David and Jacob

By Steve Adams

Published on Jun 5, 2020


Gay/Celebrity David and Jacob - Part 2

The scene was inspired by some feedback I got from the first story, I was asked to include a new character as they wanted to see something develop between Jacob and another person from Emmerdale.

The usual disclaimer stands that this is a purely fictional story involving consensual gay sex between two adults. I am in no way suggesting the characters, or the actors who play them are gay. I have no personal knowledge of the actor's personal lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by ITV studios and Emmerdale.

Please do enjoy this story and any feedback in greatly received. Also please do keep donating to this wonderful site so the collection and the archive remain free for all lovers of this site.

Chapter 2

Jacob awoke the morning after the night before, his hole tingled, and it still felt a bit wet.

Crawling out of his own bed, he wandered along the landing, and passed his stepdad's room, pushing the door open ever so slightly, he saw his Uncle Nikil, and his dad David curled up together under the duvet sleeping soundly.

He couldn't remember much after what happened when Nikil had arrived, and by the looks of the lube bottle and the discarded boxers and clothes over the floor he assumed that they had enjoyed each other's company after Jacob had passed out.

Spying on the floor the little brown bottle of poppers his cock started to twitch as he remembers the crazy feeling he had when he sniffed them. Slowly creeping into the bedroom, Jacob reached over and took the bottle off the floor, hoping not to disturb them both from their slumber.

Spying his dad's CK briefs on the floor by the bed, he swiped them off the floor and crept back outside the bedroom.

He raced quickly into the bathroom, and switched on the shower and climbed into the cubical soaping himself up thinking about the naughty fun he was going to have with the bottle of poppers and his dad's sweaty briefs. Now that his little secret about stealing his dad's briefs were now out in the open maybe he wouldn't have to steal his dads pants any more, maybe he could just brazenly take them.

The thought of this started to get his cock hard, and he began jerking off in the shower. Soaping up his arse hole with one hand and furiously wanking his dick with the other his mind suddenly flashed to another of the villagers in Emmerdale.

"What the hell" he thought as he pictured this hunk in his boxers with a huge bulge. "Where the hell did that come from" he thought easing off his wank. He had never even thought of this guy like this before. Sure enough they had hung around and said the odd hello in passing, but why was Noah now in his head.

He quickly shut off the shower, grabbed David's CKs and the bottle of poppers and raced to his room, confused as to what had just occurred. He started to dry himself and dress, pulling on his new pants that he was "borrowing" from David, grabbed his shorts and a vest top and hurried outside.

Passing through the village he stopped off at the café and ordered his breakfast -- sitting in the corner quietly observing those around him as he scoffed his fry up.

The bell sounded and if by magic in walked Noah, tight shorts stretched over that huge bubble arse of his, as Jacob sipped his coke his eyes were transfixed. Noah was wearing a tight fitted white t shirt that clung to his buff built frame, and juuuuuuuuust peeking out at the bottom of his t shirt Jacob grinned as he spotted a similar looking waistband.

Trying to act innocent Jacob continued to eat and drink minding his own business.

Noah then just walked up to the table and plonked himself opposite.

"Hey mate, how are things?" Noah asked as he swiped a piece of toast off the plate next to Jacob.

"Hey !!!!!! Cheeky, that's mine" he grinned. "Yeah and things aren't too bad at the moment, what you been up to?" Jacob asked.

"Ah well you know, no job, no school, so just bumming around the place a bit, trying to keep out of trouble and also avoiding that annoying family of mine" Noah said.

"Well I'd offer you to chill out at my place but my dad and his mate are there probably talking shit" as Jacobs mind flashes back to seeing them both curled up in bed. His mind started to wander. Maybe if things don't go well here with Noah he could go and snuggle up in between them and have a repeat of last night, Nikil did sure suck a good cock and David did give his arse a good pounding.

"Earth to Jacob"

Jacob was brought back from his dirty little fantasy by Noah waving his hand in front of his face.

"Hey, I lost you a second ago there mate" Noah enquired

"Ohh shit, yeah sorry, it's just I sat up and listened to them drivel on and on about the good old days, and the stuff they got up to, and the football team my dad started and it just kinda got boring, and I tended to just faze out" Jacob replied, trying to adjust the boner he had now gotten in his shorts very discreetly under the table.

"Well after my breakie I was gonna head over to the cricket pavilion to catch up on some rays, I mean the weather is amazing, and everyone wants to stay in their garden's -- I reckon you could blag us a nice few cans from your dad's shop, we could chill out and have a few sneaky beers. What do you say kid" Noah asked in a demanding sort of way, as if it really wasn't an option.

"Oh well err, yeah, sure if you don't mind, I mean, yeah of course I can get the beers, I'll just say my dad sent me to get them for him and Nikil, they won't question it, I do it all the time" Jacob said acting all grown up.

"Cool, well give me like 15 mins to head over there, and eat this, and I'll meet you behind the pavilion then" Noah got up and swiped a second slice of toast, before grabbing his order and left.

Was this really happening Jacob asked himself, was he going to spend the afternoon getting drunk with Noah, the one guy that almost 24 hours ago only hung out through boredom, and now they were gonna sneak off and get drunk together.

Soon Jacob have hoovered up the rest of his breakfast and was heading out ready to grab the beers when suddenly in walked Robert.

Nods were exchanged and Robert grinned, Jacob blushed and raced to the toilet to wash his hands, and face as he felt he was getting all flustered after seeing Robert again.

In the coolness of the bathroom he steadied himself, splashed his face with water and looked at himself in the mirror. Eyes fixed as he recalled the last 48 hours -- First the hot raw sex he had with Robert who just fucked him, and used him as a sex toy, not that he objected as he loved the power and dominance Robert had displayed. Then the passionate sex he and David had, and how good it felt sniffing poppers and taking another huge cock in his hole. Then the sudden surprise of Nikil joining and as much as after the blow job it became a bit cloudy, he knew for sure when he got home he would have round two with his dad and his hunky friend but now he was about to go and get drunk with Noah.

He felt his cock harden again, and then realised in his pocket he remembered he'd brought the poppers with him. Smiling he tapped his pocket, and started to conger up a plan.

Walking out of the bathroom with a grin on his face he bumped back into Robert who just paid for his breakfast and was heading out also.

"Morning" Robert remarked as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Hey, great weather" replied Jacob, not wanting to let on or let slip how he was feeling

"Sure is, I mean, what I wouldn't do to have a day off like this and just say hang around with my mates and soak up the sun" Robert replied.

"Yeah pity that, I mean that's just what I am about to do, you know catch up on the rays, take in a bit of sun bathing, have a few beers" Jacob answered slightly more confident and cocky.

"That's awesome, how about when I finish work, I err, give you a call and maybe we could catch the last few hours of sun together, you know, like mates do, maybe?" Robert replied.

"Yeah, sure why not, I'd have to ask David if it would be OK for you to come over again, I mean we don't want to have him catch us in the house without him knowing what we were up to, I mean last time he did catch us I got punished reaaaaaal bad" Jacob replied with a grin and a wink.

Robert paused for a moment and then just gulped "Yeah sure make sure that David is OK with me coming round, I mean I would hate for you to be punished again for something that was my fault"

Jacob could see an evil grin spreading over Roberts face as he could only just imagine what Robert was thinking. The large bulge that was forming in Robert's tight suit trousers kind of gave it away.

Jacob stepped up and discretely put his hand on the forming bulge and just whispered "And make sure Aaron knows where you are too, I wouldn't want him to be searching high and low for you, I mean it would be a pity that he misses out on topping up the rays also don't you think"

Jacob then just turned and walked off heading towards the shop, leaving Robert speechless, 48 hours ago Jacob was a conquest, now he was a horny little slut wanting more. What had Robert turned him into?

On exiting the shop with a carrier bag full of beers Jacob noticed the street was empty, now he had the chance to focus on getting his plan into action, as he strolled along the roads and heading towards the pavilion he decided to crack open a can and pour ¾ of the content away, this would give him a "heads start" if Noah had already arrived before him. Turning towards the cricket field he spotted Noah lying flat out on his back on a blanket his T shirt was off and draped over his eyes Jacob just marvelled at the sight before him.

He could see his white chest just sweating in the sun, the peaking of his CKs from under his shorts, and as he approached he shouted "Hey mate, looks like you are having to play catch up"

Noah looks up and watched as Jacob "finishes" what looks like his first can, and squashes it with his fist.

"Thought you would bottle it" Noah replied offering out an open hand indicating he wanted a beer.

"Nah mate, better than being stuck at home with two old farts anyway" Jacob says tossing a can in Noah's directed.

Plonking himself down he showed Noah that he has brought with him 8 cans. "4 each if you can handle it kid"

"Dam right I can handle my drink, but no fair that you started before me" Noah cracks open the first beer and starts to chug as much as he can, trying to catch up. He manages a good third of the can before letting out a really big belch.

"Nice one bruv" Jacob remarks, as he peels off his top and settles down next to Noah.

Listening to music on Noah's phone they talk the afternoon away and happily sit drinking very innocently. When Noah isn't looking Jacob keeps pouring most of his away, trying to keep a clear head, and also upping the ante against Noah, saying he can't handle his booze and he needs to get downing if he isn't gonna be last.

Noah, feeling the side effects of the beer, is clearly a bit more tispy than Jacob, and this is now perfect for Jacob to execute his plan.

"Hey Noah, ever heard of something called poppers" Jacob asked inquisitively.

"Nah mate, what's them" Noah replies in between belches and slurring his words.

"Well a mate of mine said that it's this liquid stuff that you sniff when you have a wank, and it is supposedly gives you a much better orgasm feeling when you cum" says Jacob

"You what??? You sniff some stuff up your nose when you're having a wank?" replies Noah.

"Well yeah, I mean I've never tried it, but I found a bottle in David's bedside draw, I was looking for a condom cus well you know" as he nudges Noah's shoulder" and I found this bottle.

Jacob reaches into his pocket and produces the item they are talking about. "And I kinda figured that well, if my dad uses them then they must be ok"

"The fact that your dad is an old fella and he is still wanking sounds a bit desperate to me mate" Noah replies.

"Oh come off it mate, we all do it right??, I mean when you can't get laid, your hand is your best mate right?" says Jacob.

"Well, (going all shy and coy) I suppose your right, I mean, hey once a day doesn't hurt anyone" Noah says trying to act all innocent.

"Once a day, are you joking, fuck mate, I knock one out at least 3 if not 4 times a day"

"Ok yeah you got me" Noah replies, "every chance I can get I'm knocking one out" in a slightly more slurred tone.

"Yeah me too buddy, once in the morning, maybe once in the shower, and certainly once when I go to bed" Jacob remarks, making Noah feel less embarrassed. "But this stuff" (shaking the bottle) would you like ??? I dunno, wanna try it maybe?"

"I dunno mate, it sounds a bit ....gay" Noah replies

"Well how about, if I sniff it first, you do it after me" Jacob replies, remembering vividly how the scent fucked his head up, and with Noah being drunk maybe it wold have the same feeling.

"Err and what, ... you gonna ask me to a sleep over, and we do it tonight? Noah asked

"No dude, I mean, let's try it now, here" Jacob said unscrewing the cap.

"What here, you wanna have a sniff and then knock one out here? Noah asked sounding a little surprised.

"Well there is fuck all else to do, and I'm feeling a bit horny at the moment" Jacob says as he squeezes his bulge.

"It must be the booze talking bro, but fuck it yeah why not" Noah said unzipping the front of his shorts.

Both boys unzip and start to massage their own growing bulge in their CK briefs, Noah clearly trying not to stare at Jacob's bulge but getting caught.

Jacob puts the bottle under his nose and takes a big hard sniff, before moving the bottle to the other side and doing the same. Eyes closed as his head starts to rush, his heart beat racing and his cock starting to throb. "Fuck yes mate, this shit is awesome.

He hands Noah the bottle, and he fumbles with it a bit, trying to sniff it and not blocking his other nostril.

"Here let me show you" Jacob crawls over and holds the bottle under his nose and tells his to sniff hard while pressing his other finger blocking up the other nostril. As instructed Noah does as he has just witnessed and his eyes close. Jacob sees the familiar fuzzy look on Noah's face as the sensation starts to take hold.

"Holy fuck mate this shit is good" Noah says a little more relaxed, as he reaches down and starts pawing at his cock inside his pants.

"Yeah I know right" Jacob replies

Sitting upright and facing each other in the sweltering sun, Jacob takes another hit, and edges closer to Noah, holding the bottle he encourages his mate to take another whiff. Noah obediently does as he is told and takes two larger hits.

Jacob looks down as sees that Noah's hand is now inside his own briefs and is happily tugging away on his hard cock, Jacob smiles, as his plan starts to unfold. Noah clearly giddy from the poppers and drunk on the beer is swaying back and forth, eyes closed, biting his bottom lip and pulling on his cock.

Jacob ceases his chance and just leans in and touches Noah's chest, running a hand up his stomach and tweaking a nipple. Noah doesn't object and just moans, Noah reaches over and starts to return the favour, inching himself closer to his mate. Noah finally opens his eyes and looks at Jacob, smiles and then just leans forward for a kiss. Their mouths naturally open and their tongues slide inside each other's willing mouths, Jacob pulls Noah on top of him as he falls back on the blanket. Feeling the young lean body on top of his they soon start to grind themselves against each other's crotches as Noah eagerly starts to kiss and suck on Jacob's neck and ear, and mouth.

Rolling Noah onto his back and settling between his legs, he pulls down his own CK's and also removes Noah's grabbing Noah's cock he starts to wank off his mate, and tug on his own cock which is now leaking pre cum. Noah is wriggling underneath him and twisting his own nipples.

Jacob reaches for the bottle and places it under his mate's nose again, two big sniffs later and his legs are up against Jacob's chest. Jacob spits on his fingers and starts to massage Noah's tight hole. His middle finger pops inside Noah's tight ring, and Noah lets out a deep groan. Sliding his finger in and out he watches as Noah still twists his left nipple with his left hand and wanks his dick with his right.

Spitting on his fingers again and wiping it over his cockhead Jacob asks "You want this in ya mate"

"Fuck yes" Noah replies, lifting himself a little more.

Slapping his dick against Noah's hole he presses down hard and his cockhead pops inside.

"FUCKKKKKKKKK" Noah screams. Quickly Jacob grabs a pair a discarded briefs and just shoves them in Noah's mouth to quieten him, and soon his cock is pressing and forcing its way through the tightness of his ring.

Noah arches his back as the feeling of his hole being ripped open spurs him on. Still feeling light headed and drunk he is also feeling extremely horny as he carries on wanking his dick. Jacob finally bottoms out as his pubic bush rests under Noah's ball sac. Grunting through the briefs stuffed in his mouth Noah lifts his legs higher, and starts to moan at the thrusting his bum is receiving. Jacob soon finds a rhythm as he fucks his mate's tight hole.

Noah finally opens his eyes spits out the sweaty briefs and says "Fuck bro, this is amazing keep going I'm gonna shoot.

Needing no more encouragement than that Jacob leans down and presses more weight onto his fuck buddy and starts to bang away with more force and determination. His balls slapping hard against his mates arse. Sweat literally pouring off them, he feels his balls start to tingle and tells Noah he's close.

Noah soon speeds up the wanking on his own cock, "me too bro, me too, lets shoot together, fill me with your hot cum right up my arse.

About 30 seconds later it is now Jacob's turn to let out a moan as his cock spasms uncontrollably inside Noah's arse as he fires 2, 3, 4 no 5 jets of spunk from his nuts, flooding the willing hole on the end of his cock. Soon Noah is also shooting out his own boy seed, all over his stomach and chest, a nice thick salty load splattering over his sweaty body.

Both boys panting and laying on top of each other. Getting their breaths back, slowing down their breathing, basking in the sun, and post orgasmic moment.

Soon, after gathering up their stuff, and empty beer cans, heading back towards the village neither boy says a word, Noah re living that bizarre moment on the field, Jacob thinking whether he prefers to top or bottom, now he has experience both. They soon reach the cross junction in the middle of the village.

"Awesome weather" Noah says breaking the silence.

"Yeah it is, seems likely to be around for another few weeks yet" says Jacob

"Was thinking about heading back their tomorrow midday" Noah replies

"Yeah, sounds good, I'll see if I can get out" replies Jacob.

"Cool, and don't forget the beers and the" Noah hesitates.

"No problem" Jacob replies with a wink. As the boys turn and walk in opposite directions.

Feedback/comments/suggestions/chapter ideas are always welcome. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. a_steve@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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