Daniel and the Doodle


Published on Oct 11, 2011


Daniel and the Doodle 6

  • RIP to Steve Jobs who recently died of pancreatic cancer. He was a crazy one, the round peg in the square hole. I'm not a fanboy, I'm a byte out of Apple. *

Once we pulled up to Chris' house, I reluctantly walked out with Sam trailing behind. Most of what happened was a blur up until the front door, but I remember Sam looking me over and calming me down.

"Mate, chill. Just calm down."

I knew something would go wrong, and I was hoping for both our sakes its wouldn't be what I was avoiding. If for some reason he or I let it slip what happened earlier, well then, life would suck to say the least.

Sam stuck out in front of me and opened the door, and most of the party was already in full swing. There was an average number of people, very hot people may I add, scattered around the various rooms of the adequate house that Chris lived in. Most of Chris' friends that he hung with were typical jocks, the guys who played some form of sport and thought they were top shit. They liked attention, and for the record I liked to stare at them, I mean, what's not to love about hot and fit guys surrounding me. Later on, I knew what wasn't to love.

At this point, Sam had already drifted off, noticing one of his buddies from water polo, the sport that I've supported him at for years. Not because I particularly enjoy the sport, just the boys who play it, in their speedos jumping on each other and what not...

Anyway, I was completely lost in Chris' house, I thought I should find Chris. I was aimlessly walking through corridors, passing massive boys who I craved yet didn't lead on, until I found Chris in the backyard near the pool with some of his mates.

As soon as I spotted Chris out for sure, I couldn't take my eyes off him. I hadn't really seen him in casual clothes, not that he had any use for them really. It was a simple singlet (wife beater I think for the yanks out there :P) that was very thin and some rugby shorts, most of his friends were dressed the same. I knew most of them, they were in some of my classes since high school. Some I knew I definitely crushed on...

"Hey, glad you could make it," Chris said invitingly. "Yeah, no trouble. I'm gonna go get a drink."

The overwhelming sense of discomfort got to me, there was Chris practically dressed in thin, small clothes with a posse of similar guys all staring at me like I was about to get raped. Well, you know? It's one thing pulling one out in your own bed while you're imagining some hot jock taking advantage. But it really happening? Like with witnesses? Well you can understand that's a whole different ball game. That sort of thing is all round school before a bell rings for classes to start.

You see, right next to Chris there was this jock, Ben. Now there are two ways of looking at Ben. You can look in that x-ray vision sort of way where you peel off all the layers and all you see is this well-fit chunky body of a guy who could stop a prop forward with one little finger. Not that I'd be interested in the little finger, you understand. My x-ray would be focusing a bit lower. Problem is there's this other way of looking at Ben. It's called the real-life way. And doing that what you see is a bulky bully of a guy who enjoys throwing his weight around. This is the guy you do not want to be near in the locker room or the showers. He believes in humiliation. Yours.

Matt. Fuck, yes. Matt. Next to Ben is Matt. Now him, I have a problem. Matt is the guy I would like to be next to in the change room. He's six foot plus, skinny with it (not like `that's his rib-cage' skinny, more drop dead gorgeous skinny). He has spiky hair with little flecks of colour and a face that ought to be in movies (and probably will be soon). He is also rumoured to have the biggest cock in the school – not that that is of any interest to me. Call me what you like but size-ist I am not. Curious. That's the word. I am curious from a purely biological point of view. But I heard them laughing up the far end of the showers that day, him and his mates and it sure as hell wasn't a joke they were sharing, not judging by where their eyes were directed. So there is Matt standing next to Ben. I am sure I must have turned red as a baboon's arse. Not that I am interested in baboons' arses either! No way!

Next to him, Saxon and Lewis were joking. They're twins. Identical. Well the bits I can see are. Comprennez? Can't help it, that is the direction my mind naturally wanders in. Now they are two nice guys. Run with the jocks but quite happy too to mess with the lesser mortals who haunt the edges of the school cafeteria. I think it's being twins gives them the edge. They are always sure of back-up. Makes them less up themselves. At the same time two jocks rolled into one is kind of formidable.

So it felt like all eyes were on me. I'm the rabbit who has wandered into the ferret convention. And I freeze like said rabbit in the headlights. Well, not exactly freeze, that's my problem. I am the guy who sees problems before the problem actually exists. I look at the rope in the gym and I don't have to be half way up to imagine the worst; I can do that from ground level.

They were all looking at me and I knew, I just knew, what they were thinking ... ... and it was a fugue for five jocks, over-lapping like they were rapping...

We got a boy right here, I reckon that he's queer... I bet he'd like to dock with a jock with a cock ... I'd sure make him moan if I slipped him my bone ... On the job with his gob round my knob ... What - the - fuck, you think he'd give us a suck ... Yea, sure we could bank on a hand job wank ... What you guys say? You agree he's gay? He's a wimp, he's a geek, he's a nerd, he's a freak ... All agreed? Yea!

The honest truth? I think we got us a poof ... I bet he'd like to lick on a nine inch dick ... I'm sure he crawls to suck low hanging balls ... Well, would you pass or make him eat your ass ... Just - our - luck, a juicy pussy to fuck ... Yea, make him pay what he owe... and give us a blow ... What you guys say? We agree! He's gay! He's a wimp, he's a geek, he's a nerd, he's a freak ... All agreed? Yea!

It was not that I heard them. You don't hear jocks, not with your ears anyways. It's their eyes do the talking. It's the way they look you up and down and then sneer. Your heart begins to pound and your brain begins to ache. And you make like a rabbit and hop off.

I was already intimidated by the 5 of them, so I turned around to head for Sam and maybe get a drink. I staggered away as quickly and as seamlessly as I could, but Chris must've sensed I was uncomfortable so he caught up to me.

"What's up Danny, something wrong?" "No, I'm all good. Just your friends back there, didn't seem to take a liking to me. I'm surprised you do..." "Ahh it's no problem! You can chill with us any time. I'm sure they just don't really know you, why don't you come hang with us for a bit. I'll go get us some drinks, you go back to those guys and chill."

With that, Chris walked off the scene and I was left to make small talk with 4 dumb jocks I craved and feared at once. Perfect misery?

"So", Ben started off with me, "you got a girl yet Danny?" Now all eyes were on me. Shit. Shit. Shit. I hate thinking on the spot on things like this. "Umm, yeah, I do actually. She's got blonde hair, blue eyes, and she loves the water." Smooth.

All the guys were stocked at what I had to say, they couldn't believe that I actually have landed a girl, but what did they know about who this was... From that point on it was just talk about the wind. Girls, and other shit that I really wasn't interested in.

By that time Chris was back, he handed out some paper cups to us all. At this point, Sam was walking up to us with a cup of booze and started to chat with us. I grabbed the drink from Chris, and everybody else was just holding theirs. We were all deep in some conversation, so nobody was really taking a sip. Right before I did, my phone rang. Trust my parents to get worried and ring me at, like, 7.30...

Since there was nowhere to put my drink, I handed it to Sam, who I could see was probably half drunk already. I walked off the scene to answer my phone.

--Sam's POV--

After Danny walked off to answer his phone, he left me with two cups, and I started into a conversation with Chris' friends. Even if they were total dicks, I thought I could at least vaguely relate to some sports we shared... I took another swig at my drink finishing it off, already hammered but wanting to continue. I couldn't remember which hand I grabbed Danny's drink in, but then I thought 'fuck it' and downed the other drink, I'll get him another one later. Now I'm really intoxicated, I could feel it in my blood. I started slurring speech, not really grasping the whole situation on things. Last words I heard had something to do with some rugby team losing, but I couldn't care less. All of a sudden I felt my feet give way...

--Danny's POV--

After a stupidly lengthy conversation with my mum, who it took at least half the talk to say goodbye, I finally hung up and walked back out to the guys. When I got back outside, Sam was on the ground and they were all hovering over him, scared shitless...

"What the fuck happened to him?" I staggered out. "I dunno, he just collapsed" I heard a voice say. "We should go...party's over..." I heard Chris announce. "Maybe he just had one too many."

What the fuck I thought. I definitely knew something wasn't up right. I've known Sam for a long time, and since he's started drinking this has never happened before. And I'm sure I was only gone a few minutes...

After Chris had cleared most drunken slobs from his house, some leaving more voluntarily than others, I just got out of there with Sam. He was half passed out, I had already gotten him some water, but the faces that Chris' dumb jock friends were pulling weren't all shock and horror.

I got Sam in the car, thinking I should try and drive the few kilometres back to his place. Even without a licence, I wasn't a fairly bad driver, I mean my brother has even let me a couple of times when my mum was out!

After I had gotten Sam in, I saw Chris approach me. He started apologising, but I wouldn't accept it. Not here. Not now. Too confusing, what was happening?! Sam was half passed out, I'm about to get behind the wheel after a drink, and Chris was ushering everybody out of his house at 8 o'clock!

When we arrived back at Sam's place, I helped him out and into his house. Once he gained composure at the front door, he unlocked it and we went in. I remember his parents being out, but there was a new message on the machine that he was supposed to answer, so while he went to the toilet I answered.

"Hey Sam, this is your dad here, we're coming back a bit early. See you tomorrow morning, around 9 maybe. Call if you need anything."

Damn, now I have to get up early, I sighed.

After I helped Sam back into his bedroom, he was now mostly back to normal. He was starting to strip, which I of course jumped in to help him, and I got him under the covers to go to sleep. Shortly before walking out, he beckoned me to come back. He was still feeling sick, and I knew it.

"Please stay here tonight man?" I already knew I would be.

I stripped off, and got into bed right next to him, snuggled up right behind him. We were spooning. Awesome.

I must have fallen asleep with my arms wrapped round him and my cock neatly wedged in his ass-crack because that's how I was when I half woke in the middle of the night. Well, not exactly how I was. That's what woke me. My cock was on the rise, straining to achieve full status as morning woodie but finding it had no place to go being clamped between Sam's ass cheeks. As soon as I realised where I was and where I was positioned, my penis responded big time. From wood to rock hard in a nanosecond. Sometimes I think a guy's dick has a mind of its own. That morning it was as if my dick could smell the proximity of boy-cunt and was trying to find its own way in. I pulled back just enough to let the fucker spring free.

I was sweating profusely and my head ached. I must have been dreaming, a video-nasty of a dream. Fragments of the nightmare flitted through my head, disconnected scenes from a movie shown on an ancient projector. I am stretched across a bench, wooden, rough. My arms pinioned above my head. My legs kicked apart. Naked. Hands. Hands without bodies running up my inner thigh, crushing my bollocks, jerking hard on my erection. A face looms in, again a face without a body. It leers at me. It's Ben. Legs upended. Twisted back, back to touch my shoulders. No hands now. Penises. Penises surround me. Bizarrely they assume many forms, fruits and vegetables and household gadgets. It's real life Pixar, it's animated porno. Oh, fuck, it's a doodle come to life, it's struttung off the paper! It's muliplying! These dicks assume faces; piss slits are mouths. Matt now is just cock, all cock, but it is unmistakably him. Then pain. I remember pain.

That must be when I woke the second time. Stiff and sore. My head throbbed as bad as my cock. My mouth was dry. If I felt like this, then how must Sam be?

Sam was breathing heavily. I leaned across him to check he was fine. Feeling the stubble on his face brushing mine, I nibbled at his ear affectionately and ran my tongue around its contours. I loved the feel and the taste of this man and I sighed deeply. As if in response Sam snuggled and squirmed until he nestled tight within the curve of my body. With the arm that was not pinned under him I reached to fondle his maleness. I scooped his nads into my cupped hand and, letting them slide along my fingers, I closed around his semi-tumescent cock. It swelled under my hand. I squeezed tight against his hardness and smiled softly. My mind filled with memories of our recent love-making. I tugged his mighty member, once or twice, but refrained from moving into a full wank. Let him sleep,' I thought. Morning will be soon enough.'

Cuddling tight against his flesh, I closed my eyes. I pushed away the thoughts that the nightmare had conjured into my head and instead, I replayed as if on a loop the earlier, the more romantic hours I had spent with Sam. There are things in a boy's life he never forgets. Like that first proper cum when a boy discovers he has Vesuvius between his legs and that eruption is frequent, messy and delicious. That Sam and I had opened up to each other, surrendered completely to each other, that was one such moment. We had exposed our vulnerabilities as well as our bodies to each other. It began with mutual understanding, moved on to trust and emerged like a beautiful butterfly from its horny chrysalis as love. `I fucking love you, you perv,' I murmured with affectionate disdain into his ear.

I must have fallen asleep again for the next thing I knew it was light. I opened my eyes and the room was filled with sunlight, bright dazzling sunlight. I closed them shut again and tried to lube my mouth with spit. That's when I heard it. Noises off. Voices. I strained to listen, to identify. What was the time? Could Sam's parents have returned? I shook Sam by the shoulder but he shook me off and buried his head beneath the doona. "You fucking sure?" The voice was coarse as it drifted up into the room. "Yup. Certain. One of `em, anyway." "Fucking hell. Which one?" "Doesn't fucking matter. They're both here." "Bonzer! Better than we planned, mates." "So, we gonna do this or what?"

I froze.

  • Thanks for the feedback from all of you which I know you like the stories and help with suggestions. Your honest feedback is appreciated, it is my passion to continue. And which way do you think the story will lead? Will Sam and Danny get caught by his parents? How will Danny continue from the night before. What is Chris' real deal? Appreciate all comments, and to everyone who reads. Maybe Nifty needs a ticker that counts how many people click on each story. Very helpful... And thanks to my Co-author :D And by the way, find the oxymoron? *

Next: Chapter 7

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