Danny and Chris

By Big Al

Published on Feb 6, 1995


This story contains sex between consenting teen age boys. If this is not your thing. Please quit reading now.

Danny and Chris Part 1

My name is Danny. I'm 17 years old and a senior in high school. I just moved to southern California this summer from the Midwest. My father is an executive with a large corporation and we move around quite a bit. This story takes place a couple of weeks after I moved here; shortly after school started.

I was really excited about moving to California. I was particularly excited about being able to go to the beach and see some neat looking dudes running around practically naked. Back in the mid-west, there just isn't the opportunity that I figured there would be in California.

I'm 5' 10" with a pretty good build. I have broad shoulders and a narrow waist. I have dark hair and I don't shave yet. I have about 9 inches and consider myself pretty well hung. I'm not much into sports like basketball and football, but I do enjoy gymnastics, swimming and soccer. My sports interests probably derive from the 5 years I spent in Germany when my father was the head of his company's German subsidiary.

My sexual preferences are tall blondes with broad shoulders and narrow hips, well hung and uncut. My fascination with uncut cocks again traces back to the years that I spent in Germany where 90 percent of the guys I knew were uncut. The fact that I stood out because I was circumcised may have something to do with it. I'm not much for guys with a lot of body hair. Mainly, I'm turned on by guys my own age; older guys and kids without any hair around their dicks don't do much for me. I don't get turned on by the type of guys with lots of muscles that most people would call 'hunks.' I'm not what you would call promiscuous, over the last several years since I realized I was gay, I have generally tended to stick with one guy at a time. I've only done it with 5 guys in my whole life.

With moving and such, I didn't get much chance to meet any of the local kids before school started. I did go to the beach one weekend but I felt rather inhibited since I didn't know anybody and I didn't want to risk being forward until I knew the lay of the land. So, by the time school started, I was getting pretty horny. While I'm not promiscuous, I'm pretty much used to regular sex.

There were a lot of neat looking guys running around school but most of the interesting ones seemed to have a girl hanging on them. While I'm not shy about coming out and propositioning somebody, I've learned enough to play it cool until I get a better idea of whom to start with. At my last school, I made the mistake of approaching a guy who I thought was real cool but turned out to hate "queers" and he told the other guys and they made life hell for me. Fortunately, my parents never heard about it. I really was glad to leave there. Here, I decided to take the conservative approach.

It was in my gym class that I first noticed Chris. We have to change clothes for gym and afterwards everybody takes a shower so it's a good place to check everybody out. As I was soaping up, a guy with light brown, almost blonde, hair, uncut and hung like a horse came into the shower. He didn't have a fantastic build, nor was he overly handsome. He's maybe an inch taller than me, about 5'11". We had brief eye contact and he smiled at me, it was as if an electric shock went through me. It was all I could do to keep my cock under control; all I needed was to get a hard on and let everybody see it. I turned the water on cold, the shock cooled me down and I quickly left the shower. I got back to my locker and slipped my pants on just as this same guy came up to his locker that was near mine. I watched as he slipped his pants on and he looked up to see me staring at him. He just smiled and so I decided to make the first move. "Hi, my name's Danny, aren't you in my math class?" I said.

"Yeah, I'm in Mr. Woodward's class, 5th period, my name's Chris" he said and reached out to shake hands. As we shook hands, that electric shock seemed to flow through me.

"That's it, you were sitting in front of me. My name's Danny" I said.

"You already said that," he said grinning.

With the ice broken, we continued with small talk until we separated for our next class. I didn't see him any more that day but the next day, I caught up with him after math class. "Hi," I said. I decided to ask him what the kids did after school around here. He said that if you've got a car, you're in pretty good shape. There's the beach and the shopping center and lots of places. I asked him what he was doing after school. He said that he had a job at the supermarket and couldn't show me around but he'd be glad to show me around sometime when he wasn't working. I asked him if he had a girlfriend and he said no, he really didn't have much time for girls. He asked me if I had a car and I said, yes, that I had a Suzuki Samurai 4wd that my father had given me on my 17th birthday.

"Boy, some people are lucky, I've got a 4 year old pickup truck that bought with money I made working at the supermarket. My mother's divorced and I have to pay for it myself."

That night, I lay in bed jerking off thinking about him. My previous sexual contacts have always happened after a knowing a guy for a while. To be honest, I'd never experienced the instant attraction that I seemed to be experiencing with Chris. I kept telling myself that I'm imagining that I believe that he's attracted to me. I was just horny. I'd better be careful before I made a mistake reading something into Chris's behavior that wasn't there. The thought of what I could do with that beautiful uncut cock practically drove me crazy.

The next day, after Math class, Chris waited for me and seemed honestly glad to see me. Am I imagining things I thought? All of my past conquests, have pretty much been initiated by me. My best friend back in Ohio, admitted that he would never have engaged sex if I hadn't initiated it. It was almost as if he could take it or leave it. I guess some guys are that way.

We don't have gym every day so it was, Friday, before I saw Chris nude again. Since our lockers were near each other's, I could keep an eye on him while we dressed for gym and I got an eyeful. It wasn't as if he blatantly flaunted his nakedness before me. On the other hand, he didn't seem to go out of his way to hide it from me as all the other guys in class do with each other. He just acted natural about it as if we've been seeing each other nude for years.

I decided I was going to ask him over to my house that evening. I had found out the night before that my parents were going out of town for the weekend to settle on the property back in Ohio. I'd have the house to myself for the weekend. One nice thing about California is that everybody builds these 10 foot walls around their backyards so you can run around naked if you want. We had a pool, so I figured that I had the perfect environment to put the make on Chris.

I timed it just right after gym class. I got into the shower just as Chris got there and we went back to our lockers at the same time. Nobody else was around then so I was able to get a good look at Chris. Chris didn't have a fantastic build; in fact he was on the slim side but he was pretty well filled out and not fat. That beautiful cock is what grabbed my attention; uncut and soft it was at least 6 inches. Boy, I figured, I bet he's got at least 9 inches hard. I glanced up at Chris at one point and saw that he was looking at me also. I quickly slipped my jockey shorts on to hide my growing erection and looked up at Chris just as he was doing the same. I could swear that he had an erection also. So, I decided to make my move. I asked Chris what he was doing tonight; would he like to come to my house and take a swim; we had our own pool. He said sure but he had to work until 7:00 and would be glad to come by after work. I gave him directions and my phone number and we parted for our respective classes.

That afternoon, I sat around the house laying out my plans. I figured that with the look that he gave me in the locker room, he most likely was game. However, you couldn't be sure so I figured out a plan that would give me a way out in case I was wrong.

After my parents left for the airport, I made my preparations. I got out a porno movie and put it in the VCR in the rec room. I got out an inflatable raft and set it out by the pool. I figured on answering the door nude. As keyed up as I was, I was sure to have a hardon so the porn flick would be a good excuse if Chris took adverse notice of it. I was really keyed up and wondering whether I was going to make a fool of myself. I was pretty sure that the looks that I got from Chris in gym class meant that he was interested. And... he accepted my invitation readily and with what appeared to be genuine interest.

About 7:15, the doorbell rang and I grabbed a towel just in case and ran for the door. I peeked out and saw that Chris was dressed in shorts and a tank top. He looked beautiful and I could feel my dick getting hard. I opened the door and Chris stepped in. He took a double take and then grinned. I looked down at his shorts but I couldn't tell whether he was reacting or not. I looked down at my hardon that was subsiding somewhat and said "I was watching a porno flick on TV, do you want to see it?".

"No," he said, "I'm not much for that stuff, I'd rather take a swim, it's pretty hot."

"Great, take your clothes off, nobody's around." Chris peeled off his tank top as we walked out to the pool. Out by the pool, Chris stopped and slipped down his shorts and underwear. I couldn't keep my eyes off him as his cock and balls were revealed. He had a hardon already. It was every bit of 11 inches, not 9 as I'd guessed and almost 2 inches across. His cockhead was peeking out of his foreskin. Boy, let me tell you, that really turns me on. "I've got to have that" I thought.

The moment of truth was here and I had the biggest case of butterflies in my stomach that I'd ever had. Should I just let my emotions rule or should I use caution? Finally, my emotions ruled and I reached out and put my hand on his throbbing cock. He smiled and said, "Well, that answers that" and with that reached out to embrace me. I was so surprised that I couldn't say anything and kissed him on the mouth. As we kissed, I could feel his rock hard cock pressed up against my stomach and my cock got harder and harder as my tongue explored his mouth. No guy had ever kissed me before and I knew right away, that Chris was going to be somebody special.

After what seemed like an eternity, I decided that I couldn't wait to get Chris's hot cock in my mouth and kneeled down and took it in my mouth. The drop of pre cum that was on the tip of his cock was sweet and delicious. I reached up and pulled back on his foreskin until his cockhead popped free and then ran my tongue around his cockhead. It was about all I could do to get the head of his cock in my mouth. I guess I wasn't going to deep throat this one, I thought.

Chris interrupted my thoughts by saying "let's lie down, I want to suck you too." So we lay down on the raft that I had thoughtfully set out. Chris quickly turned around and was shortly eagerly sucking on my throbbing cock while I worked his the best I could. With one hand, I was able to work his cock and with the other hand, I reached around and started fingering his asshole. Chris didn't seem to mind and even spread his legs so I could get to it easier. I was encouraged by this; my best friend back in Ohio, never encouraged this kind of activity. I figured about this time that I might just be able to indulge in a fantasy that I'd had numerous times but never was able to accomplish, fucking and sucking a guy at the same time. I'm pretty limber and can just about get the head of my cock in my mouth but it's hard to do. With Chris, I figured I could easily fuck him and suck him off at the same time.

I backed off his cock and maneuvered around and told Chris, "I'm going to fuck you and suck you too." I got Chris lying on his back and I lifted up his legs and pushed my cock up against his asshole. The precum on my cock made it easy to slip it in. Even so, Chris winced a bit as I slipped inside him. I waited for a minute until I could feel his sphincter relax.

With a groan of pleasure, he said "Fuck me Danny, fuck me." I gently pushed until I was in all the way. With my cock in his ass, I bent over and found that I could easily suck his cock. Chris started moving his ass so I didn't have to much to do myself and concentrated on keeping his cock in my mouth. Chris's gyrations got wilder and wilder; Then he let out a cry, "Oh, Oh, I'm cumming" just about the time that I felt my own load let loose and my mouth filled with his delicious sweet cum.

I started to back out of him but he said "leave it in there a while, it feels so good." So I lay back and pulled him on top of me, embraced him and kissed him. We lay there for quite a few minutes before he finally rolled off me and said "Boy, that was the best fuck I ever had, you don't waste any time, do you?".

"I've never seen a cock as big as yours. I just had to have it," I said.

"Yours is pretty big also; I'm going to be sore tomorrow," he said. "You really turn me on. I knew the first time I saw you in the shower that I had to suck that cock of yours."

"Me too. I've never experienced such an instant attraction to anybody like I had to You," I said. We lay there for a while and got acquainted. I told him about my friend back in Ohio and how we used to sneak off and 69 but that was about it. "Bob really never took a real interest in sex; you're the sexiest guy I've ever been with."

"It's about the same with me. I've had sex with a couple of guys, but it's always been on the level of helping each other to get off; it was just something we did and didn't think much about."

"Let's take a dip," I said. So we jumped in the pool and cooled off. We swam and horsed around for a while and then Chris pulled himself out of the water and sat on the edge of the pool. I popped up out of the water and faced Chris with his semi-hard cock just inches away from my face. As I watched, it slowly swelled until it once again took on its amazing proportions. I pulled myself up and took the head of his cock in my mouth and Chris said "let me fuck you like you did me." I had a bit of apprehension before I answered, "I'm not sure that I can take that horse cock you've got but I believe in 'turnabout being fair play'."

Racing back to the raft, I said "Let me sit on it. That way will be the easiest for me." "Sure" he said and lay down on his back. I kneeled down and sucked on his cock to lubricate it and then squatted down over his cock which was sticking straight up. Then I feared that this wasn't going to work. I'd never been fucked by anything that large and doing it without any lubrication was crazy. "Just a minute," I said as I popped up and ran to the house, "I'm going to get something."

As I ran into the house, I wondered, "what can I get?" I spotted a butter dish on the table that I was supposed to have put in the refrigerator. "This will do." I thought as I ran back out to the pool. Chris laughed as I ran up and said "that ought to work." I kneeled down again and greased Chris' cock liberally and spread some around my asshole. "Here goes" I thought as I once again squatted over his rock-hard member. There was some excruciating pain as I slowly sat down on his cock. It was quickly over and waves of pleasure spread through me as I slowly lowered myself down on his cock. Waiting for things to loosen up, I slowly started moving up and down on him and then said. "I'm ready." I got my arms around Chris's neck and kissed him as I pulled him up and lay down on my back. Chris bent over and took my dick in his mouth and I started squirming around letting his cock move in and out. Chris didn't have as much trouble with my cock as I did with him; Being pretty limber also, he was able to go down almost all the way on my cock.

I was in heaven as Chris's mouth moved up and down on my throbbing cock; my balls felt as if they were going to explode. As the waves of pleasure coursed through my body, I felt Chris's cock suddenly get harder still and then pulsate as he came in my asshole. The sensation of Chris cumming in my butt kicked me over the edge and I felt myself let go in his mouth. We were so affected by this spontaneous explosion of lust that we just quietly lay there for a couple of minutes after we climaxed. Chris finally let my cock go and said "boy, that was even better than before." We stretched out together and lay there for quite a while kissing and embracing. Finally, Chris propped himself on his elbows and said, "Danny, that's the best sex I've ever had. I hope we can do it again."

"You bet, but I might be sorry tomorrow," I said grinning.

Suddenly, Chris jumped up and looked at his watch and said, "Oh, mygosh, I've got to go. I'm supposed to pick up my sister at the mall at 10:00".

"Shit, I thought you could stay a while", I said.

"Don't worry, I can come back. My mother worked today and Lisa wanted to go shopping so I dropped her off on the way here and promised to pick her up at 10:00. I'd invite you to go but there isn't room in my pickup unless you want to ride in the back," Chris said.

"Lets take my car," I replied.

"Great, lets clean up, we probably smell like a pancake house" Chris said. So, we jumped in the pool and rinsed off the butter, got dressed and dashed for my car.

The mall was only a couple of minutes away and we got there just a few minutes after 10:00. Chris gave me directions on where to go and shortly he said, "There she is." We pulled up to the curb, Chris hollered "hey Lisa, over here," and a pretty little blonde walked up to the car and climbed in the back. Chris, introduced me to Lisa and she smiled and said "pleased to meet you." Chris gave me directions on how to get to his house and we started on our way. As we stopped for a red light, I overheard Lisa, quietly ask Chris, "Well?" "Well what?", Chris whispered. "Did you or didn't you?", Lisa replied. "Yes", Chris replied, sounding irritated. "How was it?" Lisa asked. "Great", Chris replied with a grin. "Danny", Lisa asked, "how did you like my brother's big dick?". I just about pissed in my pants; I turned around and looked at Chris who had an embarrassed look on his face. Lisa, laughed and said, "Don't worry, Danny, I'd never tell on you or my brother; I just wanted to shock you." "Lisa knows all about me," Chris said "and I told her last night all about you and that I hoped we would make out." I just sat there and stared at them.

The sound of a car angrily honking its horn brought me back to reality and Lisa said, "You should get moving." I was sort of quiet on the way to Chris' house as I mulled over this unexpected development. When we got to Chris' house, Lisa jumped out and said, "I'll see you tomorrow Chris. You and Danny have fun." After Lisa went into the house, I just sat there and looked at Chris who finally said, "Really, Danny, it's OK, Lisa just was having a little fun with you. She'd never tell about me or any of my friends. She caught me in bed a couple of years ago with one of my friends. We confide in each other all the time and I know all about her loves and she mine; it's like we were sisters rather than sister and brother. We're twins you know and twins tend to be close." I started to relax as he told me this and finally said, "Are you sure?". "Yes, you can count on it."

As we drove back to my house, Chris explained how he and his sister were very close. Since his parents are divorced and his mother works, they relied on each other a great deal. I guess I wasn't being very responsive because when we got back to my house, Chris asked, "Am I welcome back?". "Sure," I replied beginning to lighten up a bit, "it's just that that was such a shock, I really don't know what to say." "You'll get used to Lisa" Chris replied.

When we got back in the house, Chris embraced me and planted a kiss on me before I hardly had the door closed. It wasn't a moment before I could feel my cock stirring in my shorts and all thoughts of Lisa were forgotten. I led Chris back out to the patio and we jumped out of our clothes and into the pool. After a couple of laps, we hopped out and sat on the edge. By this time, it was starting to get cooler so I suggested that we go inside. We went in the rec room and sat down. "Do you want to see the porn flick," I asked. "Sure" he replied.

We sat on the couch next to each other and kissed and played with each other as we watched the movie. As we were watching, Chris leaned over and began sucking my dick. "Wait a minute, I want some too" and we dropped to the floor doing a mad 69. I don't know whether we were just lucky or what but we both managed to come again at the same time. After we finished, we sat back on the couch and watched TV for a while. My balls were hurting something fierce what with having had a hardon for something like 24 hours. Chris said his hurt too.

As we sat there, a thought came to me. I really didn't know much about Chris and he didn't know much about me. I asked him, "Chris, don't get mad, but we had a lot of unprotected sex today and I'm wondering how much risk we are to each other." "Don't worry," Chris said, "I'm not very active. I've got a friend from Scouts that I do 69 with once in a while; I don't think he has ever done anything with anybody else. I met a neat guy named Roger about 6 months ago but all he wanted to do was fuck me and wouldn't do anything else so I finally broke it off with him. He did use a rubber, however. There's an older guy I get with once in a while who pays to watch me jack off and sometimes plays with me but we've never gotten intimate if that's what you mean. Mostly I jack off a lot, what about you?" "Well, I had a friend, Bob, back in Ohio that I used to 69 with pretty regularly. As far as I know, he's never done it with anybody else. My other friend, Tom, seduced me a couple of years ago, but he constantly likes new challenges and we haven't done it together in a long time. Even though he and I didn't get it on anymore, we were still good friends and hung out a lot with each other. He's the one who fucked me but he had a small dick. I had a fairly regular thing, 69, with a guy named David in my Explorer post, last year but I don't think he messes around much either. I don't think you have anything to worry about. "

"Danny, do you want to sit around here all night? I'm about drained and it's too early to go to bed. Why don't we go for a spin. We could drive down to the 'Bucket', besides, I'm hungry, sucking dick doesn't nourish you that much", he grinned.

"That sounds like a great idea, I didn't realize how hungry I am," I said.

"How about picking up Lisa, I'll bet her girlfriend, Tammy's at the house and they'll be game."

"I guess so," I replied reluctantly.

"I'll call home and see whether she's interested," Chris said and picked up the phone. As he stood there waiting for the phone to ring, I thought to myself, "What am I getting myself into?". Lost in thought, I didn't pay any attention to Chris as he talked to his sister. Finally, he hung up the phone with a smile and turned to me and said, "She'd be glad to go and like I figured, Tammy was there also and would like to come." So, we dashed out to the Suzuki and headed for Chris's house.

On the way over, I asked Chris about Tammy. He said that Tammy was Lisa's best friend and that she was a nice, pretty girl that Danny would be sure to like. When they got to Chris's house, Danny honked and shortly, Lisa came out with another girl, a cute brunette. Lisa and Tammy slipped in the back and Lisa said, "Danny, I'd like you to meet my lover, Lisa. Lisa this is Danny, Chris's lover". You could have heard a pin drop as both Chris and my jaws dropped and we stared at Lisa. Finally, Chris broke the silence with, "Lisa, did you say what I thought you said?" "Sure', Lisa replied with a grin on her face. "But why didn't you tell me before now?" "Lisa promised me not to tell anybody but when I told her about your new lover, don't worry Danny, she didn't know who you were until just now, we decided to come out of the closet, at least with you two". Chris broke into a big grin and said "well, I guess I'll forgive you". "Me too", I said.

Tammy and Lisa turned out to be a lot of fun and the remainder of the evening turned out to be a big blast. There were a lot of kids from school at the 'Bucket' and Lisa knew a lot of them. I won't bother you with all the boring details but after a couple of hours, Lisa suggested that we head home.

After we dropped the girls off at Tammy's house, we headed back to my place. On the way back, I said to Chris, "You know this is the strangest day of my life. It feels like I've been on an emotional roller coaster all day" "Me too, I never expected that my sister was gay".

When we got back to the house, I said, how about a swim. It's pretty cool out but the water should be warm. Back in the patio, I noticed the greasy raft and the butter dish and said, I'd better clean that mess up" So, while I got out the hose and washed off the raft and took the butter dish inside, Chris peeled off his clothes and jumped in the pool. When I came back out, he hollered, "come on Danny, the water's great". I peeled off my clothes and cannon balled right in next to him. "let's race" he said. "OK" I retorted and took off. Well, as it turned out, Chris wasn't much of a swimmer, I beat him four times. Then we tried diving for a while until I slipped on the diving board just enough to belly flop big time. As I surfaced, Chris was right there. "are you all right?" "I guess so - I think I've had enough swimming for the night"

Still smarting from the belly flop, I headed for my room and dropped into bed. Chris carefully slid in beside me and pulled up the covers even though we were both still wet. I reached around him and pulled him to me and soon we were fast asleep.

The next thing I remember was sunlight in my face and horrible pains all over. I had a hardon, my nuts hurt like hell; that happens when I have a hardon for a long time, my ass hurt something terrible, my belly was still sore from the belly flop the night before and I had to piss something awful. Chris was still asleep and I tried to climb over him but as soon as I moved, his eyes opened. As I climbed over him, he grabbed my hard cock. "let go unless you want me to piss all over you", I said. "Jeez, I've got to go too" and he hopped out of bed. We both made a dash for the john and stood there together and tried to piss. (It's hard to piss with a hardon) After a minute, we both laughed and managed to relieve ourselves. I barely managed to shake the dew off the lilly when Chris finished and grabbed me in a passionate embrace. We stood there for a long time just hugging each other and kissing. Finally, I said "lets go back to bed". "No fucking", he said, "I don't think I could take it". Me neither", wincing as the pain from my tortured asshole shot through me.

Back on my bed, we dropped into 69 position and soon I was feeling waves of pleasure from my cock as Chris went up and down on it. I almost choked on Chris's huge cock but was determined to do my best. It wasn't long before I felt Chris's cock harden and shoot a load in my mouth. I likewise felt fire flow through my crotch as I shot a load into Chris's warm mouth. After lying there for a while, I sat up and said, "that's a hell of a way to wake up, Chris. I love you".

"I love you too, Danny. Say, what do you say we go somewhere. We've got to give our dicks a little rest. How about going to the beach?".

"Sure, that's a great idea", I said.

As we got into the car, I said, "Do you think the girls would like to go to the beach?" "Sure", Chris said, so we headed for Tammy's house and Chris went up to the door and knocked. Shortly a head stuck itself out of the door and after a minute, Chris turned around and motioned me to come on. I hopped out of the car and walked in the house. Chris was standing there grinning at me as I walked in and shut the door. I was wondering what was so funny when I realized that both girls were naked as jailbirds. I laughed as Tammy said, I don't figure we've got anything to worry about from you two, I bet both your nuts are shriveled up like peanuts.

Actually, I thought it was pretty interesting. I'd never had the chance to see a girl naked except on TV, but any erotic thoughts were damped by the last 24 hours with Chris. "You two just make yourself comfortable while we get ready", Tammy blurted out as she hurried out of the room. "there's some OJ in the refrigerator, help yourself", she hollered from the bedroom. Chris and I went into the kitchen and found the OJ and had a glass. As I finished mine, I looked over at Chris who was grinning from ear to ear. "even I don't believe this" he said.

After about 10 minutes punctuated by giggles coming from the bedroom, Tammy and Lisa came out of the bedroom dressed in swimsuits. "Let's go", Lisa said. As I got up, a bolt of pain shot through me from my ravaged asshole. "What's the matter?", Tammy asked, concerned. "My guess is that my brother fucked him", Lisa quipped. I could feel the color rising in my face and looked over to see that Chris had a mortified look on his face. Tammy just laughed and came up to me and kissed me on the cheek, saying "you poor dear". At this, Chris said, "do I get a kiss too, mommy, Danny got me pretty good too". So Lisa went over and pecked Chris on the cheek. At this, we all stood there and guffawed.

We all headed for my little car. Lisa said, "I'm sitting up here with the stud, you two get in back", she said to Chris and Tammy. "we've got to keep up appearances don't we?". "Sure I said as we piled in. Chris gave me directions and we were soon near the beach.

The beach was chaos. It didn't look like we were going to be able to find a parking spot anywhere close but I finally found one but it was a pretty good hike to the beach. When we got there, we quickly ran into a bunch of kids from school. Lisa introduced us around and soon Chris and I were invited into a volleyball game. As for the details of what we did that afternoon, let it suffice to say that it was normal behavior for a bunch of high school kids at the beach. Finally, as the sun began to set, we decided that it was time to head home. I was really tired and in addition to the residue of aches and pains from Chris and my sexual experience the day before, I had a new bunch of aches from the strenuous volleyball game.

We dropped Tammy and Lisa off and went back to my place. As soon as we got in the house, we stripped and sat down to watch some TV. I was really neat to be able to snuggle up to Chris while watching TV. We watched TV for a while until we got bored with what was on. One thing led to another and soon we were sitting there kissing and soon decided to head for my room.

"Danny, you know you are really something special", Chris said. "In the four years that I've known that I liked guys, I've never been with anybody that turns me on like you do. You are a completely new experience for me."

"Chris, I feel the same way. I just can't imagine what it would be like to not have you around. I'm amazed at how compatible we are and how sex with you is the greatest sex that I have ever had".

Chris just smiled and reached down and took my dick in his mouth. Chris's mouth on my cock sent shivers through me and I said, "Chris, fuck me".

Chris pushed me back down on the bed and greased me up with Vaseline. He slipped his thighs under my butt an pulled me onto him. Once he had entered, he leaned over and took my cock in his mouth. Between the full feeling of his cock up my ass and his mouth on mine, I was in ecstasy. Pretty soon the two of us were squirming and humping. With every thrust, I could feel the end of his cock press against my prostate sending waves of pleasure through me. It wasn't long before I could feel Chris's cock harden and shoot his hot cum in my ass. This triggered me to shoot my juice into his mouth.

Exhausted, we fell asleep, I, with Chris's cock in my butt.

The next morning, we got up and showered, then went back to bed and I returned the favor. Finishing this time, I realized that it was getting late and I'd better clean up the house before my parents got back home. We cleaned up the place and went down to the beach and sunbathed for a while until I figured that maybe I'd better get home since my parents should be there by now.

When I got in the house, I noticed that my parents were back. "Where did you go?", mom asked. To the beach, I said, "With a guy from school and his sister and a friend of hers". That's nice, mom murmured. "I'm going to bed", I said and staggered to my room. I barely had enough strength to take a shower and get the suntan lotion off of me. When I dropped in bed, I went out like a light and slept like a baby all night.

The next thing I remember was Mom Hollering, "Chris it's time to get up". As I rolled over, I realized that I felt like I'd been run over by a steamroller. I hobbled out of bed and took a hot shower and pretty soon began to feel human again. As I stood soaking in the shower, I wondered whether the happiness that I had over the weekend was going to last. I'd been with guys before that wanted to do it once and then you ceased to exist. I wondered whether Chris would turn out to be a 'one night stand'. I did know that sex with Chris was the best sex that I had ever had. I realized that Chris was the first person that I ever had sex with that was motivated by love for me.

Later that morning, in Math class, I was already in my seat when Chris walked in. When he saw me, his face lit up with a smile that could have melted me had I been butter. After class, he said, "how are you feeling?", "sore" I said. As we parted for our next class, Chris, turned around and said "Lisa, thinks you're cool". Later that day in Gym, we ran into each other again. After class, Chris said that he, like me went straight to bed.

Later that day, I ran into Lisa in the hall and she came up to me and planted a big kiss on me prompting a bunch of envious looks from a couple of guys I knew. She whispered, "Danny, I just want you to know that I think it's great that you and Chris found each other. I love him very much and want him to be happy. I know he loves you and I know you and he will make a great pair". I couldn't help but smile as she walked away.

The next day after Math Class, Chris came up and said, "Danny, I'm sorry, but it looks like I'll have to work on Saturday so we won't be able to get together and I have to take my Mother someplace on Saturday Evening". As my face dropped, he said, "But, I have tomorrow and the next night off so we'll be able to get together then. He grinned as he saw my face light up and said, "I know a secluded beach where we can go and get it on with nobody around". "I can't wait", I said as we parted.

The next day, after Math, Chris came up and said, I'll be at your house tonight after school. Later on that day, in Gym, it was all I could do to keep my cock under control as it was recovered now from the weekend and ready to go. We purposely avoided each other in the showers so that we wouldn't make a public spectacle of ourselves.

I thought the last class of the day would never end. As the teacher went on and on, all I could think about was Chris and that beautiful cock. I was so keyed up thinking about him that I almost blurted out "11 inches" to a question that the teacher asked. Fortunately I caught myself in time. As soon as the bell rang, I rushed for my car and headed for home. I just barely got changed into shorts when the doorbell rang and I went to answer the door. "whose there?", Mom hollered from the kitchen. "Just a friend from school", I answered. "Come on in, Chris", I whispered, "I'm going to have to introduce you to my Mother". We went into the kitchen and I introduced Chris. "This is Chris, Lisa's brother. We're going out for a while". "Don't you want anything to eat", she asked. "No, we'll get something somewhere". "Have a good time" she said as we left.

We piled into Chris's truck and pulled off. Down the street, where there are some vacant lots, out of sight of my house he pulled over and stopped. As I looked at him questioningly, he reached over and embraced me and kissed me passionately and then pulled away. "I've missed you", he said and started driving again. Grinning from ear to ear, he explained how he was going to take me to a secluded bit of coast that he knew about. It was about an hour's drive and I'd love it. I slipped my hand over to his crotch and found that he already had a considerable hardon just like I did. I scooted over closer to him but not too close as to attract attention and he likewise started playing with my cock with his free hand. We spent the next hour in conversation talking about mutual interests, sex partners and his sister and playing with each other. He told me that he and Lisa had a long talk the other night and they talked about his love life and her affair with Tammy. He said that he thought it was great that the girls knew about us because they would make our social life a lot easier. Of course, it worked both ways; the girls could use us as an excuse also.

Before long, Chris slowed down and took a left onto a pair of tracks leading into some trees. All I could see was rocks and cliffs and I asked him where the beach was. He replied that there was a small beach at the bottom of the cliff. The cliffs closed in on both sides so the only way to the beach was the way we came in so we were unlikely to be disturbed. It took about 10 minutes to hike down to the beach which turned out to be a pretty small spot of sand in an alcove formed by the cliffs. As we reached the beach, the sun was just about ready to set. Chris said, "strip while I get this blanket laid out". I located a rock and sat down and took off my shoes and pulled my shirt off. It didn't take Chris long to open the blanket up and start stripping too. It's hard to describe the thrill I felt as I watched Chris pull his pants down revealing his heavy cock. "Come on", he encouraged as he stepped out of his shorts. I quickly slipped out of my remaining clothes and joined him on the blanket where we embraced passionately.

As we lay there, I reached down and grasped his fat cock. It was all slippery from precum and I knew I just had to get it in my mouth. I broke our embrace and leaned over and lay with his cock just inches from my face. I licked the head, tasting his delicious precum. I gently pulled back his foreskin to reveal the gigantic cock head. Chris wasn't just lying there taking things in, I soon felt the warm moistness of his mouth as he went down on my prick. As I struggled to get his cockhead in my mouth, I felt his lips around the base of my cock and I realized that he somehow had managed to deepthroat it. As he pulled back off a bit, I felt fire rising in my loins as I shot my load. Apparently, my comming triggered his climax also because suddenly, I felt his cock get real hard and then pulsate as he shot a mouthful into my mouth. His cum was delicious. It didn't have that hard aftertaste that some guys I've sucked, had. It was sweet and slightly salty and I greedily swallowed it all.

I got up and turned around and lay down next to Chris and kissed him on the mouth. As I backed off for air, I glanced out over the water and noticed that the sun was just about to set. "look", the sun is setting. As we watched, in an embrace, the sun just sort of dropped out of sight. Just as it extinguished there was a brief flash of green light. "Did you see that?", he said. "Yes, what was it?". "that was the Green Flash. Some people have looked at sunsets for years and never have seen it, We were very lucky."

We laid there for a while it got darker and cooler and caressed. Chris wrapped the blanket around us so we were as snug as bugs in a rug but finally, I said, "I'm getting cold" "me too" he said, "I think we'd better head back before it gets too late". After another extended, passionate embrace, we flung the blanket back and stepped out into the chill night air to dress. By this time, I was getting quite cold, but Chris said not to worry since we'd warm up walking back up the hill. What took ten minutes to come down took almost 20 going back but Chris was right, when we got back to his truck, I wasn't cold any more.

The ride back was about the same as going; we talked and played with each other. Just before we got to my house, Chris pulled over and gave me a passionate kiss. "I love you Danny", he said. "I love you too, Chris". I asked him what he wanted to do the next night and he said that maybe we should take the girls out and be seen with them. This suited me since I felt that sex was better if you didn't have it every day. I liked to build up a load. We agreed to take the girls out the next night. Chris also came up with a suggestion. Since we both went to the same school, maybe it would be nice if we rode together. I asked about Lisa and he said that she usually rode with Tammy so we'd be by ourselves.

The next morning, Chris was his usual cheerful self as he walked out to my Suzuki. As he jumped in the seat next to me he squeezed my hand and said "I'd love to kiss you but I don't think it would be wise". I grinned and took off. On the way there, he said that the girls would love to go out to the Bucket that night.

After school, I waited for Chris and it wasn't long before I spotted him heading for the car. As usual, we exchanged hand squeezes in lieu of a kiss before I took off. I dropped Chris off at his house and headed home promising to be back after supper. When I got home, I managed to get some homework done before we ate so I felt relief at getting that done. I'd always had pretty good grades and I wanted to keep up my average so I could attend college.

At supper, Mom asked me what I was doing that evening. I said that Lisa, Tammy and Chris and I were going to the Bucket to meet with the other kids. "that's great" Mom said, "I'm glad you're finally doing some normal things instead of hanging out with strange guys like Tom back in Ohio". I smiled as I thought, "what she doesn't know won't hurt her".

After supper, I hopped in the car and drove over to Chris's house. When I drove up, he stepped out and motioned me to come in. When I got in the house, he said that Lisa wasn't ready yet and then grabbed me and kissed me passionately. As we stood there embracing, I heard a cough and looked over to see Lisa grinning. "Must you two lovebirds take advantage of every opportunity to get passionate?" she said jokingly. Then she walked up to me and kissed me. "I like some loving too", she said.

Chris laughed and said, "look, you've embarrassed poor Danny, look at him blush". It was true, I could feel the color rising in my face.; all I could do was laugh along with her. "You two are going to be the end of me yet", I quipped as we walked out the door.

Again, I won't bore you with the details of our perfectly normal teenage outing. We met with a bunch of kids from school and gossiped. There was one interesting tidbit that surfaced in the course of the evening. Chris and I had just come back to the car with drinks and there was a girl there that I recognized from school, Jan, who was talking with Lisa and Tammy. As Chris and I stood near the car quietly drinking our cokes, I overheard Lisa ask Jan, whether what she heard was true, that Jan and her boyfriend Mike had broken up. I wasn't paying any particular attention until Jan blurted out, "the Sob's queer. We went on a beach party last weekend and I caught him sucking Jerry's dick". At this, I just about choked. Chris grabbed my arm and pulled me away and said "let's let Lisa get the lowdown. I don't think that Jan knows we heard.". We went over to another bunch of guys for a few minutes until I noticed that Jan had left and we sauntered back to the car.

When we got back to the car, Lisa breathlessly blurted out. "You heard that didn't you?" "Yes", I said, but "I don't know who they are".

"Mike is about the best looking guy in school and Jerry is a star of swim team", Chris responded. "Do you think that Jan is going to tell everybody?"

"No, I don't think so. She sounded embarrassed that she let it slip. Believe me, the last thing she wants is to be known for dating a 'queer'".

"Boy, I'd have never guessed that either of them was gay", remarked Chris.

The next day in gym, Chris pulled me aside and whispered, "remember that girl last night talking about Mike and Jerry? Well that's Mike", and pointed to a well built guy in the shower, "and that's Jerry over there". Another guy walked up then so Chris clammed up.

After we got out of class, I said, "Chris, Mike's a real dreamboat. I'd love to suck his cock. And Jerry is pretty cool too".

"You think so, too? I've fantasized for a year about sucking Jerry. I'm just astonished that they are gay". Our brief conversation ended as we separated for our next class.

A couple of days later, Chris told me on the way to work that Lisa had told him that apparently Jan had backed off of her story saying that she was mad at Mike for dropping her. "So much for that", I said, but Chris retorted, "There's more too it than that. Lisa thinks that Jan had to retract her story because nobody believed her. All of Mike's friends snubbed her and she was beginning to think she would end up a spinster. I think what she said was true, she had to back off to save her social life".

"So what do you think?", I asked Chris.

"I think Lisa's right. I'd love to find out whether there's any truth to it; I've wanted to suck Jerry's dick for years."

"Well, I wouldn't mind swinging on Mike's rod, but when it comes to size, you keep me more than satisfied", I responded. "Besides, what if it weren't true and we made fools out of ourselves by revealing ourselves. Also, these guys are idiots to get caught by their girlfriend on a picnic. I wouldn't feel safe around such fools.".

"Yeah, I guess you're right", Chris replied. "I'm happy with your 9 inches anyway and reached over and groped me grinning.

Chris and Danny - part 1 (Continued)

That night, on the way home, Chris asked, "If two guys like Mike and Jerry are gay, how many more are there? We've managed to divert suspicion from ourselves by using Lisa and Tammy but apparently Mike and Jerry managed to carry on a relationship even while they tried to play the straight act with their girlfriends."

"Who knows, you can't tell the players without a scorecard", I replied. I didn't say any more because I didn't like the way that the conversation was drifting. I was perfectly happy with Chris and wasn't particularly happy with the idea of having sex with someone other than him. Still, there was a small kernel of interest there; maybe sex with another guy, as long as Chris was there, would be neat. Besides, I loved Chris and to a certain extent wanted to be able to brag on him as being my lover.

That evening, we drove out to our cliffside beach and made mad, passionate love. After we quenched our lust and lay wrapped up in our blanket, I asked Chris, "Are you serious about making out with Mike and Jerry?"

"No way, not with them. Mike is a real snob who thinks he's God's gift to the human race and Jerry is another stuck up jock type. They deserve each other. It's too bad, they're both so good looking, it's a waste."

"Do you have somebody else in mind then," I asked.

Chris grinned and said "Yeah, I think so. How would you react to a couple of sophomores?". "Who are they," I asked.

"One is named Kevin and the other is Tim. Tim has his locker across from mine and I accidentally saw a male porno magazine from his locker one day. It was a picture of Jeff Stryker who's hung almost as good as me but with a better build. I have a mirror I keep in my locker to check my hair and I saw it happen in that. There wasn't anybody else around and Tim never had any reason to believe that I saw it happen. But after that, I kept my eyes open and a couple of days later, I caught Kevin throwing a kiss to Tim. I've been watching them for several days and I'm certain that they've got something going. I also caught Kevin glancing at me when he thought I wasn't looking.".

"Well, what's so great about a couple of 15 year olds?", I asked.

"They're both built like the proverbial "brick shithouse" and cute as can be," Chris replied. "You ought to try to make it by my locker some time and check them out."

"Maybe I will. If for no reason but to see what turns you on."

The next day, after Math class, I walked to Chris's locker with him and as I stood there while he swapped books, he nudged me and said, "There's Kevin and Tim now." Well, Chris was right; they were both cute little hunks. My dick began to swell thinking about fucking their little tight asses. "I think you're right on target, partner", I said as they walked off and Chris slammed his locker shut. "Also, I think I know how we can get to know them. I've noticed them before. I thought they were cute but never thought anymore about it but I've seen both of them standing at a bus stop on the way over to your house in the morning a couple of times."

"You've got to be kidding," Chris exclaimed, "that's perfect, all you have to do is to pick them up and the rest is easy."

The next morning, as I neared the bus stop, I noted that, sure enough, they were there so I pulled over and asked them if they wanted a ride. They cheerfully piled in and got in the back. I introduced myself and explained that I was going to pick up my friend Chris. Tim asked me what Chris looked like and I described him. "That sounds like the guy whose locker is across from mine" Tim remarked. "Is he a senior?". "Yes" I replied.

By this time, I was pulling up in front of Chris's house and Chris was standing out by the curb. He popped in the car with a cheery greeting, noticed the boys and introduced himself. To Tim he said, "Isn't your locker across from mine?"

"Yeah, I've seen you around."

"I thought I'd seen you around," Chris said.

Chris mainly kept up the conversation with the boys as I drove asking them about their teachers and classes. Pretty soon we were in the school parking lot and the boys rushed off to their classes. Walking up to school, I asked Chris, "Well, what do you think?"

"I think they're cute as hell and it looks like they'd be a lot of fun. Besides, I sort of have Old Mother Hen feelings toward them. They're so naive. They need somebody to show them the ropes before they hang themselves."

"Yeah, I feel the same way. What do we do now?", I said.

"Well, what about tonight, I'm off. We could take them out to our spot."

"Shit, I forgot to tell you. Mom and dad went out of town together this morning. They won't be back until tomorrow sometime. I've got the house to myself. We could go there right after school. We don't have to go to our special place. Besides, I don't think their parents would be happy with them being out until 10:00 or 11:00 on a school night. We can pop in right after school and get them home in plenty of time.".

"That ought to work. Going for a swim should serve to get their clothes off.", Chris grinned.

On the way home that night, I asked the boys whether they'd like to drop by my house for a swim. Kevin piped up, "But we don't have any swimsuits on us."

"Don't worry," I said, "I think we can find something for you."

When we got to the house we went in and walked out to the patio. As I stood there, Chris started stripping. Tim got a funny look on his face and looked at me with a questioning look. "Don't worry, there isn't anybody home so we can all swim nude" as I pulled off my clothes.

"Jeez," I heard Kevin blurt out. I looked over at him to see him blushing from ear to ear and staring at Chris who had just dropped his pants revealing his almost hard cock.

"It's beautiful, isn't it," I remarked as Kevin and Tim both turned and looked at me with their mouths open. "Relax, you two, we know you're lovers and Chris is my lover." Now it was Kevin's turn to blush as I said, "Come on, get those clothes off!".

With a grin on their faces, Tim and Kevin hurriedly slipped off their clothes and dashed for the pool joining Chris who was already in the water.

After a couple of laps, with Chris, I noticed the boys sitting on the edge in earnest conversation with each other. I motioned to Chris, and we paddled up to where they were sitting. As I approached them, I couldn't help notice how attractive they both were. Both of them had slim but muscular bodies typical of 15 year olds. Tim was blonde and looked as if he might have 7 inches hard. Kevin had darker hair and looked as if he might have 6 inches but his cock was fatter. Coming up in the water below them, Tim asked me, "Danny, how did you know we were gay?"

"Boy are you guys naive," I said. Even if it weren't for the Jeff Stryker magazine that Chris saw fall out of Tim's locker, the way you two act around each other is a dead giveaway."

"Are we really that obvious?", Kevin asked as Tim sat there with a chagrined look.

"You bet," Chris replied. "We decided to take you two under our wings and show you the ropes before you make a mistake you'll regret."

"Besides, we think you're both cute," I said as both of them blushed violently. With that, I reached up and pulled Tim into the water. As we surfaced, I pulled Tim to me and gave him a kiss. As we embraced, I could feel his hard slender cock pressing against my stomach. "Come on," I said as I jumped up on the edge of the pool.

Sitting on the edge, Tim looked down at my hard cock and said, "Boy, you sure have a big dick!"

"But Chris has me beat by a mile," I said looking at Chris and Kevin who had also gotten out of the pool.

"Holy Cow," remarked Tim as he looked over at Chris's 11 inch erection. "How do you handle that thing?" He asked,

"Carefully," I replied and reached down and reached down and grasped Tim's slender seven inches. "Let's go to my room."

"OK," he replied as I looked over to Chris and motioned him to follow.

When we got to my room, I gently pushed Tim down on the bed and started kissing him. Moments later, I felt the presence of Chris and Kevin as they lay down beside Tim and me. "Move over" I heard Chris say so I rolled over on my back with Tim on top. As we lay there kissing, I placed my hands on the cheeks of his smooth ass and started playing with his puckered asshole as we gyrated on together. Our precum juices lubricated us up and pretty soon, our hard cocks were sliding against each other. With one hand, I reached over and placed it on Chris's back and reveled in the rippling of the muscles.

I heard Chris and Kevin whispering but I couldn't hear what they were saying but then I felt Chris get up and heard him say to me, "Kevin can't believe that I can fuck you. Let's demonstrate"

"OK," I said and rolled Tim off me. I reached over and opened the nightstand and got a jar of Vaseline out and handed it to Chris. "Here, try some of this."

Chris made a big show of greasing up his cock and my asshole as lay there with my legs spread. Then he gently got behind me and lifted up my ass towards his throbbing hardon. Tim and Kevin sat there with their eyes as big as saucers as Chris slowly inserted his tool and my face screwed up in pain.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Kevin asked with astonishment on his face.

"Sure," but only for a minute.

Chris started a slow rhythmic in and out movement and I started to relax and enjoy it. Kevin being closest, I reached over and grabbed his cock and said, "Come on over here, let me suck you." Kevin moved over and I took his fat 6 inches in my mouth and felt something warm on my dick. It has to be Tim I thought as I blindly groped around and felt for his throbbing seven inches.

For the next few minutes, I was in heaven as Chris's hard cock slid back and forth in my ass. Kevin's fat cock was in my mouth, my own hard cock was given an excellent blowjob by Tim and I could feel the waves of pleasure emanating from Tim's hard cock in my hand. Then I heard Chris give a gasp and felt him quicken his pace and gasp "Here I come."

Everything seemed to happen at once. I could feel Chris's cock harden and shoot hot cum in my asshole. Kevin shot a hell of a load in my mouth and I could feel my nuts drain into Tim's mouth while he shot his load in my hand.

After we climaxed, we all lay together in a big pile embracing each other quietly. Finally, Kevin broke the silence with, "If I wouldn't have seen it, I wouldn't have believed it"

I grinned and said "A couple of weeks ago, I wouldn't have believed it either." Everybody laughed. Then Chris piped up with, "Do you guys like having sex with us?"

"Sure," they responded in unison.

"Well, Danny and I sure like doing it with you two but you've got to clean up your acts if you're going to hang around with Danny and me. First of all, get rid of the sex magazines in your locker at school. Second, quit acting like a bunch of love struck girls around each other; no blowing kisses and watch how you look at other guys. Next, you're going to have to sooner or later start hanging around with girls to keep up appearances."

"But we don't like girls," Tim piped up.

"Neither do we," I remarked.

"Then who are the girls we see you hanging around with all the time?" asked Kevin.

"One is my sister, and the other is her lover," said Chris.

"Wow," Tim exclaimed, "you mean they're gay too?"

"Yep," said Chris, grinning.

"Don't worry about the girls" I said. Guys your ages aren't normally expected to be irresistible studs; you've got a few years to go. What really matters is what you say around the rest of the guys. A few comments about so-and-so's tits or 'she's got a hot ass' can do wonders to divert suspicion from you."

"Are we really that obvious?", Tim said sadly.

"Yep," I said but you're young and no harm's been done. "One more thing. Let's keep our thing a secret between us. Talk to Chris or me before you think about bringing some hot hunk to our circle."

"OK," they replied seriously.

We sat there quietly for a few minutes then I got up and said, "Come on, I think you guys had better get home before your parents start wondering.

"That's all right," Tim piped up, we usually don't get home till 6:30 or so because we stop at the gameroom at the Mall. They won't miss us for a while.

"I want Danny to fuck me like Chris did," Kevin blurted out. "I'd love to get fucked by Chris but I don't think I could take it."

"Let's take a shower first and get this stuff off us," I said. We all piled in the shower and turned on the water. There really isn't a lot of room in a shower for four guys but when we got out the soap, it felt marvelous with the warm water and close contact of all the bodies.

Piling out of the shower, we headed back to my room. While Chris and Tim sat next to each other, I had Kevin lie on his back as I lifted his legs and greased up his asshole. As I worked to loosen up his butt, I noted that he didn't have any hair at all around it and I thought, next time I'm going to lick it. Kevin started to relax and I was able to get a finger in and then two. Sensing he was ready, I lifted his legs and pressed my hard cock against his puckered asshole and pushed gently. For a minute, there was resistance and then my cock was sliding in his warm asshole. I looked down to see that his cock that had gotten partially soft was again getting hard.

I glanced over to Tim and said, "Tim, grease up and fuck me too; I'll suck Chris." Tim's face lit up and he got behind me. As I slowly moved in and out of Kevin while he loosened up, I felt Tim fumbling around my butt. I felt a wave of pleasure rush through me as Tim greased up my asshole and even more as he slipped it in. Thank goodness, his cock was slim and my asshole pretty well stretched because he wasn't all that gentle about it.

With my cock in Kevin and Tim in me, I started moving back and forth. Chris came over and I pulled him to me and took his hard cock in my mouth. As usual, I reveled in the taste of my lover's precum juices and greedily went down on him. I felt his cockhead pushing on my throat and couldn't breathe so I had to back off. Being uncircumcised, Chris' foreskin was very loose and I was able to move it up and down. Feeling Chris respond to my manipulations, I concentrated on Kevin. By now, Kevin had loosened up and was moaning with pleasure. I started moving faster and faster and heard Tim behind me start moaning with pleasure to and I could feel his cockhead pushing against my prostrate as I moved back and forth. Pretty soon, I started to feel the cum rising in my balls and I quickened my pace. In my hands, I felt Chris harden and suddenly, my mouth was full of his deliciously sweet cum. At the same time, I felt myself let loose into Kevin's ass and I felt the warm flow of Tim's cum into my own ass. Pulling away from Chris, I looked down to see that Kevin had streams of cum all over his face and chest from his own ejaculation.

"Wow," Kevin said, "I've never come without touching it before."

"That was because my cock stimulated your prostrate from inside," I remarked.

We all embraced each other for a while before, Tim finally sat up and said, "I guess we'd better get going." With that, we all got up and got in the shower again to get all the grease and cum off.

After finding everybody's clothes, we hopped in my car and dropped them off. On the way back to my place, we stopped off at the Bucket and got a hamburger before we headed back to my place. Chris and I watched TV for a while I ran my bedclothes through the washer and dryer. As we sat there, I asked Chris what he thought of Tim and Kevin.

"Well, they're great in bed" he grinned, "They're so young, cute and naive. I get a real kick out of showing them new things. What about you?"

"Well, I feel about the same way, but I wonder whether this is good for our relationship. What if either of us decides he likes one of them better?"

"Danny, I love you and always will. It's obvious that Tim and Kevin love each other also. Although we're all having sex with each other, I don't think it will have an affect on our feelings for each other."

With that, I grabbed him and said, "Lets go to bed."

Our lovemaking that night was quite subdued by comparison to our earlier activities. Mainly, I reveled in the closeness and warmth of Chris's embrace as we slept in each other's arms. The next morning, the alarm went off and I felt something poking me in the back. After hitting the alarm, I reached back grasping Chris's hard cock in my hand. I almost drifted back to sleep thinking of how much I loved Chris when he made a sound and whispered in my ear, "I love you Danny."

I turned around and faced him and soon we were passionately kissing. Again I reached down and felt his hard cock against my stomach and decided it would be a great way to start the day by sucking him off. So I slid down and went down on him. He didn't waste any time swinging around and going down on me. Soon I felt my mouth fill with his come and my cock released its load into his mouth. As I sat up and looked at him lying there, he murmured, "That's a hell of a way to wake up."

We got up and showered, and hopped in the car. There at the bus stop were Tim and Kevin. I pulled over and noticed that Kevin winced a bit as he climbed in the back. "Did you two spend the night together?", Kevin asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Lucky, you," remarked Tim. We each had to spend the night home alone. But we sure enjoyed it at your house last night."

"How would you guys like to go to our private beach this weekend," I asked.

"Sure" they chimed out together. So we made plans to go to the beach on the weekend.

As usual, Kevin and Tim were waiting by the car that evening when Chris and I walked up. We all piled in the car and when we got moving, Kevin reached forward and asked, "Can we do anything tonight? Tim want's to try fucking. He can't believe that I just came like that last night when you were fucking me Danny."

"I don't know, Chris has to work tonight and my parents are home so we can't go there," I said, hoping to cut this off before Chris's feelings got hurt. And, I really wasn't all that interested in having sex without Chris.

Kevin wasn't going to give in that easy, however. "We can go to my place, nobody's home," he said.

I looked over at Chris with a look that was supposed to convey, "get me out of this" but he just grinned and said, "Go ahead Danny, I've got to work and it will be the weekend before we can do it again anyway. Maybe if you loosen Tim up a bit, I can have a chance at him the next time." This was not exactly what I expected to hear and in the back seat, I heard Tim murmur "ouch."

"Are you sure that you don't mind?", I asked Chris.

"Really, I don't mind at all," he said.

So, with a whoop from the boys in the back, we pulled out of the parking lot and headed for Chris's house. When Chris got out, he said: "have fun Danny!".

Despite, Chris's acquiescence, I felt a little apprehensive as we headed for Kevin's house. When we got there, Kevin led us to his room. When we got in the room, I stopped to look around at the models and posters on the wall. To my surprise, Kevin embraced me and started kissing me passionately. In shock, I kissed him back and then felt Tim undoing my shorts. In nothing flat, he had my pants down and was sucking on my cock that was beginning to respond.

I pushed away from Kevin and said, "Boy, you guys sure know what you want," as I slipped off my shirt. It seemed like I'd never seen anybody strip as fast as those two. We piled in the bed and Kevin again started kissing me while Tim worked on my cock. Finally, Tim paused and said, "Fuck me Danny."

As I laid Tim on his back and lifted his legs up, I felt Kevin's hands on my dick greasing it up with Vaseline that he produced from somewhere. Grinning, I placed my cock up against Tim's tight asshole and started to apply a gentle pressure. At the same time, I felt Kevin's hands greasing up my asshole and as I started to slip into Tim, I felt Kevin approaching me from behind. Kevin's push from behind forced me into Tim a little faster than I'd have done on my own and Tim cried out. Stopping, I asked Tim if he was OK and he said it was better now.

The three of us lay there quietly for a few minutes until I could feel Tim start to relax and I started moving in and out slowly. Kevin synchronized his movements with mine and before long, I was taking long strokes in and out of Tim's ass. Kevin, behind me, hung on to me with a tight grip, determined to stay in me as I plowed into his lover's ass. I felt my balls tighten up and the fire flowing as I came. I tightened up my asshole and heard Kevin moan as he shot his load also. Tim caught up in the excitement and passion squirted his load all over his chest.

With our passions spent, we lay there for a while until Kevin pulled out and went into the shower. As I pulled out of Tim, I looked down and "Oh my god" I exclaimed. My cock was all bloody! As I got up I noticed that my thighs and the bedding under Tim were soaked in blood. Believe, me, at this point, I was scared shitless.

About this time, Kevin came back in, hearing me cry and when he saw the mess, he let out with "Holy, shit, what did you do to him?".

"Me? It was you who shoved me into him. I must have ripped his asshole open. Come on lets get him into the shower." Tim was just staring down at the mess with his eyes as big as saucers. Kevin and I each grabbed him by an arm and took him in the shower. I began to feel a little better after all the blood washed away and it became apparent that Tim wasn't still bleeding. I washed myself off and got dressed and told the boys I was leaving. I left them in a subdued mood lying in bed hugging each other.

The next morning, I stopped for the boys at the bus stop and noted that Tim was obviously in pain as he got in the back. I asked him how he felt and he said "Sore as hell, but I think I'll be all right." When we stopped for Chris and he jumped in, I told him what happened and he said to Kevin, "You've got to be more careful. Tim could have gotten badly injured."

After we got to school, I held back with Chris and said. "Boy that scared the shit out of me. There was blood everywhere."

Chris said, "Well its over and it looks like Tim will be OK.".

Well, it wasn't OK. That afternoon, we waited for the boys at the car. Pretty soon, I saw them coming but they weren't walking very fast. As they got closer to the car, I saw that Tim was pale and obviously not feeling good. Kevin came up to me and said, "Danny, I think we've got a problem. Tim said he went to take a crap and when he went to wipe his ass, the TP came away all bloody! What do you think we should do? He said the bleeding finally stopped but his asshole hurts like hell!.

"Shit, I don't know, take him to a doctor or the emergency room."

"No!", Tim said, almost crying. "I can't have my parents find out! That would be the end."

"And I'd end up in jail," I grimly added.

Chris said, "My mother is a nurse, she could take a look at him."

"Your Mother," the three of us exclaimed.

"She knows about me and Danny and I think she would realize what's at stake here. For my sake, I think she would take a look at him without giving us away."

"You never told me that your mother knew about us. Did Lisa tell her?".

"No, I did," he said.

"You? why?" I said.

"Danny, I know you can't understand this but me and my mother are very close. I've told her everything that I've ever done".

"All the gory details?" I asked.

"No, of course not" he replied.

Well, if you think so, let's do it. Tim wasn't very happy about it but realized that he had no choice.

We got to Chris's house and marched in. Chris's mom came out of the kitchen and Chris introduced us and then said, "Mom, could I speak with you in private?" They went in a bedroom and we couldn't hear anything that went on, but in a minute, Chris's mom came back out followed by Chris. About this time Lisa came in. Chris's mom asked Tim to come in the bedroom and Lisa quipped as she saw Tim hobble in after her, "Looks like my brother did it again."

"Shut up, Lisa, it's not what you think," Chris snapped.

"OK" Lisa, retorted as she stomped off to her room. So, Chris followed her and in a minute, she came back and said "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was serious."

A few minutes later, Chris's mother came out and said. "I think that Tim should go to see a doctor. I'm not qualified to do anything about it. But Tim doesn't want to have his parents find out. Frankly, I don't know what to do. He might be OK and heal OK without any treatment or it could get worse."

"Don't you know any doctors at the hospital that would do you a favor?" Chris asked.

"Sure, but you've got to realize that Tim is a minor and legally can't be treated by any medical person without his parent's consent. They stand to lose their license if they ever got found out."

I went in the bedroom and talked to Tim. I told him what Chris's mother said and with tears in his eyes he said, "Please, Danny, don't let my parents find out."

I went back out to the living room and said, "I can't afford to have my parents find out any more than Tim. Isn't there something you can do?"

"Well, there is Dr. Grant who used to work in the E/R. I'm pretty sure he's gay so he might be a little more sympathetic. I'll give him a call."

After a couple of minutes on the phone, she hung up and said. "He's on his way over. He figured it would be best to come here rather than take Tim to his office. Why don't you guys go into the bedroom and keep Tim company until Dr. Grant get here?"

Chris, Kevin and I went in the bedroom and joked around with Tim. About a half hour later, there was a knock on the door and Chris opened it to find a good looking man in his early 30's standing there. "I'm Dr. Grant" he said. "I guess you are the patient," he said to Tim lying on the bed. "I want you to know that if I treat Tim without his parent's permission I could lose my Medical license. I'll take a look but if I believe that he needs medical attention, you'll have to notify his parents." With that, he motioned us out of the room and shut the door.

We nervously stood outside the door and waited. After about 10 minutes, the door opened and Dr. Grant came out. "He'll be OK. I advised him to take it easy for a few days. I think he should stay in bed tomorrow and obviously avoid a reoccurrence for a couple of weeks. If he does start bleeding again and it won't stop, take him to a hospital. Who's the one that did the damage?".

"Me," I said.

"Tim told me how it happened. It's not entirely your fault, but be more careful in the future" he said.

After Dr. Grant left, I said, "Let's get Tim home, Kevin."

"Yeah, and I'm going to be late for work," Chris exclaimed.

I dropped Kevin and Tim off at his house and went home.

The next morning, I saw Kevin by himself at the bus stop and pulled over and picked him up. "How's Tim," I asked.

"Better," he said. "Boy I feel terrible that this happened. I never thought a thing like that could happen," he said.

"These things happen but think a little the next time," I said as we pulled up to Chris's house.

"Boy, did I get read the riot act," Chris explained as he hopped in the car. "The worst thing was that it wasn't me that did the damage" he said glaring at me. After a few minutes of silence, he turned around to Kevin and asked, "How's Tim."

"Better," he replied. "he's going to stay home in bed."

"What did he tell his parents?" I said.

"Just that he wasn't feeling good," Kevin

After Kevin went his way when we got to school, Chris asked me, "Danny can you come spend the night at my house tonight, my Mother wants to talk to you."

"Why does she want to talk to me?"

"I think she just wants to get to know you. I've told her a lot about you and she's interested in getting to know you better."

"I guess my parents won't mind," I said.

After school, I got home and mom said "Chris's mother called and asked if it would be OK for you to spend the night there. I told her it would be OK. We had a nice chat. She's real nice and had a lot of nice things to say about you."

"Well, in that case, I guess I'll head over there" I said as I headed out the door.

When I got to Chris's house, he opened the door and let me in. He had a smile on his face so I figured that everything was pretty much OK. As I walked in, his mom cam up to me and gave me a big hug and kissed me.

"Danny, I'm sorry we didn't get to meet sooner. Chris told me a lot about you but I didn't realize how serious you two were about each other until last night. I'm afraid I really came down on Chris about this thing with Danny and Tim. Anyway, I figured we ought to become better acquainted since you are a major part of my son's life."

I was sort of flustered by all this and all I could manage to say was "I'm pleased to meet you."

"Why don't you boys go off and play or something while I get supper ready" she said so Chris and I headed for his room. Chris turned around when we got in the room and embraced me. "I guess if I'd have been jealous, this wouldn't have happened," he said.

"Maybe, but I doubt it. Kevin got a little carried away and I wasn't thinking. I really didn't want to do it without you but you insisted."

"I'm sorry, but it would have happened whether I was there or not."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Shit, we were lucky that it wasn't you. Hell, You would have really torn him up. And by the way, thanks for going to bat for us, it wasn't your responsibility."

"Bullshit, Danny!", Chris exclaimed, "I was just as much a part of it as you were. I got us mixed up with Kevin and Tim and I practically pushed you into bed with those two the other night and besides, I love you! I couldn't bear to see us get separated by this. I had to do what I could! You'd do the same for me wouldn't you?"

I started to agree and then the thought hit me that our situations weren't similar. Chris had an understanding family. On the other hand, my parents, particularly my father would be extremely upset to find out I was gay; they'd probably have me committed or something. At the minimum, I'd probably never see Chris again. "Not if it would mean losing you," I said with tears in my eyes. "You just can't imagine what my parents would do if they ever found out. I'd never see you again. I love you; I don't think I could bear to be separated from you.".

"Danny, that wasn't fair of me. I realize the position you are in. I just hope that you don't ever have to tell your parents. Let's get off of this subject, it's starting to get old," as he reached for me and drew me to him.

We lay there in his room until there was a knock on the door. "Come in," hollered Chris as we sat up.

The door opened and Lisa came in. "Mom said to tell you that we're going to eat in 10 minutes, so you should get washed up. What's the matter Danny, you look sort of pale?" she asked.

"It finally hit him how close we came to disaster," Chris replied.

"That's what you get for thinking with that thing between your legs," she said with a grin.

Chris and I washed up and sat down at the table. Dinner was over quickly as Chris and Lisa joked and carried on. Their enthusiasm infected me and soon my gloom disappeared and I joined in.

After dinner, Chris' Mom said, "I've got to go to work. Lisa's going to spend the night with Tammy; I'll drop her off. You boys enjoy yourselves."

I couldn't believe this and told Chris: "You've got a great Mom. How many mothers would take it on themselves to do what she did. She even called my Mother to ask if I could come over."

"Yeah, Chris replied, Mom's great."

We watched TV for a while and snuggled up to each other. I was tired and pretty soon I was dozing off. Finally, Chris said, "Danny, I think we should go to bed."

I groggily got up and followed him to his room. "lie down," he said as he started unbuttoning my shirt. Still half asleep, I tumbled in to the bed and just vaguely remembered Chris pulling off my shoes and sock and then my pants. I sort of dozed off again and then woke up to feel Chris sucking on my cock which was quickly getting hard. I pulled him up to me and we started kissing. Somehow, Chris had gotten his clothes off and now with his warm body next to me, I could feel his rock hard cock pressing against my stomach.

"Fuck me, Chris," I said. Without saying anything, he rolled me over on my stomach and started playing around with my asshole. He got up and came back a minute later and started smearing something on my asshole. I felt his fingers, first 1, then 2 and finally 3 enter my tight butt. Then he pulled them out and he lay down on top of me. Kissing me, he positioned his huge cockhead against my butthole and started gently pushing. All of a sudden, he was in and moaning. He pushed it all the way in and then started a slow rhythmic movement. His tongue explored my mouth and I started to feel waves of pleasure spread through me as his hard cock stimulated my prostate. His breathing got faster and faster as he reached climax. His hot breath in my ear sent chills up my spine. With a moan, he lunged and I could feel his cock pulse as his load was expelled into my asshole. At the same time, I felt myself let go.

We lay there for a while, exhausted and finally Chris made a move to get up. "No," I cried. "Stay in there, it feels so good." So, he rolled me over on my side and still in me, and pulled the covers over us and we drifted off to sleep.

The next thing I remember it was morning and the first sensation I recall was having to piss something awful. Chris had me in an embrace from behind and I realized suddenly that Chris was still inside me, hard. "Wake up, Chris," I said as I shook him. He pushed up and looked at me with a blank look on his face. "Come on, get up before I piss all over your bed" I said. This got to him and he jerked up. Not yet awake enough to realize that he was still in me, he was surprised with the loud slurp that occurred when his cock slid out of my ass. With this, we both sat there laughing until I feared I was going to piss all over, ran for the bathroom grabbing my dick. Chris was right behind me.

As we stood there together, pissing, Chris looked at me and said, "we're a mess. Look at you." Our stomachs were covered with flakes of dried cum from where I came all over myself. Chris's subsiding member was all greasy and I could feel that my balls and ass were all greasy.

Chris turned on the shower and the two of us got in and tuned on the water. As we took turns soaping each other up, I got really turned on and said to Chris, "Can I fuck you?".

Chris turned around and said "do it." I got behind him and slipped into his soapy ass and reached around and grabbed his huge cock. In no time, it seemed, I could feel his cock get hard and at the same time, I felt my load spew into him.

"Wow," that was the most interesting shower I ever had, remarked Chris as we finally ran out of hot water and had to get out. "I love you Danny" he said as we dried off.

"I love you too, Chris," as I reached over and kissed him.

We grabbed a glass of OJ and ran for my car. I had to double back to the bus stop to pick up Kevin and as I drove up, I noticed that Tim was there this morning.

"And what did you two do last night?", Kevin said grinning as we pulled up.

"Fuck," I said grinning. I looked over at Tim who was trying hard to not laugh"

"It still hurts," he said, "especially when I laugh."

"Are you better?", I asked.

"Yeah, I'm not bleeding anymore, but it's still sore as hell."

"Well, that's a relief," I said as we drove off.

On the way home that night, Kevin asked: "Are you guys still going to take us to the beach on Sunday?"

"I don't know, I didn't think that Tim would be up to it," I replied.

"Don't worry about me, my asshole might be fucked up but there's nothing wrong with my dick." said Tim. "I think I will be OK by then."

"Tim, its a 10 minute hike to the beach down a rugged trail, are you sure that you can make it?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm not nearly as sore this evening as I was this morning and it didn't hurt nearly as bad the last time I took a crap. I'll be OK."

"It's OK with me if it's OK with you," said Chris.

"Well, OK," I said. We'll pick you up at 11:00.

Chris and Danny - Part 2 Alan and Duane

On Sunday Morning, I got up and got dressed for the beach and went down to the kitchen. Mom was up and said, "Good Morning," Danny. It looks like you're going to the beach.

Yeah, I said, Chris is going to show me a beach where the guys do a lot of surfing. Lisa and Tammy are going with us."

"Well, have a good time," she said as I bounded out the door.

When I got to the bus stop, Kevin and Tim were already there with excited looks on their faces. They hopped in and I noticed that Tim was more back to his usual self; he didn't seem to be in pain any more. "It looks like you are feeling better, Tim," I said.

"Yeah, I'm still a little sore but it's not painful any more."

We soon got to Chris's house. I honked and he bounded out.

"Tim's feeling a lot better," I said.

"Great," Chris replied, smiling.

The long drive to the beach was pretty uneventful. Kevin and Tim snuggled up in the back kissing and making out. Chris and I mostly held hands although that was difficult because the road was curvy and I had to keep both hands on the wheel lots of times. It wasn't long before we reached the place and turned off.

As we rounded a bend in the road, leading into a grove of trees that would hide the cars from the main road, I heard Chris say, "Oh, Oh, somebody beat us to it."

"What are we going to do?", I said.

"Find out who it is," Chris replied. "There's a trail up to the top of the cliff overlooking the beach, I can run up there and look and see who it is. They won't see me and we can leave if it's some straight couple. Who knows, it might be some cute guys," he said grinning.

"I want to go too," Kevin announced.

"I'll stay here with Tim and keep an eye on the car," I said.

As Chris and Kevin walked off, I heard Chris say, "Now be quiet, Kevin, we don't want them to see us."

Alone with Tim, I said, "I'm sorry about the other night."

"That's, all right, Danny, I forgive you and Kevin" he said with a smile.

We spent the next ten minutes or so chatting, Tim telling me about how he and Kevin first started messing around. Then, I heard Kevin running up to the car. Out of breath, he gasped: "Guess what, its two guys, we looked down and saw them sucking each other. I didn't recognize the one, he's black, but the other guy I recognize from school. I think he's a Junior and his name is Alan Fuji something. They're both cute."

About this time, Chris wandered up. "Kevin says he knows who he is. The one guy looked familiar but I don't think I've ever seen the other."

"Well, let's go check it out," I said.

Part way down the path to the beach, Chris stopped and said, "We don't want to scare the shit out of them. Let's go in nude." So we all stripped down and went on. As we neared the beach, Chris motioned us to be quiet and we walked on to the beach with them unaware of our presence. They were lying on a blanket, embracing each other. Kevin started giggling. As they both shot up off the blanket, Chris said, "Can we join the party?"

The Japanese guy sat there and obviously surprised, stammered, "Uh, uh, I guess so." The black guy just sat there with a shocked look on his face. Hoping to put them at ease, I reached over and pulled Chris to me. "It looks like we weren't the only ones that knew about this place."

"I thought we'd be the only one's here," Alan said.

"So did we," said Chris grinning. With that, everybody laughed.

Chris, addressing the two guys, who by now had stood up, said, "You were here first, if you want us to leave, we will."

"No, you just surprised us, that's all. We never thought we'd be disturbed here."

"Your name's Alan, isn't it," Kevin asked. "I know I've seen you around school. My name is Kevin and this is Tim," he said pulling Tim to him. "The blonde here with the horse cock is Chris and his lover is Danny."

Starting to relax, Alan said, "Yeah, I thought I'd seen you around school. This is Duane, he doesn't go to our school. He goes to a private school and is home for the weekend. He lives next door to me."

"Look," I heard Kevin whisper to Tim, "the black guy's hung almost as good as Chris."

"Well, I'm not about to find out for myself," Tim replied.

Duane was black but his features were almost Caucasian. Chris guessed that he might be from the Caribbean as he spoke for the first time with a British accent, "I hope you guys are discrete, I can't let my parents find out about me."

"Me neither" Alan echoed. "My parents would kill me if they found out I was gay. Especially if they found out that my lover was a black guy."

"Don't worry about us, a couple of us have the same problem. We're not going to give anybody away and intend to make sure that nobody finds out about us."

"Well, since you're here, you might as well sit down," Alan said.

"OK," Chris said as he opened up the blanket and laid it out next to them.

"We're going for a dip, Chris," Tim shouted as he and Kevin ran for the surf.

"Wait for me," I said and ran after them. Chris was good in situations like this, it would be best to let him handle it.

Even though it was still early fall and the sun was warm, the water was cold and after about 10 minutes, I told Kevin and Tim that I was going to go back to Chris. I flopped down on the blanket next to Chris who was talking with Alan and Duane and hugged him.

"Danny," Chris said, facing me, "Alan and Duane are pretty shocked by us coming here." He went on to tell me that neither of them had ever had sex with anybody but each other. They didn't know any other gay people and weren't interested in trying to meet up with any others for fear that they would be found out. He sort of had the impression that they thought that they were unique and that they would not mix in well with other gay people. Also, since Alan was Japanese-American and Duane was black, they were afraid that they would be the subject of additional ridicule if their affair became known.

"Alan," I said, "none of us care in the slightest that you are oriental and Duane is black. I've always wanted to have sex with a Japanese. Black guys like you," I said grinning at Duane, "turn me on but I've never had the opportunity to go with either. You should have heard Kevin and Tim carry on out there in the surf. Both of them are eager to have sex with you. Kevin was going on and on about how he would love to have Duane fuck him."

"You mean in the ass?", Duane replied incredulously.

"Sure," I said, "where else?".

"I thought it was only sadists that did that sort of thing," Alan said with amazement.

"Don't you guys do it?", Chris asked.

"No, all we've ever done is jack off and suck each other. We never ever considered it. Besides, there's no way that Duane could do it to me without hurting me," Alan said.

"You ought to try it. Sure it hurts a bit but the feeling is great." Chris went on to describe how he could fuck me and suck me off at the same time. As he went on, I looked over at Alan and Duane, and I could see that they were becoming aroused by all this erotic talk. While Alan was just average, about 7 inches, about the same as Tim but uncircumcised and fatter, Duane was about 11 inches like Chris, also uncircumcised but much more slender.

I reached over and grabbed Chris's hardon and said, "If I can take this, you know it can be done, but you've got to be careful. You can hurt somebody really bad if you aren't" and went on to tell them about Kevin, Tim and myself and Tim getting hurt.

About this time, Kevin and Tim rushed up. "Boy the water's cold," Tim chattered and squeezed in between Chris and me. Kevin, seeing no place for himself with us, squeezed in between Alan and Duane.

Noting Duane's hardon, he grabbed it saying, "Boy what a cock!".

At this, everybody laughed but Duane said seriously, "I take that as a compliment but damn, your hands are cold." Kevin pulled his hands away as everybody laughed.

"I still find it hard to believe that Chris could fuck you," Alan said.

"Well, Danny, I guess we'll have to demonstrate," Chris said as he lay down on his back with his head to Alan and Duane. I reached in the bag and got out a tube of KY and handed it to Chris and then climbed over Chris who in the meantime was greasing up his cock with the KY. I positioned myself over Chris's hard cock and he smeared more KY around my asshole. I sat up and slowly let myself down on Chris to the gasps of Alan and Duane. Chris lay there quietly as I slowly slid up and down on Chris. I looked over at Alan and Duane who were obviously affected since their cocks began to swell. At that, Kevin, said, "I've always wanted to see what black dick is like," and crawled over and started sucking on Duane. Tim, not to be left out, crawled over and started on Alan.

Feeling that my asshole had loosened up enough, I started bouncing up and down on Chris who getting in the swing of things started counterthrusting. Chris started moaning and I echoed him. I put my hands on the ground and started moving my ass up and down faster and faster. Chris let out a cry and as I felt his cock get real hard, he gave a hard shove up just as I came. "Jeez," I heard Alan exclaim, he shot all over me!". I looked up to see my cum running down Alan's face and chest. Exhausted by my passion, I collapsed onto Chris who wrapped his arms around me and we just lay there.

As we lay there, I remember hearing moans of pleasure. As I came back to reality, I looked up and saw that Alan had moved around and was going down on Tim. Duane likewise was hungrily sucking on Kevin. With the satisfaction and calm that comes after sex, I dreamily watched as first Alan, then Duane, Kevin and Tim all reached climax.

Finally, I got up off of Chris, startling Alan who looked up when Chris' cock made a slurping noise as it pulled out of me. I said, I'm going to get this mess off of me and headed for the water. Slowly, the rest of them came back to life and joined me.

We spent the next hour or so horsing around in the surf until we got so chilly that we had to head back to the blankets. We all lay down in the warm sun, I with Chris, Tim with Kevin and Alan with Duane. Alan was the first to revive. He said, "Danny, if I wouldn't have seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. I always thought that guys fucking each other was sadistic but now I'm not sure. I can't get over you shooting cum all the way over here and you weren't even touching your dick. It must have been a hell of a climax for you to shoot that far. I think I'd like to try it some time."

Chris, sat up and said, "I'm sure you would enjoy it if you'd give it a chance. Any of us would be glad to oblige you either way, except for Tim, that is. However, since neither of you has ever been fucked, I'd suggest that you let Kevin or Tim fuck you. You certainly don't want to start with Danny or me and Duane wouldn't be any better."

"Well, I'm not sure, you and Danny certainly were enjoying yourselves but right now, I'm not even sure I could get it up."

"Me either," Duane said.

"If we aren't going to fuck, let's eat," said Kevin.

"Good idea," said Chris. "Kevin, you and Tim go round up some firewood while Danny and I get set up."

The next hour or so was spent getting firewood, starting a fire and roasting wieners and eating. By this time, the sun was beginning to go down and it got noticeably cooler. Before long, the fire felt great. Tim and Kevin stretched out on the blanket and started making out. Chris and I sat next to each other and embraced each other while. Alan and Duane sat off to themselves whispering to each other. Not paying all that much attention to them, I was surprised when Alan came over and whispered to me, "Duane says he'd like to fuck you and have Tim fuck him. Do you think Chris would mind?"

"Not if you fuck Chris and let Kevin fuck you. Is that OK?", I said. Alan nodded agreement. Chris looked at me questioningly and I leaned over and said, "Duane wants to fuck me and be fucked by Tim. I told him yes if Alan fucked you; I'm sure that Kevin will be happy to fuck him."

"Sure," Chris said loudly, "break out the KY! Tim, do you want some black ass?"

Kevin and jumped up hearing this and I said. "It's gang bang time. Remember, guys, take it easy."

I motioned Duane to come over and I grasped his long cock. I spread some KY on it and started working up and down with my hand. I handed the tube to Duane and told him to put some on my ass. I got down on my hands and knees and Duane came up behind me. I told him to grease me up and loosen me up by sticking his finger in. "Tim," I hollered, "get the KY and grease up." I felt a tingle as Duane cautiously slipped his finger in. After a minute, I said, "now try sticking it in." I felt his hard rod against my puckered ass and as I pushed back, it slid in.

Then I heard Chris say, "Tim, your turn, OK, Alan, you too."

Tim said, "Duane, let me know if this hurts." I heard Duane gasp and his weight shifted as Tim entered him. "Are you OK, I mumbled."

"Yeah, its not as bad as I figured on," he mumbled.

"OK, You're in control. As soon as you relax, start moving back and forth. Don't worry about me, I'm already good and loose." As Duane started making small movements, I heard Chris, who was next to me, grunt and then say, "OK, Kevin, now you can try it"

Shortly, Duane picked up his pace and was soon grunting with pleasure. The tip of his cock was stimulating my prostate gland with each stroke. Duane reached around and grabbed my cock and started stroking it. Behind Duane, I could hear Tim moaning with pleasure. The gasps and moans coming from Chris, Alan and Kevin turned me on even more. Suddenly, Duane was breathing in short gasps, punctuated by moans. I felt his cock harden and the warm feel of his cum spread through me. With that, I felt my cock harden and shoot a load into Duane's hand and behind. Exhausted, I fell forward with Duane on top of me. As I settled, I felt the pressure of Tim making one last thrust into Duane and then all was silent.

Finally, I looked up and saw that Kevin was doing all the work there. He grasped Alan by the hips and was pushing him into Chris and then pulling him back onto him. As I watched in fascination, He gave a final lunge and shot his load into Alan. This final bit of stimulation was all that it took for Alan to shoot. As I saw his face light up in ecstasy, I saw Chris's Cock pump up and shoot a thick stream of cum.

We all lay there for quite a while until I finally started elbowing my way up and managed to roll Duane and Tim off of me and stood up. I walked over to Chris and gave him my hand and pulled him up. Arm in arm, we dashed to the surf to wash off. Shortly the rest of them joined us.

The cold water was a shock and none of us stayed any longer than it took to wash the cum and KY off. In just a minute, we all were back near the fire, warming up.

"Well," Chris said to Alan and Duane, "how was that?"

"Fantastic," replied Alan.

"I've never had sex like that before," said Duane.

"Well, I know we enjoyed it but It's getting dark and I have to get our two studs here, back home before they turn into pumpkins," I said looking at Tim and Kevin.

"Yeah, we'd better get back also" said Duane, I have to get up early tomorrow.

So, we packed up our stuff, put out the fire and hiked back up the hill in the deepening twilight.

As soon as we hit the road, I looked back and saw that Kevin and Tim were asleep in each others arms. Chris leaned against me and soon was asleep too. "Some company I thought." Fortunately, I was able to stay awake on the drive home and we made it back without incident.

After dropping the boys off, I stopped in front of Chris's house and he said, "Why don't you come in for a few minutes?"

"Sure" I said. When we got inside, we tuned on the TV and sat on the couch intending to talk. Chris did say, "That was a great day, I really enjoyed it."

All I remember was saying, "Me too."

The next thing, I remember was vaguely hearing the phone ringing, then Chris's mother saying, "Yes, He's here. him and Chris are sound asleep in front of the TV. I heard them all come in just after it got dark. No, Danny can stay here. I don't see any reason why he should be driving home half asleep. No, its no problem, Danny can sleep on the couch. --No, I don't think so. -- Yes, I think they were just exhausted. No, problem, I understand, I would have been calling you if they hadn't shown up here. Do you want to talk to Danny? I'll wake him up if you want. -- OK, no problem, goodnight."

Seeing me looking over, she said, "That was your mother, Danny. She was worried about you. I told her that you were asleep on the floor."

"I heard." I said.

"Why don't you get Chris up and get him in bed. I'm sure you two would be much more comfortable there" she said with a twinkle in her eye.

It was all I could do to get Chris to his room. He flopped on the bed and was out like a light. It was up to me to get his clothes off him. I stripped and climbed in with him. Soon we were sleeping like babies.

The next morning, I was awakened by Chris' mother knocking on the door. "Chris, Danny, get up, it's 7:00am. As Chris sat up, he looked over at me and said, "How did we get here?".

"I drug you in here after my mother called. We fell asleep in front of the TV. Your mom answered and talked my Mother into letting me stay. We'd better get going, I have to go home first and change into school clothes," I said.

We had a quick shower and hopped into the car and ran home. When I got in the house, Mom was in the kitchen. "Danny, you had me worried." she said. "I'm sorry, Mom, we were so tired that we fell asleep watching TV. The phone didn't even wake us up. Chris's mother had to get up and answer it."

"That's what she told me. Well, I guess you didn't mean to give me a scare."

"No, Mom, it was strictly accidental."

"Well, you'd better get to school," she said.

At the bus stop, Kevin and Tim were waiting. They piled in as I slowed down and grinned as they saw Chris with me. "Did you and Chris get it on again last night?", Kevin asked. "No, I fell asleep at Chris' house and woke up this morning. All we did last night was sleep," I said.

"Me too" said Tim.

"Yeah, I dropped out like a light when I got home" said Kevin. "I can't wait to see what Alan has to say when I see him. He and Duane were really neat! I hope we can mess around with them again sometime."

"Listen you two. I'd be careful around Alan. Yesterday was a big surprise for him. I know he enjoyed himself but today, he might be having second thoughts. He might not welcome you with open arms. Play it cool. If he shows reluctance to talk to you, don't push it.", Chris said.

"We understand," they said in unison.

I didn't see Chris the rest of the week except for going to and from school and in our classes that we share. Kevin reported that he saw Alan in the hall and he ignored him. I told him that that was to be expected. Alan was obviously feeling a bit guilty and afraid that association with us would rub off on him. I told him to forget it. Alan would either come around or he wouldn't.

Thursday evening, I was home doing homework when Mom called and said I had a phone call. I answered it and the voice on the other end said, "This is Alan, remember me?"

"Of course, why shouldn't I," I replied.

"Oh, I don't know..."

"What can I do for you?", I asked.

"I was wondering whether we could get together this weekend?", he said.

"Do you mean all of us or just me? Kevin said you ignored him when he saw you at school," I asked.

"All of you. Tell Kevin I'm sorry. I was scared he might say something in front of my friends," he said.

"That's what I figured" I said. "I'll tell him what you said." "We'd planned on camping out at the beach. We were going Saturday morning and coming back on Sunday afternoon. You and Duane are welcome if you want to come"

"I don't know, I'll have to ask Duane, he's right here. -- Duane says yes, but he's going to have to ask his parents. Can I call you back tomorrow and let you know?"

"Sure," I said.

"OK, Bye," and he hung up.

The next morning, I waited until Chris got in the car after picking up the boys. "Kevin, Alan called last night and said he's sorry that he ignored you; he was afraid you'd say something in front of his friends. He and Duane want to go with us camping this weekend if Duane can get permission. He's supposed to call me this evening."

"both of them?", Tim asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Whoopee," shouted Tim and Kevin.

I looked over at Chris who was frowning. "What's the matter?", I asked.

"Well, I was looking for a quieter weekend. Do you realize that it's been almost two weeks since we've had sex just with each other?" he said.

"You're right," I said. "I don't like the prospect of having sex with everybody but you."

Chris turned around to the boys and said. "Danny and I have decided that this weekend we're only going to have sex with each other. I don't care what you guys do with Alan and Duane, but we're doing it alone."

"Does that mean that we aren't going?", Tim said, sounding disappointed.

"We aren't, you can. Alan drives. He can pick you two up and take you. I'll ask him tonight when he calls," I said. "Chris and I can come out Sunday if we feel like it."

"OK," Kevin said. "What are two you going to do?", he asked.

"Probably go to the Bucket with my sister and her girlfriend for appearances and then spend the night at my place," Chris replied.

By this time, we were driving into the school parking lot. The boys ran off and Chris and I were left to walk in together. "Danny," Chris said. "You aren't mad with me are you?"

"Hell no," I exclaimed. I was going to suggest the same thing; you just beat me to it that's all."

"Chris" grinned and said "I love you Danny."

"I love you Chris," I said as we parted for our respective classes.

That evening, Kevin got to the car and said, "I saw Alan. I told him what you said. He was disappointed but he'll pick me and Tim up on Saturday. He said that he hopes that you and Danny will come out Sunday."

"Great," I said.

After I got home, I got a wild hair and decided to call Lisa. She answered the phone and I said, "Lisa, this is Danny."

"Danny, you know Chris is working tonight."

"Yeah, I know. It's you I wanted to talk to."


"Yeah, how would you like to go down to the bucket with me?"

"Does this represent a change in your sexual orientation?", she quipped.

"No, of course not, you know the score, nothing's changed. I just don't feel like sitting here at home by myself. My parents went away for the weekend.".

"Can Tammy come?"

"Of course," I said.

I arranged to pick her and Tammy up at 7:00 and went and took a shower.

As I suggested, we went down to the Bucket. As usual, there were a lot of kids from School there. I went over and hung around with a couple of guys I knew. They'd seen me drive in with Lisa and Tammy. One of them quipped, "Danny's getting to be quite a ladies man; he came with two girls."

"Chris had to work and Tammy wanted to come along. Besides, all they do is get together with the rest of the girls anyway. See, I'll bet they're all talking about us over there," I said motioning to a bunch of girls a few cars down. This got a good laugh out of everybody.

All in all, I had a fairly good time. I'm able to keep up with the guys and they seemed to accept me as part of the group. Around 11:00, I gathered Tammy and Lisa up and took them home. Lisa said to drop her off at Tammy's; she was going to spend the night. "Shit," I said, "I know Chris gets off at midnight, I was hoping to wait for him to come home at your place and spend the night."

"I'd be glad to let you in. Mother is working tonight, but you know how to make yourself welcome."

"Great," I said. "you can drive my car back to Tammy's place."Lisa took me to her house and let me in.

"Have fun," she grinned as she shut the door behind me.

"You too," I said.

I went in the kitchen and saw a note to Lisa from their mom to the effect that Chris had called and said he had to work an hour over and would be home about 1:15. So, I figured, I'd just sack out in Chris's room; I wasn't much for watching late night TV. I turned the lights off and went into Chris's room. I stripped and crawled into his bed and was soon fast asleep. I woke up when I heard the toilet flush and shortly Chris came into the room. He didn't turn on the light as he stood there and stripped off his clothes. It was all I could do to keep quiet and not break out in giggles. He sat down on the edge of the bed and by now, I had a raging hardon in anticipation of him crawling in with me. I guess it was when he reached behind himself to lift up the covers that his hand came in touch with my throbbing cock. "What the hell," he said as he turned around and felt me.

"It's me, Chris," I said.

"Danny, What the hell are you doing here?"

"Waiting for the best fuck in California, I said as I pulled him onto me."

"Oomph, Oomph" he said as I kissed him passionately. We lay there for a few minutes until he pulled away and said, "At least let me get all my clothes off."

He slipped off his socks and said "this is a hell of a surprise." Then he started kissing me. He started at my mouth and then kissed my ears. Then he slowly started kissing me down my chest. He paused for a minute on each of my nipples. He reached down and grasped my hard cock and gently stroked it as he continued to work down my stomach with his tongue. I was able to get my hand around his cock and I started gently stroking it. The end of it was slippery with pre-cum. I tried to get up and slide around so that we could 69 but he pushed me back down and said, "Danny, let me make love to you my way."

He got down to my dick and started flicking his tongue around my cockhead. Then he started licking my cock and then he took my balls in his mouth one by one. Next, he spread my legs and was licking my asshole. I'd never had this done to me and was in heaven. Finally, he pulled himself up next to me and embraced me. He rolled over with me on top and positioned his cock between my legs. Realizing what he wanted, I reached back and guided him into my asshole. He didn't force it or anything. He let me take the lead. Generous amounts of pre-cum lubricated his cock and soon I felt it sliding in my asshole. Chris started working it back and forth to lubricate it and soon, I felt it slide all the way in. Chris reached down and grabbed my hips and started sliding me up and down his cock.

The pre-cum from my cock lubricated our bodies so soon he had me sliding back and forth. This went on for some time until Chris suddenly grabbed me and rolled us both over. He lifted up my legs and pulled my ass up on his thighs and reached over and took his cock in my mouth. He started gyrating his hips rapidly and I felt his cock get hard and shoot into my ass. At the same time, I felt my nuts tighten up and it felt like fire flowing in my groin as I shot into his mouth. As soon as my cock quit squirting, he fell forward and kissed me. I could taste my cum in his mouth as we kissed. Chris started to pull out but I murmured. "Leave it in, it feels so good" so Chris swung my leg up and rolled me over without pulling out and lay down with me with my back in contact with his stomach. Exhausted, we fell asleep.

The next thing I remember was daylight coming in the window. Chris's cock was still in me and he had his arms around me. I could feel his gentle breathing on my neck. I lay there for some time and reveled in the contact of his body and mine.

Pretty soon, Chris stirred and finally woke up. "Danny, I love you," he said.

"I love you too, Chris," I said.

We lay there for a few minutes before, Chris said, "You sure surprised me last night. The last thing I expected was to find you in my bed," he said. "Hell, I wasn't expecting anything. I didn't see you car outside. How did you get in?"

I explained how my parents unexpectedly went out of town, I had called Lisa, Lisa and Tammy went with me to the Bucket and how Lisa had let me in and took my car to Tammy's.

I pulled away from Chris and rolled around facing him and we talked for hours it seemed until finally, I said I had to piss. Chris did too so we went in the bathroom and stood there pissing when the phone rang. Chris ran back to his room and answered it. I came in and he said, "Its Lisa. She wants to know if we're up." They talked for a few minutes then Chris said, "she's going to bring your car back over in a few minutes. So we slipped on some clothes and pretty soon Lisa swept in with Tammy. Chris went over and gave Lisa a kiss and said, "thanks for letting Danny in."

"I didn't think you'd mind," she said. "Tammy and I are going shopping. I'll see you later." With that they were gone.

Chris said, "Now what are we going to do?"

"I don't know. I'm not particularly interested in going to the beach.".

"Me neither," Chris said. "Hey, I've got an idea. How about sightseeing. We could go up to LA and I could show you around."

"That sounds great."

So we did the tourist thing. We drove up to Hollywood. I wasn't impressed. Parts of it are nothing more than a slum. We went on a tour through one of the studios and drove up on Mulholland Drive. Chris said the view was terrific at night, especially in the winter when there wasn't as much smog. We went through Griffith park and looked at all the old trolleys and trains at Traveltown. We went to the planetarium or whatever it was.

Towards evening, we ended up in a Dennys restaurant on Sunset Blvd. It was obvious that the place was populated by a large gay clientele. Two good-looking guys, about the same age as Chris and I walked in hand-in-hand and sat down in the next booth. We overheard scraps of conversation that made it obvious that they were gay. I couldn't get over them being so open about it. I heard one of them say "they're both cute, I bet they're both hung like horses." I blushed, realizing that they were talking about us. Finally, just before we were about to leave, one of them came over and asked "are you two new here or just visiting?"

"Just sightseeing" Chris said.

"Are you going to the Act IV?", he asked.

"What's that?", I asked.

"Its a gay coffee house over in West Hollywood. A lot of gay kids go there that aren't old enough to get in the bars. It opens around 9:00 you guys are gay aren't you?"

"Yes" Chris replied hesitantly, "I'm Chris and this is Danny, my lover."

"I'm Roger and this handsome guy is my lover Chuck." Chuck came over and Chris got up and sat next to me in the booth so Roger and Chuck could sit together.

"Tell us about this coffee house," I asked Roger.

Roger went on to tell us that the coffee house catered to gay kids who for the most part weren't old enough to go to the bars. You could dance, socialize and drink all the coffee you wanted. "You guys coming?"

"It sounds interesting," said Chris but we weren't planning on spending the evening here, we've got to get back home."

"Where's home?"

"Orange County," I replied.

"That's a long drive" said Chuck. "Roger and I have our own place; you two are welcome to stay with us."

"What do you think?", Chris asked me.

"Sure," I said.

Since it would be a couple of hours yet before the coffee house opened, we sat in the restaurant and talked. Roger and Chuck went to High School in the Valley. They came over here to Hollywood whenever they could and partied. Roger explained that there usually was a party somewhere after the bars closed and they usually turned out interesting. Upon questioning, it turned out that 'interesting' meant orgy.

"Have you guys ever been to an orgy?', asked Roger.

"Sort of," Chris replied and told about last weekend with the boys and meeting Alan and Duane. Chris quickly added that he and I were comfortable with our own little group; last weekend was sort of a fluke. We had decided that this weekend, we were only going to do it with each other. Besides, we were scared to death of getting AIDS. Roger said he understood. Chuck and he generally avoided getting involved with others. As it turned out, other than being more open, they were an awful lot like Chris and me. They even had some younger friends like Tim and Kevin that were part of their circle. The four of us, finding that we had a lot in common, hit it off really well.

After a couple of comments from the waitress about people taking up space for paying customers, we left the restaurant and followed Roger and Chuck over to the coffee house. When we got there, they were just opening. We went in and looked around. There were only a few people there and I said that this place didn't seem very lively and Roger replied that it was early yet. When the bars let out, the place would be packed. So the four of us got some coffee and sat down in the booth. Pretty soon, more people came in.

We were sitting there talking when suddenly, a beautiful girl in a slinky, low cut dress with lots of cleavage came up to the table. "Roger," she said. "who's these two beautiful hunks with you?".

"Oh, just some friends, Sally," said Roger.

"Mind if I sit down," she said and without waiting for a reply, she slid in beside me. "This one's cute," she said, putting her arm around my shoulder. I could smell her perfume and her low cut dress was very revealing. I grinned and then she asked, "How are you hung, honey. I only like real men." As I felt myself blush, I looked over and saw Chuck and Roger laughing. Even Chris was laughing. "Let's go somewhere," she said.

Chris said, "he's spoken for" where upon Sally bounced up and plopped down on Chris's lap. The expression on his face was something to see. Roger and Chuck were all but rolling on the floor laughing. "You mean you like MEN TOO?" she said, "well maybe you'll too" and reached down and groped Chris. "Wow, honey any time you want to do it, I'm ready." Sensing that she'd made her point, she wiggled down to sit between us and said, "I was just funning you. Don't take me too serious."

Roger piped up, "Yeah, Danny, Sally does this to all the new people that come in here."

"I'm curious, what does a girl like you hope to gain by coming in a gay coffee house?", I said.

"Dick, honey, Dick. I love sucking dick. The bigger the better. I love to fuck also," she said.

"Well, I'm afraid you've got the wrong two guys, Danny's all mine," said Chris.

"Aw, shoot. Well, I tried" she said and got up and swished off.

"You might not find her all that bad," quipped Chuck, "she's hung like a horse."

"She's what?", Chris and I exclaimed in unison.

Roger explained that Sally was really a man that was undergoing a sex change. She took female hormones that caused her breasts to develop but she still had a cock and balls. She was an exotic dancer and worked in one of the bars. Chris and I just couldn't get over it.

As the evening wore on, an even stranger collection of people wandered in. Roger and Chuck knew many of them and introduced us to many of them. One couple was dressed all in leather. They looked pretty tough. I saw these two guys wander by near the table and said to Roger, "Boy, I don't think I'd want to meet those two in a dark alley."

"Sure you would," he said, and called them over. Despite their macho appearance with the leather, and tattoos, they turned out to be mild and almost effeminate. They explained that the leather outfits were sort of like costume. Other guys here were dressed like girls, drag queens. "Like, Sally," I asked?

"Not really," Chuck answered. Sally for all practical purposes is a girl. For most of the people here, it was just like a costume party; the next day, they'd go back to their normal existence.

As the evening wore on, the place became more crowded. Pretty soon, couples started dancing. Roger asked Chuck if he wanted to dance and he said yes. As they got up, I looked over at Chris and he pushed me out of the booth and we joined them. It was really strange, I thought as Chris and I danced that here we were, two guys dancing in public with each other. It was so much fun, that we danced several more dances. Then Roger broke in and asked if we wanted to switch, so Chris danced with Roger while I danced with Chuck. The next dance we switched around again.

Gradually, the place filled up as the bars closed and guys came in for a coffee before going home. The dance floor became so packed that you could hardly move. Chris excused himself and said he had to go piss. A few minutes later, he came back grinning and said that he must have been groped a dozen times going to the john. I had to go myself a bit later so Chris went with me. Even together, we got groped. Neither of us took issue with it because it all seemed to be in fun.

When we got back to the booth, Roger asked whether we would like to go to a party that he heard about or go home with him and Chuck. "I think I d rather go home with them," I whispered to Chris.

"Lets go to your place," Chris said. So we went out and drove over to Roger's house. On the way, Roger took us up to Mulholland Drive. We stopped at one place and got out and looked at the Valley spread out below. It was very beautiful and romantic. "It looks a lot better at night," I said.

When we got to Roger's place, we went in and Roger got us cokes. Chuck started stripping so Chris and I followed suit. Chuck was a blonde with broad shoulders, muscular but not overly so. He was just hung average, maybe 7 inches. Chris was just pulling down his pants when Roger came back with the cokes. "Holy cow," he exclaimed as he came in and saw Chris's almost hard 11 inches. Then he looked over at me and saw my 9 inches and said, "Boy, I've never seen two guys hung like you two, Sally wasn't kidding was she?", he said to Chris. He set the tray with the cokes down and proceeded to strip his own clothes off. He was built much like Chuck but he hardly had 7 inches. "You guys will give us an inferiority complex" he said.

"I told you they were hung," remarked Chuck.

"How in the hell could you know?" asked Roger.

"See Chris' ears? When they stick out like that, it means he's got a big dick"

"Come on," I said. "I can't believe that."

"Me neither" said Roger.

"Well, it's true," said Chuck. "You just keep your eyes open," he said.

Chris scooted over to me and pretty soon we were making out, I looked over at Roger and Chuck and saw that they were kissing also. Roger, reached up and turned out the light. Then, I heard Roger ask, "Chris would you and Danny fuck us? We're dying to know what it would be like getting fucked with horse cocks like you two have."

"I don't know," I whispered to Chris."

"I've got rubbers," Roger said.

"OK" I whispered to Chris.

"OK," Chris answered Roger.

Roger jumped up and opened a door and came out with a box of condoms. He gave one to me and Chris and handed Chuck a tube of KY. Roger got on his hands and knees and reached back and greased up his asshole. "Come on Danny," he said. I got behind him and fumbled with the condom package.

"Here, let me help you," Chuck said and slipped the condom on my dick. "Fuck him silly for me!"

I started working my dick around Roger's greased asshole. The condom felt strange on my dick. Placing pressure against Roger's asshole, I felt my dick slip in. Hearing him gasp, I held back a minute and looked over at Chris. He already had a rubber on his dick and was getting into position behind Chuck. I started moving in and out slowly in Roger and hearing Chuck let out a yell, I looked over at Chris.

"I'm OK," Chuck winced. "That thing is HUGE. Take it easy Chris"

"I will."

Feeling Roger relax, I started long strokes in and out of Roger and he responded with counterthrusts of his own. Pretty soon we had a pretty good motion going. I felt the heat rise and with a final lunge, I pushed into Roger. Reaching around, I grabbed his cock just in time to feel it throb and pulsate as he shot his load also. Falling to the floor with me on top, Roger mumbled, "Don't pull out yet, it feels so good."

Lying there spent, I looked over and saw that Chris was really getting it on with Chuck. Chuck was hollering, "FUCK me FUCK me, FUCK me with that big dick! FUCK me. OH!! OHH!" he cried out as his cock spurted cum all over and Chris gave one last lunge before collapsing on him.

After a few minutes, everybody rolled over and Chris and I got up and ran into the bathroom to dispose of the condoms. When we got back, Roger said, "You guys might be country yokels but you sure know how to fuck."

"I'm not even sure I'll be able to walk tomorrow," Chuck said.

We talked a little more as I snuggled up to Chris. The next thing I remember, it was morning. As I stirred around, Roger woke up and said "good morning."

"Good morning," I replied.

Hearing us talking, Chris and Chuck stirred and soon everybody was wide awake. We sat around for a while chatting. Finally, Roger said, "let's go to the pancake house" and get something to eat. We went and had breakfast and pretty soon, it was 11:00am. Chris said we'd better get headed home so we said good-bye to Roger and Chuck and headed home. We exchanged phone numbers and agreed to get together in a week or two.

Nearing home, Chris said, "It's still pretty early, do you want to go out to the beach and see how the boys are making out?"

"Sure," I said. "I can't wait to tell them about our night in LA."

We got to the beach road and turned in. Alan's car was there so we piled out and headed down the trail. When we got to the beach, we saw Alan, Duane, Tim and Kevin horsing around in the surf. Kevin looked over and saw us and hollered "Hey, Chris and Danny are here." They all ran up and Tim ran up and kissed me while Kevin went over and hugged Chris.

"Take your clothes off," Kevin said excitedly. So Chris and I stripped. Alan and Duane, stood there and watched with grins on their faces. "Alan and Duane have been fucking each other. They can't wait to do it with you two," he said grinning.

"I don't know," I said, "Chris and I are pretty well fucked out" and I told them about our night in town. They all sat there enthralled as I told them about Sally and the drag queens, S&M types and others that we met at the coffee house. We told them about dancing together and ending up with Chuck and Roger.

They all wanted to go there next weekend but I had to dash their hopes. "You've got to be 18 to get in."

"But you aren't 18," Tim said.

"No, but I'm almost 18 and Chris is 18 but you guys are barely 16 and could pass for 14. No way they'd let you in. Even Alan and Duane might be pushing it. I'm afraid you're just going to have to wait a couple of years."

Getting warm lying in the sun, I got up and said, "I'm going for a swim." The rest followed suit and we horsed around for a while. Finally, the chilly water cooled us off and Chris and I headed back to lie in the sun. We dozed off and the next thing I remember was someone sucking my dick. Thinking it was Chris, I just lay there and took it in. Then, somebody giggled and I opened my eyes to see Tim sucking on my dick while Kevin was sucking on Chris. Duane and Alan were standing there watching and playing with each other. Seeing me open my eyes, Tim popped my dick out of his mouth and said "Alan and Duane want you to fuck them. We want to watch. You both are hard so you don't have any excuse"

"OK, I guess we don't have any excuse," I said to Alan, "why don't you sit on it?"

He sat down on my cock and with a grunt, let it slip in. I was amazed that for somebody who had just done it for the first time, he was performing like a pro. Then he started moving up and down. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Duane sit down on Chris. His long black 11 inch cock reached beyond Chris's belly button. I let Alan do most of the moving for a while until he started a good rhythm. Getting into the swing of things, I started making motions of my own. Beside me, Duane was riding Chris like a bronco rider. With a kamikaze yell, Alan came, squirting cum all over me. Tim, standing over me, moaned and shot his load all over me and Chris and then Kevin came all over us too while Duane and Chris reached climax together with white cum squirting out of Duane's cock all over Chris's chest. All of us spent, we sort of ended up in a big pile until we all caught our breath.

It wasn't long before I felt chilly and looked up and saw that the sun was obscured by clouds. The surf also was thundering and waves were breaking on the beach just a few feet from where we lay. "We'd better get going, there's a storm coming," Chris announced. He dashed for the surf and stayed in long enough to wash the cum off and headed back. The rest of us did likewise. We dressed, gathered up our belongings and headed up the trail. Just before we were out of sight of the beach, I looked back and saw a big wave break where we had been fucking a little bit earlier. "It looks like we got out just in time," Chris said as we continued our way up the hill.

Tim and Kevin elected to ride back with Chris and me so we said good-bye to Alan and Duane and watched them drive off. Then when we had finished packing the stuff in the car, we took off for home. This time, Chris said, "I'm going to stay awake. That wasn't nice of me last week to go to sleep on you." The boys in the back didn't care and were asleep before we ever hit the highway, at least, I never heard a peep out of them on the way back. Since we were out of town and it was getting dark, Chris slid over and placed his hand on my leg.

We talked on the way home and at one point, Chris said, "Saying I love you to somebody these days doesn't always seem to mean much but I want you to know Danny, that I love you very much."

"Me too," I said and gave his cock a squeeze. We rode back the rest of the way in silence with Chris resting his head on my shoulder until we got back to town. I woke the boys up and dropped them off and then dropped Chris off. We kissed in the car before he got out and I went home and crashed.

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