David and Jacob

By Steve Adams

Published on Jun 11, 2020


David and Jacob - Chapter 3

The next scene was inspired from a reader who asked me to involve the next character from the soap. After swapping a few emails I came up with this scenario and shared it with him. He liked the concept, and the scene was born. I hope you enjoy it, please do keep the feedback coming, as I love hearing from the readers, and if you have any suggestions or story line ideas feel free to share them.

The usual disclaimer stands that this is a purely fictional story involving consensual gay sex between two adults. I am in no way suggesting the characters, or the actors who play them are gay. I have no personal knowledge of the actor's personal lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by ITV studios and Emmerdale.

Please do enjoy this story and any feedback in greatly received. Also please do keep donating to this wonderful site so the collection and the archive remain free for all lovers of this site.

Chapter 3

Jacob sat shifting nervously in the chair, next to him was his dad David.

"It's going to be OK, trust me, it's the right thing to do" David whispered

"Are you sure" Jacob whispered back to him.

"Of course, just let me do all the talking and then you won't feel so embarrassed"

"OK, I trust you dad" replied Jacob, as he felt David's hand grip his knee and give it a small squeeze

"I mean after all, you are becoming a man now, and after last night it is certainly the right thing" said David, rubbing his stepson's knee.


The night before Jacob had asked David if it would be OK for Samson to come over for a sleepover, knowing how rnady his son had suddenly become with his first encounter with Robert, and the way Jacob had retold his tussle on the cricket pitch with Noah, David had no objections to his son exploring more man sex with his next choice.

The following morning as he went to take his shower, he couldn't help but sneak a peek into his son's room, and sure enough there they both lay, naked and tangled on the floor with just a duvet covering their lower parts. The bedroom smelled of that familiar teenage boys smell, but also of sex, the stale morning smell of cum. And after what he had heard them doing during the night it seemed that both of them had thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

As David sat the other side of the bedroom wall wanking furiously on his cock thinking and picturing what they were both up to, and holding back the urge to go bursting in and joining them, he finally shot a big thick load of over his pecs before going to sleep. His secret sex with his step son had to remain just that, a secret.

As he made his way down stairs and putting on the coffee pot, he sat in the kitchen wearing his favourite pink CK hipster boxers and a white vest top waiting for the boys to awake. Flicking through the newspaper he heard them moving upstairs. Soon Jacob arrived in the kitchen first wearing a pair of PJ shorts and also a very big grin.

"Morning son" David said sipping his coffee.

Jacob looked around behind him to ensure they were alone, and just pressed his lips against David's and giving him a quick peck, he replied "Morning dad" as he turned and headed to the coffee pot and pouring one of his own.

"Enjoy yourself last night did we" as David started the inquisition.

"Oh Dad, it was amazing, he sucked me off we fucked each other, tried all sorts of new positions, it lasted ages" Jacob replied seemingly pleased with his recent conquest.

"I know, I heard, well good on you son, just don't wear yourself out" David uttered, turning back to his paper.

They were soon joined by Samson, who was fully dressed.

"Thank you Mr Metcalf for letting me stay the night" He muttered.

"No problem, and please call me David, Mr Metcalf makes me sound really old" David smirked.

"Well you are really old" Jacob quipped grinning at his dad.

"Cheeky bugger, you're not too old to get a spank over my knee" David quipped staring at Samson for his reaction.

Nervously he just giggled, and muttered something about needing to catch the bus back home.

Friendly goodbyes were given and Samson headed out, leaving the two of them alone.

"Jacob, sit down for a moment please, we need to talk" Sounding very fatherly.

Jacob took a seat and stared at his dad, waiting to hear the usual lecture about being safe, and ensuring he wasn't doing anything he didn't want to do, and to be careful about not over doing it, and spreading himself too thin.

"I think you need to be on PrEp" David said as a matter of fact.

"What........what's that" Jacob asked rather shocked

"It's a form of medication you can take to prevent you catching anything, I have noticed that you have taken to not using condoms and where I would prefer you to be safe, if you still want to not use them then it is next best thing. Therefore I have booked you an appointment at the doctor's surgery this afternoon at 4.30pm so we can discuss options and get you the medication" David said.

"I have done some research and I think this is the best thing for you, so the consultation will be a chat with Doctor Cavanagh and if you want me to be there with you then I have booked the afternoon off work and I can come with you" He contiuned.

"Oh yeah, err well, if you think it's the right thing to do" Jacob stuttered" "Then yeah, I will be there, and yes please I think I would like you there with me." He said.

"Right come to the shop at lunchtime, we can grab a bite to eat and then head over to the surgery" replied David.


"The doctor will see you now -- last door at the end" The mousey receptionist said, as both David and Jacob started to walk down the corridor towards the intimidating white door.

"It'll be fine" David said reassuringly, as he taps on the door.

"I hope so" replied Jacob as he swallowed loud. Then they both heard that booming voice.

"Come in"

"Ah Jacob, it has been a while since your last check up, please take a seat" the doc said pointing at one of the arm chairs in his large consultation room.

"Good to see you Doc" David offered out his hand to shake Liam's

"So what brings you to see me then Jacob" asked Liam

"Well it's just that Jacob has started to have sex and he has opted not to use condoms, I have spoken to him a number of times about being safe, and where we have debated it, and he understands the risks he would like to get some mediation to keep himself safe" David said.

"Well, the thing is Jacob, there isn't an injection as such that will stop your girlfriend from getting pregnant, and the only sure fire way of preventing that is to indeed use a condom" Replied the doc.

Jacob's eyes are fixed to the floor and his head is bowed down, as he hears the conversation that is taking place, nervous to look up or even speak he allows the other two men to continue the debate.

"Ahh the thing is doc, it's not that sort of medication that Jacob needs, you see, I've read on line about a pill called PrEp"

Liam snaps his head in David's direction, his expression is one of shock as if he has just misheard what David has just said. David reads the reaction in the face of the doctor and just silently nods. Liam flicks his stare from David to Jacob, who is still staring at the floor, and back to David again, seeing him continue to nod.

"Right then, Ok, well yes, PrEp is a form of mediation that can help you overcome that problem, however it is not available by prescription and you will need to pay for a course of medication yourselves. It still has some risk, but it is known to be one of the safest ways to prevent things from developing if you wish to engage in sexual activity without using a condom" replied the Doc.

"Money isn't a problem doc, the safety of my son is my main concern, so if you can make arrangements then I will sort the money" David replied.

"Jacob, I need to ask you a few personal questions if you are ok to answer" said Liam.

Slowly Jacob lifted his head, and looked very fearful as well as embarrassed.

"So when was the last time you had unprotected sex"

"Err I....it....err.." Jacob stuttered

"Last night" David replied for him.

"Thank you David, but I need Jacob to answer" Liam remarked.

"Last night doc, just like my dad said" replied the lad nervously

"And how many times have you had unprotected sex with men" Liam asked

Jacob started reeling through his latest conquests, counting on his fingers and keeping the names safely in his head he answered "Five, Doctor Cavanagh"

"Ok, did you have penetrative sex with them or did they have penetrative sex with you" the doctor continued to ask.

Mummbling and stuttering Jacob replied "both"

"I see, so you have taken anal penetration and also given anal penetration, were all these times without the use of a condom"

Jacob just nodded, trying not to look at the doctor square in the face.

And these five people, are they people you know are clean from disease?" the doctor asked.

Jacob shot his eyes in David's direction and looks nervous at how to answer the question.

"From what we know, all his sexual partners have been very clean" David answered on his son's behalf.

"Thank you David, but it is Jacob that must answer these questions" replied Liam, in a more stern tone.

"Yes doctor, The last two had never engaged in any form of sexual activities before me, the other two are a couple and therefore I am most certain are clean" he replies as his eyes are still locked onto David with a look of uncertainly. David gives Jacob a very discreet wink and a slow small nod, as he is aware that Jacob is referring to both himself and Nikil.

"And my first one I am positive is clean as he is also in a relationship with someone, I think that it was a one off I doubt it will happen again, because I wouldn't want to get into any trouble or cause problems for him or Aar" Jacob stops mid name as he realises what he has just let slip.

"I see" Liam scribbles notes down trying not to make out that he knows he is referring to Robert Sugden. "Well that is good news, now, do you see a relationship forming with say.......the most recent two? You said they had not engaged in any sexual activity before you, so therefore do you intent to keep sleeping with these people? Knowing that you have had unprotected sex with them" Liam continues.

"Well if you are asking if he intends to keep sleeping around Doc then I think you will find the answer is No" David answers with a stern tone.

"Thank you David, but if you keep interrupting my questions then I'm afraid you will be asked to stand outside and allow Jacob to answer for himself" Liam snipes.

"No doctor, No I think with the most recent two were also a one off, I mean it would be nice to continue with them but it is complicated" Jacob replies slightly shaken with where this line of questioning is going.

"And you say you are sexually involved with a couple, how many times have you had sex with the couple? Do you intend to continue sleeping with this couple? Do you see this as a long term relationship?"

Jacob stares directly at David, helpless and unsure as to what to say and how to answer the question.

"Well......I......errr........I" stuttering

David looks at the doctor who is staring right back at him, he swallows hard, and his mouth gets very dry.

"Jacob, can you please answer my questions, how many times have you had sex with this couple that you have referred to" Asks the doc with his eyes still fixed on David.

"Once" replies Jacob

"Do you continue to keep sleeping with this couple?" his eyes not moving off David at all.

"Yes" mutters Jacob

David's eyes just widen at hearing what his son has just said, hearing that his son wants to sleep with him again, a lump starts to form in his throat as well as his jeans, as David starts to sweat a little on his brow and his face starts to get a little flustered, he can feel the eyes from Liam burning into him.

"Do you see this as a long term relationship" asks the doc.

"Yes" Jacob says.

After a very long pause the doctor concludes the medical questionnaire on the clip board and things are snapped back to reality as if everything is back to normal.

"Ok then thank you so much for coming in to see me, Jacob, I just need your dad to sign a few forms and I can get the medication ordered and sent directly to your home, so if you could just wait outside for me we won't be long.

With a sense of relief that the interrogation is now over Jacob heads outside into the waiting area. He sees that the door sign now hangs closed, and the receptionist has now gone, as it is now past 4:45pm when the surgery closes.

Back inside the consultation room, David releases a huge sigh of relief, as the doctor starts writing on a few medical pads, and begins to tap away on the desk top, the sweaty palms David just had under the doctors interrogation seem a lot better, and his heart rate returns to normal. Liam starts to babble on about medical nonsense that David is not paying too much attention to then suddenly,

"So how long have you been fucking your son" is the words that sting in his ear.

"I...errr....what........excuse me" David splutters out

"You heard me David, cut the bull shit, we both know what is happening here, so I'll ask again, how long have you been fucking your son" Liam says not taking his eyes off the computer screen.

"We've.......I mean......It's..........." David stutters.

"I assume the couple he is referring to is yourself and Nikil and the way you both stared at each other trying not to let slip your dirty little secret, the fact that he mentioned Aaron means he has slept with Robert and that wasn't the couple he was referring to, so that leaves you and Nikil, and if you don't think I am aware of what is happening with each of my patients in this small little village then you have another thing coming, so I will ask for the FINAL time, how long have you been fucking your son" Liam says more sternly as before.

Finally realising defeat David replies "Once"

"I see, and it seems to me that Jacob wants to continue sleeping with you and Nikil, and by the way your eyes bulged open when he said that tells me that you want it also, am I right?" replies Liam.

Now it is David who hangs his head and just mutters "Yes"

"Well this is how I see it, I will keep your dirty little secret if you keep mine" Liam replies.

David lifts his head up and looks directly at the doctor who is now on his feet and is massaging his trousers and David can visibly make out the thickness of the doctors cock inside his trousers. After exchanging a few words David stands up and opens the consultation room door, and calls Jacob back to the doctor's room.

Jacob looks at his dad and sees he is wearing a funny strange look, on approaching the door David tells Jacob that everything is alright, and that there is one more thing they need to do. Jacob, slightly nervous, steps inside the room, and sees Doctor Liam Cavanagh standing bollock naked holding onto his big thick 9 inch thick cock surrounded by a thick brown bush of pubic hair, his heavy low hanging balls just swinging below his hard uncut shaft.

David ushers Jacob inside, and locks the consultation room door, Jacob flashes his stare back at David and he is speechless and shocked.

"He knows son, he figured it out, and he says that to keep him quiet about us, then you need to show him how good you are at sucking his cock" He leans in and just gives Jacob a small quick peck on his forehead. "It's ok, it's the right thing to do" says David, as he helps slide off Jacob's jacket and just slowly edges him towards the doctors looming built figure.

Jacob starts to lower himself to his knees and is soon in eye line shot of the thickest cock he has ever seen in front of him. He tentatively reaches out his hand and wraps it round the hard throbbing meat and he begins to wank it off. Slowly to start with as he adjusts his hand round Liam's thick weapon.

Cupping his huge ball sack, he looks up to see the doctor has closed his eyes and is using both hands to twist and pull on is hairy nipples. Liam is uttering and releases soft moans, Jacob turns his head and sees David standing a few feet away, eyes flick down to his dad's clearly visible growing bulge and he sees David nod, and urge him to do more.

The silence is broken when Liam taunts "it's not going to suck itself"

Jacob knows what he must do, and leans his head forward taking in the strong aroma of the doctor's manly scent, soon his lips are wrapped round the hard shaft as he starts to twist and pull on the cock he has between his lips. Choking, slurping and sucking hard on the doctors huge cock Jacob is getting into his stride.

Focusing on the task at hand he begins to orally please Liam, who is still panting and cursing him, using all sorts of verbal nastiest about him being a "dirty cock sucker" and "Naughty little cunt"

He soon sees David also standing next to the doctor, naked and hard wanking on his own cock, now he has two big meats to play with, he looks up and sees his dad lock lips with the hunky doctor, they are both moaning as they start to kiss passionately.

Jacob reaches out for his dad's cock and starts to wank him off, seeing a huge pool of precum oozing out of his piss slit. Not wanting to waste it, he flicks his tongue over the purple bell end and takes his dad precum, before swallowing his dick down to its bushy blonde base.

Watching as the boy sucks his dad, Liam then soon lifts Jacob off his knees, pulling off his clothing and stripping him naked, he then lays Jacob on the consultation bed he reaches into one of his medical draws and produces a clear liquid bottle. Pumping some onto his fingers he starts to rub at Jacob's hole, fingering him and loosening him up. David is ordered to the head of the bed, and Jacob resumes sucking on his dad's throbbing cock. As Liam squirts some more liquid onto his fingers he begins to wank and lube up his cock.

"Doc are you sure you need to do this, he's never taken anything so thick before" David pleads.

"Dam fucking right, I want to see what it feels like to stick my man dick inside your boy, just like you did, so this is going to happen whether you want it to or not" Liam replies as he shifts himself onto the bed, and lifts Jacob's ankles up exposing his smooth boy cunt.

Jacob can't let out a moan as he has a mouthful of cock, but the look in his eyes tells David that the anal intrusion is hurting like mad.

"Please doc, not so hard" David says pleading.

"Shut the fuck up and watch how a REAL man fucks your BOY" sneers the doc

Soon he is ball deep inside Jacob and the pain subsides slightly, David pulls his cock out of Jacob's mouth and the room is suddenly filled with grunts, groans, whimpering, yelps and the sound of Liam's thighs pounding hard against Jacob's. He watches with a sense of pride and jealously as Jacob just takes the onslaught well, the Doc grunting with every thrust, sweat dripping from his brow, the continuing verbal assault Liam is unleashing to Jacob. David can't help himself and starts to wank off, as he watches the scene unfold before him. Twisting his own pieced nipple as he watches the older man fuck his young sweet boy, and Jacob being such a champion and just taking it.

Jacob grabs his own hard leaking cock and just starts to beat it off fast and furiously, panting and moaning as the doctor fills his hole. He starts to mutter about "cumming" David takes this as his que and just pulls Jacobs hand away and starts to suck on his boy's hard cock.

Jacob arching his back he explodes 4 hard thick jets of cum into David's mouth, just as Nikil had done when things got interesting back at home. Holding his own boy's cum in his mouth, and as agreed with the doctor he just smashes his lips against Liam's so that can swap Jacob's seed between them, Still pulling on his own cock, David can feel that familiar sensation in his own balls and soon his is shooting his own thick creamy spunk all over his son's stomach and aiming it right at the doctors cock.

"Fuck, yeah, shit, fuck, I'm gonna, fuck, here, shit, nearly ahhhh fuck yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" grunts Liam as he fires his own hot thick salty load right inside Jacob's arse.


As the outer door to the surgery is locked and the three men start to make their way back to their own part of the village, David puts him arm round Jacob's shoulder and pulls him in for a hug. In a fatherly way he kisses the top of Jacob's head and just whispers "I'm so proud of you son"

"Thanks dad, you're amazing" Jacob replies.

As the doctor's car drives past, Liam gives them a wave from his window and both the men nod and wave back, heading towards their house, they don't notice the figure emerging from behind the back of the doctor's surgery. The mysterious figure stares at David's arse tightly cladded in his pale blue jeans, the same arse he had a full view of when it was facing the window as he was sticking his cock in his step son's throat.

"My next target" he mutters to himself, as he makes his way into the Woolpack.

Feedback/comments/suggestions/chapter ideas are always welcome. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. a_steve@hotmail.com

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