Daniel and the Doodle


Published on Sep 16, 2011

  • Authors note. Awesome, I get a note at the top :D Anyway, first story, feedback appreciated. No. Seriously. Like just reply, I read the story, cool. Or something. A couple of words goes a long way. Please? Ok ok fine. Just enjoy the story and all that. Even if there's something you didn't like, let me know. I aim to please. And don't forget all that adults only stuff. Or whatever. And by the way, I'm an aussie, that's Australian for all you Americans and others who are foreign to me. Yeah there's colloquial language in the story too, deal with it. *

So I'm sitting here in history class, it's twenty to three and I really can't be fucked to listen in on the lesson. It's the last day of school and all I want to do is get out of there and enjoy the sunny holidays already. Looking around, I'm still wondering why I chose history, my teacher's going on about something to do with verbs... yeah... je detesté ça! I can't even remember why I chose this pathetic subject. All I remember last holidays is debating with my parents about it. Them looking down on me, my black hair and eyes hereditary from them, staring blankly back up. Why bother. I'm just a small insignificant kid to them. I'm probably average height, what I keep telling myself anyway, kinda on the skinny side and with their hair and eyes. Maybe I should dye my hair blonde just for a laugh?

Anyway, looks like the rest of the class ain't paying attention either, which means I'm on easy street from here. I'm sitting up the back, so I've got a nice view of my classmates. Good thing I'm in a private school, full of guys! Sitting on the other side of the rooms Chris, one of the hottest guys in my year group, again, not listening in but talking to the guy next to him. Chris' got black hair in a small mohawk fashion and a beautifully sculpted face. He's chiseled and from head to toe a piece of art to look at all day. Even from the side he looks hot enough to stare into all day.

I've known Chris for a couple of years, since starting high school. I've been in classes with him pretty much since then, PE, history, english you name it. The formers probably the highlight though, like I remember when we used to go swimming for a few months. Don't you love speedos? Especially on boys that just seem to barely contain themselves inside that thin piece of material.

So back in history, still not paying attention. I look over and now Chris' doodling... he's drawing all this random shit. Holy crap is he drawing what I think it is? Yep, there's one fat penis that he's doodling. Haha what the hell's he doing, he's kinda like that guy in Superbad. Now he's giving it a cape and everything - what the fuck?!

I remember one class a couple of years back when we were swimming, well playing water polo really, and he had the ball, swimming right at me at full pace. My skinny build was no match to his hard 6 pack at the time, I just accepted the defeat. Accepted the defeat with an 'accidental' brush up against him, of course. Ooh that material is so thin, I think I felt it twitch, not to mention mine... Good thing is, I felt a newfound strength milliseconds after. Grabbing his leg, I managed to get the ball out of his hands, of course by full body brushing up his hard and smooth body, and turning the whole game around. All I remember after that is throwing it to a teammate, who managed to score us the winning goal.

So he's devoting all this time to the penis. It's now 5 to 3 and I'm really itching to get outta here already. It's the end of the week! It's the end of the term! It's the start of the holidays already!!! Wait, now what the hells he doing, he's walking around the room showing off his impression of the penis, oh god. Please don't walk past me, please don't walk past me.

"Daniel," he says "check it out, what d'ya think?"

Ok, stay calm, he's asking you about what you think of his penis. Remain calm.

"Erm, yeah, it's good." I reply, a bit short on words.

We're interrupted by the end of school bell. Phew, saved by the bell.

"Here, you can keep it," Chris said, walking off. He just left it on my desk and walked off, well, I still got a reason to look at his ass when he walked out of the room. I grabbed my books all in a rush, oblivious to actually taking the drawing with me. All I wanted to do was get out of the stupid class. I was the last one, with Chris and the two dozen boys already out of the room by then.

Grabbing my books and rushing out of there, I couldn't be relieved. As I was walking out, I must have bumped into someone, couldn't see who. All I know is all my stuff was thrown all over the floor, whoever it was was helping me. Oh crap, why the fuck is Chris still here, I thought he left already!

"You taking this with you?" he asked with a smirk on his face, holding up his doodle.

"Well, um, I was just..." I trailed off.

"Haha, whatever man. By the way, I'm getting a little social together in a few nights, you down?"

Now I didn't know what to do. I wasn't really part of his group, but I really didn't want to pass up the offer of seeing him outside of school.

"Yeah, alright, um sure, when's it?"

"I'll let you know, Facebook invite coming your way" he said as he ran off to get out of the godforsaken school.

After stuffing my books in my bag, I walked off to go catch my bus.

Last thing I remembered from that magical day - after class in the change rooms, everybody's cheering for me. I set up the winner. Even Chris was impressed. As we all flocked into the showers with our towels, all I had to do was not turn around and face anyone. But it gets better, Chris decides to shower next to me. I hope he doesn't ask me to rub his back or some shit.

"Hey Daniel, can you do me a favour, just rub some of this soap on my back?"

"...sure." I enthusiastically replied. Just keep your cool Daniel. Don't pop the boner. Think un-sexy thoughts. It's been 15 years and I've kept this secret hidden, I can keep on going.

Then I started rubbing. Through every crevice in his back. Up and down, left and right. As I went for the lower back, which he wasn't stopping me, then I experienced the greatest moment of my young life. I dropped the soap. How the fuck did I manage this.

"I'll get it, no worries" He enthusiastically offered.

Ok, Daniel, REMAIN CALM. There isn't a naked boy bending over in front of you, just ignore it. Not that I was against my sexuality, I just didn't appreciate it in the circumstances I was blessed with. Religious family, boys only school, life is a bitch sometimes. So heres Chris, perfect body of a fresh high school kid with his ass pointing straight up at me. That hole looks very inviting. I can see the end of his real doodle hanging low as well, and at this point that was the first I'd ever seen of it. And boy, now I really wanted the (w)hole package. (note: ok, so that wasn't the best joke, but I just had to write it!)

He now turns around, and holy motherfucking shit. First time I've seen him completely naked. And I thought those abs and pecks were good.

"Here you go"

But I was in another world.

I hopped on my bus, let my music flow through my headphones, and upon returning home found Facebook with one new notification...

  • Authors note. Again, if you liked or didn't like let me know! First time, may have left stuff out, you didn't get it, describe characters more... And if I actually get more replies, well then, look forward to seeing a second!

Next: Chapter 2

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