Danny's Change

By Big sarah

Published on Feb 22, 1998



Danny's Change

Amy and I had been friends for a number of years. We had both gone out on dates with other people but we just sort of gravitated back to each other after awhile. Mike and Darcy were also friends of ours and we frequently double dated. Amy and I were having sex but only two times so far. The first time was in the back seat of my car off a country road and really wasn't that great. It was the first time for both of us and we weren't really sure what to do, but we managed to muddle through OK. The second time was better even though it was on the couch in my family room and we had to keep listening for my parents returning from a shopping trip to the mall. But at least we had a better idea of how to do it without sticking each other in some sensitive area, or getting a foot caught between the seat cushions - you get the idea. After the second time we were getting more relaxed about the whole thing and were beginning to look forward to a more active sex life in our senior year of high school but then something happened that changed all that.

About 6 weeks after we had sex the second time, I thought that Amy was acting a little funny but I couldn't get her to tell me what the problem was. It was like, she'd talk to me, but she wouldn't really talk to me, if you get what I mean. I figured that maybe she was just having a bad period or something so I stayed away from her for several days, figuring that eventually she'd get over whatever it was that was bothering her. Then the policeman showed up at our front door after supper one evening and "asked" me if my parents and I would accompany him to the station. At the station, after we waited around awhile, a Lieutenant finally took us onto a room and we found out what the problem was. Amy was pregnant! While that was enough of a shock, she was claiming that she had never wanted to have sex with me and that I had raped her. Boy did my folks go through the ceiling when they heard that. I didn't know who my father wanted to punch more, the Lieutenant or me. At least I didn't have to stay at the station though; they charged me and released me into my parent's custody, with the strong suggestion that we contact a lawyer in the morning.

The next several weeks were kind of a blur for me. I found out later that when Amy found out that she was pregnant and told her parents, that they were really mad at her so she blamed me by making up the story that I had raped her. Sure. Who was it that started the whole thing the first time by unzipping my jeans? Anyway, her father decided that I had to be punished for what I had done to his innocent child so he made a big deal of it with the police and hired his own lawyer to assist with my prosecution. Anyway, the trial, if that's what you could call it, was really a joke. Amy got on the stand and blamed me for the whole thing. And I tried to explain what had really happened but I don't think that the judge really wanted to listen to anything that I had to say. After the testimony was over he took all of 15 minutes to find me guilty. And then Amy's Dad and lawyer made a statement before the sentencing about how I had ruined her life, and how I could walk away and have to carry the child and raise it by herself, and how I should be punished the way she was now being punished, and on, and on. All of it was bullshit but what could I do. After all the crap was over with, the judge said that I could remain free in my parent's custody and that I would be notified of my sentence shortly.

A couple of days later we received this official-looking registered letter in the mail and when we opened it we found that it was my sentencing document. It started out with all the flowery legal language about how I had been found guilty and then said things like how I "... needed to share the trials and discomfort that my victim was going through..." and about how I "... had shown no remorse for my actions..." and how "... I obviously needed to have my sexual desires restrained..." and so forth. The bottom-line? I was ordered to have to further contact with Amy until after the birth of our child at which point I was to share in the parenting responsibilities, and I was to undergo a series of treatments to suppress my predatory sexual desires. This whole thing was fucking unreal. We went over it with our lawyer and he said that we could appeal, and it would cost lots of money, and would take several years, and even then we only had at best a 1-in-4 chance of winning so he'd recommend that we drop the issue. My parents aren't much help. Mom's trying to pretend that nothing ever happened, and Dad's like "... well, if you can't keep you pants zipped up, you'll have to take the consequences." So I decided not to contest it.

I had my first visit with the doctor that will be supervising my "treatment" today. He basically told me that over the next 6 months to a year, depending upon how my body responds; he would treat me with a series of injections that will reduce my sex drive to "normal" levels. I asked him what "normal" meant and he just said that I wouldn't have the desire to go around tearing off the panties of every girl I met - as if I ever did. Any side effects? He said they'd be "minimal." So then he spent almost an hour measuring my body, weighing me, taking samples of things I didn't know you could take samples of, and so forth. Then he went into his office for several minutes and appeared to be checking some books and doing some calculations on a PC before he came back into the examining room. He asked me to turn away from him and bend over. He came up behind me and I felt a quick pain in my left butt cheek and he said, "There, that's the first injection. Now get your clothes on and I'll see you every two days from now on."

This is pretty dumb. I hate these treatments. It's not like they're doing anything to me but I hate having to go to the doctor's office every couple of days. I decided to skip one treatment and the next day a county Sheriff''s deputy showed up at the house to "escort" me to my treatment. Guess they're really serious about this. The only change I've noticed is that I'm rapidly loosing my fear of needles. When I was a little kid I hated getting shots. Mom and a nurse would have to hold me down while the doctor gave me the shot. Once I cut my foot on a rusty nail and had to have a tetanus injection. I got away from the nurse and ran screaming out into the doctor's waiting room, blood spurting from my foot, and being chased by a pissed off Mom and nurse. My parents still kid me about that one.

Amy's been doing a number on me at school. Guess she's been going around spreading stories about how I raped her and all that sort of thing. Most of the kids in my class aren't having much to do with me these days. Mark's OK - he'll still hang around with me, though. As best as I can figure it out, Amy must be about 4 months along now but she doesn't look any different than she always did. I wonder if there's any chance that she's been faking the whole thing...?

No. Guess not. It's about a month later and Amy's beginning to "show" a little bit. It's not that she's getting really big or anything but she's started wearing these loose tops and from the way the fabric hangs I can tell that her belly's beginning to swell a little. Of course I can really get close to her or talk to her because of the court order, but it makes me feel funny to think that our baby is growing in there. Even after all she's done to me; I still find it hard to hate her.

We were taking showers after gym class yesterday and I was just kind of standing there in the hot spray and relaxing, not thinking about anything special. Then I realized that Mark was looking at me and smiling and I realized that I had been staring at his crotch. That was embarrassing - I didn't even realize that I had been doing it. I blushed and turned away. That night I had a dream about him. I don't remember much about it. The one part I do remember is that he was standing up in front of me, and it looked like he had his dick going down his left pants leg instead of being supported in his underwear. There was this huge bulge that went halfway down to his knee. When I woke up I found that I'd had a wet dream and had to get up and change my PJs.

Mark and I have been spending more time together lately. He's the only kid at school who will have anything to do with me. Because the other kids ignore me, we usually don't go the school activities. Instead we'll go to a movie, or watch TV at one of our houses, or just go up to one of our rooms and shoot the breeze for a couple of hours.

I noticed something funny this morning when I was taking my shower. My nipples are bigger than they used to be. I'm surprised I hadn't noticed it before because it looks like they're about twice as big as before - like maybe an inch across now, and a light tan color instead of the previous pink. I wondered if it was one of the side effects that the doctor was talking about. I hadn't even been thinking about the treatments much lately - going in every other day for an injection is pretty routine now. Anyway, when I went in to see him this afternoon I asked him about it and he said that "..... yes. That's one of the likely effects." I asked him if they would change any more and he said "yes" again. But told me not to worry about it.

Mark was up in my room this afternoon and I was changing from my school clothes into some ragged old jeans and a sweat shirt so that we could go over to his house and shoot some baskets. I had taken off my shirt and was looking in my closet for a sweatshirt when I noticed that he was staring at my chest. Well, actually he was staring at my nipples. I asked him if something was wrong and he said something like "..... has your chest changed a little?" I told him what the doctor said about a minor side effect and he just grunted and said "OK." I noticed that he keep sneaking looks at them though until I got the baggy sweatshirt on and they were covered up.

Yeah, Amy's beginning to get big now. She's about 6 months along and can't wear the loose fitting clothes to cover up her advancing pregnancy any more now. She's switched over to regular maternity clothes now. It's not like she waddles or anything, but her belly definitely does stick out in front of her now. I noticed when she was going thru the line in the cafeteria that her belly was resting a little on the tray she was pushing in front of her. It bugs me that I can't be with her these days. It's not that I have the "hots" for her body or anything, but I would like to be there to support her.

The Doc was right. My nipples have gotten a little larger. Well actually, it's a little more than that. The outside part, I guess it's called an "aureole" or something is now about an inch and a half across and it's turned a dark tan color. The nipple in the center now sticks out about a quarter of an inch or so and is pretty sensitive. The Doc wrote a note to the school that excused me from gym class so the other kids don't have to see the changes. I just have to make sure that I don't wear a tight T-shirt out in public. Of course Mark can see the changes. I think he likes to look at them. The other day when we were alone in his room, he asked me if I'd take my shirt off so he could see what they looked like. He even asked me if he could touch one but I told him "no." I'm still having dreams about Mark.

This afternoon we were at Mark's house and he was bugging me again about my nipples. He really wanted to see what they felt like. I finally told him that was OK but only if he'd do something for me. He asked me what and I told him that I wanted to see what his dick felt like. I think that kinda shook him up because he looked at me finny and said "no way." But then about 15 minutes later he said, "OK Danny, let's do it." So I took off my shirt and he took off his jeans and shorts and we stood there facing each other. He slowly raised his right hand up and gently touched my left nipple with his index finger. The feeling startled me and I must have jerked back a little because he said "Sorry, I didn't want to hurt you." I told him that it was OK, that I was just startled. Then he gently put his palms over both my nipples and just held them there. His hands felt so warm on my chest that I could feel my dick getting hard. I slowly reached down and placed my hands around his dick, which was pretty hard by itself now. I could feel it's warmth and hardness, with the big vein on the top slowly pulsing as his heart beat. I moved my fingers out to its tip and slowly stroked the purple swelling. He began to breathe faster as I stroked his dick with my hands, slowly at first and then faster and faster. He bent his head down and slowly licked my nipples, first the right and then the left. We stood like that for what seemed like forever but for what must have just been a minute or so. Then we both came, he splattering his cum on my belly, and I releasing my load in my pants. When that happened, I realized what we had been doing and I was shocked. I pulled my shirt back on, mumbled something like "I gotta go now." And ran out of his room and went home. I don't think I got to sleep at all that night. I just lay there tossing and turning in my bed and kept thinking about what had happened, and how I had felt. At school next day I think I must have looked like shit cause a couple of the teachers asked me if I felt OK. Mark and I kept away from each other and didn't talk or look at each other.

Wow! Amy's only 7 months along and she's getting BIG. She was always kind of a cute, skinny little thing but I bet that she weights about 160 pounds now. She doesn't exactly waddle as she walks from class to class, but she sure walks noticeably different than she used to. After I got out of the shower this morning, I was looking at myself in the mirror and I was wondering what it would be like to be pregnant. I turned sideways and tried to puff my tummy out and ran my hands over it and tried to imagine what it would feel like as it got bigger day by day. Then I moved by hands up to check out my nipples and they didn't feel different but the area under them felt a little softer, or thicker, or puffy or something like that. I'm not sure how to describe it but the areas on my chest near my nipples feel a little fuller.

I was heading off to get my haircut this afternoon and Mark asked me not to. I haven't gotten around to getting it cut for several months now and it hangs down almost to my shoulders in waves and curls. I think that it looks kind of messy but Mark said that he thinks I look better with it long and could I let it go for awhile just to please him. I figured that it was no big deal so I went along with him. We were wandering through the shopping mall later in the day. Nothing special to do but we both just wanted to get out of the house. It's funny but I realized that as we were walking past other kids that I was checking out the crotch of the boy's jeans to see how big a bulge they had there. A couple of years ago I would have been checking out the girl's chests, now I was looking at the guys.

Mark's folks were away for the weekend and we told my folks that I was going to sleep over at his house on Saturday night. I don't think that my folks care what I do these days - they kind of just ignore me as if I was the kid who wasn't there. Anyway, we rented a couple of videotapes, and ordered some pizza and stayed up till past midnight just goofing around. Finally around 2am as we kept waking up on the sofa and realizing that we had been dozing and had no idea of what was happening in the movies and our necks and backs were getting stiff, we decided that we'd better go to bed. Mark's got a pair of bunk beds in his room and he called the top one so I got in the bottom one. I'd forgotten to bring any PJs but the bed had flannel sheets so it was pretty soft and comfortable. After I'd been in bed about a half-hour I could hear Mark moving around and then he got out of bed and went into the bathroom and took a leak. When he came back in the bedroom I guess he must have forgotten which bed I was in because he got in with me. I said something sophisticated like "Watch where the fuck you're going!" Mark just said "Oops. Sorry about that. Just let me stay here a minute." Then he rolled over and put his chest against my back and put his arms around me. His skin was cold from being out of bed and we both shivered for a minute. Then his skin warmed up and it felt kinda nice just lying there, wrapped in his arms so I didn't say anything. After another couple of minutes his hands began to gently massage my nipples. They had been pretty sensitive lately but he was very gentle and it felt really good. After a little while he took his arms away and I was afraid that he was going to get out of the bed but he asked me to turn over and lie on my back. I did and he crouched over me, moving his head down to my chest level and slowly licking each of my nipples with his tongue. Then he put his mouth on each nipple in turn and gently sucked on one, and then the other. I was getting so turned on by this that I was really hard, and as I reached down and felt him, I realized he was even harder and more excited than I was. We must have lain there for a half-hour, with Mark mouthing my nipples and with each of us gently stroking each other's dicks. Finally we couldn't restrain each other and the strokes got harder and faster until we came almost at the same time and splashed our cum on each other. Mark had been doing more of the work and he was pretty tired by that time and his body was sweaty so he just lay there and I snuggled up against him and went to sleep in his arms.

In the morning I woke up before he did so I slipped out of bed and took a shower and got cleaned up. Then I pulled on an old baggy sweatshirt of his and went into the kitchen and fixed a gourmet breakfast of Sprint and Lucky Stars. When Mark came down in the morning, neither of us talked about last night. Just ate breakfast and watched the morning cartoons on TV for awhile.

I saw Amy at school about a week ago. As best as I can figure, she's due to deliver in about 4 weeks or so. I couldn't believe how huge she had gotten. She looked like she was close to 200 pounds - almost double her weight of a year ago. She has developed a second chin, and it looked like her belly has grown so huge that it sags part way down to her knees and kind of sways from side to side as she walks. Actually, "walk" may not be the right word. She just kind of lurched forward, moving her huge mass in front of her in surges. Her face was all sweaty and shiny with the effort she was putting forth to move from class to class. But what I really noticed were her breasts. They had enlarged unbelievably. What had been two cute little B-cups were now these large sacks that hung down nearly to her navel, and sagged to either side of her protruding belly. As she moved forward you could see ripples of fat spreading through them. I know that she tried to cover all this up but there was just no way that she could disguise what her body had become. Jesus! If that's what being pregnant does to you, I'm sure glad it's her and not me. Since that time, I haven't seen her at school. I guess she's just at home waiting for the kid to come. Hey, wonder if it might be twins or triplets and that's why she's so big? And to think that I thought I was in love with her just a half year ago...

After we finished shooting some baskets today, Mark told me he had a present for me. I asked him what it was but he just pulled a small box from his jeans and handed it to me. It looked like a jeweler's box and when I opened it up I found that it contained a small diamond pendant on a slim gold chain. "Here" he said, "Let me put it on for you." He unbuttoned the top two buttons on my shirt, and stood in front of me, reaching his arms around the back of my neck to brush my hair out of the way and fasten the tiny clamp on the chain. It took him several minutes of fumbling and I was just standing there, smelling the sweat from his body close to mine. Finally he got the clasp fixed and arranged the chain so that you could just see the diamond against my chest through the v-shaped opening at the top of my shirt. "Leave your shirts unbuttoned like that" he said, "I like the way it looks on you." I looked at him for a few seconds and then moved forward to brush my lips against his. "Mark, I love you," I said. "And I love you too, Danny" he replied. Just then we could hear my Mom's car coming up the driveway. What timing!

A week or so after then when I was drying myself off after my shower, I examined my nipples carefully for any further changes. The nipples and aureoles hadn't changed much, at least not that I could tell. But it looked as though the tissue under them had swollen a little, so that the aureoles now rested atop soft mounds that were maybe a half-inch high. The effect was to make it look as though I had tiny breasts - not even an A-cup in size. Now as long as I'm careful how I dress, nobody at school can tell. But I have to be a little careful even so. Like, I was in Global Studies the other day and the class was boring and I was getting a little sleepy so I put my hands behind my head and leaned back and stretched a little to help stay awake when all of a sudden I noticed that my nipples were very obvious through the fabric of the loose sweater I was wearing that day! Luckily, I was in the back row and the teacher was looking the other way, so nobody else saw it.

I may be close to the end of the treatments I've been taking. The doctor was checking me over the other day and after he took my measurements and some blood samples, he stood in front of me and took his thumb and forefinger and massaged around my nipples for a minute. Then he took each nipple and gently squeezed it and tugged on it a bit. After that he rubbed his fingers together as though there was some moisture on them that he was examining. Then he said that it looks as though I don't have to come in as often now. Instead of every two days, he'll back off to a "maintenance" treatment once a month. That's fine with me.

I got the strangest phone call, it was from Amy's Dad, and he wanted me to come over to their house and talk to Amy. I started stuttering and trying to tell him that I couldn't do that when he interrupted me and told me that the situation had changed and that it was OK for me to see Amy again. I wasn't really sure how I felt about this but I went over to her house and her parents showed me up to her bedroom and left the two of us alone. Wow, if I thought Amy was big the last time I caught a glimpse of her at school that was nothing to what she looked like now. She was lying on her back on her bed, but I could see the outline of her huge body under the sheet. I didn't want to embarrass her by asking how much she weighed, but I'd guess that it had to be at least 250 pounds. She had to keep her chubby legs spread apart so that the huge sack of her belly could rest on the bed between them - it looked as though it reached all the way own to her knees by now. When I looked at her face, I couldn't tell where her chin ended and her chest started, there were just a series of rolls of fat. And her breasts had grown into huge fat tits that hung down on either side of her body and partly covered her arms. The right one was partially hanging over the side of the bed, uncovered by the sheet, and I swear that it must have been 10 inches in diameter. It was a pasty white color and I could see the blue veins in it. The aureole itself must have been about 4 inches across. Anyway, when I walked in her room and stood by her bed, she slowly turned her head to look at me, her movements sending ripples through the bulges and sacks of fat on her body. The first thing she said was "Danny, your hair, it's so pretty that way." "Mike's idea" I said. (I've got to admit that with my hair now falling to about 3 inches below my shoulders, and with the waves in it that it does look pretty good.) "Danny" she said, "I'm so sorry for what I did to you, the lies and all. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't tell my parents the truth. I've missed you so much. And I've hated myself so much for what I did that my only pleasure has been stuffing myself, and you can see what that's led to. But I finally got the courage to tell my parents what really happened 9 months ago." I couldn't get over this, after all she had done to me, she wanted to get back together? This was too fucking strange. The last thing I wanted to do now was to have anything to do with this fat lump of shit. So I made small talk for a few minutes and then told her that I had to get home because Mike was coming by to pick me up so we could go to a movie, which was true, and then left. I didn't say anything about the whole situation to Mike.

Mike and I were shooting some baskets a couple of days later when I felt this funny sensation, it was hard to describe but it felt like something was bouncing up and down on my chest. I told Mike I'd had enough exercise for the day and wanted to quit. He asked me what was wrong and I told him I wasn't sure. We went up to my room and I stripped off the baggy sweatshirt I had been wearing and looked at myself in the mirror. Yeah, my breasts had gotten a little bit bigger and it was their unaccustomed weight that I had felt bouncing around. I'm still not even an A-cup but they definitely look like breasts now. Mike came up behind me and put his arms around me and cupped my breasts in his palms. He likes to do that and to be honest; I like the way it feels. He turned me around and bent down and licked each nipple and then gently sucked on each breast. As my nipples have gotten larger, they've also grown more sensitive and the sensation as he sucked on them was really beginning to get me excited. All of a sudden he stopped and pulled back from me with a puzzled look on his face. This time it was my turn to ask him what was wrong. "I'm not sure" he said, "but it tasted like something was coming out of one of your nipples." I looked down and couldn't see anything, but then as I watched, a small drop of a whitish fluid developed on the tip of my right nipple. "What the fuck's going on?" I said. Mike touched his fingertip to my nipple, picked up the drop of fluid, and licked it off with his tongue. "Doesn't taste like much," he said. About this time I began to notice a funny feeling in my breasts, it wasn't that they felt uncomfortable or anything, more like they just felt "full" or something. I wasn't sure I wanted to let Mike play with me any more so I asked him to just leave me alone for the time and we went downstairs and watched some TV.

Several days later, my parents were taking off for the weekend so I asked Mike to spend the weekend with me. Whenever we get together now, we sleep in the same bed. In fact, when I have to sleep by myself I have trouble getting to sleep, tossing and turning for what seems like hours. Anyway, we did the usual cuddling and snuggling in front of the TV, and then went up to my room and jerked each other off and then fell asleep in each others arms. I don't know why but I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. I lay there next to Mike and after awhile I slowly slid my hand down to his crotch and lay it on his dick. Of course he got hard right away. Instead of stroking him I slipped the sheet off and moved down to where I could see his dick. I looked at it for a minute, with the vein along the top slowly pulsing as his heart beat, and the large purple swelling on the end. All of a sudden it began to look like the most beautiful thing in the world and I bent forward and gently brushed my lips across it's tip. Wow, if I thought it was big before, now it was huge. I just had to lean down again and gently lick the tip several times, and then I took the whole tip in my mouth. I was getting so excited by having Mike's cock in my mouth that I could feel my own cock getting hard and my nipples getting erect. I had to have more of Mike. I took as much of his huge cock in my mouth as I could. Gently sucking on it and moving my mouth up and down it's shaft. All of a sudden, Mike's body jerked several times and my mouth filled with this warm thick liquid. At first I gagged and I though I was going to puke but I controlled myself and swallowed the liquid. Actually, it wasn't bad - just a little salty. As I moved back up and snuggled back into Mike's arms, I realized that he hadn't even awakened. So that's what it's like to give somebody a blowjob, I thought.

The next morning I slowly awakened to an unfamiliar sensation. I realized that Mike had awakened before me and had moved his head down to my breasts and was slowly and gently sucking on each one, moving from one to the other every several minutes. The feeling of "fullness" had returned, but in addition as he sucked on each erect nipple, a warm sensation of pleasure went through my body. It felt so good that I never wanted him to stop, but after about a half-hour he stopped and looked up at me and smiled and said "Hi sleepyhead. Want to go downstairs and finish breakfast?" "Finish breakfast?" I said," what's going on?" "Maybe you hadn't noticed" he said "but your breasts are producing a little milk when I nurse on them, and you just fed me a little breakfast." Sure enough, I looked down at my breasts and there was a little white fluid at the tip of each nipple. It also looked as though Mike's nursing had stimulated them or something, as they looked slightly larger.

It must have been about 2am when I was awakened by a phone call from Amy's father. She had had the baby. I was the proud (?) father of a baby boy, and Amy wanted to see me at the hospital. I got down there in record time and went into her room. She was just as huge as I had remembered her, but a lot more "out of it." I guess that things didn't go well because of her weight. She had been in labor for almost two days and they finally had to do a C-section on her which meant that she was wiped out from the labor, and then in even worse shape from having the operation on top of it. She was just lying there, barely conscious, when I walked into the room. I guess I should have felt more for her, seeing as how she had just borne my child, but after what she had done to me, and then to herself, I didn't feel any more for her than I would have for a sack of fat - which is pretty much what she resembled. A couple of minutes later the nurse brought our son in. Now that was a moment I'll always remember, holding this fragile little thing in my arms for the first time. Then he started crying and the nurse said that it was probably because he was hungry and that she'd leave us alone. Well, that didn't work out too well. Amy was too zonked out to hold him. And when I held him up to one of her huge teats I don't think he could get any nourishment as he kept crying. Finally in desperation, I unbuttoned my shirt and held him up to one of my nipples. To my surprise that contented him and he clung to me, nursing away. I sure don't know whether he got much milk, but I shifted him from side to side a couple of times and after about a half-hour he went to sleep. I couldn't believe the feeling of holding my son in my arms and having him nurse on my breasts. How great! After he'd been asleep for about a half-hour, the nurse came back in and took him off to the nursery, commenting that "He acts like Mom gave him a good meal." I didn't say anything.

I've been going back to the hospital several times a day now to visit Amy and my son, we've decided to name him Derek. I don't know why, but Amy likes the name. Everybody thinks that I'm going in because I'm so devoted to Amy and my son, well that's 50% right. But part of the reason is that Amy's having a lot of trouble nursing him. It's funny, her tits are so huge that you'd think that she'd be able to supply enough milk for the whole nursery but it just doesn't work out that way. Derek will nurse and nurse on Amy and keep fussing all the time. Then I'll pick him up and hold him to my tiny breasts and he'll nurse to his heart's content and then drop off to sleep. Amy and I haven't told anybody what we're doing; it's our secret. Well, I've told Mark what we're doing and he doesn't seem to mind. "Just save a little for me," he kiddingly said the other day.

Mark and I were taking a shower together last night. We like to do that whenever we can get off by ourselves without our parents in the house. I really like it when he stands behind me and I can feel his soapy body rubbing up against mine. His didk will harden up and stick between my legs where I can reach down and play with it, and he'll reach around and soap my front and play with my breasts. Usually after awhile he'll jerk me off and then I'll drop down on my knees in the shower and give him a long, slow blowjob. With all the hot water sluicing off our bodies, and the steam, and the soap all over our bodies it's really great. Anyway, last night Mark was playing with my breasts and he said "Danny, I swear that your tits have gotten larger." I hadn't noticed it but once he mentioned it I could see that he was right. Now they're still pretty small, but I guess all the nursing has stimulated them or something, as they're a full A-cup size now. It's not like they really stick out or anything, and as long as I'm careful how I dress nobody will notice anything. But if you look carefully at the diamond pendant that Mark gave me, you can see two tiny swellings on either side of it when I leave my shirt unbuttoned, so now I usually only leave the top button undone.

I've got a problem with the milk that my breasts are producing now. Between Mark and Derek, they are getting nursed pretty regularly. Now that's not bad, because I really like the feelings and sensations of having my breasts sucked on. The problem is that if I go too long between feedings, I start to get the feeling of being uncomfortably full, and a little while after that a little milk will start to leak out of my breasts. Mark and I hadn't been able to get away by ourselves for the past several days, which meant that I was servicing only Derek. Well, I was sitting in school this afternoon, shifting a little back and forth in my chair, because my breasts had this really uncomfortably full feeling, when I felt something wet. I looked down and the front of my sweater was all wet from the milk that had leaked from my left nipple. Worse, the wet fabric clung to my skin and you could clearly see the shape of the breast and the engorged nipple through the fabric. Luckily it was near the end of the school day and when I got up to leave the classroom I could hold my books in front of my chest so that the mess was covered up. I told Amy about my problem and she said that she had something that might help me. The doctor had given her this thing called a breast pump when she was having trouble getting her milk to flow. She wasn't using it anymore so she gave it to me. It's like this plastic cup that goes over the end of my breast, and there's this pump connected to it that pulls a vacuum or something. Anyway, it kind of sucks the milk out of my breasts and drains it into a container. So now whenever I get this full feeling, I can use the breast pump to empty my breasts before I have another "accident." I'd much prefer to have Mark or Derek empty them by nursing because there's very little of the pleasurable nursing sensation from a pair of warm wet lips pressed to your breast with the pump. But I guess it's better than "leaking" all over your clothes.

My breasts are definitely becoming larger. I don't know whether it's the constant nursing, or whether they would have done this anyway, but they have gotten bigger. I don't know how big they are, but I'd guess about a C-cup now. It's at the point where wearing loose tops won't hide them any more. I can try not to emphasize them but it's obvious to anyone who looks at me that I've got a pretty good set of tits on me now. At least school has been over with for several weeks so that I don't have to worry about the other kids seeing them. Now don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like them or anything - I love them. I like to look at them in the mirror and cup them with my hands, feeling their weight and warm softness. And Mark, it's like he's a kid in a candy store when he's around me now. If he's not staring at them, he's trying to get me to let him play with them. Our favorite position in bed now is with Mark on the bottom on his back. Then I kneel over him with my breasts hanging down in his face and he licks and suckles on them.

Active sports are out for me now. While I enjoy the feeling of my breasts swaying back and forth under my clothing, I do NOT enjoy the feeling of their slapping back and forth when we play basketball. I was wondering whether I should get some sort of support for them, like a sports bra or something, but Mark asked me not to. He said the sight of them swaying back and forth under my clothing is a real turn-on. This milking thing is beginning to be a bit of a drag. I find that I have to expel milk from my breasts now almost every two hours. Even on the days when both Derek and Mark are nursing, I produce enough milk so that I have to use the pump. I just stick the extra milk in a bottle in the refrigerator and leave it there for anyone who wants it. The last time I checked which was about a week ago, my daily milk production was up to about 22 ounces.

Had to get a new pair of jeans yesterday. Mine have been feeling increasingly tight. I guess that it must be that I'm gaining a little weight because of the lack of active exercise now. I had been wearing a 32 inch waist, and I had to go all the way up to a 36 inch waist before I found a pair that was halfway comfortable. Actually, it took a 38 inch waist before I was really comfortable but that made my hips and butt look so big that I've decided to force myself to struggle into the 36 inch waist. I was afraid that the changes in my breasts were going to carry over into other parts of my body. Like my dick was going to fall off or something HA. HA. But not much else has changed other than my hips getting a little bigger. Well, I don't have to shave as often - but as far as I'm concerned, that's a plus.

When Mark was getting dressed yesterday, I asked him to do me a favor. "What", he said, "suck on your tits?" "That too" I said, "but for now, don't put on any underwear today." "Why?" he asked. "Don't worry, you'll find out" I replied. The weather was rainy so we decided to go to a movie that afternoon. When we were going into the movie theatre, I snuck a glance at Mark and you could just barely see his dick hanging down inside the left leg of his jeans. So I sat on his left side in the theatre. Partway thru the movie, I "accidentally" lay my right hand on his left leg, and then let it "accidentally" slide down so that it was over his dick. Right away I could feel his dick begin to harden and grow thicker. I kept that up for the rest of the movie, just playing with him enough to keep him fully erect, but not enough so that he'd cum. That was for later. As we were leaving the theatre I looked and he had this huge bulge partway down his left leg. I swear his dick looked 10 inches long and 2" thick. He was walking a little funny too - as if his leg were a little stiff or something. As we were going out to the parking lot, several people noticed Mark's erection and he was getting pretty embarrassed from their stares. "Thanks a lot asshole" he whispered to me. When we got in the car, I just sat in the passenger's side seat very prim and proper and quiet till we were out of the lot and on the main road. Then I slipped off my seatbelt and leaned over and put my head in Mark's crotch. I opened my mouth and playfully bit and nibbled on his cock thru his jeans. After several minutes of this when he was beginning to breathe pretty fast. I unzipped his jeans and slowly withdrew his dick. Jesus. It really was 10 inches long. All that playing with it had given him the mother of all hard-ons. I couldn't wait any longer. I took it in my mouth and licked it's tip while I gently stroked it's length with my fingertips. Then I took it deeper and deeper into my mouth and throat, beginning to suck on it as I rhythmically moved my head up and down on his crotch. Finally Mark came, sending hot spurts of cum down my throat. I just lay there, kissing his dick and licking it and playing with his balls the rest of the way home.

Well, it's the end of summer and Mark and I will be leaving town shortly. He's been accepted at a college out west and I'm going to go along with him and we're going to find an apartment off campus so that we can live together. It's gotten to be too much of a hassle for Mark and me to find as much time as we'd like to be together when we're living with our parents. And I'd like to get away to where people don't know me. My appearance has changed quite a bit lately in a way that's getting increasingly tough to hide. My breasts have continued to grow and I'm now producing almost 50 ounces of milk a day, and have to empty myself almost every hour. I wanted to see if I could taper off and let things "dry up" but Mark's insistent that I continue. And I've got to admit that with the exception of the mess if I don't empty myself often enough, that it's a real turn on seeing the amount of milk that my body can produce. Mark's pretty much taken over my milking now. I just have to do it whenever he's not around. As you would expect, with all the additional milk that I'm producing, the size of my breasts has greatly increased. While they can't compare with the fat teats that Amy had, I'd guess that they're about a D-cup now. I was going to look for some kind of bra or support that I could wear to maybe make them a little less noticeable and to give them some support so that they don't sag down. I used to jerk off over the pictures in Playboy of the girls with the big tits but most of those girls had tits that kinda stuck out in front of them. Mine mostly hang down. Mark likes me to walk around in front of him topless so that he can see my huge tits hanging down and swaying back and forth. And that usually gets both of us so hot that it's off to the shower or the bedroom for some hot sex.

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