Danny and Chris

By Big Al

Published on Feb 6, 1995


This story contains sex between consenting teen age boys. If this is not your thing. Please quit reading now.

Danny & Chris Part 8 The Fraternity

A couple of weeks after the New Year, I called Johnny at the fraternity about us coming up some time. He said that everybody would be pretty well involved in final exams for the semester and suggested that we wait until after the end of January. I told him that it was looking promising about Chris and Wolf going to school there but that Paul was a problem. On a hunch, I asked him about their Gymnastics program and he said that the school had a good gymnastics team. What about an athletic scholarship, I asked? He said he'd contact the athletic department and see if he could get me a contact.

A couple of days later, he called back and said that he'd talked to the athletic department and they were definitely interested in talking to us if we came up there. So, I made arrangements with Johnny for us to come up the first weekend in February. Dad said he'd shell out for air fare for the four of us and we made our plane reservations. The Brewers decided to come also.

The weekend of the trip, we got on a plane after school and were met at the airport in SF by Johnny who drove us to the frat house. Johnny had previously told me that the fraternity wasn't a gay fraternity by any means. The fraternity neither endorsed or condemned. Officially, it was neutral on the subject. However, they drew the line at obviously gay 'queens' and wanted the gay guys to keep a low profile. Other than what went on in private, the fraternity frowned on gay parties, orgies and the like. A lot of the guys in the fraternity were straight but the fraternity did not welcome openly homophobes. So, we shouldn't expect a wild orgy like we had at Tahoe.

When we got to the fraternity house, we were introduced to all the guys. Johnny had arranged it so that each pair of us, was paired up with two of the fraternity brothers. Chris and I were paired up with Johnny and his roommate Denny who we had met at Tahoe. Wolf and Paul were paired up with two German students who we hadn't met and the Brewers ended up with guys by the name of Terry and Gordon who they'd met at Tahoe. I asked why Wolf and Paul were paired up with the German guys and he said that all the gay guys wanted to get it on with Wolf so he decided to do it that way. The two German guys were lovers and he was sure that Wolf and Paul would get along well with them and they might be able to help out Wolf better if a language problem came up.

Johnny said he'd made arrangements for us to go to see the athletic department the next morning. After that, they'd take us on a tour of the school. There was a basketball game the next night and the fraternity would be throwing a party afterwards.

We sat around until the wee small hours talking about school, the fraternity, current events and lots of things until finally, Johnny said that he thought it was time to go to bed.

When we got to Johnny and Denny's room, he asked us whether we wanted to do it with them and whether we wanted to do it as a group or just pair up. We chose to pair up and I chose Johnny. Johnny was good sex. I fucked him and sucked him at the same time. He got a real kick out of that. Since it was late and we had plans for in the morning, we went to sleep after that.

The next morning it was funny as all the fraternity brothers, at least the gay ones and some of the straight ones, wanted to take a shower at the same time we did so that they could get a glimpse of our cocks. Wolf's reputation had definitely preceded him.

Johnny took us over to the athletic department and we were warmly received. The coach met with us and said he'd heard of Wolf and our team and hoped we would be attending school there. Paul asked about whether there were any scholarships and the coach said there was a possibility but that sports like gymnastics didn't attract the money and attention that football and basketball. Somebody as good as Wolf might be able to obtain a scholarship but he didn't know about the rest of us. He asked if we wanted to dress and go through some routines for him and we said sure; we had come prepared.

Well, as usual, Wolf wowed them. I thought that all of us, and definitely Paul, had done real good. Apparently the coach thought so too since he told us right out that as a group, we were the best he had seen in years. He said that all of us with some work could be potentially Olympic material and Wolf in his opinion, definitely was. He was really excited about the possibility of us going to school there; a scholarship might just be possible. We left the athletic department overjoyed that it might be possible for us to stick together.

By that time, it was past lunchtime so we went back to the fraternity where Johnny had the cook make us sandwiches. After that, we spent the afternoon touring the campus. Supper was at the fraternity house and afterward, we all went to the basketball game. After the game there was a party. There were a lot of sorority girls there and we had a great time. Most of us were pretty good dancers, so pretty soon we had the girls chasing after us. One girl I danced with, named Becky, asked me right out it I was gay. Seeing that I was hesitant to answer, she said that around here, you either were are you weren't. "Actually, I'm hoping you're gay," she said.

What the hell, I figured so I told her, "Yes I am, now why would you like it better if I'm gay."

"Well, gay guys seem to be a lot more loving and caring than a lot of straight guys. All straight guys think about is making it with any girl they can. Girls like to do it with one guy and they do it for love not sex. Besides, gay guys can be a big challenge. She said that she wouldn't mind marrying a gay guy if he loved her.

I told her that that is what my parents had done. I told her about Wolf and my dad being lovers and how now we were lovers too along with Chris and Paul. She was fascinated by all this. As the evening wore on, I realized that somehow, I was really attracted to Becky. In a lot of ways, she was like Chris's sister Lisa but I wasn't able to talk to Lisa like I could with Becky. Becky asked me if I'd ever done it with a girl and I told her about the party at Tahoe where we practically got raped. Then she floored me with the question of whether I would like to do it with her? "Before you say yes or no, Danny, I'd like you to know that I think that you should make love to a girl at least once. The sex you had at that party doesn't count. I'm offering you something with no strings attached. What do you say? I've got my own apartment and my roomie is gone for the weekend."

"Sure," I said. I went over to Johnny and told him what I planned to do. He asked who I was going with and I told him. "Shit, all the straight guys would give up their left nut to make it with her. I hope you enjoy it."

On the way to her place, I was a bit nervous. Becky seemed to be psychic or something, and said, "You're nervous aren't you? Well don't be. I realize this is completely new to you and I'll be understanding."

When we got to her place, she told me to make myself comfortable but not to take off my clothes while she did a couple of things. She turned on the stereo and lit a few candles and some incense, then she came over to me and sat down on the couch next to me and snuggled up to me so I put my arm around her. She looked up at me so I kissed her lightly. She put her arms around me and drew me to her. She pressed her mouth to me and we began exploring each other's mouth with our tongues. I felt her unbuttoning my shirt so I reciprocated by unbuttoning her blouse. I was getting aroused especially when she brushed her arm against my hard cock. Feeling me hard, she placed her hand on my cock and then looked up and said, "my, my, I hadn't counted on you being hung like a horse. This may be even more fun than I figured on. Come on, let's get our clothes off. We separated and stood up and I shucked my clothes. She asked me to undo her bra so I fumbled around with it for a few seconds until I figured out how it worked. Finally, I got it undone and she slipped it off and turned around and looked at me. "This is going to be fun," and led me to the bed where she slipped down her panties.

Becky was very attractive, I had no doubt that she could make it as a Playboy centerfold. She pushed me down on the bed and lay down at my side and whispered, "Come on, Danny, make love to me just like you would to Chris or Wolf or Paul."

I raised up and kissed her and then started kissing her down her body. It seemed strange smelling the faint odor of perfume as I flicked my tongue on her nipples. I felt them get erect as I sucked on one then the other. I continued to lick/kiss my way down her body until I got down to her pussy. Fortunately I had some knowledge of female anatomy so I zeroed in on her clitoris and was rewarded by a moan and "You're doing just fine, Danny." I kept it up for a while until she pulled me up to her and said, "roll over on your back" which I did. Then she got down between my legs and started sucking on my balls. After a minute or so of this, she started kissing my cock and then took it in her mouth. Just before I came close to cumming, she stopped and turned around and went down on it again but deepthroathed it this time. Since her pussy was now up by my face, I resumed licking her clit. Moaning, she increased started working my cock furiously and soon I was ready to cum. I felt the fire flowing as I shot my cum into her mouth. She turned around and lay down on top of me and kissed me. It was really strange tasting my own cum in her mouth. Temporarily sated, we lay there with her on my stomach.

"Danny, you taste so good. You really are a sweetie." Reaching down between my legs, she grasped my cock and started stroking it and soon it was hard, whereupon she guided it into her well lubricated hole. It wasn't anything at all like fucking a boy. it slid in pretty easily but was tight all over but after I started moving in and out, it loosened up considerably. Becky moaned with pleasure then moaned, "Fuck me Danny, Fuck me with that big dick." I responded by thrusting up but I really couldn't get the motion I wanted so I put my arms around her and rolled her over on her back. Now I could move the way I wanted so I started really plowing it to her to her obvious pleasure. She wrapped her legs around me and I just kept going. Finally, in a burst of activity I pushed as hard as I could and felt myself cumming. From her moans, I assume that she climaxed also. Because I was afraid that my weight would bother her, I rolled over with her on top and we fell asleep for a while.

Several more times that night, I woke up and got hard and fucked her. The last time, I came, I realized that this was it, I was fucked out. I woke the next morning with my usual piss hardon. As I moved around to get out of bed, Becky woke up and seeing my stiff rod, grabbed it and tried pulling it to her. "All you're going to get is piss if you don't let go," I said and headed for the bathroom.

Coming out of the bathroom, I saw Becky sitting there looking at me. "Danny, that was the best sex I've ever had. I thought I was going to have to teach you but you behaved like a pro. I'm not going to forget last night for a long time." She got up and came up to me and reached her arms around my neck and pulled me down for a kiss. "Thank you, Danny, that was great! Come on let's take a shower and get you out of here and back to your friends."

We took a shower together and I almost ended up screwing her again but while the hot water and Becky's body was sensual, I really wasn't capable of getting it hard again.

We dressed and Becky took me back to the fraternity house, when I walked in, there was a cheer and a couple of guys came up to me and asked me what the hell did I have that got me in bed with one of the hottest girls on campus. In short, I was something of a minor celebrity. I had to grin and bear it but really, I didn't enjoy being treated like a conquering hero. Wolf and the rest of our guys thought the whole thing was really funny. Ironically, the brewer twins had also been propositioned and had declined. Later I asked them why they didn't and they admitted that they were scared they wouldn't be able to perform. I told them that they should have tried it, that it was different and nice but girls didn't have cocks and I still liked to suck cock.

Johnny was really amused. He asked me if I enjoyed it and I said yes. He asked if she knew I was gay and I said yes and that she liked gay guys. Then he asked me if I would do it again and I said hell yes. Then Paul, who was obviously disturbed by all this asked if I was going to go straight and I told him. "Hell no, unless you can find some girls that have cocks to suck. I hope you have the opportunity some time."

Pretty soon we had to head for the airport and home. On the way, I asked Wolf and Paul how their evening went. They said they had good sex with the guys they roomed with. The Brewers, likewise had a good time.

Later on, I had time to think about it and concluded that I was bi-sexual and maybe it wouldn't be so hard to follow in dad's footsteps after all, especially if I could hook up with a woman like Becky. But, I still preferred boys; it would take a special type of girl to get me interested again.

On the way home from the airport, Chris asked me why I went home with Becky. I told him that I couldn't explain it but I felt some attraction to her. It wasn't that she tried to seduce me; she had been completely open about her intentions and new that I was gay. Maybe that was why; the fact that we were completely open with each other and accepted what the other was. "Don't worry guys, I still love you and I'm not going to drop you for a woman."

A couple of days later, I got a note from Becky. In it she said that she enjoyed her night with me more than she had originally hoped for. She said that she hoped we could stay in contact, that she hoped to see me again in the future. She didn't quite say it but everything pointed to her being in love with me. I was touched and flattered but really didn't know what to do about it. After all, there were over 400 miles separating us, I knew my love for Chris, Paul and Wolf hadn't changed, I still loved sucking cocks but women could be fun too. So I called her and told her that she shouldn't presume anything about me and that we should just be friends. I promised to stay in touch.

Chris of course told Lisa about it. The next time that I was alone with Lisa, one night when we went down to the Bucket, Lisa asked me about Becky. I was surprised that she knew about it although I knew that Chris and his sister Lisa were close and shared everything, I was surprised that he had told her. Anyway, Lisa said that she was surprised to hear about me going to bed with a girl. Chris of course had told her about the incident on our ski trip but that was more of a fluke. She asked me whether I liked it and then a couple of other questions. Finally, I asked her why she had such an interest in me and Becky. She admitted that she had for a long time harbored a fantasy where I took her to bed and made passionate love to her. Well, I was floored and didn't know what to say. Then, I began to look at Lisa in a new light. "Is your place OK?," I asked.

"Sure," she said and wrapped her arms around me. We headed for her house. Chris and his mother were working so nobody was home.

When we got into her room, we stripped and jumped onto the bed. Lisa pounce on top of me and started kissing me. I didn't want for her to take all the initiative so I rolled her over and began kissing and nibbling on her nipples. She moved around so she could suck my dick and as I licked her clit, she deepthroated me. My tongue was turning her on and she was doing a pretty good job of sucking me off too. I tried to pull away from her but she hung on like she didn't want me to stop and stepped up her sucking. I responded by fingering her pussy and licking her clit. She was moaning with pleasure when I came and shot my load into her mouth. She pulled me up and kissed me. We lay there for a while until Lisa started playing with my cock which soon became hard. Lisa crawled on top of me and sat down on it. As she sat down on me, I felt some resistance and then with a muffled scream, the resistance suddenly disappeared and I slipped into her. I asked Lisa if she was OK and she said yes. She started moving up and down and soon was moaning. I felt constricted with her on top so I rolled her over and began thrusting into her. She responded with moans and wiggled her ass and shortly I was rewarded with that familiar warm feeling between my legs as I pumped my cum into her hot pussy.

We lay there for a while until I got thinking that Chris might be home soon and rolled over and turned on the light to see my watch. Then I got two shocks. First of all, it was 12:10; Chris got off at midnight. Secondly, my dick and legs and Lisa' pussy were all covered with blood. "Holy shit," I said. Lisa opened her eyes and looked down and said, "Don't worry, Danny. You just got my cherry, that's all."

"Well, you sure scared me, but look at what time it is. Chris will be home at any time." I was in a panic. All I could think about was that Chris would be hurt and pissed.

Lisa then surprised me by saying, "Danny, don't worry about Chris's reaction. He knows I wanted to make it with you and approves."

"Are you sure?," I asked, feeling some of the panic drain away.

"Absolutely," she said and kissed me on the forehead as I heard the door to the apartment open. Chris was home. I guess I'd soon find out.

Chris knocked on the door and Chris walked in. He was smiling as he said, "Well, it looks like my sister got what she wanted. How was it you two?."

"Messy," Lisa said. "Danny was everything you said he would be."

"Are you sure you aren't pissed or anything, Chris?."

"No. Danny, I still love you, can't you understand that?" and reached over and kissed me. "Why don't you two get cleaned up?," he said grinning.

I went in the bathroom, cleaned up and came back and dressed. I went into Chris's room and sat down with Chris. Chris told me that he was not surprised that Lisa had seduced me. She had told him many times that she wanted to do it with me and after he told her about me and Becky, she had told him that she was determined to have me. He said that he told her at the time that he couldn't think of a better guy for her to do it with her first time.

As we were talking, Lisa came in and sat down with us. The three of us sat there and talked for an hour or more until I looked at my watch and saw what time it was. "I'd better get home," I said and slipped out. When I got home, Wolf was asleep so I hopped into bed and was quickly asleep.

The next morning, I woke up with Wolf shaking me. "Come on Danny, wake up." I sat up and looked at Wolf groggily. I reached out and hugged him and he asked "what's the matter, Danny."

I told him about Lisa and he wasn't mad or anything. He said he and Paul expected it and that they still loved me.

Well, over the next couple of days, I thought a lot about it. The problem was, I just couldn't bring myself to believe, like Chris and Wolf, that nothing had changed. I knew that I had changed and now my life contained a component that I couldn't share with the guys. I felt guilty and depressed. I tried to keep up a good front with Chris, Wolf and Paul but they knew something was wrong. Then, one evening, dad called me into his den and shut the door.

"Danny, do you want to tell me what's bugging you?."

"Nothing," I said.

"Bullshit!," dad said. "You've been moping around the house ever since you got back from Stanford. Wolf and Paul are really upset that you aren't yourself. Do you want to tell me about it?."

"I guess so." So I told him how I thought I was really happy with the relationship that I had with the guys and then I met Becky and had sex with her. I thought I had come to an accommodation over that incident and then Lisa seduced me. Now I didn't know what I wanted and was afraid of destroying the relationship with Chris, Paul and Wolf. It would be different if they felt the same way about girls as I did but now I was the odd man.

"Danny, I think you're becoming a victim of your own fears. I believe you are simply starting to grow up. I've talked with Wolf and Paul and they say that they still love you and that Chris has told them the same thing. The only thing they're afraid of is that you will cut them out.

Paul tells me that you are always the one that everybody else comes to and you seem to have a knack for getting to the root of everybody else's problem. It's ironic that you can't seem to come to grips with your own fears. Danny, it's dangerous as hell, letting yourself get consumed with self doubt like this. You've got to accept things as they are and learn to live with it. Believe me, I've had to face the same types of problems. I was able to do it since you are the direct result of it. I'm confident that it will all work out in time.."

"Do you really think so?," I said, beginning to feel better.

"Yes, just give it a chance. What you guys need to do is to get together and have a good orgy. What do you say if I take Mom somewhere for the weekend and let you guys do your thing without interference?"

"That would be great. Thanks dad!," I said and walked over and hugged him.

Feeling much better, I went into my room and found Wolf and Paul there.

"Have I really been such an asshole that you guys had to go over my head to my dad?," I asked.

"Yes," said Wolf.

"Well, I'm sorry, that's the last thing I wanted to do. I guess I got too caught up in my own problems to realize that I was just creating more problems for myself."

"We still love you Danny, we were afraid that you weren't going to be able to continue to recognize that," Paul said and came up and gave me a big hug.

I backed off from Paul and said, "guess what?"

"What," asked Wolf.

"Dad said he was going to take Mom away for the weekend so we'll have the house to ourselves. We could invite all the guys over and have an orgy with nobody to interfere."

"Wow," said Paul "let's call Chris."

He called Chris and told him to get over here pronto but didn't tell him what it was all about.

Chris got there about 10 minutes later and walked in to find us sitting around the room. "Well, what's the big secret?"

"Chris, I've been acting like an idiot. I'd like to apologize."

Chris grinned and started to say something then Paul piped up with "Chris's parents are going away this weekend and we've got the house all to ourselves."

I pulled Chris to me and gave him a big kiss. Wolf and Paul came up and gave me big hugs too. "We were worried about you, Danny."

"Yeah, I realize that now. I'm all the time able to figure out everybody else's problem but not my own," I said grinning.

"Well what are we going to do this weekend?," Paul asked.

We decided to have a party Saturday night and invite all the team as well as Alan and Duane. Also, I suggested that we include Randy and Kenton. Paul asked whether we could invite Jody, Wolf's brother Rudi's lover from Tahoe, he lived in the LA area but not that close to us. I said he'd be the odd man if he came by himself but Chris said it wouldn't be an orgy if everybody was paired up anyway. I told Chris that he had a point and got on the phone and called Jody up. I told him what we were planning and he said that he'd love to come and would like to bring a new friend of his. I jokingly asked him whether he'd forgotten Rudi already but he said no, but Rudi was thousands of miles away. He said that he had called Rudi and Rudi told him about his new lover and Rudi was happy about Jody finding somebody also.

After talking with Jody, I was feeling a lot better. I'd felt a lot of sympathy for Rudi and Jody when they had to part after just meeting and was glad that they both had bounced back better than ever.

"Hey, Chris. What about inviting the dancer twins?."

"Danny, that would be great if they can make it."

"I'll give them a call tomorrow and see what they say.

Danny & Chris Part 9 The party

Friday, the weekend of our planned party, after practice, I took Paul and Wolf with me to pick up Jody. He lived in San Bernardino, over an hour's drive. We found his house without much difficulty. I went up and knocked on the door and Jody opened it up beaming from ear to ear. He took us into the living room and introduced us to his lover, Raul. Raul was 16, Hispanic and beautiful. He was well built with broad shoulders and narrow hips. He was about 5'10" and from the way he filled out his pants, I figured he was probably pretty well hung. Raul was sort of quiet, maybe shy, but seemed friendly when I talked to him.

We hopped in the car and I asked Jody about how him and Raul met. Jody said that he and Raul had been friends for a long time but until he came out with Rudi, he had never recognized his attraction for Raul for what it was. Raul, being shy, wasn't going to make the first move. Anyway when Jody got back, Raul wanted to know how the trip went. Jody said he was reluctant at first to tell Raul about Rudi and coming out but figured either they were friends or they weren't so he told Raul about it. Far from being upset, Raul admitted that he'd always wanted to do it with Jody. One thing led to another and they had marvelous sex, it being Raul's first time. "Oh, you're going to love Raul," he said. "He might even give Wolf a run for his money, he's got a horse cock just like Wolf," he said excitedly. I looked around at Raul and saw that he was sitting there grinning sheepishly.

"This could be interesting," I said. "I hadn't figured on this happening."

By the time we got back with Jody and Raul, it was past 8 o'clock and we were really hungry so I suggested that we go down to the Bucket. Chris had to work that night and wouldn't be off until 11:00 so we had lots of time to kill. We ran into some of the other guys at the Bucket and there were also lots of other kids from school there. We kicked around there until 11:00 and headed home. We had hardly got in the house when Chris drove up.

We were still wide awake so we went into the rec room and watched a movie. It was really nice being able to sit and watch TV snuggled up with somebody. The next move that came on wasn't nearly as captivating. Chris quickly lost interest and started making out. It was pretty much the same with Wolf and Paul. Jody and Raul had been pretty intimate all evening. When Chris started getting serious by starting to remove my shirt, I suggested that we all go into my room. Since I knew that Jody and Raul would be spending the night, I had gotten out the futon that Rudi had used over Christmas.

When we came in the room, Jody said that we couldn't all fit on the futon and suggested that we take the mattresses from Wolf and my bed and lay them side by side. That way we could all sleep together. So Chris and I grabbed one and Wolf and Paul the other and placed them next to each other. With that done, we all started stripping. All eyes were on Raul as he stripped off his jeans. I could see right away that Jody wasn't kidding when he said Raul was hung. I could see the outline of his cock inside his briefs laying sideways with the head over by his right hip. It got deathly quiet as Raul dropped his shorts and that wicked looking black cock dropped out accompanied by four gasps from the rest of us. He easily had 12 inches like Wolf but it was black and heavily veined. His foreskin covered the bright purplish head which peeked out like an eye. Like his cock, his balls were also black. Otherwise, his body was a light chocolate brown which seemed almost white in contrast to his dick and balls.

"My god he is as big as Wolf! That is one wicked piece of meat," I said. "Wolf, get up next to him and see who's bigger." We all clustered around as Wolf and Raul kneeled facing each other with their dicks side by side. It really wasn't obvious who was actually bigger. What we finally concluded was that Raul was maybe a quarter inch longer but also a quarter inch narrower than Wolf. We figured that the difference was negligible and called it a draw although each of them graciously later claimed that the other was bigger. Since Wolf and Raul were already facing each other, Wolf reached up and embraced Raul and kissed him.

I turned around and said to Chris that I guess we'd have to settle for sloppy seconds. Chris said that that was OK, he'd wanted to see what Jody was like anyway so we grabbed Jody and got him between us. I started sucking Jody while Chris got some KY and greased up his cock and placed some on Jody's ass. Then he handed the KY to Jody who greased up his cock and smeared some on my butt. I got on my hands and knees and let Jody get behind me. Once he was in, Chris backed up to him and slid his cock into Jody's butt. Jody immediately started moving back and forth and moaning. Jody's 8 inches felt so good in my ass. I could feel his cock swell every time that Chris plunged into Jody's ass. Within minutes, I felt my self nearing climax and shot when I felt Jody's cock get rock hard, throb and shoot hot cum into my ass. Chris followed shortly after with one final plunge. "Oh, that was great," Jody cried out.

Lost in our own bliss, I suddenly was brought back to reality by a moan next to us as Raul came into Wolf's ass followed by Paul shooting his load into Raul.

After resting, we switched Raul for Jody and Chris got to get fucked by Raul while I fucked Raul. After that, I sort of lost track of who fucked who but I think I came at least 4 times before we all fell asleep.

It was late the next morning before we woke up. I had a piss hardon as usual and my nuts hurt something awful. I got up and pissed and Raul came in and took a piss too. I looked down at that cock and told Raul that that he had the sexiest cock I had ever seen. When he finished pissing, I kneeled down and took it in my mouth. I guess it's only because he never got completely hard that I was able to deepthroat it all the way. He was amazed that I could take it down all the way. About that time, Jody came in and saw me down all the way on his lover. I reluctantly pulled off and stood up. While he was pissing, Jody said that he'd have to try that.

It was pretty late by the time we finally got dressed and ate something. On Saturdays, we have Gymnastics practice, so we took Jody and Raul with us. It was a lousy practice and Coach Marx said what was the matter with us and "I said 12 inch cocks in the ass."

"Oh," he said, "why don't you guys just go home. You aren't accomplishing much here today." So we got dressed and took off. By this time it was late afternoon so we stopped at Safeway and picked up some stuff for the party that night. Wolf and Chris went on ahead to start getting ready.

By the time we got back to my house, Wolf and Chris were already there along with Randy and Kenton. I introduced them to Jody and Raul and went off with Wolf to see about getting cokes and snacks ready. While we were working in the kitchen, Paul came in and asked whether I had remembered to turn on the pool heater. I told him yes that I had and all he had to do was take off the pool cover. He said that they were going to go swimming. I told him OK but that they couldn't stay in too long because the others would be here soon.

We finally got the drinks and snacks setup so I walked out to the pool and saw that everybody was in the water. The air was cold so nobody was getting out much. I heard the doorbell and went to answer it. It was Kevin and Tim and as I was letting them in, I saw the Brewer twins drive up so I told Kevin and Tim to go out to the pool and tell them to get out and waited for David and Darrell to walk in. I escorted them into the rec room and heard the doorbell again. This it was Tom and Jerry and David and Henry and as they came in, I saw Alan and Duane pull up so I waited for them at the door.

Alan came in and said, "What, haven't you got your clothes off yet?."

"Some of them do, they're all in the pool. I've been too busy getting things ready and letting people in to take my clothes off. Excuse me but I've got to get them some towels."

I got a big pile of towels and went to the door of the patio. Somebody saw us and they all got out and ran in. I handed out the towels and said to Alan, "I've never seen such a bunch of little dicks in my whole life." Everybody's dick was shrunk up and their balls were pulled up tight to their bodies. They all dashed for my room to get dressed.

While we were waiting for Wolf, Chris, Paul, Jody and Raul to get dressed, Jerry came over and asked if I'd put some music on so they could dance. I got up and turned on the stereo and sat down with Alan and Duane. Tom and Jerry started to dance and with the ice broken, the some more of the guys got up to dance. Pretty soon, it was starting to look and sound like a real party. Jody came by and decided to sit on my lap. "it looks like you've found yourself some stud," I said.

"Yeah, I'm just sorry that we didn't get together sooner. I'm really thankful to Rudi for bringing me out," he said. "It looks like I'm going to have to rescue him, though." I looked over and saw that Kevin and Tim were panting over him like dogs in heat.

Jody ran off to rescue his lover and I looked around the room and saw that Randy and Kenton were sitting off to themselves. Being determined to be a good host, I went over and talked to them. I asked them why they weren't dancing and they said that they were still taking it all in. Actually what I figured it was that they weren't members of the team and really didn't know anybody but Wolf, Paul, Chris and myself. I motioned Alan over and introduced them to him and Duane and before I left, they were in animated conversation.

About that time, I heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it. It was Roger and Chuck from Hollywood. I gave them a hug and brought them into the rec room. "Boy this is quite a collection of studs you've got here! Is anybody else coming?"

"You are the last ones except for the dancer twins. They should be here around 10:00. Don't say anything, it's supposed to be a surprise.."

"OK, this ought to be a fantastic party. You got anything to drink?."

"Yeah, there's beer and some other stuff in the kitchen." I showed them to the kitchen and came back out and circulated around. I noticed that Tom and Jerry had hooked up with Randy and Kenton. Good I thought, I was afraid that they were going to be wallflowers. I saw Alan and Duane sitting off to the side and went over to talk to them. In the meantime, Roger and Chuck came out of the kitchen and headed over our way. Since they already knew each other, I knew that they'd be OK. Alan and Duane had met Roger and Chuck the night we met the dancer twins.

It was with relief that I heard the doorbell ring shortly before 10:00. I opened the door and it was the pair of dancer twins, Donnie and Ronnie and Larry and Terry. "I'm glad you could come."

"We're happy to be here." Ronnie said. I took them into the rec room and Kevin and Tim spotted them first and said, "Hey look who showed up! It's the twins!." They rushed up and asked them if they were going to dance.

Ronnie said, "Maybe," with a grin.

Larry leaned over and asked, "who are the twins?," referring to the Brewers.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you haven't met them yet. Let's go and I'll introduce you."

They followed me over to where Darrell and David were talking to Jody and Raul. I caught their attention and said I had somebody for them to meet. They turned around and saw the two pair of dancer twins and their jaws dropped. "Twins, just like us," David said. I introduced all of them to each other and they all acted like long lost brothers and wandered off to the corner chatting. Jody and Raul, losing their audience all of a sudden, came over and asked who the twins were and I told them that they were some guys we had met in LA. I told them that I hoped the twins would be providing the evening's entertainment.

By this time, the twins had David and Darrell on the dance floor and were dancing up a storm. Each pair of dancer twins each took one of the Brewers and were dancing with them. When the dancer twins dance, with somebody, they generally end up taking them home for a choreographed sex session. It was obvious that they were very interested in David and Darrell. Chris walked up to me and said, "this could get interesting."

"Yeah, I didn't count on this. You can all most feel the electricity between all of them. I agree, it should get interesting."

By this time, the twins on the dance floor were the center of attraction for everybody. The Brewers seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. After a couple of dances, they stopped dancing and Ronnie came over and told me, "We're going to dance for you. David and Darrell are going to dance with us. Is there some place we can go to prepare?." Sure, I said and pointed the way to our room. Ronnie went back to them and Donnie went out to their car while the rest of them filed back to my room.

Chris came over and asked what was happening. "I'm not really sure, but Ronnie said the Brewers were going to dance with them.," I said. About that time, Roger walked up and overheard me.

"Did I hear you say that your twins were going to dance with them?"

"Yes," I said.

"Wow, this is going to be something! I've got to go tell Chuck!" and started to run off.

"Hold on! Elaborate please!," I said.

"My guess is that they're going to put on a sex show like you've never seen before and your twins are going to be part of it!" and he ran off to tell Chuck.

Donnie came back with a couple of bags and I stopped him. "Do the Brewers know what you're going to do?."

"Oh yes, it will be difficult dancing with them but Ronnie will explain it all to them. Don't worry, if they dance with us, they'll know what to expect. Come on back with me and we'll give you the game plan."

I went back to my room with Donnie and when I walked in, Ronnie came over and said, "David and Darrell are a little concerned about performing with us. Can you put in a good word?"

I got David and Darrell off to the side and asked them what they were told. "They just said they wanted to perform with us. We're not performers, how can we be part of their show."

"Trust me, these guys are good. Dancing with them is choreographed sex. I wouldn't worry, they're celibate except between each other so there's no risk of you catching something. It must be because you're twins that you've been honored to dance with them. I can't explain it but if you guys go through with this, its going to be something that you'll remember for the rest of your lives. They're so good at erotic dancing that you'll cum just watching them. Believe me they are pros they'll make you guys look like the best dancers in the world. Trust me, you won't regret it!."

"OK Danny," they said.

Ronnie came over and said, give us 20 minutes or so then come back and we'll tell you what to do next. You might clear a place for us to dance.

I went out to the party and overheard Roger telling somebody "They're fantastic, you've never seen anybody dance like these guys."

I went up to Chris and asked him to make some more room for them to dance. By now, the word had pretty well gotten around to everybody that something was going to happen. I checked my watch and I still had 10 minutes or so. I walked over to Jody and Raul and they asked me what everybody was so excited about.

"The dancer twins make sex into a performance. They only have sex with each other but occasionally perform at parties. The four of us met them about 6 months ago and took us home with them. They put on a show that had us cumming just watching them. Apparently, they are going to include David and Darrell in their performance so it ought to be interesting."

Looking at my watch, I figured the 20 minutes were up and went back to my room and knocked on the door. Somebody opened the door and I went in. The Brewers were dressed in white T shirts and jeans. They were grinning so I figured they were going to be OK. The dancer twins had outfits consisting of tights with capes and large feathered hats. They were wearing ballet slippers.

"We're ready, here's a tape for you to put on your stereo. We'll come out when we hear the music. Cut the lights down to where you can just see.

I went out and told everybody to sit down for the show and put the tape on the stereo.

As the music started, David and Darrell came out and stood there looking bored, holding hands. Then Ronnie and Donnie came out and started dancing just like they were on a dance floor in some bar. With exaggerated gestures, they pointed to David and Darrell who just stood there trying to look bored. Ronnie and Donnie each took one of the Brewers by the hand and started dancing with them. Then Larry and Terry came in and started dancing too. They 'saw' the Brewers and danced over to them. Then the dancer twins went through an elaborate pantomime where the two pairs tried to entice the Brewers to dance with them. Their dancing got more and more erotic as they proceeded. The hats and capes were discarded. Soon it was obvious that they were sexually excited. All of them had hardons that were quite visible underneath the tights. They started kissing the Brewers who started smiling. They ran their hands up and down Darrell and David's bodies. They removed Darrell then David's T shirt. Then they did some complicated flip and suddenly their tights were gone and they were dancing completely nude. Each pair of dancer twins continued to administrate to David and Darrell and soon, they had their pants off. David and Darrell had on black bikini briefs and their hardons were quite prominent.

By now, I was getting aroused myself and pulled Chris to me. I noticed that everybody seemed to be affected. The dancer twins continued to work on David and Darrell and soon had their briefs down revealing their 10 inch cocks. They proceeded to continue to work on David and Darrell sucking, kissing and caressing and soon had them in the middle with one of the Brewer twins fucking one twin while the other twin fucked him. I realized that the music was Bolero and that they were fucking in time with the song. It was fantastic and I was so hot that when the music ended, Chris and I were having wild mad sex right there as was everybody else.

For the next hour or so, the orgy continued until finally everybody petered out. I got up and got some blankets and passed them around.

The next morning, I woke up sore from lying on the floor. The Brewers and the dancer twins were nowhere to be found. I got up to piss and went into my room and found the dancer twins and the Brewers all sleeping together on the floor on the two mattresses. I went in and pissed and when I came out, they were sitting up. "You were right, Danny," David said. "It was good." "

I thought you guys never did it with anybody?," I said to one of the dancer twins.

"We make exceptions for twins," Ronnie said grinning. "Well, you guys were great. Thanks a lot."

"It was our pleasure," Ronnie said.

When I went back out to the rec room, I passed Kevin who was walking sort of funny. "Wolf?" I asked. "No, Raul," he said with a grin.

Tom, Jerry, Hank, David, Alan, Duane, Roger and Chuck announced they were taking off and thanked me for a great party. Pretty soon, Kevin and Tim said they were leaving too. David and Darrell took off following the dancer twins. Randy and Kenton said they'd stay and help us clean up.

It took us an hour or so to clean up the house and when we were done, Randy and Kenton took off. Chris and I took Jody and Raul home and Wolf and Paul stayed home.

Raul and Jody slept most of the way back so not much was said. On our way back home, Chris asked whether I was over my depression and I said, "if this weekend didn't do it, nothing will. The only thing I'm disappointed about is that I never got to suck Raul, boy that is some mean cock that kid has!."

"I guess you're back to normal," Chris said reaching over and squeezing my hand.

The next morning at practice, I asked the Brewers where they went after they left my house. They said that they went home with the dancer twins.

"How was it?"

"We've never done it with twins before. It was a dream come true doing it with them. We really like them and they want us to come back. They want us to be their lovers."

"Are you going to? I don't know. They're real cool and great sex. They've go great bodies but to be perfectly honest, they're a little weird. David and I aren't sure if our lifestyles are compatible. Dancing is their life. I don't think we could ever feel the same way," Darrell said.

"Well, Chris and I got to know them pretty well and believe me, they gave you two the greatest compliment they could have by taking you all to bed with them. You should feel honored," I said.

Danny & Chris Part 10 Tommy

Shortly after I got involved in the Gymnastics team, our coach, Mr. Marx suggested that we all could improve our endurance by taking up running. He suggested that we try to run a mile or so each day. So, Wolf and I started to run. We did it rather sporadically at first and initially tried to run after school. That didn't work out too well since we were already tired from practice and it conflicted a lot of times with supper. We tried various times like after supper or later in the evening. For the first couple of months, we missed as many days as we ran. Coach Marx asked us one day whether we were able to do any running and we told him some times and some of the problems we were having. He suggested that we do it the first thing in the morning and since that sounded like a reasonable time, we started running every morning before school. We soon were doing it like clockwork. We would get up, put on our running outfits, run our course around the neighborhood and come back, shower, get dressed and grab something for breakfast.

We soon noticed that there were quite a few people in the neighborhood that went jogging in the morning. Most of them were older, overweight guys or women. A couple of streets over, we occasionally noticed a younger guy, maybe 16 or 17 that came out of a house along our route and usually took off faster than we ran. He didn't look particularly interesting so we didn't pay much attention to him. One morning, however we passed in front of his house just about the time he was coming out. He didn't pay a whole lot of attention to us but just ran away leaving us in the dust. He didn't look familiar so I was pretty sure that he didn't go to our school. He was slim and was pretty well developed in the legs but pretty thin, almost skinny, from the waist up.

A couple of times we ran across him like this and we got into the habit of saying hi as he passed. He seemed to have his mind on his running and didn't appear to be interested in any conversation. One morning, however, Wolf didn't run. He had injured his toe in a minor accident. The doctor said that he might have cracked the bone and should stay off of it as much as possible for a week; running was definitely out. This particular morning, I ran into him like I usually did near his house and he asked where my buddy was and I told him that Wolf had injured his toe and couldn't run. He asked if we lived near here and I told him we lived a couple of blocks away. Not having Wolf to talk with as we jogged, I made an effort to keep up with him. Curious, I asked him where he went to school since I was sure he didn't go to my school. He said that he went to a private Christian school. He asked where I went to school and I told him. By this time, I was starting to feel the affects of running at a faster pace than I normally did and commented that he ran a hell of a lot faster than I did. He said he was training for a big race coming up in a few weeks. He asked if I was going to be in the race. I told him, "Heck no, I just run to build up my endurance." He asked what I was training for then and I told him that Wolf and I were into gymnastics.

We got to the end of the block where Wolf and I normally turn and we'd noticed previously that he went straight ahead here so I told him I'd be seeing him and parted from him. The next morning, we met up again and I asked him. "I forgot to ask you your name, my name's Danny."

"Pleased to meet you Danny, my name's Tommy," he said as we jogged along. When we got near where I would have turned, he asked me what route I followed and I told him. He then asked me if I wanted company and I said sure, I was used to having Wolf for company. He said that it was nice having somebody to run with and he'd run with me instead of taking his normal route. "Wolf is an unusual name," he said.

"Wolf is short for Wolfgang. Wolf is a German exchange student staying at my house."

Neither of us was a brilliant conversationalist that morning. But I managed to find out his interests which mainly seemed to be computers and running. I mentioned that I had gotten a computer for Christmas. He seemed very interested and asked what kind so I told him that it was a 486 or something. He asked me what software I had and I told him that I had something called Works and that all I used the computer for was to type homework. He asked if I had a modem and I said that there was one with the computer but I'd never tried to use it. He said that I was missing out on a lot of fun. There was this thing called the Internet that was really cool. I said I believe that I'd heard of it. Anyway, we finally got to my house and he went on.

The next couple of mornings were pretty much the same thing. We ran together until I got home and said good-bye. One evening I was trying to do something on the Computer and it wouldn't do what I wanted. I'll ask Tommy about it I figured. So, the next morning, I asked him and he said what I wanted to do was easy, why don't we just run around the block and stop back in at his house and he'd show me on his PC; besides he forgot to take a piss and had to go back anyway.

We ran around the block and he led me to his room. "I'll be right back, just sit down," he said as we came in, and headed for the bathroom. I sat down to his desk and grabbed the mouse. His computer was setup like mine with a screen saver so when I grabbed the mouse, the screen saver quit running. Then I got a surprise because what was displayed on the screen wasn't the Windows Program manager but a picture of a young guy about 18 sucking another guy's cock. I was so surprised, that I just stared at it a minute. Then I heard the bathroom door open and I looked over as Tommy came in the room. When he saw the computer screen, he got a look of utter dismay on his face and blushed as bright red as anybody can. "Oh shit, I can explain," he said. "I got that file by accident and forgot to close it. Don't tell anybody you saw that."

"Why should I tell anybody? Who'd care? I'm wondering whether you have anything else like that."

"You like that stuff too?," he said suspiciously.

"Sure, I didn't know you could do stuff like that on a computer," I said.

"There's all kinds of pictures that you can get on the Internet," he said.

"Do you have any other pictures?," I asked.

"Sure," he said starting to relax, and with the mouse, selected another picture.

"Hey, that's Jeff Stryker, he sure is hung isn't he?," I said.

"Do you know him?," he asked incredulously.

"No, I've just seen his pictures in magazines," I said. "I wouldn't mind swinging on that tool of his," I said.

"Do you do that gay stuff with guys?," he asked.

"Sure, Wolf and I do it all the time? Do you?."

"Oh, No, I wouldn't think of doing that. My father would kill me if he ever found out!."

"How is anybody going to find out if you don't tell them?," I asked.

"I... I don't know," he said, starting to get tears in his eyes. "I don't want anybody to find out."

"So you sit here in front of the computer and beat your meat when you really want to be doing the real thing," I said.

Up till now, I hadn't really paid any attention to Tommy in a sexual way but the pictures on the screen turned me on so I reached over and placed my hand on his crotch. The only times I'd ever seen him he was wearing baggy jogging shorts so I had no inkling as to how he was hung. Well, let me tell you, he was hung. He backed off like he was stung.

"Whoa, Tommy. I wasn't trying to hurt you. I'm sorry."

"You just startled me that's all. Nobody's ever touched me like that before."

"Well, Tommy, you've got a big hardon and I like to suck dick. Are you sure that you wouldn't like me to suck it for you?"

"I.. I.. don't k' know." he stammered. "O.. okay, I'll let you do it. What do you want me to do."

"Just relax.", I said and stood up and gave him a hug. Then I backed away from him and slipped down his pants. He had briefs under the shorts and for the first time I could see the outline of his cock. It appeared to be about 8 1/2 inches and pretty fat; pretty large for a 16 year old. I rubbed the flat of my hand on his cock and could feel it jump. "Do you want to lay down?," I asked. He stepped out of his pants and laid down on the bed. I sat down next to him and slipped his shirt off. Even though he lacked muscular development in his upper body and arms, his abdomen was rippled like a washboard. He didn't have an ounce of fat on his body and every muscle stood out in sharp relief. I leaned over and lightly kissed his stomach and worked my way down to his briefs. As my lips touched his firm cock, I could feel it twitch and jump. Boy this kid is hot, I'll bet he cums the minute I put it in my mouth. I slipped off his briefs and his uncut huge cock sprang to attention. The foreskin was not pulled back all the way and his purplish cockhead peered out like a malevolent eye. I deliberately avoided touching his cock and kissed his thighs. I could feel his cock jump and twitch as my hair brushed against it. He reached down to slip the jock strap down and I helped him the rest of the way.

The sight of that eager cock was too much for me; so much for preliminaries, so I took it in my mouth. I pulled down the foreskin to expose his head and felt him get stiff and start throbbing. Through my palm, I could feel the pulsing of his urethra as he pumped my mouth full of sweet cum. I couldn't ever remember getting such a load in my mouth. I swallowed a mouth full and it kept on coming. Finally, his climax ended, I sucked the remaining cum from his cock and I looked up to see a contented grin on his face.

"Well, how was it?."

"I can't describe it. It was much better than I ever imagined it could be."

I looked down at my watch. "Shit, look what time it is. I've got to get going." I said.

"You can't go now, I want to see what you are like," he said.

I wasn't in any mood to argue with him. My cock had been straining to get free and this kid had really turned me on, the way he came so quickly so I slipped my pants, jock strap and briefs in one movement and lay back down. Tommy exclaimed, "Oh, you're hung too. I always dreamed of sucking a big cock" and went down on it.

Well, I didn't get off as fast as Tommy did but it wasn't about 30 seconds before he had me shooting in his mouth. He gagged a bit with the first jet of cum but went on to take it all and swallowed it. I sat up and embraced him and kissed him on the mouth to his surprise and touched his tongue with mine. I could taste my cum in his mouth.

"Tommy, I hope the next time, we can take the time to do it right but I have to go. I'm sorry. But you were just great!," I said as I slipped my pants on and ran out the door. I clearly recall the look of utter satisfaction on his face as I left he room.

When I got outside, I hightailed it back to the house and Wolf was waiting for me. He was surprised that I came from the opposite direction than I normally would have. "What happened to you?." he asked.

"I'll explain later," I said running into my room to shower.

When I got out of the shower, Wolf had gotten out my clothes for me and helped me dress. As I dressed, I told him about Tommy. He said that he hoped he could get a shot at it.

"Well, I had to leave so fast, I don't know how he's going to react to it. He seemed to have enjoyed it but he's a real closet case if I ever saw one. It was all so sudden, I hadn't entertained any thoughts of doing it with him before I saw that picture and when I groped him and found out what he had, I was past turning back; you know what big uncut dicks do to me don't you?"

Later, I told Paul and Chris about it and they said they were looking forward to meeting him.

The next morning, Wolf wanted to jog with me but figuring that he might be afraid to talk with Wolf around, I asked Wolf to stay home one more morning. As usual, Tommy came out and joined me. I asked him how he felt and he said that he enjoyed it but wasn't sure that he should have done it. I suggested that he come by our house that evening and we'd talk about it. He asked whether my parents would be home and I said that they would be. He replied that he couldn't come by if they were there and he said he didn't want anybody to know. I told him that they didn't care, they knew I was gay and they wouldn't say anything anyway.

He suddenly stopped running. "Your parents know?," he asked incredulously. "Sure," I said. "They know all about it."

"I can't believe that," he said "but I'll come on over."

That evening, Wolf and I were in my room studying when Mom knocked on the door and said "Danny, there's somebody here to see you." I opened the door to see her with a nervous looking Tommy.

"Come on in," I said as I shut the door and gave him a big hug. "This is Wolf," I said. Wolf came over and gave him a big hug. "I'll bet we have a lot of talking to do," I said. "Do you want to talk here or go someplace?"

"Let's go someplace," he said.

"Would you rather that Wolf stayed here?," I asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to just talk to you," he said.

We got in the car and I headed down the street to where it curved out of sight and there were some vacant lots and pulled over and turned off the engine.

"Oh Danny, you've got me all mixed up. Having sex with you was the greatest thing I've ever done but my parents would kill me if they ever found out. They're very religious and I don't know what they'd do but I don't think it would be pleasant. They caught my sister kissing a boy and grounded her for 6 months and my dad whipped her and called her a whore. They sent me to this special Christian school so I wouldn't be "polluted" by association with other kids."

"Whew. I can see you've got big problems. I'm sorry I got you into this. I had no idea."

"I don't blame you, Danny. The other morning was something I've dreamed of doing for a long time. I'm sure it would have happened sooner or later. It was a lot of fun but I can't take a chance on doing it again."

"Tommy, I guess you have to do what you feel you have to do but believe me, you'll be making a big mistake if you try to deny to yourself what you are. I don't have any easy answers for you but I'll help you all I can. It's your life, not your parents'. Believe me, I sympathize with you. I wish there was something I could do.

Why do you think your parents are going to find out? If they were spying on you don't you think that they would have seen the stuff on your computer? What if it had been your mom that saw that picture instead of me?" Tommy got a frightened look on his face as the reality of that statement sunk in. "Any thing we do can be done out of sight of your parents; you're taking a bigger risk keeping those files on your PC than you ever would having sex with me."

"I guess I'm just paranoid. But my parents want to know all about everybody I know and they don't approve of anybody that doesn't go to my school or church. Since you don't go to either, there's no way I could ever introduce you to them. They want to know every place I go. I told them I was going to the library tonight. If my dad found out that I didn't go there, he might decide to give me a whipping.

"Does he really beat you?."

"Yeah, he has me pull my pants down and whips me with his belt. It's been a year since he last did it but he's threatened to do it several times since."

"Tommy, that's awful. Your father doesn't sound like a loving parent, he sounds like a monster."

"He says its for my own good whenever he does it."

"Don't you have a preacher you could talk to or something?."

"He's worse than my dad. All he talks about is how the devil loves to corrupt kids and how they have to be 'saved' from his tempting ways. He says it's a parent's duty to beat their kids to save their souls. If you ever heard any of his sermons, you'd see what I mean."

"Hey, maybe if I came to your church, they'd let you associate with me.," I said.

"You wouldn't want to do something like that," Tommy said.

"Well, I could try it once and you could tell your parents that we met jogging and you invited me."

"Would you really do that?," he asked.

"I don't know myself why I'd consider it but I love challenges. If you're willing, I'll give it a try. Don't worry, I can bullshit my way through lots of things if I get my dander up and believe me, what you've told me has really got me steamed! Don't mention me to your parents. I'll come to your church on Sunday and check it out."

"Danny, I can't believe that you'd do this for me!," he said.

"It looks like it's the only way that I'm going to be able to get any more of that 8 inches you've got," I said as I reached over and kissed him.

"Danny, can you take me by the library so I can get a book?."

"Sure, then I'll drop you off near your house.."

I took Tommy over to the library, he ran in checked out a book and I dropped him off after he gave me the details on his church.

When I got home, Paul was there and Wolf grinned and said "that was fast."

"We didn't do anything. That kid has problems big time," I said and related what Tommy had told me.

"What do you think you're going to accomplish by getting yourself into this mess?," Paul asked.

"I don't know, but I guess Tommy hit my soft spot. I'm going to act on a hunch of mine that that preacher has something to hide. He's either dipping his hand in the till, fucking little girls or boys or doing something that might bring him down. I intend to find out what it is. If I can break his influence on Tommy's parents and get in their good graces, maybe I can do some good for him."

That Sunday, Wolf and I went to Tommy's church. It was one of those storefront congregations that you find in an older neighborhood. The church was not affiliated with any organized denomination that I'd ever heard of. I took the precaution of buying one of those small dictating machines that I could stick in my pocket. Everything that Tommy said about his church was true. There were a number of old ladies in the congregation that were so dumb that they'd swallow any line. The preacher himself was the archtypical fire and brimstone give em hell preacher. He also checked me and Wolf out like we were prize bulls at the state fair. It didn't take long for me to get his number. Oh, he fawned all over us saying that it was so nice that young men like ourselves were so interested in the lord's work. Wolf and I for our part, laid the BS on thick as we fed his line right back to him. He said that the church needed help from fine upstanding young men like ourselves and we promised to dedicate ourselves to the work of the church. We left that man thinking we'd do anything for him. I also thought that I was sure that he had a raging hardon.

One thing was certain to me, he liked boys. I just had to figure out how I could use this to our advantage. He asked if we would be there for Wednesday evening's service and we said sure, we'd both be there. I for one wasn't going to go anywhere near this guy alone. Wolf, on the other hand was 6'2" and big enough to take care of both of us.

Monday morning, Wolf and I jogged with Tommy and told him of our suspicions concerning the preacher. I asked him whether he had any suspicions but he couldn't come up with any. I told him that I was sure this guy had something to hide and we'd just have to bide our time.

At Wednesday evening's church service, we got lucky. The preacher gave a real fiery sermon on the evils of sex and then went on to recount how one of the girls in the congregation had strayed. He was going to have to have a prayer session with her to save her. After the service, he called me and Wolf over and asked us to help pray with him. We went in the back room with us and the girl who was about ten and said that she was guilty of whoredom. Her father had caught her kissing a boy. He said that since she wanted it so bad, that maybe she should learn what it was she was messing with. He said that he figured that Wolf had a big dick and that I did too. What he wanted Wolf to do was fuck her in the ass and she was going to suck me off.

Boy, I had to talk like a monkey's uncle to get out of that one. I said that Wolf and I wanted to do the Lord's work but we weren't sure that this was the way to do it. If her parents found out what happened, we could be in a lot of trouble. Somehow I BSed my way through it and Wolf played dumb, pretending to not understand everything that was said. We told him that we thought that this would require a lot of praying to get us in the proper frame of mind and that maybe we should wait. He reluctantly agreed.

By the time we got away from the church, I was shaking like a leaf. I hopped in the car and headed straight for the Police station. We went in and I asked to speak with the head cop and we were ushered into the Captain's office. I told our story, leaving out the part about sex with Tommy but just said that we'd met jogging. Then, I related the incident in the Church and played back the tape I'd made where the preacher wanted us to ravage the little girl. The Captain asked for a description and name of the preacher and we gave it to him. He went out and brought in a detective who we told the story to again. He went out and came back 15 minutes later with a photo and asked if he was the preacher. We said it was him and he told us that the guy was a convicted rapist and had been released on parole. He'd been previously convicted of raping an 11 year old girl and there was suspicion of other rapes. In several of them, he had tried to use boys like ourselves to do the dirty work while he watched. He asked us to wait while they went and picked the guy up. I asked if we could call home and tell our parents since they were probably wondering where we were and he said sure.

I called home and told dad that we were at the Police station but we weren't in trouble but would he come down and we'd explain everything. I asked him if he wanted to talk to the Captain and he said yes. The Captain told dad that we'd caught a dangerous criminal and were heroes.

Well, the next morning, it was in the paper how we had tipped off the police about this dangerous child molester. The paper told all about how the preacher had bilked a lot of people in the congregation out of their savings, something we knew nothing about. Anyway, the Church of the Blessed Redemption was history.

Wolf and I had to miss school the next day. We had been up so late the night before and had appointments with the District Attorney and other officials. Once the word got out about the church, members of the congregation all came down to make statements and one of the families was Tommy's. Tommy introduced me to his parents and said that we had met jogging. They told me what fools they'd been and what fine young men Wolf and I were and how they were proud that Tommy had such fine responsible friends. I asked Tommy's mother if Tommy could come over to my house once in a while and she said he could come over anytime. "Well, since this day is shot, maybe Tommy could come over and spend the night." They didn't have any problem with it so Tommy hung around the Police Station until they were through with us and came home with Wolf and I.

When we got in the car, Tommy said, "Danny, I can't believe you did this just for me. Thank you."

"Well, If I'd known beforehand what I was going to get myself into, I'm not sure that I could have gone through with it," I said laughing.

Dad later ripped me up one side and down the other for taking such a risk but said that he was proud that I'd stick by one of my friends and really couldn't be mad at me.

Chris and Paul came over after school and I introduced them to Tommy. They and Wolf were really taken by him and kept making hints that they'd like to get it on with him but I told them that I really wasn't sure of how Tommy would react since all we'd had was a quick 10 minutes of sex which was the first time for him. Me and him had to work some things out first before I threw him into group sex. I told them not to worry, that I didn't intend to keep Tommy to myself. I told them that if they'd let me alone with Tommy for a couple of hours or so that we could talk things out, it might work out favorably for them.

Chris took Paul and Wolf down to the Bucket while I closeted myself in my room with Tommy. The first thing I did was to give him a big kiss which he responded enthusiastically to.

"Well, Tommy, are you still reluctant to have sex?," I asked.

"No, I can't wait to suck your big dick," he said.

"OK," I said, reaching for his button on his pants. He pushed away and started stripping off his clothes. I followed suit and shortly, we were standing there naked with our hard cocks jutting out. I led him to the bed and said, "I told you that the next time we did this that we should do it right" and started kissing him. I led him over to the bed and laid him down and started making gentle love to him. I started with a kiss on the mouth and worked my way down to his firm nipples which I nibbled on. I continued my way down and used my tongue to lick his navel. As I continued down his washboard stomach, I heard him moan with pleasure. Looking down, I could see his cock jerk every time my lips and tongue touched his body.

"Danny, let me suck your dick," he moaned. So I moved around to 69 position and started licking his balls. I could feel his cock pulsing next of my cheek and strings of pre-cum stretched from my cheek to his cock. I felt him take my dick into his warm mouth and I couldn't wait any more and took his cock likewise into mine. I let his cock slide all the way down and nibbled lightly at the base of his cock. I took his balls in my hand and gently rolled them around. I was rewarded by the sensation of my cock going all the way down my throat. Pulling back for air, I felt his cock getting hard and soon his cock was pulsing in my mouth shooting his sweet cum into my mouth. His climax triggered me to shoot my load into his mouth and both of us came together. After sucking the last of his cum out of his now softening cock, I swung around and kissed him. Our tongues met and we mingled our cum in each other's mouth.

Pushing away, I jokingly commented that we weren't going to have much sex if he was going to cum every time as soon as I took his cock in my mouth. He said, he was sorry but he couldn't wait; he'd been waiting for this moment for a week. I said, that's all right, I could understand. I told him that he was pretty good for never having done this before and he said that he'd read a lot of stories on his computer that explained how to do it in great detail. He said that he had wanted to deepthroat me ever since we met and was glad he was able to do it.

I pulled him up on top of me and wrapped my hands around him. Even though he was not muscular, his body was hard, almost like a dancer's body. Feeling his body against mine caused my flaccid cock to revive and from the pressure between our bodies, I knew that his cock had recovered also. I reached down and placed my hands on his tight buns and cupped them in my hand.

"You want to fuck me don't you? Go ahead, fuck me, I want you to fuck me," he said.

"It might be best if you sat on it, that way you'd be in complete control because it might hurt some the first time," I said as I reached over to the side of the bed for some KY.

"OK," he said as I reached behind him and put some KY on his butt. Then I asked him to get up while I greased up my own cock.

He lowered himself down until his puckered asshole was sitting on my cock and slowly applied pressure. He wiggled around a little and soon, I was rewarded with the pleasure of feeling his sphincter open up and allow the head of my cock to enter. With a sharp intake of breath, he lowered himself more and let my cock slide all the way into his hot asshole. After pausing for a minute, he lay forward and kissed me. "Oh, you feel so good in me, Danny."

I started to make tentative pumping motions and was rewarded by moans of pleasure from Tommy. However, with him laying down on me, I couldn't get the leverage I needed to really put it to him so I said I was going to change positions. I rolled over so he was under me. Then I asked him to arch up and I got into a kneeling position with his butt lying on my thighs. This way I could reach over and suck his dick while I was fucking him. "Oh Danny, that feels so great" He started arching his legs using his powerful keg muscles to move up and down on my cock while at the same time his cock slid in and out of my mouth. Slowly at first then faster and faster he gyrated until I felt that familiar warm feeling rising and then felt the contractions of my cock as I pumped my cum into his ass. The stimulus of my orgasm caused him to cum also and I was rewarded with another mouthful of cum.

After catching my breath, Tommy said, "Oh that was great! I don't ever want you to pull it out." I asked him that when the rest came back, would he want to make it with them and he said yes. So, I embraced him and rolled him over on top of me and pulled a blanket over us and fell asleep.

Sometime later, I woke up with Tommy still lying on top of me with my cock in his ass to Wolf gently shaking me. Tommy looked up and I asked him how he felt about Wolf, Paul and Chris joining in. He said that he didn't know how long he'd last but he was good for Wolf at least but that the rest would get their turn sometime. He climbed off of me with a giggle when his asshole went slurp as my cock pulled out. Wolf didn't have his clothes off yet so he had to hurriedly strip. I asked Chris to jump in with me and suggested to Paul that they make a sandwich out of Tommy.

I gave Chris a kiss and rolled over and let him get on top. We laid there fucking slowly while we watched the other three put on a show. Tommy was not prepared for Wolf. I had neglected to tell him that Wolf sported 12 inches. However, he was good and loose after having my cock in him for almost 2 hours so he was able to sit down on Wolf, lying on the floor, with no problem. Once he was situated, Paul straddled Wolf and backed into Tommy's hard cock. Once he was in, he started vigorously bouncing up and down on Wolf while at the same time pushed in and out of Paul. He seemed to be really enjoying it. With a pair of moans, Wolf and Paul came with Paul shooting all over Wolf's chest and face. Tommy having cum twice already was nowhere near cumming and seemed disappointed so I told Chris to go over an fuck him until he came. Paul; pulled off of Tommy and grabbed Wolf and jumped into bed with him and sat down on Wolf's cock and fell asleep. (Paul loves to sleep with Wolf's cock up his ass).

Chris had Tommy lay on his back and got between his legs and raised them up and slipped his cock into Tommy and proceeded to plow Tommy's ass accompanied by Tommy's moans of pleasure. Chris has pretty good control so he was able to hold off until Tommy shot once more then he shot his load into Tommy's ass and collapsed. Once they recovered, I asked both of them to get into bed with me and with Tommy in the middle, we fell asleep.

The next morning, I awoke to the unfamiliar hardness of Tommy's lithe body against mine. Tommy was lying between me and Chris. Then I realized that my cock was in his ass and I was hard but had to piss something awful. I started to pull away but Tommy said, "No Danny, don't pull out."

"But I've got to piss," I said.

"Piss in me," he said.

"Come on, you're kidding," I said.

"No, Danny, I want to feel your piss in my butt," he said.

I heard Chris giggle. "Give the kid what he wants, Danny."

"Well, I'll try but it's hard to do with a hardon. This is going to take some concentration."

I willed my hard cock to relax and forced myself to piss. Finally, I felt the pressure in my bladder lessen as I pissed into Tommy's tight ass. "OOOOH" That feels neat!," he said. "Can I do it to you, Chris?."

"Sure, I'll try anything once!." "OOOH! That does feel neat!" he said.

"OK, Danny, you can pull out now."

Actually, it was more like Tommy squeezed my soft cock out like it was a big turd. I sat up and Tommy pulled out of Chris with a pop and ran laughing to the bathroom followed by Chris. I couldn't help but burst out laughing as Chris stood there trying to hold it in while Tommy relieved his load in the toilet. He wasn't long because I heard the 'fluushsp" sound of him emptying himself all the way into my room. Then Chris followed suit with similar sound. Tommy came bounding out of the bathroom and just about bowled me over with an embrace. "Oh Danny, I love you. I love all of you guys. You are the best thing that ever happened to me." Then he ran up to Chris and hugged and kissed him and went over and plopped onto Wolf's lap, kissed him and reached over and planted a big one on Paul.

"Holy shit, what have I gotten us into?," I said. "He's wilder than Kevin, Tim and Rudi together."

The five of us got dressed into our jogging outfits and went out to run. Tommy said he'd run with us and when we got back to my house he'd just continue on back to his house. During our run, I Tommy and I got a chance to talk. He seemed so cheerful and happy and didn't seem to show any ill effects of the previous night's activities. I asked him if he wasn't sore or anything. He said sure, his balls hurt and his ass was sore as hell but he was used to pain and liked it. I thought this was a pretty strange statement to make but he didn't seem to be bothered by any pain. So, I asked him what he thought of sex with guys and he said it was better than he ever imagined it would be. Then he said that he was really excited to be able to make a lot of dreams come true. Also, there were a lot of things he wanted to try. Curious, I asked him what he meant by "other things" and he listed off a whole lot of things like new positions, girls, group sex, drug enhanced sex, various forms of bondage and S&M, role playing and such. He named some things I had never heard of. Amazed, I asked him where he had learned about some of those things and he replied that he had read a lot of stories on his computer about all forms of sex. Talking to him further, I got an uneasy feeling about him. It seemed that his attitude to sex wasn't quite normal. I resolved to talk with him further about this when the opportunity arose.

Danny & Chris Part 10a (Continued) Tommy - Continued

During the course of the day, I thought about Tommy quite a bit and finally came to the conclusion that unless he got off the course he was on, he was going to destroy himself. For one thing, he had already displayed a penchant for kinky things like the pissing incident this morning. That in itself, wasn't all that indicitive of problems; even Chris and I had engaged in one incident where we pissed on each other in the shower. His casual regard for and tolerance to pain and interest in S&M, bondage and such, was what really disturbed me.

That evening, I called him up and asked him if he'd like me to come over and he said that would be great and his parents were gone. When I got there, we went into his room and he practically raped me. I asked him whether it wouldn't be risky for us to have sex there and said that really what I wanted to do was talk to him.

"Tommy, this morning you said a couple of things that really disturbed me and I think I've got to feel you out about it".

"What sort of things", he asked.

"Well, all this stuff about kinky sex, inflicting pain and things like S&M, bondage and such".

"Well, isn't that what it's all about?", he asked.

"Tommy, Chris, Paul, Wolf and I and all the team members have sex for the fun of it and to express our love for each other. We don't do it to inflict pain or do things that are potentially going to injure or hurt somebody. I don't know what you've been reading, but I think the sort of stuff you're talking about is sick; even just thinking about it is sick. To be perfectly honest, the first time you try any of that stuff with us, that'll be the last time, period!"

"I thought it was supposed to be fun", he said, "you're saying it isn't?"

"Hell, no it isn't, not with us it isn't. Where do you get all this crap anyway?".

"Let me show you", he said and turned on his PC and brought up a story on his PC. I read it and asked what else he had and he showed me a pretty good selection of various stories, gay and straight. He sat there morose while I skimmed through some of the most revolting and also erotic collection of text that I had ever seen.

Finally, I said, "Tommy, this is all fantasy! Most of this stuff falls into the same category as Science Fiction. There's a small kernel of truth and a big dose of pure imagination. The real world ain't like this at all. Take for example, the stories about the 11 year old kids engaging in non-stop sex. Think back, before your reached puberty, did you ever have any urge to jack off or get interested in any way in sex? I'll admit that the guys in our group are all well hung, but the average guy feels like he's pretty well hung if he's got 6 inches. In these stories, nobody's fat and ugly with pimples and bad breath. Take a look at the guys in your gym class. How many of them would cause you to puke all over if you had to suck their dick? I can't cum more than 2 or three times in one session before I lose interest. I've never met anybody that could fuck all night and cum repeatedly. Even if I could cum more than three times, I'd be shooting blanks. Nobody's body can possibly produce the amount of cum that some of these guys supposedly can shoot repeatedly. It's fantasy pure and simple.

Tommy, another thing, I'll be the first to admit that a little pain can enhance sex but either you're immune to pain which I doubt or you're suppressing pain. The first time that Wolf fucked me, I could hardly walk and I'd been fucked before. Last night, you took Wolf without hardly a flinch and this morning you acted like nothing happened. You shouldn't do anything like that. If you ignore it, you can end up getting hurt, bad."

"I guess I'm more immune to pain than others", he said.

"Then you are unusual. Do you have any idea why?"

"Maybe it's because my dad used to beat me. I had to learn how to ignore it or he would have beat me up for being a sissy. When I started running, I always had a lot of pain, and I learned to ignore it".

"Tommy, I don't know a lot about it, but my coaches always told me that we should never ignore pain, it's telling us something. The old adage 'No pain, no strain' is true but you have to accept a certain amount of pain in sports but don't ignore it completely? Hasn't any coach ever told you this?"

"I've never been involved in any sport where I've had a coach. My running is just something I've done".

"Tommy, you could be doing things that could make you a cripple for the rest of your life in a few years. Do you understand?"

"Why are you trying to scare me, Danny?" he asked fighting back tears.

"Tommy, I wouldn't have told you any of this if I didn't love you. I'm not trying to scare you, but if it does, I hope it causes you to think about it and get some help.", I said.

"What do you mean by help?"

"As far as running goes, you should work with a coach or somebody experienced that can tell you what to avoid. As for all this talk of kinky sex, forget it! This thing about ignoring pain is something that you might want to seek professional help about".

"Are you trying to tell me I'm crazy?", he asked angrily.

"No, you're not crazy but I think you could end up being that way if you don't watch out. You've had a lot of hard knocks in your life and a lot of emotional scars. It takes an exceptional person to handle all that stuff; I'm just saying that you might be able to use some help!".

"Bullshit, Danny, there's nothing wrong with me. I thought you were my friend, and here you are telling me I'm crazy. Get the hell out of here! I don't ever want to see you again", he said sobbing. He got up and tried to push me to the door. "Get out, I don't want you here. Get Out!".

I grabbed him in a bearhug and he struggled hollering, "let me go! Get out of here".

"NO Tommy", I shouted, "I love you. I said those things because I love you not because I was trying to hurt you. If you knew me better, you'd know that I can't hurt somebody without hurting myself. I'm NOT leaving until you calm down. Can't you realize that I love you? Don't you want somebody to love you?".

Tommy struggled, sobbing and I continued to hold him and kept repeating, "I love you Tommy, let me help you". Finally he quit struggling and quit sobbing uncontrollably so I leaned over and kissed him lightly. "It hurts", he said looking up at me with pain in his face.

"What hurts?", I said.

"It hurts making me think about it", he said.

"What do you mean by 'it'?", I asked.

"About the way I am", he said.

"The only way you can get rid of the pain is to get it off your chest.", I said. "Do you want to talk?"

"I guess so", he said with a sniffle.

"Let's lay down", I said.

We lay down and holding him, I listened to his story. He told me about being beaten regularly as a kid. How he didn't have any friends. How he desperately wanted boy friends but his parents ran off or disapproved of every friend he had. He got beaten for not getting good grades, being inattentive, for smarting off, you name it. His father liked to pull his pants down and strap his bare ass. His father called him a wimp because he wasn't interested in sports; nevermind that his father prevented any relationship with any other kids where he could have developed an interest in sports. As he reached puberty, his yearning for friendship translated to an interest in boys that he was able to satisfy to some small degree by picking up stories off of the Internet and downloading pornographic pictures. He started running to satisfy his father's criticism about not being interested in sports. It also got him away from the house and after a while he developed a genuine interest in running.

He said that having sex with us was like living out a dream. Just like in the stories, we all had big dicks and had sex all night. It was just like in the stories. He asked me to tell him about me. I told him about my first sex with my friend in Ohio, meeting Chris, then Wolf, how Wolf's coming upset my whole world, how we got Wolf and Paul together and how the four of us became lovers.

"I thought we were talking about you", I said. "Do you believe I love you?", I asked.

"Yeah", I believe you. "Will you let me help you?"

"Yeah, Danny, I guess I need all the help I can get".

"Well, you've got it!", I said. "I love you Tommy".

"I love you too, Danny".

Then we heard a car in the driveway. "Shit it's my parents. There'll be hell to pay if they catch you here. Quick, you can sneak out the window".

"They've probably seen the car and anyway, they'll be sure to notice when I pull off. We're just going to have to brazen it out. Whatever happens, trust me, Tommy!".

We walked out into the house and when Tommy's dad saw me, he started berating Tommy about him having people in the house. He told him to go to his room that he'd take care of him later. "Stay there Tommy," he said with his hand on his belt.

"Mr. Steinmetz, you can't talk to Tommy like that, he's 16 years old and is old enough to demand some respect like any other human being!"

"What's a snot nosed kid like you doing telling me what I can do in my own house? Tommy get to your room NOW!" Then he reached over and slapped Tommy in the face.

"Tommy's coming with me Mr. Steinmetz. Don't you try to stop us. Tommy's told me what a monster you are. Unless you want us to go to the police and tell them about the things you did to your children, you'd better let us go."

"Why you disrespectful brat, I'll teach you a thing or two", he said as he lunged for me.

"If you lay a finger on me, my father will see that they never find the key that they'll use to lock you up."

"I'll call the police, you kidnapper."

"Go ahead, I'm sure they'd love to hear your story. We'll be at my house, 2312 Westmorland Ct. Come on Tommy".

Tommy's mother by this time, had grabbed her husband and was restraining him. "Go, Tommy, go, he'll kill you if he gets the chance".

Shaking, I drug Tommy out of the house and into the car. Tommy sat in the car crying. Since I was driving, all I could do was occasionally reach over and squeeze his hand. "Boy I hope I did the right thing, Tommy. I'm sorry, but something snapped. I can't stand to see people hurt, especially people I love".

"Danny, I think it would have happened sooner or later, so don't blame yourself", he said.

When we got to the house, I walked in and my parents looked up and when they saw Tommy crying, Mon asked, "Danny, what happened".

"I think I've really done it this time" and told him an edited version of what happened at Tommy's house concentrating mainly on the abuse that Tommy received and my altercation with his parents. I told them what Tommy's mother said about how Tommy's father would kill him if he got a chance.

"Do you think that your mother and sister are in any danger?".

"I don't know", Tommy said.

"Why don't I call over to your house and see what your mother has to say", Mom said.

Tommy went to the phone and dialed the number and handed the phone to Mom.

"Mrs. Steimetz?. This is Mrs. Walker, Danny's mom. Yes, they're over here. Yes, they told us a pretty gruesome tale. Are you OK? What about Tommy's sister, is she OK? Tommy was worried about what his father might do to you. He is? Well, is it OK if Tommy stays here for a few days? OK, I'll tell him. Good luck".

"Well, apparently Tommy's father is feeling remorse over what's happened. She said he was sitting in the chair crying. He hasn't threatened her or Tommy's sister. She thinks it would be a good thing if Tommy would stay over here. She said to tell you she's sorry Tommy", Mom said with her hand over the transmitter.

"Let me talk to her. Mom. I'm sorry. I just finally had enough. I just want to live my own life. Can I come get some of my things sometime. Not when he's around, no way! OK, Mom. I love you. Bye",Tommmy said.

"She said she'd call tomorrow when things settled down and my dad wasn't there and I could come over and get some of my things."

"Do you mind if I stay here, Mr. Walker?", Tommy asked.

"No, for the time being, that would probably be the best thing".

"Thanks, I appreciate it".

"Dad", I said. "Can Tommy and I talk to you in private?"

"Sure, come on into the den".

"Dad, this all started because I went over to Tommy's house to talk to him about some things he said this morning while we were jogging." I looked over and saw that Tommy was looking nervous. "Don't worry, Tommy, my dad has to know this stuff cause I don't think I can handle it myself."

"Wait a minute, Danny, does this mean you're going to tell me the gory details about your sex life?".

"I guess so, there's no other way".

I told him the whole story starting the morning that we first had sex. And then about Tommy's remarks and our conversation that evening. When I finished, Dad asked, "Tommy, do you believe you've got a problem?"

"I think so, Danny sure believes so. I can't believe he's done all this for me. Danny says I'm all screwed up because of all the abuse. I know I'm really all mixed up. Suddenly, nothing seems to be what I thought it was. It's almost like I'm in a new world where all the rules have changed. Danny asked me to trust him and I'm going to try".

"Realizing there's a problem, is the first step in solving it", Dad said. "Tommy, I don't know what I will be able to do, but if you've got a problem, I'll do what I can to help you.

Let's get serious for a minute. Tommy, I guess since your mother gave her permission, there isn't any problem with you staying here. However, I don't know how long you can stay here if your parents want you back home. If we have to go to the police, it could get sticky. Do you have any proof of any of this stuff. So far, it's your word against your father. Your mother, knowing all this would incriminate herself if she said anything. Have you ever told anybody else like a teacher or preacher about this?

"No, I was always too scared to say anything when I was young and too proud when I got earlier", he said.

"Well, let's hope that we can reason this our with your parents and that they'll do the right thing."

"I can forgive my mother, I think, but I never want to see that sonofabitch ever again. I don't trust him. I've seen him get sorry before and sooner or later, it's the same thing all over again", Tommy said.

"Well, welcome to the family", Dad said and reached out and gave him a hug. "Tommy, can you let me and Danny talk alone for a minute?"

After Tommy left the room, Dad said to me, "Danny, I'm glad that you don't feel the same way about animals as you do about boys or this place would be a menangerie. Seriously, you really have gotten yourself into a mess. I just hope that you really love this boy because it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. I can't condemn you for what you've done but sometimes I wish you were a bit more 'normal'. I just want you to know that I'm proud of you."

"Thanks Dad. I'm sorry I got you in this mess but I just had to do something".

"Danny, I hope you're able to have children someday because they'll have a terriffic father", he said grinning and hugged me.

I left the den and went into my room. "Is he mad?", Tommy asked.

"No, he's upset and concerned but he said he was proud of me", I said. "I wonder where Wolf is?"

"Your mother said he's spending the night at Paul's house", Tommy said.

"Well, I guess it's just us then", I said kissing Tommy on the lips. "Are you ready for bed?"

We made quiet love before we fell asleep. After doing 69, Tommy asked me to fuck him and when I finished, he asked that I stay in him so that was the way that Dad found us when he woke us up. I woke up when he sat on the edge of the bed. He got a good view because we were lying there uncovered. Surprised, I rolled over and pulled out of Tommy. He woke with a start and looked up with Dad with surprise. "Tommy, I'm sorry to disturb you but your mother just called and said that your father just tried to commit suicide. She said that the EMS was on the way and wanted you to know. She said if you didn't want to come over, she'd understand.

"Oh Tommy", I said, and gave him a hug. "This is all my fault", I said and started crying.

"No, it's not your fault, Danny", Dad said and reached out and hugged me. "Why don't you guys get dressed and we'll figure out what to do".

Dad got up and walked out and closed the door.

"Well, I guess, I ought to go there for Mom's sake", Tommy said.

We got dressed and when we got out to the dining room, mom and dad were sitting there. "Tommy want's to go over to his house. Will you come along, Dad?"


When we got in the car, Dad said. "I'm sorry that I had to come in your room but I didn't think that it was something that I could holler through the door."

"It's all right. I hope you enjoyed it".

"Sure I did. I always did like big dicks", he said jokingly. "And both of you sure fall into that category".

We pulled up to Tommy's house and saw that there was a crowd gathered around and an ambulance and a police car. We walked up to the house and the policeman at the door moved to stop us and Dad said, "It's his father".

"Go on in", he said.

We walked in and Tommy's mother came running over and embraced Tommy. "Is he dead?", Tommy asked.

"Yes", his mother said. "he stuck a gun in his mouth", she said. "I was asleep and I heard this noise and I came out and saw him laying there. I called 911 and then I called your place."

"Are you Mr. Walters?", she asked to Dad.

"Yes", Dad said. "We came right over".

"I'm sorry you had to be disturbed", she said.

"What happens now?", Tommy asked.

"Your aunt Amy is coming over to take me and Tina over to her place. You don't have to go if you don't want to. If you want to go back home with Danny, you can."

"Where's Tina?", Tommy asked.

"The Baileys next door took her home. I didn't want her to see all this. Are you all right, Tommy? Please don't blame yourself for this. This was a long time coming. If anybody's to blame, it's me.".

Tommy didn't say anything. He looked like he was going to say something then changed his mind and said, I think I'll go over and see Tina then I'll go back home with Danny. Stay here Danny, I'll be back in a minute".

"Mr. Walters, I want to thank you for taking Tommy in. I don't know what to do now. I'm sure he hates me for what happened.", she said.

"Well, if it's any consolation, he said earlier this evening that he could understand you to some degree and said he probably could forgive you but I don't think he had much sympathy for his father", Dad said. "Tommy can stay with us indefinitely, if you wish."

"I'd appreciate that", she said.

About that time, a woman came in that I assumed was Tommy's aunt and embraced Tommy's mother. Rather than stay and watch them grieve, Dad said that we should go and wait for Tommy. We went outside and a guy I knew from school came up and asked what happened. I told him that the guy that lived here committed suicide. He said that it didn't surprise him. The family was wierd. He asked me what I was doing here and I told him that Tommy was spending the night at my house and my Dad brought us over. He said he didn't think that Tommy had any friends, he'd tried to get acquaited with Tommy shortly after they moved in but that Tommy's Dad wouldn't let him associate with him because his hair was long. I finally asked him nicely to bug off that I wasn't feeling all that well.

Dad asked if I knew him and I said I knew him from school but he wasn't one of my favorite people. "You probably wouldn't have wanted me to associate with him if you knew some of the things he's been involved with. That was probably one case where Tommy's dad was right", I said. "He runs with a bunch of guys that smoke dope and goodness knows what else".

Finally, Tommy came out from the house next door and saw us and asked what we were doing outside. I told him that his aunt had got there and we didn't want to stand around in the way. About that time, the EMS people brought Tommy's dad out on a covered gurney. Tommy said,"I'm going to go in and say hi to my aunt and then we'll take off". He ran in and was there maybe 5 minutes and came out and said, "I'm ready".

When we got in the car, he said, "Thanks, Mr. Walters", I appreciate this. We drove home the rest of the way in silence, walked in the house and slipped into bed. Tommy was real quiet and I couldn't think of anything meaningful to display so we just lay there in the darkness until finally, Tommy reached over and kissed me then said, "Thanks Danny, I love you. Good night". Then he layed on his side and backed up to me. "Stick it in Danny, I want to sleep with your dick in my ass". He squirmed around and helped me slip in then said again, "Good night, I still love you".

I woke in the morning with my usual piss hardon. I rolled over to look at what time it was and saw Wolf and Paul standing there grinning.

"Well, well, what's this? 10:00 and nobody's up".

"It was a bad night", I said. "Tommy's father committed suicide. We were up all night".

"Oh my god, so that's why nobody's up. I thought that was strange", Wolf said. "What happened?"

"Why don't you ask Dad, he knows all about it". I said. I don't think Tommy wants to hear the whole story all over again". They left the room and I rolled over and got up. Once I pulled out and sat up, Tommy rolled on his back and sat up. "Do you want to run?", I said.

"Yeah, You coming?"

We got up and pissed and put our jogging outfits on and I told Wolf we'd be back whenever Tommy had run enough. We ran for miles. I thought I had pretty good endurance, but I wasn't in Tommy's class and finally, I knew I had to quit or I'd never make it back. "Tommy, I can't go any further. It's going to be all I can do to make it back". Tommy looked over at me in surprise and said, "Shit, Danny, I'm sorry. I guess I got lost thinking. Lets sit down and rest".

"I'm trying to sort all this out, Danny. Bear with me. I think I have come to one conclusion. I don't want to hurt anybody again if I can help it. I've hurt enough people already. I'm going to try to forget about that S&M stuff. I never had anybody love me before. Having somebody love me like you makes me look at things in a new light. I'm also wondering where I'm going to fit into your life. I've been wondering what Chris, Paul and Wolf's reaction to all this is going to be. I don't know whether I can love everybody equally like you guys do but I do know that I don't want to lose you; you're the only person I can really, truly say I love, except for my sister, right now."

"That's ironic", I said. "That you should be the one worrying about this. I'm the one that should be worried sick about this, not you. But, maybe the reason why I'm not worried is because I believe that it will work out. Of course, we're going to have to work it out with the rest of them but I think they'll understand."

"Well, we're not going to solve anything by sitting here. Lets head back. If I get going too fast for you, please say something. I'm not trying to kill you."

We ran back at a slower pace and I didn't have any problems keeping up. When we got to the house, it was 2:00. Mom was worried, she thought that something might have happened. She asked Tommy how he was and he said he definitely was feeling better. She said that Tommy should call his aunt's house and talk to his mother. He said that he'd call her as soon as he took a shower. Mom said that she'd appreciate that since we were stinking up the kitchen.

We took a shower together and soaped each other down. I was amazed by how tight Tommy's body was. He didn't look like much but every muscle he had was firm. We almost got something started when we started on each other's dicks but Tommy said, he'd better make that phone call.

Tommy made his phone call. He talked for 10 minutes or so and came back to the kitchen and sat down to eat the sandwich that mom made for us. Tommy ate the sandwich and asked for two more. I asked him if he ate that way all the time and he said yes. I asked him what the game plan as and he said that his mother and aunt were working on the funeral arrangements. They were going to have the body cremated and probably have a service Monday. He told his mom that he'd come over and see her later. I said I'd take him over there. I asked where Wolf and the rest were and Mom said she thought they were going to Chris's after practice. "Oh, shit, I forgot all about that. I must be going crazy, I somehow thought today was Sunday."

"With all that you guys have been though, I'm surprized you even know your names", she said.

I dropped Tommy off at his aunt's and told him to call over at Chris's or home when he was ready and I'd pick him up. When I got to Chris's I saw his car was there and went in. Chris, greeted me with, "Boy, Danny, you've really outdone yourself this time".

"Did dad fill you in?", I asked.

"I guess he gave us the basics", Paul said.

"Did he tell you the part about having to come in my room last night and wake Tommy and me up? I was sleeping with my cock up Tommy's ass and he had a big hardon.".

"No, he didn't mention that", Paul said. "well, what the hell happened. All your dad said was that Tommy told you about how his dad abused him and you had a fight with his dad and took Tommy home with you and then Tommy's mom called at 3:00am with news that his father had comitted suicide."

I filled them in on Tommy's story, about how his father had abused him, physically and otherwise. How originally confronted Tommy with my concerns about his interest in kinky and strange sex. I gave them the blow-by-blow of how Tommy's father had threatened him over my being there and how I went off and told his dad that I was taking Tommy home with me and how Dad backed me up and finally the events later that night after his father did himself in.

"Boy, Tommy must really be something if you did all that", Chris said.

I replied that Tommy was something special and he was great sex. "We talked about it and I might as well tell you guys that I love Tommy just like I love you guys. I don't know how he's going to fit in but I hope we can work something out. I want you guys to know something else, that Tommy isn't the same person you all had sex with the other night. I think his attitudes have changed considerably for the better but I'm not going to kid you that he's carrying a whole hell of a lot of emotional baggage around. His father's death solved a lot of problems but created a whole lot of new ones. I intend to stick by him and he's going to be living at our house so I hope you guys accept him".

"Boy, Danny, you sure can get long-winded at times. Of course we'll accept Tommy. If for no other reason that we trust your judgement", Chris said.

"All for one and one for all", said Paul, grinning.

"One other thing, don't go running with him when he wants to think. He took me on a 20 mile run this morning and I think he'd still be running if I hadn't finally asked him to turn around."

"Twenty miles? I bet that almost killed you", Wolf said.

"Not quite, but almost. Thanks, guys.".

The phone rang and it was Tommy. He said to come pick him up and we'd go back to his house to get some clothes and things. I asked if anybody wanted to come along and they all said they'd go. If he had anything big, Chris could carry it in his truck.

When we picked Tommy up, he said, "Guess what?".

"What?", I asked.

"It looks like I'll be going to your school. The school that I went to closed. Apparently, the Principal was somehow hooked up with the preacher and there's a lot of money missing, and some accusations of child abuse by some of the parents. The Principal and some of the teachers have been arrested and the school has been closed down".

"Hey, that's great!", Paul said. "When do you start?".

I guess Mom will take me over there Monday after the funeral.

It was supper time when we got back to my house with Tommy's things, including the computer. After supper, we helped Tommy get situated. Tommy fired up his computer and showed us some of his pornographic picture collection. We all had a lot of fun looking at the pictures but none of us liked the pictures showing bondage and S&M stuff. Tommy said that he thought at one time that that stuff turned him on but now he wasn't sure. He also showed us some of the stories that he had downloaded and some of the stuff was really gross. Chris told Tommy that he hoped that Tommy didn't have any ideas about trying that stuff with him because he wasn't interested.

Looking at the pictures turned on Paul and Wolf and they started making out. I could tell that Chris was interested too. Tommy said he didn't feel much like sex and was going to sleep. I said that I wasn't in that good shape myself, I wasn't used to running 20 miles. Chris said he'd just have to get off with Wolf and Paul.

Tommy and I fell asleep as soon as we hit the bed and were totally oblivious to the other three carrying on in Wolf's bed. The next morning, I woke up with my dick inside Tommy's ass. Having to piss, I got up and went to the bathroom and was joined by Tommy. He said let's go run, so I said OK.

When we got back, the other three guys were still in bed, so we stripped and joined them. It wasn't long before we had a full scale orgy going.

Danny & Chris Part 10b (Continued) Tommy

They had a small memorial service for Tommy's father on Monday morning and on Monday afternoon, Tommy's mother took him to school to enroll him. There were a couple of other kids enrolling from his school also so it was pretty hectic.

Tommy's first day at school on Tuesday was pretty uneventful. Since he had to ride with me, he hung around the gym for our team practice. Afterwards, I asked him what he thought of gymnastics and he said it was interesting but he'd rather run. I told him that his gym class's teacher the next day was the track coach and maybe he could get a chance to ask him about getting on the track team.

The next day, Tommy's gym class was outside. The class was supposed to run a couple of laps to warm up and the teacher watched with amazement as Tommy left the rest of the kids in the dust as he raced around the track. The teacher asked Tommy to run a couple of laps and he'd time him. Tommy finished his laps and when he went back to the coach, the coach was standing there amazed. "You only ran a portion of a mile but if it would have been a mile, you would have broken Olympic records set only 20 years ago. I'd love to have you on the track team." Tommy, happily agreed and asked how he could get on the team. The coach told him that he'd have to have a physical before he could work out with the team. He told Tommy to check with him after class and he'd make an appointment.

After gym session, in the locker room, Tommy had to cope with being in a room full of naked boys. He had never in his life been around nude boys other than us, so he was unable to keep his dick under control and got a big hardon. Another guy, a little short guy named Peter Compton also got a hardon, apparently from seeing Tommy hard. As could be expected, a couple of wise asses in the class made some comments about the two queers. Tommy was extremely embarrassed and somehow managed to pass it off and got dressed and went to see the coach. The coach said he would be excused from class the next day to see the doctor and gave him the directions.

Outside of the locker room, Peter caught up with Tommy and told him, "Tommy, don't worry about those guys, they're a bunch of assholes. Those things happen. I hope you get on the track team, you can really run." They had to part before Tommy could say much.

The next day, Tommy saw the school doctor for his physical. After looking him over, the doctor asked him what sport he was going out for and Tommy told him track. The doctor said that he wanted to take some x-rays. The doctor said that he wanted to check some things. They ended up taking x-rays of Tommy's knees and ankles. After waiting for the x-rays, the doctor came in and told Tommy, "you're as healthy as anybody that I've ever seen. Your lung capacity is amazing for somebody your age. However, I'm concerned about your knees and ankles. Do you have a lot of pain in your knees and ankles when you run?

"Sure," Tommy said, "I thought that was just the price you had to pay."

"You do have pain, then?"

"Yeah, I just ignore it."

"I've seen other people with injuries like yours and they'd be rolling on the floor in agony."

"I guess I can handle pain, if you'd had the shit beat out of you since you were a kid, you'd learn how to handle pain too."

"Is that what those scars on your back and buttocks are?," the doctor asked.

"Yeah, my father did that."

"Tommy, I'm going to have to report this as a case of child abuse."

"Save your time, the SOB blew his brains out last Friday," Tommy said.

"Tommy, I believe you when you say you have been able to ignore the pain." He went on to explain that pain shouldn't be ignored. It was true that physical development and sports involved some pain but the pain that Tommy was having shouldn't be ignored. The doctor asked if a coach had never told him this and Tommy replied that he'd never worked with any coach; his running was something that he did all by himself. The doctor went on to explain to Tommy that growing boys had to be careful about injuring the growing ends of their bones. The doctor said that Tommy's x-rays showed that Tommy had signs of serious damage.

"Tommy, I'll give it to you straight. If you don't stop abusing your body, I can guarantee that by the time you are 30 years old, you won't be able to walk, much less run."

"You mean I can't ever run again?."

"No, you're still growing, the damage probably will repair itself, if treated, but if you don't do anything about it and continue as you have, you'll be a cripple by the time you're 30. You are going to have to stop running for a while. Eventually, you can start running again, if the damage you've done repairs itself. As of now, I don't want you to do any running at all. That includes playing sports like soccer, football, basketball and so forth. The only sports I could clear you on at this time is swimming and gymnastics. I want to see you in two weeks and then we'll gradually let you resume running."

"But I want to be in the big marathon next month,"

"Absolutely not! It's going to be maybe as long as six months before you can do any running anywhere like you're accustomed to. If you want to keep in shape, I'd recommend swimming."

"Oh Wow, you can't do this to me. Running is my life!," Tommy cried.

"I'm sorry son, if you ignore my advice, you'll be a cripple the rest of your life. Don't worry, you're young and I believe you will recover and probably next year, you'll be able to join the team and be the star of the team. Remember no running at all for two weeks, and then I want to see you again.."

Tommy was devastated. No running, he couldn't believe it. He went back to school and somehow managed to get through the rest of the day. His last class, was one that Peter Compton was in. Peter came up to him after class and said, "Boy, Tommy, you look awful, is something wrong."

"Yeah, the doctor said I can't run. I've damaged my bones somehow. He said I probably will be OK but if I continue to run, I could be a cripple."

"Oh, wow, that's a bummer. I guess that means you can't join the track team."

"And I can't run in the big marathon," Tommy said dejectedly.

"Say, you want to stop by my house after school, it sounds like you could use some company."

"Sure, there isn't much else I can do."

On the way home, Peter asked Tommy whether he was embarrassed about getting a hardon in gym class. Tommy said yes, was he embarrassed? Peter said that yeah, he was embarrassed. Tommy asked if that ever happened to him. Pete said, "sometimes. Has it ever happened to you?"

"Not really, I've never been naked with a bunch of guys in school before." By now, Tommy was beginning to get the drift of the conversation. "Did you get a hardon because of me?."

"I guess so, I've never seen one that big before. Do you mess around with guys, Tommy?."

"I guess so, do you want to mess around?," Tommy said.

"I guess so if you want to," Peter said.

When they got to Peter's house, they went into Peter's room and tore their clothes off. Tommy was a bit disappointed with Peter since Peter only had about 5 inches hard. Peter was captivated by Tommy's 8 1/2 inch uncut cock and wonderingly got down on his knees and started sucking on Tommy. Tommy said, I want to do you too so they got on the bed and proceeded to suck Peter. Peter was so hot, he came almost immediately. Peter was having problems handling Tommy's cock and Tommy was getting hotter and hotter with no relief in sight. "Let me fuck you, Peter," Tommy asked.

"I've never done that. You're too big."

"It only hurts for a moment, then it feels good," Tommy said.

"Will you be careful?."

"Sure," Tommy said and spun Peter around and got him into position. He spit on his hand and lubricated his cock and Peter's ass and then pushed his prick up against Peter's puckered asshole. Feeling Peter relax, he pushed harder and was rewarded with the glorious feeling of his cock in Peter's tight, warm ass. Then, something snapped in Tommy and he plunged his cock into Peter's ass. Peter screamed, "Stop, it hurts. Stop."

Peter's screams just made Tommy grow wild. He started plunging in and out of Peter's ass while Peter kept screaming, "Stop" and struggled to get away. Tommy responded by grabbing Peter so he couldn't get away and proceeded to pound Peter's ass with no mercy. The more Peter screamed, the more excited that Tommy got. Finally, he reached climax and shot his hot load into Peter's ravaged ass.

Coming out of his lust inspired trance, Tommy lay there on top of Peter who was sobbing uncontrollably. The realization of what he had just done hit him like a sledgehammer. His lust turned to remorse and he pulled out of Peter and rushed to get his clothes on. Looking down at his cock, Tommy was struck with fear as he saw the unmistakable sign of blood covering his cock. Peter just lay there sobbing. Tommy was overcome with fear and revulsion from what he had done. Crying, he reached out to Peter, saying, "I'm sorry, Peter, I'm sorry."

"Get out of here you bastard. I don't ever want to see you again."

"I'm sorry, Peter, I don't know what happened. I'm sorry."

"Didn't you hear me, get out of here, you monster, Get out!," Peter shouted.

Tommy, ran out of Peter's house and ran to get away as far as he could. After a block or so, his brain cleared and he stopped running and started walking and crying. That was the way that Paul and I found him. I pulled over to the curb and saw that he was crying. I jumped out of the car and ran over to him and asked him, "What happened, Tommy?"

"I raped him," Tommy sobbed. "I raped him."

"You raped who?," I said concerned.

"Peter Compton," Tommy said.

"Come on get in the car." Paul helped him into the back and we took off and found a place to park.

"Now start from the beginning and tell me what happened."

Tommy recounted how Peter had invited him home with him and how he had practically raped him. "Oh my god, is he OK?"

"I don't know," Tommy said.

"What brought this on?," I asked.

"I was upset about the doctor."

"What doctor?," I asked.

Tommy told me about how the doctor told him that he had to stop running.

"Danny, I didn't mean to hurt him. Something just snapped. I didn't even realize what happened until it was all over with," Tommy sobbed.

"What are we going to do, Danny?," Paul asked.

"Well I guess the first thing we should do is to go back and check on Peter. If he was bleeding, he could be hurt bad," I said.

We went over to Peter's house according to Tommy's directions. The front door was still open. I told Paul to stay with Tommy and went in the house. I called for Peter and heard him holler to get out. "Peter, this is Danny Walker, I need to talk to you and make sure you are OK." Following the sobs, I entered Peter's room and closed the door.

"Are you OK, Peter? Tommy told me what happened. He's terribly sorry for what happened."

"Sorry isn't going to fix my asshole. I'll be OK. Just get out of here!," Peter said angrily.

"I'm not leaving until I'm sure that you are OK. Are you still bleeding?"

"I don't think so. Why don't you just get out of here and let me alone?."

"Peter, I can't condone what Tommy and I'm not going to compound it by not helping you if you need help! Let me look and see if you are OK."

"OK," Peter grunted.

"Come on in the bathroom," I said as I walked over to Peter and helped him into the bathroom. Apparently, he trusted me because he didn't give me any problem as I got a wash rag and ran some water and washed him off. I'm not an expert on assholes but I couldn't see any signs of bleeding. I told him that he looked OK. "However, I can't tell if you are hurt inside. Does it feel like you have to shit?."

"A little," he said.

"Sit on the pot and see if you can pass anything."

Peter sat on the pot and strained and finally got up and I looked in the toilet. All I could see was some brownish slime which I figured was the remains of Tommy's semen. There was a little bit of congealed blood but nothing that looked fresh. "I don't see any signs that you are bleeding now. My guess is that you are OK but if you want, we'll take you to the hospital."

"Oh my god, no! If my parents found out, I'd be dead meat."

"OK, why don't you get dressed and I'll help you clean up," I said.

Fortunately, there wasn't much blood on his bed so we didn't have much cleaning up to do.

Now that Peter calmed down, I decided to try to mend some fences. "Peter, Tommy's really sorry. I'm not trying to make excuses for him but you don't know what he's been thorough. His father blew his brains out last Friday because I found out that he had been beating Tommy and his sister for years and today, the doctor told him that the thing he loves most, running, would make a cripple out of him if he didn't stop. Plus, he just recently came to grips with being gay and is still trying to adjust to that also. Will you give him a chance to apologize?"

"OK," he murmured.

"Just wait here, and I'll go get him." I went out to the car and told Tommy that Peter would be OK and would accept an apology from you. Subdued, Tommy followed me back in.

We walked in the room and Tommy stood there grim faced and said, "Peter, I'm sorry. I really am. I don't know what came over me. Danny told me that I needed to get help because of my problems and I wouldn't believe him. I believe him now. I don't ever want to hurt somebody like I hurt you ever again." Then he started crying so I went over and hugged him and said let's go.

"Wait," Peter said. "Danny, thank you for coming back to check on me. I appreciate it. I accept your apology, Tommy. I hope to god you never do anything like that again to anybody. Good-bye guys, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good-bye, Pete," I said as we walked out.

We got back to the car and I sat down and sat there thinking for a minute. "I don't want to tell anybody about this Paul. Don't mention it to Chris or Wolf. As long as Tommy does something about it, I can't see any reason to keep dragging the subject out in the open. Tommy, I expect to hold you to your promise in there to get some help. Shit, that isn't going to work! A 16 year old kid just can't walk into a shrinks office. We're either going to have to get Chris's mother to help or I'm going to have to go to Dad. We may even have to get Tommy's mom involved because Tommy's a minor."

"I think you ought to ask your dad. I think he'd understand. I agree that Chris might flip if he heard about this. I'm not sure about Wolf either. I won't say anything, I'll let you handle it, Danny," he said.

That evening, I asked Dad if I could talk to him alone. We went into his den and I sat down. "Dad, Tommy needs some help that I can't give to him. I don't want to go into details, but he's all messed up inside. I've convinced him that he needs to see a psychiatrist or somebody that can help him. For one thing, the doctor at school told him that he doesn't want him to run because he's abused his body and is in danger of being a cripple before he's 30. Apparently, he's had so much pain in his life that he's immune to it. He drives himself beyond what he can take physically. There are other things too that I don't want to go into. The only problem is that I don't know how to get him help."

"It's funny you should bring this up. Tommy's mother called June today and came over and talked to her. Apparently, Tommy's mother has been aware for some time that Tommy 'likes boys' as she put it. She found some 'filthy pictures' and stories on Tommy's computer. She never said anything because she was afraid that Tommy's father would kill him if he found out. She said she loves Tommy and didn't want to see him hurt. She also said that she told us because she was afraid that Tommy would corrupt you. Your mom told her that she'd talk to me and get back with her. I'm not inclined to tell her about you being gay because I think that she would just not understand. Maybe, Tommy ought to work it out with her. In any event, I think she would cooperate to see that Tommy received professional help."

"That would sure help if she cooperated. What can we do?." I asked.

"Danny, before I commit to anything, I want to ask you whether Tommy is worth it? Why shouldn't I just ask him to leave and let him and his mother work things out?"

"Dad, you couldn't do that. Tommy isn't responsible for what he is. I think that somebody ought to help him. I don't have any confidence that his mother would ever explain or would have the guts to do what needs to be done. I know this is hard to explain, but I don't believe that Tommy is bad or permanently screwed up. As his friend and lover, I feel that I should do whatever I can."

"OK, Danny, I just wanted to hear you say that before I stick my neck out. Here's two ways we could go about this. One would be to go to Tommy's mother and try to get her to cooperate. At the minimum, she'd have to authorize a doctor to examine and treat him. I might point out that she probably can't afford to pay a doctor. I think she's in danger of loosing her house and everything. The other alternative is to get her to sign over her parental rights to me. That way I could legally obtain treatment for Tommy and my health insurance would probably cover it, eventually."

"I think the second alternative is the only way," I said.

"You realize that that would make Tommy your 'brother' and you'd then be guilty of incest," he said grinning.

"Quit pulling my leg. Will you do it?"

"It all depends on Tommy's mother," Dad said.

"Maybe we ought to ask Tommy," I said.

"That sounds like a good idea, go get him," Dad said.

I went and got Tommy and the three of us talked it over. Tommy was overwhelmingly in favor of staying with us permanently and told Dad that I had convinced him that he needed professional help. He said he was scared about some of the things he thought about and he was really worried about not being able to run.

The next day, Tommy went to see his mother and convinced her to let Dad be his guardian. Dad got a lawyer friend to draw up the papers and about a week later it was official. Dad was Tommy's legal guardian. Dad got a psychiatrist for Tommy and Tommy started to see him. After a couple of visits, Tommy started to cheer up quite a bit. One evening, he said that the doctor wanted to see me. Dad said he had no objection. The visit to see the doctor was interesting.

The doctor told me that his seeing me was highly irregular but as he said, "A lot of this case is irregular." Basically, he said that he was not able to do much more for Tommy. "Actually, Danny, you did more for Tommy than I ever could. You correctly analyzed Tommy's problem and urged him to get help. That was 90% of the problem solved right there. It's your love for Tommy that's going to do more for him than I ever could. Just remember that it will take time for Tommy to heal, just don't expect miracles to happen overnight. Tommy is going to have to carry all this with him all his life. Normally, the speech I'm giving you is similar to one that I might give to a person's wife. I think your father ought to be proud of you." Finally, he asked me whether I had given any consideration to being a psychiatrist when I grew up. He said I had a natural aptitude for helping people.

Since he couldn't run, Tommy started swimming. He did about 100 laps every morning. After a month or so, you could see his shoulders and arms starting to fill out as he built up some muscle mass in his upper body. He also started working out with the team. He went back to the school doctor and got some encouraging news; his body seemed to be repairing the damage that he'd done from running. The doctor told him that in two weeks, he could resume running no more than a mile a day. Eventually, the doctor let him take on more but warned him that he should be aware of the signs that his body was giving him. Tommy told me one day that it was amazing how great he felt now that the pain was gone.

Pete Compton avoided Tommy for several weeks. One evening, however, he stopped Tommy and asked how he was doing. Tommy told Pete that he still was sorry about what happened. Pete asked Tommy to come over to his house after school. Tommy was reluctant but Pete said he trusted Tommy. They went home and had, according to Tommy, great sex. Pete even let Tommy fuck him and apparently enjoyed it. They never repeated it however and Pete sort of remained a mystery.

Tommy had one hang-up that wasn't all that difficult live with. He said he couldn't sleep without a cock up his ass so he alternated sleeping with me and Wolf and Chris or Paul. Paul had a similar hang-up with Wolf so the three of them often ended up together, with Paul in the middle, when Paul was spending the night.

Next: Chapter 2: Danny and Chris 5 7

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