Dared to Kiss My Straight Friend

By Bennett Tan

Published on Jun 7, 2021


This story is about a budding relationship between two friends. It has quite the build up so there might not be any explicit sex in the first chapter, so please bear with me. Please donate to the Nifty Archive using the donor information on this site.

I was Dared to Kiss my Straight Friend: Part 2/3

Connor seemed to have no recollection whatsoever of his wet dream when we both woke up. He continued to be the sweet and goofy guy he always was, but I never forgot about that night. Coming over to his house in the afternoon became a staple part of my daily routine, and it was practically the only thing I looked forward to everyday.

Sometimes, Matias and Dean would tag along and we would just play Call of Duty or basket in their backyard but most of the time, it was just me. We actually hung out more often together than with all the others, and eventually, my cousins started to jokingly tease the both of us as secret boyfriends.

I woke up one day with Connor's face and voice in my mind which made me realize how deep I let myself sink in a trap that I myself set. I stupidly put meaning to everything Connor did and I let myself cling to an impossible hope that he would somehow find a way to reciprocate whatever it was that I felt for him.

We were snugly sitting on their living room couch as Connor forced me to watch a horror movie about a possessed doll which always spooked the shit out of me. Connor was in his usual house getup: a tight white tank top paired with short plaid boxer shorts which visibly struggled to contain his member.

I could see Connor expectantly looking at me from my peripheral vision and as if on cue, a crazy loud jumpscare popped into the screen, making me scream like a little bitch, reflexively jumping from where I sat and launching myself towards Connor.

My hands were permanently glued on my ears and I closed my eyes shut. I was so startled that I was late to notice that my body was perched on the side of Connor's developed torso while his arm was slung on the backrest behind my head. I could feel the relaxing vibration on his chest as he laughed and laughed at my reaction.

I playfully punched his side, feigning annoyance as he continued laughing at my misery. I didn't move from my spot and we continued watching the movie while the side of my head was pressed against the bare side of his chest. The way his chest gently heaved up and down almost lulled me to sleep, and I was able to actually tolerate the scary movie which I wasn't ever able to do before and maybe it was because I felt safe and secure with Connor by my side like this.

I texted my mom that I'd be spending the night at Connor's place, and she replied 'OK" instantly to no surprise, since it's something that happened very often and I even packed an extra set of clothes in case. We decided to do a quick late night workout before we washed up and headed to bed.

Connor was already in bed with his naked back against the headboard on his phone when I finished washing up and brushing my teeth. I felt lethargic from the intense workout so I plopped down on my side of the bed, brought the duvet up to my neck and let myself drift off to sleep.

After a short while, Connor turned the night lamp off and adjusted himself on the bed. The bed shifted for a while, which at first I thought was because of his tossing and turning, but I realized that he scooted closer to me when I felt the warmth of his body on my back.

His chest was gently pressed against my back and his arm snaked to my stomach while his hand rested on the bed in front of my chest. My heart was beating erratically. His nose touched the back of my neck - almost ghostly - as he heaved a heavy and dragged out sigh. After a few moments, he was fast asleep, lightly snoring.

Everything felt right. I relaxed eventually and let myself get knocked by the fatigue.

I was happy. I've never felt so at peace and satisfied like I was right now. We were all hanging around the benches of the town court after a fun game when Connor brought up his ex-girlfriend Claire. She apparently reached out to him and he was thinking about getting back together with her.

I tried to be happy for him, I really did, but my body betrayed me. I couldn't even put on a fake weak smile as my mood plummeted down from the news. Everybody else was happy and teasing him to do it, so I joined them all so that I didn't arouse any suspicion of what I really felt about it.

Our eyes met. I smiled and he smiled back. He asked if I wanted to come over to his house after the game but I didn't have the energy to deal with him right now, so I told him that I was too tired.

Disappointment was evident on his face, but he wasn't able to do anything about it since I made it seem like there was no room for negotiation. He insisted on walking us home, though.

I could tell that he wanted to talk to me before he headed home, but I avoided meeting his eyes and I dashed inside the house as soon as we reached home.

I dove onto my bed as I let myself process the overwhelming barrage of emotions that I felt. I could feel my chest actually physically tighten as I realized just how much Connor affected me. I've never felt this intense emotion because of a person ever before, but it was so easy for Connor to do it without even knowing.

I was so afraid of being hurt more than I already am that I decided to push Connor away without being too obvious about it. I started making up excuses whenever he invited me over to hang out. I would only agree to go if Matias and Dean were there, so we only ever grouped together to play basket or workout.

Connor would find an opportunity when I was briefly alone to corner me so I would act like everything was normal, but I could see that he knows that something was off with me. He never changed though. He'd stick to me like glue no matter what we did, and it was harder on me to actually start detaching myself from him emotionally.

Eventually, he caught on to what I was doing when I deliberately ignored him as he called my name after an exercise game against a few people on the court. He half ran to me as I fixed the things in my bag.

"Hey...", he said standing at my side as I kept myself busy from stuffing a few things in my duffel.

"Hey, what's up?", I asked nonchalantly. He stared at me for a while, examining me.

"Are you mad at me?", he asked.

I scrunched my forehead. Yes, I am. I know you didn't do anything wrong and I have no right to be mad, but I am.

"No, why would you think I'm mad at you?", I asked.

"Come on... You don't think I notice how you've been avoiding me these days? When was the last time you came over at my place?", he asked. I laughed it off but he was serious and his face was stoic.

"Uhh... It's just that I've been pretty busy lately... is all.", I lied.

"Okay, what have you been doing then?", he asked, clearly not buying my shit.

"I uhh..." I searched for words. "I was just spending time with my parents to help them get familiar with the place.", I said.

"Bullshit. You've been here for more than a month, Reign. You can't seriously expect me to believe that?", he said. He was annoyed.

"What's really happening? Did I do or say anything that got you mad?", he was obviously worried and honestly, I just wanted to hug him tight and assure him that everything was okay.

"Stop worrying about it, Connor. You didn't do anything wrong. I was just really busy these past days, but I'll make it up to you later. I can hang out at your place if you're down." I offered to stop him from worrying.

He agreed but he didn't look amused or satisfied with my response.

After a while, we were sitting on his couch watching a movie but I made sure to position myself a few spaces away from him. I could see him looking at me from my peripheral vision, but I chose to ignore him and shift my entire focus on the movie.

"Reigny, come here...", he said. He was like a baby asking for a candy. I just laughed nervously and shifted my attention back to the movie, hoping that he'd take the hint but he scooted closer, snaking his firm and smooth arms around the back of my neck. The soft tufts of hair on his pits tickled my shoulder and drove me crazy from the smell of his shower gel. My heart fluttered because he still had the same effect on me, if not stronger, and I ended up getting my hopes back up.

He positioned us so that my head was perched on the side of his chest and his arm was now resting on the backrest of the couch.

After a few moments of us just watching the movie in silence, he spoke.

"So. What's really going on with you?", he asked.

I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"What are you talking about? Hmm... wait, isn't that the actor from the other movie we watched before?", I replied, trying to shift the topic but to no avail.

He cupped my chin and gently forced me to meet his eyes. My heart started beating faster and faster. He stared at me with a stoic face and I sighed.

"I don't know... maybe I just really miss my friends back home." I lied. Well, it's not really a lie. I do miss them, but it's not exactly why I've been feeling down these days. He seemed to buy my lie as his eyes turned sympathetic. He held my head and planted it on his chest as he soothingly rubbed my back in an attempt to console me. What he didn't know was that he just kept on making things worse because he was making it impossible for me to move on, and there's nothing he can do to help me but stay away.

We stayed in that position for a while. He interrupted the peaceful silence when he opened up about Claire.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm not exactly in the best mood too. Things with Claire didn't work out, so I didn't get laid.", he laughed. Our eyes met, and I couldn't, for the love of god, hide the smile on my face.

"What?", he smiled.

"Nothing. It just makes me feel good that you're miserable too.", I joked.

Somehow, I ended up laying on his lap as I was on my side pretending to be interested in whatever movie we were watching. My cheek was pressed against his smooth and muscular thigh and I could actually feel the warmth from his bulge on the back of my neck.

He tried to subtly adjust our position but I made sure that my cheek was glued to his thigh.

"Uhh, Reign?", he called.

I turned my head to face him, getting startled for a moment when his barely covered dick poked my cheek hard. He flinched.

"Yeah?", I asked. I didn't move. I could feel him gradually grow against my cheek.

"You're kind of touching my dick there, buddy." He laughed nervously as his erection continued to grow from the touch.

I tried to face his crotch which only pressed his dick harder against my cheek. He grunted lowly and it ignited something in me and I was suddenly pumped with adrenaline.

"Ohh. Sorry." I looked back at him and he laughed it off. His smile faded when he realized that I didn't have any plans to move my face away.

"Move over, Reign. You're giving me a boner.", he said.

I smiled in response. I nodded, subtly rubbing my cheek against the underside of his thick shaft which is now fully erect. He stopped me by my forehead with his hands.

"What are you doing?", he asked.

"Hmm? I'm not doing anything...", I teased. I held his eyes as I held his wrist and placed it on his side. He swallowed.

Slowly, I faced his crotch and my nose was almost touching the underside of his raging dick. I was overwhelmed with the addicting smell and it took everything in me not to strip his shorts then and there and shove his dick so far up my throat until I was gagging.

I placed my hand on his thigh and gauged his reaction to my touch. His leg tensed from the contact. I looked at him and he was sporting a stoic face as he stared at me all confused.

I held his eyes as I slid my hands until I slowly wrapped it around the base of his cock. The tip of my fingers failed to meet from his girth, and I couldn't believe that he was actually letting me touch his dick like this. He closed his eyes and faced forwards.

I started stroking his dick slowly, as I felt a ripple of what seemed to be a large vein on the topside of his dick through his thin boxer shorts. I twisted my hand as I glided from the base of his dick to just about under his head.

Connor's chest heaved and he would cover his moans with a sigh whenever I reached under his dickhead.

After a while, I noticed a dark wet spot materializing on the tip of his dick. I was incredibly aroused and I felt bold enough to flip from my position and lie on my stomach as I supported myself with my elbow on his lower thigh. My hand was still stroking his shaft.

I hovered above the tip of his dick and I didn't waste another second as I enveloped his still covered dickhead with my mouth. Connor let out a sharp grunt.

"R-Reign... What the fuck are you doing?", he asked. He seemed mad but he didn't do anything about it.

As a response, I twirled my tongue around the wet spot aggressively which caused him to buck his hips forward as his thigh tensed. I was sucked in the moment as I basically made out with his dick for what seemed like minutes. I started taking more of him in my mouth when he lifted himself off the couch.

I crossed the line. He was going to walk out. I suddenly thought about what I was doing, and it's really fucked up.

To my surprise, he hooked the flaps of his boxer shorts and pulled it down in a swift motion, revealing his massive dick that looked so delectable to my lustful eyes. The pink throbbing head was very much in proportion to his thick shaft, and as I suspected, a large and slightly protruding vein ran across the length of the topside of his dick.

I gave it a few tugs, and precum leaked from the slit of his dickhead. Without hesitation, I licked it off and was struck with intense euphoria upon the taste of Connor's essence. I tilted my face sideways and stuck my tongue out to lick the base of his cock while assessing Connor's face.

His eyes were shut and he was breathing pretty heavily as I dragged my tongue across his shaft, from the base all the way to where the shaft meets the head. I sucked every spot of his cock inwardly, earning a low moan from Connor.

I opened my mouth and rubbed my lips back and forth the underside of his dick, my hand pressing his thickness against my face, before I finally took him in my mouth. The warmth of his pulsing head occupied my entire mouth, and I had to open up as wide as I could to accommodate his girth.

"Fuck...", he whispered to himself.

I wasn't even halfway through his cock when I felt his tip pressing against the back of my throat. I tried to go deeper, but I gagged and I reflexively pulled his dick out of my mouth.

"Hey... you okay?", he asked.

I stood up and positioned myself between his legs. He looked so horny when I kept slapping my tongue with the tip of his dick before I continued to take him back in my mouth.

I kept going and going, and I could already feel his firm length stretching the walls of my throat, but I still had a couple of inches to work with. I didn't give up so I kept taking more of him in until my nose touched the smooth patches of his pubes.

He let out a deep grunt as he cupped the back of my neck and impossibly pressed me harder into him. I felt him throb inside me, and I gradually pulled out.

Our eyes met. I smiled at him, feeling proud of myself for taking his massive dick all the way in.

I took him in again until he was halfway in, and I started sensually bobbing my head up and down without tearing my eyes away from his. He was completely engulfed with lust as he grunted and moaned lowly.

I started twisting my head and I felt every ridge and texture of his skin on my tongue and palate. I would deepthroat him every once in a while and he would bury and lodge his dick in the deepest parts of my throat for a few seconds.

As I religiously sucked his cock, bobbing my head up and down, his thigh tensed from under my hands, and his moans became deeper and deeper by the second.

"Reign, I'm close...", he whispered.

He tried to pull his cock away, but I quickened the pace of my blowjob as I stroked the lower half of his cock with my hands. When I felt his dickhead enlarge in my mouth, I took him all the way in for the last time as he erupted ropes and ropes of cum straight to my throat and into my stomach. I pumped his dick dry with my mouth until he unloaded the last drops of cum into my throat.

I kept his dick lodged deep in me for a while until he recovered. I memorized the feeling of his cock in my mouth until he looked at me.

Our eyes met, and as I knelt under him with his massive cock in my mouth like a slut, he laughed and shook his head as if in disbelief.

A/N: Thanks for reading up to this point! I'll be uploading the second part very soon. In the meantime, I'd love to know what you think of the story so far. Please let me know if you have any comments/criticism by emailing me at: bennettwritesx@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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