Daniel and the Doodle


Published on Sep 23, 2011

  • Ok, so I'm probably not going to keep updating at a constant pace, just bear with me and all. This story's either truth based on lies, or lies based on truth. That's for you to figure out. Also, an oxymoron is two words that complement each other to mean the opposite... for example perfect misery or organised mess. *

I'm in the movies. Watching some random movie that makes absolutely no sense. Looking around there are few people in front of me, I'm up the back. It looks like we're halfway through the movie, it is progressing slowly though. The main characters talking about something shallow and pedantic, but then again, what isn't. I'm sitting all by myself, that is, I'm the only one in the row. I go to grab for my drink, half coke half fanta (what else?) and notice it tastes a bit different. There's orange juice in this one... very odd. I reach for the other cup holder and finish off my cold drink, until it clicks that the OJ belongs to someone else...

Now someones walking down the aisle, closer to me. I can't make them out, but they seem to look familiar. The strange person takes the seat next to me, and they ask me what they missed. Nothing, I replied.

This guy who's now sitting next to me use came back with more popcorn, but I still can't put a name to a face. Dark complexion, dark brown eyes looking out to the screen. His hands also eerily close to mine, what's he doing? He's seen my confusion, and whispers to just relax and enjoy, I'm definitely not following.

Now the movie's starting to reach its climax, and I'm still dumbfounded by this whole situation. A stranger next to me, who seems to know me and is my age, but I have no recollection. In a cinema I don't remember walking into. Watching a movie I don't care for.

Then Mr Black Guy that I don't remember whispers to me again, if he wants my help. I just say yeah, lost for words. Then the climax really begins.

Buzz buzz buzz buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Oh crap, not now I groan. It's only 9AM...

I get up, reluctantly, and face that today's the first day of holidays. That's a good thing at least, no school for a few weeks. I'm still really tired though, don't know why. My dicks also at attention, nearly forgot about that. Walking to the bathroom, I remember the confusing dream I just had. That shit's crazy, I imagined. I seem to be doing a lot of that imagining nowadays.

Have you ever tried peeing with a boner? I mean, waking up with it is one thing, but aiming with it is just torture. I can either hold it in for another 5 minutes, something that just isn't possible for anyone, or just try my best. High score? Probably 60%...

After my whizz, I remembered about tonight. Holy crap. I must still be dreaming. Apparently not, my mind concluded, as I heard my phone in the other room ringing to the sound of my ringtone. Thank fuck for caller ID, I might answer this later, as I thought when I left my phone on my desk as Sam's name popped up with a missed call.

I only just realised that I'm still in my underwear, I mean it being summer and all. Feels great while sleeping, no barriers between you and your... "Brekkie's ready" mum calls out. (*Yes, mum, Mum, MUM! and not MOM for you bloody Yanks :P) "Ok, be there in a sec." I called back. I then grabbed some clothes lying around, just a singlet and some shorts, and walked promptly down.

My brothers already at the table, chewing into his toasted sandwich. He finishes his meal and stands up, just taller than me, and walks off. I can see his short black hair on his well-built shoulders as he walks out. Now I'm all jealous...

"So what's on the menu for you today?"

"Ah, well, probably going to lounge around for the day, then I've got a thing in the afternoon," I told my mother of a control freak.

"What thing? If it's a party, I want the kids name and phone number."

"How about you just Facebook stalk 'em." I shot back, clearly winning this argument.

"Well played," my dad said, as he walked in. "But seriously, number."

After clearing up that little part of my day, I was free to lazily recline in my room, maybe play some Playstation, watch a movie, surf the net for a bit...

I go and check on my phone, an iPhone for later reference, and there's a couple more missed calls now. What does Sam even want? I go to text him, and he replies almost straight away like he's sitting right in front of his phone. Lonely bugger, no?

"Hey Dan, come over, got to talk to ya!"

"Be there in an hour, or whenever the fuck I feel like it", as I type back.

So I get to Sam's place, he doesn't really live too far, and I let myself in from around the back. He's watching tv, which is blazingly loud. Must be home alone, I thought. I creep through his home, seeing him in the tv room, obviously he hasn't noticed me walk in yet. As any teenager does, what are you going to do home alone? Drink out of the milk bottle, parade around in underwear? Even better, he's on the couch with a tub of ice cream watching porn. Intriguing, I keep myself hidden back a few metres, and keep watching the screen. It's a bisexual clip off some site he must've downloaded it from, and boy are they hot. The two guys are spit roasting the nicely racked blonde girl, and they all seem happy. What's odd is the two guys are kissing, their hands pressed up to themselves and on the girl. Their lips locked like there's no tomorrow, and all I'm wondering if Sam is enjoying it...

Authors note. Trying something new here, different Point of View. Let me know if it's too confusing or doesn't work

Hi. I'm Sam. I'm 17 and I act a lot younger, but actually I'm just not the smartest pea in the pod and was placed a year back. Anyway, my hobbies include many sports like surfing and such. Oh yeah, and I'm gay too, but don't tell anyone, I mean no-one knows. Now you do. I only discovered myself a few years ago, see, I was with my best mate Danny, who for the record is really hot. But I don't think he's into that stuff, I mean he's younger and more studious, so I don't try anything on him.

Anyway, it's the first day of the holidays an I'm trying to call Danny, let him know he can chill at my place for a bit until this afternoon, 'cause my parents are on some trip. He's not answering, may as well just watch some tv...

There's not much really on, some animal doco and Spongebob... may as well just settle for the latter... I remember surfing the net one day and hearing that Spongebob's a bad influence on kids, as they make Patrick and ol' yellow sponge look like two gay guys. But nothing's for real. I mean, how old really is Spongebob if he works, he's trying to get his licence but he acts like a 6 year old with no parents anyway! I guess you can relate anything to real life, then, like I can say I found I was gay after an outing to the beach a while back. It was just a day with me and Danny, some splashing in the water for a while, then we got some guy to take our photo because we both wanted to remember the day. Thank fuck the guy didn't run off, I mean, I really wanted that photo. I was smiling, so was Danny, he had his arm around me and I think I even had half a boner! Then I remember going to the showers to get the seawater off, and I just couldn't contain myself. Spending a day with Danny was one thing, but at the beach half naked was a complete different thing! I just couldn't wait any longer... I got into the stall and locked it, triple checking the lock, and pulled my boardies off revealing my 8 and a half inches of pure manhood, sitting under a glorious tuft of golden strands. Then the fun began. Imagining Danny right next to me, seeing him without his skimp shorts on, I could hear him breathing on the other side, until his shower abruptly turned off and he walked out. I thought I should finish quick, so I put my back against the wall facing the door and closed my eyes, and in restless ecstasy I finished my job. Damn, that could have been one of the greatest wanks of my life!

So now I'm just sitting at home watching Spongebob ignore the hell outta Squidward, who for some reason doesn't wear any pants, and my phone bleeps. Interesting, Danny's taking up my offer to chill and he'll be here in an hour, great! Plenty of time to say... finish off my imagining of previous encounters? I quickly get up off the couch and get out my hidden DVD that I keep under layers of clothes in boxes in cupboards in boxes with locks with keys inside shoes inside socks inside boxes (yeah this keeps going, kinda like Dr Seuss...) and get out the pristine DVD I've only had a few chances to watch on my plasma. I go and load it up in the machine, eager for whats to cum. I mean that last sentence literally, LOL. The DVD loads up, and the movie starts playing. One of my all-time favourite movies I found one night while surfing the net, a classic, two guys and a girl. The girl was getting spit roasted, lucky fucking girl that I had no intention of watching for the duration of the televisual feast. I was more focused on the guys, two Greek gods who were in a passionate embrace, dicks out of focus inside the blonde slut, kissing like there was no tomorrow. I thought I'd heard some noise out of earshot, but I was too horny to care. My eyes were glued to the screen, and the biggest zombie invasion couldn't have even interrupted me. Those two models were both the same height, hardly any body hair and rippling muscles, and they both had thick black/brown hair like Danny. Oh fuck, how I wish one of them were Danny, or better yet, if I were the other. I was just about to whip out my precum-leaking boner, until,

AAAAAAAHHHH. I nearly had a heart attack, quite literally.

"Yeah, hi right back to ya." Danny returned.

Back to Daniel's/my Point of View.

Fuck man, what you watching there?" I asked slyly. We were great friends and all, but porn or sex wasn't the most talked about discussion, certainly in not these types of circumstances.

"Erm..." He trailed off. "Why does it really matter?" He replied timidly.

I was going to have fun with this.

I always wanted to tease someone, for something, whatever what. This seemed to be the perfect opportunity. I'm gay, why not flaunt it in his face if he was watching half gay porn?

I walked around in front of him, sitting down on the same couch, just centimetres away. I was really enjoying this.

"So, what's this all about then?" I enquire.

"Well, I thought you'd be another 10 minutes or so, so I was just..." trailing off again.

Then I lied back, looking as smug as I could possibly be without bursting into laughter, and causally said to keep playing it, I mean, it's just porn. He agreed, looking flushed, and were both there getting aroused off these guys on tv. Then I decided to break the ice.

"You gay?" I bluntly decided.


"You heard me."


"Yeah, I am. How'd you know?"

"Well, let's just call it knowledge, or observance through nature..." or wait for it, my mind was going crazy at my last few words.

"Or my gaydar."

Now it was my turn to look shocked. He just had a blank expression, I though he actually did have a heart attack or something...

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  • Authors note, again. Find the oxymoron? Hint: It's the same as in the play Macbeth. How 'bout another... what's the expression I used that was in an old Australian TV show... hint: is it was said to a man John Cleese was playing. The show involved a crazy man who ran a small hospitality business, and it only lasted 12 episodes. It was also produced way back before the century, I think the late 70's. The prize for my little games? How about a character based on you, or someone you come up with, or even some plot lines of your choosing? Your prize ;). Oh, and feedback is appreciated. Really, I mean your not really paying me, so emails are my reward for doing this really. Over and out. *

Next: Chapter 4

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