Dared to Kiss My Straight Friend

By Bennett Tan

Published on Jun 7, 2021


This story is about a budding relationship between two friends. It has quite the build up so there might not be any explicit sex in the first chapter, so please bear with me. Please donate to the Nifty Archive using the donor information on this site.

I was Dared to Kiss my Straight Friend: Part 1

The house was getting really hectic with all the moving since my Dad was relocated and we had to move to a small town where our relatives from my Mom's side resided. I was dejected by the fact that I'd have to leave all my friends and basically abandon the only place that I lived in for as long as I can remember.

I don't remember how many nights I cried myself to sleep when I realized that my Dad wasn't going to change his mind about uprooting the whole family, especially since school was almost finished and I found out that he was just waiting for me since the relocation is apparently urgent.

I didn't have any memories of the place despite living there for a couple of months when I was still very young, and the only people I knew from that place were Matias and Dean, my cousins. They visited us every once in a while so I was kind of relieved that I didn't have to completely start from scratch with making friends.

We were fetched at the airport and I caught up with my cousins during the drive back home. The scenery of the place was completely different from what I was expecting. It wasn't really that much different from the neighborhood I grew up in, and maybe I was just expecting for there to be a lot less civilization.

My cousins were pretty stoked about us moving in with them, since we really got along and their house is pretty big and is more than enough to accommodate the rest of us. They helped us with our luggages and made sure that we settled in our own rooms nicely. Their house had tons of rooms so I got to keep a room for myself.

We mostly spent the rest of the day playing games on Matias's PS5, which I was very jealous of, and for a moment, I realized that it wasn't all that bad.

Soon after, they gave me a bit of a tour of the neighborhood. I noticed that it was relatively small since Matias and Dean literally knew everyone we came across with. The place was such a breath of fresh air with all the parks, the basketball court, the common open spaces, and most importantly, the beach!

I couldn't believe that a white-sand beach was just a few minutes of walk away from their house. It was really beautiful and peaceful. A pile of huge and eroded rocks partitioned the side of town and the beach where rows of tall coconut trees lined the perimeter. There were a couple of old nipa huts which was where they took me to relax and just breathe in the beautiful atmosphere and view.

We had to go home after a while because apparently, their school term hasn't ended yet and they still had to go to school tomorrow. They planned to take me with them especially since their policies aren't really that strict and sit-ins were generally allowed as long as you don't cause like a distraction or something.

I laid in my bed and realized that I was pretty excited about tomorrow. It's an opportunity to meet new friends, and as far as my first day, I was really having fun.

I'm not used to this, though. All eyes were on me as we walked the hallways leading to my cousins' classes. It was a pretty small community school, so seeing a new face doesn't really happen as much as you'd expect, so I was basically a celebrity.

My cousins were apparently part of the main roster of the basketball team, and they both were pretty popular so I was able to meet so many people who are so friendly and curious. They took me to their gym and we changed into more appropriate clothes.

We used to play basketball every time they came to visit my old place, and it's sort of our main go-to way of bonding. I turned a couple of heads when I came out of the changing room in their old jerseys to which my cousins laughed and I felt kind of self-conscious.

Matias introduced me to his teammates, and one of them caught my full attention right then and there. His hazelnut eyes were deep and assertive which were very well complemented by his long lashes. He had a perfectly prominent nose and his lips were thin and had the perfect cupid bow shape. His jaw tensed as he flashed a wide smile my way, revealing a perfectly-aligned set of teeth. He was textbook handsome.

His name is Connor. He was pretty jacked too. His biceps involuntarily flexed when he raised a hand to greet me, and it seemed as if everybody else vanished for a second.

I snapped out of my reverie before things got too weird, and I politely introduced myself to everyone.

"Hey, I'm Reign. It's great to meet all of you, and I hope we can all play a lot of games together.", I beamed.

We played a casual game and I noticed that I was receiving special treatment since the ball basically never left my hands. I don't know if they're just trying to make a good impression but some of them made sure to let me know that they're impressed by my skills, but I would say that I was more on the average side since I just really played for fun at home and I wasn't a part of any varsity team or something.

After the game, Dean and Matias introduced me to a bunch of girls who were practically throwing themselves at me. I've been told a couple of times that I'm cute, and I work out regularly but I've never been in this sort of situation before. However, my attention was elsewhere. Connor was talking to a girl who was obviously into him, and he was smiling almost flirtatiously.

I shook my head and was polite enough to introduce myself to the girls. I met so many new people that I had trouble remembering their names.

After a few days, their school term ended and I was more or less adjusted to my new life. I was really grateful for my cousins who made sure that I was comfortable and that I didn't get bored. We worked out together, played basketball in the town court, swam in the beach, and they helped me get familiar with the place day by day.

I also felt that they enjoyed my company and that I wasn't just some sort of responsibility that they had to deal with.

We were waiting for some of my cousins' friends in the town court for a game when my eyes met Connor's in the distance. He wore a plain shirt that hugged and outlined his torso, and his arms flexed with every swing as he walked towards our direction.

The tone of the atmosphere changed with his presence. He was a natural social butterfly with such a contagious smile, and it didn't come as a surprise that he was friends with everybody. We played a couple of games, and I felt crazy jitters travel throughout my body whenever our skin made direct contact. He had the game sense of a pro, and you could just tell from watching that he's really good which made me impossibly admire him more.

After the game, we were all covered in sweat and I was still panting from the adrenaline when Connor offered his tumbler to me. His shoulder glistened from sweat as his eyes disappeared when he smiled. I took his tumbler and drank heartily, forcing myself to ignore the fact that we were basically indirectly kissing.

Matias invited everyone over to the house tonight for an intimate party with booze and everything to celebrate, in his own words, "Reign's new life". Everybody erupted in cheers, since the boys were known to throw the best parties and it's apparently been a while since they hosted one.

It was just simple and intimate, though. We had a few variety of food and a bunch of bottles of hard liquor. We set a wide table in the balcony and lined the perimeter with cushioned single chairs.

One by one, the dudes from earlier started to come in. Aside from Connor and his little brother, there were 4 more guys who came over and we wasted no time as everyone took their seats.

I don't particularly have a high tolerance to alcohol, but I didn't want to embarrass myself so I accepted every glass that I was offered. I felt a bit fuzzy after a few more gulps, and for a sliver of a second, I caught Connor smirking at me when I was gazing back and forth to nowhere in particular, fascinated about how my vision is on slow-mo. He turned away and laughed. I felt blood travel to my cheeks.

Inebriated by the alcohol, I was able to have the confidence to kind of scan the faces of my cousins' teammates, and they all looked pretty good. Nobody compared to Connor though, and his brother was practically a younger version of him. Whenever our eyes met, he would nod and smile which made me feel really giddy.

Everyone was getting a bit liberated, and Dean was particularly getting a bit noisy from the alcohol when he called everyone's attention, as if he was going to make a toast.

"I have a nice game prepared for us tonight. We're going to play a classic game of truth or dare. But! The catch is that nobody can refuse a dare unless you could get everyone to agree, and you can only choose truth once!"

Cheers erupted and I could see Connor shaking his head.

It started off with some silly stuff like, slap someone as hard as you can or down an entire glass of hard liquor, but when it was my turn, Matias called the dare and all the blood in my body seemed to have escaped my body.

"I got a good one, you have to kiss Connor on the lips."

The room was filled with cheers and chants, and as I looked at Connor, he was laughing with the other guys but he didn't seem too affected. I was really anxious about how and why Matias chose Connor of all people. Was I that obvious? Did all of them know that I was gay?

I have been so far in the closet ever since I realized my sexuality, and I think that a huge factor to this decision is from my fear of being judged and being ostracized by my male-dominated friends back home.

Maybe stuff like this was pretty normal for them, but I was panicking over here and judging from their reactions, it would be impossible to have them all call off the dare.

I stand up with my legs slightly shaking and I make my way to Connor. His brother vacated his chair and let me sit in his place as the guys cheered for the kiss. Our eyes meet and I could see him suppressing a smile which made his lips pucker quite a bit.

I heaved a sigh, closed my eyes, and leaned my head towards Connor's face. Our lips connected in a split second, and a stunning chill traveled down my spine as his soft and wet lips lingered on mine. I pulled away and exhaled the breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

He licked his lips reflexively and raised his fists in the air to join the others in their happiness like what I did was the most normal thing in the world. I went back to sitting beside Matias, but I was preoccupied the rest of the night thinking about what the fuck just happened. Whenever our eyes would meet, I'd quickly look away as if his gazes would burn and expose everything that I've been keeping a secret.

I excused myself inside and fixed myself a glass of water in the kitchen. I didn't realize that Connor followed until I saw him sit by the stool beside the island.

"Hey, you okay buddy?", he asked.

"Oh, hey. Yeah! I was just a bit thirsty.", I replied.

"I hope that wasn't too weird for you. It's just the guys' way of messing around.", he said.

"Oh, no worries at all...", I said. I inwardly cringed at myself for seeming too eager.

We continued with our small talk and I appreciated him trying to make sure that I was okay and that I wasn't weirded out by the stupid dare. We walked together back to the balcony and I caught a whiff of his intoxicating smell from our proximity, and I was addicted.

The night went by quickly and sooner than later, they all went on their way home one by one.

After that memorable night, my cousins, Connor, his brother Reid, and I hung out almost every day playing basketball, chilling at the beach, or just staying in and playing video games all day. I felt more comfortable around them and Connor started growing on me more and more with how unintentionally sweet and caring he was being.

I knew that he was kind and friendly with everyone else but I couldn't seem to stop my heart from fluttering every time he would do otherwise simple things like when he would sling his arm around my neck or when he casually hang his legs on top of my thigh when we watched a movie. He's a hugger, and he doesn't have a developed concept of personal space like the rest of us, but I'm not one to complain.

He would lock me in a tight bear hug whenever he saw me, pressing his meaty chest playfully onto me and I would secretly sniff him while pretending to shove him away playfully. Connor also often wore nothing but a skimpy pair of boxer shorts and a tank top when we had a lazy day at home and it would take everything in me not to pounce on his lap.

The soft tufts of hair on his pits would show whenever he rested his hands behind his head, and his perfectly developed biceps would flex. Almost all his shorts are really short so when he hoists his thigh above mine in a brotherly way, it would be a direct and bare contact which took me out of focus, making it seem like I sucked at every game we ever played.

He became really comfortable around me, and he treated me like we've been friends for a really long time. He just knows how to make you feel like you belong, you know? I don't know how else to describe it.

He does these stupidly simple and supposedly normal things that make my heart go haywire. I'd be the first one he hugs whenever we would all meet up as a group. He would share memes he found funny, and I couldn't help but notice that he was more self-conscious when around me but in a good way.

I also couldn't let slip the fact that he is one hung motherfucker. Like I said, he loved wearing comfortable clothes, and he was so secure about his body that he never felt ashamed of parading his permanently prominent bulge which looked very girthy from being outlined in his boxer shorts. I would find opportunities to stare at it when he would get completely absorbed in a game or a movie and it had to be at least 5 inches flaccid and thick as a Pepsi can.

I don't know how many times I jerked off with that image in my mind.

Over the next days, Connor and I became particularly close. We were inseparable. We'd spend the day together even if Matias, Dean, and Reid were busy with their own stuff and it never felt forced or weird. We're both very active so we usually played basketball or jogged together, sometimes we'd even have fun swimming races in the beach, but there were also times when we just hung out in his room on our phones all day.

He's not the type to talk about deep stuff to a friend but he was comfortable talking to me about some of them. He wanted to be a pilot. He wanted 3 kids and a house just like his parents'. He had 3 ex-girlfriends and all of them were coincidentally too possessive and insecure. I also shared about some of the stuff in my life to him, and I felt that we really knew each other better.

I didn't tell him anything about my sexuality though. I'm not going to risk our friendship over a spur of the moment emotion, since I didn't really know him well enough to gauge how he would react if I outed myself to him. Although he was kind beyond measure, I just didn't want to risk ruining whatever it was that we had.

I would often stay the night in his room, and he in mine, whenever we felt like it. We spend more nights together than apart, and at some point, I realized that I'm being too emotionally dependent on Connor and that I'm kind of setting myself up for a heartbreak, but I just wanted to revel in the moment while it lasted.

There was one night I'd never forget. We slept together in his bed and I was just about to fall asleep when the bed shifted and I felt him wrap his arms around my stomach, his palm resting flatly on my chest. I could hear his light snores from behind me so I knew he was asleep.

I was now wide awake as the nerves on my back ignited like wildfire from every contact. A few minutes later, he buried his nose in the crook of my neck and continued snoring lightly. His lips would occasionally touch the base of my neck which drove me wild and briefly paralyzed me with the feeling.

It was until I felt the firm figure of his dick sliding against the crack of my ass when I was consumed by lust. All thoughts of sleep went out the window as he glided his thick and long member up and down the crevice of my butt painstakingly slowly. My hips mechanically opposed his rhythm.

This lasted for a good 5 minutes before he rolled over and faced the other way.

Thanks for reading up to this point! I'll be uploading the second part very soon. In the meantime, I'd love to know what you think of the story so far. Please let me know if you have any comments/criticism by emailing me at: bennettwritesx@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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