and started licking me, that I suddenly realised this might be a problem. I had already been so close to cumming before, over and over. I wasn't sure I could emotionally handle getting that close again. The need was already deep inside me.

It didn't help that Dani was quickly becoming very talented at pleasuring me, my clit sparking pleasure through my entire body like lightning. I grabbed her hand, trying to stay grounded.

Holding her hand helped me relax. I felt almost trance-like, unable to focus on anything but the pleasure spreading across my body, washing over me like the sea. I could feel it building up inside me, my willpower quickly eroding.

I couldn't handle it, I was gonna cum, I was cummi-

"Are you two still at it? It's been over two hours." Came a voice in disbelief, and Dani's tongue left my clit empty and alone.

"M-Miss Sarah!" She said in surprise.

I actually screamed in frustration, I was so close. My hands clenched at the sofa underneath me, and I realised I was crying again.

"Pleeaaase." I begged pathetically, hoping Dani would spare me and let me finish.

Dani just shook her head sadly, patting my thigh comfortingly.

Miss Sarah stared at me, something unreadable in her expression.

"Please Miss Sarah, please tell Dani to let me cum." I begged softly, my whole body still electric.

"... follow me, you two." Miss Sarah said finally, before turning to leave again. I made a sad sound in disappointment.

Dani had to help me up, my knees were so wobbly. She also seemed pretty out of it.

We'd apparently been edging each other for hours now, so I guess that made sense. I genuinely didn't think I could handle even one more edging.

Follow Miss Sarah, we walked upstairs to our room which we had been banned from. Miss Sarah stood in front of it, the door still closed. She looked unusually nervous.

Finally, she opened the door, ushering us in. I looked around in amazement.

The entire room had been decorated in dozens and dozens candles, with red ribbons and rose petals decorating the floor and walls. There was a very soft smelling incense or perfume.

It was beautiful.

"M-Miss Sarah?" Dani asked in a whisper, unable to believe her eyes.

I looked at Miss Sarah. Again she had that shy, nervous expression, like this morning with the pancakes.

"I... In the next few weeks, you'll be doing a lot of stuff with others, with our classmates. With me. But you said you're both virgins. I can tell just how much you both love each other, and I thought it was only right that your first times should be special, with each other. I wanted to make it something enjoyable and... perfect... for you." Miss Sarah said.

She was trying so hard to keep her confident carefree persona, but I could see just how much care and hard work she had put into this. She obviously cared deeply at what we thought about it.

I squeezed Dani's hand. In a moment of perfect synchrony, we stepped forward and each kissed Miss Sarah's cheek.

"It's perfect," I began.

"thank you so much, Miss Sarah." Dani continued my sentence.

I understood just how enamoured Dani was now, the feeling also spreading through me.

Miss Sarah... she probably could've taken our virginities herself. I doubt either of us would have stopped her, we would both have enjoyed it even. But... she hadn't. Instead, she'd gone to such lengths to make sure that our first time with each other, was special and amazing.

And I couldn't even express with words just how incredible that made me feel. Nobody cares for us like that. Nobody. And now someone did. I...

I looked down, suddenly contemplating my own feelings to this weird, lovely situation.

Dani smiled softly at me, before pulling gently. "Come on, sis."

We walked over to our bed.

"W-Wait, I brought condoms. You don't want to get pregnant." Miss Sarah suddenly said.

I gave her a smile. "Don't worry Miss Sarah, I'm on the pill."

"Oh. I wasn't... sure you'd know about that." She said after a moment.

"My sister is trans and forced to self-medicate. I probably know more about hormones than most professional GPs." I explained gently, trying to ignore the fluttering in my stomach because oh my god Miss Sarah was even now making sure we were safe.

I was about to have sex with my sister for the first time, and that was a whole ball of intensity all on its own, but I was currently also feeling some other strong emotions that would require serious consideration later on.

I stepped towards the bed, joining my sister. We sat opposite each other, both of us feeling nervous. After all the edging we were both super ready for this, but it still felt like a big step in a way other things hadn't.

"You okay with this, Ria?" Dani asked, her voice soft. I smiled at her, my heart swelling, and I moved to kiss her in response.

"I'm alright. I love you." I assured her.

Miss Sarah sat down on a chair, watching us. It felt weirdly right, to have her present for this. But I made sure to focus on my twin.

Lying back onto the bed, I spread my legs willingly for her. My pussy was already soaked, and the only thing that kept it from being an embarrassing mess was the fact that Dani had been thoroughly cleaning my juices for the last two hours.

Dani moved into position, her hard penis pressing against my entrance. It was strange, I've had fingers inside my before, even just earlier today, but somehow they just didn't compare to my sister's penis.

She entered me slowly, and I made a whine at the strange but lovely stretching sensation.

When she had finally settled, her full length inside me, I took a moment to adjust, mentally as much as physically.

Dani's penis was inside me. My twin sister, who I had known and loved my whole life, and now finally we were truly connected in every way.

I looked into her eyes, which were shining with a similar happiness, and I pulled her in for another gentle kiss.

"Alright Dani, you can go properly now." I said, my voice breathless.

Dani started to fuck me, slowly at first but quickly getting faster.

I was lost in a haze of lust. I had already been on edge from earlier, so it quickly started to build again.

I was having sex with my sister. Even the idea of it was electric, filling my mind.

It took only a couple of minutes before I suddenly contracted, my body shaking in what was by far the most intense orgasm I have ever had. I gave a gasping scream, as my body just kept cumming for what felt like forever.

Eventually I collapsed back, but Dani wasn't done. Her hand coming down to stimulate my clit, I barely realised what she had planned before a second orgasm tore through me. Pleasure wracked through my body, my mind totally overwhelmed.

I've never had two orgasms back to back before, it must have been because of all the edging earlier.

During my second orgasm, I felt Dani cum as well, her cum filling my insides. Her body was shivering against me, her penis pulsing.

I pulled her face in, giving her a deep kiss. My beautiful sister. I was so happy I could have my first time with her.

Finally Dani collapsed against me, also exhausted. Her penis still rested inside me, beginning to shrink.I could feel her breasts against my chest.

I gave her a kiss on the forehead, before whispering in her ear. "Sis, we need to do cleanup now. Remember what Miss Sarah said." I reminded her gently.

Dani nodded weakly, giving my another small peck on the lips, before turning around so that we were in a 69 position.

Her penis hovered just at my lips, and I gladly started cleaning her off.

I could still taste my juices on her penis, along with her cum, in a mixture that left me heady.

Meanwhile, Dani started slurping at my pussy lips, trying to clean up all of her cum that was leaking out of me.

Once I was done with her penis, I also made sure her balls were nice and clean, since they'd been rather slick from my juices. But I was still done well before her, so I just casually sucked on the head of her penis. I could already feel her growing in my mouth, ready for another go.

Once she had finished cleaning me up, Dani turned back around. Her cheeks were bulging, with her mouth full of cum to share.

Using my hand to guide her penis back inside me, I accepted Dani's cummy kiss.

The load had been huge, probably due to the edging earlier. There was probably more still inside me, but enough had leaked out that we could share the tangy, delicious cum.

As we kissed, Dani started pumping in and out of me again, ready for another go. I still felt like I was recovering, but with my mouth full of cum I couldn't say anything, and just had to endure the over-stimulation of being fucked again so soon.

Our kiss was... messy. Since there was so much cum, plenty leaked out from our lips and spilled onto our faces. I was already having difficult focusing, due to the intense pleasure coming from Dani's penis.

We kept sharing the cum, until finally Dani came in me a second time. Without thinking, I swallowed my mouthful.

Dani's cum was entering my body from both sides, from our shared kiss, and from her penis into my womb.

Receiving her essence so completely set me alight, and before I knew it my third orgasm of the night was already pulsing through me, still incredibly intense despite how many I'd already had.

I broke away from the kiss gasping. Both of our faces were a mess of cum, the taste etched into my tastebuds. This was the taste of my twin sister, I thought as I came down from my blissful high.

Dani lay down next to me, giggling weakly. "We're all messy again sis." I laughed, wrapping my arms around her.

"Guess we'll just have to clean up again." I said, licking up the bits of cum that covered her face. She did the same, and we both quickly cleaned up the sticky mess that had spilled out.

Giving another kiss to share this small bit of remaining cum, I suddenly realised I could feel yet more of it leaking out of me. Honestly, this girl was a machine, how on earth did she make so much!?

Since Dani looked kind of exhausted, I decided to let her rest, and just climbed up onto her face so that she could clean my pussy without moving. She did her job diligently, making sure every nook and cranny was clean. Despite already having three orgasms, I could feel myself starting to heat up again.

It took a little while for her to completely clean all the cum out, and like the first time there was still a lot. I guess my sister just naturally produces a lot of cum? I had read books that said it should be like, a teaspoon at most, but this was practically a full mouth's worth. And it was so thick and sticky, which made it a bit difficult to swallow.

It tasted really good though, so I guess it's fine.

We shared yet another kiss, just to quickly share the second load before we both swallowed. I was still kinda turned on, but I was too exhausted to be willing to do anything about it.

I looked over to where Miss Sarah was sitting, realising that we'd completely forgotten about her. Miss Sarah was still clothed, though she'd been touching herself under her skirt, leaving a bit of a mess on the chair. A heavy blush was on her cheeks.

I considered offering to provide her some relief, but honestly I just wanted to cuddle up next to my twin, so I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I resolved to make up for it later.

Seeing my gaze, Miss Sarah gave me a soft smile. "Did you enjoy yourself?" She asked gently. I blushed, but nodded happily. Dani just looked like she was already falling asleep.

"Good, I'm glad. I noticed you seem to cum quite quickly, Ria, and multiple times. I wonder if we should try testing the upper limits of that in the future..." She said, still with that gentle tone, but with a hint of promise. I shivered at the words, hiding my face in the crook of Dani's neck.

Testing the limits? Like... just, making me cum again and again for as long as I could stand it? Or maybe she meant until I passed out? The thought was... incredible to me. Somehow, I wanted to try it.

Too embarrassed to show my face, I just gave a little nod. I heard Miss Sarah laugh. "Alright, we'll give it a go. For now, you two rest, you've had a busy night." Miss Sarah said. I felt a blanket drape across me and my sister, and my heart felt mushy.

When I saw Miss Sarah was about to leave the room, I called out to her. "Miss Sarah..."

She turned around, looking curious.

I hesitated, not knowing what to say. How could I possibly thank her for this? How could I tell her what I was feeling?

This whole night had been so... romantic. The flower petals, the candles, the fairy lights - Miss Sarah had put in so much work just so that me and Dani could have a romantic first time together. And maybe... maybe tonight wasn't just about me and Dani. Maybe it was about Miss Sarah too.

"... You forgot your goodnight kiss." I said finally, and Miss Sarah actually blushed, that hesitant smile appearing again.

She walked over, and we kissed. I let her take control of the kiss as usual, but I broke it off after several moments. "Y-You... you're a part of this, Miss Sarah. A part of us. Do you... do you want to stay the night?"

A shocked look came over her face. After a moment, she gave a shaky nod. Undressing and sending a quick text to her parents, she climbed into the blanket and wrapped herself protectively around me and Dani. Feeling safe and loved, and still hugging my sister, I curled up into Miss Sarah's arms.

The three of us fell asleep peacefully.

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