Dare or Die

Published on May 5, 2022


Dare or Die 3

While some aspects of this story are true, it remains a mostly fictitious account. ALL names and locations are a work of fiction.

Graphic language and sexuality between teenagers is expressed throughout. If you do NOT agree with this or you are NOT allowed to view this content for any reason, do NOT continue.

Feel free to email me about suggestions, opinions, or what you felt when reading at: coreylndnr@protonmail.com

Chapter 3: Awaken and Comply

It was a cold November afternoon. I had just just turned Thirteen back in August and was still the somewhat innocent, but hyperactive crackpot that was far too inquisitive for my own good. My cousin's brother, Kameron, was dropped off for the weekend to give his twin the space to do a museum expedition that he wasn't qualified to be part of. Kameron, fortunately, was closer in tune with who I was. Someone who preferred daring adventures, adrenaline-fuelled chases and loud action movies. His brother, Simon, was the complete opposite. They very closely resembled the younger versions of Jack and Finn Harries - Kam looking the spitting image of Jack. And while I was oblivious to physical attraction in boys, there was no doubt he was cute.

Usually, our time together revolved around climbing trees, roofs, walls and anything else with a ledge for standing on. But today we just walked around in the garden gossiping about our school term.

"Dude, this girl, Kaz - she's in my science class - is insane. Like, I can't lie. I get a boner when I sit next to her," Kam huffed, his breath visible in the cold air.

"A boner?" I laughed. I wasn't used to talking about these things with anyone. I got hard from time to time, but I'd usually just grab my hardon with a force as if I was suffocating it until it went down. It never did, but that's just what my naivety lead me to believe would help.

"Bro, why's that funny?" Kam smiled unabashedly.

"Dunno. Just never heard anyone say that out loud," I admitted.

"What?" Kam asked, clearly confused, "don't your classmates talk about it?"

"I mean, we like joke about it and like call other guys out for having one. But like no ones told me they got a boner over a girl," I said earnestly.

We proceeded to loop the garden to dads shed where Kam stopped. He peered into the glass side window, then back at me, grinning with a mischievous delight.

"I'm cold, wanna chill in there for a bit?"

Before I could answer, he opened the door and pulled me inside. Once he shut the door, the small enclosed space provided a noticeable bump in temperature, efficiently sheltering us from the cold outside.

"Are those blankets clean?" Kam asked, pointing at a pair of thick rolled up camping covers.

"Yeah, we use them whenever we camp out."

"Still grinning, he took off his black hoodie and trackie bottoms, leaving him in only his white boxer-briefs and white socks. His body was identical to mine. Skinny and flat with no definition yet. We were athletic enough to be in good shape, but hadn't progressed to body sculpting. He unfolded the blankets and got underneath one of them, using the other as a makeshift mattress.

"You gonna get in or just stare at me like a weirdo?"

I wasn't quite sure where he was going with this, but I dug it. I got out of my coat, t-shirt and matching grey sweats. I was now left in only my one-size-too-small boxer-shorts and black socks.

"Bro, you still wearing those?"

"Mhm," I nodded.

"They're out of fashion, dude. It's all about these," he pulled the blanket down to display his slightly tented underwear. Everyone's wearing `em, bruv. You should get a pair," he said as he tugged at his crotch.

I slipped beside him, immediately feeling his warmth.

"Well, I ain't got none, so..."

We laid down on our sides, a few inches apart, facing each other.

"Wanna have mine, then? It can be your first pair," he stated optimistically. I saw no reason to say no.

"Sounds good," I smiled back. Being this close to Kam was nothing unusual. We were always wrestling and play fighting, so our bodies sharing heat was completely normal.

"Here," he whispered, reaching down under the blanket and rummaging around. After a moment, his brought his hand out from under the covers holding his underwear.

"You don't mind if it's a bit dirty? I had a wank earlier and haven't showered,"

"You what?"

"A wank. I didn't get to shower this-"

"No, I heard," I giggled. You talk about that at school as well?"

"Yeah, all the time. You do wank don't ya?"

"I mean, yeah, but ya know..."

"Wanna trade?" He offered his boxer-briefs to me and immediately I caught the faint whiff of dried cum."

"Sure. Gimme a sec," I gulped with nervousness. For some reason I was getting hard from this moment and even though I was covered by the blanket, it was exhilarating to be naked next to my cousin. I reached down and pulled at my boxers, dragging them down and lifting my legs to get them off. The warmth immediately made contact with my hairless dick, resorting in an instant bone.

I pulled up my boxers, chuckling with breathless excitement about this new experience. But without warning, the covers were hoisted off of us. With nothing but socks on, Kam and I laid nude. Instinctively, I blocked my dick with my hands but Kam only burst out laughing as he pushed the blanket aside. He laid on his back and stretched out his legs, exposing a rock solid smooth cock that pulsed with every laugh.

"Man, you should have seen your face," he sighed, wiping tears from his eyes, "it's almost as if no one on earths seen your dick."

I was blushing. Embarrassed that he trolled me.

"Whatever, I don't care," I rolled my eyes, feigning a lack of concern. But my heart was racing. This was all new to me. Kam didn't buy it.

"Yeah right. You're still clutching your boner," he smirked.

I was speechless at his carefree attitude to nudity. He was laying stretched out with a stiff cock that looked like it was threatening to burst, and here I was feeling like I was in a self-conscious dream. How could someone be this free? To make matters worse, he saw my boner!

Kam and I were competitive from a young age, always trying to top one another. Most of the time, he seemed to edge out as the victor, but I always redeemed myself. However, never had I ever felt this out of touch. I had to prove him wrong. I took a deep breath and rolled onto my back, pushing my hands to the back of my head to rest on my palms.

My 4 inch bald pole throbbed at the feeling of being out in the open. I was nervous as hell, but I tried to brush it off.

"Very nice, Mase," Kam muttered.

"Thanks. Yours is nice, too," I replied honestly.

"How big are you?" Kam said as he rolled closer to me, leaning on his elbow. He was close to me again, his dick head was a couple of inches from mine.

"Not sure," I breathed, "not checked in ages."

"Mind if I check?"

"I dunno. Isn't this gay?" I worried.

Kam smiled, "nah, bruv, just mates measuring. Everyone does it."

I stared at him, his breath on my face and gulped; nodding with approval.

Without a word, he reached down and grabbed my steel rod and positioned it next to his, squeezing them together. I couldn't help sighing with pleasure at the contact. Kam didn't seem to notice.

"Hmm, looks like you're the same as me. Lemme make sure." Without hesitation, he pumped our cocks together. I had to rest my hand on his thigh to steady myself. My dick felt so alive and I was sure I could feel myself getting close.

"Ugh, mate, I think I'm gonna-"

And just like that, he stopped. He concentrated for a brief moment before letting go of mine.

"Yep, we're the same. About four inches. You also not grown any hair yet?"

"Umm, no" I shook my head, still reeling from the experience. I was dying to blow my load, but didn't want to weird him out.

"That's okay. I only started shaving like a couple weeks ago," he said as he nonchalantly began a slow rhythmic stroke, "but I have so little it looks like I haven't grown any either."

I just nodded, not really sure what to do or say.

"You not gonna finish yourself off? You look like you're gonna burst," he giggled, slapping my head. I flinched at the sensation.

"I dunno..."

"Mate, there's no way you can go back indoors with that thing. Just fuckin' wank. But don't cum on me or I'll make you lick it up," he laughed.

This was wild! Never did I think I was gonna do anything in front of a girl, let alone a boy. The only thing that didn't make this completely insane was that it was my cousin whom I trusted.

I slowly grabbed my rigid tool and started working my shaft, but it was dryer than I was used to.

"Umm, usually I have lube, but-"

"Use spit," he said without missing a beat.

I had never used anything besides cooking oil, but thinking of it now, spit made sense. I tried spiting in my hand, but my mouth was dry. I had been breathing hard all this time and it dried me out.

"Here, hold out your hand," Kam said, grabbing my open palm and drooling a long line of saliva into it. He pushed my hand to my crotch, quickly casing my length in the substance.

"Mmm, shit," my eyes rolled back in pleasure. Up and down, up and down, I stroked slow but deliberately. When I opened my eyes, Kam's grinning mug was right in front of mine.

"Feels good, don't it?"

I smiled, finally easing into the situation. Kam was stroking faster than before and his face seemed to get closer to mine, until our lips were but millimetres apart. Our laboured breathing meant we had no choice but to trade breaths into the others open mouth.

"Kam, I'm there," I declared, knowing I had but a few seconds `til eruption.

"Just do it, don't worry about it," he huffed, "I'm gonna shoot on you, too."

Those final seconds of near silence that were only filled with the sounds of laboured breathing and hand-to-cock friction, came to a close as we grunted in unison, simultaneously spraying each other's crotch with hot, translucent cum.

We both collapsed into each other, resting our head on the others shoulder for support.

"Fuckin' hell, Mase, your covered my dick in your jizz," Kam chuckled.

"You did as well," I giggled.

We recovered and pulled apart, looking at the mess made and then up at each other. His face was a glow of pleasure. Looking at my lips, he smiled, licking his own in thought.

"Fuck, I can't," he said, pulling away from me.

"What d'ya mean?" I asked, slightly confused."

"Nothing, it's cool. Hey, let's get cleaned up quick and get out of here. This was fun, but your dad will murder us if he sees us like this," he chuckled meekly.

We used the others underwear to clean up and shoved them into our trackie pockets.

As we got back out into the cold, I suddenly felt a little weird about what had just transpired. Walking back to the house, Kam seemed to sense my unease.

"Hey, Mase, you good?"

I nodded with a weak smile, "I guess."

"Hey," he stopped in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders to bring me to focus," that was fun, mate. We just did what we always do alone," he said reassuringly. Kam's face was soft and comforting. A face I had learned to love and trust all childhood long.

"Yeah, I know. Just a lot to take in."

"Bro, don't worry about it. You've opened up to shit you were gonna do eventually; who who gives a shit? I've got your back," he said, pulling me into a hug.

That day was officially my sexual awakening. I felt like I truly crossed over into teen-hood.


"Well, since we're here, I do have an idea," Jay teased.

I looked around the secluded area in the park, trying to spot any lurkers potentially listening in or watching, "go ahead."

"I'm gonna keep in the same vein as the dare I gave you earlier. But this time, no phone," Jay said with a devilish grin.

"I stopped looking around to focus on him, "so you want me to wank for you?"

He nodded, "but completely naked. Right here, right now."

"Ugh, I dunno," I ran my fingers nervously through my shortly cropped hair, "what if I get get seen?"

"Lay down on your back, and I'll lay beside you. They won't be able to see anything unless they approach us."

"I dunno -"

"Mate, the only other option is you wank me off in my room. You get privacy, but you make me cum instead,"

"What the fuck?!" I flinched in disgust.

"What?" Jay frowned as if my reaction to his insane proposal was disrespectful."

"Bro, why the fuck would I want to fuckin' wank you off? That's gay as fuck," I spat back. It was one thing to have to deal with his outrageous dares that put me in compromising situations, but another to just pleasure him.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole. It's the fuckin' game, twat," he growled. He was burning crimson and his hands were balled into fists.

"Jesus Christ, you're mental, I laughed, shaking my head at the ludicrousness at hand, "mate, I'll fuckin' do myself here. I ain't touching your scabby fuckin' dick," I bantered back.

Jay exhaled loudly, but gave a delicate smile, "You fuckin' act like I'm asking to cum in your ass. Fuck me," he wiped his forehead in exasperation.

"You have to admit, a guy asking you to rub him off isn't exactly the usual play date, is it."

"Yeah, I guess. So you gonna get this done or are you gonna have to fucking repeat the year and have your parents lock you away for life?" Jay was jesting, but there was a hint of impatience in his tone.

"I guess you're in for a show," I winked.

While thoroughly observing my surroundings, I began to disrobe. I threw everything off, right down to my socks. The last time I'd be this exposed in front of someone, was with Kam.

"At least you can take your time now," Jay said.

"Yeah, I guess. Could you cover me then?"

Without hesitation, Jay laid himself right next to me, as close as Kam had been. The only difference was that he was fully clothed.

I closed my eyes and tried conjuring up a mental image of Claire. Her long, straight red hair and her freckled nose. Her tight, skirt. I imagined her sticking her fingers under and into herself. A low moan escaped my mouth as I began rubbing my semi. The warm breeze of the outdoors seemed to amplify the sensation.

"What are you thinking of?" Jay's low voice boomed into my ear. His breath heating my face.

"Claire, fingering herself," I cooed.

"Fuck yeah," Jay replied, this time his breath touching my mouth. I kept my eyes shut, wanting to keep focused and get to the end.

"Your body is fuckin' tight, by the way."

"Thanks," I sighed, as the image of Claire began to rapidly rub her now exposed clit. I spat into my hand and quickened the pace of my stroke.

"I've always liked your cut. Being uncut feels boring," Jay muttered, he groaned as he placed the tips of his fingers on my abs. I was too deep in my process to care about his contact.

"It's okay, I guess."

I stroked in silence, with only the sound of my slick hand sliding up and down my shaft. But a mere couple of minutes later, I could feel myself getting close."

"Fuck, I'm almost there," I warned Jay.

"What? Already?"

"Yeah," I nodded, eyes still shut.

"Okay, keep your eyes closed and finish," he said. His voice was further from me and I suddenly felt a warmth envelope my cock. I shook my head, it was probably the wind. I sped up, stroking frantically, concentrating on on pressuring the frenulum.

I felt the surge of juice finally rush up my shaft to my head and grunted. I felt a single drop touch my hand, while at the same time something closed around my head. Too lost in the moment, I convulsed in pleasure. Contraction after contracting, my cock felt like it spurted out six ropes before finally slowly down.

I sighed deeply, only just coming back around to the realisation that I was outside, in public, masturbating. I slowly opened my eyes, seeing a smiling Jamie wiping the corner of his mouth with his middle finger.

"Holy shit, that was wild," I breathed, grabbing my underwear and shorts.

"A dare well done, mate," he beamed.

I looked down at his tented crotch, "what about that?"

"He pushed his hand into his lap quickly, "eh, I'm fifteen. A fuckin' breeze can get me hard as fuck," he chuckled.

I wiped away the single drop of cum on my belly, looking around for other spills, but found nothing. "Hmm, that's weird," I said as I got dressed, "no jizz anywhere."

Jay coughed then giggled while looking at his phone, "maybe you ran out. This is your second today."

I checked for my keys and phone, making a final look around the area for any incriminating evidence, "nah, bro. I usually only go dry around the fourth or fifth round."

As we walked back to the high street, it dawned on me that I had given an explicit show for my best friend. A guy friend.

"Man, I have to get some pussy," I shook my head.

"Why?" Jay asked.

"What you mean? `Cus I fancy girls is why."

Jay pushed me gently, knocking me off balance a little.

"Yeah, I get that wise ass, but why are you telling me this?"

"What you mean? We always talk about getting pussy," I was confused for a moment, but realised Jay hadn't mentioned any girls in a while. "There anyone you want to fuck?"

"Nah. Porn is good enough for me," he replied, not really engaging the question with the conviction I'd hoped for.

"Any guys you wanna fuck?" I giggled.

"Yeah, you," he replied with a smirk.

I burst out laughing, "you're hilarious," I said, pushing him into a wall.

"Ow, you dick," he laughed back.

We walked back to my home across the bustling afternoon London street. We got to my door and hugged Jamie goodbye.

"Lemme know when you wanna hang out when I get out of school, fucker!" He yelled in my direction as he walked off.

I opened the door to let myself in and was immediately greeted with the smell of a meal.

"Mmmm, what's for dinner, mum?" I called out.

"Me," a semi-broken voice pitched up behind me. I closed the door and swung around to be greeted by a familiar face I had not seen in a while.


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