Danny and Chris

By Big Al

Published on Feb 6, 1995


Danny & Chris Part 5 The Twins

One day in our social studies class, Mrs. Jeurgens announced to the class that she was going to assign a project to the class that would require us to team up in groups of 3 or four. As a group, we would have to research a subject and prepare a report for submission to the class. Rather than assign the groups, she would allow the class to form their own groups unless. Any students that didn't form groups would be placed in groups of their choosing. She gave us some broad guidelines and told us to submit our proposals by the next Monday.

After class, Wolf and I were approached by Darrell and David Brewer who are identical twin brothers as to whether we would be interested in forming a group with them. Wolf and I were immediately interested since these two guys happen to be two of the hottest numbers in school. They are both well built, about 5' 10" with blonde hair and blue eyes. They are both pretty shy and don't seem to have many friends, male or female. Wolf appeared pleased at the prospect so I accepted. I asked them if they would like to come over after school and we could discuss it and prepare our proposal.

On the way home, I mentioned it to Chris who said, "Hey, those are two cute numbers. Ever since we met the dancer twins, I've been intrigued by twins. This could be interesting. Maybe you and Wolf could use this as an opportunity to check them out."

"That's exactly what I was thinking. Wolf and I have already figured out a way to see whether we could find out whether they're interested," I said.

After dropping Chris off at home so he could get to work, Wolf and I hurried home. Darrell and David were waiting in front of our place when we drove up. I invited them in and took them in the kitchen and got everybody cokes and suggested that we go into Wolf and my room to start on the project.

We all got to my room and sat around discussing the project. Wolf and I slipped off our shoes and suggested that they do the same. I noticed that both of them seemed to be a bit nervous. Wolf, in the meantime, said that he wanted to change into something a bit more comfortable and stripped off his shirt. I said that that probably was a good idea and took off my shirt too. It was obvious that we were embarrassing Darrell and David since they both blushed and started acting fidgety. Then Wolf stood up and walked over to his dresser and got out a pair of shorts. Acting, nonchalant, he dropped his pants and exposed them to his huge partially hard cock. It was immediately obvious that Wolf had made a tremendous impression on the twins. I didn't believe that it was possible that either of them could blush any more than they did, but they both got cherry red in the face. Of course, Wolf asked them a question about the project which forced them to look at him. This allowed me to watch them and I wasn't surprised to see that they both had hardons. Standing behind them, I now asked a question of my own, to have them quickly turn around to face me. I also, dropped my pants and let them see me nude and walked over to my dresser to get out a pair of shorts.

It was hard to keep from getting a hardon but I couldn't help but get a little hard. Grabbing a pair of shorts, I slipped them on. When I thought they weren't looking, I made a sign to Wolf like I was measuring 10 inches or so. Wolf grinned at me and nodded; these guys were really turned on by Wolf and I. I noticed them fidgeting around and finally said, "do you guys need some help taking care of those things?"

"What things, Darrell," asked.

"Those hardons," I said.

Boy did that get a reaction. They both blushed even more and David said, "wuh, wuh, ... what do you mean?"

"Come on you guys, we can both see that you two guys are really turned on.," I said. "Wolf and I are ready if you are."

Darrell turned around to David and they grinned at each other. "We're ready," David said and slipped his shirt off. Darrel did likewise and both of them stood up. There was no question that they were both hard. Their cocks were both straining at their pants. Wolf and I slipped our pants down and helped the twins.

Let me tell you, I wasn't really prepared for what I saw. They were hung, like in HUNG and they were both uncut too! "Whew," I let out, "are you guys ever hung!" The sight of those two identical 10 inch cocks had me hotter than a firecracker.

David said, "You guys wouldn't lose a contest either."

Wolf walked up to David and embraced him. Darrell turned around to me and embraced me as well. We dropped to the floor and I pushed Darrell down on his back. I began licking his nipples which responded by getting erect and hard. Darrell reached over and began stroking my dick. I worked down and took his cock in my mouth. Moaning, Darrell moved around and began sucking my cock. I decided to see whether Darrell would respond to my playing with his asshole and worked my hand between his cheeks. He immediately responded by spreading his legs apart. I got my finger wet and started rubbing his asshole. Then I pushed my finger in and with this, Darrell rolled over and said "Fuck me."

Grinning, I crawled over to my bed and grabbed the jar of Vaseline. Crawling back to Darrell, I saw Wolf look up and give me a look as if to say, "give me the Vaseline when you're done." I quickly greased up Darrell's asshole and my cock and lifted up Darrell's ass and slipped my legs under him while my cock slid in his ass. Judging from the relatively easy time I had getting in, it was obvious that Darrell was no stranger to getting fucked. I shoved the jar of Vaseline over to Wolf and leaned over and started sucking on Darrell. Darrell responded immediately by gyrating and moving his ass so that all I had to do was concentrate on sucking him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Wolf likewise had David skewered and was sucking him too. Returning my attention to Darrell, I went down all the way on him. Darrell was getting into it real well and I shortly could feel myself on the fast track to orgasm. Obviously, Darrell was near too since I could feel his cock get hard. With a rush, I felt the fire flow and shot my hot load into Darrell's ass. This set him off and his throbbing cock filled my mouth with sweet cum. Exhausted, I reached up and pulled Darrell to me and lay back with him on top of me.

Looking over at Wolf, I could see him and David writhing in a mutual climax of their own. Exhausted, I closed my eyes enjoying the bliss that comes after good sex. Recovering, I said to Darrell, "Cool!"

"That was great, are you and Darrell lovers?"

"I guess so," he replied looking embarrassed. "We've never thought of ourselves that way but I guess it's true."

"Let's go shower and get cleaned up," I said.

We went in the shower and soaped each other up joined by David and Wolf. I took the opportunity to ask them a few questions. Like the dancer twins, they were very close and believed that having sex together was like having sex with yourself. I told them that I thought that I understood and told them about the dancer twins who were mutual lovers. They were very intrigued by this. They had never had sex with anybody but each other before today but had been talking recently about having sex with other guys just to see what it would be like. The two of them sort of had sort of developed a crush on Wolf and I and had discussed it with each other. They grabbed the opportunity to try to put the make on us when the project came up.

The big surprise was that Wolf and I were obviously willing. They had apparently anticipated a long, careful assessment of us and we blew their whole plan to hell in a handbasket; not that they were complaining. I explained how Chris and I were lovers and how Wolf had a lover, Paul. Darrell said that they hoped that they would be able to get it on with Chris and Paul when the opportunity arose.

I said that I'm sure that Chris was interested and I was sure that Paul would be too; maybe we could all get together over the weekend and have a party. Not wanting to further risk being discovered, I suggested that maybe we had better do something about the school project. After some discussion, we decided on a topic for our project and wrote up the proposal on my PC.

After Darrell and David left, Wolf called Paul and excitedly told him about the two new members of the group.

The next morning, as usual, Wolf and I picked up Chris for school having already picked up Paul. Chris got in the car and I filled him in. "Chris, you've got to meet these guys. They're really cool. Both of them are hung better than me; they're almost as hung as good as you. They're excited about meeting you and Paul. We told them that we would try to set something up by this weekend."

"That's great, how are we going to do this?," Chris asked.

"Would you believe that my parents are going into LA and spending the night. It's their anniversary and they are going to go to a symphony concert and stay in a hotel. We've go the whole house to ourselves."

That day in class, I invited Darrell and David to my house for the night and they excitedly agreed. Mrs. Juergens approved our grouping and the subject we had selected.

After supper, my parents left for the concert and shortly after they left, Chris arrived with Paul. We anxiously awaited the arrival of David and Darrell who got there about 7:00. We greeted them at the door, nude, and they quickly stripped off their clothes to the approval of Chris and Paul. I said that since Wolf and I had our chance already, it was only fair that Chris and Paul should have their turn. Wolf and I watched TV while they all went in my and Wolf's room.

Wolf and I had hardly settled down to watch a movie when Paul came out with a big hardon and said that they all wanted us to join them. Entering my room, Wolf and I were informed by Chris and Paul that what David and Darrell wanted to do was be the middle of the sandwich. David would go with Chris and I and Darrell would make it with Wolf and Paul.

Paul was excited to get started. He got down on the floor and had Darrell get behind him then Wolf got behind Darrell. Within no time, they were fucking away.

I got on the floor and David got greased up and entered me. Then Chris got behind him and slipped into David. David was very excited by this and as soon as Chris entered him, he started moving back an forth, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Within no time, he had me ready to climax. All it took was the feel of his cock harden in my asshole and fill me with hot cum before I felt my load let go. David in turn had been set off by Chris filling him up with hot cum. Our moans of pleasure were echoed by Wolf, Darrell and Paul who likewise achieved a simultaneous climax.

Recovering, we all sat in a circle and talked. David and Darrell couldn't get over how good sex it was. They had started jacking each other off when they were about 13. Eventually, they progressed to sucking each other and doing 69. More recently they had been fucking each other. Since they were close, they hadn't made a lot of friends being quite satisfied with each other's company. More recently, they had discussed among themselves the possibility of having sex with other guys but really hadn't come up with any real plan. The project thing seemed to be the perfect opportunity to get to know Wolf and me who they had often fantasized about. Being just a bit naive, they were completely unprepared for the fact that Wolf and I were just as hot for them as they were for us. Also, they learned a few tricks. They were really taken with the idea of fucking somebody and sucking them too; the thought had never occurred to them. They said that they hadn't aware of what they had been missing by sticking with each other and were glad that they had finally come out.

Of course, that was just the first course, we swapped partners around and did it again before we all fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up to hear the phone ringing. I answered it and it was Tim wanting to know what we were doing. I told him that I was playing with a ten inch cock. He said "I thought Chris was bigger than that."

"It isn't Chris, or Wolf either," I said. "Come on over with Kevin and we'll have a surprise for you."

"OK, we'll be right there."

"The door's open, just come on in to my room."

About 15 minutes later, I heard a car pull up and a minute later the door opening. "It's us," I heard Tim holler. Tim and Kevin walked into the room and looked around. Darrell and David had gone into the bathroom.

Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, Kevin said, "Where's the big surprise?" With that, Darrell and David walked out of the bathroom. "Holy shit, it's the Brewer twins," Kevin exclaimed. "How in the hell did this come about?"

I explained about our class project and how Darrell and David had come over here with vague plans to somehow seduce Wolf and I and instead had the tables turned and found themselves getting seduced. It was all very funny and we all had a good laugh. Looking at the clock, I suddenly realized that my parents could be back at any time and we had better get dressed. Kevin and Tim were obviously disappointed. "I don't think they would be very good right now since we'd had an all-night orgy," I said. "You'll just have to wait."

Kevin said, "All of you guys are on the Gymnastics team. Are all of you gay?"

"You got it," Paul said. "I'll bet the rest of the guys on the team would love to get it on with you two."

"Cool," said David. "You know we've been into gymnastics since we were in the 5th grade. Our parents have been sending us to the Y for years. Do you think that Coach Marx would let us on the team?"

"That would be fantastic," Paul said. "Danny, why don't we ask the coach this afternoon?."

"Are you guys any good?," I said.

"I think we're as good as you," Darrell said.

We made arrangements to have them meet us at school that afternoon for our practice session. When we got there, I knocked on the coach's office and he said come on in.

"Coach these guys are Darrell and David Brewer and they'd like to join the team. They've been into gymnastics since the 5th grade. Can they work out with us?"

"Well, I don't know whether they could compete since it's so late in the year, but I don't have any problems with them working out. Tell them to dress up and we'll see how good they are. By the way, this is Coach Herbert, a friend of mine. He's the coach over at Morris HS."

"Pleased to meet you, coach," I said shaking his hand. "Well, we'd better get dressed."

David and Darrell turned out to be better than they said they were. In fact, I believed that they were almost in the same class as Wolf. Coach was obviously pleased because he said that on Monday, he'd check it out and see whether they could compete.

Normally, Coach Marx stays out of the locker room while we're taking our showers. I'd never given it any thought except that I one time thought that it was like he was going out of his way to leave us alone. Of course, since we were all good friends, we never got into fights and things in the locker room so there wasn't any real need for him to come in to keep discipline or anything like that. Well, this day, we all got undressed and headed for the showers and discovered that there wasn't any water. So, I ran up to the coach's office and knocked on the door. I was nude and didn't think much of it. He opened the door and sort of did a double take at me standing there like that.

"Coach, the water's not working in the shower," can you come and get it on.

"OK," let me see what the problem is. "I'll bet that the maintenance people fixed those shrinks I told them about and forgot to turn them back on. You want to come along, Bob?," he said to Coach Herbert. We all walked back to the showers where all the guys were standing around nude. He turned on a valve and the water started running. "OK guys, It think that will do it," and walked back to his office with Coach Herbert.

We all took our showers and while I was drying off, Kevin came up to me, obviously excited and said, "Danny, Coach is gay! I went to get a drink out of the fountain next to his office and my towel that I had around my shoulder fell off and when I bent over to pick it up, I heard through them though the ventilator and I overheard Coach Herbert tell Coach Marx that he had never seen such a bunch of hot hung guys in his life. And Coach Marx said that he had to stay out of the locker room because the sight of us running around naked was tearing him up! He told Coach Herbert that there wasn't a one of us that he wouldn't like to swing on but he was determined to never touch any of us!."

"You've got to be kidding!," I said. "This could be interesting. What else did you hear?"

"Nothing, the water cooler came on about that time and I couldn't hear what they said any more."

"You're absolutely sure, Kevin?," I asked.

"I heard them as plain as I hear you right now," Kevin said.

"What are we going to do about it? I wouldn't mind doing it with him and his buddy," Tim said.

"Let's tell the rest of the guys and see what they say," I said. "Kevin, you and Tim tell the rest to come over here."

The rest of the guys came over and I said, "Kevin, tell the rest of us what you just told me." So, Kevin repeated what he'd told me.

There was a chorus of "Wows," "Cool" and other comments like "let's go talk to him," etc.

"Wait a minute," said Chris. "Do you realize the trouble he could get into if anybody ever found out about this? Just the admission of being gay could cost him his job. I think we ought to play it cool and let sleeping dogs lie. If Coach wants it to be a secret, let's keep it that way."

"Chris is right, maybe we should just mind our own business. Maybe we ought to think about this before we do anything."

--- A couple of months later, Coach Marx was out sick for a couple of days. The morning he came back, he called us all into his office and said he had something to tell us.

"Boys, this is one of the most difficult things that I've ever had to do. I guess the easiest way is to just come out and say it. I'm gay and I have AIDS." Well, you could have heard a pin drop, it got so silent. "I figured you guys would like to hear it from me before it gets around school and the story gets all twisted. I don't figure you guys will understand, but I thought as hard as we worked, you guys should know. I've loved working with you and hope all of you will remember what we've all accomplished."

"Coach," I said. "I think we all understand better than you might think. You see, we're all gay too and we've known for several months about you being gay but since you obviously didn't want us to know, we kept quiet about it." At that point, I broke down and started crying. Chris came up to me and consoled me. Looking around, I saw that the rest of the guys were in tears also.

"Coach, we want you to know that we love you," Paul said.

"This is incredible. All of you are gay?," he said.

"Yeah, Danny, Wolf, Paul and I are lovers. Tommy and Jerry are lovers. Kevin and Tim are lovers. David and Henry are lovers and David and Darrell are lovers too," Chris said.

"Well, I'm just floored. I guess it makes sense now that you've told me. But seriously, if you guys are gay, I've got to warn you, don't make the mistake that I did. Practice safe sex."

"Don't worry Coach, we only have sex with each other. As far as I know, none of us are promiscuous so I think we're pretty safe. As a group, we're pretty aware of the risks and have tried to avoid them."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. Listen, as soon as I tell the school authorities, they're undoubtedly going to ask for my resignation. I don't doubt that they will also be asking you guys a lot of questions. Be prepared."

"Well I'm not going to tell them that we knew about you. I hope that you won't tell on us."

"Don't worry, I'll keep your secret. I will have to tell them that I told you."

"Coach, do you really think they'll make you quit? We'd really like to finish out the year with you," Darrell said.

"The doctors said that I probably have several years yet before I die. But everybody's afraid of AIDS and you can count on the school authorities wanting to get rid of me as soon as possible."

"Well, you can count on our support," I said. "I hope this isn't our last farewell," I said and walked up to Coach Marx and embraced him and kissed him on the cheek. The rest of the guys all crowded around and did the same.

"Thanks, guys," the coach said with tears in his eyes. "I'll miss you. Well, I guess I've got to go tell the Principal." With that, he walked out.

"Well, what do we do now? We can't let them make him quit," said Kevin.

"I guess we just have to wait and see what happens," I said.

It didn't take long for the shit to hit the fan. Wolf and I were told by our homeroom teacher to report to the Principal's office. When we got there, Kevin and Tim and David and Darrell were already there. When we were all there, the Principal's secretary called him on the phone and after talking to him told me to go in.

The Principal wasn't very happy. "Danny, Coach Marx told me some very disturbing news. I'm afraid that he's going to have to resign. I'm sure you are worried about this but I've been assured that there is almost no possibility that you could contract AIDS unless you had sexual relations with him. Danny, Coach Marx said that he never did such a thing with any of his students. I'm sorry that I have to ask you this, did Coach Marx ever make any improper advances to you?"

"Hell, no," I said. "None of us had any idea that he was gay until this morning when he told us. I know something about AIDS. My best friend, Chris's mother is a nurse and she's told us that AIDS can only be contracted through sexual intercourse or through mingling of body fluids. I'm not worried in the least about Coach Marx giving us AIDS. What I am worried about, and the rest of the Team is also, is that you are going to kick Coach Marx out. We need him to finish up the season. We've got a good chance to win the title and we sure could use Coach Marx."

"Well, I'm afraid that my hands are tied, school regulations won't permit Coach Marx to remain on the staff. The School Board would tear up my contract if I allowed it. Even if it wasn't for the AIDS, the fact that he's admitted being gay is sufficient grounds for dismissal."

"OK, I understand where you're coming from. Please, can't you talk to the Superintendent and the School Board before you do this. They make the rules; they can change them.," I said. "Look, ask the rest of the guys on the team, they'll tell you the same thing."

"Danny, don't get your hopes up. I know you think a lot of Coach Marx and I know the Gymnastics team is very special to you. I'll have to do what the Superintendent tells me to do. OK, I've got to talk to the rest of the team, tell one of the other guys to come in."

I went outside and told Chris that they wanted him to come in and that the Principal wanted to can Coach Marx but I told him the team was against it. Chris said, "I'll do my best."

While Chris was in there, I filled the rest of the guys in on what was said. Darrell was the last guy to go in. After a couple of minutes, he stuck his head out and said the Principal wants to talk to all of us. We all somberly filed in and listened to what the Principal had to say.

"Boys, I've heard all your stories. You all want me to do what I can to keep Coach Marx. I can't promise anything but I've decided to take the matter to the Superintendent. In the meantime, I'd appreciate it if you all would keep quiet about this with the other students. However, I would suggest that you tell your parents about it. If you want to keep Coach Marx as your coach, you are going to have to have their support. If any of your parents want to call me, I'd be glad to talk with them."

That evening, I told my dad about it. Like most of the adults that talked to us, he assumed that our biggest concern was getting AIDS. I told him that none of the guys were particularly concerned about AIDS, just winning the Gymnastics title. I told him about our talk with the Principal. Unfortunately, may dad wasn't all that sympathetic and said that the Principal did what he had to and there wasn't much else that could be done.

The next morning, our homeroom teacher announced that Mr. Marx was on indefinite leave. I asked him if he knew why and he said that all he knew was that Mr. Marx was ill. Later on that day, Lisa ran into me in the hall and said that she'd heard that Mr. Marx was being fired for being gay and having AIDS. That evening, as we left school, there was a crew from the TV station out in the parking lot interviewing students. Kevin and Tim ran up to me and said "The TV station is here, they've heard about Coach Marx."

"Come on," I said get the rest of the guys. We approached the TV crew and overheard some student being interviewed. I knew he wasn't a student of Coach Marx and he was saying that he thought that the school was right to get rid of him. Getting real pissed at his self righteous attitude, I hollered, "You weren't one of his students, why should you be so upset?."

"Yeah," the team members chimed in.

The TV reporter then motioned me over. She stuck a microphone in my face and asked, "Did you know Mr. Marx?"

"Sure," I said. "He is the coach of our Gymnastics team."

"Have you heard about him being fired for being gay and having AIDS."

"Sure, he told the team about it yesterday morning."

"I take it you are on the team?"

"Yes and those guys over there are on the team too," I said pointing to Wolf, Chris and the rest of the team.

"Aren't you afraid of getting AIDS?," she asked. "No, we know there's little chance of that."

"How do you know that?," she asked.

"We all know that you can only get AIDS from sex or sharing body fluids," I said. "We think this whole thing is turning into a witch hunt. The team asked the Principal to let Mr. Marx stay on as coach but apparently he's not giving any consideration to our opinion," I said.

"Why do you want Coach Marx to stay on?," she asked.

"Because he's our coach. We have a good shot at winning the gymnastics title and we need him," I said.

She motioned to the cameraman to stop and one of the other guys with her came over and whispered something. Then she said to me, "That's Wolf Mueller, the big Gymnastics star isn't it."

"Yes," I said.

"Would he like to be interviewed?," she said.

"Sure. Wolf come over here.," I said.

Wolf came over and was interviewed. He told the reporter that he couldn't see why Coach Marx had to be fired. He was always OK by us and was the real force behind our success in gymnastics. Then she got the rest of the team over and they all spoke of Coach Marx in glowing terms. Then a funny thing happened. A large crowd of students had gathered around to see what was going on. After hearing the team heap praise on Coach Marx, some of them started chanting "Bring back Coach Marx. Bring back Coach Marx." Of course, the TV reporter got this all on tape.

Chris and I hollered for everybody to quiet down. I told the reporter that the team couldn't see any reason why Coach Marx had to be fired and that the School officials were just trying to save their own butts. The TV reporter got this on tape to shouts from the onlookers, "You tell them Danny."

Finally, the TV reporter said that they had enough and that we'd probably be on the 6 o'clock news.

We all headed for my house and anxiously awaited the 6 o'clock news. Sure enough, we were the lead story. The news item opened with the anchorman telling the basic facts. In the background was a bunch of students chanting "Bring back Coach Marx." Then they showed brief clips of me and Wolf being interviewed. They added some stock footage of me and Wolf at one of our meets and then went to an interview with the Superintendent. He came out with a bunch of BS about it being the responsibility of the schools to protect the students and that he was only acting under that mandate. The reporter asked what were the chances of the students contracting AIDS and he admitted that there wasn't much chance. Given that, didn't he think that firing Mr. Marx was overkill. The Super simply repeated his previous statement about his responsibility to the students. They finished up with an interview with an AIDS activist who pointed out that there was no risk for the students, they wanted Mr. Marx back and this was all a witch hunt. He also made a statement that AIDS was a terrible disease and that education was all important to fighting it and that perhaps, Mr. Marx could serve as a reminder to the students of the seriousness of it.

After the story ended, Dad looked over at me and said, "Well, Danny, it looks like you made a good impression in your first TV interview. I didn't realize last night that you and the rest of your team were so supportive of Coach Marx. If you want, I'll call a few people and see what I can do.

I don't know whether it was my dad's call to the newspaper editor and the Superintendent that did it but the next day, there was an editorial denouncing the attitude of the Superintendent. Apparently, a number of parents called the Superintendent and ripped him up one side and down the other for his inflexible attitude. Several days later, it was announced that Coach Marx had been re-instated and would be heading up an AIDS education program in the schools and he would continue to coach the gymnastics team.

That next Monday, the team all gathered in the Coach's office to welcome him back. "Well guys, I never thought I'd be back here coaching you. Thanks a lot for your support. Remember, we don't have any secrets from each other now so if you have any problems, you know who you can come to."

Later that day, Coach asked me in for a talk. "Danny, I guess it was you who turned the tide."

"Aw, it was nothing. We thought you were getting a raw deal that's all."

"Well, I appreciate it. I need to talk to you about something else. You guys all said you were gay. I love you guys and would hate to see you end up the same way as I did. Are you sure that you guys are all engaging in safe sex? I'm not trying to pry but can you tell me?"

"Well, as far as I know, the members of the team are just having sex among themselves. We've all got an agreement with each other that any sex that any of us has with anybody outside the group, will be safe sex. You don't know the guys very well but none of us have much interest in being promiscuous outside the team. Chris and I have had sex with a couple of guys in LA, once and we used condoms. There are two other guys who are lovers that we've been with and they don't play around either. We realize the risk."

"It only takes one time with somebody who's infected. I'm not that old, I remember how I was at your age. I'd suck any dick I could and there's always some hot number that I'd like to do it with. I just don't want you to make the same mistake. I envy your situation. It looks like you've got some terrific lovers. I just hope you will remain satisfied with the guys currently in your group. What about girls. Are any of you messing around there? Remember, AIDS isn't just a gay disease."

"I don't think that any of the guys on the team have ever fucked a girl," I said.

I found out later, that Coach had similar discussions with all the team members.

One morning on the way to school, Paul said that he had a great idea for a Christmas present for the coach. "Why don't we take a team picture."

"What would be so special about that?," I said.

"Nothing, unless we were all nude," he said.

"I guess that might be something special at that but how could we pull that off? I can't see where a Polaroid would be all that great."

"What about a video?," Chris asked.

"Hey," I said. "That would work. We could get Alan and Duane to film it and then we could have an orgy."

"We could even film the orgy," Paul said.

"I think that would be a bit much. I think that would be cruel, really," I said. "Why don't we just do something simple like film everybody together saying Merry Christmas and then we all strip."

When we got to school, we talked it over with the rest of the team and everybody thought it was a great idea. My parents were going to be gone that night and I told everybody to come over after supper. I caught up with Alan in the hall and told him what we planned to do and he said he'd be over with Duane.

We had a blast making the video. We filmed each team member coming in the door fully clothed. Then we all sat in the rec room and recorded a personal greeting to Coach from each of us. Then we all stood up and in a group stripped with the "Stripper" as music. We all ended up saying Merry Christmas standing there stark naked, all of us with raging hardons and then closed by kissing our respective lovers. By this time, we were all so horny that it ended up in a big group fuck.

We gave Coach the tape the last day of school before Christmas and told him not to view it before then. Christmas morning, I got a phone call. It was Coach and he was almost crying. He said that he loved the present and appreciated it very much.

Dayy & Chris Part 6 Rudi

It was after Thanksgiving when Wolf's father called one afternoon which he did once a week or so and told Wolf that he was still planning on coming to visit over Christmas and he would be bringing Wolf's brother Rudi, who was 15, with him. They would be arriving a couple of days before Christmas and would stay until New Years when they would have to fly back to Germany. He asked Wolf to find the name of a local hotel where they could stay.

Wolf asked my mother and father about it and my Mother said that it wasn't right that they should have to stay in a hotel or motel there ought to be some way that they could stay at our place. The only problem was that there were only two bedrooms, mine and my parents. The house of course had extra rooms. One of the rooms that would normally have been a bedroom was my father's office and the other my mother had appropriated as a sewing room. My dad suggested that perhaps we could move a be into mother's sewing room and Wolf and I said that we didn't mind if Rudi slept in our room; we could get a futon for him to sleep on.

A couple of days later, the furniture for the new guest bedroom arrived and my mother had us boys busy re-arranging furniture and after a Saturday morning's worth of work, we had everything ready.

I asked Wolf about his little brother and he said that he loved his brother but they didn't hang around much. I asked Wolf if his brother was gay and he said he doubted it, Rudi seemed to take more interest in girls than he did at that age and other than that, he really didn't know.

The weekend before Christmas, the whole family drove up to LAX to pick up Wolf's dad and because there wasn't room for all of us in the family car, Wolf and I drove my Suzuki 4x4. We all awaited the arrival of their plane and soon the arrival was announced. International passengers have to go through Customs so we stood next to the passageway leading to the Customs area and watched the passengers come off the plane. "There they are," Wolf announced. I saw a tall handsome blonde man in his late 30's accompanied by a young blonde boy, Rudi. They saw us and waved to us through the glass.

"Your brother's real cute, Wolf," I said. In many ways, Rudi was a junior version of Wolf. He was tall and thin, about 5' 9" with a cute boyish face and a broad smile. We had to wait 15 minutes or so as they cleared Customs but finally we saw them coming and ran up to them. Wolf received a big bear hug from his father and Rudi excitedly jumped around until Wolf gave him a hug too. By this time my parents caught up with them and Wolf's father gave my father a big hug too. I couldn't help but grin at my father's discomfort about their public display of emotion. My Dad introduced Mom to Herr Mueller and then said, "Let's go." Us boys grabbed their luggage and I told Dad that we'd go on ahead.

Driving home on the freeway, Rudi was excited. He asked a steady stream of questions all the way and I couldn't help but like his bubbling enthusiasm. He seemed to take to me right off and by the time we got home Wolf was actually acting a bit left out. Rudi, unlike Wolf was pretty good with English but we spoke mostly German. Rudi it seemed had all sorts of things he wanted to see and made it clear through not-so subtle hints that he hoped that we'd get to go here, and there. Apparently, he'd read some Tourist publications and was remarkably well versed on the attractions of our area like Disneyland. I said that we'd be sure to see some of these things; in time.

By the time we got home, it was time for our Saturday Gymnastics practice session so I told Mom we were going and would take Rudi with us. We stopped and picked up Paul. I had earlier told Chris that we might be late and that he should go without me. Rudi asked me whether he could work out with us; he was involved in Gymnastics in School and wanted to keep in shape. I said I was sure that Coach Marx would not have any problem.

When we got to the gym, we went and asked him whether Rudi could work out with us. He said he had no problem but that Wolf should keep an eye on him and make sure that he didn't do anything risky. We all rushed off to the locker room and dressed. Most of the other guys were already there and had dressed. All of the team members knew Wolf's brother was going to be visiting and were on their best behavior.

Practice went well. Rudi was obviously proud of Wolf and when he had a chance to do a few routines it turned out that he too was going to be a great gymnast. He didn't yet have the upper body strength that Wolf had but had excellent coordination and form. Because of the holidays, our session that day ran an additional half hour over what we normally did. Finally, Coach said, "That's all guys, hit the showers."

We all took our showers quickly. I couldn't help but notice when Rudi stripped that he apparently carried the Mueller family big dick gene. While Rudi wasn't hung anywhere as much as Wolf, I guessed that he would have at least 9" hard which is pretty much for a 15 year old. I don't know whether anybody else noticed, but it seemed to me that Rudi got partially hard before he got in the shower.

When we got home, Paul came in with us and Mom was the only one around. "Where's dad and Herr Mueller?," I asked.

"They're in your fathers' office," she said, "They'd like you and Wolf to come back when you get here. Paul, can you keep Rudi occupied for a while?"

"Sure, we'll go into Wolf and Chris's room," he said.

"I wonder what this is all about?," I asked Wolf. "Mom didn't look mad or anything, so I guess it's OK."

The door to my dad's office was closed, so I knocked and heard him say to come in. Wolf and I walked in and Dad and Wolf's dad were sitting there with drinks in their hand and obviously in a good mood. Dad asked whether Wolf and I wanted a drink. I didn't know what to say, my dad had never before ever offered me a drink. I really wasn't interested in drinking but I figured that whatever brought this on must be important to dad so I decided to go along and said yes. Wolf was equally puzzled but likewise nodded affirmative.

"Go ahead you two, fix yourself something and have a seat, we'll wait for you." By this time I was starting to get really curious as to what was going on. Yet neither dad or Herr Mueller seemed to be upset about anything so I figured it must be OK.

Finally, Wolf and I sat down nervously and waited for my dad to say whatever it was he was going to say. "Danny, Wolf, you both know that Herr Mueller and I have known each other for a long time. But what you don't know is that when we were just a few years older than you two are, we were lovers."

If I wouldn't have been sitting down I would have dropped the drink. I'm not much for drinking, especially whiskey, but the only thing I could think of was to drain that glass. Of course the raw whiskey almost took my breath away as I gasped, "did I hear you say lovers?" I guess it was for support or whatever, I looked over at Wolf and he was equally astounded."

"Yes, Danny, you heard your father correctly, your father and I spent one summer together that neither of us will ever forget," Herr Mueller said. "Then we parted to go our separate ways but we've remained friends all these 20 years."

"Danny, Wolf, each of us had planned long ago to tell our sons about this when they reached 18 but as things worked out, we figured that this might be a good time, especially since it appears that you and Wolf have a similar relationship or is it you and Chris and Wolf and Paul?," dad said.

"Actually, its more like Chris, Danny, Paul and Wolf." I said.

"Why didn't you ever tell us?," asked Wolf.

"Basically, it's because we each wanted our son's to make their own decision. Eberhard and I were a few years older than you so we probably were a bit more pragmatic than you boys are at this time in your lives. We realized that although we loved each other, there was no future for openly gay couples. We both wanted families and sons of our own and to be a success. Both of us went our own ways and married and had families but we remained friends."

"Does mom know this?."

"Of course. Before we married, I told her everything and she didn't have any problem with it so long as I loved her, as I do. There were a few other agreements that we made at that time. One was that any children we had would be brought up in a normal, straight, environment. Another was that any children weren't to be told until they were old enough to understand. The final condition was that she would look upon me having an affair with another man as seriously as she would if it were another woman. Wolf's father had a similar arrangement with his wife."

"How did you figure that I was gay?"

"At the risk of sounding flippant, I'd say, 'it takes one to know one'," he said. "I thought that I really blew it when I agreed to let Wolf stay here. It was immediately obvious that you were very upset about it, although you tried to hide it. I couldn't figure it out at first, then Paul appeared on the scene and then everything seemed to calm down. Finally, I put two and two together and figured that you and Chris must be lovers and Paul and Wolf must be lovers also. What did you mean by the four of you are all lovers."

By this time, the drink had loosened me up a bit so Wolf and I told our fathers the full story. Far from being upset or angry, they appeared to enjoy the whole thing. They both were tickled about the whole Gymnastics team being gay. Then they started telling us stories about when they were younger. Pretty soon, the four of us were having a good old time. Dad kept telling us to refill our drinks and pretty soon Wolf and I had a real buzz on. Finally, there was a knock on the door. It was mom wanting to know whether we wanted to eat.

I hardly remember supper. I was so drunk that I could hardly eat. Finally, Dad said, why don't you and Wolf go and lay down and sleep it off. So, we staggered into my room and flopped into bed together. Paul was totally mystified as was Rudi. Paul of course didn't know that now my parents probably wouldn't take notice of the two of us lying in bed together. But we were dead to the world and there wasn't much he could do except get Rudi to help undress us and guard us from prying eyes. Paul did call his mom and tell her he was spending the night.

There not being much else to do, he asked Rudi if he wanted to go to the game room at the shopping center and took off with him. On the way over, Rudi finally got up enough courage to ask Paul if him and Wolf were lovers. Paul asked him why he would think that and Rudi told Paul that he had known for years that Wolf liked boys; he'd spied on Wolf and Eric many times. He asked if Wolf knew this and Rudi said no. He'd never told Wolf. Paul asked Rudi if he were gay and Rudi said he'd never had sex with anybody but he'd dreamed of sucking his brother's dick and now that he'd met his brother's lovers, he wanted to suck them too. Paul told Rudi that it didn't look likely that he'd get his wish as far as Wolf and Danny were concerned, tonight.

When Paul got back with Rudi, Danny's parents and Wolf's dad were sitting around talking. Paul asked whether Wolf and Danny had woke up yet but Danny's mom said that she hadn't heard a peep out of them and then berated Danny's dad for getting them drunk. He just laughed it off and said he never thought that the boys weren't going to be able to keep up with him and Eberhard but that they'd be OK in the morning. Not wanting to stick around with the old folks, Paul said that him and Rudi were going to go back to Wolf and Danny's room to check on them.

Seeing that Wolf and Danny were still dead to the world, Paul said that they might as well go to bed and told Rudi to take Wolf's bed and he'd sleep on the floor. Some time after he was asleep, he was awakened by Rudi crawling in bed with him. Rudi was naked and it was very obvious that he was also very hard. He fell on top of Paul and began kissing him. Once Paul got over his initial surprise, he reluctantly joined in but let Rudi lead the way. Rudi crawled down under the covers and took Paul's cock in his mouth. It was soon obvious that Rudi didn't really have any idea how to suck cock so Paul pulled him off and whispered to him that he had to watch his teeth. Rudi asked Paul to show him how to do it so Paul told him to turn around and took Rudi's cock in his mouth. Well, Rudi was so hot that he shot his load right then and there. But, he continued to suck on Paul and this time didn't bite Paul so pretty soon Paul climaxed and shot in Rudi's mouth. Paul asked him what he thought of it and Rudi said he loved the taste of cum and loved getting sucked. It had been a long day for Rudi so he quickly fell asleep in Paul's arms.

The next morning, I woke up and realized that I was in bed with Wolf but I couldn't remember how I got there. Also, we had underwear on. I also had a terrible headache and had to piss something awful. Apparently Wolf did too since he had a tremendous piss hardon that was poking me in the back. I was facing the wall so I had to crawl over Wolf to get out. Still half asleep, I didn't notice Paul and Rudi on the floor until I almost stumbled on them. Paul was wrapped around Rudi like a glove and both of them had a peaceful look on their face. Having to piss real bad, I ran for the bathroom and did my thing. Coming back into the bedroom, I saw that Wolf was sitting there on the end of the bed staring at Paul and Rudi lying there together. He looked up at me and gave me a questioning look and when I shrugged, he stood up and pulled the covers back from Paul and Rudi. Unlike Wolf and me, they were stark naked. Paul had a hardon that Rudi was grasping between his thighs and he was grasping Rudi's 8 inches in his hand. Wolf just shook his head and threw the cover down on them and said, "it looks like little brother knows what he wants" and headed off to piss.

Finally Paul woke up and seeing Wolf and I standing there looking at them, said, "I was raped." Rudi opened his eyes and said grinning, "Now I'm gay too!."

"What in the hell is going on here?," I said.

"You two got drunk and climbed into bed together so we took your clothes off and went out for a while. When we got back, you were both still dead to the world so I went to bed here and Rudi was in Wolf's bed. The next thing I remember was Rudi trying to bite my dick; at least that's what it felt like so I had to give him lessons in how to suck cock for my own protection." With this, Wolf and I burst out laughing and pretty soon we were rolling on the floor.

"So this was your first time?," Wolf asked.

"Yes, I thought I knew how to do it from watching you and Eric but I guess I didn't watch good enough." Rudi went on to tell Wolf how he always wanted to suck his cock and was ready to do it last night but couldn't so he decided to do it with Paul. He also wanted to suck me and Chris. "How come you and Danny got so drunk?."

"That was our fathers' idea?," I said. "I guess you might say that we had a father to son talk last night."

"Do they know you're gay?," Rudi asked.

"Ja," Wolf said.

"Are they mad about it?"

"No, I don't think so. They understand."

"Cool," Paul said. "That's great."

There was a knock on the door and I went to open it and it was Chris. He came in and I gave him a big kiss after which he kissed Wolf and Paul. After he broke away from Paul, Rudi grabbed him and planted a big kiss on him. Chris said looking down at Rudi's 9 hard inches, "it looks like you take after your brother." This brought forth a laugh from everybody.

There was another knock on the door and Rudi and Paul grabbed their underwear and dashed into the bathroom. I opened the door and it was Dad and Herr Mueller.

"We just wanted to check and see that you were OK. Also, play it cool around mom, will you Danny. She knows all about this but let's not rub her face in it."

"OK Dad," I said as he closed the door.

"What was that all about?," Chris asked. So Wolf and I filled him, Paul and Rudi in on what took place the night before with our dads.

"Wow, that's really cool!," Paul said.

"Well, let's get dressed and get going Rudi's got a whole list of things to see.," I said.

"What do you want to do first, Rudi," I said.

"What about Disneyland?," he said.

"Well, we could do that but it's already pretty late. Why don't we go after Christmas? You got any other places?"

"Yeah, how about the train museum at Perris?."

"OK, that sounds OK." Is that OK with you guys?," I said.

That was OK with everybody so we all piled in the car and drove over to see all the old trolleys and trains. It was pretty much an all day thing so it was dark by the time we got back. We dropped Paul off and he promised to see us the next day. Chris took off because he had to work the next day in the morning (Christmas Eve). Finally, it was down to just the three of us.

We had to tell our parents all about our day and sat around for a while with them until Rudi fell asleep so I said let's go to bed. Wolf picked Rudi up and took him into the bedroom and I followed. Rudi wouldn't wake up, (so I thought) and Wolf said that he'd undress him. Well, Rudi had a real stiff hardon and Wolf said "I guess we'll have to take care of that too," grinning. "come on down here Danny and help me."

Wolf and I stripped and sat down by Rudi. Rudi wasn't as asleep as he appeared. As soon as Wolf sat down next to him, Rudi 'woke up' and crawled over and grasped Wolf's hard cock. He tried to go down on it but couldn't hardly get the head in his mouth. In frustration he looked up at Wolf and said, "it's too big."

"Well Rudi, there are other things we can try. You've got a lot to learn about sex. What if I fuck Danny and you can suck his dick?"

His eyes got as wide as saucers and he said, "You can't fuck Danny with that, You'll kill him."

"No Rudi, I can take it, believe me. We do it all the time." Wolf rolled over on his back and I said now lick Wolf's cock and get it all wet. Rudi eagerly started licking Wolf's cock like it was a big stick of candy. "That's OK, Rudi," and I sat down on Wolf with Rudi watching in amazement. "OK, Rudi, now suck me." Rudi lay down beside us and started going down on me while Wolf started to thrust his hips driving his big cock into my asshole. Wolf got going faster and faster and it was all I could do to keep relatively motionless relative to the floor so that Rudi could suck on me. Wolf in the meantime reached out and lifted Rudi's ass up over him and let Rudi down so that he had Rudi's cock in his mouth. Wolf hardly got a chance to go down all the way on Rudi's throbbing cock when Rudi reached climax and shot his load into Wolf's mouth. With a lunge, Wolf pushed into me and I could feel his cock throbbing and squirting his cum in my ass. This drove me to climax and I shot my wad into Rudi's eager mouth. Rudi collapsed onto Wolf and Wolf had to push him off so that he could breathe. I embraced Rudi and lay down on Wolf's chest and the three of us lay there for several minutes recovering.

"Getting up, I asked Rudi how it was."

"It was great," he said. "How does if feel to have a cock up your ass."

"It feels great but it hurts a little too," I said.

"Will you fuck me Danny. I don't think that I could take Wolf?"

"Let me recover." I grabbed the KY and reached down and greased up Rudi's asshole. "Now relax, I'm going to stick my finger in to loosen you up. Just relax. It will hurt a little at first but it'll be OK." Pretty soon, my finger relaxed his sphincter and soon I was able to get both fingers in. I put some KY on my cock and said "Well, Rudi are you ready?"

"Yes," he said. I placed my hands on his thighs and pulled him to me. He lay on his back on Wolf's stomach and Wolf had his arms around him protectively. I felt some resistance as my cockhead contacted his puckered asshole but I pulled him too me with a steady pressure. Slowly I could feel my cockhead slipping into his ass. I looked down and saw that his face was screwed up in pain.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes," he said. I waited until I could feel him relax some and then started again to pull him to me. Slowly I slipped into him and I watched his face for signs that I was hurting him but soon the pain in his face was moderated by a look of pleasure. I started moving around up and down on Wolf's cock in my ass and also in and out into Rudi's virgin ass. Rudi soon took up the motion and added his own thrusts to mine and Wolf. I looked down and his face was beaming up at me and he said, "Fuck me Danny, fuck me now." I increased my pace and felt the familiar warm feeling deep down that meant that I was about to cum. Wolf in the meantime was breathing raggedly and I could feel his cock getting harder he neared climax. I reached down and grabbed Rudi's cock just as it hardened and shot his load all over his face and chest. Wolf in one final lunge filled my asshole for the 2nd time with hot cum and I filled Rudi's little ass full of my own hot cum.

We lay there for a few minutes and then separated. "Well, Rudi, how was that."

"I didn't think that anything could feel that great," he said. "I ought to be loose enough for Wolf now." The only problem was that Wolf was soft, having come twice already. I was also soft, so here's this Randy little boy with a hard cock and nobody to play with. With a whimper of regret, he lay down between us and was soon fast asleep. Sometime during the night, I was awakened by a muffled scream. I looked up and saw Rudi sitting on top of Wolf and he had just managed to sit down on Wolf's cock. Wolf had been asleep and didn't realize what Rudi was doing. With a start, Wolf woke up and Rudi threw his arms around him. "Are you all right, Rudi?, he asked.

"I.. I.. I'll be O.. O.. OK!" he stuttered. after laying there, he began to make tentative movements with his pelvis and pretty soon was going strong. Wolf began to pick up the pace and with a groan reached climax again. This drove Rudi into climax and he shot his cum all over Wolf's stomach. With a sigh, he fell forward and collapsed into Wolf's arms with a contented look on his face. The show being over, I fell back asleep.

The next morning, I awoke laying next to Wolf with Rudi still sitting on Wolf. Rudi's arm was draped over my shoulder and Wolf had his arm around Rudi. As usual in the morning, I had to piss so I gently moved Rudi's arm out of the way and got up. When I got back from the bathroom, Rudi was sitting up and looking around. Seeing me, he got the biggest shit eating grin you ever saw. With a loud slurp that surprised him, he got up off of Wolf and headed for the shower, sporting a big hardon. I couldn't help but laugh as I noticed that he was walking very gingerly.

Wolf was laying there grinning and said, "no question about it, my little brother is gay."

When Rudi came out of the bathroom, he still had a hardon and looked like he was ready to start another round. "I guess I'll have to tell mom to put some saltpeter in his food," I said grinning. "Give it a rest Rudi. Come on let's get a shower and clean up."

In the shower, Rudi said, "I always thought sucking dick would be the greatest but I think that getting fucked is even better but I need to try fucking somebody to see what that's like."

"Anybody in particular?" Wolf asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to do it with those twins," he said.

"They might get a real charge out of doing it with you and Wolf," I said.

"Really?," Rudi said. "that would be neat."

"Well, maybe I can get them over here sometime," I said.

We all got dressed and went in for breakfast. Mom asked what we were going to do that day. I said that Chris was coming over after work at Noon and that I had some last minute Christmas shopping to do so I figured we'd take care of that this morning. Mom said that we should wait for Paul; he had called and said his mother was coming over to meet Wolf's dad. Just about that time, Paul opened the font door and hollered he was here.

Paul, Rudi, Wolf and I all hopped in the car and went down to the shopping center. Wolf and Rudi went off on their own and Paul and I went to do some shopping ourselves. I mainly had to get something for Rudi; I had already gotten something for Wolf, Chris and Paul. The only thing I could think of on short notice was a T shirt.

We had agreed to meet at the center court but when we got there, Wolf and Rudi weren't there yet. Paul and I sat down on a bench and I spotted Darrell and David, the twins. I hollered at them and they came over.

"What's up Danny?," Darrell asked.

"We've been doing some last minute shopping and we're waiting for Wolf and Rudi," I said.

"Rudi's really cute, are you sure he's straight?," David asked.

"Not any more," I said. "In fact, he's really got the hots for you two," so I related the story about how Rudi practically raped Paul and then almost did himself in sitting on Wolf. "The little sucker has had a hardon now for two days," I said laughing.

"There's nobody home today, why don't you bring Rudi over and we'll give him a Christmas present," David said.

"Well, I'm supposed to meet Chris at the house about 12:30 but I could let you guys take Wolf and Rudi home. Paul, Chris and I can come over later. I can always tell them at home that Wolf and Rudi are still shopping and I'm going back to pick them up. Here they come now, let me take Wolf aside and see if it's OK with him."

"Great," Darrell said just as Wolf and Rudi hurried up.

I grabbed Wolf and quickly filled him in on the situation and he thought it would be a lot of fun. Darrell and David took off with Wolf and Rudi in tow so Paul and I made our way back to the house. Chris was there when we got there. He asked where Wolf and Rudi were and I told him that they couldn't make up their minds so I decided to come back and get him.

When we got outside I told Chris that actually about now, Wolf and Rudi were probably having a great time with the Brewer twins and that we were going to go over there and join the party.

I took my time getting there, stopping to get gas before we went to the twin's house. When we got there, David opened the door nude and showed us into the living room where Wolf, Rudi and David were laying around.

"Rudi," I said, that's the first time in two days that I haven't seen you hard. This brought on a round of guffaws from everybody. "It looks like we're too late for the party."

"You guys might as well be comfortable and take your clothes off," Darrell said.

"Sure," I said shucking my clothes.

We all sat around kidding Rudi but he seemed to be pretty immune to kidding. What it turned out to be was that he had Chris on his mind. He tried without much success to get the rest of us interested in more sex but found a willing subject in Chris who he latched onto like a leech. Rudi went over and started playing with Chris and pretty soon Chris was hard. He looked around and everybody just sat there and grinned at him. "I think Chris is the only one you're going to have much luck with," I said. We pretty much ignored him so he devoted his efforts to getting Chris to respond. Chris laid down on his back and Rudi immediately took the opportunity to sit on Chris. Chris acted like he could care less but Rudi started bouncing up and down on Chris so that finally Chris had to give up all pretense of not being turned on and soon was responding with thrusts of his own. "Ridem cowboy," we all shouted, cheering them on. Chris finally reached climax as Rudi squirted a load onto Chris's stomach and collapsed on to Chris who embraced Rudi and kissed him.

When Rudi finally showed some signs of reviving, I said, "We'd better get going, they're waiting for us at home."

In the car, I asked Rudi if he finally had gotten enough sex for a while. "For now," he said grinning. "The twins are neat, and Chris is too; I love big dicks in my ass."

When we got back to the house, Mom said that Dad and Herr Mueller wanted to talk to us. I figured she meant Wolf and I but when we went in Dad said to invite Paul and Chris in also. When we all got there, Dad said to help ourselves to a drink if we wanted one but Wolf and I declined.

"Boys, Eberhard and I figured that we'd like to get to know you guys better so we'd like to know whether you'd all like to take a couple of days and go skiing. The company's got a Chalet up at Lake Tahoe in the mountains. I figured we could go up there and let our hair down for a few days."

"Cool," I said. "But what about Chris and Paul?"

"I've already talked to Paul's parents and they don't have any problem. I'm sure that Chris can re-arrange his work schedule to get off a few days and his mother doesn't have any problem with him going.

"Can Rudi go too?," Wolf asked.

"I don't see how I could leave him here. By the way, what's with Rudi anyway?," Herr Mueller said with a grin.

What do you mean?," asked Wolf.

"He's been walking around like he's got a stick up his ass, he's had this shit-eating grin on his face and he's had a hardon, every time I've seen him the past few days."

"Rudi likes big dicks in the ass," I said.

"What did you guys have to do with this? Was this your idea or his."

"Herr Mueller, Rudi told me the other night that he has known that he was gay for several years but never had sex with anybody. He apparently came on this trip hoping to make it with Wolf who he used to spy on having sex with Eric. When Danny and Wolf got drunk and passed out the other night, he decided that I'd do for his first time and all but raped me. He knew exactly what it was he wanted and he started it."

"Well, I'm inclined to believe you, Rudi can be very determined at times. However, I had no idea that he was gay, but I guess I assumed wrong."

"What about Mom?." I said.

"She said she'd go up to San Francisco and visit with her sister," Dad said.

Wolf said, "Father, can you have a talk with Rudi and calm him down? He's acting like a nymphomaniac. We all love him but he's starting to get on everybody's nerves."

"Are you trying to say that he's the 5th wheel on the wagon?," Herr Mueller asked.

"I guess so," Wolf said.

"Well, do you know of anybody we could take along? To keep him company?," Dad asked.

"The Brewer twins," I said. "He gets along real well with them."

"You know, Danny, there's no reason why we couldn't take your whole team along. There's plenty of room. The Chalet can accommodate 20 people.."

"Holy Cow, that'd be terrific. Are you sure dad?."

"Why not. We can take the van."

"Whoopee! Let's call the guys," I said.

We all went into my room and I called Kevin's house and asked him if he wanted to go.

"Cool!, Tim, Danny's father is going to take all of us to Tahoe skiing, do you want to go?," I heard him ask Tim. "Yeah, he wants to go, we'll have to ask our parents! We'll call you back."

Next I called the Brewer twins. They were really excited. They said they'd call back after they asked their parents. The next hour was hectic with trying to get in touch of all the team and them and their parents calling back and wanting details and their parents talking to Dad. The only team members we couldn't contact were Henry and David who we knew were going out of town for the holidays.

At last we had everything figured out, we thought, until Wolf pointed out that some of us didn't have proper clothing for skiing. We could rent skis but we were going to need jumpsuits and jackets. I went to Dad and told him this and he said "Well I guess I overlooked that one. I guess we'll just have to go down to the sportswear shop and see what we could do; since it was his idea, him and Eberhard would just have to grin and bear it and foot the bill for Wolf, Rudi, Chris, Paul and myself." I won't go into the details but it was really something going shopping for ski outfits on Christmas Eve. Dad and Herr Mueller ended up dropping over $1500 between them. By the time we got home, it was getting dark.

After supper, we all sat around singing Christmas carols. Paul and his parents and Chris left for home about midnight. Wolf, Rudi and I sat up for a couple of hours talking about the trip. It turned out that Wolf and Rudi were accomplished skiers but Chris and I had never done it. The Brewer twins had indicated that they were experienced skiers but the rest of the team, like me and Chris were novices. Wolf said that he'd had some experience in teaching other guys to ski so he could show us the ropes.

The next morning, we opened our presents. Rudi liked the T shirt I got for him. Wolf gave me a jacket from Germany that he'd had his dad bring over. I gave Wolf a sports equipment bag. Of course, I got a lot of other things from Mom and Dad, including a new PC. After noon, Chris came by with Paul and we started getting ready to leave the next morning. Dad had me drive over to where he works to pick up the van and we got it ready. We took out the last seat so we could put our luggage there. We spent several hours on the phone with the guys who were going and answered questions about what to take, what to expect, etc. Before we knew it was evening and Dad suggested that we all try to get some sleep since we were going to be leaving early in the morning.

Finally, we all prepared to get to sleep. Rudi really wanted to get something started but Chris and I and Wolf and Paul were more interested in snuggling up with each other so Rudi was out in the cold. The excitement and activity however was too much for him and he was asleep before the rest of us.

Danny & Chris Part 6 (Continued) Skiing

We all got up about 4:00am the next morning and ate breakfast and packed up the van. We got going about 5:30 and picked up Kevin and Tim at Kevin's house, dropped by and picked up the Brewer twins and finally stopped by and picked up Tom and Jerry.

Dad and I took turns driving and we got to Tahoe after a 10 hour drive. Even though it was still daylight, it was getting dark by the time that we finally got free to actually try skiing. We found out that the bunny slope for beginners and a couple of the trails were lit for night skiing so Rudi and the Brewer twins wanted to try one of the trails. Wolf said that he would give skiing lessons to the rest of us.

Of course, the first thing we needed to do was rent skis so we stood in line. There were three girls and a cute 15 year old boy in line in front of us. The girls, immediately took an interest in Wolf and me and the rest of our group. Sort of left out, Rudi and the boy started talking and struck up an instant friendship. Rudi asked the boy, whose name was Jody, if he skiied and he said yes but he was supposed to stick with the girls because his parents didn't want him to be skiing alone. Rudi suggested that they team up and the girls were quite agreeable to get rid of him.Wolf, who they all had a crush on was agreeable and the Brewer twins could ski with Rudi and Jody.

The twins and Rudi and Jody got their boots on and Rudi had to help Jody with his boots. Finally, they took off while the rest of us, girls in tow headed for the bunny slopes. There was a line for the chairlift so Rudi and Jody spent the time getting acquainted. Jody was excited to meet somebody from Germany. Rudi told him about his school and how he went skiing in Bavaria and Jody was soon captivated by Rudi. Rudi asked Jody if he had a girlfriend and Jodi said that his sisters were enough for him but he could take them or leave them. Jody asked Rudi if he had a girl and he said that they were ok but he could do without. Finally, their turn came to get on the chair lift and they got on together.

The chairlift started up the slope and got about halfway up the hill and suddenly stopped. They sat there for a few minutes and Jody said he hoped that it would start up soon because he really had to piss. Rudi said he had to piss too but why didn't they just whip it out and pee right there, nobody was going to see them in the dark. With a giggle, Jody started fumbling in his pants and said why not. Rudi didn't waste any time pulling out his cock and the two boys sat there laughing hysterically, as the two streams of piss arced out into the darkness. Rudi of course being perpetually horny started to get a hardon and noticing that Jody showed signs of getting hard too suggested that they spend the time jacking off. Jody thought this was a real blast and started stroking his cock. While Rudi had a bigger cock, he looked over and said to Jody. "that's a big dick you've got".

Jody said a little embarrassed, "you've got a big one too. Do you do this often"

"Sure", Rudi said. "Have you ever had any body jack you off?"

"No, but I'll do you if you do me", he said.

Rudi reached over and grasped Jody's 7 inch cock and started moving his hand up and down. Jody hesitantly reached over and grasped Rudi's 8 inches and said, "that feels good".

"You've never done this before?", Rudi asked.

"I've often wondered what it would be like to jack off with somebody but I've always been scared to do it. Have you done this before?", Jody asked.

"Sure", Rudi replied, "and other things too".

"What other things?", Jody asked.

"Like this", he said and leaned over and took Jody's dick in his mouth.

"Oh that feels good", Jodi said. "Oh, I think I'm going to cum", and tried to pull Rudi back but Rudi resisted and started sucking vigorously on Jodi. "I'm cumming", he said and shot load after load into Rudi's mouth, swallowing it all. After Jodi'spasm's subsided, Rudi sat back up and said, "your cum tastes great, do you want to try it?"

"I guess so. I've always wondered what it was like". Just about that time the chairlift started up and Jody said, "Shit, I guess I owe you one. What does it taste like?".

"Everybody's different but it's sort of salty", Rudi said, slipping his cock back in his pants.

"Rudi, that was the greatest, I can't wait to do it again and do it to you too", Jody said as the chair lift got to the top of the slope.

Darrell and David were waiting for them and David said, "We'll go down behind you two".

"Ok", Rudi said as him and Jody took off. Going down the hill took considerably less time than going up so they found themselves in line again.

"Rudi, I've got an idea. Why don't you come over to my room after we get done skiing. I've got a room to myself and we can finish what we started earlier", Jody said grinning.

Rudi and Jody skiied the trail several more times until the Brewer twins decided that they had enough skiing for the evening and wanted to go warm up. Darrell, said that Rudi and Jody should really quit since they weren't going to be around to watch them.

"I'm going to go with Jody, for a while. Jody what's your phone number, so that Darrell can tell my brother where I am?"

"I'm in room 606 of the hotel", said Jody, grinning.

"OK, we'll tell Wolf, David said.

Jody and Rudi turned in their skis and headed for the hotel. When they got to Jody's room, Jody suggested that they take a shower to warm up.

"Together, of course", Rudi said.

"Sure.", Jody said.

They got in the shower and turned the water on. Because they were so cold, both of their dicks were soft but as the warm water did its work, they both began to get hard. Rudi took the initiative and pulled Jody to him and embraced him. Their hard cocks between them bumped against each other sending chills through their bodies. Jody reached down and grasped Rudi's cock and said that's the biggest cock I've ever seen and slipped down to slip it into his mouth.

"Wait a minute, let's do it in the bed", Rudi said and pulled Jody from the shower and into the bedroom. Dropping to the bed, Jody once again slid down to feast on Rudi's hard cock. "Turn around so I can do you too", Rudi said.

Jody swung around and hesitantly took Jody in his mouth. Rudy likewise started sucking on Jody and then went down all the way deepthroating Jody's cock. Jody responded with a groan and started vigorously sucking on Rudi. Rudi could feel an orgasm coming and increased his manipulation of Jody. Rudi could feel Jody's cock swell and get hard and suddenly it began throbbing as Jody shot his hot load into Rudi's mouth. Rudi felt himself pump a load into Jody's mouth. Jody gagged a little but managed to swallow the cum.

Exhausted, they lay there and finally, Jody said, "Rudi, I've dreamed about this for a long time but never could get up enough courage to do it with anybody. Thanks for being the first."

"The first is always best", Rudi said. "I hope you remember it for a long time".

They lay there for some time, talking. Jody asked how long Rudi had been doing it and Rudi told him about his brother and his lovers. Suddenly, they were startled by the ringing of the phone. Jody got up and answered it and it was Wolf for Rudi.

"Rudi, it's Wolf. The Brewers said you apparently hooked up with somebody. Are you OK?"

"Sure Wolf, his name is Jody and he's just great. It's his first time! Can I spend the night here?".

"Sure, we'll be glad to get rid of you", Wolf said laughing.

"Ok, I'll see you in the morning".

Rudi hung up the phone and rolled over and kissed Jody. Jody responded enthusiastically and wrapped his arms around Rudi in an embrace. Rudy pulled away and started kissing Jody's chest and nibbled on his nipples and was encouraged by Jody's nipples getting erect. He nibbled on the other one then started working his way down Jody's stomach as Jody getting hoter and hotter responded with low moans. Getting down to Jody's throbbing cock he lightly licked the shaft and flicked his tongue around the Jody's cockhead. Stopping for a minute, he looked up and said, "Do you want to try something new? I want you to fuck me. Just lay there and I'll do al lthe work".

Taking Jody's moan as a yes, he generously wet Jody's cock with his mouth and then got up on his knees and straddled Jody. Spitting into his hand, he reached back and lubricated his asshole and settled into position with Jody's throbbing cock poking his puckered asshole. Slowly, he guided Jody into him accompanied by moans of pleasure from Jody. Pausing a minute to relax his tight asshole, he leaned over and gently kissed Jody on the lips then he began moving up and down on Jody. Jody responded with thrusts of his own. As Jody's 7 inches stimulated Rudi's prostate, Rudi began to feel the fantastic feeling of an impending orgasm. Jody, moaning with pressure, started thrusting vigorously and shortly thereafter, Rudi could feel Jody's cock get hard and then felt the incredible warm feelling as Jody's hot cum filled his asshole. With This, Rudi felt his cock let loose spilling cum all over Jody's face and chest. With his passion spent, he collapsed into Jody's arms and blissfully fell asleep.

Some time later, he woke up and rolled over off of Jody.

"That was the most fantastic thing that I have never done", Jody said. "I can't believe you came all over me. It must feel as good to get fucked as it does to fuck".

"Yeah, you were just great. There's a special spot inside you that gets touched that feels fantastic and you can't describe the feeling of hot cum shooting inside you", Rudi said.

"As soon as I recover, I want you to fuck me", Jody said.

Exhausted from their efforts, the boys fell into a blissfull sleep. Towards morning, Rudi woke up aware of Jody's cock poking him in the stomach. Reaching down to grasp, Jody's now hard member, Rudi heard Jodi say, "Fuck me Rudi, do it now".

Rudi spit on his hand and reached over and started massaging Jody's asshole. He worked around with a finger applying gentle pressure until he felt Jody begin to relax. Soon he was able to get two fingers in. Rudi got on his knees behind Jody and lifted up Jody's legs and guided his 8 inches to Jody's asshole. Spitting on his hand, he reached down and lubricated his cock and pushed it against Jody's hole. "This may hurt for a minute. I don't want to hurt you so let me know if I'm hurting you".

Applying as little pressure as he dared, he felt Jody's asshole relax to accept the head of his cock. Pausing to allow Jody to accomodate him, he started with slow pressure and when he flelt the shaft of his cock start to enter, he started small back and forth motions to lubricate him and loosen up Jody's tight ass. Finally, he was able to push his cock in all the way accompanied by a moan of pleasure from Jody. "Fuck me Rudi, that feels so good", Jody said.

Rudy increased his in and out movement and was answered by Jody's complementing thrusts. The warm moistness of Jody's asshole did its work and soon, he could feel the warm glow deep down that preceeds orgasm. With a final thrust, he felt his load shoot into Jody's ass as it quivered with Jody's own orgasm. Exhausted, he collapsed onto Jody and fell asleep.

It was just getting daylight when Rudi woke laying next to Jody. Having to piss, he climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom. While waiting for his hardon to subside so he could piss, Jody came in likewise with a piss hardon. As Jody, stood there, he said to Rudi, "I never believed that sex with a guy could be so great. I hope we can do it again and again".

"Well, I think we'd better wait until tonight, I'm about fucked out", Rudi said.

"We had better get dressed in case my parents check on me and wonder what we're doing in here naked."

They took a shower together and relished the feel of their soapy bodies against each other. If they didn't have to get dressed, they probably could have gone back to bed for another round because each of them got aroused from the play in the shower.

They got out and hardly finished dressing when there was a knock on the door. Jody went to answer it and it was Jody's sister wanting to know if Jody was up. Jody said that Rudi was already here and they were going to head out to the slopes.

"Come on, Jody, let's go over to my place and see what's going on", Rudi said.

When they got to the Chalet, they went in but nobody was up but Rudi's dad and mine. Grinning, Rudi's dad said, "who's your friend, Rudi", in German.

Rudi introduced Tony to the two men and then asked where everybody was. Herr Mueller said they were still asleep but had better get up soon. Rudi asked where Wolf's room was and he pointed to the room.

"Comeon, lets wake them", Rudi said and pulled Jody along. Rudi and Jody went into the room and they discovered that everybody was asleep. In the room were me, Chris, Wolf and Paul. I woke up when they walked in and grinned at Rudi. Rudi walked over to Wolf and Paul and flipped off the cover awakening them with a start. Wolf, of course had his usual 12 inch piss hardon and Paul his meager 8 inch one. All Jody could do was stand there and stare with his mouth open.

"Wolf, I believe you've met Jody", Rudi said to Wolf. "Pleased to meet you Jody, this is Paul and that's Danny, and the stud with him is Chris". By this time, I had flipped the covers back and sat there with my 9 inch hardon and Chris sported an 11 inch hardon".

"And I thought that Rudi was hung," Jody said astonished. "Every one of you is bigger than him".

"Anytime you want to sample, we're ready", I said.

"Dad said You guys had better get up", said Rudi.

"OK, go wake up the rest of them".

We went out into the hall and Jody said "Jesus, is your brother hung or is he hung? What does he do with that horse cock?"

"Fuck", Rudi said, grinning.

"Shit, you can't tell me that he can fuck anybody without splitting them wide open", Jody said.

"I can take it", Rudi said.

"You've got to be kidding. That I'd have to see", Jody said.

We went into the next room and found Tom and Jerry, Kevin and Tim and the twins Darrell and David. Of course, Tom, Jerry, Kevin and Tim are all pretty much average as our group goes but the twins with their 10 inch cocks again impressed Jody. Having awakened them, Rudi and Jody came back into our room as we were getting dressed.

"Well, did you two have a good time last night?", Wolf asked.

"We didn't get much sleep if that's what you mean", Rudi said grinning.

"So, how was my little brother, Jody?", Wolf asked.

"Fantastic, he's great!", Jody said, beaming.

"Well, what are we going to do today?", Rudi asked.

"Well, these guys all did pretty good on the bunny slope. I guess we'll try them out on that run you did last nite. Maybe you and Jody ought to go with us to keep an eye on them then if they do OK, we can get David and Darrell to run the long trail with us", Wolf said.

"How did you guys and my sisters get along?", asked Jody.

"Well, for girls, they're OK. I think they've got the hots for Wolf and the rest of us. We like to never got rid of them last nite. I think they had plans", I said.

"Knowing my sisters, I feel for you. They're OK I guess but they can be a real pain", Jody said.

"Well, let's get going. We came here to ski didn't we?", Paul said.

After grabbing something to eat, we all headed for the slopes. There was a pretty good sized line waiting for the lift so we all got to the head of the line. We hadn't been in line for a couple of minutes when Jody's sisters arrived and excitedly latched onto us. They asked if it would be OK to run the trail with us and we said OK. Then I saw something that I knew was real trouble.

"Chris, look around and see if you see what I see?", I asked.

"Oh shit, its Debby Berg and Beth Simpson from school", Chris said dismayed. Debby and Beth were two of the hottest girls at school. They were co-captains of the cheerleading team. I was sure that they would latch onto us like a bunch of leeches; so much for getting awau from the crowd and we didn't even have Lisa, Tammy and Ingrid to run interference for us. "God, I hope Pam's not with them". No such luck, as I saw Pam Morris, the social queen of our school, currently unattached after finding out her jock boyfriend was gay, pop out from behind the crowd rushing to catch up with her friends.

"Well, she's sure to see us any minute and we can't get out of line; I thinlk we've been had.", I said.

About that time, the girls spotted us and ran up to us excitedly. "What ever are you guys doing here? "We didn't know you guys skiied", Pam said.

"Wolf and my dad brought the team up here for a couple of days", I said.

"Well, that's fantastic, I never expected to run into some guys from school, much less you guys", Pam gushed. "Who are you with?"

"Oh, these are some girls we met last nite on the bunny slopes", Chris said. "This is Alice, Ann and Andrea", he said to Pam's group. "And these are "Beth, Debby and Pam", from our school he said to Jody's sisters.

Well, they popped right into line with us and pretty soon got acquainted with Jody's sisters. Pretty soon our turn for the lift came and I got on the lift with Chris. During the ride up I said to Chris, "Who'd have ever thought that we'd run into that bunch? I can't figure out any way to lose them so I guess we'll have to grin and bear it."

"Poor Wolf, Pam will be all over him", Chris said grinning. "Well, I guess there's worse girls than those", hesaid grinning. The fact of the matter was that the three were the most popular, attractive and personable girls in school. Any normal male would have been beside himself for any of them to even say Hi.

"Well, at least we could get away from them by running the big trail", I said.

After making a few runs with our novices, we decided that they could take care of themselves and Chris, Wolf, Rudi, Jody, the Brewer twins, Paul and I decided to run the big trail. Finally, we could get away from them. Skiing the big trail was fantastic. Paul, Chris and I, despite being novices, did quite well. After making the run a couple of times, we decided to call it quits and get something to eat.

When we got back to the Chalet, Kevin told me that Pam wanted me to call her and gave me her phone number. Groaning, I called her and she answered the phone.

"Oh Danny, there is a teen night club at the lodge and they're having a big party tonight. We thought that you, Wolf, Chris, Paul and the Brewer twins would like to go with us; Alice, Ann and Andrea are going. They've got a neat band."

"Oh shit", I thought, "Let me call you back after I check with the rest", I said to Pam and hung up.

"We're invited to go with the girls to the night club at the Lodge", I said. "Are you guys interested?", I asked.

"Hell, no!", said Kevin.

"Well you lucked out, she only invited me, Chris, Wolf, Paul and the Brewer twins", I said grinning.

"If we don't go, Pam will probably tell everybody at school we're queer", Chris said jokingly.

"Well, she probably wouldn't do that but it wouldn't hurt our reputation to go. All the girls are a lot of fun. Besides, what else could we do except hang around the game room?", Chris asked.

So, I called Pam back and said we'd be glad to come.

Well, the night club was great. We danced and had a great time. All of us guys are pretty good dancers, and our group became pretty popular with the other kids that were there. Around midnite, a guy that was there that I had talked to casually earlier in the evening to, came over and said that his group was throwing a party and we were all invited. If Beth wouldn't have been standing next to me, I could have probably declined but she excitedly said, "Yes" and ran off to tell the rest before I could get a word in edgewise.

So, we ended up at this party hosted by a couple of guys and their girls from Sacramento. They had all sorts of booze and while I'm not much for drinking, I didn't want to be a wall flower so I had a few drinks as did the rest of our group. Pretty soon, I had a pretty good buzz on. Things started to loosen up quite a bit. The guys fro Sacramento, apparently intended for their party to turn into an orgy. They started making out with their girls so soon, I found Beth sitting on my lap. It all started pretty innocently but Beth started wiggling around and I soon had a hardon and she knew it. Pam likewise was sitting on Wolf's lap and apparently she got him excited as well. I happened to be looking over when I saw Pam reach behind her, apparently to feel Wolf's cock which was poking her in the butt. As she grasped Wolf's hard 12 inch cock and realized what it was she had her hands on, her mouth dropped open in astonishment. When she realized what Wolf had between his legs, she lost all control, and turned around and started kissing Wolf.

One thing led to another, and soon all of us were making out like bandits. The liquor had loosened my inhibitions so, I didn't object when Beth reached behind me and grabbed my dick. Like Pam, she was getting really turned on. She spun around and started kissing me and rubbing my dick. The same thing was happening to the rest of the guys as well. Across the room, I heard Pam, moan, "Fuck me Wolf, Fuck me with that big cock". She pulled Wolf down on the floor and opened his pants and was going down on him. Wolf didn't seem to mind. Then I heard, one of the guys from Sacramento, blurt out, "SONOFABITCH, are you hung or are you hung? Fuck her, Fuck her!".

Well, I've got to hand it to Wolf, he fucked her! The sight of that big cock pumping Pam's pussy got all of us turned on. Beth was all over me and had my pants down sucking on me. Ann and Alice were paired with the Brewer twins and when they got their big 10 inch cocks out, the guy from Sacramento, said, "Jesus, look at those two", to his date. In the meantime, Andrea, got Chris's pants off and after seeing Chris's 11 inches was moaning, "Fuck me Chris Fuck me". Finally, Debby had gotten Paul's pants down and was happily going down on him. I sort of lost track of things by this time since Beth couldn't wait and was bouncing up and down on my dick.

Even with my brain clouded with alchohol, I couldn't help but getting turned on by Beth and was soon matching her rythm with thrusts of my own. She stripped her clothes off and I began fondling her jiggling tits. Her moaning in extasy really turned me on and I felt the warmth rising in my groin when I suddenly realized that here I was about to cum and wasn't wearing a rubber. I pulled Beth to me just as I shot my load and my cum squirted up and covered her back. She looked at me in surprize and said, "Why did you pull out?"

"Do you want to get pregnant? I asked. I guess this sunk in and she moaned, "oh my god. Danny thank you". I pulled her to me and held her as she started crying. As we came back to reality, I noticed that everybody was quiet. Pam was contentedly lying on top of Wolf with his big cock in her pussy. Wolf was evidently asleep.

Having to piss, I got up and led Beth to the bathroom where I wiped the cum off her back. "Thank you Danny, I'm not on the pill. I don't know what got into me", she said.

"Me neither", I said. "What about Debby and Pam? Are they on the pill?".

"Yes, I think so", she said.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and said, come on let's go back in and see if the others are up.

When we got back in the room, the others were sitting up and looking like they were starting to recover. The guy from Sacramento, said, "I've never seen any guys hung like you guys ever. I thought I was hung."

Pam said, "Wolf, that was the best fuck I have ever had".

Now that the alchohol was wearing off, everybody was getting embarassed. Paul was the first one to grab his and Debby's clothes and was putting them on. I rounded up our clothes and got dressed. "What do you say we get going?", I said. "The slopes open early".

Everybody being somewhat embarrassed at our passionate encounter, we were all pretty quiet walking the girls back to their respective rooms. Outside, walking back to the room, Paul started laughing uncontrollably and soon we all joined in. We were all in pretty good spirits when we got back to the chalet. Everybody else was asleep so we quietly slipped in bed, I with Chris and Wolf with Paul.

The next morning, Kevin and Tim came in with Rudi and Jody. "Well, how was the party?", Kevin asked.

"Orgy was more like it", said David Brewer, walking into the room with Darrell.

"You mean you actually fucked them?", Rudi asked. "The sight of Wolf fucking Pam turned everybody on", I said. "Jody, are your sisters on the pill?", I asked.

"I think so, they've all got boyfriends that they're fucking", he said.

"Well, that makes me feel better".

"Did you like it?", Kevin asked.

"Oh, it was OK but I'm not ready to swear off of boys", I said. "Rudi, how are you and Jody making out."

"We did it last night with Kevin and Tim", said Jody. "It was great!".

"Well, I wonder now what Pam's going to do next. That orgy might not have gotten started last night if she wouldn't have been so turned on by Wolf. I think she made a fool out of herself and she knows it. I don't think she wants a reputation as a slut so maybe she'll play it cool in hopes that we'll forget about it."

"Yeah, that pretty much holds true for all three of them. But Pam really got turned on by Wolf's cock. She might not be able to control herself", Chris said.

"Well, let's just act embarrased about it. Maybe we can get them to agree to keep quiet about it if we will".

Later that morning, we saw the girls at the ski lift. I told the guys to let me talk to Pam.

"Pam, I'd like to appologize for last night. Me and the rest of the guys are really embarrased about what happened. We'd like to forget it happened and won't tell anybody about it. I don't think it would do any of us any good if this came out at school. We've got girl friends and your friends have boyfriends."

"Yeah Danny, "we'd appreciate that."

"Could you mention something to Alice and her sisters?".

"Sure, no problem".

I went back to the guys, and said, "I think they'll, keep their mouths shut but Pam's not going to give up on Wolf I bet".

Well, we didn't have any more problems with the girls. Apparently they were sufficiently embarrassed that they gave us wide berth. We all got in a full day of skiing without the girls.

That evening, I got dad alone and told him about what happened. He was more amused than angry and agreed that I handled the situation as well as could be expected. He said that he hoped that we all learned a lesson from this and would try to avoid getting ourselves in such a situation in the future? Then he asked, "Does Wolf really have 12 inches?".

"Yeah", I said grinning, "He's really impressive."

"Like father, like son", was all he said.

After we ate, the twelve of us went down to the game room. There was a neat game that I played the other night that I hoped to beat. Since up to four people could play, Chris and I played together. Engrossed in the game I didn't notice right away that a couple of other guys had come up to watch us play. When Chris's turn came, I backed up to let him play and bumped into somebody. Turning around, I faced a real cute guy that looked to be about 20 or so. I gave him a look over and when I looked him in the face, he smiled and said, "great game, you almost beat my score".

"Really", I said. "Do you want to play with us?"

"Sure", he said. "where are you guys from?"

"We're from Orange County. Where are you from?"

"I'm from up in the Napa Valley but I go to school at Stanford".

"Stanford, that's where I'm hoping to go next year. Chris here is hoping to get a scholarship so he can go there too".

"Really, I'm sure you'll like it."

While Chris played, he told me that he was here with a bunch of his fraternity brothers. I asked him to tell me about the school and his fraternity. Talking to him, I got the definite impression that he was attracted to me. He asked me if I was into sports. I told him we were all on the Gymnastics team. Then he asked me if that big blonde guy, pointing to Wolf, was with us. I told him yes, that Wolf was an exchange student from Germany and that he lived with my family.

My turn came and I got engrossed in the game but was aware that he was talking to Chris. I heard him ask Chris, "so you want to go to Stanford. My name is Johnny and I was talking to your friend when said you were trying to get a scholarship".

When Johnny's turn came, Chris whispered to me, "this guy is hot. You don't think he's interested in us do you?"

"I don't know, I sort of got the impression that he was sizing me up and he did ask if Wolf was with us. He is cute isn't he?"

Then it was Chris's turn again and Johnny came over and said, "I really blew it that time". About this time, Wolf walked up and asked me in German, "Who's the cute guy you're playing with?" I told him he was a student at Stanford. "Chris and I think he may be cruising us. I wouldn't mind getting it on with him at all."

"I wouldn't mind it either", Johnny replied in German.

My first reaction was to blush. Then Wolf and I couldn't help but laugh and we were joined in by Johnny.

Chris's turn was over and he turned around and asked what was so funny.

"I was talking to Wolf but Johnny understood what we said in German. I think the feeling is mutual".

"Since we've settled that, why don't you guys come over to our place for a while?".

"Can we bring the whole group? There's 12 of us?".

"Would you believe that there are 12 of us too?", he said. He motioned to three other guys that were playing nearby. I'd noticed them but with all the cute guys hanging around, hadn't paid that much attention. They came over and we introduced each other. Paul, David and Darrell, noticing what was going on, came over to see what was going on. I told them that we were invited to a party and did they want to go? They said sure. I told them to grab Rudi and the rest and we went outside.

Outside, Johnny told us, "we've been noticing you guys around for a day or so. I came down here to see if I might hook up with you. You guys are really hot!".

"Well, I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like to see what you guys have got between your legs!", said grinning.

After a walk of a couple of blocks, we came to their chalet. We walked in and Johnny hollered out, "I'm back with the chicken". Shortly, the room filled with 8 more guys in various stages of dress. Every one of them was cute although a couple of them were a bit older than I preferred. Almost like they planned it, each one came up to one of us and took our coats. Johnny, said, let's introduce ourselves and get acquainted. Johnny, introduced his frat brothers and I introduced the rest of our guys.

Johnny, asked if we were couples or not. I told him who was paired with who and he pointed out who in their group were lovers. Johnny, suggested that we all sit down and asked two of the youngest guys in his group to go get some cokes. He said that they were pledges and got to wait on the rest of them. Rudi and Jody, figured that talk about schools and fraternities was boring and said they'd go help the pledges.

"Why don't you guys get comfortable and take off some of your clothes?" It was really hot in the room anyway since there was a roaring fire going in the fireplace. So, we stripped down to our underwear. I expected and wasn't surprised to hear some gasps when Wolf dropped his pants. One of the frat brothers, looking at Wolf and then over at Chris and the Brewer twins, exclaimed, "Boy you guys are really hung!". Even though everybody still had their underwear on, I could see that with the exception of Johnny, most of them were just average. Johnny, laughed and said, "I can see that Wolf is going to be a big problem. Let's see that thing".

Wolf, grinned and dropped his shorts to the gasps of the frat brothers. One guy said I wouldn't know what to do with that. Another guy said, I bet I can deep throat that monster cock!".

"No way, Denny, nobody could take that thing", the first guy said.

"Sure, I can", he said grinning and walked up to Wolf and aske him to lay down on the floor. He got down on the floor to the cheers of all his buddies and took Wolf in his mouth and went down all the way!". Wolf responded by sucking the guy's own 7 inch cock. With the ice broken, the rest of the frat brothers each selected one of us and slipped our pants down and pretty soon we were all on the floor doing 69.

"Here's the cokes", I heard one of the pledges say.

We sat up and took the offered cokes. Johnny, said to me, "What do you guys do with Wolf?"

"Fuck", I said.

"Shit nobody could take that thing", he said. "Or Chris, David and Darrell either". I might be able to handle you but that's about the limit".

"You haven't been fucked until you've been fucked by Wolf", I said mischeviously.

"Aw, come on, you're pulling my leg".

"Paul, they don't believe that anybody can take Wolf. You want to prove them wrong?"

"Sure", Paul said. "Any body got any KY?" From somewhere, sombody tossed him a tube of KY and he squeezed some out and lubricated his butt and then squatted down and greased up Wolf. Then with everbody watching, he sat down on Wolf to a chorus of gasps. "anybody else want to try?".

Johnny said, "If he can do it, I can", and crawled down on the floor.

He grabbed the KY and put some down on his butt and crawled on top of Wolf. "Here goes", he said and slowly sat down on it. It obviously wasn't easy since his face screwed up in pain but he did it and pretty soon his face lit up with pleasure. One of the pledges came up to me and asked if I would fuck him.

"Sure", I said as I dropped down to the floor. He greased me and him up and sat down on top of me and hesitantly lowered himself on me. He was really tight and I thought for a minute that he wasn't going to be able to do it. "Relax", I said. Slowly, I felt his sphincter relax and soon my throbbing hardon was enveloped in his hot ass. Gasping from the pain, he paused to take time to relax. He leaned forward to kiss me and started making slow movements with his ass. Then he sat up and started bouncing up and down. He started moaning with pleasure as he bounced faster and faster. I soon felt the familiar warm feeling as I approached climax. I felt my cock let loose a load of sperm in his butt as his asshole tightened up and I could feel the convulsions as his cock spurted hot cum all over my chest. "Shit", he said, "that was fantastic" and collapsed on me.

Recovering after a couple of minutes, I got up on my elbows and looked around to see that David, Darrell, Chris and Paul were each screwing one of the frat brothers. Rudi, Jody, Kevin, and Tim were all sucking the guys getting fucked. I crawled over and sucked on Rudi while my partner went down on Jody. Wolf and the guy he was with went down on Kevin and Tim. It was mayhem when everybody seemed to come at once. I was pleasantly surprized with the load that Rudi shot. I hadn't figured on him being able to produce that much cum the way he had been carrying on.

After that, I can't remember the details. I remember fucking Johny and being sucked by Denny. It was pretty much the same with the other guys. Afer cumming several times I finally got to the point where I couldn't get it up any more and just sat there with Johnny watching things run down. "Boy, you guys are hot", Johnny said at one point. "I sure hope you'll consider rushing our fraternity if you come to Stanford. I can assure you that you, Chris and the twins will fit in real well. It's too bad that Wolf won't be going to school there. You know, you guys ought to come up and visit some weekend. We could show you around and get you acquainted with the guys".

"There's an outside chance that Wolf might be coming to school in the US next year. I sure hope so", I said.

"Boy, that would be great. I don't know if I will be able to walk tomorrow but I sure won't forget that horse cock of his for a while", he said with a grin. "I still can't believe that I sat on that thing".

"We'll just have to see what develops about school. We might just take you up on the offer to come up for a visit. It sounds like we'd have a great time", I said. Then, "I hope you don't mind if we take off, but I'm all fucked out and tomorrow's our last day and I'd like to get some sleep".

"Come on back tomorrow night and we can do it again", Johnny said reaching over and kissing me.

"OK, come on you guys let's get home and get some sleep".

On the way home, Rudi and Jody wouldn't shut up about how much fun that was. I agreed that I had enjoyed it as did everyone else. When we got in, we all piled into bed and fell asleep instantly.

The next morning I woke with my usual piss hardon with Chris lying beside me. I went into the bathroom and pissed. When I came back, Chris was climbing out of bed and said, "keep the bed warm for me Danny, I'll be right back". I climbed into bed and noticed that Rudi and Jody were awake."What are you guys doing in bed with us?", I asked.

"We were hoping to make it with you last night, but you and Chris were dead to the world and we fell asleep ourselves. Jody wants you to fuck him and I'd like Chris to do it to me".

"Shit, I don't even know if I can get it up," I said. "If you want to try, go ahead".

Chris and I layed back side by side and I leaned over and kissed him as Jody crawled between my legs and started sucking on me. Likewise, Rudi started kissing and trying to suck Chris's cock. Despite my doubts about getting it up, Jody was doing a good job giving me head. Pretty soon I was stiff enough for him to climb up over me and sit down on it. Chris soon came around as well and Rudi ws soon sittin down all the way on Chris's big cock. Jody must have learned a few tricks because soon I became so excited that I began to hump in step with him and soon was surprized to feel him come all over my stomach. Rather than stopping once he'd cum, he kept it up and soon had me ready to cum. With a final lunge, I pushed up into him and felt my nuts let loose in his hot asshole. Grinning, he lay down on me and sighed. Looking over, I could see that Rudi and Chris were in the home stretch. I saw Chris arch lunge upward into Rudi as he came and Rudi's big cock sprayed cum all over me, Jody and Chris.

Hearing a moan from across the room, I looked over to see Paul on top of Wolf riding him like a bucking bronc. With another moan, I saw Wolf give a final lunge into Paul and relax while Paul's cock squirted out cum onto Wolf's stomach.

After laying there, I said, "let's get up, this is the last day". So everybody crawled out of bed, cocks soft and glsitening with fuck juices, KY and cum. We all piled into the shower and washed each other off and horsing around.

While we were dressing, the twins and the rest of the guys came in. "Whew", Kevin said grinning, this room stinks.

"If you'd have seen the mini orgy we had here a few minutes ago", I said, "you'd understand why".

We had decided to run the longest trail of the resort today. We would have to take the lift up to it's terminus and then ski cross country to get to the head of the trail. Just getting there would take a few hours. The trail was worth it. Because of its relative inaccessiblity, it wasn't heavily used so we had the luxury of skiing through new powder that only a couple of other skiers had disturbed. After reaching the bottom, we decided that we could make one more run on one of the other trails before it got dark. When we got back, down to the bottom, I ran into Johnny who asked whether we were coming over. I told him that Wolf, Chris, Paul, the Brewers and myself would come over; the rest of them were too tired but that we probably weren't up to any orgy's that night. He said that was fine since he was pretty fucked out from the night before and the rest of his group was probably in the same condition.

After supper, we went over and the fraternity guys were all lounging around, drinking beer. We sat around and talked about their school and the fraternity for a while until I noticed that the twins had fallen asleep, Chris was yawning and I realized that I couldn't keep my eyes open either so I told them that we'd better go and that I'd come up and visit some weekend.

I woke up the twins and we headed back to the chalet. It was quiet as a tomb except for my dad and Wolf's dad who were sitting by the fire talking. Dad said that everybody else presumably was asleep. Rudi went to spend the night with Jody. The twins, Chris and Paul headed for bed but Wolf and I sat down to talk with our dads. I told dad about meeting up with the fraternity bunch (but I didn't elaborate on the orgy part). I said it would be nice if Wolf could go to school there also. Wolf's dad said to my surprise that he thought that Wolf would get a good education there and he could afford it so if Wolf could somehow get admitted, he was willing. Dad said that he had some contacts at the school; his company provided a lot of research funds for the school and he might be able to pull some strings - he already had for me, but my record was good enough that I probably would have been admitted anyway. Wolf's grades were good, so there was something to hope for.

Wolf and I went to bed in good spirits. I had realized of course, that Wolf would have to go back home at the end of the summer and now it looked like he might be here for 4 more years! Now, I thought, all we have to do is get Chris and Paul there, and everything will be perfect. The outlook for Chris was pretty good if he got the scholarship he had applied for. Paul, however was a different situation. His parents really couldn't afford to send him to Stanford. Paul had always assumed he would just go to the local college and hadn't made any plans.

The next morning, we woke up and Rudi wasn't back so Wolf had to call the hotel and wake them up. By the time Rudi got there, we had the van almost packed. Jody came along with Rudi to see him off. Both boys were subdued and I realized that they weren't taking their parting easily. I got the two of them off to the side and asked them if they were upset about leaving each other. They said yes. I told them that if they looked at it positivly, maybe some way could be found so that they could get together, possibly next summer. Anyway, there wasn't much they could do about it and were going to have to take it like a man. I gave Jody a big hug and told him that I'd miss him too and hoped that something would work out.

The trip back south was rather uneventful. Most of us were pretty tired from all the skiing and partying so most of us slept part of the way back.

The next day after we got back was New Years Eve. All of the team got together for a while at Jerry's place and we enjoyed the luxury of swimming on New Years Eve. His parents were there so we couldn't get an orgy going but nobody really cared that much anyway.

On New Years day, we drove Wolf's dad and Rudi back to the airport for their flight to Germany. I was happy to see that Rudi had apparently accepted the parting with Jody and was excited about going home. When you're young, you heal a lot faster.

Danny & Chris Part 7 Randy

I've always been the sort of guy that's a good listener and I can empathize with people. Some of the guy's on the team have called me the teams "mother confessor." I've always made a point of being close mouthed about things that people tell me in confidence. I try to avoid condemning people and belittling them. Quite often I manage to see good in people that others miss. Adults generally refer to me as being mature for my age. Finally, I seem to have a knack for figuring out relationships and things, so the result is that a lot of kids come to me with problems.

There was a guy in school, named Randy Black that lived two doors down. He was rather thin but not exactly what you'd call skinny either. He was about 5'10" and had dark hair and a smooth complexion. Other than that, he was pretty good looking. Although he was rather attractive and wasn't the sort of guy that I'd want to throw out of bed but I never really thought of him in a sexual way. For one thing, the only thing he ever talked about was fucking girls. His second favorite subject was how he hated queers. Usually, I tried to steer him away from those subjects.

We were in a few classes together and he'd come over occasionally to work on school work or just to shoot the bull. If you could get him off the subject of girls and queers, he really was a good conversationalist. The funny thing was, that if he hadn't made his position real clear on girls and queers I would have sworn that he was infatuated with me. On a couple of occasions, I undressed to change clothes and I could swear that he was eagerly taking it in. Also, on other occasions, Wolf, the German exchange student who lived with my family, would undress in the room while Randy was there and it was obvious that Randy was taking more than a casual interest in Wolf. Chris, my lover, thought he was a creep and couldn't understand why I even gave the guy the time of day.

Like I said, whenever he started on his favorite subjects, I would try to steer the conversation to some other subject. One time however, he hit a raw nerve and I reacted more than I should have. It was after the Coach Marx affair where it came out that he was HIV positive and was gay. Randy lit into me about how he couldn't understand why I publicly supported the Coach who not only was a "goddamned queer" but had AIDS besides. Well, to put it lightly, I flipped; I got real pissed and really let him have it!

"What in the hell is wrong with you, Randy? What in the hell has Coach Marx ever done to you? Have you ever been raped by a queer? I don't understand you. The members of the team really think a lot of Coach Marx. None of us knew he was gay until he told us the day he went and told the Principal he was HIV positive. We think he's a great coach and being gay has nothing to do with it. You aren't going to gain any points with me or any of the team members by kicking Coach Marx when he's down.

Randy, I've listened to a lot of your crap and I've never passed judgment on you but I've finally had enough! I think you've got a problem. You talk about girls all the time but I've never seen you with one. You want to know something. I think you really like boys and don't want to admit it to yourself, so you try to cover it up by knocking queers and talking about all the girls you're going to fuck.."

"Go fuck yourself, Danny," Randy said angrily. "I thought you were a friend of mine but all you are is a queer lover. You can go to hell!" and stormed out of the house.

Well, I didn't see Randy for a couple of days. To be honest, I was so steamed that I think I would have punched him out had I seen him. The couple of times I saw him in the hall a school, he just scowled at me and passed. After a couple of days, my attitude mellowed somewhat and I realized that he had a problem that's all and needed help and began to think of him with a bit more compassion. Besides, I was pissed at my own emotional reaction. So, I started smiling at him when I saw him and would say hi.

It was about a week after our altercation that he came over one night looking real sheepish and asked would I talk to him? I said "sure."

"Danny, first of all, I'd like to apologize for last week. I said some things that I shouldn't have. I've been thinking about what you've said and I've come to the conclusion that there was some truth in what you said."

"Go on, I'm listening," I said.

"Danny, I've never had a girl. I've been fighting something for years. I can't explain it but I'd really rather be with you or some other guys I know, more than any girl I've ever met, but it scares the shit out of me whenever I start thinking along those lines. The girls don't do much for me and most guys that have tried to be friendly, I've alienated some way. I guess I didn't want to admit that I was gay.," Randy said nervously looking down at the floor with tears in his eyes.

"Randy, you've got to accept what you are before you can accept what other people are. I think you've just taken a big step forward in your life."

"It does make me feel better but I'm really scared at what it entails. You aren't going to tell anybody about this are you?," he said.

"Randy, I'm a good listener and don't tell tales. So you've decided you're gay. What are you going to do about it?," I asked.

"I don't know, Danny," he said with tears in his eyes.

Well my compassionate side took over so I walked over to Randy and pulled him up and embraced him. He started crying so I just pulled him closer and told him that it would be all right. As I stood there embracing him, I couldn't help but getting a little turned on and ran my hands up and down his back. I sensed my cock growing hard and it was obvious that Randy was getting hard also. Randy also noticed this and broke the embrace.

Looking at me with astonishment on his face, he said, "You're gay aren't you?."

"Yes," I said. "Do you want me to prove it?"

"I.. I don't know what to do," he said nervously.

"Then just let me do the work. Just trust me. Don't worry, I won't hurt you or do anything that you don't want to do," and reached over and started unbuttoning his shirt. He responded by undoing my shirt buttons. Then we both stripped our clothes off and stood there facing each other.

"Jeez, Danny, you've got a big dick," he said.

Looking down at him, I saw that he had about 8 inches and was uncut. "You aren't too bad off yourself," I said grasping his cock. I brought it up tip to tip with mine and grasped both of them and started stroking the two together. "This is called docking," I said. As I stroked one way, the head of my cock would be enveloped by the foreskin of his cock and then when I went the other way, the foreskin of my cock would envelope his.

"Danny, I'm going to cum if you keep that up," Randy said.

"Let's hold off a bit," I said and laid him back on the bed and kissed him lightly on the lips. He seemed a bit hesitant at first but then responded by opening his mouth and letting my tongue explore his mouth. Then I pulled away and started kissing him on the ears. He started moaning in delight as I continued to kiss him on the neck, chest and then I settled on his nipples and flicked my tongue across them. After nibbling on the other nipple, I worked my way down his abdomen, pausing at his navel, and then following the trail of pubic hair from there down to his cock. As his cock brushed against my cheek, I could feel it pulsating and jerking. I figured that Randy was getting pretty close to cumming but I wanted to hold him off some yet. So I kept going and took his balls in my mouth and gently sucked on them. Just to see what his reaction would be, I placed my hand between his legs and he responded by spreading his legs so I could play with his asshole. However, I figured that I'd be better off leaving that go for now.

By now, Randy was really turned on so I figured that the time was right and let go of his balls and started licking up his cock. I could feel his cock jerk every time I licked it. Finally, I got up to the head and took it in my mouth. "Oh.. Oh.. I'm going to cum," Randy moaned as he grasped his cock and tried to push me off but I pulled his hand away and resisted his attempt to pull me off. Once he realized that I wanted to have him cum in my mouth, he quit trying to stop me. With a groan, I felt his cock get hard and my tongue could feel the rhythmic positions of his urethra as he pumped my mouth full of cum. He must have had a 6 months supply of cum stored up because it felt like I swallowed a cupful of it. As his climax ended, I pulled off of him and moved up and kissed him with a good deal of his cum still in my mouth. We kissed for a few minutes until I rolled off of him and lay down next to him.

"How was it for you?," I asked.

"Danny, I never thought it would be that great! I never knew what I was missing. I'm sorry I tried to pull you off, it didn't occur to me that you might want to take my cum.."

"Shit Randy, that's the reward for cocksuckers," I said laughing.

"Danny, can I do it to you? I got a taste of my cum when you kissed me. I'd like to see what it's like from the other side?"

"Go to it!," I said.

Randy rolled over on me and kissed me like I had kissed him. He worked his way down my stomach and licked my balls. However, he was eager to get my cock in his mouth and didn't take too much time with preliminaries. As he moved around, I could see that he was hard again so I told him to swing around so I could suck him. While we're both about the same length, my cock is considerably fatter than his and he had some difficulty in taking me into his mouth. His cock on the other hand was long and slender so it was perfect for deep throating. I could hear Randy groan as his cock slipped all the way down my throat and my teeth nibbled at the base of his cock. He responded by sucking me more vigorously and soon I felt the familiar warm feeling spread through me as I came in his mouth. Turned on by my climax, Randy, shot his load a second time. Exhausted by our passion, we both lay there together for a while.

As we lay there, I heard sounds out in the house that indicated that Wolf and Paul had come in. I really didn't pay much attention to it so I wasn't surprised when they walked in the room. Randy of course was really surprised that he had gotten caught in the act. "Relax, don't worry about Wolf and Paul," they're gay too.

"Well what do we have here?," Paul asked grinning. "It looks like Randy has come out of the closet. Can we join in?."

"Sure," I said. "Is that OK with you," I asked Randy.

"Yeah," he said mesmerized as Wolf and Paul stripped. Randy had seen Wolf strip in the room a couple of times but never had seen Wolf with his 12 inch horse cock in prime condition. His eyes got as big as saucers and he stammered, "w. w. what are you supposed to do with that thing?"

"Fuck," Paul said. "You haven't lived until you've been fucked by Wolf."

"I don't believe it," Randy said, "besides it must hurt like hell."

Paul said, "I guess we'll just have to show him." and went over and got a tube of KY. Wolf lay down on the floor and Paul squatted down, greased up Wolf's throbbing 12 inches and then sat down on it. Paul didn't betray any feeling of pain. His face was neutral until he relaxed and Wolf started humping. Then his face lit up with pleasure. Paul started bouncing up and down in synchronism with Wolf and with dual moans of pleasure, they came.

Randy was astonished that Paul came without any obvious stimulation and said, "how did Paul cum like that? I can't figure that out?."

I explained that there was a spot inside that got stimulated by the cock in your ass and many people could cum just from that stimulation. Randy then asked if he could try it and I suggested that he let Paul fuck him since Paul was the smallest. Besides, I was pretty well fucked out having gotten off with Chris the night before.

Paul is never ready to let Wolf pull his cock out of his ass once it's in so he suggested that Randy just get down on his knees and straddle Wolf and he'd fuck him while Wolf was fucking him. Randy was willing so he did what Paul suggested. Paul knew better than to just try sticking in so he first loosened up Randy with a finger and then two. Asking Randy if he was ready and getting a "yes," he pulled Randy back on him.

"Randy, it's probably going to hurt like hell for a minute but as soon as you relax, it will feel real good," I said.

Paul applied gentle pressure and felt the head of his cock slip in. Randy, obviously was feeling pain but didn't say anything and Paul held up until he felt Randy relax some and then slowly inserted his cock the rest of the way. Paul then started slow thrusts while at the same time, began moving up and down on Wolf. They soon established a rhythm which gradually got faster and faster. Soon all three were moaning in ecstasy and even I was turned on by the sight of them coupling and started jacking off. Paul seeing this, pulled me to him and went down on me. With a collective moan, we all reached climax and collapsed for a few minutes on the floor.

Finally, everybody returned to reality and Randy finally said, "That was fantastic. I bet it was even better for Paul."

"If you want to do it again, leave me out," I said. "I'm fucked out." I didn't hear any objections from the rest.

"Can we do this again?," Randy asked.

"Sure," I said. "Maybe Chris would like to join in."

"Is Chris gay too?," he asked.

"The four of us are lovers and rest of the team is gay also," I said.

Randy's face clouded up and he said, "But Coach Marx is HIV positive," he said with a scared look on his face.

"None of us have ever had any sex with Coach Marx. We wouldn't have ever known he was gay if it wouldn't have come out about him being HIV positive." At this, Randy visibly relaxed and said, "Boy, you had me scared there for a minute."

Paul asked Randy why he decided to come out of the closet. He told them about how I had said something that caused him to finally recognize what he was. We all talked for quite a while about being gay, the team and some of our exploits. At one point, Randy asked that since we were all paired up as lovers, could he still count on getting it on with us?

I told him sure but maybe what we needed to do was to get him fixed up with a lover. Randy said that having a lover sounded nice but the whole idea was something that he'd have to get used to. I asked I him if there were any guys that he was attracted to and he said that it was all so new and he'd suppressed any thoughts like that in the past, that he was going to have to think about it some. I told him that we'd help him. He was going to have a hard time of it since he'd been so openly homophobic just a week earlier. I also told him that he shouldn't expect a lot of help from us since the team kept a pretty low profile and none of us were particularly promiscuous outside the group so we weren't in a position to recommend some hot number.

Several weeks went by and Randy would come over every now and then and have sex with us. It was really amazing how his whole personality changed for the better once he accepted what he was. Even Chris who before didn't have much use for Randy, mainly because he had been so homophobic, came around and warmed up to him. The same was true for Kevin and Tim. Nevertheless, Randy was the odd man and didn't quite fit in.

One evening after school shortly after the new semester began, Randy came over and said there was this new guy in one of his classes that had just transferred to our school that he was attracted to. I asked him if he thought the feeling was mutual. He said the guy was friendly enough but he was scared to make the first move. I told him that we'd love to help him out but that we weren't going to do it for him. He'd have to do it himself. I suggested that he invite the guy, whose name was Kenton, over to his house after school and let us meet him and maybe we could help him out somehow.

The next night after school, I was doing some school work, Wolf was with Paul somewhere, when Randy came in he had with him this fantastic looking guy. He was blonde, rather short, about 5'5," but had a face like an angel and was pretty well built but not muscular. I'm not turned on by little guys but his kid was something. I could see immediately why Randy was attracted to him. He had a charming personality and was a good conversationalist like Randy. We chatted a few minutes and shortly I heard Wolf come in with Paul. I introduced Kenton to Wolf and Paul. Of course, Kenton noticed the German accent that Wolf had and we explained about Wolf being an exchange student and was staying with me. I told Wolf in German that he should put on an innocent show for Kenton. After a few more minutes of casual conversation, Wolf said that him and Paul were going to play tennis and proceeded to change clothes. Wolf made a good show out of stripping and putting on a jock strap, flaunting his huge cock and then dressing in tennis attire. It was obvious that Kenton was affected by Wolf's nudity since he blushed and I noticed a pronounced bulge in his pants. Of course, I didn't acknowledge that I'd seen it and after Wolf and Paul left, I told Randy that I really had an important test to study for and maybe it would be better if he came back later. Randy took the hint and as he left the room and Kenton was already out the door, I gave him a big grin and a thumbs up sign along with a limp wrist. Randy grinned back as he went out the door.

Randy told me later that on the way back, Kenton said that Randy's friends seemed real nice. Randy replied that he thought so too. By the time they got back to Randy's house, Randy had such a hardon thinking about Kenton that he could hardly walk normally. Looking down, he noted that Kenton had definite signs of a hardon too. By now, he was convinced that the feeling was mutual so as soon as they got to his room, he swept Kenton up into a big embrace and Kenton returned it with gusto. Randy said he looked down at Kenton and Kenton was looking up at him just beaming. Randy leaned down to kiss Kenton and Kenton responded by pulling Randy's face to him and kissing him passionately. The two of them fell into bed and continued to make out. Randy breathed in Kenton's ear and Kenton reached down and grasped Randy's hard cock and moaned, "lets get our clothes off," whereupon they separated explosively and stripped their clothes off.

Kenton was not hung in the same class as Wolf, and Chris and the Brewer twins or even me for that matter. He only had about 6 inches but it was fat, almost 1 1/2" wide. Randy laid back on the bed and Kenton pounced on him and started kissing him. He zeroed in on Randy's slender 9 inch cock and went down all the way, deepthroating it with obvious relish. Randy pulled him to him and took Kenton's fat cock in his mouth and soon was hungrily devouring it. Both reached climax within minutes.

After cumming, both were eager to talk to each other. Kenton said that he had been so horny because it had been several weeks since he'd had sex, didn't know anybody and was getting desperate but was scared in a new school. He wasn't new to sex; he'd been doing it with guys for several years. He was very attracted to Randy and had hoped desperately that Randy's invitation to visit would be what it had turned out to be. Randy told Kenton how he had just come out and how I had helped him recognize his being gay but that all of us, meaning Wolf, Paul, Danny and Chris, were lovers so he always felt like the fifth wheel on the wagon. Kenton replied that he had sensed from me that I was gay and that when Wolf came in, he really got turned on at the sight of him stripping. Randy replied that I had put Wolf up to that on purpose. Kenton remarked that Wolf must really be a sight, hard, and Randy said that Wolf had about 12 inches and told how he was amazed that Paul could take Wolf and obviously enjoyed it.

Kenton said that he wanted Randy to fuck him so Randy got some KY and greased himself up and then went to work on Kenton's asshole. Randy's finger went in pretty easily so he lifted Kenton's legs up and pushed it in with little resistance. Kenton went wild and pretty soon, they were thrashing wildly on the bed. Randy's long slim rod would touch Kenton's prostate twice inside on every thrust and soon the two of them reached a glorious climax together with Kenton squirting cum all over his chest and face. "I love you Randy," Kenton moaned.

"I love you too, Kenton," said Randy.

After resting, Randy said he wanted to have Kenton so using Kenton's cum , he lubricated Kenton's fat cock and sat down on it. Kenton's relatively short fat cock was just long enough to stimulate Randy internally at the end of every thrust. Kenton reached down and grasped Randy' long thin tool and jacked Randy off as he bounced up and down on Kenton' fat tool. With a moan, they both, again, reached mutual climax and collapsed into a heap. The feeling of bliss was broken when Kenton's cock became flaccid and contracted, popping out of Randy's ass with a slurp. Kenton said, "I guess it's dead for now."

"Me too," said Randy. "Let's go back over to Danny's."

They got dressed and came back over to my place. When they walked in beaming from ear to ear, I knew right way that things had worked out right so I said, "Well, how was it?."

"Fantastic," they said in unison and then looked at each other, laughed and kissed each other. They proceeded to tell me how great the other was when in walked Chris with Wolf and Paul. Wolf had told Chris about Randy meeting Kenton so Chris wasn't surprised when he came in and saw him there. However, none of them knew that Randy and Kenton had gotten it on together, so I just introduced Kenton to Chris as Randy's lover whereupon Randy reached over and gave Kenton a big hug to the cheers of Wolf, Paul and Chris.

Well, that cheered everybody up. We were all glad for Randy and Kenton. We all talked for a while until Kenton said he'd better get going so the two of them left.

"Danny, if you had told me a month ago that Randy Black would stand in this room and introduce some guy as his lover, I would have told you that you were crazy. What's even more amazing is that now I'm happy for him. Besides, I can't wait to see what kind of fuck Kenton is"

Next: Chapter 3: Danny and Chris 3 4

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