Dash Hogan

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 4, 2013



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


[Note: I tell you for the umpteenth time that this is written in a sort of tribute to the old 30's-40's sci-fi novels I grew up on. Scientists at that time thought that Mercury was tidally locked with the Sun, and thus had one side boiling, one side frozen solid (see Larry Niven's "The Coldest Place" for what I mean, the short story, his first sale, was dependent upon the same misconception), and a twilight band in between that could have actually been habitable to mankind. We now know that Mercury isn't tidally locked (its day is two years long!), and a bit of charm left our universe with that knowledge in my book. No longer exotic, Mercury is just another damned unliveable rock in space...sigh!]

At least this time, Dash had finished jerking off when the General called. He had just blasted a thick load of heavy man-juice all over his exposed chest and stomach and was languidly stroking the bubble-like blobs of jizz around on his skin when the viewscreen lit up and the General was looking at him. It's hard to be overcowed by even a General's stars when you're over fifty-five million miles distant from said General. Instead of jumping up and saluting Dash just smiled and said, "Good afternoon, General." It was "afternoon" only back where the General was, though of course Dash kept his ship on the same time-zone for his duties. "Landing on Mercury in another hour, so I assume you're calling to tell me not to screw things up like I normally do." Since Dash's unorthodox approach to things had been universally beneficial to Earth so far, he was being sarcastic. "Please get it over with soon as you can, as I was about to have dinner." And Dash lifted his come-laden fingertips to his lips and licked at the salty globs.

That threw the General off stride as Dash had intended. "Since you're already so Goddamned smart, Captain Hogan, I'll just point out that you had better be careful about where you land on Mercury. You get either too close to the hot side or the cold side and you'll fry or freeze."

"I'm well aware of the unique nature of Mercury, yes, sir." Dash went on. "I have calculated the twilight zone carefully."

"And try not to fuck things up." the General said and, in a desperate attempt to get the last word, abruptly cut off contact.

"I never do." Dash said to the blank viewscreen. If fucking the right ass meant that Earth avoided war with the Moon, allowed Dash to escape from Phobos, saved the entire Martian race, won peace with the Venusians, and donated genetic material to let a cometary civilization populate all the neighboring stars with humankind, then he couldn't consider what he'd done to be "fucking up."

Meanwhile, he had the Mercurians to study. Given his experience with the Cometarians, he was more than ready to believe that Mercury, especially that temperate "twilight zone," would be peopled with human-like beings, so his telescope showed him this was completely true. What he hadn't expected to find was a wall (not a natural feature, but a construction that put the Wall of China to shame) right around the middle of the twilight zone. One side was jungle laden but showing cleared areas with villages, and the other was temperate shading into tundra and permanent ice, this area had fewer but larger and more developed cities.

"So," Dash mused as he looked it over. "The lady or the tiger?" Did he want to start with a highly developed civilization with its complex rules of behavior (the "lady") or with the cruder but hopefully simpler rules of the more savage jungle inhabitants (the "tiger.")

That expression made his decision for him. "The tiger." he decided. A bit of hot jungle love sounded a lot better than sharing a high tea with some female dowager.

He chose, though to land his craft not far from the wall. He wanted a closer look at it, for one thing, for another, he hoped to leave his ship where it was when he visited the other side if he could.

The wall was ponderous in size, some fifty feet in height and about that broad. As Dash got closer, he was startled to find that the wall was heavily manned by troops, who were fighting off attacks here and there from the jungle side. The wall had been built by the civilized colder side to fend off the assaults from the more savage hotter side.

But he was too close to landing to change his mind in any great detail, he could only avoid landing on one of the areas of active combat. He could have landed on the other side of the wall, but thoughts of that stuffy dowager persisted, and a civilized area in a state of war would want to requisition his vehicle to use against their enemies. Savages would want to, as well, but they couldn't possibly fly it, so were the safer bet.

He landed his ship within easy distance of the wall but hidden from it by a slight rise and foliage. He waited for the ground about the ship to cool down (he'd landed on a large, flat rock bare of inflammables) and then opened the airlock and stepped out, intending to issue his chosen words for his landings, "I come from Earth, and I come in peace. Let these first steps be the path which all Mankind can follow!"

But his words froze after "I come from Earth...." and stopped.

He had a welcoming committee and then some! A fair-sized tribe of dark-skinned Mercurians were there, holding some nasty-looking spears that had two heads instead of one, in parallel, one longer than the other, the shorter one much fatter, and they didn't look the least bit friendly! Their faces were humanoid but only humanoid, Dash was put inexorably in mind of the dog-like faces of old comic books, an extended lower face holding mouth and nose made a short muzzle, and their ears were longer than a human's and flopped over to cover the earhole partially.

"Uh...take me to your leader?" Dash ventured and smiled.

"Come with us, Coldside spy!" was the answer that came from a native a bit more festooned with feathers and beads than the rest. Not to mention a bit bigger, more muscled, and unless he missed his guess about the bulge inside that loin-wrap, hung like a horse!

Then the words sunk in. "Spy? I'm no spy! I'm an emissary from Earth!"

"You are a spy from the other side of the wall and you will be executed!" the leader (Dash decided to think of him as a "Sergeant" until he was told their names and ranks. "Bring him along, Niks!"

"Yes, sir, Lonok!" came the answer. Okay, that'll work for names for now, Dash thought.

Dash was taken to a grass hut not far away, in the middle of a large number of the natives, who were gathered about fires, tending to animals that were either domesticated or slaughtered and being dressed for eating. The central hut was the local headquarters, he decided, for it held five natives who were dressed even more elaborately.

"Here is the spy, Lek-lonok!" the Lonok said. The Lonok and his Nik underlings aligned themselves along the wall nearest the door as a ready guard.

"Thank you, Lonok." the Lek-lonok, an older version of the younger and more virile soldiers, said. "What have you to say for yourself, Coldside spy."

"Only that I'm not a spy nor am I from your world's colder half." Dash said. "I am from Earth." Dash went on to explain his ship and his mission as succinctly as he could. He trailed off after a time. It was obvious that they didn't believe him. "How am I going to convince you of my peaceful intentions, and that I'm not a spy from the other side of that wall?"

"That will be an easy thing to determine." the Lek-lonok who'd been doing all the speaking (the "Head Lek-lonok" in Dash's impromptu nomenclature) said. "Take off your clothes."


"Remove your clothing."

Dash reached for his zipper and slowly began to zip it down. "If that's what it takes to show you I have nothing to hide from you, then fine." He wore nothing under the tight white one-piece jumpsuit and the Lek-lonok eyed his fair pale skin with what seemed like approval. Dash shrugged the jumpsuit from his shoulders and it fell to his ankles in a white puddle of cloth. "Anything else you want to see.

"Remove all your clothing." the Lek-lonok ordered.

That entailed tugging off his boots and socks, awkward, but Dash managed. "Okay, I'm naked." he said when we attained that state. "Now what?"

"Your Honor." the Lek-lonok said, but not to Dash. He was looking behind Dash.

Who was promptly grabbed and a heavy hand pushed him on his upper shoulder hard, bending him over. The other hand held his hip and kept him from falling over, the second hand joined it and Dash found himself almost doubled over when the Lonok (for it was he the Lek-Lonok had been speaking to) drove a hard dong right into Dash's ass.

If Dash hadn't been recently well opened-up by the Venusians, he would have screamed like a stuck pig. As it was, he merely yelped. "Yee-oww! You son of a bitch!" With the Mercurian, this was more of a literal description than an insult, but Dash got his point across.

Not that the Mercurian hesitated, but began to promptly begin to butt-fuck Dash as hard and fast as he could.

"OWWWWH, OWWW, owww, oww, ow, ow, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohhh, ooh, ooh, OOH, OOH, OOOOH!" That was how long it took Dash's body to adjust to the rough invader and have the solid stroking of his prostate begin to convert these thrusts into something a fellow could live with.

"This will tell us whether or not you're a Coldside spy or not!" the Lek-lonok said. "You Niks get ready to take this intruder as soon as your Lonok is done, settle the seniority among yourselves and keep this odd visitor constantly impaled.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh!" Dash panted. "Reminds me of Venus. A pleasant little place once you get used to being fucked all day and all night."

"He is becoming aroused." the Lonok panted behind Dash.

"You're damned right I'm becoming aroused." Dash agreed. "Come on, Lonok, shove that soldier's cock into me harder, come on, harder, faster, really butt-ram me, make me squirm and shoot all over your Lek-lonok there if you can!"

"Let the Niks join in now." was the Lek-lonok's only response to that.

Dash found himself with not one but two Nik dicks in his mouth, and one in each hand. The others pressed around him, ready to take over when their comrades were done.

The Lonok's cock was driving in and out of Dash with a fury and a delight that he didn't entirely fathom at first. Then he did. The Lonok's cock had some bump-like features to it, they hadn't been there when the Lonok had driven it into him, but the more he fucked Dash's ass, the bigger they got. He was being fucked with a living French tickler!

It inspired him to chow down on the double-dong feast he had in his mouth, he suckled those twin dongs until they bumped up like the Lonok's had. His hands, too, were now fondling bumpy sex-rods attached to grunting, lusty Niks.

And the Lonok gave a growl, sped up his rams into Dash's butt to hyperspeed, and his orgasm unloaded a huge load into Dash's ass. Dash felt the creamy wads loading his ass to the full level, and groaned, and squirted his own load in response. This triggers the puds in his mouth and the pricks in his hands to spew all at once, spraying his body liberally all over.

But Dash's ordeal wasn't over yet, there were more Niks waiting to join in, and Dash's body was re-plugged and re-stuffed in jig time, and he was again being fucked and forced to suck hard bumpy dongs. There were twenty Niks in the room, and Dash ended up servicing all of them over the next hour, and his own body managed a second ejaculation as the last Nik unloaded in his bowels now sloppy and squishy with Mercurian jizz.

The Lek-lonok ended Dash's come-splattered reverie in post-coital bliss. "And so the Coldside spy is revealed." He intoned.

"Huh?" Dash asked, looking up.

"The Coldside peoples are notorious for enjoying the passive position in sex." the Lek-lonok informed him. "Your body betrayed you in a way that your body alterations cannot deny."

"You mean," Dash stuttered, "that because I enjoyed being gang-fucked, I must be a spy?"

"What else could you be?" the Lek-lonok asked in a voice that dripped reasonableness.

"An emissary from another planet that likes getting fucked up the ass now and then." Dash rebutted.

"Nonsense!" the Lek-lonok retorted. "The other planets are far too cold to contain life. Only here, where our Sun warms our planet the exact right amount, in the narrow band at its middle, can life exist." To the Lonok and his Niks, "Take him away."

If Dash thought he'd be locked away in seclusion, he was mistaken. He ended up the center of attention, an interminable line of horny Niks lined up to jump his bones. As with the Venusians, he lost count of how many times he was fucked, his own body managed three more climaxes before the pace slacked down. Only one Nik was left, and he didn't seem to be in any hurry to ravage Dash's already sloppy, come-filled ass. The Nik leaned over and whispered into Dash's ear. "Don't be alarmed. My comrades will be here to rescue you soon."


"We saw your ship come down. I am an agent for the Coldside civilization. We'll get you out of here and over to our side of the Great Wall."

"Uhhh...all right." Dash said. Fun was fun, but he was...literally!...fucked out.

A few minutes later, the Nik/agent still riding his ass (Dash could swear the guy had trouble keeping an erection, was his ass that slack on the guy?), the Coldside rescue was launched, a large group of lighter-skinned soldiers wielding swords. Closing rapidly with the Niks, they easily outclassed them in one-on-one combat, resulting in a battle that made Dash feel ill. Deaths were rare, but the blood...nasty! Earth had foresworn war for nearly a century, he had never even considered how filthy and blood-filled a hand-weapons battle would be.

He went with the Coldside agent quickly, more to end the bloodbath than anything else. They surrounded him as he ran; they led him to a ladder that scaled the wall. Dash went up it as well as his naked, come-laden, cock-ravaged body would let him, and when the last Coldside soldier was over, the men on the wall pulled the ladder up after him.

An hour or so later (the Sun never set or rose on Mercury, not in the twilight band, so Dash was vague about time in a way he never had been on his ship with the clock prominently visible at all times), Dash was dressed in a Coldside toga and taken before the Coldside council.

"Greetings, visitor from another planet." the head of the council said.

"Thank God someone saw my spaceship and realized I was from somewhere further than down the road a piece!" Dash sighed.

"This world is greatly in need of your help, if you can give it to us." the Coldside leader explained. "Our world was not always segregated, but we had a religious movement in our past that caused our world to be cut in two."

"Religions are really good about doing that." Dash commiserated.

"This one noticed that our method of reproduction resulted in the child being born being either sexually aggressive or sexually passive. Our people are born from pods that we impregnate. If the pod matures in sunlight, the child is sexually aggressive. If the pod matures in shade, the child is sexually passive."

Dash looked at the council, at the city, all of it shaded perpetually by the Wall that cut the Sun off from direct contact with this entire half of the twilight zone. "So they had the Wall built to make sure the Sun never shone on this half!"

"Exactly." the leader agreed. "The benefit was what the religion taught, a sexually passive person is more creative, more inventive."

"Really?" Dash was startled by this revelation.

"Indeed." The leader went on. "So our half of Mercury advanced, while the other half, composed strictly of the children of pods that cannot avoid sunlight, found its culture languishing. The religion became stagnant and discredited, but the result is what you see. The Hotsiders are envious of our culture, they attack us endlessly, capturing our citizens and taking them back to the Hotside to service their sexually aggressive lusts. For our part, we have been reduced to bringing over Hotsiders to keep our own people happy."


"We keep the Hotsiders in special houses in each village or city that our citizens can visit as they need. We are able to recruit most of these, usually from prisoners of war that are only too happy to remain and spend the rest of their days pleasing our citizens. Our problem, no, it stems from the vast majority of them. There are too many Hotsiders, the pod grows better on the sunlit side of our planet. We have to carefully cultivate it, and our numbers still are unable to rise above our present level. Our culture cannot grow any larger until we manage to seize some land that is lit by the Sun."

"So the Hotsiders keep attacking you to capture sex slaves, and you keep attacking them to try to take some land you can hold onto."

"And neither of us can prevail." the leader nodded. "Can you think of anything we can do?"

"I'll give it some thought. Meanwhile, you have a place I can get cleaned up and rest a while? I've been getting gangbanged for the last dozen hours, you know."

"Of course." the leader signaled, and Dash was taken to a luxurious suite of rooms. He fell upon the bed and slept an unknown time (that eternal twilight) and then he awoke to find a meal awaiting him, with a manservant in the form of the Coldside agent who had rescued him. His body was now as pale as the Coldside soldiers who had helped in his rescue.

"Will you have a bath after you restore your body?" the agent asked him.

"Sounds terrific." Dash smelled under one armpit, make a face. "In fact, it sounds downright essential."

"I'll prepare your bath." the man said and made an odd sort of bow.

His stomach comfortably full, Dash went with the man to the bath. It was large, round and sunk into the floor, a miniature pool. Dash sank into it gratefully, it was warm to the point of being pleasant but not scalding to his skin. "Oh, man, I don't think I'm ever getting out of here!" he sighed.

"If you would like." the Coldsider said to him. The man had disrobed himself and was joining Dash in the pool. "If you will permit me to wash you now?"

"You don't have to do that." Dash demurred.

"I am not required to perform this service." the Coldsider slid closer to him. "But I would be honored if I might."

"Well, that's different." Dash agreed and moved to take the agent in his arms. He'd had a hell of a lot of sex the "day" before (however long it had been), but as he had had occasion to think before, you can eat the biggest banquet in the world and the next day, you're hungry again! "And by the way, what is your name?"

"I am called Rageer" the Mercurian told him, his muzzle nuzzling Dash's neck.

"Call me Dash." Dash told him. "Or better yet, call me every night."

Rageer was a Coldsider, so Dash wasn't surprised to find that when he had Dash's cock stroked with his hand into a firm fury, he was quick to straddle Dash's lap and slide Dash's prick into his ass. After being on the bottom so much lately, Dash found this sexually passive Coldsider to be just the medicine his ego needed. He lay back and let Rageer ride his lap with a lazy sort of luxurious languor that let it go on for a long time.

"Ah, it's been too long for me!" Rageer panted as his climax grew. "So long among the Hotsiders, having to always be the aggressor, never able to satisfy my true cravings. It was like living in a hole, looking out at the world but unable to participate."

"That's it, that's it!" Dash cried out.

"Ah, ah, yes, it is it, it is!" Rageer moaned and his climax sprayed out through the water and onto Dash's chest. Dash found that Mercurian asses milked at a guy's cock when they hit climax, so he rode the Coldsider's joy to his own orgasm and pumped his jizz into Rageer's ass as Rageer sagged against him. He held the gasping Mercurian in his arms and relaxed. There was plenty of time to speak with the Council a little later.

And when he did he said, "The answer to your problem is really quite simple. You need to bring down the Wall."

"We know that but if we do, the Hotsiders will quickly overrun us!" the Council leader protested.

"Not if you bring down just the right amount of it." Dash pointed out. And explained his plan.

Dash was on his way back to Earth a few weeks later and making his report to the General.

"So you told the Mercurians to tear down their Wall?" the General was astonished. "Man, that must be a marvel of engineering! And what's to stop the savage Hotsiders from smashing the Coldsider civilization. Man, you've destroyed civilization on Mercury!"

"Not at all." Dash pointed out. "The Coldsiders cut into the Wall, yes, but left it mostly intact. Only a little area at regular intervals is actually cut through to the Hotside."

The General was confused. "I don't understand."

"The Mercurians had a very simple problem. How do you have sex with someone and not get involved with them? Earthmen solved that one a long, long time ago. I just explained to the Coldsiders how to set up gloryholes."


"Also known as how to have sex without getting personally involved." Dash went on. "It didn't take the Hotsiders long to figure out that if they stuck a cock through one of those holes, there'd be a happy hole waiting for it. The Hotsiders get their rocks off without having to capture helpless civilians to get it, and the Coldsiders are getting all the inspiration they need to keep their civilization moving along. The Hotsiders are so happy, they're letting Coldsiders have some of their pods in exchange for some trinkets they can't produce for themselves, so Coldsider populations will be rising very soon, and Hotsiders are going to experience a technological advance for themselves.

It's a real win-win situation. Maybe after a while, they won't even need the Wall anymore and can tear it down entirely."

"Sounds like you lucked out again, Captain Hogan." the General said grudgingly.

"What can I say, General." Dash smiled beatifically. "You put me up against a wall, I'll figure out a way to knock a hole in it every time. Give me a hole, I'll figure out how to fill it. And give me a hard one and I'll...."

"All right, all right, cut out the bad puns and get your ass back to Earth already!" And the General cut contact.

Dash settled back. Earth was three weeks away. Plenty of time to get reacquainted with Mr. Hand. Where would the government send him on his next mission? Jupiter, or the asteroids or what? He'd find out soon enough.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 7: The Arena of Vesta

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